9.2 Evening
Set the alarm
To adjust an alarm clock to wake you up at a specific time. He _____ early on weekdays.
Go to sleep
To begin sleeping. After a long day, he was ready to _____.
Wash up
To clean dishes, utensils, or oneself, typically after a meal. She _____ the dishes after dinner.
Finish work
To complete your tasks or duties at your job and stop working for the day. He was eager to _____ and head home.
Drink tea or coffee
To consume a hot beverage made from tea leaves or coffee beans. She _____ every morning.
Have (or eat) dinner
To consume the meal that was prepared for the evening. They _____ together as a family.
Leave work
To exit your workplace after completing your work for the day. She _____ every day at 5 PM.
Put the children to bed
To help children prepare for and go to sleep. She _____ at 8 PM.
Go to bed
To lie down in bed in preparation for sleep. He _____ early on weekdays.
Cook dinner
To prepare an evening meal. He usually _____ for his family.
Arrive home
To reach your place of residence after being away. She _____ from work at 6 PM.
Clear the table
To remove dishes and utensils from the table after eating. After dinner, they _____.
Take out the trash (US) / rubbish (UK)
To remove garbage from the house and place it in the designated outdoor bin. He _____ every night.
Listen to the radio
To use a device to hear music, news, or other programs broadcasted. He _____ during breakfast.
Watch TV
To view programs on a television. They _____ every evening before bed.
Work overtime
To work extra hours beyond the regular work schedule. He decided to _____ to earn extra money.