A-1 TDC Module 2: Defensive Driving and Emergency Handling

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Road Rage

Aggressive Driving

Emergency vehicles

Ambulances, police cars, fire trucks

Republic Act (RA) 7877

An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful In The Employment, Education Or Training Environment, And For Other Purposes

Republic Act (RA) 9262

An Act Defining Violence Against Women And Their Children, Providing for Protective Measures For Victims, Prescribing Penalties Therefore, and for Other Purposes

Republic Act (RA) 7322

An Act Increasing Maternity Benefits In Favor Of Women Workers In The Private Sector

Republic Act (RA) 7655

An Act Increasing The Minimum Wage Of House helpers

Republic Act (RA) 6725

An Act Strengthening the Prohibition on Discrimination against Women with respect to terms and conditions of employment

Republic Act (RA) 6949

An Act To Declare March Eight Of Every Year As A Working Special Holiday To Be Known As National Women's Day


An action or reaction that occurs in response to an event or stimuli


Anti-Lock Breaking System. If vehicle has ABS, the brakes must be pressed hard.

Fill in the Blanks: Watch out for the _____ and _____ of the motorcycle when sharing the road.

Brake; signal lights

Magna Carta of Women

Comprehensive women's rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination against women by recognizing, protecting, fulfilling and promoting the rights of Filipino women, especially those in marginalized sector.

Difference between ABS and the conventional brake system?

Conventional → may require continuous pump ABS → firm press on brake pedal

Bureau of Women and Young Workers of DOLE

Declared March as Women's Month

Benefits of engine breaks?

Decreases wear and tear of breaks

Defensive Driving

Driving style using skills and techniques to protect against possible collisions/crashes and other dangers on the road

Is it worth it to overcome stress?

Everyone encounters stress. But you need to control your emotions as a driver as it can endanger your surroundings and affect your driving.

Cutting Off

Failing to signal intent or see if movement can be made safely


Fair sharing of resources, opportunities, and benefits according to a given framework.

True or False: Use the horn excessively while overtaking or following motorcycles

False. Do not use it excessively.

True or False: Equality is beneficial to everyone and addresses the specific needs of individuals

False. It is beneficial to everyone and but it does not address specific needs of individuals

True or False: Laws put limits on the road for the safety of everyone

False. Laws are not there to limit what we can do on the road.


Feeling, belief, or opinion of approval or disapproval towards something

How can I overtake trucks and buses?

Flash your headlights. Don't overtake if you are not properly seen or if you are on a curved road.


Following other vehicle too close that makes the other drivers uncomfortable


Gender and Development Program

Republic Act (RA) 7192

Gender and Development Program is cited here. An act promoting the integration of women as full and equal partners of men in development and nation building and for other purposes.

Republic Act (RA) 11313. Section 7

Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in Public Utility Vehicle (PUV)

Who implements the GAD Program?

Government and NGO's

What is the correct steering?

Hands must be comfortable. Body is relaxed. A firm but not tight grip (especially not on a slippery road). Correct hand position and is free from obstruction (elbows and hands). Gradual changing of lanes.

What may cause road crashes or collisions?

Hazards, road users, or bad weather

Driving Plans and Decisions

Helps in route planning. It is a guide for emergencies and stopovers.

Possible effects of untimely and improper changing of gear

High fuel consumption or engine failure

When to use engine breaks?

In case engine fails or other emergencies. Also ideal to use when driving downhill, especially during long travels

The Women in Development and Nation Building Act

Integration of women as full and equal partners of men in development and nation building

Civil Service Commission

Issued a CSC Memo Circular which encourages all government offices the use of non-sexist language in all its official documents, communications and issuances

What causes fatigue?

Lack of sleep, long working hours, monotonous tasks, physical limitations, and medical conditions

Republic Act (RA) 9710

Magna Carta of Women

Road Safety

Main benefit of defensive driving

Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development

Mandated the implementation of gender and development in accordance with constitutionally guaranteed human rights


Mechanism which coordinates our physical and mental capacities to develop and maintain a goal-oriented behavior

Road Safety

Methods and measures used to prevent road users from being seriously injured or killed

What does GAD Program aim to do?

Minimize gender discrimination and promote gender equality

Who are the road users?

Motorists, drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, bystanders, law enforces, construction workers, street vendors

Fill in the Blanks: Renaming and reimaging women or men relationships to bring out _____ and _____

Mutuality; partnership

Fill in the Blanks: Philippine Commission on Women (CW) is formerly known as ______

National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW)

Who wins between the aggressive driver and the victim?


Can other motor vehicles drive on the lanes intended for trucks and buses?


Who are the road users most at risk from vehicle drivers on our streets?

