7th Grade Exams: All the things

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Describe Buck.

140 lbs, half St. Bernard, half Scotch shepherd

Which powers/countries controlled Louisiana from 1682-1861? Explain how and why Louisiana changed possession each time.

17th century France claims LA 1762 French and Indian War, France ceded LA territory to Spain 1801 Spain returns territory to France 1803 France sells LA to U.S.,LA Purchase

How many books does the NT have?


Trinity is the mystery of existence of one God in........

3 persons

How much was the replacement necklace?

36,000 francs

narrorator only knows some thoughts of only some characters

3rd limited

Point of view in "the Gift of the Magi" and "Secret Life of Walter Mitty"

3rd person limited

How much is Matilda's dress?

400 francs

How many generations does Abraham's covenant span?


How many books in the OT?


How much was the worth of the original (fake) necklace?

500 francs

When was Advent begun?

5th Century

how many total books of the bible are there?


Define prokaryote

A cell without a nucleus

Why do the police come to the house?

A neighbor reported hearing a shriek

What is a microscope?why is it used

An instrument that makes small objects look larger. To observe small objects

Define Eukaryote

An organism made up of cells that has a nucleus enclosed by a membrane.

Define heterotroph

An organism that cannot make its own food.

Who were Mary's parents?

Anne and Joachim

Messiah means...

Anointed one

What does Messiah mean?

Anointed one

doers of the Word


What is the subject and subject complement? (Example: Hope diamond=jewel) The Armills are gold bracelets said to symbolize sincerity and wisdom.


preposition or adverb? We left for the beach soon AFTER. (Choose the one that starts with B)

B. adverb

preposition or adverb? Slip UNDER the water and enter a different world. (Choose the one that starts with B)

B. preposition

What's the difference between bacteria and a virus

Bacteria can reproduce a virus cannot and is dead

3 holy days of obligation in the Christmas season are..

Baptism of our Lord, Holy Family, Epiphany

Explain how different are not closely related by look alike.

Because of convergent evolution

Participation in family and community is central to our faith and to a healthy society. Families must be supported so that people can participate in society, build a community spirit, and promote the well-being of all, especially the poor and vulnerable.

Call to family, community and participation

What caused and interrupted this Daydream? courtroom scene

CAUSE - the newsboy is shouting about the Waterbury trial INTERRUPTION - he is called a miserable cur which reminds him of a puppy biscuit

What caused and interrupted this Daydream? air force pilot

CAUSE - the newspaper said something about Germany conquering the world INTERRUPTION - his wife runs into him and talks to him

What caused and interrupted this Daydream? Navy hydroplane

CAUSE - the sound of the car engine reminds him of a ship INTERRUPTION - his wife yells at him for going 55 mph

Participation in family and community is central to our faith and to a healthy society.

Call to family, community, and participation

God is the creator of all people and all things, and he wants us to enjoy his creation. The responsibility to care for all God has made is a requirement of our faith.

Care for God's Creation

God is the creator of all people and all things, and he wants us to enjoy his creation.

Care for God's creation

loosened Spanish trade laws to improve the colony's economy, allowed free trade with the US, signed treaties with the Indian tribes


What was the official religion of the La colony during French rule?


the plot changes direction. the part of the book when you start to undrerstand the ending and might be able to guess what the ending might be


What word does the emphasized phrase describe? The climb UP THE STAIRS was a symbolic journey.


How did the man in the red sweater in Seattle train Buck?

clubbed him

Identify the Object of the Preposition. Blackbeard raided colonies along the North American coast.


Matilda dressed as a __________________ when she went to the shops.


Call to family...

community and participation

What is Walter Mitty's secret life? From whom is it secret to?

His secret life is the life he leads in his daydreams. His daydreams are in his head and only he can see them so they are secret to everyone.

What two scientists worked with early microscopes.

Hooke and lawenhook

What is the subject? The Hope Diamond was originally from India.

Hope diamond.

Is Perrault a human or a dog


What does buck learn from curly's death

If you get knocked off your feet, you are dead.

We celebrate the feast of the ____________ _______________. Mary was free from sin at the moment of conception.

Immaculate Conception

What is Mary's "yes" called?


St. Ignatius of Loyola founded the ____________ of ___________ otherwise known as the Jesuits.

society, Jesus

Solidarity (just type it a second time)


The trinity is not to be_____________, but to be____________________

solved, explored

When was SVdP canonized?


Where was St. Ignatius of Loyola born?


Who kills the rabbit?


How did Buck and Spitz's fight to the death happen?

Spitz killed the rabbit

What is the external conflict?

Spitz, being beaten

Who taught us the meaning of faith?

St. Augustine

What is the subject and subject complement? (Example: Hope diamond=jewel) The ancient St. Edward's Crown is the headpiece for royal coronations.

St. Edward's Crown=headpiece

How do you classify a organism

Start from top of classification chart and go down

What is the Internal Conflict in COW?

Stealing for survival

Who is Francois?

Swarthy, Black-faced, broken English, impartial

Name the states and bodies of water that border La.

Texas (west), Arkansas(north), Mississippi(east), & the Gulf of Mexico(south)

What countries were fighting in the War of 1812? Why were they fighting?

US and Great Britain; American ships were being stopped by the British and American sailors were accused of being British deserters -impressment: British would overtake American ships at seas forcing common sailors into service for them.

first Spanish governor, ineffective leader, did not have colony immediately transferred


Where does he hide the man?

