911 test

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Name 3 Middle Eastern Countries

Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine

What country is the U.S. friendly with in the Middle East?


When did the War on Terror end?

It is still going on now only it is with ISIS and other extremist groups

Around what time of day did the attacks on 911 begin?

around 9 in the morning

What did they do with Osama Bin Laden's body after he was killed?

buried it at sea

What is the NAME of the object that was made from the melted steel?

the S.S.New York

The place in New York where the Twin Towers once stood

Ground Zero

Who was president of the U.S.A. during 911

George W. Bush

Be able to name 3 things found inside the 911 museum


Name 4 places the planes crashed into on 911

2 Twin Towers, the Pentagon, a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvia

Who was president of the U.S..A. when Osama Bin Laden was killed?

Barrack Obama

How has life in America changed since 911?

Congress passed tough anti terrorism laws, Security at airports, train and bus stations , and other public places have become much stricter, people have become prejudice and committed more hate crimes against Middle Eastern people

What state were the Twin Towers in?

New York

Name the leader of AlQada

Osama Bin Laden

Who is the man responsible for the terrorist attacks

Osama Bin Laden

What country was Osama Bin Laden found and killed in


The U.S.A. had not been attacked on American soil since

Pearl Harbor during WW2

Name the state where the hijackers were taken over by a group of Americans and crashed the plane


What was the president doing when the attacks 1st happened?

Reading a story to kids at school in Florida

Give the complete date that 911 happened including the year

September 11, 2001

Why did the terrorists want to attack the Pentagon?

That is where all the commanders of the military have their headquarters, the FBI and CIA leaders are there too.

Name the War that happened because of 911

War on Terror

Name the new object made with the melted down steel from the Twin Towers

a Navel Ship

What is a terrorist?

a person who commits violent acts (bombing, killing) against the military and civilians

Who killed Osama Bin Laden

a team of Navy Seals

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