Pedestrians, PWDs, people on bikes, mobility devices, street vendors, law enforcers, and construction workers


Person can still handle emotions


Person can't think clearly; highest level of stress


Person feels doubts and anxiety. Level of emotionality is high


Person feels the effects and has negative reactions from it.

Which government offices spearhead the GAD Programs?

Philippine Commission on Women (CW) Civil Service Commission Bureau of Women and Young Workers of DOLE

E.O. No. 273

Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development


Physical, mental, and emotional tension. felt by a person that requires immediate, fair, and equitable decisions. It is our body's reaction to a challenge or need.

Why shouldn't you hold the steering wheel too tightly?

Possibility of oversteering or understeering

Engine brake

Process of slowing down a vehicle by stepping off the accelerator and downshifting gears instead of using brakes. Downshift to lowest gear and release the clutch


Put order on the road. Placed for everyone's safety

Fatigue Management

Results in lower driving performance. Must be in optimum condition before driving.

Article 3

Right to equality and non-discrimination

Fill in the Blanks: Failure to overcome stress will result to ____

Road Rage

Sharing the Road

Share with emergency vehicles by slowing down and stopping, move to right/left, let them overtake you, or give the right of way

Fill in the Blanks: Double check _____ and _____ before and after overtaking

Side mirrors; blind spots


Similarity of treatment. Legally, constitutionally, and divinely given. Fundamental right.

What should you consider when changing gear?

Speed, capability, and load of vehicle


Stress is there, but not evident

What causes skidding?

Sudden and violent braking

E.O. 227

The New Family Code of the Philippines

E.O. No. 348

The Philippine Development Plan for Women (PDPW)

Republic Act (RA) 7192

The Women in Development and Nation Building Act

What happens if the driver doesn't know how to do defensive driving?

The driver will find it difficult to execute what he needs to do

What or who do safety rules protect?

The ignorant, the idiotic, the innocents

Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in Public Utility Vehicle (PUV)

The license of a driver and the operators CPC may be suspended or revoked by TO and LTFRB if Gender-Based Sexual Harassment (GBSH) is committed during the operation of Public Utility Vehicle.

Received proper training

Through a theoretical driving course - to understand laws and proper behavior

True or False: Aggressive driving disregards safety.


True or False: Always be aware of blind spots. Moving or not moving.


True or False: Be aware of sudden brakes when following novice drivers. They are still beginners so they might make mistakes.


True or False: Both men and women are victims, women more affected than men.


True or False: Different people have different rights


True or False: Equity is giving more to those who need it.


True or False: Everyone has equal rights on sharing the road.


True or False: Gender and Development Program is not a war of the sexes and is not male bashing.


True or False: Less experienced drivers bang on brake pedals every now and then


True or False: Never follow the path of emergency vehicles


True or False: Proper use of side and rear view mirrors is a must.


True or False: The driver must be able to see the pavement markings, road signs, and hazards clearly.


True or False: The driver must be in a comfortable position to see the front, back, and side views clearly


True or False: The faster the vehicle, the harder to control because high speed shortens the time to make right decisions.


True or False: We are more alert if we concentrate on our driving, thus making our trip safe.


True or False: Trucks and buses have bigger blind spots

True. Avoid being in their blind spots.

Philippine Commission on Women (CW)

Works towards the full integration of women for social, economic, political and cultural development at national regional and international levels on a basis of equality with men

Physically and mentally fit

• Body is capable to drive • No underlying condition which may cause driver to stop driving (drowsiness, sleepiness, heart attack, fainting, loss of consciousness, etc) • Must focus on driving • Make sound decision

Keys to an Effective Defensive Driving

• Concentration • Driving Plans and Decisions • View from the vehicle • Speed • Fatigue management • Following laws and regulations

Positive attitude on road safety

• Control over emotions • Defensive driving techniques • Main concern is safety • Responsible with driving decisions

Bad Habits of Aggressive Drivers

• Cutting off without sufficient warning • Tailgating or driving too closely • Unpleasant gestures • Driving slowly in left lane • Fighting over parking space • Annoying and excessive blowing of horns

Qualities of a Defensive Driver

• Positive attitude on road safety • Physically and mentally fit • Proper training before driving • Must apply knowledge of basic vehicle maintenance

Defensive Driving Techniques

• Proper use of breaks • Correct steering • Timely changing of gear • Safe reversing, maneuvering, and changing of lanes

Defensive Driving Method

• Search - see the road in front, side, and back • Identify - know potential hazards • Predict - anticipate what will happen next • Decide - make immediate decision • Execute - take action

Effects of Stress on Body

→ Brain: Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks → Heart: Rise in blood pressure → Lungs: Strained breathing, Asthma attack → Stomach: Pain and ulcer → Bone: Muscle and joint pains

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