7.6 & 10.1 History Study Guide

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A great Emperor of Rome, -built St. Peters Basilica -created national religion when he saw the cross above heavenly clouds in battle -strengthened the army -took over entire west empire -built many churches and gave more power to religion -founded Constantinople in the EAST

Hagia Sophia

A splendid building, built to reunite the country and rebuild Justinian's image from the people after the Nika Riots


A very influential emperor in the Roman/ Byzantine Times -made a law that said a certain amount that people would get paid and how much you could price a good -created new coins that had less silver in them, resulting in less worth, and a big inflation occurrence -recruited Germans as mercenaries also no loyalty in the army -divided the empire into two halves

Iconoclastic Controversy

An argument between the Iconoclasts and the Roman Catholic Church on whether or not icons were accepted in worship. Roman Catholic (RC) View: Wanted Icons allowed because not a lot of citizens could read or write Eastern Orthodox (ECO) View: Did not approve after Emperor Leo III banned them. After the Pope said that he'd excommunicate any Iconoclasts, Icons were allowed in EOC


Emperess or royal advisor to Justinian, his wife, heavy influence on Justinian Code, provided women's rights, convinced Justinian to stay and fight in the Nika Riots

Eastern Orthodox Church

Iconoclastic Controversy They did not want icons at first when Emperor Leo III banned icons b/c he thought that it was worshipping an idol. Then accepted them when the Pope said he'd excommunicate anyone who was an iconoclast.

Roman Catholic

Iconoclastic Controversy They wanted Icons to be approved; the citizens could not read or write so images would help teach them about the faith

Emperor Justinian

One of the greatest leaders of the Byzantine Empire, things he did: -wanted to preserve Roman Culture -ordered the Hagia Sophia to be built -Wanted to expand the empire, ended up doubling it -raised taxes that resulted in Nika riots -Came up with set of laws called the "_______ code"

Rome Fell/ Military

Reasons Why Rome Fell -borders were too large to defend -no one in military was loyal -they were all mercenaries from Germany

Rome Fell/ Political

Reasons Why Rome Fell -country grew too fast and old gov't was meant for city-state environment/size -division between empires(did not support each other) -unstable leadership and corruption

Rome Fell/ Social

Reasons Why Rome Fell -division between poor and rich -loss of patriotism -high taxes (which led to hatred for leaders)

Rome Fell/ Economical

Reasons Why Rome Fell -no more $$ from invasions of other countries -silver less available -inflation -less manufacturing -expensive building taxes


a rise on cost of goods due to decrease in value of money, "minting money"

Byzantine Empire

also known as eastern empire, Constantinople stands here


an opinion that clashes with those of the church


any picture or statue of either Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or any saint


banishment from the church


leader, president-ish

Justinian Code/ Institutes

part of Justinian Code; Guide for law students

Justinian Code/ Digest

part of Justinian Code; Judge's opinion

Justinian Code/ Novellae

part of Justinian Code; New Laws

Justinian Code/ Code

part of Justinian Code; useful roman laws, for citizens


those in the Christian Church who were OPPOSED to icons

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