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First Earth Day was what year


programs that promote opportunities for minorities

Affirmative Action

Group that attracted attention to problems facing Native Americans by occupying Alcatraz. Held island for 19 moths. In response to this, Indian Self-Determination Act of 1974 granted tribes control of federal aid programs on the rezes and oversight of their own schools Ethnic pride meanwhile soared. Under a 1961 law, tribes launched ventures ranging from gambling resorts to mining and logging operations. Many reasserted long-ignored treaty rights.

American Indian Movement (AIM)

Arizona senator and Republican whose loss in the 1964 presidential election unified conservatives. He opposed big govt, deficit spending, racial liberalism, and social welfare Sun Belt liked him.

Barry Goldwater

In Spring 1961 JFK approved a CIA plan (drawn from Ike administration) to invade Cuba. So 15000 anti-Castro exiles landed in Cuba's _____s, with intent to overthrow Fidel Castro. It was a fiasco. Deprived of air cover because JFK wanted to conceal US involvement, the invaders had no chance against Castro's superior forces After ____s, in 1961, JFK met with Khrushchev, who threatened war unless the West left Berlin. Kennedy declared the defense of wBerline essential to the Free World. He further increased defense spending. Threat of Nuclear War was escalating, when finally Moscow constructed Berlin Wall to seal off East Berlin, ended exodus of brains and talent to West.

Bay of Pigs

First major campus protest, which occurred at UC Berkeley. It was a coalition of student groups insisting on the right to campus political activity. They had lots more "sit-ins". Sparked wave of students who wanted greater involvement in university affairs, they were sick of their impersonal educations. This led to change in character of US higher education. Led to curricular reform, end of dormitory life rules, and admission of more minorities

Berkeley Free Speech Movement (FSM)

MLK launched nonviolent marches, sit-ins, and pray-ins in ______, AL, most rigidly segregated city in US Police Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor pledged never to let Birmingham be integrated, was ready to shed blood He unleashed his men on nonviolent demonstrators, including schoolchildren The ferocity of the attacks were caught on camera and TV, horrified the world MLK was jailed for instigating the march. Wrote "Letter from ______ Jail". It detailed the humiliations of segregation and justified civil disobedience to protest unjust laws JFK arranged behind-the-scenes compromise ending the AL demonstrations in return for desegregating stores and hiring black workers


CORE and SNCC in 1966 started advocating racial separatism and Black Power ____ Party for Self-Defense was organized, urged black men to overthrow their oppressors by becoming "panthers- smiling, cunning, scientific, striking by night and sparing no one" Violent confrontations with police worsened race relations Black Power advocated helped organize self-help groups, establish black studies programs, and encourage blacks to say "black is beautiful"

Black Panther

Militant movement for black autonomy and self-respect; rejected the goal of integration. Derived from black nationalism tradition. Malcolm (Little) X was big contributor to the ideology. He was a Black Muslim. This "Nation of Islam" insisted that blacks practice self-discipline and respect, and rejects integration. Called whites "devils" who blacks should separate themselves from. Had to seize freedom "by any means necessary" He was assassinated by members of Nation of Islam in 1965 after he had broken with Elijah Muhammad

Black Power

German Chancellor ____ thought the berlin Wall of 61 revealed limitations of wGermany's official communist hardline, needed new foreign poloicy He negotiated treaties with USSR, Poland, and Czechoslovakia that formally accepted existing state boundaries in return for a mutual renunciation of force or threat of it ____'s govt broke with the past and entered into direct relationships with eGermany


Doctrine created by Leonid Brezhnev that held that the USSR had the right to intervene in any socialist country whenever it saw the need.

Brezhnev Doctrine

leader of United Farm Workers. Devoted himself to improving working conditions for mostly Mexican farm laborers in California. Led strikes and boycotts. Farm workers gained the right to unionize, got UFW

Cesar Estrada Chavez

Major legislation that created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Banned racial discrimination and segregation in public accommodations. Outlawed bias in federally funded programs, granted the fed govt new powers to fight school segregation, created EEOC to enforce ban on job discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, or gender

Civil Rights Act

The _____of 1964 did not address the right to vote. Therefore, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) activists mounted campaign to register black voters They organized the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project of 1964 to focus on the state most hostile to black rights. Assisted blacks in voting registration and organizing "Freedom Schools" that taught black history and emphasized black self-worth They endured a lot of attacks from southerners

Civil Rights Act

Millions in contributions financed a series of "dirty tricks" against Dems and paid for a special espionage unit to sy on the opposition This was all part of

Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP)

Brinkmanship between the US and USSR over nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962 that nearly led to nuclear war

