A Beka Heritage of Freedom - Study for Final Exam

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spoils system

During the Jacksonian Era, what system was introduced into national politics?

Adams-Onis Treaty

In what treaty did Spain cede all of Florida to the U.S.?


In what year was the Adams-Onis Treaty signed?

Haystack Prayer Meeting

Out of what meeting did the foreign missionary movement begin?

John Marshall

What Chief Justice wrote one of the most important decisions in America's judicial history?


What Hawaiian queen did much to encourage the acceptance of Christianity among the islanders?

suffrage, franchise

What are the two words that mean the right to vote?

Specie Circular

What document, issued by Jackson, ordered that public lands could only be purchased with gold or silver?


What is America's greatest contribution to the field of music?

implied powers

What is a loose interpretation of the Constitution?


What is the term for buying land with the intention of selling at a profit when the market price rises?


What name did the Adams-Clay supporters take?


What name did the Jackson supporters take?


What organization was established to evangelize ans assist young men?


What political party was created to oppose President Jackson?

James Monroe

What president was elected in 1816, instituting the "Era of Good Feelings"?

protective tariff

What tariff placed a higher duty on many imported goods to protect American manufacturers from foreign competition?


What term means "antislavery"?

Treaty of Amity and Commerce

What treaty opened up Japan to Christian missionaries?

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

What treaty settled the U.S.-Canadian boundary in the Lake Champlain country as well as the boundary between Lake Superior and the Lake of the Woods?


What tribe of Indians called their long trip to Oklahoma the "Trail of Tears"?

American Temperance Union

What union was formed when 21 states held a convention against liquor?

camp meeting revival

What was "a religious service of several days' length, held outdoors, for a group that was obliged to take shelter on the spot because of the distance from home"?

Old Hickory

What was Jackson's nickname?

Tariff of 1828

What was the "Tariff of Abominations"?

Tallmadge Amendment

What was the amendment that said "all children of slaves, born within the said state, after the admission thereof into the Union, shall be free, but may be held to service until the age of twenty-five"?

Force Bill

What was the bill that gave the President authority to use the army and nany to enforce revenue laws if necessary?

Tariff of 1833

What was the compromise tariff?

Missouri Compromise

What was the compromise that let Missouri into the Union as a slave state, and let Maine into the Union as a free state?

McCulloch vs. Maryland

What was the court case involving the National Bank?

Dartmouth College Case

What was the court case involving the charter of a New Hampshire college?

Gibbons vs. Ogden

What was the court case involving transportation from New York to New Jersey?

African Methodist Episcopal Church

What was the first black American denomination?

Age of Methodism

What was the growth of the Methodist denomination in the 19th century called?

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

What was the name of America's first foreign missions board?

circuit riders

What was the name of evangelists who rode regular routes, or circuits, on horseback, preaching at various points along the way?

Five Points Mission

What was the name of the first settlement house in NY?

independent treasury system

What was the treasury system whereby funds held by the federal government would be stored in the Treasury at Washington, in the vaults of the U.S. mint, or in subtreasuries to be built in major cities throughout the country?

Stanton Mott Antony

What were the (last) names of the three women who campaigned for greater social, political, and economic equality for women?

Austria, Prussia, Russia, France

What were the four European powers who were present at the Congress of Verona?

Bank of the U.S. westward expansion tariff issue slavery

What were the four sectional issues?

Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama

What were the four states that were added to the Union after the Treaty of Ghent was signed?

Lott Carey Colin Teague

What were the names of the two black American ministers who became missionaries to Liberia?

Dr. Peter Parker Samuel Wells Williams

What were the names of the two missionaries who tried to gain access to Japan by returning several shipwrecked Japanese to their native land?

Indians and Creoles

What were the people of Spanish or French descent who were born in the New World called?

Andover Princeton Yale Divinity School

What were three of the seminaries and Christian colleges that were founded during the Second Great Awakening?


What year was the Monroe Doctrine issued?


When did the Bank of the United States receive a new charter?

late 1850s

When did the Second Great Awakening reach its peak?

John C. Calhoun

Who became a bitter enemy of protective tariffs?

Townshend Harris

Who became the first ambassador to Japan?

John Tyler

Who was Harrison's Vice President and eventually succeeded him?

Roger Taney

Who was Jackson's secretary of the treasury?

John Quincy Adams

Who was Monroe's secretary of state?

Andrew Jackson

Who was elected in 1828?

Richard Allen

Who was the former slave who served as a Methodist circuit rider, became a pastor, and founded the AME Church?

Robert Hayne

Who was the senator who entered into a lively debate with Daniel Webster?

Bolivar, Hidalgo, Martin

Who were 3 heroic figures in Latin American wars for independence?

Adams, Crawford, Clay, Jackson

Who were the "favorite sons"?

John Quincy Adams

Who won the "favorite sons" election?

R.a. Torrey

"Apostle to the Skeptics"

Lucy Hayes

"Lemonade Lucy"


"Lightning war"

Charles E. Fuller

"Old Fashioned Revival Hour"

Dr.M.R. DeHaan

"Radio Bible Class"

W.A. Maier

"The Lutheran Hour"


"sitting-down war"

Sam Jones

"the Moody of the South"

Rough Riders

A group consisting largely of cowboys, Indians, and college athletes.

Margaret Mitchell

Her best-selling novel was *Gone with the Wind*.

Bicentennial Celebration of 1976

Highlight of the 1970s.

Equal Rights Amendment

If added to the Constitution, this amendment would have banned discrimination on the basis of sex and would have allowed for unrestricted abortion and a role for women in military combat units.

Pan-American Union

In 1910, the International Bureau of American Republics became known as what?

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

Alliance formed among German, Italy, and Japan in 1940.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Allied commander in Europe.

U.S., Britain, France, Soviet Union, and China


Ross Perot

Along with Bill Clinton, created a "climate of crisis" during the 1992 elections.

Lieutenant Richard Hobson

Along with a crew of seven men, this man sunk the *Merrimac* in a narrow channel leading to the Santiago Harbor in hopes of preventing the escape of the Spanish Atlantic fleet.

London Blitz

Another name for the Battle of Britain.


Anything that follows as a natural or logical result of something else.

Justice Clarence Thomas

Appointed by President George H. W. Bush to the Supreme Court in 1992.

General Norman Schwarzkopf

Appointed to lead the troops into combat in Operation Desert Storm.


Battle which marked the beginning of the Allied counteroffensive in the South Pacific.

Winston Churchill

Became PM of England after Chamberlain resigned.

Clement Atlee

Became PM of England after Churchill.

Joseph G. Cannon

Became known for ruling the House with an especially uncompromising hand.

Fulgencio Batista

Became the dictator of Cuba in 1934.

Benjamin Davis

Became the first black commander of the 99th and leader of the Fighting Red Tails.

Great Communicator

Because of Regan's effective speaking ability, he was known as the *what*?

Great Compromise

Because the Connecticut Compromise probably saved the Constitutional Convention from failure, it is often referred to as what?

September 3, 1939

Beginning of World War II.

The Grapes of Wrath

Book John Steinbeck wrote.

Timothy McVeigh

Blew up Federal buildings in downtown Oklahoma City.

Alaska Pipeline

Building project Congress initiated to lessen American dependence on Middle East oil.

Berlin Wall

Built by the East Germans to keep their people from escaping to the West.

James G. Blaine

Called the first meeting of American republics in Washington, D.C. in 1889.

Potsdam Declaration

Called upon the Japanese to surrender unconditionally and to withdraw to the home islands.


Capital of China (now Beijing).

Ayatolla Ruholla Khomeini

Captured the American embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Eliminated tariffs and other trade restrictions between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Haile Selassie I

Emperor of Ethiopia.

Public Works Administration (PWA) Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Employed the jobless on the construction and improvement of highways, bridges, parks, sewers, schools, hospitals, and other public buildings.

William Howard Taft

First civil governor of the Philippines.

Communist Russia

Foreign government the U.S. recognized in 1933.

J. Wilbur Chapman

Forerunner of Billy Sunday


Formed after the American Federation of Labor merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Formed by Martin Luther King, Jr., this group pledged itself to nonviolent resistance in the struggle for civil rights.

Marshall Plan

Helped the European nations in their recovery after World War II.

Iwo Jima

Island where some of the most desperate fighting in human history happened.

Ehud Barak Salam Fayyan

Israeli Defense Minister and Palestinian Prime Minister who Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with in attempts at a peaceful arrangement between Israel and Palestine.

Robert Kennedy

JFK's brother who was running for President, but was assassinated.

Adenauer Erhard

Last names of the two men who helped make West Germany one of the most prosperous nations in the world.

Pancho Villa

Leader in Mexico who became a hero.

Francisco Franco

Leader in Spain who was supported by Germany and Italy.

Osama bin Laden

Leader of al Qaeda.

Claire Chennault

Leader of the "Flying Tigers."

Erwin Rommel

Leader of the Afrika Korps; nickname was the "Desert Fox."

Mao Tse-tung

Leader of the Chinese Communists.

Charles de Gualle

Leader of the Free French government.

Adolf Hitler

Leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Chiang Kai-shek

Leader of the Nationalist Chinese government.


Leader of the revolution in the Philippines.


Man who invented the wireless telegraph.

Walter Ulbricht

Marxist leader of East Germany who attempted to increase working hours while retaining low wages.

"Era of Good Feelings"

Monroe's election is described as the beginning of the *what*?

New Frontier

Name for JFK's liberal program.

Brain Trust

Name given to FDR's closest advisers.

Albert Sabin

Perfected the oral polio vaccine.

Condoleezza Rice

Replaced Colin Powell as Secretary of State.

Samuel Alito

Replaced Justice O'Connor's seat.

John G. Roberts

Replaced William Rehnquist as Chief Justice.

Chamberlain Daladier

Represented Great Britain and France when the Munich Pact was made. (Last names only)

John McCain

Republican nominee for the Presidential election of 2008.

General Benjamin Harrison

Republican who won the election of 1888.


Republicans who refused to accept James G. Blaine as the party nominee for the election of 1884.

Samuel J. Tilden

Smashed the notorious Tweed Ring

Five-Year Plans

Stalin's stab at making Russia a modern industrial and military state.

Truman Doctrine

Stated that the United States would employ its resources to prevent the overthrow of any democracy through outside interference.

Hurricane Katrina

Storm which became the costliest storm in history.

1965 Voting Rights Act

Strengthened previous voting rights laws.

Harry Truman

Succeeded FDR in 1945.

Harry Truman

Succeeded Franklin Roosevelt as President and served from 1945-1953.

Nikita Khrushchev

Succeeded Joseph Stalin as premier of the Soviet Union.

Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

Supreme Court decision which declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional.

Marshal Petain

Surrendered to the Germans in the Compiege Forest.

Argentina, Brazil, and Chile

The ABC Powers.


The crusades were led by European kings and noblemen to drive who from the Holy Land?

Sputnik I

The first artificial satellite to orbit the earth.

Jackie Robinson

The first black American ballplayer to play for a major league team.

Robert Weaver

The first black American cabinet officer.

Thurgood Marshall

The first black associate justice of the Supreme Court.

Nelson Mandela

The first black president of South Africa.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

The first woman justice to serve on the high court.

Sarah Palin

The first woman to run on a Republican Presidential ticket, and John McCain's running mate.

specified complexity

The mathematical probability of evolution, no matter how much time is involved, is zero.


