7th Grade Abeka Grammar Quiz 12
Find the verb . Find the complement. Identify the complement as p.n. as predicate nominative or d.o. as direct object: Natalie knew the correct answer at once
DO Verb: knew Complement: answer
Find the verb . Find the complement. Identify the complement as p.n. as predicate nominative or d.o. as direct object: Mitchell threw the ball to his friend
DO Verb: threw Complement: ball
Find the verb . Find the complement. Identify the complement as p.n. as predicate nominative or d.o. as direct object: The teacher will need three helpers for the demonstration
DO Verb: will need Complement: helpers
April is our class secretary.
The dog gave his master the ball.
Find the verb . Find the complement. Identify the complement as p.n. as predicate nominative or d.o. as direct object: The coach is Alexa's dad
PN Verb: is Complement: dad
Find the verb . Find the complement. Identify the complement as p.n. as predicate nominative or d.o. as direct object: Grandma's favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie
PN Verb: is Complement: pie
Find the verb . Find the complement. Identify the complement as p.n. as predicate nominative or d.o. as direct object: The bargain of the day was a pound of peanuts for a dollar
PN Verb: was Complement: pound