Cuban Missile Crisis

In mid-October 1962, aerial photographs revealed USSR had built bases for immediate-range nuclear missiles in Cuba, capable of striking most US soil. In a televised address, JFK said he would "quarantine" (impose naval blockade) on Cuba to prevent delivery of more missiles. It looked like there would be nuclear war. We were about to invade Cuba, USSR was about to launch missiles at blockade or US. But then JFK received a message from Khrushchev promising to remove missiles if US pledged to never invade Cuba. JFK was about to agree, a more belligerent message arrived from USSR insisting that US missiles also be withdrawn from Turkey. Hours later a U2 plane was shot down over Cuba. Robert Kennedy persuaded his bro to accept first message and ignore second. So missiles were removed from Cuba, and less publicly, JFK later removed US missiles from Turkey

Cuban Missile Crisis

______ had "Prague spring" (so maybe Arab Spring wasn't such an original name after all.....) In January 1968 reform elements in Czechoslovak Communist Party gained majority and voted out the long-time Stalinist leader in favor of Alexander Dubcek (GREENIE), whose new govt launched dramatic reform He was dedicated communist, but thought he hand his allies could reconcile genuine socialism with personal freedom and internal party democracy Relaxes state censhorhip and bureaucratic planning Dubcek remembered Hungarian rev and constantly proclaimed loyalty to USSR and Warsaw Pact But Czech did frighten hard-line Communists These fears were super strong in eGermany and Poland, where leaders knew they lacked popular support USSR feared liberalized Czech would be drawn to neutrality or even (gasp!) the west East Bloc leadership launched campaign of intimidation against Czech reformers Russian and East Bloc troops occupied Czech in 68 Czechoslovaks made no attempt to resist militarily and the arrested leaders surrendered to Soviet demands Reform was abandoned


the postwar reversal of Europe's overseas expansion caused by the rising demand of the colonized peoples themselves, the declining power of European nations, and the freedoms promised by US and Soviet ideals Most basic cause of imperial collapse was the rising demand of native peoples for national s-d, racial equality, and personal dignity Demands spread from intellectuals to the masses after WWI By '39, colonial empires had already been shaken, and WWII shook them even more European empires had been based on an enormous power differential between rulers and the ruled, but this had declined greatyly by 1945 wEurope was devastated and weak after WWII Japanese had driven imperial rulers from large parts of East Asia, shattering myth of Euro superiority and invincibility Also, the Great Powers regarded their empires differently after 1945 than before 1914, or even before 1939 Empire had rested on self-confidence and self-righteousness. Euros thought they were superior technically, militarily, spiritually, and morally Horrors of WWII destroyed this arrogance and gave opponents of imperialism greater influence in Europe US further pressured Euros to let go of former colonies, it was enemy of empire The Euros could no longer afford to engage in bloody colonial wars, needed to rebuild at home


Effort to reduce tensions between the US and the communist nations. Created new relationship among US, China, and USSR In 71 Kissinger began secret negotiations with Beijing, laying groundwork for Nixon's historic 72 trip to PRC to seek "normalization of relations" Ended years of PRC-US hostility Full diplomatic recognition followed in 79 Nixon also went to Moscow in 72 to sign agreements with USSR on trade and tech cooperation The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I) froze each side's nuclear missles for 5 years and committed both superpowers to strategic equality rather than nuclear superiority Didn't end arms race, but moved towards better relations


The progressive relaxation of Cold War tensions. wGerman chancellor Brandt took the lead, flew to Poland in 70 for signing of reconciliation treaty. In dramatic symbolic moment laid wreath at polish tomb, commemorated Warsaw uprising monument Apologized on behalf of Germany His policy of reconciliation with eEurope was named Ostpolitik (German for eastern policy) Brandt aimed at comprehensive peace settlemnt for cEurope and the two Germanies wGermany before his hadn't recognized eGermany, and refused to accept the loss of German territory ceded to Poland and USSR after 1945


After outbreak of Korean war, Truman ordered vastly increased assistance for the French army fighting the Vietminh, a Vietnamese nationalist coalition led by the communist Ho Chi Minh By 1954 the US was paying majority of French war costs in Vietnam Even still, France was losing In early 1954 the Vietminh beseiged 12000 French troops in the valley of ______ France appealed for US intervention, but Ike wouldn't do nuclear strike French surrendered at______ in May An international conference in Geneva arranged a cease-fire and divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel, pending elections in 1956 to choose the govt of a unified nation

Dien Bien Phu

the belief held by Eisenhower and others that if Vietnam fell to the communists, all of Asia would follow. US thus didn't sign the Geneva Peace accords and in late 1954 created the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

Domino Theory

The 63 report of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women (established by JFK) documented occupational inequities that were comparable to those of minorities Women received way less pay. Were 7% of nations doctors and 4% of its lawyers The women who served on the presidential commission successfully urged that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit gender discrimination in employment also ____ (give initials) was reluctant to do so though


A proposed amendment to the US constitution barring discrimination on the basis of sex

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Minnesota senator opposed to the Vietnam War; challenged LBJ in the 1968 Democratic primaries.

