9.27.F - Test: 3rd Quarter DOES NOT HAVE MODULE 9, STUDY SET

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What number or step should you always start with when using a dichotomous key?


Label the leaf cross section below.

1 Cuticle 2 Upper epidermis 3 Palisade mesophyll cells 4 Vein 5 Xylem & phloem 6 Lower epidermis 7 Spongy mesophyll cells 8 Guard cell 9 Stoma 10 Cuticle

Match the parts of the chloroplast.

1 Outer membrane 2 Inner membrane 3 Stroma 4 Thylakoid 5 Granum

Label the root structure below.

1 Root hairs 2 Zone of differentiation 3 Zone of elongation 4 Meristematic zone 5 Root cap

How many kingdoms exist in the Linnaean classification system?


Match the three primary horizons of a common soil profile

A Topsoil B Subsoil C Parent rock

Define stimulus, and provide at least three examples of common stimuli affecting plants. Respond in 2-3 complete sentences using your best grammar.

A stimulus is something that causes a reaction in something (or someone) else. Common stimuli include gravity, light, moisture, the position of the sun, temperature, and chemicals.

What is a dichotomous key?

A tool that uses pairs of descriptive statements to identify an organism.

Protists are important and are added to many products that you use every day. Which of the following protists is used in toothpaste, ice cream, cosmetics, and fertilizer?


______ are unique in their ability to perform double fertilization.



Autotrophic, unicellular, multicellular, or colonial protist

What is the system of giving each species a two-part scientific name composed of the genus and species called?

Binomial nomenclature

Which characteristic separates archaebacteria from bacteria?

Cell wall is not made of peptidoglycan.

Most plants have a cell wall composed of what complex sugar?


What type of tropism accounts for the the pollen tube's attraction to chemicals secreted by the ovary of the flower?


Match the type of protist locomotion with the correct description.

Cilia-Small, hair-like projections that extend outward from the cell and vibrate Pseudopodia Foot-like projections that extend from the cell membrane FlagellaAnswerLong, whip-like tails that rotate in a propeller-like fashion

An entomologist observes an insect that has two pairs of rigid and leathery wings and a mouth for chewing. Use the dichotomous key to identify what order the insect belongs to. 1. a. One pair of wings..................................Dipterab. Two pairs of wings.................................Go to 2 2. a. Wings covered in soft scales...............Lepidopterab. Wings rigid and leathery.......................Go to 3 3. a. Mouth is for sucking..............................Heteropterab. Mouth is for chewing.............................Coleoptera


Match the type of agriculture with its description.

Commercial grain farming Mass supply of grain Specialized horticulture Type of farming specializing in high demand products Dairy farming Raising cattle for diary production Nomadic herding Herders living off of the land

Which type of commercial agriculture is characterized by the use of of large farms for the cultivation of tropical crops such as tea, coffee, and rubber?

Commercial plantation

Match the domain with the correct description.

Correct!Eukarya Organisms that have a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles Correct!Bacteria Microscopic, single-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus Correct!Archaea Microscopic, single-celled organisms without a nucleus that live in extreme environments Good

Match the classification of archaebacteria terms with the correct description.

Correct!Lithotroph Convert chemicals into energy by breaking down inorganic compounds Correct!Organotroph Break down organic materials to obtain hydrogen for respiration Correct!Phototroph Use light as an energy source for carrying out cellular processes

Label the parts of the flower.

D Ovary G Filament H Ovule I Sepal J Stalk

A cotyledon is the embryonic leaf in the seed of a plant. What type of plant contains two embryonic leaves?


An entomologist observes an insect that has one pair of wings and a mouth for chewing. Use the dichotomous key to identify what order the insect belongs to. 1. a. One pair of wings..................................Dipterab. Two pairs of wings.................................Go to 2 2. a. Wings covered in soft scales...............Lepidopterab. Wings rigid and leathery.......................Go to 3 3. a. Mouth is for sucking..............................Heteropterab. Mouth is for chewing.............................Coleoptera


Kingdom Fungi is what type of cell?


Which of the following is an example of Fungi playing an important role in maintaining ecosystem balance and health?

Fungi break down organic matter and recycle nutrients.

Match the plant hormone with its description.

Gibberellins Signal for the start of germination Auxins Enables plants to elongate cells and causes plants to grow towards light Cytokinins Promotes the production of new cells through cytokinesis Ethylene Responsible for rotting fruits and vegetables

______ is a the movement of plants in response to gravity.


Match the type of tropism with its effect on plants.

