7.01: English 10 Semester A Test, Parts 1 and 2
Read the poem. My Cat There are several examples of alliteration in this poem. How does the alliteration affect the tone of this poem?
It creates a humorous tone because the speaker is amused by the cat even though it keeps the speaker awake.
Read the passage. Whistling My Worries Away How does the flashback in paragraphs 2-5 affect the story?
It provides necessary background information, which increases the reader's sympathy for the main character, but also creates tension for that character.
Select the word from the drop-down menu that best completes the sentence. The ________ front runner limped off the track after spraining her ankle in the middle of the race.
Select the noun phrase. The nurse could have passed for a modern-day Dracula, draining _________ until the vials on the cart were filled.
my blood
Read the passage. excerpt from Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy What do paragraphs 1 and 2 most suggest about the old families of rank?
By the nineteenth century, some of the ancient English families had lost their power, wealth, and influence.
Read the poem. Song of the Wild Bushman by Thomas Pringle Read these lines from the poem. Thus I am lord of the Desert Land, And I will not leave my bounds, To crouch beneath the Christian's hand, And kennel with his hounds: What do these lines suggest about how the Bushman views the white man?
He feels the white man strives to dominate over those he seeks to convert.
Read the passage. excerpt from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller Read this sentence from the passage. Miss Sullivan had tried to impress it upon me that "m-u-g" is mug and that "w-a-t-e-r" is water, but I persisted in confounding the two. Which statement best describes how this sentence functions in the passage?
It develops the idea that learning language is not always an easy process for Keller.
What is the best description of the connotative meaning of the word youthful in this sentence? Grandma may be eighty years old, but she still displays a youthful curiosity about life.
It has a positive connotation, suggesting Grandma's active interest in the world around her.
Read the passage. Then watch the video. Resist Antibiotics Which statement best compares the essay's tone to the video's tone?
The essay's tone is more emotional than the video's tone.
Read the passage. Resist Antibiotics Which statement best evaluates the author's response to the counterclaim in Paragraph 6 that by taking antibiotics, patients are taking an action toward trying to improve their health?
It is ineffective because the author uses exaggeration and language that implies judgment, which may anger or isolate readers.
Read the passage excerpt from Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad How does the chronological description of Marlow's voyage affect the reader's interpretation of the text?
It slowly builds tension as the reader experiences events that are increasingly disturbing.
Read the passage. Then watch the video. Resist Antibiotics Which information is common to both the essay and the video?
More than 23,000 people in the United States have died as a result of superbugs.
Read the passage. Resist Antibiotics In the second to last paragraph, the author claims that the routine use of antibiotics in agriculture needs to be reevaluted. Which statement best evaluates the validity of the reasoning the author uses to support this claim?
The reasoning is valid because the author logically explains how resistant bacteria formed from giving livestock antibiotics can make its way into humans.
Read the passage. excerpt from The Man Who Knew Too Much by G.K. Chesterton Read these lines from the passage. "I should think this is about the place," he said. "What place?" asked his companion. "The place where the poor fellow was killed," said Fisher, sadly. Why does the author include these lines?
They inject an element of surprise into the text.
Read the passage. excerpt from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller Read this sentence from the passage. Everything had a name, and each name gave birth to a new thought. How does the phrase "gave birth" affect the meaning of the sentence?
Learning the names of things is like a new beginning for Keller.
Read the speech. Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! by Patrick Henry Read this sentence from the speech. I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Which theme does this sentence support?
Life without freedom is not worth living.
Read the passage. excerpt from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller Part A What does Helen Keller's word choice in her description of her lessons with her teacher, Anne Sullivan, reveal about Keller? Part B How does the word choice in paragraph 1 help to develop the idea in Part A?
She feels connected to the natural world despite her lack of sight. Keller includes descriptions of natural things that she can touch and smell.
Read the speech. Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! by Patrick Henry Part A In the speech, what is Henry's view of the intentions of the British? Part B How does Henry support his view as described in Part A?
The British government presents itself as something other than what it really is. He uses metaphors that make unfavorable comparisons.
Read the song lyrics. Go Down, Moses Which part of the song most emphasizes its singers' demand for freedom?
the repetition of the line "Let my people go"
Read the speech. Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! by Patrick Henry What is the speaker's purpose?
to convince his audience that lack of action will have troubling consequences
Read the passage. Whistling My Worries Away Camila, the camp director, and Benito have a talk at the end of Benito's first day. How does their conversation foreshadow the ending of the story?
Camila says the final production needs to be good, which increases the tension. However, the visiting representative is satisfied with the simple skit Benito organizes.
Read the passage. excerpt from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller How does the event at the well-house change Keller's attitude?
For the first time, she feels a sense of connection with the world around her and looks forward to the future.
Read the passage. excerpt from The Story of My Life by Helen Keller How does Keller structure ideas in the passage?
Keller organizes the events of her early days with Sullivan sequentially, pausing at various points to reflect on their significance.
Read the speech. Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! by Patrick Henry Read this sentence from the speech. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Which theme does this sentence suggest?
Kindness may hide a dark truth.
Read the poem. Song of the Wild Bushman by Thomas Pringle Read these lines from the poem. The countless springboks are my flock, Spread o'er the unbounded plain; The buffalo bendeth to my yoke, The wild horse to my rein; What do these lines reveal about the Bushman's viewpoint?
The Bushman feels the benefits of his lifestyle far exceed those of the white man.
Read the poem. My Cat Read these lines from the poem. The pillow quakes and quivers Like pudding on a plate. How does the simile affect the meaning of this poem?
The cat is on the speaker's pillow, moving around and purring, which keeps the speaker awake.
Read the passage. Then watch the video. Resist Antibiotics Which statement accurately compares the essay and the video?
The essay uses a first-person point of view, but the video does not.
Read the passage. Resist Antibiotics Read this claim and evidence from the passage. Claim: Antibiotics are not always prescribed correctly. Evidence: According to the National Center for Biotechnology information, in 30 to 50 percent of cases, the antibiotic prescribed is either the incorrect antibiotic or is prescribed for the wrong amount of time. Which statement best evaluates the relevancy and sufficiency of the evidence to this claim?
The evidence is both relevant and sufficient.
Which option is the best revision of the sentences? The girl ordered sushi at the restaurant. It came with soup.
The girl ordered sushi, which came with soup, at the restaurant.
Read the speech. Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! by Patrick Henry Which concept does Paragraph 4 of the speech develop?
The only remaining option for the colonies is to go to war with Great Britain.
Read the passage. excerpt from The Man Who Knew Too Much by G.K. Chesterton Select the phrases from the drop-down menus that best complete the sentence. By understanding the story from _________________, the reader ___________________________________
the third-person limited learns clues to solve the mystery along with March.
Read the passage. Whistling My Worries Away How does the author use the falling action in this story?
to reinforce Benito's success with feedback from the visiting representative
Read the passage. excerpt from The Man Who Knew Too Much by G.K. Chesterton Reread Paragraph 8 from the passage. At the corner stood a sort of decayed inn with the dingy sign of The Grapes. The signboard was dark and indecipherable by now, and hung black against the sky and the gray moorland beyond, about as inviting as a gallows. March remarked that it looked like a tavern for vinegar instead of wine. Why does the author choose to include details about The Grapes Inn?
to reinforce the dark and somber mood of the story
What is the meaning of the word stimulated in this sentence? Watching the Olympic swim meet stimulated Marcus to try out for the local swim team, which was something he had never considered doing before.
triggered interest
Read this sentence and select the dependent clause. After my lass class, I went to the current events club, where we debated about effective foreign polices
where we debated about effective foreign polices