Under the floorboards

overlooked Spanish trade laws and allowed British merchants to trade in NO thus improving the colonial economy


The language of the people being served


Who is the protagonist in "The secret life of Walter Mitty"?

Walter Mitty

Who are the main characters in "the secret life of Walter Mitty?"

Walter Mitty and his wife

What is the internal conflict in "The secret Life of Walter Mitty"?

Walter Mitty vs his inability to focus

What is the external conflict in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"?

Walter Mitty vs his wife that nags and controls him

What is the setting in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"?

Waterbury, Connecticut, 1938

How did Spitz treat Buck?

as an enemy

How did Curly die?

attacked and killed by another dog

What is the Indirect Object? Current films often show audiences a romantic picture of pirate life.


Who is Dub?

awkward blunderer, always getting caught, finds rabbit first, blamed for bacon

How did Francois save Buck from mad Dolly?

axed her

Advent means... a. hope b. coming c. joy/ rejoice d. penance/ royalty


How much money did the replacement cost? a. 40,000 francs b. 36,000 francs c. 500 francs d. 18,000 francs


ordinary time color is... a. yellow b. green c. purple d. red


Identify the indirect object The professor gave his class the test results.


What is Matilda's class?


The OT was to teach us the ____ ____________

10 comandments

how long did it take to pay back the debt for the necklace?

10 years

Mary received God's __________, a deep connection with God


What is the subject and subject complement? (Example: Hope diamond=jewel) The Great Star of Africa, in the monarch's scepter, is a diamond over 530 karats.

Great star of Africa=diamond

What is the 3rd week of Advent called?

Guadete Sunday

What is the subject complement? A diamond merchant named Harry Winston owned it for nine years.

Harry Winston

What makes it hard to go through with the plan in "The Tell-Tale Heart"

He cannot see the eye

What did LaSalle accomplish for Louisiana?

He claimed Louisiana for France, named it LA in honor of King Louis XIV

Why did Ulloa not have the Louisiana colony transferred immediately to Spain?

He didn't want the British to find out because they might demand it be handed over to them as war payment and he had so few troops when he arrived

How does he kill the old man?

He smothers him

Who foretold the coming of the Messiah


Who is the antagonist in "The Tell-Tale Heart"?

The old man (or the eye)

we are made in God's ___________ and ________________

image, likeness

Why did Buck win the fight with Spitz?


Visit the... (put the one the comes first alphabetically)


what is the preposition in this sentence? They poke small holes in the ice.


Besides purple what else is Advent's color?


What is the predicate of this sentence? Sequoias soar.


What is the conclusion in "the gift of the magi" ?

"Put the chops on"

Identify 3 provisions of Pinckney's treaty.

-American gained free navigation of the Mississippi River -at New Orleans, Americans could deposit their goods-called right of deposit -set boundaries between the U.S. and Spanish territory at he 31st parallel

What 3 cities served as LA's state capital?

-first in New Orleans -moved to Donaldsonville because New Orleans was "too creole" -returned to New Orleans -rural legislators did not like it in the city, moved it to Baton Rouge

preposition or adverb? WITH a snorkel you become part of the world under the sea. (Choose the one that starts with A)

A. Preposition

preposition or adverb? Dive IN and see some wonders of the world. (Choose the one that starts with A)

A. adverb

What do you call a prepositional phrase that functions like an adverb?

Adverb phrase

What is the setting of the majority of the book?

Alaska, Klondike gold rush

What is the 3 parts of the cell theory?

All living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. All new cells are produced from existing cells.

Where was Jesus born?


who teaches buck to sleep in the snow


Which dogs are in the lead position most of the time?

Buck and Spitz

Who is Judge Miller?

Buck's original Owner, rich, loves Buck

preposition or adverb? You swim face DOWN. (Choose the one that starts with C)

C. Adverb

preposition or adverb? We left for the beach soon AFTER dawn. (choose the one with the letter C.)

C. preposition

What caused and interrupted this Daydream? surgery / anesthetizer

CAUSE - he puts on and off his gloves and and passes the hospital INTERRUPTION - the man yells at him for being in the wrong lane while driving

What caused and interrupted this Daydream? firing squad

CAUSE - he was smoking a cigarette INTERRUPTION - none

Who is Pike?

Clever malingerer, thief, steals bacon

Who is Perrault?

Courrier who speaks broken english, fair, swarthy French-Canadian

What is the subject and subject complement? (Example: Hope diamond=jewel) The Crown Jewels of England are the most famous gems in the world.

Crown Jewels=gems

What is the subject and subject complement? (Example: Hope diamond=jewel) The Crown Jewels are the property of the monarch and the nation.

Crown Jewels=property

What dog is killed by huskies


preposition or adverb? Fish swam PAST. Choose the one with a letter D)

D. adverb

preposition or adverb? Fish swam PAST me. Choose the one with a letter D)

D. preposition

Which dogs are killed by Francois?

Dave and dolly

Which dogs are bought by perrault first

Dave, Curly, Buck

What do bacteria feed off of? How do we stop bacteria from growing?

Dead matierials and oxygen. By cleaning items and sealing certain items.

Who are the main characters in "the Gift of the Magi"?

Della and Jim

introduction in "the Gift of the Magi"

Della is in the apartment counting money

What is the rising action in "the Gift of the Magi"

Della selling her hair

Name the 3 political parties in LA during the antebellum period. Identify at least 2 views for each party.