The process in which the supply on money is increased, the value of the dollar declines, and prices go up.


Those opposed to independence were called what? Another name for them was Tories.


Those who favored independence were called what? Another name for them was Whigs

Tehran Yalta Potsdam

Three major wartime conferences.

Benito Mussolini

Transformed Italy into a totalitarian, fascist state.

Treaty of Washington

Treaty by which the British expressed regret for the "escape" of the ships into Confederate hands and agreed to submit the question of damages from the attack of the *Alabama* to arbitration.

Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF)

Treaty in which Regan and Gorbachev agreed to remove their medium range missiles from Europe.

Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)

Treaty signed in 1991 in which the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to destroy some of their nuclear weapons.

Camp David Peace Accord

Treaty which promised peace between Egypt and Israel.


Tribe of Indians used for code talking.

Germany Austria-Hungary Italy

Triple Alliance

Great Britain France Russia

Triple Entente

Yom Kippur War

War in which Israel was attacked by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.


Warrior class the militarist is Japan followed.

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

What Eisenhower transformed the Federal Security Agency into.

Fort Duquesne

What French fort was built on the site that they captured from the English?

Napoleon III

What French ruler saw Southern independence as being to his own advantage?

Der Fuhrer

What Hitler called himself; means, "the leader."

Third Reich

What Hitler called his government; means "empire."

Polish Corridor

What Hitler demanded from Poland.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union)

What Lenin renamed Russia.

George B. McClellan

What Major General replaced Irvin McDowell?

Peter Cartwright

What Methodist circuit rider wrote of the camp meeting revivals in his autobiography?

Dr. Marcus Whitman

What Presbyterian medical missionary was sent by the American Board of Foreign Missions to work among the Indians of the Northwest?

James McGready

What Presbyterian preacher pioneered the camp meeting revival?

Henry Clay

What Republican leader, who had opposed rechartering the first national bank, said he was willing to sacrifice "the pride of consistency" rather than to jeopardize the interests of the nation?

Sir William Ramsay

What Scottish archaeologist found the book of Acts to be thoroughly accurate?

the Prophet

What Shawnee medicine an began to encourage the Indians to remove all white influence from their culture?

Eugene Debs

What Socialist leader was arrested under the terms of the Espionage Act?

Pedro Cabral

What Spanish explorer landed on the coast of Brazil?

Thomas Reed

What Speaker of the House was known as "Czar"?

Dawes Plan

What U.S. plan temporarily lowered Germany's debt payments to help her through economic hard times?


What U.S. ship defeated and destroyed the HMS Guerriere in the mid-Atlantic?

German Federal Republic

What West Germany became in 1955.

Smith-Lever Act

What act authorized the establishment of an Extension Service within the Department of Agriculture?

Chinese Exclusion Act

What act barred Chines laborers from entering the United States for 10 years?

Sherman Antitrust Act

What act broke up monopolies?

Judiciary Act of 1801

What act called for the creation of 16 new federal judgeships and a number of new positions for marshals, clerks, and attorneys?

Federal Reserve Act

What act created a privately controlled central banking system under the auspices of the federal government?

Agricultural Marketing Act

What act created the Federal Farm Board?

Dawes Act

What act did Congress pass that broke up tribal lands into separate plots and offered 160 acres of land and U.S. citizenship to any head of an Indian family who would live "separate and apart from any tribe" and adopt "the habits of civilized life"?

Reconstruction Act

What act divided the former Confederacy into five military districts and gave military officers broad powers in each district?

National Banking Act

What act encouraged banks to buy war bonds and helped to give the country a stable national banking system?

Indian Reorganization Act

What act encouraged traditional tribal life on reservations?

Mint Act of 1792

What act established a mint and provided for the coinage of gold, silver, and copper in America?

Navigation Act of 1663

What act further restricted colonial trade by requiring that European products headed for the colonies must first be shipped to England and the re-channeled to the colonies?

Morrill Act

What act granted each state 30,000 acres for each of its senators and representatives to be used to endow new or existing colleges?

Meat Inspection Act

What act granted federal authorities the power to inspect all meat shipped in interstate commerce to see that it did not come from diseased animals and that it was processed and packaged under sanitary conditions?

Toleration Act

What act granted freedom of worship to anyone "professing to believe in Jesus Christ"?

Jones Act

What act granted the people of Puerto Rico American citizenship?

Mann-Elkins Act

What act increased the government's power to regulate business in 1910?

Administration of Justice Act

What act intended to make British officials in Massachusetts bolder in enforcing law?

Iron Act

What act limited colonial ironworks?

Gold Standard Act

What act made gold the sole standard of monetary value?

Elkins Act

What act made it illegal for a shipper to accept a rebate from a railroad?

Interstate Commerce Act

What act marked the beginning of federal regulation of transportation facilities?

Foraker Act

What act named Puerto Rico an unorganized territory?

Hatch Act

What act of Congress made available to states funds to establish agricultural experiment stations?

Tenure of Office Act

What act prevented the President from dismissing any civil officers which had been appointed with the consent of the Senate?

Embargo Act

What act prohibited American exports during the Jeffersonian Era?

Woolens Act

What act prohibited all trade of woolen goods between colonies or between a colony and a foreign country?

Smith-Hughes Act

What act provided federal funds to help high schools finance courses in agriculture, home economics, and other vocational subjects?

National Budget Act

What act provided for a unified yearly budget for the federal government?

National Defense Act

What act provided for an increase in the size of the regular army and the organizing of a national guard of 450,00 men, subject to be called into action by the President?

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

What act provided for the government to purchase and coin at least a limited amount of silver each month?

Battle of Lake Erie

What battle proved to be the most important naval engagement on the Grate Lakes during the War of 1812?

Battle of Saratoga

What battle proved to be the turning point in America's War for Independence?

"Remember the Alamo"

What became the battle cry of the Texans?


What became the first permanent English settlement in the New World?

49th parallel

What became the fixed boundary between Canada and the U.S.?

McNary-Haugen Bill

What bill proposed the establishment of a government agency to buy the American farmers' surplus crops and then resell them, at a loss, on the world market?

Boston Port Bill

What bill was passed by Parliament that closed the port of Boston until the East India company could be reimbursed for the tea that was destroyed during the Boston Tea Party?

Macon Bill

What bill, in 1810, provided for the reopening of trade with all nations?

Wade-Davis Bill

What bill, proposed by Congress, required that a majority of the white males in a seceded state take a loyalty oath before a new state government could be organized?

Civil Rights Bill

What bill, proposed by Congress, would guarantee the basic civil rights of freedmen?

Board of Trade

What board had the power to annul laws passed by colonial legislatures, to hear appeals from the colonies, and to influence trade policies adopted for the colonies?

Federal Farm Board

What board was allotted $500 million with which to make low-interest loans to help cooperative farm groups pay the cost of storing crops until the market price made it desirable to sell them?

National War Labor Board

What board was created to act as a court of arbitration to settle labor disputes?

War Industries Board

What board was created to regulate all phases of industrial production and distribution?

National Conservation Commission

What body was created to inventory the nation's natural resources?

Teaxs longhorns

What breed of cattle are descended from cattle brought to the New World by Spanish explorers?

Veterans' Bureau

What bureau was established by Congress to help veterans who had been incapacitated in the service of their country?

elevated steam railways (els)

What carried passengers above the crowded streets?


What city became the center of the southern iron and steel industry and was known as the "Pittsburgh of the South"?


What city became the iron and steel center of the nation?


What city means the "city of brotherly love"?


What college was established by the Dutch Reformed?

Columbia University

What college was founded by Anglicans?

Brown University

What college was founded by Baptists?

Dartmouth College

What college was founded by Congregationalists?

Princeton University

What college was founded by Presbyterians?


What college was founded by the Congregationalists?

College of William and Mary

What college was founded in Virginia as an Anglican school?

World War Foreign Debt Commission

What commission was established by the U.S. to deal with the issue of war debt?

McCormick Company

What company produced the twine binder, the combine, and other time-saving farm equipment?

London Company

What company, centered in London, was to settle southern Virginia?

Plymouth Company

What company, centered in Plymouth, was to settle northern Virginia?

Fordney-McCumber Tariff

What comprehensive tariff passed in 1922 raised the tariff rates?

Compromise of 1877

What compromise allowed Hayes to become President, under certain conditions?

Washington Conference for Limitation of Armaments

What conference did President Harding call in an attempt to encourage disarmament to ease tensions in the Far East?

Hartford Convention

What convention condemned the War of 1812 and echoed the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions by declaring the right of a state to nullify an act of Congress?


What country in Africa was established for freed black-American slaves?


What country in Africa was founded as a home for freed slaves?


What country provided the largest number of immigrants to America between 1820 and 1850?


What court case came to national prominence as a result of the Red Scare?


What decade brought the greatest railroad growth in American history?

excise tax

What is a tax on a product produced, sold, and consumed within the home country?


What is an economic system in which individuals are free to follow their economic pursuits as they see fit?


What is an expression of a people's will by direct vote?

loose construction

What is another name for a loose interpretation of the Constitution?

strict construction

What is another name for a strict interpretation of the Constitution?

free enterprise

What is another name for capitalism?

bank notes

What is another term for paper money?


What is another word for *money* or *property*?


What is another word for *profits*?


What is formed when a group of businessmen receive a charter of incorporation from a state government?

labor strike

What is it called when a group of employees refuse to work in order to force employers to pay higher wages?

domestic system

What is manufacturing in the home?

factory system

What is manufacturing outside of the home?

Jeffersonian Era

What is one of the most important periods in the history of American politics? (Hint: Thomas Jefferson was President at the time)


What is owned mutually by a number of investors?

New Orleans

What is probably the best-known city of French heritage in America?

4 feet, 8 1/2 inches

What is standard gauge?

First Battle of Bull Run

What is the battle at Manassas Junction sometimes called?


What is the belief in an impersonal God who, after creating the world, left it to run by natural laws and left man to take care of himself using his intellect?

revolutionary nationalism

What is the desire to break loose from their established governments and rule themselves based on what they saw as "natural" boundaries of natural origin?

traditional education

What is the education concerned with passing on to new generations the body of knowledge and the great traditions of the past?

Last Frontier

What is the expanse of wilderness that was the last section of the country to be settled called?


What is the idea that man's reason is the sole criterion for truth?


What is the intentional destruction of property?

false ecumenism

What is the name for the outward union of all churches and sects into one organization regardless of doctrinal differences?


What is the name of one who purchases the stock?


What is the name of the oldest and most prestigious college in the U.S.?


What is the name of the profits which come from stock?


What is the other name for the national association of farmers called the Patrons of Husbandry?


What is the philosophical doctrine that the truth of all knowledge must always be in question?

American Spelling Book

What is the real name of the "Blue-Backed Speller"?


What is the right to vote?


What is the seizure of property from nonpayment of debts?


What is the term for businesses which have virtually no competition and put the consumer at the mercy of big business?


What is the term for one who purchases a product?


What is the theory that experience is the only source of knowledge?


What is the total output of goods and services?


What island has served for many years as an important U.S. air and naval base in the Pacific?


What island is known as the pearl of the Antilles?

Puerto Rico

What island was invaded by General Miles after the fall of Santiago?

post roads

What kind of roads connected larger cities?

Conestoga wagons

What kind of wagons carried settlers to the Oregon Territory?


What large British luxury liner was sunk by the Germans in 1915?

Halfway Covenant

What law provided that descendants of Church members could be admitted as members with full privileges?