Eugene McCarthy

From 1850s to 1930s many _____ had been leaving the continent for colonies or foreign states In 50s and 60s this trend reversed. Migration TO Europe, especially to prosperous northwest where there was a demand for labor


THIS HAPPENED IN WHAT COUNTRY May 1968: shit went down Angry students and striking workers brought French economy to a standstill Violence with police Pitched street battles The protesters slogans expressed spirit of New Left, critique of dehumanizatin of modern society Counterculture was imaginative but also vague The May events (hence le premier Mai!!!!!) might have been a typically short-lived student protest against US involvement in Vietnam and abuses of capitalism, but the demonstrations triggered a national revolt! Huge strike!!!! The 5th republic was on verge of collapse, and shaken de Gaulle surrounded Paris with troops In the end, however, the idealistic goals of the radical students didn't go with the bread-and-butter demands of the striking workers When the govt promised workplace reforms and pay raises, the strikers went back to work De Gaulle then dissolved French parliament and called for new elections His conservative party won hugely, showing that majority of French people didn't support general strikes and student revolutions


organized attempt to end discrimination against homosexuals"we are going to be who we are" In 73 hundreds of openly gay groups campaigned for equal rights, for incorporating lesbians into women's movement, and removing stigma That year American Psychiatric Association ended classification of homosexuality as mental disorder More and more gay men came out of the closet Conservatives didn't like the movement

Gay Liberation

Liberal senator from South Dakota and Democratic candidate for president in 1972. He was a radical, no one wanted to be his vice president. He wanted legal marijuana, immediate withdrawal from Vietnam, Pardons for draft dodgers This all exposed him to GOP ridicule

George McGovern

LBJ's dream of an American society of equality and opportunity. A place where poverty and racial injustice don't exist. All children can enrich their minds, people can renew their contract with nature, all will be "more concerned with the quality of their goals than the quantity of their goods"

Great Society

Government-run programs in western Europe designed to recruit labor for the booming postwar economy. Implemented by wGermany and other prosperous countries. Most guest workers were young, unskilled single men who labored for low wage jobs, and sent money home Govt plans dictated they be sent home after a specific period. In time, to dismay of govts, they chose to stay, though (surprise surprise). Created multiethnic societies

Guest Worker Programs

In Early August, NV patrol boats reportedly clashed with two US destroyers patrolling the Gulf of Tonkin Evidence of attack was unclear though Congress wrote THIS "Blank check" for LBJ to wage war in Vietnam So Early in 1965 Johnson ordered "Operation Rolling Thunder": the sustained bombing of NV It didn't convince Hanoi (CAPITAL OF VIETNAM NOW, THEN CAPITAL OF NORTH) to negotiate or stop fighting SO now Johnson had to commit US combat troops. Adopting "meat-grinder", or attrition strategy, Johnson sought to inflict unacceptable casualties on the communists to force them to the peace table But NV matched each US troop increase with its own, and there was no end in sight

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Détente reached its high point when US, Canada, USSR, and all European nations (except isolationist Albania and Andorr) signed the Final Act of the _____ in 75 The nations agreed that Europe's existing political frontiers could not be changed by force They accepted numerous provisions guaranteeing human rights and political freedom of their citizens

Helsinki Conference

LBJ's vice president who ran for president against Nixon in 1968

Hubert Humphrey

Did away with national-origins quotas and increased legal immigration

Immigration Act of 1965

This is all in WHAT country: ____, Britians oldest, largest, most lucrative possession played key role in decolonization Nationlaist opposition to GB coalesced after WWI under leadership of British-educated lawyer Mohandas (Mahatma) GHANDI (1869-1948) In the 20s and 30s, Gandhi built a mass movement preaching nonviolent "noncooperation" with the British In 35 Gandhi wrested from the British a new liberal constitution that was blueprint for independence WWII interrupted progress toward Indian self-rule, but when Labour Party came to power in GB in 45, it was ready to relinquish sovereignty British socilaists had never liked imperialism, and ____ was becoming a financial burden After GB withdrew peacefully, conflict between ____'s Hindu and Muslim populations posed lasting dilemma for South Asian subcontinent As independence neared, Muslim minority grew increasingly anxious about their status in an _____ dominated by Hindu majority Muslim leaders called for partition, and British agreed In 1947 when independence was official, predominantly Muslim territories on ____'s eastern and western borders became East Pakistan (today Bangladesh) and West Pakistan There was lots of migration and violence Muslim and Hindu refugees fled across the new borders, seeking relief from ethnic conflict, there were lots of riots Gandhi was assassinated in 48 by a Hindu nationalist radical who opposed partition Jawaharlal Nehru became prime minister of ____