Gravitropism Roots grow downward and stems grow upwards, opposing gravity Phototropism Plants grow toward the light source, while roots grow away from the light source Hydrotropism The plant's response to water or moisture Thermotropism The plant's response to temperature changes Chemotropism The plant's response to chemicals Thigmotropism The plant turns or bends in response to touch

An entomologist is observing an insect that has two pairs of rigid and leathery wings and a mouth for sucking. Use the dichotomous key to identify what order the insect belongs to. 1. a. One pair of wings..................................Dipterab. Two pairs of wings.................................Go to 2 2. a. Wings covered in soft scales...............Lepidopterab. Wings rigid and leathery.......................Go to 3 3. a. Mouth is for sucking..............................Heteropterab. Mouth is for chewing.............................Coleoptera



Heterotrophic, sessile, spore-forming protist


Heterotrophic, unicellular, mobile protist

What is the term for chemical substances found throughout the body to regulate cells?


When plants response to moisture or water, they are exhibiting what type of tropism?


Why do we use dichotomous keys in identifying scientific names when classifying organisms? Please answer using complete sentences.

It is much easier to identify an organism using a dichotomous, than having to go through every single organism, and seeing if it fits the right rules. For instance, there are more than billions of different organisms, it would take forever to compare them all to a single organism. Using a dichotomous key, you can quickly find you organism by singling out the organism in big groups.

A biologist discovers an arachnid with a segmented abdomen without a tail and covered with spines. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the organism. 1. a. Abdomen segmented..............................Go to 2b. Abdomen not segmented......................Go to 4 2. a. Abdomen with tail...................................Go to 3b. Abdomen without tail............................Go to 5 3. a. Tail with stinger.........................................Scorpionb. Tail without stinger...................................Whip scorpion 4. a. Legs longer than body...............................Daddy Long Legsb. Legs not longer than body.......................Wind scorpion 5. a. Covered with spines.................................Miteb. Few spines..................................................Tick


Organisms classified as fungi have unique characteristics. Which of the following characteristics is found only in organisms classified in the Kingdom Fungi?

Multicellular filaments that absorb nutrients

Match the type of agriculture with its description.

Nomadic herding Involves rearing livestock while moving from one pasture to the next and living off of the land Subsistence crop and stock farming Raising livestock and crops that will not be sold off the farm, but instead used to support the family Livestock and grain farming Commonly called mixed farming Livestock ranching Rearing livestock on large-scale farms for commercial usage

Which cell structure distinguishes members of Domain Eukarya from other organisms?


What process do ferns utilize to obtain water and minerals through their roots?


What are the two layers of mesophyll cells in plants? Respond in 2-3 complete sentences using your best grammar.

Palisade parenchyma cells are a type of closely-packed mesophyll cells containing chloroplasts for the purpose of producing food for the plant cell through the process of photosynthesis. Spongy parenchyma cell are also a type of mesophyll cells and also contain some chloroplasts, but there primary function is storage.

How do plants use photosynthesis to produce their own food? Respond in 2-3 complete sentences using your best grammar.

Photosynthesis is the process that captures energy from sunlight to make sugars that store chemical energy. It's the process by which plants and other organisms make their own food.

What type of tropism results in plants with roots growing away from the sunlight with the rest of the plant typically growing toward the sunlight?


Which of the following is not a common plant hormone?


Which type of tropism involves the movement of plants in responses to light?


Which protists are the base of the marine food chain?


Which of the following is NOT one of the three domains?


Which four of the six kingdoms are grouped into Domain Eukarya?

Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a protist?

Protists are prokaryotes.

Which type of subsistence agriculture involving using the same plot of land to cultivate crops, but with a period of fallowing or rest to replenish deleted nutrients in the soil?

Rudimentary sedentary tillage

List the steps involved in genetic engineering.

STEP 1: Researchers must first identify a trait of interest. This is based upon a problem they want to solve or a specific trait they want to investigate. STEP 2: Scientists work to isolate the gene of interest. This is often performed by comparing genomes to other organisms, or by deleting segments of DNA until they identify the gene of interest. STEP 3: Scientists insert the isolated genes into bacteria and use this bacteria to transfer the isolated genes into a new organism. STEP 4: The newly inserted genetic trait has to grow and replicate along with the rest of the organism's genome.

What criteria do scientists use to classify organisms? Please answer in complete sentences.