Democrats -supported by Andrew Jackson -supports smaller government Whigs -favors big business &banking -sugar planters supported (sugar tariff) The American Party -"know nothings" -opposed new immigrants

identify the part of speech of the emphasized word. He wore colorful calico CLOTHING.

Direct Object

What term answers 'who' or 'what' after an action verb?

Direct object

what dog goes mad


preposition or adverb? With fins on your feet and a mask OVER your face, you're ready. (Choose the one that starts with E)

E. Preposition

preposition or adverb? That way you can still breathe IN. (Choose the one that starts with E)

E. adverb

Who is the author of "the Tell-Tale Heart"?

Edgar Allan Poe

What is the subject and subject complement? (Example: Hope diamond=jewel) Edward was an English King during the Middle Ages.


Identify the Object of the Preposition. Edward Teach was born in Bristol, England.


What is the theme of Secret life?

Escapism - Mitty deals with his everyday frustration by escaping into his daydreams

What is the theme?

Every dog for themselves, survival of the fittest

Matilda had a horrible time at the party. True/False


Identify the object of the preposition. Mr. Soon's art class made posters for Fire Safety Week

Fire Safety Week

How did the French and Indian War affect the colony of Louisiana?

France gave the colony to Spain The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution to declare their independence from Great Britain.

The angel __________ visits her and tells her that she has found __________ with God. The announcement is called the ________________.

Gabriel, favor, Annunciation

strong military leader, had to aid Americans in secret so Spain could remain officially neutral in the Am Rev


Who was the American leader during the Battle of NO?

General Andrew Jackson

Name 2 immigrant groups who immigrated to LA during the antebellum period.

Germans -were not welcomed by Protestants who were opposed to them drinking alcohol Irish -most came to LA because they were leaving Ireland due to the potato famine. Many Irish were willing to take on the worst jobs imaginable.

what is the falling action in "the gift of the magi"

Gifts are opened, they realize they can't use gifts right now

What is the Great Commission?

Go and make disciples of all nations

Who was the first covenant between?

God and Abraham

Emmanuel means...

God is with us

Jesus means...

God saves

What does Jesus mean?

God saves

What are the Trinity's 3 persons?

God the father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy spirit

what is revelation?

God's communication of himself in words, and in deeds to show the mystery of salvation

Care for...

God's creation

The Advent wreath symbolizes...

God's unending love

Who is Curly?

Good-natured newfoundland who is bought by perrault

Explain the events which took place when Alejandro O'Reilly arrived in the colony of Louisiana regarding the colonists' rebellion.

He was sent to be governor after Ulloa with a strong military force. He had a trial for the leaders of the rebellion where he sentenced some to death and others to prison for treaty and became known as Bloody O'Reilly.

OT is written in what language?


Which natural region in LA has the highest and roughest terrain?

Hill Region

What triggers Mitty's daydreams?

His everyday life, mostly noises.

What does the madman hear that ultimately causes him to confess?

His heartbeat

What is the internal conflict in "The Tell-Tale Heart"?

His mental state

Identify the Object of the Preposition. the name Blackbeard was given to this merciless pirate.


Find the adverb phrase. Several volcanoes are found in Mexico.

In mexico

identify the part of speech of the emphasized word. this clothing gave RACKHAM his nickname, "Calico Jack".

Indirect Object

Words prayed by the priest to recall Jesus's words/locations at the last supper

Institution narrative

What effects did the Louisiana Purchase have on the United States? Name at least two.

It doubled the size of the U.S., The U.S. became a potential world power

Who is the Author?

Jack London

Why was the Battle of New Orleans important even though the war had already ended?

Jackson and his men won in an overwhelming victory. The US had proven its strength and shown it was not afraid to take on the world's mightiest powers

Identify the Indirect Object Pablo will buy Jeanie a newspaper at the corner.


What do the candles on the Advent wreath represent?

Jesus is a light in the darkness

What is the Real Presence?

Jesus really and truly present in the Eucharist

What is the subject? Jewelers cut the rare diamond with great care.


Jesus's Genealogy includes both ________ and ____________

Jews, gentiles

What is the falling action in "the gift of the magi"?

Jim comes home, they exchange gifts

Which dogs are brothers?

Joe and Billee

What is the Mississippi Bubble and why did it burst?

John Law's scheme to get investors in France by selling shares in the company of the west; he promised huge profits which never happened

What is the subject? King Louis XIV of France bought this magnificent stone in 1668.

King Louis XIV

Last meal with Apostles

Last Supper

Why was there war between Spitz and Buck?

Leadership threatened

All human life is sacred and people must be respected and valued over material goods.

Life and dignity of the human person

Explain what life was like for the colonists of the Louisiana colony under French rule

Life was different; they were left without proper defenses and adequate supplies, food. They had no support from the French making conditions miserable.

Who is Dave?

Lonely, gloomy, wheeler

Who did Matilda borrow jewels from?

Madame Forestier

What is the object of the preposition? Snow still covers the lake during early March.


Identify the Indirect Object Andrew writes Martha letters in code.


Who is the main character in "the Necklace"?


What are the names of the gospels?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Identify the appositive, the noun it explains, and whether it is restrictive or nonrestrictive. the dome is the work of the Italian artist Michelangelo.