The Dutch had been involved in _____ since 1600s In the crisis after WWII they wanted to use its raw materials, particularly rubber, to support economic recovery During the war though, the Japanese had overrun the archipelago and encouraged hopes for independence from Western control. When the Dutch returned in 45 they faced rebels inspired by a combo of nationalism, Marxism, and Islam After 4 years of guerrilla war, in 49 the Dutch finally accepted Indonesian independence The new president of Indonesia became an effective advocate for nonalignment He relied on the Indonesian Communist Party but got aid from both US and USSR


As part of the peace accords after WWI, GB had advocated Jewish homeland alongside Arab population This unraveled after WWII Neither Jews nor Arabs were happy with British rule In 47 the Frustrated British decided to leave Palestine, and the UN voted in a nonbinding resolution to divide the territory into two states: one Arab and one Jewish Jews accepted the plan in founded _____ in 48 The Palestinians and the surrounding Arab nations viewed Jewish independence as a betrayal of their own interests, and they attacked the Jewish state as soon as it was proclaimed The Israelis drove off the invaders and conquered MORE territory Roughly nine hundred thousand Arab Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes, creating a persistent refugee problem Holocaust survivors streamed into Israel Next 50 years saw four more wars between the Israelis and Arab states, and innumerable clashes between Israelis and Palestinians


In the Middle East, ___, fearing that a massive Arab attack was imminent, launched a preemptive strike on its Arab neighbors in 67, routing them in six days ___ occupied the Egyptian-controlled Sinai and Gaza Strip, the Jordinian-ruled West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Syria's Golan Heights ____promised to give up most of the occupied lands in exchange for a negotiated peace, but Arabs refused to negotiate with ____ or recognize its right to exist Palestinians turned to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and called for ____'s destruction There was more war when in 1973 Egypt and Syria attacked ____ on Yom Kippur. Only massive shipments of military supplies from US enabled ____ to stop the assault. In retaliation, OPEC embargoes crude oil to US and its allies As five month embargo and following oil spike intensified inflation, US dependence upon foreign oil was made clear


Civil-rights activists tried to convince ____ (INITIALS) to act on their behalf, but he wouldn't do that, fearing it would split the Democratic Party and jeopardize his reelection. The movement persisted until it had achieved "de jure", or legal, equality; made protest respectable; and become and inspiration and model of activism fro others As TV coverage brought mounting numbers of blacks into struggle for racial equality, civil rights leaders pressured ____ to intervene. They needed national legislation backed by fed govt. They needed a crisis that would outrage conscience of white majority and force president's hand They needed to expose violent extremitism of southern racism Protests grew in '63. Called for "Freedom Now!". Concerned with US image abroad, JFK feared if govt didn't act, blacks would turn to violence. Alabama governor George Wallace refused to allow black students into University of Alabama. JFK forced Wallace to capitulate to a court desegregatoin order President went on Tv to define civil rights as a "moral issue" and PROPOSED a bill outlawing segregation in public facilities and authorizing govt to withhold funds from programs that discriminated Bill bogged in congress March on DC was planned


Following the 1962 compromise settlement in Laos, ____ (give initials) resolved, as had Ike, not to give further ground in Southeast Asia. ___ ordered massive arms shipments to South Vietnam (NOW SV) and increased the number of clandestine US forces there ____accepted Eisenhower's "domino theory" To counter communist gains in the countryside, US used chemical defoliants and napalm to destroy vegetation and expose enemy. It also uprooted Vietnamese peasants and moved them into fortified villages But SV president Diem rejected US pressure to gain popular support through reform measures, instead crushing demonstrations by students and Buddhists (MISTAKE) By mid-63 Buddhist monks were setting themselves on fire to protest repression, and Diem's own generals were plotting a coup Frustrated US policy makers concluded only a new govt could stave off Vietcong victory and secretly BACKED coup efforts


Campus where two students were shot to death by highway patrolmen responding to protest. Many colleges and universities which had previously seen no unrest now shut down as students boycotted classes

Jackson State College

Thirty-fifth president of the US; Cold Warrior who projected youthful dynamism He was a liberal, had been in Navy in WWII. Wrote Profiles in Courage, which was actually mostly written by a staff member. First Catholic president. WAS A DEMOCRAT, beat Nixon. Johnson was his VP Tried to grow economy with higher defense expenditures, got Congress to boost defense budget. Increased US' nuclear stockpile. Called for going to the moon. Also took his liberal advisers' Keynesian advice to call for a huge cut in corporate taxes that would increase the deficit but would provide capital for businesses to invest, stimulating the economy and thus increasing tax revenues. Called for "New Frontier" When he died the tax cut never happened. But US economy did grow Launched major miltary buildup. Increased economic assistance to Third World countries, created Peace Corps.

