6th Grade Bible - Unit 3 - John the Baptist, The Birth and Childhood of Jesus

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1. Validate Jesus' claim to be the promised Messiah 2. Connect Jesus by legal and physical descent to the OT prophesies

purposes of genealogies of Jesus

Matthew's genealogy

shows the legal lineage establishing Jesus' right to the throne of David (through Joseph - by adoption / inheritance)

Luke's genealogy

shows the physical lineage of Jesus establishing his relationship to the house of David (through Mary - by birth / blood right)

gold, frankincense, and myrrh

the 3 gifts the wise men brought were __________


the Jews eagerly awaited the appearance of the forerunner because he was a sign the __________ was coming soon

Nazareth of Galilee

the angel appeared to Mary in the town of __________


the angelic announcement to Mary occured in the __________ month of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John the Baptist


the birth of John the Baptist is described in the gospel of __________

Isaiah and Malachi

the forerunner (John the Baptist) is prophesied in the Old Testament in the books of __________ ("a voice calling in the wilderness - prepare the way of the LORD") and __________ ("behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me")

John the Baptist

the forerunner who preceded The Messiah


the journey was about __________ miles; a long and difficult trip along the Jordan River plains, over hills around Jerusalem and into Bethlehem


the remainder of Jesus' childhood was spent in __________ seemingly normal as he grew in his knowledge of the Scriptures and prepared for ministry

2 years

the wise men came to Bethlehem __________ after Jesus' birth

Hebrew scriptures, the sign of the star, and Daniel

the wise men knew a king had been born because of __________

king worthy of their worship

the wise men were a group of gentile leaders from other countries who traveled to pay homage to a new-born child who they acknowledged as a __________


the wise men were likely actually a __________ group


they left with a group to return home, but he was left behind - they went back and found him meeting with the __________ in the temple

divinity, humanity

to be saved, one must believe in both the __________ and __________ of Jesus


Jesus also trained as an __________ like his father, Joseph

Old Testament

Jesus asked good questions and gave wise answers for his age because he had made good use of his childhood years to learn the __________


Jesus was God and man, both divine and human, equally both


Jesus was fully __________ in bodily form

1 BC

Jesus' birth occurred in the year __________

silent years

Jesus' childhood in Nazareth is call the __________


Jesus' parents traveled to Bethlehem because of a __________ being conducted

1. The Messiah must be seed of a woman (Gen 3:15) 2. The Messiah must be seed of Abraham (Gen 12:1-3) 3. The Messiah must be seed of David (2 Sam 17 / Ps 89)

3 OT prophecies on Jesus' genealogy


An __________ appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of a son


Baby John __________ inside Elizabeth's womb when Mary visits

mute, dumb (= unable to speak)

Because Zechariah did not believe the angel's message that he would have a son, he was rebuked by God and struck __________ until the birth of the child


Christ was fully man in the flesh, experiencing human __________


Elizabeth __________ Mary

faith and hope

Elizabeth and Zechariah had good character - they were devoted toward God, had a home of affection and purity, were reverent to sacred things, loving to the poor, tender toward others, and had ___________ and __________ in the future of Israel


Elizabeth and Zechariah were sad because they were __________

Holy Spirit

Elizabeth was filled with the ___________

killed (slaughtered)

Herod orders all infant males in Bethlehem be __________ in an attempt to get rid of the rival king


John the Baptist came to fulfill a promise made by __________ about the forerunner of the Messiah


John the Baptist was to be a life-long ____________

Elizabeth and Zechariah

John the Baptist's Parents


John the Baptist's birth results in a great __________ among Elizabeth and friends

father, family member

John the Baptist's name was unusual because children were typically name after their __________ or another __________


John the Baptist's purpose was to turn many __________ to God


John was born at the time when king __________ was in power


Joseph and Mary traveled to __________ (nativity of the God-man)


Joseph and family do not return until after __________'s death

dream, Egypt

Joseph is warned by God in a _________ to flee to __________ to escape Herod


Joseph planned to __________ Mary quietly since she was with child before they were married


Joseph, Mary, and Jesus settle in Galilee, city of ___________

Luke's genealogy

King David --> Nathan (9th son of David) --> Mary --> Jesus

Matthew's genealogy

King David --> Solomon (10th son of David) --> Jehoiakim (cursed) --> Joseph --> Jesus

unbelief, bewilderment and confusion

Mary questioned the angel NOT out of __________, but because of __________ and ___________


Mary was __________ to Joseph


Mary's song of praise recorded in the Gospel of Luke

1. No fermented drink (fruit of the vine) 2. No haircut 3. No contact with a dead body

Requirements and restrictions of Nazirites

1. Tax collection 2. God directing and controlling events to fulfill His plans

TWO purposes of the census enrollment


The birth of the Savior was the most __________ of all births

stable, home, or cave

The location in Bethlehem where Jesus was born was a __________


The season at the time of Jesus' birth was __________


The visit to the __________ at age 12 is the only event recorded of Jesus' childhood


The wise men were likely from __________


True/False - scripture states there were 3 wise men


True/False - there are many details of John the Baptist's childhood and life growing up


Zechariah was a __________ in the temple


Zechariah's song of praise following the birth and naming of his son, John the Baptist (Lk. 1:68—79). Latin for "blessed be."

King Herod

____________ was Jewish, but heathen in practice. He had bad character and was known as crafty, jealous, cruel and vengeful

separated and consecrated

a Nazirite was ___________ and __________


a person who precedes the coming or development of someone or something else


at age 12, Jesus accompanied Mary and Joseph to the Passover feast at the __________

son of the law

at age 12, a Jewish boy becomes _________ and is admitted to the privileges of adulthood (Bar Mitzvah / Bat Mitzvah)

house of the book

at age 5-6, formal Jewish training begins a the __________


despite finding him in the temple learning, Mary still __________ her child


early Jewish education occured in the _________ mostly by the mother


formal contract to marry between two families that was binding like a marriage (engagement)


gave birth to


godly, humble, loving character and disposition, student of scriptures


hard-working, noble, provided comfortable life for family but was still poor by community standards

- worship of shepherds - presentation of the child in the temple - visit by the wise men

other events at Jesus' birth

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