LA prospered under his leadership and many am began to move to LA , handled problems in the colony well


Identify the Indirect Object Rupert tells Molly unbelievable alien stories.


where did moses get the 10 commandments?

Mount Sinai

Jesus in the Eucharist unites himself with us and one another

Mystical Body of Christ

Is the emphasized appositive Restrictive(R) or Nonrestrictive(N) The vault, the CEILING of the chapel, took the artist four years to complete.


The _____ __________ proclaims that the Messiah has come and Jesus is the __________ of the ___________

New Testament, light, world

Do antibiotics work on viruses? Explain

No because the virus has no cells

Are viruses alive? How do they live?

No. By finding a host

Was Mathilda happy with her status?


What type of marriage does the Mitty couple share?

Not so great one. Mrs. Mitty is always nagging and controlling him. Walter is submissive and learns to deal with it.

What do you believe is the main source for Mitty's daydreams?

OPINION - make sure you back yourself up

Is Mitty's daydreaming normal?

OPINION - make sure you can back yourself up

strong leader, asserted the power of Spain


identify the part of speech of the emphasized word. He is famous for his black FLAG.

Object of the preposition

Who is Manuel?

One of the gardener's helpers who sells buck to pay gambling debt

Who is Sol-Leks

One-eyed lonely dog who wants to be left alone

In our world many people are very rich, while at the same time many are extremely poor. As Catholics, we are called to pay special attention to the needs of the poor by defending and promoting their dignity and by meeting their immediate material needs.

Options for the poor and vulnerable

Why is homeostasis important to living things?

Organisms are able to maintain their body tempature

Define autotroph

Organisms that make their own food

Identify the Indirect Object Marley sent Payton a book of poetry.


Identify the appositive, the noun it explains, and whether it is restrictive or nonrestrictive. The apostle peter is believed to be buried in the Vatican.


Members of a Jewish party that began about 100 years before Jesus


Explain this sentence, "He was beaten, but not broken."

Physically, he had been beaten, but his spirit was not broken.

Who teaches buck to steal


Who began Advent?

Pope Leo

Why did so many people in France invest money in John Law's Company of the West? What happened?

Promise of huge profits; company failed when couldn't pay back the investors

Who made a covenant with Abraham? (choose the one that starts with Q)

Q God

JTB shows us the way towards who? (Choose the one that starts with Q)

Q Jesus

Who is the bridge between the Old and New Testament? (choose the answer that says Q before it)

Q John the Baptist

Is the emphasized appositive Restrictive(R) or Nonrestrictive(N) Have you read the novel "Hello universe"?


What was JTB's message about?

Repentance and forgiveness

Identify the Indirect Object A seismologist gave Rico an explanation of the Richter scale.


As Catholics, we have a responsibility to protect these basic human rights in order to achieve a healthy society.

Rights and Responsibilities

Every person has a right to life as well as a right to those things required for human decency. As Catholics, we have a responsibility to protect these basic human rights in order to achieve a healthy society.

Rights and Responsibilities

Name the natural boundaries of Louisiana.

Sabine River, Pearl River, Mississippi River, & the Gulf of Mexico

Rosaries, relics, and Crucifixes are..


Where does Buck live?

Santa Clara Valley, California

What does Faith mean?

Saying yes to God

What is the simple subject? Scientists measure the age of trees by counting their rings.


What is the subject of this sentence? Sequoias grow more than 200 feet tall.


What might have happened if Matilda had just told Madame Forestier what had happened?

She wouldn't have had to work so hard for 10 years.

Who is Spitz

Snow-white spitzenbergen, Treacherously friendly, underpawed

Which Dogs are lonely?

Sol-Leks, Dave

St. Ignatius of Loyola was a nobleman who became a ________ and was injured in battle. He returned home and read the ______ and books about Saints. He became a _______

Soldier, bible, priest

Because God is our Father we are all brothers and sisters with the responsibility to care for one another.


Because God is our Father we are all brothers and sisters with the responsibility to care for one another. Solidarity unites all people and helps build a society that recognizes that we are all dependent on one another


The Eucharist is the ___________ and ___________ of the at the Church

Source and summit

Why was the location of New Orleans an important factory that led to the LA Purchase?

The U.S. wanted to guarantee permanent access to the Mississippi River

What happens at the Consecration?

The bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ

What is the external conflict in "The Tell-Tale Heart"?

The eye

Who is the protagonist in "The Tell-Tale Heart"?

The madman

When Matilda looked in the mirror what was missing?

The necklace

what is the magisterium?

The official teaching authority of the church

What is spontaneous generation

The theory that living things can come from non living things

How do vaccines work?

The vaccine inserts dead or weakened pathogen to build a resistance to the virus.

How is John the Baptist related to Jesus?

They are cousins

How did Ursuline nuns contribute to the LA colony?

They came to work in hospitals and teach

What is Buck's relationship with Francois and Perrault?

They have mutual respect

How did the Ursuline nuns contribute to the La colony?

They worked in hospitals and taught

What daydream gets triggered when the newsboy shouts about the Waterbury trial?

This triggers the courtroom scene when he is on trial for murder.

Who was President of the US at the time of the La Purchase?

Thomas Jefferson

What is the eye made of?


Identify the orders Galvez received form the Spanish government during the American Revolution. Explain the actions and outcomes of these orders.