John F. Kennedy

In 1975 the fanatical _____ (Cambodian Communists), led by Pol Pot, took power and turned Cambodia into a genocidal "killing field"

Khmer Rouge

Harvard professor chosen to be Nixon's top foreign-policy adviser.


On March 31 1968 ___ announced on TV a halt to NV bombing Wanted peace Said he wouldn't seek or accept the nomination of his party for a second term


advocacy of civil rights frightened the white south and blue-collar north, thanks to him the south is now Republican (GIVE INITIALS)


worried a pullout from Vietnam would make him appear cowardly, threaten his liberal agenda, and leave him vulnerable to conservative accusations that he was "soft" on communism (GIVE INITIALS) So he expanded the war, hoping US firepower would force Ho Chi Minh to the bargaining table But NV calculated they could gain more by outlasting US than negotiating In 1964 he took bold steps to impress NV with US resolve and to block his opponent, Barry Goldwater, from capitalizing on Vietnam in the presidential campaign In May his advisors drafted congressional resolution authorizing escalated US military action BUT WE DONT HAVE WAR YET


In 1961 a civil war started in ____ between US supported forces and Pathet Lao rebels, who wanted communism. In 1962 JFK agreed to a face-saving compromise that restored a neutralist govt but left commie forces dominant in the countryside


36th president of the US; champion of the civil-rights legislation and the "war on poverty"He guided through Congress the greatest array of liberal legislation in US history, surpassing New Deal Called for early passage of the tax-cut and civil-rights bills as a memorial to Kennedy

Lyndon B. Johnson

Baptist minister whose leadership galvanized the modern, grass-roots civil-rights movement in the 60s. He gave speech at March on Washington at steps of Lincoln memorial

Martin Luther King, Jr

Created under Johnson Government health insurance for the elderly. Also provided Medicaid health plan for the poor. Legislators also appropriated funds for public education, housing, and urban revitalization Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development were created National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities created Also there was enactment of measures to control air and water pollution


Supreme Court ruling protecting the rights of the accused (MIRANDA RIGHTS)

Miranda v. Arizona

Vietnamese village where US troops massacred more than four hundred civilians.This undercut already-diminished support for the war

My Lai

In December 1960 opposition to Diem coalesced into: _______: Insurgent political organization in South Vietnam devoted to overthrowing the government. Backed by North Vietnam, the insurgency attracted broad support and soon controlled half of South Vietnam. Called the Viet Cong, though not necessarily all communists.

National Liberation Front (NLF)

leading feminist group. Labored to "bring women into full participation in the mainstream American society". Lobbied for equal opportunity, filed lawsuits against gender discrimination, and mobilized public opinion against sexism It's prominence was helped by Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963) which posed what she called the "problem that has no name"- the frustration of educated, middle-class wives and mothers who had subordinated their own aspirations to the needs of men Friedan urged women to pursue careers that would "fulfill their potentialities as human beings" Also younger women were involved in civil rights and antiwar protests, and gained confidence in their own potential this was, also gained ideology to understand oppression, and experience in the strategy and tactics of organized protest They realized they had second-class status, were sexually exploited and relegated to menial jobs by male activists

National Organization for Women (NOW)

A movement of students in the West who advocated simpler, purer societies based on an updated, romanticized version of Marxism. They argued that Marxism in USSR was perverted to serve the needs of the repressive totalitarian state. Western capitlaism was little better. What was needed was a more humanitarian style of socialism. NL people attacked what they saw as conformity of consumer society.

New Left

In 69 there was high point of movement with the _____, a series of huge antiwar demonstrations culminating March Against Death happened in DC

New Mobilization

In June 1954 the CIA installed _____, an anticommunist as premier and then president of an independent South Vietnam. CIA agents helped him eliminate political opposition and block the election to reunify Vietnam specified by Geneva Ike later admitted that possibly 80% of the population would have voted for the communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader DC pinned its hopes on him to maintain a noncommunist South Vietnam with US dollars rather than lives But autocratic ____'s Catholicism alienated Buddhist population, and he refused to institute land reform and end corruption We actually started to plot against him On November 1, military leaders staged their coup, captured Diem and his bro, and shot them US promptly recognized the new govt, though it made little headway against Vietcong JFK now faced two alternatives: use US combat forces or withdraw and seek negotiated settlement He didn't have to make that decision though, because he was shot

Ngo Dinh Diem

Nation was polarized in 60s. Many students blamed ____ for widening the war, yet many Americans blamed victims for the campus violence and criticized students for undermining US foreign policy. Patriotism, class resentment against privileged college students, and fear of socially chaos underlay condemnation of protesters


