6.2 Conquest of the West

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What was the most powerful Great Plains tribe before Anglo-American expansion to the region?


How did the Chinese respond to working conditions on the transcontinental railroad?

Some went on strike to combat low pay and terrible conditions.

Which of the following groups of Native Americans led a brutal revolt in New Mexico in 1847?


Why did transcontinental railroad builders prefer to hire Chinese workers?

The Chinese were unlikely to participate in organized labor.

Why is the Battle of Little Bighorn significant?

The Indian army united an almost unprecedented number of warriors.

How did U.S. expansion to the Southwest affect Spanish-speaking communities in New Mexico?

The ruling classes lost their power.

How did Indians generally respond to the destruction of buffalo herds?

They engaged in brutal wars with white Americans.

How did U.S. expansion to California affect most members of the Mexican ruling classes?

They lost their land and became migrant workers.

Why did most whites engage in the practice of Indian hunting?

They wanted to eliminate a race of people they thought were inhuman.

What was the outcome of most efforts to improve Chinese working conditions on the transcontinental railroad?

Efforts failed, and the Chinese returned to work.

True or false: Californios in the north fared better than those in the south.


The 1886 surrender of the Indian band led by _____________ signaled the end of formal warfare between Indians and whites.


After the Civil War, most new settlers to the West came from...

the East.

Which of the following were reasons that many Chinese entered the laundry business?

-Most laundry jobs did not require extensive English skills. -Laundries did not require much start-up money.

Which of the following features did almost all of the Plains Indians share?

-council government -nature-based religion -division of labor by gender -large family networks

Which of the following contributed to the decimation of American buffalo?

-killers hired by railroad companies -desire for buffalo hides among white Americans -groups of gold-rush migrants -the Army's plan to rob Indians of their livelihood

Which of the following were explicit responsibilities of the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

-paying federal money to Indians -overseeing supply shipments -parceling out land

For how long did the first Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ban the Chinese from entering the United States?

10 years

In what year did the massacre at Wounded Knee occur?


The American West became home to a diverse ethnic and racial mix. Which group suffered the most negative perception as un-American and dangerous during this time?

Chinese immigrants

Which of the following was a provision of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

Chinese immigrants could not become U.S. citizens.

Which of the following was a prominent argument that the Chinese in America made against anti-Chinese practices?

Chinese immigrants were superior to other groups of immigrants.

What group of Indians was the last to organize against white intrusion?

Chiricahua Apaches

The systematic placing of Indians on reservations was known as the "_____________" policy.


Which of the following was an effect of the federal government's policy of placing Indians on reservations?

Indians were displaced to various undesirable lands.

How did the Homestead Act encourage Western migration?

It gave settlers land in exchange for occupying it.

Which of the following happened to mission society in the 1830s?

It largely collapsed because the new Mexican government began reducing the power of the church.

Why did the Indians' actions at Little Bighorn ultimately fail?

Many of the warriors disbanded and were killed or captured by U.S. troops.

How did the role of Mexicans change in late-nineteenth-century New Mexico?

They were forced into low-paying labor jobs.

Which of the following was a reason that some Hispanic societies in New Mexico survived?

They were located far from areas of Anglo-American interest.

During the Anglo-American settlement of California, how did californios in the south fare compared to those in the north?

Those involved in the cattle business initially thrived.

As leader of a band of Cheyenne and Arapaho, Black Kettle thought his people would be protected from an 1864 campaign against Indians in Colorado.


True or false: White expansion into California was less damaging overall for Hispanics than for Native Americans.


Why did white opinion of Chinese immigrants change during the 1850s?

Whites became jealous of the Chinese who prospered, especially in the gold mines.

Which of the following best describes the Sand Creek Massacre?

a brutal slaughter of mostly Indian women and children

Construction on the Central Pacific rail line was marked by the refusal to give Chinese laborers...

adequate shelter.

Most nineteenth-century Chinese organizations in America functioned as a type of ______ society.


The hunting and near-extinction of the ________ by 1875 created a strong threat to American Indians' way of life in the American West.


How did the United States respond to acts of Indian aggression?

by calling upon military forces to subdue and destroy the Indians

Which of the following describes typical agents of the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

dishonest political appointees

As part of the Dawes Act, the Bureau of Indian Affairs...

encouraged the creation of Christian churches on Indian reservations.

Which of the following best describes the attack on tribal sovereignty created by the Dawes Act?


During the earliest Chinese migrations to California, most Chinese women came because they...

had been sold into prostitution.

Social interactions between the Pueblos and Spanish created a complex ________ system.


Which of the following was a weakness that disadvantaged the Plains Indians in the fight against white aggression?

inability to unite into a single group

The spark that set off the massacre at Wounded Knee...

is a matter of dispute.

Indians were vulnerable to infectious diseases, such as the _______________ epidemics that decimated the Pawnee in Nebraska in the 1840s.


In 1852, to exclude the Chinese from mining, the California legislature...

levied a tax on Chinese miners.

Most of the organizations that controlled Chinatowns in the West were...

powerful merchant groups.

Initially, Indian resistance to white expansion took the form of...

small-scale raids.

What was the ultimate goal of the Dawes Act?

to assimilate Indians to American culture

What was the function of territorial rings in New Mexico during the 1870s?

to pool wealth in order to overtake Hispanic-controlled land

Match the groups with where they ranked in the social hierarchy of the Spanish Southwest.

top-Mexicans middle-Pueblos bottom-Apaches and Navajos

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