To force the British from the Mississippi River, Mobile, and Pensacola, so he organized a local militia and captured all of their forts along the Mississippi River leading to British giving up access to the Gulf of Mexico and ending the American Revolution.

What is the madman's plan

To kill the old man

The changing of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ


What treaty transferred Louisiana from France to Spain?

Treaty of Fountainbleu

Matilda had a wonderful time at the party. True/False


What does the madman keep asking?

Why do you say I am mad?

Identify the Indirect Object Maya sent Willie an invitation to her birthday party.


Abraham's covenant came to fulfillment in ___________ (choose the one that starts with X)

X Jesus

Who is the author of the bible? (choose the one that starts with Y)

Y God

Can bacteria grow in a dog bowl? Why is it important to change the water?

Yes, because the bacteria can grow and make the dog sick.

Who were John's parents?

Zechariah and Elizabeth

Species in the same domain are more__________ than species in different domains. Why?

_closely_related_. . Because species in same domain have same functions and are same species

Green means... a. hope b. coming c. joy/ rejoice d. penance/ royalty


How long did it take to repay the debt? a. 10 years b. 25 years c. 5 years d. 1 year


How many weeks are ordinary time? a. 33-34 b. 32-33 c. 25-27 d. 30-31


What did Matilda borrow?

a diamond necklace

Who is Dolly?

a dog that goes mad and is killed by francois

Who is Billee

a good-natured husky who teaches buck how to sleep in the snow

Identify the appositive Michelangelo, an artist of many talents, lived during the renaissance.


What is genealogy

a list of a person's ancestors through the generations

Who are the gentiles?

a person that is not a Jew

If you choose good in free will, you get..............

a relationship with Him

Catholic Social teaching is

a rich treasure of wisdom

What does covenant mean?

a solemn agreement

Who is Joe

a true husky who is sour and Spitz cannot train.

How does Mark 1:3 describe John the Baptist?

a voice in the desert

A prepositional phrase used as an adjective is an

adjective phrase

Comfort the...


(remainder of the prayer) therefore I ask blessed Mary ever Virgin...

all the Angels and Saints, and you my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God

During Advent the scripture reminds us how our ____________ in faith prepared for ____ ___________

ancestors, the Messiah

The dignity of work...

and the rights of workers

What is another word for messiah?

anointed one

the character or entity that apposes the main character (bad guy)


a word that follows a noun and explains its meaning is called an...


Identify the direct Object Our class might visit the aquarium tomorrow.


what is the Direct Object? Later the Irish noblewoman commanded an army of pirates in the 1500s.


Find the adverb phrase. the ground rapidly rose around the hole.

around the hole.

Identify the direct Object I covered the bed with a large, colorful quilt.


Mary means..

beloved one

Identify the appositive Italy, Michelangelo's birthplace, was the site of great cultural change.


Find what verb the emphasized adverb phrase describes. Hot lava rolled over Pulido's field, and ashes blew INTO THE AIR.


Advents original color was...


Identify the direct Object Miguel read books to his little sister.


How were the dogs Dave and Sol-leks alike?

both wanted to be left alone

Grace is unique and special. It cannot be _________, bargained for, traded for, or even ________ by a particular number of good deeds. It is given _________ and unconditionally.

bought, earned, freely

Who wins the fight between spitz and buck


Catholic Social teaching teaches you to

build a just society, and how to like holy lives

this responsibility is called

building up the common good

What is the preposition? They are studied by scientists.


How have humans contributed to coastal erosion?

by introducing non-native plant and animal species to the state's land and waterways

Green means... a. love b. joy c. hope d. faith


How much money did Loisel's father leave him? a. 40,000 francs b. 500 francs c. 18,000 francs d. 36,000 francs


Pink means... a. hope b. coming c. joy/ rejoice d. penance/ royalty


the artistic representation of human character and motics


When was Buck joyful?

chasing rabbit

How do you know if it is an adverb or a preposition?

check if it is followed by a noun/pronoun

free will is a


Identify the appositive, the noun it explains, and whether it is restrictive or nonrestrictive. Saint Peter's basilica, a huge church in Rome, is a popular tourist destination.


What do two or more simple predicates form?

compound predicate

the problem in the story. usually protagonist vs. the antagonist


Working together as a church for the salvation of all


What did Eli Whitney invent and how did it impact La?

cotton gin; much more cotton could be harvested in a faster manner due to the invention

God is our


How did Buck sleep in the snow?

curled under the snow, digs a ditch

What is the complete predicate? People cannot cut them down.

cut them down

Ordinary time means... a. counted time b. boring time c ordinal time d a and c


Purple means... a. hope b. coming c. joy/ rejoice d. penance/ royalty


What did she write to Madame Forestier? a. she had lost the necklace b. she would bring her the necklace the next day c. Donald Duck was in town d. the necklace's clasp had broken and she was replacing it


What was Perrault's job?

deliver dispatches

What is the subject? The diamond disappeared in 1792, during the French revolution.


Life and...

dignity of the human person

Mary is called Jesus's first...


If you choose sin in free will, you get.....................

distanced from him

God tells us that each person of the trinity is __________ from the others, but ________ one God

distinct, equally

Is pike a human or a dog?


Counsel the ...


Name the type of irony: the audience knows something that the characters do not


What is the preposition? Snow still covers the lake during early March.


What is the prepositional Phrase? Snow still covers the lake during early march.

during early march

character who has big change in the story


What word does the emphasized phrase describe? The eruption OF A NEIGHBORING VOLCANO covered the temple.