Scientists can use an organisms, Color, Make-up, DNA, Physical features, and many more features to determine what organism it is. They can also filter them into either- Eukarya, Bacteria, or archaea

A biologist discovers an arachnid with a segmented abdomen and a tail with a stinger. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the organism. 1. a. Abdomen segmented..............................Go to 2b. Abdomen not segmented......................Go to 4 2. a. Abdomen with tail...................................Go to 3b. Abdomen without tail............................Go to 5 3. a. Tail with stinger.........................................Scorpionb. Tail without stinger...................................Whip scorpion 4. a. Legs longer than body...............................Daddy Long Legsb. Legs not longer than body.......................Wind scorpion 5. a. Covered with spines.................................Miteb. Few spines..................................................Tick


Which of the following is NOT a type of commercial agriculture?

Shifting cultivation

Match the type of agriculture with its description.

Shifting cultivation Cultivating crops of the same plot of land to the point that nutrients are depleted Livestock ranching Large-scale ranches providing livestock for commercial use Livestock and grain farming Involves raising livestock and cultivating grain to be sold at markets Specialized horticulture Production of luxury products in areas such as Franc, northern Hungary, and the Swiss Lakes

Which of the following is not a common characteristic for classifying types of agriculture?

Soil profile

How to bryophytes reproduce?

Spore production

Match the parts of the flower with its correct description.

Stamen Male part of the flower Anthers Contains the pollen grains Pistil Female part of the flower Stigma Sticky portion of the pistil Ovary Contains the eggs Filament Long, stalk-like structure supporting the anthers of the stamen

Which type of division of agriculture involves small-scale farming focused on providing for the immediate family?


What are the two divisions of agriculture?

Subsistence and commercial

What term is used to identify a system of naming and classifying organisms based on shared characteristics and universal rules?


How do some plants use vascular tissues to transport water and nutrients? Respond in 2-3 complete sentences using your best grammar.

The presence and use of vascular tissue allows a plant to grow larger and taller than mosses, hornworts, and liverworts as they conduct water and minerals throughout the plant. Xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. Meanwhile, the leaves of the plant continue to perform photosynthesis, producing food that plant cells need for energy. This is where phloem comes into play: phloem transports carbohydrates (sugars) and other nutrients throughout the plant

Which of the following characteristics will be most helpful in identifying a butterfly species using a dichotomous key?

Their wings have false eye spots.

Complete this table that describes the characteristics of protists and fungi. MovementReproductionMethod of Obtaining FoodBeneficial RoleHarmful RoleProtists1. Your Answer:

There are four different ways of locomotion they can use 2. asexually, they can use mitosis to do this 3. They have a few filter-feeding methods they can use 4. They can make fertilizer 5. They can be parasitic and cause diseases. 6. Move by Spores 7. Asexually or sexually 8. They can feed off a host or decompose matter 9. Breaks down organic matter 10. Can cause disease in animals or plants

The majority of archaebacteria are extremophiles. Which extremophile type can tolerate high temperatures?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fungi?

They are prokaryotic cells.

A biologist discovers an arachnid with a segmented abdomen, no tail, and few spines. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the organism. 1. a. Abdomen segmented..............................Go to 2b. Abdomen not segmented......................Go to 4 2. a. Abdomen with tail...................................Go to 3b. Abdomen without tail............................Go to 5 3. a. Tail with stinger.........................................Scorpionb. Tail without stinger...................................Whip scorpion 4. a. Legs longer than body...............................Daddy Long Legsb. Legs not longer than body.......................Wind scorpion 5. a. Covered with spines.................................Miteb. Few spines..................................................Tick


Compare and contrast subsistence and commercial agriculture. Respond in 1-2 complete sentences using your best grammar.

When farmers cultivate crops to sell food for profit, it is called commercial agriculture When, Subsistence agriculture is a division of agriculture involving small-scale farming for the sole purpose of providing food for the farmer and immediate family

A biologist discovers an arachnid with an unsegmented abdomen and legs not longer than its body. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the organism. 1. a. Abdomen segmented..............................Go to 2b. Abdomen not segmented......................Go to 4 2. a. Abdomen with tail...................................Go to 3b. Abdomen without tail............................Go to 5 3. a. Tail with stinger.........................................Scorpionb. Tail without stinger...................................Whip scorpion 4. a. Legs longer than body...............................Daddy Long Legsb. Legs not longer than body.......................Wind scorpion 5. a. Covered with spines.................................Miteb. Few spines..................................................Tick

Wind scorpion

Plants are ______, meaning they make their own food through the process of photosynthesis.


Plants use a green pigment called _____ to help obtain light energy needed for photosynthesis.


A common soil profile is composed of several horizontal layers called ____.


Most plants are made of many cells, meaning they are ____.


Plants use the process of _____ to intake carbon dioxide, water, and light to produce glucose and oxygen.


The process of _______ is necessary for plants to produce their own food using sunlight.


The mechanisms by which plants "move" in response to various environmental stimuli are called ______.


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