What machine reaped and threshed grain in one continuous operation?

Henry Ford

What man did more to revolutionize transportation in America than anyone else?

Jefferson Davis

What man from Mississippi was hesitant to see his state secede from the Union?

Baron von Steuben

What man from Prussia helped Washington drill his troops into a disciplined army and proved that not all Germans were like the Hessians?

board of directors

What manages a corporation?

Gorbachev's resignation

What marked the collapse of the Soviet Union as a nation?

Student Volunteer movement

What movement was born out of the conference at Mount Hermon?

Chautauqua movement

What movement was organized as a two-week training session for Sunday School teachers but was such a success that it became an annual event?

"Gay Nineties"

What name was given to the 1890s?


What new weapon did the German navy introduce?

attorney general

What office was created by Congress to handle the legal affairs of the government?

postmaster general

What office was created by Congress to oversee post offices and post roads?

Standard Oil Company

What oil company was organized with John D. Rockefeller as president?

Woman's Christian temperance Union

What organization did much to combat the use of alcohol?


What social class included wealthy southern plantation owners, great landholders, prosperous merchants, and professionals?

Social Democratic Party

What social political party was formed in Germany?


What spirit would prompt kings to sponsor expeditions to conquer new lands and would inspire explorers to seek new wealth, honor, and glory for their sovereign rulers and their homelands?

National League of Professional Baseball Players

What sports league was organized in 1876?


What state chartered the first state university?

draft system

What system did both the North and the South use to raise their armies?

McKinley tariff

What tariff in 1890 was introduced by Congressman William McKinley of Ohio?

Tariff of 1816 (protective tariff)

What tariff placed a higher duty on many imported goods to protect American manufacturers from foreign competition?

Western Union Company

What telegraph network dominated the railroads?


What term means that machines operate and regulate themselves automatically?

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)

What the Committee for Industrial Organizations became after it split from the American Federation of Labor (AF of L)


What the horrible slaughter of the Jews is called.


What title did Roosevelt' win because of his action against big business?

Great Northern

What transcontinental railroad linked the Great Lakes to Seattle, and was the only transcontinental that was built out of private funds and not federal subsidies?

Rush-Bagot Agreement

What treaty between the U.S. and Great Britain completely disarmed the ships on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, and demilitarized the entire U.S.-Canadian border?

Treaty of Paris

What treaty finally ended the American War for Independence?

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

What treaty granted the U.S. a zone ten miles wide through the isthmus on basically the same terms Columbia had rejected?

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

What treaty granted the U.S. the right to build and police a canal through central America?

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

What treaty pulled Russia out of the war?

Treaty of Ghent

What treaty was basically a cease-fire between England and America?

Standard Oil Trust

What trust controlled 90 percent of the nations' oil refining business?

Milwaukee and St. Louis

What two cities became known for their breweries in America?

Minneapolis and St. Paul

What two cities became known for their flour mills in America?

Chicago and Kansas City

What two cities became the meatpacking centers of America?

General Electric and Westinghouse

What two electric companies dominated in the manufacture of light bulbs and other electrical equipment and in the distribution of electrical power?

Joseph E. Johnston Thomas J. Jackson

What two generals came to the aid of Beauregard at Manassas Junction?

Gould and Fisk

What two men caused Black Friday?

Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet

What two men led an expedition which explored the central Mississippi River?

Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Raleigh

What two men left England with a fleet of ships bound for the New World?

Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun

What two men were dubbed the "War Hawks"?

de Lome letter the sinking of the *Maine*

What two things instigated the Spanish-American War?

Josh Billings and Sarah Orne Jewett

What two writers described life in New England?

indentured servants and slaves

What type of people filled the bottom social class in the New World?

Department of the Navy

What war department was created to build up American sea power?

Civil War

What war was started when Confederate General Pierre G.T. Beauregard was sent to seize Fort Sumter from Union commander Robert Anderson?

William F. Cody

What was "Buffalo Bill"s" real name?

Chisholm Trail

What was the cowboy's favorite route for the cattle drive?

April 19, 1775

What was the date for the "shot heard 'round the world"?

Ostend Manifesto

What was the document which declared that if Spain refused to sell Cuba, the U.S. would be justified in "wresting" the island from Spain?

San Diego

What was the first European settlement in California?


What was the first book Gutenberg printed on his press?


What was the first commercial broadcasting station in the United States?


What was the first commercial radio station?

Harvard College

What was the first institution of higher learning in British North America?


What was the first national radio network?

St. Augustine

What was the first permanent European settlement in the present-day U.S?

New-England Courant

What was the first privately published newspaper in America?


What was the first state to grant women full political privileges?

South Carolina

What was the first state to leave the Union?


What was the first state to ratify the Constitution?

University of North Carolina

What was the first state university to begin operating?

American Federation of Labor (A.F. of L.)

What was the first successful national labor union in the United States?

New Sweden

What was the first successful settlement in Delaware?


What was the fortified mission that the Texans defended for nearly two weeks?

Mexican Cession

What was the half-million square miles that was granted by Mexico to the U.S. called?

Battle of Monmouth

What was the hottest battle of the War for Independence?


What was the island in the South Pacific that was one of the first possessions of the U.S.?

Brooklyn Bridge

What was the larges suspension bridge in the world when it was completed int 1883?

twine binder

What was the machine which bound grain in bundles and deposited it in stacks? Over 15,000 were sold in the first year it was produced.

"Bleeding Kansas"

What was the massacre by John Brown and six others called?

Paris Peace Pact

What was the most astounding attempt to achieve a permanent peace in Europe?

Battle of Gettysburg

What was the most decisive battle of the Civil War?

Model T

What was the most famous automobile ever built?

Little Big Horn

What was the most famous battle of the Sioux war?

Homestead Act of 1862

What was the most important factor to stimulate Western settlement?

Pullman Strike of 1894

What was the most important strike of the late 19th century?

electric trolley car

What was the most practical and most widely used means of urban transit in the late 19th century?

New England Primer

What was the most widely used textbook in colonial America?


What was the name for the French Protestants?

Big Bertha

What was the name for the famous German long-range gun?

Hindenburg Line

What was the name for the fortified German defense line formed by an intricate system of deep trenches and dugouts?


What was the name for the group of radical Communists?


What was the name for the system in which all aspects of life centered on the ownership and use of land?

indentured servants

What was the name for those whose passage to America was paid by and established colonist, and in return, they worked for his benefactor without pay for an agreed-upon period of time, usually four to seven years?

"Father of New France"

What was the name given to Samuel de Champlain?


What was the name given to those who opposed the official church of England?

Charles town

What was the name of America's fourth largest city? It had about 10,000 people.

Seventh of March Speech

What was the name of Daniel Webster's last great speech?


What was the name of Fulton's first steamboat?

Monroe Doctrine

What was the name of Monroe's statement in 1823 that basically told Europe not to interfere with affairs that did not concern them?

Mount Vernon

What was the name of Washington's home where he retired to?

"underground railroad"

What was the name of a network of escape routes and hiding places by which fugitive slaves could escape to the Northern states or to Canada?

Aroostook War

What was the name of the "war" between Canadian and American lumberjacks in Maine?

Oregon Trail

What was the name of the 2,000-mile trail that led to Oregon?

Mark Carleton

What was the name of the American agricultural scientist who found a variety of wheat that would grow with very little rainfall?

Robert Green Ingersoll

What was the name of the American lawyer and lecturer know as the "Great Agnostic"?

Nathaniel Hawthorne

What was the name of the American novelist who lived at Brook Farm for a short time?

B. H. Carroll

What was the name of the Baptist pastor, evangelist, and author whose intellect is demonstrated by his multivolume *An Interpretation of the English Bible*?


What was the name of the British ship off of which James Mason and John Slidell were taken prisoner?

Charles Jones Soong

What was the name of the Chinese missionary who had a great influence on his own country?


What was the name of the Confederate ship that did considerable damage to Northern shipping?

Sir Edwin Sandys

What was the name of the English Puritan nobleman who secured a patent from the London Company for the Scrooby congregation, enabling them to settle within the Company's Virginia territory?

James I

What was the name of the English monarch who opposed religious freedom because he believed that those who questioned his religious authority were implicitly questioning his political authority?

Joseph Pulitzer

What was the name of the Hungarian immigrant who became one of America's best-known publishers?


What was the name of the Indian who had visited England and learned to speak English there? He also helped the Pilgrims as a guide and an interpreter.

Nez Perce

What was the name of the Indians of Idaho who also made a valiant effort to protect their land?

Amerigo Vespucci

What was the name of the Italian sailor who was the first to realize that Columbus had discovered a new continent?

John Dickinson

What was the name of the Pennsylvania lawyer who had drafted the resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress, and wrote a pamphlet entitled "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies"?

Edwin M. Stanton

What was the name of the Secretary of War who President Johnson dismissed?


What was the name of the Spanish crusade to drive the Moors from the region of Granada in southern Spain?


What was the name of the U.S. ship that was attacked by Chilean citizens?


What was the name of the Union's ironclad?

Hamlin Garland

What was the name of the author who's works described life in the West and Midwest?

Coney Island

What was the name of the best known amusement park in the 1890s?

Pontiac's Conspiracy

What was the name of the bloody uprising that was lead by chief Pontiac?

Oberlin College

What was the name of the college to first open its doors to women?

United States Steel Corporation

What was the name of the corporation which J.P. Morgan organized?

General Court

What was the name of the democratic legislative body that met periodically to pass laws, carry out provisions of the law, and judge cases and controversies arising under the law?

Ninety-five Theses

What was the name of the document that Martin Luther nailed to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany?

General Electric

What was the name of the electrical company that the Edison and Thomson-Houston companies merged to form?


What was the name of the fiercest southern plains Indians?

Wesleyan College

What was the name of the first college for women only?

Cincinnati Red Stockings

What was the name of the first professional baseball team?

Bell Telephone Company

What was the name of the first telephone company?

Sanitary Commission

What was the name of the forerunner of the American Red Cross?

Fort Ticonderoga

What was the name of the fort that Ethan Allen and his boys captured?

Iroquois League of Five Nations

What was the name of the group that the five Iroquois tribes joined together to form?


What was the name of the group, that had split from the Republican party, that might have cooperated with Lincoln's reconstruction plan?


What was the name of the group, that had split from the Republican party, that was completely opposed to Lincoln's reconstruction plan?

Pago Pago

What was the name of the harbor that the U.S. used for a coaling station?


What was the name of the important rail center in Tennessee that was the Union's major objective to capture?

Manassas Junction

What was the name of the important rail center in Virginia on the banks of a creek called Bull Run?

San Salvador

What was the name of the island that Columbus landed on?

Massachusetts Bay Company

What was the name of the joint-stock company that was composed primarily of Puritan businessmen?

Great Migration

What was the name of the journey of nearly a thousand settlers who safely made it into the Oregon Territory?

Phoebe Palmer

What was the name of the lady who founded the first settlement house in New York?

Dorothea L. Dix

What was the name of the lady who worked to promote more humane treatment of the mentally ill?

Paul Bunyan

What was the name of the legendary lumberjack who had a giant blue ox?

White City

What was the name of the main buildings of the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago?

Henry David Thoreau

What was the name of the man who spent 2 years communing with nature in a small cabin on the shores of Walden Pond?

T. De Witt Talmage

What was the name of the man who spoke to larger audiences than any other preacher in America?