Identify the direct Object Teagan wrote an essay on the dangers of smoking.


the first stage of a fictional or dramatic plot in which necessary background information is provided *characters*setting*conflicts introduced*


something more physical and happens outside the body

external conflict

here the lives of characters are on track and are going back to "normal"

falling action

Dave wanted to die alone, and be lonely true/false


JTB is the author of the bible true/false


true/false contain is a preposition


what is the Direct Object? She joined her seafaring father on an expedition to Spain.


i would be the character telling the books. usues words such as i and we

first person

what is the Object of the preposition? The Jolly roger is the traditional name for pirate's flags.


an eruption of the plot to recall past events


Setting of "the Gift of the Magi"

flat (apartment)

Identify the object of the preposition. Divers gather unusual objects from the ocean floor.


Disciples are..

followers of Jesus

What is the Prepositional phrase? It is known for its unusual varieties.

for its unusual varieties

Find the Adjective Phrase(s) It is an attraction for many tourists.

for many tourists

Find the adverb phrase. suddenly, the trees trembled, and the ground shook for no apparent reason.

for no apparent reason

Find the adverb phrase. For several weeks, people heard rumbling sounds.

for several weeks

representation or a sign of what is to come later in the plot


God gave us

free will

Find the adverb phrase. However, the rumbling sounds were coming from the ground!

from the ground

What is the subject complement? The Hope Diamond is a beautiful gem.


What is the Indirect Object? Writers of the time left future generations amazing stories about pirates.


Identify the Indirect Object Who taught Georgia that card trick?


What is Buck's response to Curly's death?

getting a better understanding of life in alaska

Find what verb the emphasized adverb phrase describes. He got ON HIS HORSE and he rode to the nearest town.


We also receive ________ God's life and love in us, his own self.


Jesus is God's...

greatest gift to us

What is the simple predicate? Sequoias grew throughout the northern hemisphere before the last ice age.


What is the simple predicate? The trees grow only in the sierra Nevadas now.


internal conflict in "the Gift of the Magi"

guilt, uncertainty, disappointment

What are the two types of grace?

habitual and actual

Why did Francois whip Spitz?

he attacked Buck

Why did winning the Battle of New Orleans help Andrew Jackson get elected president?

he became an American hero and was very popular. His reputation for being a decisive leader was an important factor

Tell what the emphasized adverb phrase describes. (how, when, where, why) Six thousand acres were destroyed BY THE VOLCANO.


Jesus was born fully _________ without loss of his _____________

human, divinity

What kind of personality does Walter have in his dreams?

he is courageous and in control.

an extravagant exaggeration


Why did Francois whip Buck?

he was defending Pike

What does Dave take pride in?

his job

What is the antagonist in "The Secret life of Walter Mitty" ?

his real life / Mrs. Mitty

What is the Indirect Object? artifacts tell historians a more accurate account of a pirate's life.


Identify the object of the preposition. Nora lost her favorite pencil on the way home.


What is the subject complement? This museum is now the home of the Hope Diamond.


Matilda had to do lots of __________________, after the maid was dismissed.


Instruct the....


Find the Adjective Phrase Java is an island in Indonesia.

in Indonesia

Find the Adjective Phrase(s) the Indonesian temple in central Java is more than 1,400 years old.

in central Java

Find the Adjective Phrase Borobudur, a temple in java, is a wonderful sight.

in java

(next 17 words) that I have greatly sinned...

in my thoughts, in my words, what I have done, and what I have failed to do

what is the prepositional phrase? Lake Baikal is located in Siberia.

in siberia

Find the adverb phrase. A hole was forming in the ground.

in the ground

what term tells 'to whom' or 'to what' or 'for whom' or 'for what' an action is done?

indirect object

The faithful teaching of the scriptures without error is


Besides experience, how did Buck learn?


fight within yourself-fear,fright

internal conflict

a "funny" coincidence


what is the complete predicate? The oldest redwood tree is more than 2,000 years old.

is more than 2,000 years old.

Why did the statue of moses have horns?

it signified wisdom and enlightenment

Why was the location of NO an important factor that led to the La Purchase?

it was the last port on the Mississippi River and whoever controlled the port controlled the Miss River

What is the subject and subject complement? (Example: Hope diamond=jewel) The jewels are symbols of the British monarchy's power.


OT is about the __________ people


We ____________ anticipate the day when Christ will return


What is the subject complement? The Hope family was keeper of the stone for nearly a century.


external conflict/antagonist in "the Gift of the Magi"

lack of money

What is the object of the preposition? There are often fishing tents around the lake.


What is Spitz's response to Curly's death?


Why did Buck hate Spitz?


What does fiat mean?

let it be done

Jesus is the one true...


Find the adverb phrase. The sounds rolled like thunder.

like thunder.

Grace is without _________ and ____________.

limit, quantity

Advent is the beginning of...

liturgical year

Pray for the...

living and the dead

What is the subject complement? India is the location where the diamond was originally mined.


What is the Indirect Object? Reluctantly captains of ships gave pirates their valuable cargoes.


The Loisels dismissed their _______.


Protagonist is usually a ______________ in the story.


describes a character that is fully developed with many traits (know a lot about these characters)


struggles with him or herself. regretting whatever they just said

man vs. himself

person against person-conflict when characters conflict with one another

man vs. man

struggle with person and outside force-tornadoes,hurricanes

man vs. nature

struggles with nirmal policies of society. strugge with government. struggle of rules you dont agree with

man vs. society

what is the Indirect Object of the sentence? Captains gave crew members a share of stolen cargoes.