____ won the election in 1968 He plotted a strategy of détente- reduced tensions- with the USSR and China that hinged on ending the Vietnam War He understood that war had sapped US military strength, hurt the economy, hindered US relations abroad, and devastated LBJ Announced ____Doctrine in August 1968, president redefined US role in 3rd world as that of helpful partner rather than military protector ____ was pretty done with the war. There were lots of army desertions, racial conflict, drug use "fragging" happened, which was the practice of enlisted men killing officers


____inherited LBJ's fiscal consequences of Vietnam and Great Society There was a huge budget deficit and lots of inflation ____ cut govt spending and encouraged FRB to raise interest rates The result was inflation and recession combo called "stagflation" and dems called "Nixonomics" Inflation lowered standard of living for many and sparked wave of strikes as workers needed higher wages too keep up with price increases. Encouraged wealthy to invest in art and real estate instead of tech and factories More plants shut down, industrial jobs dwindled, many workers lost their savings and benefits He lurched from policy to policy Tried being Keynesian and doing deficit spending. This created huge deficit in budget Then he devalued dollar to correct the balance-of-payment deficit Finally, he froze wages, prices, and rents for 90 days After '72 election he again reversed course, replacing controls with voluntary and ineffective guidelines


____wouldn't give in to pressure to end the Vietnam war. Seeking "peace with honor" he acted on three fronts 1. He did "Vietnamization": replacing US troops with South vietnamese. Decreased US forces in Vietnam drastically 2. He also bypassed SV leaders by sending Kissinger (secretary of state) to negotiate secretly with NV's foreign minister, Le Duc Tho. 3. To force the communists to compromise despite US troop withdrawl, he escalated the bombing of NV and secretly ordered air strikes on NV supply routes in Cambodia and Laos. These made neither Hanoi beg for peace nor disrupt communist supply bases. They did, however undermine stability of Cambodia and increase NV infiltration of troops into that tiny republic. Nixon ordered joint US-SV incursion into Cambodia at end of April 1970. The invaders seized arms and bought more time for Vietnamization. However, invasion of Cambodia ended it's neutrality, widened the war throughout Indochina, and provoked US protests, culminating in student deaths at Kent State and Jackson State


earned to be remembered as an international statesman, but had to deal with countryHe tried to reform welfare system and solve complex economic problems, but the "underside of ____'s personality appealed to the darker recesses of national character and intensified fears and divisions among Americans". He was a self-controlled and rigid man. He was suspicious, insecure, vengeful, verged on paranoia Didn't look good on TV like JFK had. But his strengths stood out at the beginning of his administration. He spoke of national reconciliation, took bold initiatives internationally, and dealt with domestic problems responsibly


Assassinated JFK


Secret chronicle of presidential lies regarding US involvement in Vietnam published by the New York Times, which Dad used to write his papers on Vietnam

Pentagon Papers

a Republican organizer and working-woman herself, took up the fight. Her accusation that feminism was just self-centeredness, and her affirmation of trad gender roles, struck a responsive chord with men (duh) and working-class women who felt estranged from the upper-middle She charged that the ERA wold force women into combat roles in the military, necessitate unisex toilets, and promote lesbianism. In other news, I hate this woman just reading about her She helped kill the amendment

Phyllis Schlafly

group set up by Nixon White House to carry out dirty tricks and undermine opposition to the president


the postwar movement of people from former colonies and the developing world into Europe. Immigrant labor fueled economic recovery.But obviously there was discrimination because xenophobia

Postcolonial migration

society that relies on high-tech and service-oriented jobs for economic growth rather than on heavy industry and manufacturing jobs

Postindustrial society

Brother of JFK and former attorney general. He promised to end the war also and entered the Democratic contest. Kennedy was seen as the "rightful heir to the white house" But he was shot

Robert Kennedy

Supreme Court decision that a woman's right to abortion is constitutionally protected

Roe v. Wade

In 60s ____ engaged in reform at home Built welfare systems further, increased state spending further. Society wasn't called "socialist" like in east, with economic planning, govt ownership, etc. ____ maintained capitalism and free markets, also democratic electoral politics But they liked welfare By early 70s state spending on programs was huge, all paid for with very high taxes Christian Democrats, the center-rights, also supported spending on public benefits- as long as the economy prospered

