A & P Chapter 14 Part 1

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How many major regions are contained within the diencephalon? -1 -3 -4 -2


How many regions make up the brain stem? -1 -4 -2 -3


What structure connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres? -septum pellucidum -intermediate mass -vermis -corpus callosum

Corpus callosum

Which of the following is the outer layer of the meninges? -dura mater -dural sinus -arachnoid -pia mater

Dura mater

What type of tissue makes up the cerebral cortex? -nerves -gray matter -white matter -meninges

Gray matter

Which of the following landmarks divides the cerebrum in half? -transverse fissure -vermis -lateral sulcus -longitudinal fissure

Longitudinal fissure

Which of the following areas form the central core of the brain? -hypothalamus -epithalamus -thalamus -cerebellum


Which region acts as a relay center for sensory messages ascending to the cerebrum? -hypothalamus -corpus callosum -thalamus -pons


What is the function of white matter? -produces cerebrospinal fluid -transmits messages -processes information -supports neurons

Transmits messages

Which of the following landmarks separate the cerebrum from the cerebellum? -central sulcus -longitudinal fissure -transverse fissure -corpus callosum

Transverse fissure

All three regions of the brain stem can be observed on the ventral surface of the brain.


Cerebrospinal fluid is produced within the ventricles.


Sensory information is processed and relayed to the cerebrum by the -pons -thalamus -midbrain -cerebellum -medulla oblongata


The brain is a solid organ that lacks cavities


What part of the corpora quadrigemina is clearly observed in a midsagittal section? -superior colliculus -inferior colliculus -optic chiasm -corpus callosum

Superior colliculus

The thin partition that separates the first and second ventricles is the -cerebral aqueduct -interventricular foramina -septum insula -septum pellucidum -falx cerebri

septum pellucidum.

The meninges consist of ___ layers. -1 -4 -3 -2


Which ventricle is located within the brain stem? -3rd ventricle -4th ventricle -1st ventricle -2nd ventricle

4th ventricle

Which of the following is a property of the blood-brain barrier? -It is absent in portions of the hypothalamus. -It is generally permeable to lipid-soluble compounds. -The capillary endothelial cells are interconnected by tight junctions. -Astrocytes surround the CNS capillaries. -All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaves the central nervous system (CNS) and enters the circulation at the __________. -pia mater -arachnoid trabeculae -arachnoid granulations -denticular ligaments

arachnoid granulations

Hydrocephalus, or "water on the brain," may result from -deficient production of cerebrospinal fluid. -excessive production of cerebrospinal fluid -excessive water intake -blockage of circulation of CSF -blockage of CSF circulation or excessive CSF production

blockage of CSF circulation or excessive CSF production.

The medulla oblongata regulates -vision and hearing -blood pressure and respiration -food intake -auditory reflexes -somatic motor contradictions

blood pressure and respiration.

The choroid plexus is composed of -blood vessels -ganglia -nerve fibers -subarachnoid granulations

blood vessels.

If the pons was damaged, which of the following functions would be affected? -coordination -breathing -control of blood pressure -sleep patterns -judgment


Identify the passageway found in the spinal cord that is continuous with the ventricles -choroid plexus -cerebral aqueduct -central canal -interventricular foramen

Central canal

Where is the arbor vitae located? -diencephalon -cerebrum -brain stem -cerebellum


Which passageway connects the third and fourth ventricles? -cerebral aqueduct -septum pellucidum -central canal -interventricular foramen

Cerebral aqueduct

Which region of the brain contains gyri and sulci? -diencephalon -brain stem -cerebrum -cerebellum


Which region of the brain is necessary for consciousness? -cerebrum -brain stem -cerebellum -diencephalon


Which of the following regions cannot be observed superficially? -cerebrum -longitudinal fissure -diencephalon -cerebellum


Which region of the diencephalon contains the pineal body? -midbrain -hypothalamus -corpora quadrigemina -epithalamus


The cerebellum is present on the ventral surface of the sheep brain.


The pineal body secretes melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH).


Which part of the diencephalon is connected to the pituitary gland? -hypothalamus -thalamus -midbrain -epithalamus


A neural cortex is found on the surface of the -thalamus -pons -cerebrum -midbrain


Ependymal cells work to -surround the capillaries of the choroid plexus. -adjust the composition of CSF. -secrete CSF into the ventricles. -remove waste products from CSF. -All of the answers are correct.

all of the answers are correct

Which of these is found in the pons? -respiratory control nuclei -tracts to the cerebellum -nuclei for four cranial nerves -All of these are found in the pons.

all of these are found in the pons

A brain hemorrhage is life-threatening because -neurological changes will occur. the person can lose consciousness. -the pressure increase within the space can distort and potentially damage brain tissue. -some areas of the brain will not be receiving blood. -All of these problems are related to brain hemorrhages.

all of these problems are related to brain hemorrhages

The tracts that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem are located in the -pons -diencephalon -mesencephalon -medulla oblongata -thalamus


Damage to the medulla oblongata can result in death because -the vital centers for blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are located there. -digestive processes are controlled by the medulla. -electrical activity originates within the medulla. -control of body temperature and thermoregulation are its functions. -the blood might not be able to circulated properly around the brain.

the vital centers for blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are located there.