What is the subject? A merchant purchases a large diamond in the 1600s.


opposite of major. minor to the story. not a lot of depth. dont know much about them


what is the Direct Object? Ship captains paid money to Granuaile for safe passage along the coast.


What is the subject complement? the Smithsonian institution is a famous museum.


Identify the Object of the Preposition. however, teach was seldom called by this name.


Identify the appositive Pope Julius II, the nephew of Sixtus IV, had had Michelangelo paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


Find what verb the emphasized adverb phrase describes. Hot lava rolled OVER PULIDO'S FIELD and ashes blew into the air.


Identify the object of the preposition. The crowd anxiously watched the smoke in the darkening sky.


Jesus told his apostles at the Last supper that he was the _____ __________

new covenant

what is the Direct Object? The female pirate earned the nickname "the Sea Queen of Connaught".


Does Matilda marry up?


The ________ ___ __ ________________ is whatever noun the preposition is referring to, (the who or what it is talking about.)

object of the preposition

What do you call the word that follows a preposition?

object of the preposition

Find the Adjective Phrase(s) Borobudur is the name of a magnificent temple.

of a magnificent temple

Find the Adjective Phrase Java has been a melting pot of cultures.

of cultures



narrorator knows everything

omniscient (om-nish-in)

What is the preposition in this sentence? Lake Baikal may be the oldest and deepest on earth.


Find the Adjective Phrase(s) Borobudur, on the hillside, in unforgettable.

on the hillside

As Catholics, we are called to pay special attention to the needs of the poor by defending and promoting their dignity and by meeting their immediate material needs.

options for the poor and vulnerable

What is the subject complement? Jean Baptiste Tavernier was its first known owner.


a combination of words that contradict each other - jumbo shrimp


When Francois guided the sled, how did Perrault help?

packed down snow in front of them

a piece of writing when the style is like a comic or to ridicule


Bear wrongs...


Why did Manuel, the gardener, kidnap Buck?

pay gambling debt

What do we say in mass to confess our sorrow for wrongdoing?

penitential rite

What word does the emphasized phrase describe? ancient pilgrims TO THE TEMPLE climbed the stairs.


Identify the cultures of the plantation owners, slaves, and free people of color. Compare and Contrast all 3 cultures

plantation owners -large homes, cultivated sugar and cotton, entertained with balls and long meals slaves -lived in slave quarters where they gathered with family, teaching slaves to read was illegal, had separate religious beliefs free people of color -between free white people and slaves, restricted rights, some were slave owners

the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.


what is the Direct Object? People wrote poems and songs about Granuaile.


the perspective in which the story is told

point of view

Identify the appositive The Sistine Chapel was commissioned by Sixtus IV, the pope at the time.


tells what the subject is doing


Advent is a time to _________ ourselves for __________'s coming

prepare, Christ

a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word in that sentence


a preposition and the noun/pronoun that follows it form a

prepositional phrase

Why does Buck howl

primordial, makes him feel like a wolf

What is the simple predicate of this sentence? The giant Sequoias produce tiny seeds.


What is the complete predicate of this sentence? The giant sequoias produce tiny seeds.

produce tiny seeds

John the Baptist was a _________


the goog guy and main character in the story


What is liturgy?

public prayer

Besides pink what else is Advent's color?


Advent is a time to _________ our hearts and __________

ready, minds

the mystery of faith is a........

religious truth we cannot fully understand

the end of a story when the conflict is resolved and it may not end the way you wanted it too but the conflict is still resolved


Rights and...


the bible should be treated with ________ and ____________

reverence and respect

Identify the Object of the Preposition. He had a long, black beard tied with black ribbons.


what is the simple subject? A new ring grows around a Sequoia's thick trunk every year.


this is where the characters face complications or difficultieswith the conflict. tenion builds up and the reader often experiences excitement and suspense

rising action

What is the Indirect Object? Rulers offered these sea robbers ransom for captured individuals.


Find what verb the emphasized adverb phrase describes. He got on his horse and he rode TO THE NEAREST TOWN.


Why did the strange men want Buck?

sled dog

What did Iberville and Bienville accomplish for Louisiana?

rules for slaves (Code Noir) and forts in the colony Bienville built Fort Rosalie. He was considered the Father of Louisiana. He founded New Orleans. He established Code Noir (the set of laws to regulate the behavior of slaves and laid out rules for their masters). Iberville was chosen by King Louis XIV to go to Louisiana and build a fort. He built Fort Maurepas and Fort Mississippi. He was unable to get the supplies the colony needed from France due to the war they were in.

What is the object of the preposition? they are studied by scientists.


Who took over the team after Perrault and Francois?

scotch half-breed

what is the Direct Object? As a young girl, Granuaile loved the sea.


Theme in "the Gift of the Magi"


the time and place that the story takes place


what is the Direct Object? Many Pirates sailed ships during the 1500s and 1600s.


