7 User-Defined-Class
20627: Write the definitions of two classes Day and Night. Both classes have no constructors, methods or instance variables. Note: For this exercise, please do not declare your classes using the public visibility modifier.
class Day{} class Night {}
20730: Write a class named Acc1 containing no constructors, methods, or instance variables. (Note, the last character or the classname is "one" not "ell".)
public class Acc1{}
20629: Write the definition of a class Clock. The class has no constructors and two instance variables. One is of type int called hours and the other is of yype boolean called isTicking.
public class Clock { private int hours; private boolean isTicking; }
20628: Write the definition of a class Clock. The class has no constructors and one instance variable of type int called hours.
public class Clock { private int hours; }
20626: Write the definition of a class Simple. The class has no constructors, methods or instance variables.
public class Simple{}