Sam Jones

What was the name of the man who toured American cities preaching revival and godly living?

Sitting Bull

What was the name of the medicine man who greatly influenced Crazy Horse and Rain-in-the-Face?


What was the name of the missionary-salesmen who were sent out by the American Tract Society?

Frances Willard

What was the name of the most dynamic leader of the WCTU?

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

What was the name of the most famous sermon in American history?


What was the name of the movement that attempted to apply unaided human reason to all areas of life to bring about a new social order?

Burbank potato

What was the name of the new variety of potato which Luther Burbank developed?


What was the name of the old fort in Paris that was stormed?

Hull House

What was the name of the old mansion in the center of Chicago's slum district which Jane Addams bought?

Sheldon Jackson

What was the name of the one of the best-known home missionaries of the late 19th century?


What was the name of the paddle-shaped board to which was attached a printed sheet containing the alphabet and usually the Lord's Prayer or a Scripture verse?

South Pass

What was the name of the pass which Jedediah Smith and his men created?

thornless cactus

What was the name of the plant which could be used for cattle feed in the dry regions of the West?

Walt Whitman

What was the name of the poet who wrote "Leaves of Grass" after trying to commune with nature?

Liberty Party

What was the name of the political party that was organized by the abolitionists?

Nicholas Biddle

What was the name of the president of the National Bank who was asked to apply for a new charter in 1832?

Bessemer process

What was the name of the process that Kelly and Bessemer discovered?

Central Pacific

What was the name of the railroad company that was to begin laying track in Sacramento, California, and drive eastward?

Union Pacific Railroad

What was the name of the railroad company that was to begin laying track westward from Omaha, Nebraska?

Emily Dickinson

What was the name of the reclusive poet who wrote nearly 2,000 poems, most of which were not published until after her death?

Cumberland Road

What was the name of the road that stretched from Cumberland, Maryland to Wheeling, Virginia?

West Virginia

What was the name of the several counties that separated from Virginia and entered the Union as a free state?


What was the name of the ship that led to strong disagreement with England?


What was the name of the ship that was burned, which could have lead to conflict between the U.S. and Great Britain?


What was the name of the ship which was attacked by boatloads of colonists who removed its crew, and set it afire?

Dred Scott

What was the name of the slave who sued for his freedom?


What was the name of the sunken Union vessel that the Confederates raised and covered with iron, rechristening it the Virginia?

Northwest Passage

What was the name of the supposed water route through North America to the Pacific?

headright system

What was the name of the system in which a parcel of land was given to each settler or to the one who paid for the settler's passage to the New World?

Third International

What was the name of the terrorist organization founded in Moscow in 1919?


What was the name of the town in Kansas where antislavery settlers flocked?


What was the name of the town in Kansas where pro-slavery settlers flocked?

Treaty of Paris

What was the name of the treaty that ended the Spanish-American War?

William Dan Howells

What was the name of the well-known editor and author who wrote novels describing middle-class life in Boston?

Annie Oakley

What was the name of the woman who became a star in Buffalo bill's "Wild West Circus" where she was billed as "Little Sure Shot"?

Calamity Jane

What was the name of the woman who rode for the Pony Express?

Henry M. Stanley

What was the name of the young reporter who was sent to find David Livingstone in 1869?


What was the name that Cabot gave to the mainland of North America?

Nova Albion

What was the name that Sir Francis Drake gave to the coast of California?

Union Party

What was the name that the Republicans temporarily took and nominated Abraham Lincoln to run for a second term in the Presidential Election of 1864

New France

What was the name the French gave to Canada, the Great Lakes region, and the Mississippi Valley?

Council for New England

What was the name the the Plymouth Company reorganized itself under?

middle class

What was the new social class that arose in Europe as trade with the Orient increased?


What was the nickname for the American soldiers?

Invincible Armada

What was the nickname given to Philip II's Armada?

Panic of 1837

What was the panic that closed banks, dropped land sales, and gripped America in financial disaster?

Tammany Hall

What was the political machine that Cleveland was admired for standing up to?

Constitutional Union party

What was the political party that was organized in the spring of 1860?

Wilmot Proviso

What was the proposal which stipulated that in the land gained from Mexico "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory..."?

Sojourner Truth

What was the pseudonym of the former slave who lectured against slavery?

Gadsden Purchase

What was the purchase that James Gadsden negotiated called?

Philadelphia Academy

What was the school founded by Benjamin Franklin?


What was the second largest group of immigrants to come to America between 1820 and 1850?

"Fifty-four forty or fight"

What was the slogan of James K. Polk and his followers?

Monroe Doctrine

What was the statement made by President Monroe that basically said America would mind her own business and that the other European powers should mind theirs?


What was the term used to describe a plantation owner dividing his land into small plots, each worked by a former slave and his family?

Solid South

What was the term used to indicate that for many years the South voted solidly Democratic?

Reign of Terror

What was the time period in French history where the guillotine reigned supreme?


What was the year that Puerto Rico became a self-governing commonwealth?

increased taxes war bonds greenbacks

What were 3 ways that the North funded the Civil War?


What were colonial militia called?


What were gold diggers called?


What were private vessels commissioned by Congress or the state governments?


What were the 3 1/2 mission former slaves called?

Insular cases

What were the court cases that said that the constitution does not follow the flag?


What were the dates of the Jacksonian Era?


What were the dates of the Nationalist Era?

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware

What were the four border states that did not secede from the Union?

Austria Prussia Russia France

What were the four countries that met at the Congress of Verona?

England, France, Spain, and Portugal

What were the four greatest nations to emerge in Western Europe?

westward expansion Bank of the U.S. tariff issue slavery

What were the four main sectional differences?

Pickney, Marshall, and Gerry

What were the last names of the 3 men who attempted to negotiate with the French government, which was at the time in the hands of the Directory?

Garland, Crane, London

What were the last names of the three Naturalistic writers mentioned in the text?

Bolivar, Hidalgo, Martin

What were the last names of the three men who became heroic figures in Latin American wars for independence?

Lewis and Clark

What were the last names of the two men who Jefferson sent to explore the Louisiana Purchase?


What were the names of the German soldiers from the state of Hesse?

normal school

What were the names of the first schools for the professional training of teachers?

Narcissa Whitman and Eliza Spalding

What were the names of the first two white women to journey west of the Rockies?


What were the names of the individuals who were granted large tracts of land along a navigable river by the Dutch West India Company?

Black Codes

What were the names of the laws which put limitations on the civil rights of the freedmen?

Mayas, Aztecs, Incas

What were the names of the most advanced civilizations in the Western Hemisphere?


What were the names of the politicians who went South after the war, carrying their belongings in a carpetbag, to take advantage of political opportunity?

Speedwell and Mayflower

What were the names of the ships that the Pilgrims hired to take the Leyden congregation to the New World?

Paul Revere, William Dawes, Dr. Samuel Prescott

What were the names of the three men who rode through the night to warn their countrymen that the British were coming?

Crazy Horse and Rain-in-the-Face

What were the names of the two chiefs who fought Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn?

Liberty Loan Victory Loan

What were the names of the two loan drives which were used to raise money for the war effort?

Charles Sumner Thaddeus Stevens

What were the names of the two men who influenced Congress to maintain that the Confederate states had indeed seceded from the Union and that bringing them back into the Union was completely within the jurisdiction of Congress?

William Kelly and Henry Bessemer

What were the names of the two men who, independently of each other, discovered that a blast of hot air could be used to remove impurities from molten iron?

Wyatt Earp and "Wild Bill" Hickok

What were the names of the two most famous peace officers of the Wild West?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

What were the names of the two women who led woman's rights movements during the late 19th century?

Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett

What were the names of two of the men who were killed defending the Alamo?

Ku Klux Klan Knights of the White Camellia

What were the names of two secret societies that were organized in attempt to illegally improve the Southern government?

Rhode Island and Connecticut

What were the only two colonies where the old colonial charters, with minor alterations, served as state constitutions for a number of years?

Boston and New York

What were the second largest cities in America during the 1760's? They each had a population of about 20,000 people.

tobacco, Indigo, and rice

What were the three cash crops of the Southern colonies?


What were the white Southerners who cooperated with carpetbaggers and freemen to advance their own interests called?


What were the years of the "Critical Period" in America's history?


What were the years of the Progressive Era?


What were used for the growing of export crops?


What year did the Titanic sink?


What year did the Wright brothers fly a plane for the first time?


What year was the "favorite sons" election?


What year was the Boston Tea Party?


What year was the Force Bill adopted?


What year was the Missouri Compromise issued?


What year was the Panama Canal completed?


What year was the Texas War for Independence fought?


When America officially broke off relations with Cuba.


When China fell to the Communists.


When Congress passed the G.I. Bill of Rights.


When Israel became a nation.


When was America's first public high school founded?

April 9, 1865

When was Appomattox?


When was Harvard College founded?


When was Jamestown founded?


When was Quebec established?


When was the 18th Amendment ratified?


When was the Adams-Onis Treaty signed?


When was the Battle of New Orleans?


When was the Battle of Yorktown?


When was the Bill of Rights amended to the Constitution?


When was the Erie Canal finished?


When was the Gadsden Purchase conducted?


When was the Great Chicago Fire?


When was the Homestead Act passed?


When was the House of Burgesses established?


When was the Louisiana Purchase?


When was the Massachusetts Bay Colony established?


When was the Model T introduced?


When was the Monroe Doctrine?


When was the Ole' Deluder Satan Act passed?


When was the Republican Party formed?


When was the Scopes Trial held?


When was the Spanish Armada defeated?


When was the Stamp Act Congress?


When was the Treaty of Ghent signed?


When was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo signed?


When was the Treaty of Paris signed?

September 5, 1774

When was the first Continental Congress convened?


When was the first group of American missionaries let into Hawaii?


When was the telephone invented?


When were United States-Cuban relations destroyed?


When were the Hawaiian Islands annexed to the United States?

Bay of Pigs

Where American-trained Cuban freedom fighters attempted to invade Communist Cuba.


Where Hitler's 1942 summer offensive was crushed by the Soviets.

Manila Bay

Where a large Spanish fleet was stationed in the Philippines.

Tiananmen Square

Where a million students and workers gathered in a great demonstration for freedom in China.

Appomattox Court House, Virginia

Where did General Lee surrender to General Grant?

Tuskegee Institute

Where did George Washington Carver dedicate years of teaching and experimenting?

Harper's Ferry, Virginia

Where did John Brown seize the federal arsenal and take several prominent citizens captive?


Where did John White and his group of settlers settle?

Fort Vancouver

Where did Lee preach his first sermon?

Mount Hermon

Where did Moody sponsor a Christian Conference for American college students?


Where did Washington attack the Hessian troops and take them by surprise?


Where did Washington attempt to stop Howe's army, but was overwhelmed because of his limited forces?


Where did Washington defeat Cornwallis?

Valley Forge

Where did Washington spend the winter of 1777?


Where did Washington try once again to overcome Howe's forces but was defeated again?

Promontory Point

Where did the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad meet?

Cape Cod

Where did the Pilgrims land when they arrived at the New World?

Cane Ridge, Kentucky

Where did the most notable camp meeting take place?

Sacramento Valley

Where in California did a group of American settlers revolt against Mexican authority?

Seminary Ridge

Where in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania did the Confederate forces station themselves?

Cemetery Ridge

Where in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania did the Union forces station themselves?

Guantanamo Bay

Where is America's strategic naval base located on the island of Cuba?