Social Democrats

Nixon's ______ sought to attract white democrats to GOP, while his stands on crime, drugs, antiwar protesters, and black militants wooed blue-collar laborers and suburbanites To combat the militants he despised, he had IRS audit their tax returns, Small Business Administration deny them loans, and NSA illegally wiretap them FBI disrupted and immobilized Black Panthers CIA illegally investigated US citizens Dept of Justice prosecuted antiwar activists and militant blacks Nixon drew up "enemies list" of adversaries to be harassed by the govt Nixon courted whites upset by the drive for racial equality. The administration opposed extension of the Voting Rights Act of 65, sought to cripple enforcement of the Fair Housing Act of 68, pleaded for postponement of desegregation in Miss schools, filed suits to prohibit busing children to desegregated schools The strategy of wooing white southerners dictated Nixon's Supreme Court nomination. To reverse Warren Court's liberalism, he sought strict constructionists who wouldn't "meddle" with social issues or be "soft" on criminals Warren Burger was chief justice appointed by Nixon.. He and others steered the Court in a centrist direction. Ruled liberally in cases involving abortion, desegregation, and death penalty

Southern Strategy

Student group opposed to militarism and racism; called for "participatory democracy" in which individuals would control the decisions that affected their lives. Wanted end of consumerism. Many idealistic students never joined SDS and instead associated themselves with the vague "movement" But Port Huron Statement was the agenda for the generation They thought mainstream liberalism couldn't currently achieve swift, fundamental change

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

The Arab defeat in 48 triggered powerful nationalist revolution in Egypt in 52, led by young officer Gamal Abdel Nasser. The revolutionaries drove out pro-Western king, and in 54 Nasser became president of independent Egyptian republic He did nonalignement, got US loans and USSR arms In 56 Nasser abruptly nationalized the Suez Canal Company, the last symbol and substance of Western Power in the Middle East Infuriated, GB and France, along with the Israelis, secretly planned a military invasion The resulting _____ was huge The Israelis army invaded the Sinai Peninsula bordering the canal, and British and French bombers attacked Egyptian airfields This was dying gasp of imperial power World opinion was outraged, US thought such a blatant show of imperialism would propel Arab states towards USSR The US joined with the Soviets to force the British, French, and Israelis to back down Eygptian nationalism triumphed! Nasser got his canal, and Israel left the Sinai in 57 The Suez crisis showed that the Euro powers could no longer maintain their global empires, demonstrated power and appeal of nonalignment

Suez Crisis

The______ in the 60s threw out most laws restricting "sexually explicit art" with "redeeming social importance". So now we have Playboy magazine and women's periodicals (predecessors of Cosmo?) Hollywood started more sex scenes, Broadway plays had frontal nudity and mock orgies

Supreme Court

Coordinated attack by North Vietnam on their new year that convinced many Americans that the war could not be won. US and SV troops repulsed it after a month of fighting, inflicting a major military defeat on the communists. However, victory came at enormous psychological costs. Growing mood of gloom

Tet Offensive

Nuclear-power plant in Pennsylvania where disaster nearly struck in 1979. It had a partial meltdown

Three-Mile Island

was high priest of LSD (whatever that means), a former Harvard psychology fired in 63 for encouraging students to "tune in, turn on, drop out"

Timothy Leary

In 1972, _____ of the Education Amendments Act prohibited education institutions that received federal funds from discriminating on basis of sex

Title IX

In March 1965 _____students and faculty staged first teach-in to raise questions about US involvement in Vietnam


Military wing of the National Liberation Front; guerilla army amassed against South Vitenam and American forces


THIS ALL HAS TO DO WITH THE END OF WHAT WAR In February 1971, Nixon had SV troops invade Laos to destroy communist bases there. SV were routed. NV mounted a major campaign in 1972 (Easter Offensive) their largest since 1968. Nixon retaliated by mining their harbors and bombing them On October 26, right before 1972 presidential election, Kissinger announced that "peace is at hand" The cease-fire agreement that he had secretly negotiated required the withdrawal of all US troops, provided for the return of US prisoners of war, and allowed NV troops to remain in SV Kissinger's negotiations had sealed Nixon's reelection, but SV's President Thieu refused to sign a cease-fire agreement permitting NV troops to remain in South (with good reason!) Angry Le Duc Tho then pressed Kissinger for more concessions Nixon again resorted to B-52 raids 1972 Christmas bombings of Hanoi and Haiphong broke the deadlock Paris Accords were signed in late 1973, essentially restated the terms of the October truce. Agreement ended hostilities between US and NV but left unresolved the differences between NV and SV, guaranteeing that Vietnam's future would yet be settled in combat NV troops in the spring of 1975 overran SV, took control of Saigon, and forced US helicopters to airlift the last remaining officials out of the besieged US embassy


Law that allowed the federal government to protect the right of blacks to vote; transformed southern politics. Invalidated use of any test or device to deny votes and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that had disfranchised blacks. Number of blacks holding office in the south swelled

Voting Rights Act

centerpiece of LBJ's Great Society. LBJ recognized there were some 40 million people who lacked education, medical care, and employment opportunities. Economic Opportunity Act established the Office of Economic Opportunity to fund and coordinate a job corps to train young people in marketable skills. VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) was a domestic peace corps; Project Head Start provided compensatory education for poor preschoolers As MLK put it, "was shot down on the battlefields of Vietnam"

