8 Steps in the Election Process
Step 5 of Presidential election process
CAMPAIGN, campaign, campaign--Candidates campaign against candidates of all political parties to win votes in the general election
Step 1 of Presidential election process
Candidates ANNOUNCE plans to run for office
Step 2 of Presidential election process
Candidates CAMPAIGN against candidates IN THEIR OWN PARTY to win the primary election
Step 3 of Presidential election process
PRIMARY ELECTIONS are held; Republicans vote for the Republican candidate; Democrats vote for the Democrat
Step 4 of Presidential election process
Political PARTY CONVENTIONS-. Each party has their own week long convention to announce their candidates-Pres. and Vice Pres
Step 7 of Presidential election process
Step 6 of Presidential election process
The GENERAL ELECTION--the people vote for President-actually voting for the group of electors
Step 8 of Presidential election process
The INAUGURATION--On January 20 the Pres. is sworn into office.