Nuremberg Germany

Where many of the Nazi leaders were put on trial.


Where the French government which collaborated with the Germans was located.


Where the Royal Air Force was able to hold off the Germans just long enough for hundreds of small British crafts of all kinds to ferry over 300,000 British and French soldiers across the channel to safety in England.

Three Mile Island

Where the accident happened in the nuclear power plant.

San Francisco

Where the charter for the United Nations was drafted.

New York City

Where was America's first capital temporarily located?


Where was America's first public high school founded?


Where was Grant headed when he was attacked by Confederates under the command of General Albert S. Johnston, resulting in the Battle of Shiloh?

Breed's Hill

Where was the Battle of Bunker Hill actually fought?


Where was the Boxer Rebellion?


Where was the Centennial Exposition held in 1876?

Independence Hall

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed, and the Constitutional Convention held?


Where was the South's costliest victory won?

The Hague

Where was the World Court established?

Antietam Creek

Where was the bloodiest single day of the Civil War fought?

Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Where was the first successful powered flight?

Wounded Knee, South Dakota

Where was the last battle between Indians and federal troops fought?

Guadalupe Hidalgo

Where was the treaty of peace between America and Mexico signed?

Charles I

Which English Monarch vowed to rule without Parliament?

John Locke

Which English political theorist promoted the "social contract" theory of government, the idea that government derives its authority from the consent of the governed (rather than from God)?

Calvin Coolidge

Which President lead our nation through most of the "Roaring Twenties"?

Non-Intercourse Act

Which act forbade trade with England and France but reopened American commerce with the rest of the world?

Quartering Act

Which act provided that British troops be housed not only in taverns and deserted buildings but also in occupied dwellings?

Massachusetts Government Act

Which act severely limited the powers of self-government in Massachusetts and granted much broader power to the royal governor?

Townshend Acts

Which acts established a bard of customs in Boston to oversee the collection of the taxes on colonial imports and created special courts to try custom dodgers without a jury?

executive branch

Which branch of government is there to carry out the powers of the federal government?

judicial branch

Which branch of government is there to decide cases arising under the Constitution and federal law?

legislative branch

Which branch of government passes laws?

Henry VIII

Which king broke England's ties with the Roman church?

Pope Alexander VI

Which pope drew an imaginary Line of Demarcation one hundred leagues west of the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic?

patroon system

Which system sought to bring feudalism into New York?

Admiral de Grasse

Who was the commander of the French fleet from the West Indies who sailed to Virginia and blocked the entrance to Chesapeake Bay, preventing Cornwallis from receiving any help by sea?

General Anthony Wayne

Who decisively defeated the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

S. Houston

Who defended the cause of the Union in his home state of Texas?

Patrick Henry

Who defended the house of Burgesses?

Oliver Evans

Who developed a *high-pressure* steam engine?

James M. Gray

Who developed a synthetic approach to Bible study which he incorporated in *The Christian Worker's Commentary* and other influential Bible study books?

Henry Ford

Who developed the assembly line process?

Luther Burbank

Who developed the thornless cactus and a new variety of potato?

Benjamin Warfield

Who devoted much of his time to strengthening fundamentalists in their resistance to modernism?

George Washington

Who did Governor Dinwiddie send with a message warning the French at Fort Le Boeuf that they occupied territory belonging to Virginia and insisting that they vacate the fort at once?

William T. Sherman

Who did Grant place in charge of Union forces in the West?

John Bell Hood

Who did Jefferson Davis replace Johnston with?

John Marshall

Who did John Adams appoint as the chief justice of the Supreme Court?


Who did John Rolfe marry?

James Monroe

Who did President Jefferson send to assist Livingston in the negotiation to buy New Orleans from France?

Robert Livingston

Who did President Jefferson send to negotiate the buying of New Orleans from France?

General John J. Pershing

Who did President Wilson appoint to be commander of the American troops in France?

William James

Who did most to popularize pragmatism?

Ulysses S. Grant

Who did the Republicans nominate as President for the election of 1868?

Rutherford B. Hayes

Who did the Republicans nominate as President for the election of 1876?

George Washington

Who did the Second Continental Congress appoint as commander in chief of their armies?

James Cook

Who discovered Hawaii?

Christopher Columbus

Who discovered North America?

Cabeza de Vaca

Who discovered and explored southern Texas and parts of New Mexico and Arizona?

James Cook

Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands?

Hernando de Soto

Who discovered the Mississippi River?

Vasco de Balboa

Who discovered the Pacific Ocean?

Andrew Carnegie

Who donated millions of dollars to the establishment of public libraries in communities throughout the country?

Edwin L. Drake

Who drilled the first oil well in the country?

Francisco Coronado

Who embarked on a futile search for the "Seven Cities of Cibola"?

Ferdinand Magellan

Who embarked on a voyage around the world?

Jonathan Goble

Who enlisted as a Marine specifically so that he could learn about Japan and later return there as a missionary?

Stephen Austin

Who established a large American settlement in Texas?

George Peabody

Who established the Peabody Education Fund to promote education in the South?

Henry Hudson

Who explored the Hudson and Delaware river valleys for the Dutch East India Company

Juan Cabrillo

Who explored the coast of California?

Giovanni da Verrazano

Who explored the eastern coast of North America for France?

Zebulon Pike

Who explored the upper Mississippi River?

Josiah Holbrook

Who fathered the lyceum movement in the United States?

Lewis Cass

Who first proposed the principle of popular sovereignty?

Admiral Richard Byrd

Who flew over the North and South Poles?

Ethan Allen

Who formed a frontier militia known as the "Green Mountain Boys"?

Sigmund Freud

Who formulated the system of psychoanalysis?

Robert E. Lee

Who fought McClellan in the Seven Day's Battle?

Thomas Hooker

Who founded Connecticut?

September 11, 2001

When the Twin Towers were blown up.


When the U.S. recognized Communist Russia as a foreign government.


When the U.S. signed a cease-fire agreement with North Vietnam.

James Oglethorpe

Who founded Georgia?

W.E.B. Du Bois

Who founded NAACP?

Robert Owen

Who founded New Harmony?

William Penn

Who founded Pennsylvania?

Samuel de Champlain

Who founded Quebec?

Roger Williams

Who founded Rhode Island?

Prince Henry the Navigator

Who founded a navigation school, employed expert mapmakers, built an observatory to study the position of the sun and stars, and designed a new kind of ship, the caravel, to sail against the wind?

Stephen Paxson

Who founded more than 1,300 Sunday schools in the Mississippi Valley?

Oliver H. Kelly

Who founded the Grange?

John Humphrey Noyes

Who founded the Oneida Community?

George Rapp

Who founded the Rappite Community?

Samuel Adams and John Adams

Who founded the Sons of Liberty?

William Tyndale

Who gave England the first *printed* English Bible?

Edward Eggleston

Who gave a vivid description of life in southern Indiana in his famous novel *The Hoosier Schoolmaster*?

Daniel Webster

Who gave the greatest oration heard in Congress in the 19th century?

William McKinley

Who had the "front-porch campaign"?

John Wycliffe

Who had the entire Bible translated into English for the first time?

William Howard Taft

Who headed the National War Labor Board?

John R. Rice

Who held great city-wide revival campaigns and started the revival weekly, the *Sword of the Lord*?

Lewis Sperry Chafer

Who helped found Dallas Theological Seminary in 1924 and is best known today for his eight-volume work, *Systematic Theology*?

Samuel J. Mills

Who helped found the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions?

Lord Nelson

Who heroically defeated the French navy at the Battle of Trafalgar?

Isaac Merrit Singer

Who improved the *sewing machine* for the home?

G. W. F. Hegel

Who introduced dialectic thinking?

George Westinghouse

Who introduced the air brake?

George Pullman

Who introduced the sleeping car?

John Deere

Who introduced the steel plow?

Samuel F. B. Morse

Who invented *Morse Code*?

Joseph F. Glidden

Who invented barbed wire?

Eli Whitney

Who invented the *cotton gin*?

Francis Cabot Lowell

Who invented the *power loom*?

Cyrus McCormick

Who invented the *reaper* and the *thresher*?

Elias Howe

Who invented the *sewing machine* for factories?

John Deere

Who invented the *steel plow*?

James Watt

Who invented the first *practical* steam engine?

James Naismith

Who invented the game of Basketball in 1891?

Johann Gutenberg

Who invented the movable-type printing press in Europe?

J. Frank Norris

Who is best remembered for his 43 years at the First Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, which he transformed into an evangelistic center with a phenomenal outreach?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Who is called "the Father of Atheistic Existentialism"?

Friedrich Schleiermacher

Who is called the *Father of Theological Liberalism*?

Samuel Slater

Who is known as the "Father of the American Factory System"?

Louis Sullivan

Who is known as the "Father of the Modern Skyscraper"?

Matthew Maury

Who is known as the "Pathfinder of the Seas"?

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who is known as the father of Transcendentalism?

Jonathan Edwards

Who is remembered as colonial America's foremost theologian and as one of the greatest intellects America ever produced?

Karl Marx

Who is the man most responsible for the rise of modern socialism?

General Weyler

Who issued a "reconcentration order," which commanded that all Cubans who were not fighting be collected in camps and kept under Spanish guard?


Who lead the radical Communist group called the Bolsheviks?


Who led a confederation of tribes in a bloody uprising?

Captain Oliver Hazard Perry

Who led a group of Americans in building their own fleet out of wood hew from a nearby forest and attacked a superior British squadron on Lake Erie?

Daniel Shays

Who led a rebellion who forced several courts in western Massachusetts to close down, in order to prevent further foreclosures?

Jacques Cartier

Who led an expedition that discovered the St. Lawrence River?

Pastor John Robinson

Who led his congregation to Holland to flee the religious persecution in England?

Braxton Bragg

Who led the Confederate Army at the Battle of Chattanooga?

Sam Houston

Who led the Texans in their fight for independence?

William S. Rosecrans

Who led the Union Army at the Battle of Chattanooga?

John Dickinson

Who led the committee who proposed the Articles of Confederation?

Patrick Henry

Who made a speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses in which he foretold the fast-approaching conflict and voiced the sentiments of an ever growing number of Americans?


Who made the "Cross of Gold" speech?

Ponce de Leon

Who made the first Spanish landing on the mainland of North America?

Charles Lindbergh

Who made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean?

John Jay

Who negotiated the Jay Treaty with the British?

Nathaniel Bacon

Who offered to lead a volunteer militia against the Indians, insisting that frontiersmen were entitled to the same protection as established colonists in Jamestown?

Aaron Montgomery Ward

Who opened his pioneering mail-order business in 1872?

J.P. Morgan

Who organized Carnegie Steel as well as a number of smaller steel companies and related businesses into the giant United States Steel Corporation?

P. T. Barnum

Who organized a traveling tent circus, which he claimed was "the greatest show on earth"?

Samuel Gompers

Who organized the American Federation of Labor?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who overthrew the Directory in France?

William Randolph Hearst

Who owned the *New York Journal*, and printed yellow journalism?

William Randolph Hearst

Who owned the New York Journal?

John Sutter

Who owned the sawmill where the first gold nuggets were found?

Christopher Sholes

Who perfected the typewriter in 1868?

Charles Darwin

Who popularized the idea of evolution through his book *The Origin of Species*?

Harry Emerson Fosdick

Who preached on popular persona and social themes, denied many fundamental Bible doctrines, and was one of the most popular advocates of the social gospel?