Visit the... (put the one that comes 2nd alphabetically)


verb or verb phrase

simple predicate

What are your choices in free will?

sin, or good



Identify the appositive, the noun it explains, and whether it is restrictive or nonrestrictive. The Sistine chapel, a famous site in the Vatican, was once called the palatine chapel.

site-Sistine Chapel-nonrestrictive

Name the type of irony: the actual outcome of a situation is the opposite of what is expected


spiritual, emotional


dramatic character who doesn't change


What is the subject complement? the Hope diamond was a steely-blue stone.


what is the Direct Object? Irish history tells the story of Grace O'Malley.


After the debt was paid Madame Loisel was __________, hard, and __________.

strong, rough

the person, place, or thing the sentence is about


How did Buck behave as lead dog?


Why was it okay to steal in "The Law of Club and Fang"?


the action in the story that results from the conflict


The Iraelites waited and prayed for generations for what?

the Messiah

Louisiana Purchase

the United States' 1803 purchase of almost 900,000 square miles of land from France in N.Am. for $15 million.

What was the cause and effect of the Natchez uprising?

the battle when the Natches Indians attacked Fort Rosalie; 250 French colonists were killed, Bienville built Fort Rosalie on land belonging to the Natches Indians

Why did the Spanish king consider the colonists' rebellion an act of treason?

the colonists tried to overthrow the Spanish colonial government


the dead

Who are the Israelites?

the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (chosen people)

The basic rights of workers must be respected

the dignity of work and the rights of workers

The basic rights of workers must be respected; the right to productive work, fair wages, and private property; and the right to organize, join unions, and pursue economic opportunity. Catholics believe that the economy should serve the people and that work is an important part in which we participate in God's creation.

the dignity of work and the rights of workers

What is the complete subject? The enormous size of these redwoods makes them unusual.

the enormous size of these redwoods

Who was Antoine Crozat? What did he do for Louisiana?

the first proprietor of Louisiana; he had little interest in La and hoped to find coal there, selected Cadillac for governor

What do the four candles on the Advent wreath represent?

the four weeks of Advent

The new testament is made of:

the gospels, the acts of the apostles, Paul's letters, and revelation


the homeless


the hungry

Christ's final coming with to be judge...

the living and the dead


the naked

What is the canon?

the official list of the books of the bible

options for...

the poor and vulnerable


the rest of your cards will be on topic 2

What is the complete subject? The threatened spotted owl makes its home in fallen redwood stands.

the threatened spotted owl

the main idea of the story, can vary from person to person


Why did Napoleon decide to sell Louisiana to the US?

there was a revolution in Haiti (Saint-Domingue), and the outbreak of yellow fever killed many of his soldiers, he no longer benefitted from possession of LA, since he wanted it as a supply depot for SD

What event in the story happens each time "pocketa-pocketa-pocketa" is used?

these words are used in his daydreams

Why did France trade Louisiana to Spain?

they could not afford to keep it and they did not want the British to get it as a part of the war settlement for winning the French and Indian War

How did the conflict between the Americans and Creoles affect state government?

they often disagreed about politics, so they elected a Creole as governor in one election, then an American in the next election

Why did the French want a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi River?

they wanted to control all the area drained by the river establish a port for themselves hurt other countries wealth

Explain the role of slaves during the antebellum period in La

they were made to work on plantations to harvest the crops; they lived a very harsh life, Slaves did the physical labor on the plantations, farms, and in factories. They planted crops, worked in plantation houses, performed skilled tasks, blacksmiths, and many more. They were treated harshly and often beaten.

Why did the colonists believe their rebellion was not treason?

they were not told the colony was being transferred to Spain

the method of telling a story where the narrorator knows the thoughts and feelings of the character. uses words such as she, they, and he

third person

(next 5 words) through my fault, through my fault...

through my most grievous fault

Identify the object of the preposition. Kyle baked sourdough for the first time.


(next 10 words) I confess...

to almighty God and to you my brother and sisters

Why was Buck hitched between Dave and Sol-leks on the sled-dog team?

to learn

What was the purpose of the Adams-Onis Treaty?

to set the boundary between La and Spanish Texas at the Sabine River

What was the purpose of the Adam's-Onis Treaty?

to settle exactly how much land was included in the LA Purchase ceded Florida to Spain defined boundary between U.S. and Spain

What does venerate mean?

to show honor and respect for someone

Give drink...

to the thristy

Identify the direct Object A group of motorboats carry tourists to the island every month.


Sol-leks means "The angry one" true/false


the bible is the inspired work of God true/false


true/false the simple subject can't be in a prepositional phrase


God desires to share his ________, _____________, and __________of the world with us

truth, goodness, beauty

liar-insane-not truthful


Name the type of irony: sarcasm/sarcastic


Identify the Object of the Preposition. The flag that flew from Blackbeard's vessel featured the devil holding an hourglass and a spear.


Why did Buck refuse to rise and lay on his back with four feet in the air?

wanted foot gear

Why wouldn't Buck get into his old sled harness?

wanted leadership

Tell what the emphasized adverb phrase describes. (how, when, where, why) It continued its eruptions UNTIL 1952.


Tell what the emphasized adverb phrase describes. (how, when, where, why) Fortunately, his family already had arrived IN TOWN.


Tell what the emphasized adverb phrase describes. (how, when, where, why) Pulido worried ABOUT HIS FAMILY.


how does the gospel of Mathew begin?

with the genealogy of Jesus

Find what verb the emphasized adverb phrase describes. Pulido worried ABOUT HIS FAMILY.


Madame Forestier still looked _________ and __________, Matilda was rough and looked old.

young, pretty

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