Which of these statements about the medulla oblongata is true? -It connects the brain and spinal cord. -The medulla oblongata relays all communication between the brain and spinal cord. -It coordinates complex autonomic functions. -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct

The cerebellum __________. -adjusts posture -coordinates learned movements -has peduncles connecting to the cerebrum -All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Which statement is true regarding cerebrospinal fluid? -If CSF is not properly resorbed, the result would be hydrocephalus -CSF moves back into the blood supply by the process of osmosis. -CSF is identical in composition to blood plasma. -There is about a liter of CSF within the brain and spinal cord.

If CSF is not properly resorbed, the result would be hydrocephalus

Which of the following structures attach the pituitary gland to the brain? -infundibulum -optic chiasm -hypothalamus -pia mater


Which of the following ventricles is found under the corpus callosum? -lateral ventricles -fornix -4th ventricle -3rd ventricle

Lateral ventricles

Which ventricles are divided by the septum pellucidum? -3rd and 4th ventricles -lateral and 3rd ventricles -lateral ventricles -1st and 2nd ventricles

Lateral ventricles

Which area of the brain stem is in contact with the spinal cord? -medulla oblongata -pons -cerebellum -midbrain

Medulla oblongata

Name the membranous encasement surrounding the brain. -lamina propria -meninges -epineurium -choroid plexus


Which region contains the corpora quadrigemina? -medulla oblongata -epithalamus -midbrain -pons


Identify cranial nerve I. -optic neve -oculomotor nerve -olfactory nerve -optic nerve

Olfactory nerve

Which of the following areas takes visual information from one side of the body and conveys it to the opposite side? -olfactory bulbs -optic chiasm -optic nerve -optic tract

Optic chiasm

Which of the following structures is not part of the central nervous system? -optic chiasm -mammillary body -optic tract -optic nerve

Optic nerve

Which of the following glands can be observed on the ventral surface of the sheep brain? -olfactory bulb -pineal gland -mammillary gland -pituitary gland

Pituitary gland

Which statement is true regarding the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid of the spinal cord and brain? -There is an epidural space associated with the spinal meninges, but not with the cranial meninges. -The choroid plexuses are located only within the brain, not within the spinal cord. -The meninges around the brain are not the same as those around the spinal cord. -Spinal fluid is secreted both in the brain and in the spinal cord areas.

The choroid plexuses are located only within the brain, not within the spinal cord.

The composition of gray matter includes neuron cell bodies


The diencephalon is found in between the brain stem and the cerebrum.


The foramen magnum marks the border between the medulla oblongata and spinal cord.


The inferior colliculi are part of the corpora quadrigemina.


The ventricles are all interconnected.


White matter has a fatty consistency.


Specialized ________ cells form the secretory component of the choroid plexus. -appended -astrocytes -ependymal -epididymal -blood


The elevated ridges of the cerebrum are called -sulci -gyri -cortical folds -arachnoid granulations -dural sinuses


The ________ provides the principal link between the nervous and endocrine systems. -cerebellum -pons -medulla oblongata -cerebrum -hypothalamus


The accumulation of blood during an epidural or subdural hemorrhage creates debilitating pressure on the brain and, without help, death is imminent. Where exactly is blood accumulating in a subdural hemorrhage? -in the space between the arachnoid mater & pia mater -in the space between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater -in the space between the dura mater and the skull -in the ventricles of the brain

in the space between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater

The control of heart rate and blood pressure is based in the -medulla oblongata -diencephalon -heart -cerebellum -cerebrum

medulla oblongata.

The respiratory rhythmicity center is located in the -cerebellum -pons -midbrain -cerebrum -medulla oblongata

medulla oblongata.

The collection of blood vessels supplying the protective connective tissue layers surrounding the brain may hemorrhage during severe head trauma. This is the case in epidural and subdural hemorrhages. Which of the following names sounds most appropriate for this collection of blood vessels? -meningeal blood vessels -capillaries of the choroid plexus -arachnoid trabeculae -none of the above

meningeal blood vessels

Which of these is not one of the main divisions of the adult brain? -prosencephalon -diencephalon -cerebrum -midbrain -pons


The wall between the lateral ventricles is called the -corpus callosum -falx cerebri -cerebral aqueduct -septum pellucidum -fornix

septum pellucidum

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulates within the __________. -subdural space -denticulate ligaments -epidural space -subarachnoid space

subarachnoid space

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