R.G. Lee

Who preached the sermon "Payday Someday" over a thousand times?

James Oliver

Who produced an improved chilled-iron plow?

Charles Townshend

Who proposed a series of taxes on colonial imports, including paper, paints, lead, glass, and tea?

Benjamin Franklin

Who proposed the Albany Plan?


Who proposed the American System?

Henry Clay

Who proposed the American system?


Who proposed the Bonus Bill?

John C. Calhoun

Who proposed the Bonus Bill?

William Paterson

Who proposed the New Jersey Plan?

James Tallmadge

Who proposed the Tallmadge Amendment?

Edmund Randolph

Who proposed the Virginia Plan?

Helen Hunt Jackson

Who published *A Century of Dishonor*?

William Blackstone

Who published *Commentaries on the Laws of England*?

William Lloyd Garrison

Who published *The Liberator*?

Hinton Rowan Helper

Who published a book entitled *The Impending Crisis of the South*?

Thomas Paine

Who published a pamphlet entitled *Common Sense*?

James Gordon Bennett

Who published the *New York Herald*?

Horace Greeley

Who published the *New York Tribune*?


Who purchased Alaska?

Jane Addams

Who purchased the Hull House and opened its doors to offer a variety of programs to improve neighborhood life in the center of Chicago's slum district?

Bartholomew Dias

Who reached the Cape of Good Hope?

General Douglas MacArthur

Who reconquered the Philippine islands during WWII?

Count Rochambeau

Who reinforced Washington's army with 5,000 French troops?

"Fighting Joe" Hooker

Who replaced Burnside?

George G. Meade

Who replaced Hooker?

Sir Henry Clinton

Who replaced Howe as commander in chief of the British forces in America?

General Thomas Gage

Who replaced Hutchinson as royal governor of Massachusetts and finally imported bricklayers and carpenters from Nova Scotia to erect winter quarters for his troops?

A.E. Burnside

Who replaced McClellan?

Henry Clay

Who said he was willing to sacrifice "the pride of consistency" rather than to jeopardize the interests of the nation?

Soren Kierkegaard

Who said that one mus take a "leap of faith" into the darkness to believe in God?

Nathan Hale

Who said, "I only regret that I have but one life to live for my country"?

Vasco da Gama

Who sailed all the way around Africa to India, opening a new all-water route to the East?

John Paul Jones

Who sailed to the North Sea in his ship the Bonhomme Richard? He also said, "I have not yet begun to fight."

Fidel Castro

Who seized control of the Cuban government, destroying U.S.-Cuban relations?

George Rogers Clark

Who seized the British posts at Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Vincennes?


Who sent out the Great White Fleet on a world tour?

Miles Standish

Who served as commander-in-chief of the Pilgrim's military?

R. A. Torrey

Who served as the first superintendent of Moody's Bible Institute in Chicago?

William Henry Harrison

Who set out with a force of troops to destroy Tecumseh's settlement of all the tribes who had joined together to drive the whites out of their land?

William Speer

Who started a Presbyterian mission for the Chinese in San Francisco?

Martin Luther

Who started the Protestant Reformation?

Nat Turner

Who stirred up a slave rebellion in which about 60 white people were mercilessly killed?

James Madison

Who succeeded Jefferson as President of the U.S.?


Who succeeded Kamehameha and abolished the pagan religion of the Hawaiians, preparing the way for the coming of the gospel?

Millard Fillmore

Who succeeded President Taylor after he died in office?

Robert Dick Wilson

Who supported Machen in exposing modernism in the Presbyterian Church?

John Rolfe

Who taught the Virginia colonists how to grow tobacco?

A. Mitchell Palmer

Who took action against Communist violence by establishing the General Intelligence Division and launching anti-Communist raids?

Captain John Smith

Who took charge of the colony at Jamestown and saved it from destruction?

Alexander Stephens

Who tried to convince his fellow citizens of Georgia to wait for a definitely hostile act by the federal government before seceding from the Union?

Richard Henry Lee

Who urged the Continental Congress to adopt the Declaration of Independence?

Clarence Darrow

Who volunteered to defend Scopes?

William Jennings Bryan

Who volunteered to serve as prosecutor in the Scopes Trial?

Dwight L. Moody

Who was America's best-known urban evangelist?

George Washington

Who was America's first President?

Edmund Randolph

Who was America's first attorney general?

Samuel Osgood

Who was America's first postmaster general?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was America's first secretary of state?

Alexander Hamilton

Who was America's first secretary of the treasury?

Henry Knox

Who was America's first secretary of war?

Homer Rodeheaver

Who was Billy Sunday's music director in the revival campaigns?

Martin Van Buren

Who was Jackson's secretary of state?

Aaron Burr

Who was Jefferson's Vice President during his first term?

Ira Sankey

Who was Moody's song leader?


Who was Pocahontas's father?


Who was President Roosevelt's chief forester?


Who was President when the Pendleton Act was passed?

Robert Morris

Who was appointed by Congress as superintendent of finance in 1781?

Sir Edmund Andros

Who was appointed by King James to be royal governor over the Dominion of New England?

Jason Lee

Who was appointed by the Methodists to establish a mission in the Oregon Territory?

Marshal Foch

Who was appointed commander of the Allied forces?


Who was best known for his attempts at Civil Service Reform?

General Thomas Sumter

Who was called the "Fighting Game Cock"?

Francis Marion

Who was called the "Swamp Fox"?

Andrew Johnson

Who was chosen as Lincoln's running mate in the Presidential Election of 1864?

John Winthrop

Who was chosen to be governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


Who was chosen to be president of the Confederacy?

J. Edgar Hoover

Who was chosen to head the General Intelligence Division?

William Bradford

Who was chosen to take John Carver's place as governor?

General Braddock

Who was defeated in his attempt to take Fort Duquesne?


Who was elected as the first president of the "Lone Star Republic"?

Warren G. Harding

Who was elected in 1920?

Duke of York

Who was given New York by King Charles II?

Lyman Stewart

Who was known as "God's Oilman"?

Walter Rauschenbusch

Who was known as "the Prophet of the Social Gospel"?

John Eliot

Who was known as the "Apostle to the Indians"?

General Nathanael Greene

Who was known as the "Fighting Quaker"?

Walter Reed

Who was largely responsible for eliminating yellow fever in Panama?

Horace Mann

Who was largely responsible for the rapid growth of America's public school system?

Salmon Chase

Who was most responsible for the adoption of the motto "In God We Trust"?

Kit Carson

Who was one of the best-known heroes of the early American West?

Wilbur Chapman

Who was one of the best-known urban evangelists of the late 19th century (other than Moody)?

William Jennings Bryan

Who was one of the greatest orators of all time?

Sidney Lanier

Who was one of the most accomplished poets of the South?

Henry Ward Beecher

Who was one of the most articulate preachers of his day who poured out fiery messages against slavery?

A.C. Dixon

Who was one of the most famous Baptist preachers in America?

Jonathan Goforth

Who was one of the most famous survivors of the Boxer Rebellion?


Who was president when "Coxey's Army" marched on the Capitol?

General Cornwallis

Who was sent by General Howe to catch "the old fox" Washington after he captured the troops at Trenton?

Francis Asbury

Who was sent by John Wesley to America from England? He introduced the idea of circuit riders to the Methodist Church.

John Slidell

Who was sent by President Polk as a special envoy to Mexico?

Sir Francis Drake

Who was sent by Queen Elizabeth to sail around the world?

Sir Martin Frobisher

Who was sent by Queen Elizabeth to search for the Northwest Passage?

John White

Who was sent by Raleigh with a party of over 100 settlers to establish a settlement on Chesapeake Bay?

General Winfield Scott

Who was sent by water to attack the Mexican coastal city of Veracruz?

Commodore Matthew Perry

Who was sent to Japan to seek a trade agreement with the Japanese emperor?

Robert E. Lee

Who was sent to capture John Brown and his associates?

Irvin McDowell

Who was sent to lead an attack against General Beauregard at Manassas Junction?

Thomas Pinckney

Who was sent to negotiate the Pinckney Treaty with Spain?

General Andrew Jackson

Who was sent to protect the American settlements in West Florida?

General Zachary Taylor

Who was sent to protect the Texas border against possible invasion by Mexican forces?

General Andrew Jackson

Who was sent to stop the renegades in Spanish Florida?

Adoniram Judson

Who was the "Father of American Missions"?


Who was the "Father of French Romanticism"?

Lott Carey

Who was the "Father of Western African Missions"?

James Madison

Who was the "Father of the Constitution"?


Who was the "Father of the Enlightenment"?


Who was the *Northern* Democrat's Presidential candidate for the election of 1860?

John C. Breckinridge

Who was the *Southern* Democrat's Presidential candidate for the election of 1860?

George Dewey

Who was the American commodore who beat the Spanish in Manila Bay?

John Loudon McAdam

Who was the British engineer who designed the *mcadam roads*?

Pierre G.T. Beauregard

Who was the Confederate general who was sent to seize Fort Sumter?

John Bell

Who was the Constitutional Union's Presidential candidate for the election of 1860?

James K. Polk

Who was the Democrat's Presidential candidate for the election of 1844?

Franklin Pierce

Who was the Democrat's Presidential candidate for the election of 1852?

James Buchanan

Who was the Democrat's Presidential candidate for the election of 1856?

Lord Ashburton

Who was the English minister to the U.S. at the time of the Caroline incident?

Martin Van Buren

Who was the Free-Soil's Presidential candidate for the election of 1848?

John Brown

Who was the Free-Soiler who retaliated against violent activity by attacking the pro-slavery settlement at Pottawatomie Creek?

Citizen Edmond Genet

Who was the French diplomat who was sent to enlist American aid?


Who was the Hawaiian chief who united all but two of the main islands under his rule?

James Whitcomb Riley

Who was the Hoosier Poet?

General Santa Anna

Who was the Mexican dictator who was determined to crush the Texas rebellion?

William Brewster

Who was the Pilgrim's pastor in the New World?

Haym Solomon

Who was the Polish Jew who contributed to the patriot cause?


Who was the President who was assassinated in 1901?

John Fremont

Who was the Republican's first Presidential candidate for the election of 1856?

John J. Crittenden

Who was the Senator from Kentucky who proposed a compromise between the Union and the Confederacy?


Who was the Shawnee chief who convinced tribes to join in a confederation to drive the whites from their land?


Who was the Shoshoni squaw who served as an interpreter and guide for Lewis and Clark's expedition?

James Gadsden

Who was the U.S. minister to Mexico who was authorized to negotiate with the Mexican government for the purchase of a narrow strip of land along the southern boundary of the New Mexico territory?

Robert Anderson

Who was the Union commander in charge of Fort Sumter?

Leif Ericson

Who was the Viking adventurer from Scandinavia who landed in North America around A.D. 1000?

John Leland

Who was the Virginia Baptist's most influential leader?

Henry Clay

Who was the Whigs' Presidential candidate for the election of 1844?

Zachary Taylor

Who was the Whigs' Presidential candidate for the election of 1848?

Winfield Scott

Who was the Whigs' Presidential candidate for the election of 1852?

John Wilkes Booth

Who was the actor who assassinated President Lincoln?

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Who was the aggressive, militaristic leader of Germany in the early 1900s?

Charles G. Finney

Who was the best-known evangelist of the Second Great Awakening?

Stephen Decatur

Who was the best-known hero of the Tripolitan War?