War on Poverty

Outdoor concert in upstate New York that attracted half a million or more young people to celebrate "sex, drugs, and rock and roll"It was supposed to be the dawning of era of love and peace- Age of Aquarius

Woodstock Festival

In August 1968 violence outside Democratic National Convention in Chicago added to appeal of Wallace and Nixon Determined to avoid the rioting that had wracked Chicago after the assassination of MLK, Mayor Richard Daly gave police green light to attack "the hippies, the Yippies, and the flippies" _____ The Youth International Party, a protest group led by counterculture guru Abbie Hoffman The result was police riot, televised. They world watched as Chicago police clubbed demonstrators and bystanders This violence overshadowed Humphrey's nomination and tore Dems apart, made them look like the party of dissent and disorder Real victor in Chicago was conservatism Nixon's "law and order" appeal looked better than ever


In both East and West in the 60s, managers and ____were model for the new middle class of salaried specialists They were well paid and trained, they were concerned with efficiency and practical solutions

civil servants

youth movement led by hippies; promoted drugs and a lack of social restrictions


The building of the Berlin Wall in 61 suggested that communism was here to stay The failure of NATO to intervene showed that US and wEurope basically accepted the premise It encouraged socialist regimes to experiment with some economic and cultural liberalization East was lagging behind the west (central planning wasn't so good after all, eh?) To address the issue, socialist leaders implemented cautious forms of _____ and limited market policies Results were mixed Hungary's New Economic Mechanism allowed some private retail stores and encouraged private agriculture, broke up state monopolies. Was most successful of the lot eGermany's New Economic System (I'm hearing a lot of NEP wannabes here...) brought limited privatization also, but was reversed in late 60s In other east countries growth just flagged


term for opponents of US military involvement in Vietnam, insistent upon negotiating, not fighting


In the lower classes in the 60s, there was mass exodus from countryside and farms There were fewer and fewer ___ Number of industrial workers in wEurope also began to decline as new white collar and service jobs grew European workers in general were more educated and specialized than before New workforce bore a greater resemblance to the growing middle class of salaried specialists than trad industrial workers


term for those who supported US goals in the Vietnam war, would accept little short of total victory


Even after decolonization, western Euro Countries managed to increase their economic and cultural ties with their former African colonies in the 60s and 70s Above all they used the lure of special trading privileges, and provided heavy investment in French and English language ed to enhance Western presence This situation led a lot of leaders and scholars to charge that wEurope and the US had imposed a system of _______ (a system designed to perpetuate western economic domination and undermine the promise of independence, thereby extending to Africa and lots of Asia the economic subordinaiton that the US had established in 1800s)


Cold War had huge impact on decolonization Liberation from colonial rule had long been a communist goal, a key component to world revolution Soviets and Chinese advocated rebellion and promised natives an end to colonial exploitation followed by freedom and equality in a socialist state They supported communist independence movements with economic and military aid wEurope and US offered competing vision: free-market economics and liberal democracy US ALSO extended aid and arms to decolonizing nations US promoted cautious moves toward self-determination in the context of containment Leaders of the new nations often found themselves trapped between superpowers Many followed a policy of nonalignment ______ policy of postcolonial governments to remain neutral in the Cold War and play both the US and the USSR for what they could get


In 60s Communist regimes also granted cautious cultural freedoms In USSR, the cultural thaw allowed dissidents like Solzhenitsyn (WROTE: The Gulag Archipelago, Cancer Ward, The First Circle, August 1914, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich) eGermany had Bittersweet Movement, when the regime encouraged intellectuals to take a more critical view of life in the East Bloc, as long as they didn't oppose communism itself If you spoke up too much you were still harassed though An underground ____ (literature critical of communism) emerged in USSR and East Passed hand to hand, and blossomed. Kept critical thought alive


The dual shocks of energy crisis and renewed Soivet influence among Arabs spurred Nixon and Kissinger to pursue "_______" For two years Kissinger flew from one Middle east capital to another, and negotiated a cease-fire, pressed Israel to cede additional captured Arab territory, and persuaded Arabs to end the oil embargo ______ left issue festering, but successfully excluded USSR from major role

shuttle diplomacy

Three major forces helped ____ in Europe searching for jobs: 1. The economy boomed from 50 to 73, demand for labor 2. economy continued gradual shift away from old male-dominated heavy industries like coal, steel, and shipbuilding, to white-collar service industries in which women had always worked, such as govt, education, trade, and health care 3. Young western ____ shared in the postwar education revolution and could take advantage of the growing need for officeworkers and professionals


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