6021- Lesson 4

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when should the introduction to ergonomics training be done

after policies and procedures for the ergonomics program have been developed, when new workers are hired, refresher training

what is the training program evaluation

are participants receiving what they need feedback can facilitate improvements measure outcomes track attendance

what should the worker be included in for an EP

areas or risk are identified, establishing assessment priorities, completing risk assessment process, determining risk control strategies, during the follow up when reviewing the effectiveness of implemented control measures, during the design and implementation of new workplace layout, furniture, work process and equipment

what stages of the EP should the worker be involved in

assessment, planning, implementation and follow-up

what is the tangible approach to management commitment

assign staff to ergonomics programs, provide training on ergonomics issues, implement changes to reduce ergonomics risk, incorporate ergonomics into accountability measures

what are the EP considerations

attempt to identify and resolve ergonomics issues in the planning process build a more prevention-oriented approach through training establish both management and employee commitment study past designs both unsuccessful and successful emphasize fitting the job to the worker target causes of MSDs

what are the key training considerations

can a worker instruct can hands-on workshop be conducted can you take pictures to personalize training what location is best suited what materials are best suited what training methods work

what is success of the ergonomics program dependent on

company commitment

what are the tips for successful worker involvement

cross company involvement empower group respond to recommendations reward involvement without generating resentment from co-workers allocate sufficient time to carry out duties properly access to relevant information

what are the ergonomics program objectives

decreases in accidents, injuries and healthcare/compensation cases increases in productivity and production, product or service quality, worker comfort and safety

why does management commitment do for an EP

demonstrates support and belief in well-being of workers provides definition and role clarity for workers and supervisors in charge of allocating resources full management commitment is required

what is the objective of specialized group training

design and implement ergonomics measures to control MSDs to new designs or redesigns of workstations

what are the direct costs of an injury

directly related to the injured employee includes compensation (wage + WSIB admin) and medical/rehabilitation (physiotherapy)

when should the ergonomics analysis program be done

early in the ergonomics program development, provided in the refresher training

what should management place priorities on

eliminating ergonomic hazards, develop health and safety policy, communicate consistent message, commit to provide adequate authority and resources to all responsible parties, assign responsibilities and accountabilities, ensure all employees understand and abide by rules and regulations

what are the benefits of worker involvement

enhanced worker motivation, job satisfaction, improve problem-solving capabilities, increased likelihood that workers will accept changes, workers will understand management perspectives

why is worker involvement important to ergonomics program

ensures that necessary information not overlooked addition of insight and point of view

what is the MSD prevention framework

establish a foundation for success recognize MSD hazards and related concerns conduct a MSD risk assessment choose and implement MSD hazard controls follow-up and evaluate the success of implemented controls communicate results and acknowledge success

what is company commitment include

financial, time and personnel resources

how is the magnitude of an EP determined

full scale EP is beneficial but the scale of the program has to match problem

what are the indirect costs of an injury

include administrative, productivity, legal costs and property/equipment/material damage

when should the ergonomics program be done

initial time when setting up and periodically with changes in work organization

what are the objectives of an ergonomics program

introduce ergonomics program, role and responsibilities, learn to develop action plan

what are the objectives of ergonomics analysis

introduce risk factors, learn to identify risk factors and develop problem-solving skills

what is the importance of training and education

is a low cost strategy to help control ergonomic risk and potentially lower injury rates

what are the key elements of an ergonomics program

management commitment worker involvement training and education identification of jobs for ergonomics analysis ergonomics analysis development of solutions medical management proactive ergonomics

what is a training needs assessment

match training needs to ergonomics training development plan develop training programs for the population attending

what are the results of the cost-benefit study

one-year or less payback on ergonomics improvement high return on investment due to increases in productivity and savings in overtime, turnover and return-to-work costs

why spend the time and money on an EP

prevent injuries by reducing risk factors, facilitate early and safe return to work, lower disability costs, improve employee comfort, quality of life and morale, lower employee absenteeism, improve productivity and quality of work

what are the essentials from a management perspective

provide financial support, provide a consistent message to workers and supervisors, remain visible after initial implementation, establish a team approach, enable workers to participate in process at all levels

what is the objective of task specific training

provider worker will skill set to perform job safely

what is the interaction between health and safety initiatives and EP

provides the option to look at other health and safety hazards

what are the business benefits of management commitment

reduce incidences of MSDs (direct and indirect costs and work satisfaction) increase productivity (worker efficiency, reduced errors, minimize worker fatigue and injury, keeps trained worker doing work) work quality (consistent work quality and increased error rate with fatigue) absenteeism and retention (leave a job due to pain, more sick days and job avoidance)

how can ergonomics-related injuries create a financial cost

reducing workplace efficiency, create the need for additional training, result in high admin costs and low productivity and profits

what tasks does the ergonomics committee perform

resolve of health and safety ergonomics issues recommendation to task forces or working groups so specific actions can be planned and carried out approve use of resources for such actions and oversee the implementation process

what is the objective of musculoskeletal disorder awareness

signs and symptoms of MSDs, how to prevent chronic injuries

what is the specific OHSA legislation

take reasonable care to protect his/her safety and the safety of other persons affected by his/her act use appropriate devices and wear proper protective equipment

what training areas should be included in an EP

technique (work practice) injury awareness business factors ergonomics design identifying and assessing ergonomic risk

what are the objectives of the introduction to ergonomics

understanding of ergonomics, human capacities and limitation and the benefits of proper job design develop skills to recognize opportunities for improvement and to initiate corrective action

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