Harriet Tubman

Who was the best-known leader of the underground railroad?

David Brainerd

Who was the best-known missionary to the Indians?

George Washington Carver

Who was the best-known teacher at Tuskegee Institute?

Jay Gould

Who was the business tycoon who came to control the rails of the Southwest?

Roger Taney

Who was the chief-justice who ruled that ,according to the Constitution, Dred Scott could not sue for his freedom?

George H. Thomas

Who was the commander of General Rosecrans' left wing who saved him from defeat at the Battle of Chickamauga?

John C. Fremont

Who was the explorer who aided the American settlers in the Sacramento Valley in gaining their freedom?

Jean Lafitte

Who was the famous Frenchman who led a band of pirates to aid Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans?


Who was the famous and fierce leader of the Apaches Indians?

Edward Everett

Who was the famous orator who preceded Lincoln at the podium to dedicate a memorial cemetery established near the battlefield at Gettysburg?

Virginia Dare

Who was the first English child born in the present-day U.S.?

George Calvert

Who was the first Lord Baltimore?

William Henry Harrison

Who was the first President to die in office?

John A. Roebling

Who was the first chief engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge?

John Jay

Who was the first chief justice of the Supreme Court?


Who was the first civil governor of the Philippines?

John Carver

Who was the first governor of the Pilgrims?

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Who was the first man to use an integrated rail system?

Herbert Hoover

Who was the head of the Food Administration?

Colonel William Barret Travis

Who was the leader of the Alamo who held the Alamo for nearly two weeks?

Chief Joseph

Who was the leader of the Nez Perce?

James J. Hill

Who was the man who built the Great Northern?

Casey Jones

Who was the man who died with one hand on the throttle and one on the brake of his train, tying to save the lives of the passengers on this crashing "Cannonball"?

Harry Rimmer

Who was the master of apologetics who convincingly refuted the theory of evolution through his may books, debates, and lectures?

Mark Twain

Who was the most famous of the local writers?

Isaac Backus

Who was the most influential figure for the Baptists in the long battle for religious freedom in Massachusetts?

Al Capone

Who was the most notorious gangster of the 1920s?

George Whitefield

Who was the most powerful evangelist of the Great Awakening?


Who was the only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms?


Who was the overall commander of the Rough Riders?

John Greenleaf Whittier

Who was the poet who bombarded the reading public with literature that aroused sympathy for the slaves?

Red Cloud

Who was the powerful Sioux chief who forced the U.S. Army to abandon three forts in the area?


Who was the powerful chieftain of the Aztecs?


Who was the prime engineer on the Panama Canal project?

Dwight L. Moody

Who was the representative of the Young Men's Christian Association who spent much time witnessing to Union troops?

Cecilius Calvert

Who was the second Lord Baltimore?

Stephen A. Douglas

Who was the senator who proposed the Kansas Nebraska Bill?

Alvin C. York

Who was the soldier from Tennessee who became a hero during the Muse-Argonne campaign?

T.T. Shields

Who was the staunch contender for fundamentalism and one of the leading authorities on Romanism?

James Otis

Who was the the Boston lawyer who spoke out against the Sugar Act?

A. Lincoln

Who was the the Republican's Presidential candidate for the election of 1860?

Harry Ironside

Who was the well-known Bible expositor who traveled widely as a missionary, evangelist, and Bible teacher, wrote over 60 books, including commentaries on the entire New Testament and on the prophetic books of the Old Testament?

Molly Pitcher

Who was the woman who carried water to the soldiers at the battle of Monmouth?

Anne Hutchinson

Who was the woman who was banished for disagreeing with the Puritan authorities on matters of religion?

General John Burgoyne

Who was to lead his army from Montreal southward along Lake Champlain?

Colonel St. Leger

Who was to lead his force from Montreal down the St. Lawrence River to Lake Ontario and then from Fort Oswego through the Mohawk Valley?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Who were the Spanish monarchs who funded Columbus' trip to North America?

James Monroe

Who won the Presidential election of 1816?


Who won the Presidential election of 1848?


Who won the Presidential election of 1860?


Who won the election of 1844?

Lincoln Steffins

Who wrote "Shame of the Cities"?

General Lew Wallace

Who wrote *Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ*?

Charles M. Sheldon

Who wrote *In His Steps*?

Upton Sinclair

Who wrote *The Jungle*?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who wrote *Uncle Tom's Cabin*?

Booker T. Washington

Who wrote *Up from Slavery* and founded Tuskegee Institute?

Adam Smith

Who wrote *Wealth of Nations*?

Alexis de Tocqueville

Who wrote Democracy in America?

Ida M. Tarbell

Who wrote a series of articles entitled "History of the Standard Oil Company"?

Bret Harte

Who wrote about the life he found in the Far West?

Noah Webster

Who wrote the "Blue-Backed Speller"?

William Tyler Page

Who wrote the *American's Creed*?

William H. McGuffey

Who wrote the Eclectic Readers?

Francis Bellamy

Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?

Francis Scott Key

Who wrote the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner"?

John Peter Zenger

Who's court trial set an important precedent for freedom of the press in America?

John S. Pillsbury

Who's flour mills became the largest flour mills in the world?


Who's foreign policy was "speak softly and carry a big stick"?

Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Who's murder sparked World War I?

Henry James

Who's novels dealt with social issues and the differences between European and American cultures?

Immanuel Kant

Who's philosophy, idealism, lead to the modernist ideas of man's "spark of divinity" and the "higher" criticism of the Bible?

John Wanamaker

Who's store in Philadelphia is usually considered to be the precursor of the modern department store?

Colonel George Armstrong Custer

Who, along with 264 men, was killed at the Battle of Little Big Horn?

DeWitt Clinton

Whose foresight made the completion of the Erie Canal possible?

John Calvin

Whose teachings would have an important influence on the people who would colonize North America?

Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill said that a *what* had fallen upon the nations of Eastern Europe.


a group of Polish nationalist led by Lech Walesa.


The erosion or the value of money.


What is a small, fixed annual fee?

Billy Sunday

the "baseball evangelist"

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

A System of space-age weaponry designed to destroy enemy missile warheads in flight.


A business operated for the benefit of its members (intended to save its members money, not to make a profit, but any profits accrued are shared by the members).

Human Genome Project

A massive effort to identify all of the approximately 30,000 genes in Human DNA.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

A new executive department created to promote the safety of the American people and their homeland.

Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003

Act President George W. Bush signed in 2003 protecting life.

Taft-Hartley Act

Act passed to curb the growing power of labor unions.

Agriculture Adjustment Act

Act passed to regulate agriculture and business.

Neutrality Act of 1937

Adopted the important "cash-and-carry" principle for dealing with warring nations.

John Pope

After McClellan's failure in the Peninsular Campaign, who was placed in charge of the Union troops?

Eddie Rickenbacker

America's most famous ace. (He shot down 22 planes.)

Project Mercury

America's program of single-manned space flights.

Dr. Paul Carlson

American medical missionary murdered in the Republic of Congo.

Mandan Indians

Among what Indian tribe did Lewis and Clark spend the winter of 1804?

reciprocal trade agreement

An agreement beneficial to both parties.

Open Door Policy

An agreement of several European powers not to interfere with trade rights of other nations.

Colonel George Washington Goethals

Army engineer appointed by Roosevelt to take charge of the Panama Canal Project.

Colonel William S. Gorgas

Army medical doctor who was appointed chief sanitary officer in the Canal Zone.

Colonel Oliver North

Arranged the transfer of Iranian-derived funds to the Contras.

Rosa Parks

Black woman arrested for riding in the "white" section of the bus.

Joseph Stalin

Assumed full control of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union in 1927, and instituted the Five-Year Plans.

Lyndon Johnson

Assumed the Presidential office after JFK was shot in 1963.


At what French fortress city did the French force the Germans to retreat?

Battle of Oriskany

At what battle did General Nicholas Herkimer route Colonel St. Leger?

Battle of Trafalgar

At what battle did Lord Nelson heroically defeat the French navy?

Battle of San Jacinto

At what battle did Sam Houston and his forces win a decisive victory and practically end the war?

Battle of Jutland

At what battle did the British badly cripple the German fleet of destroyers, battleships, and cruisers, making it nearly inactive?

Battle of the Somme

At what battle did the British introduce the tank?

Battle of Yorktown

At what battle was American independence virtually won?

Madalyn Murray O'Hair

Atheist and Marxist who was brought to national attention through a court case in Maryland.


Chief administrative officer of the UN who heads the Secretariat.

Germany, Italy, and Japan

Axis powers

Joe Biden

Barack Obama's running mate.

Battle of the Philippine Sea

Battle in which the Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers and 400 planes.

Battle of Leyte Gulf

Battle in which the Japanese lost almost all of their remaining ships and planes.

Ida M. Tarbell Lincoln Steffins Upton Sinclair

Best-known social critics of the Progressive era.

flex fuels

Biofuels combined with regular gasoline.

Thomas Sowell

Black economist of the late twentieth century who effectively argued that careless welfare programs hurt ethnic minorities by destroying the family and the work ethic in the inner cities.

Margaret Thatcher

British Prime Minister who shared the same ideals of strong traditional values, limited government, free enterprise, and strength against Communist aggression as Ronald Regan.

Tony Blair

British Prime Minister who united with President George W. Bush in fighting the War on Terror.

John Maynard Keynes

British economist whose theories FDR's advisers advocated

Fort Pickens and Fort Sumter

By April 1861, what were the only two significant federal forts within the borders of seceded states that had not fallen into Confederate hands?


By what process can an official be removed from the office before his term expires?


By what process can voters initiate the passage of a state law?


By what process is the proposed law referred to the voters, who can then pass or defeat it?

Free Silver Movement

Call for the unlimited coinage of silver.

Huey Long

Called for heavy estate taxes that would redistribute wealth to the masses.

Samoan Islands

Chain of Pacific islands over which German and American battleships almost went to war in 1889.

Old Fashioned Revival Hour

Charles E. Fuller

Earl Warren

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional.


City where the first atomic bomb was dropped.


City where the second atomic bomb was dropped.

New Orleans

City which received the most damage from Hurricane Katrina.

reciprocity clause

Clause which offered a reciprocal trade agreement to foreign nations and allowed certain raw materials to be shipped to the U.S. duty free, but it granted the President authority to impose duties on these products whenever the countries exporting them to the U.S. placed high duties on American products being imported to them.

Atomic Energy Act

Cleared the way for private, commercial development of atomic power.

Admiral Cervera

Commander of the Spanish Atlantic fleet.

Rear Admiral William T. Sampson

Commander of the U.S. Atlantic fleet.

Commodore George Dewey

Commander of the U.S. Pacific fleet.

Viet Cong

Communist guerrillas.

Joseph McCarthy

Conducted investigations into the Communist associations of employees of various departments of the federal government.

Bland-Allison Act Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Congress passed what two acts which provided for the government to purchase and coin at least a limited amount of silver each month?


Country President Eisenhower sent U.S. Marines to in 1958 to protect American lives and prevent an Arab revolt.


Country that became a proving ground for World War II.


Country which would provide a springboard for an invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Couple who were executed for leaking vital atomic bomb secrets to Russian agents.

Lawrence vs.. Texas

Court case in which a decision was made which struck down the Texas law that had criminalized homosexuality.

Engel vs. Vitale

Court case in which public schools were forbidden to require the recitation of prayers.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Court case in which the Supreme Court voted that racial segregation in public places did not violate the U.S. Constitution if "separate bu equal" facilities were maintained for both blacks and whites.

Edwards vs. Aguillard

Court case which said that even if evolution and creationism were taught together, creationism would be unconstitutional.

Bill Gates

Created Microsoft.

Hoover Dam

Created a man-made reservoir, Lake Mead, which is 115 miles long.

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)

Created an even deeper relationship between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Created by GATT.

Committee for Industrial Organizations

Created by John L. Lewis

Lake Mead

Created by the Hoover Dam

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)

Created in response to the Soviet launch of *Sputnik I*. It was meant to initiate new technology and to discover safeguards that would protect the United States and it communication infrastructure from missiles that could be launched from space.

General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Created the World Trade Organization.

Bureau of Mines

Created to conserve natural resources and help protect the welfare of miners.


Created to further U.S. space research and development.

Dr. Carlos Finlay

Cuban physician who had theorized that mosquitoes carried yellow fever.

June 6, 1944


December 7, 1941

Date for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

December 25, 1991

Date of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

April 20, 1999

Date when two high school students staged one of the worst school shooting assaults in history.


Dates of the Korean War.


Dates of the Vietnam War.

Lend-Lease Act

Declared that any means of defense, including warships, which belonged to a friendly belligerent could be refitted or repaired in the U.S.

America First Committee

Dedicated to keeping the U.S. out of a general European war.

Bob Jones

Defender of the faith


Democratic candidate of 1896.

William Faulkner

Depicted the lives and fortunes of "decayed" Southern aristocrats, stalwart yet poor Southern blacks, and scheming, poor white Southerners in such novels as *The Sound and the Fury* and *Absalom, Absalom!*

Thomas Wolfe

Described growing up in North Carolina just before the Depression in *Look Homeward, Angel*.

Internal Security Act

Designed to bring the activities of the Communist party under closer surveillance and control.

Kyoto Protocol

Designed to require nations to reduce greenhouse emissions to baselines used during the 1990s, eventually decreasing to 7% below 1990 levels.

Saddam Hussein

Dictator of Iraq.

Munich Pact

Dismembered Czechoslovakia by giving the rich Sudetenland to Germany.

38th Parallel

Dividing line between North and South Korea.

Radio Bible Class

Dr. M. R. DeHaan

Congress of Verona

During what congress did Austria, Prussia, Russia, and France vow to put down a revolutionary uprising in Spain and threatened to help Spain reconquer its New World colonies?

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

Education plan implemented by President George W. Bush.

Richard Nixon

Eisenhower's Vice President.

John Foster Dulles

Eisenhower's secretary of state.

Dwight Eisenhower

Elected President in 1952.

William Howard Taft

Elected in 1908.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson

Elected in 1912; first president since John Adams to make a personal appearance before Congress.

Herbert Hoover

Elected in 1928.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)

Elected in 1932

John Kennedy

Elected in 1960.

Richard Nixon

Elected in 1968.

James Carter

Elected in 1976.

Ronald Regan

Elected in 1980.

George H. W. Bush

Elected in 1988.

Bill Clinton

Elected in 1992.

George W. Bush

Elected in 2000.

Barack Obama

Elected in 2008.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Elected president in 1876.

St. Lawrence Seaway

Enabled ocean-going vessels to visit Great Lakes ports.

Carl Sandburg

Encouraged the people during the Depression in his volume *The People, Yes*.

20th Amendment

Ended the "lame duck" sessions of Congress.

postwar economic boom

Ended the Great Depression.

22nd Amendment

Ensured that future Presidents would be limited to two terms in office.

Gamal Nasser

Especially vocal in his condemnation of the new state of Israel.

Social Security Act

Established a government fund for unemployment and old-age insurance.

Civil Service Commission

Established by the Pendleton Act to administer examinations to applicants in the different states and to fill the positions on the basis of proven qualifications.

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

Established to control wages and prices and to limit competition among businesses while encouraging labor organizations.

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Established to protect the stated rights of unions and to mediate labor-management disputes.


Excluding cotton, the south was the world's largest _____ producer.


Exercises total control of political, economic, cultural, religious, and social activities.


Exploded and burned as it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.

Relief Recovery Reform

FDR's Three R's.

Cordell Hull

FDR's secretary of state who served from 1933-1944.

Alan Shepard, Jr.

First American in space.

John Glenn, Jr.

First American to orbit the earth.


First Democratic President after the Civil War.

Tom Ridge

First Secretary of Homeland Security.

Wilt Chamberlain

First basketball player ever to score 100 points during a single professional game.

James Meredith

First black American man to make an attempt to enroll at the all-white University of Mississippi.

Battle of the Coral Sea

First naval battle of history in which the opposing vessels did not sight one another.

George Meany

First president of the AFL-CIO.

Telstar Relay

First two American communications satellites.

Frances Perkins

First woman to be appointed to a cabinet position.

Syria Egypt

Formed the United Arab Republic (UAR).

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

Formed to resist Communist aggression and expansion in the Far East.

Whittaker Chambers

Former Communist party member and Soviet spy who testified against Hiss.

state lotteries casino gambling

Forms of gambling used in many states to raise money for state governments.

Mel Trotter

Founder of 67 rescue missions

Gipsy Smith

From tent to pulpit

Chester A. Arthur

Garfield's vice-president and successor.

Emergency Banking Relief Act

Gave the President broad power to control banking policies and to reopen banks as he saw fit.

Defense Production Act

Gave the President the authority to fix wage and price ceilings.

Eisenhower Doctrine

Gave the President the power to use force against Communist aggression in the Middle East.

General William Westmoreland

General in command of the U.S. troops in South Vietnam.

General Colin Powell

General placed in charge of Operation Desert Storm.


German air force.

Carl Schurz

German immigrant who was a strong advocate of civil service reform.

Vidkun Quisling

Head of the Nazi puppet government in Norway.

John L. Lewis

Head of the United Mine Workers; created and became the first president of the CIO.

Mein Kampf

Hitler's autobiography

Sigfried Line

Hitler's line created to oppose the french Maginot Line.

Operation Sea-Lion

Hitler's plan to invade and conquer Great Britain.

20 million

How much did the U.S. give to Spain for the Philippines?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Organization of American States

In 1970, the Pan-American Union was replaced by what?

Manuel Noriega

Panama dictator who was smuggling illegal drugs into the United States.

English, Scots-Irish, and Germans

In the order from greatest to least, what were the three largest peoples who came to the New World?


In what area was gold discovered in 1897?

Wilderness Campaign

In what battle did Grant lose more men than Lee had in his army?

Battle of Buena Vista

In what battle did Taylor win a decisive victory against overwhelming odds?

Battle of Chickamauga

In what battle was General Rosecrans forced to retreat and was saved from defeat only by the brave stand of his left wing?

Second Battle of Bull Run

In what battle was Pope forced to fight General Lee at Manassas Junction?

Congress of Verona

In what congress did four European powers vow to put down a revolutionary uprising in Spain and threatened to help Spain reconquer its New World colonies?

Gibbons vs. Ogden

In what court case did John Marshall rule against a transportation monopoly granted by the New York state legislature to Robert Livingston and Robert Fulton?

Dartmouth College Case

In what court case did John Marshall rule that the state of New Hampshire could not change the old charter of Dartmouth College?

Teapot Dome Scandal

In what scandal did Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall violate U.S. law by secretly leasing the huge oil reserves at Teapot Dome and Elk Hills to private oil companies?

Farewell Address

In what speech did Washington announce his decision to retire from politics?


In what state was the proposed state constitution submitted to the people for ratification before it was adopted?

Kansas City and Chicago

In what two cities was the meatpacking business prevalent?


Incident in April 1993 in which federal law enforcement officials abused their powers.

Jonas Salk

Introduced the first successful polio vaccine.

Tim Berners-Lee

Invented the World Wide Web (WWW).

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Iranian president.

Roy Moor

Judge who was removed from his position after an issue with a Ten Commandments monument.


June 6, 1944

Potsdam Declaration

Laid out plans for the occupation of Germany.

Armstrong Aldrin, Jr. Collins

Last names of the three Apollo 11 astronauts who landed on the moon.

Fermi Teller Oppenheimer

Last names of the three scientists who worked on the atomic bomb.

Mao Tse-tung

Led the Chinese Communists.

Chiang Kai-shek

Led the Chinese Nationalists.

Lech Walesa

Led the Solidarity.

Colonel Doolittle

Led the bombing raid against Tokyo and other Japanese cities in 1942.

Newt Gingrich

Led the drive for a "Contract with America."

General Hideki Tojo

Led the extremely militaristic army-controlled ministry in Japan.

Phyllis Schlafly

Led the opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment.

21st Amendment

Legalized the sale of liquor.

subprime lending

Lending to buyers whose credit records were not very stable or credible.

Muammar Al Qaddafi

Libyan dictator.

Payne-Aldrich Bill

Lowered the tariff rates on some items, but kept most rates substantially as they were under the Dingley tariff.

26th Amendment

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.

16th Amendment

Made income tax possible.

Smith Act

Made it a crime to advocate the violent overthrow of the U.S. government or to belong to a group dedicated to that purpose.

Arab Oil embargo

Made oil scarce, resulting in long lines at gas stations.

Orville and Wilbur Wright

Made the first successful powered flight.

V-E Day

May 8, 1945

Government Issue

Meaning for *GI*

Alger Hiss

Member of the State Department who transferred documents to a Soviet agent.

Porfirio Diaz

Mexico's aging dictator who was overthrown.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Most far-reaching of all New Deal undertakings.

Malcolm X

Most prominent black separatist leader.

Victoriano Huerta

Murdered Madero and headed Mexico's government with a dictatorial and bloody reign.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration



NASA's first reusable "space plane."

New Deal

Name of FDR's program for economic recovery.


Name of the first clone (a sheep).

Office of War Mobilization (OWM)

Name of the wartime cabinet created in May 1943.

Wilson George Clemenceau Orlando

Name the "Big Four."

The Five Power Treaty The Four Power Treaty The Nine Power Treaty

Name the three major treaties that resulted from the Washington Conference for Limitation of Armaments?

Quemoy Matsu

Nationalist Chinese islands that were bombarded by Communist China and protected by American naval and air forces.


Nationalized the Suez Canal.

Ben Nighthorse Campbell

Native American of Colorado who won a seat in the u.S. Senate.

National Socialist German Workers' Party

Nazi Party


Nazi sympathizers

Pike's Peak

Near what peak was gold found in 1859?

secretary of energy

New Cabinet position created during the Carter Administration.

Fighting Red Tails

Nickname of the 332nd.


Nicknamed the Purple Heart Battalion.

6 million

Number of Jews killed during the Holocaust.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries



Of who was it said, "He taught millions to read, but not one to sin." ?

Japanese Peace Treaty Conference

Officially ended the Allied occupation of Japan.

April 6, 1917

On what date did the United States enter World War I?

November 11, 1918

On what date was the armistice signed for WWI?

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

On what railroad did Peter Cooper's engine, the *Tom Thumb*, run?

Robert M. La Follette

One of the early progressive leaders from Wisconsin.

Winston S. Churchill

One of the few that recognized the threat the Hitler and Nazi Germany posed to the free world.

Underwood-Simmons Bill

One of the most significant tariff acts in American history


Organization which was America's first target in her war against terrorism.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Organized the civil rights movement which pledged itself to nonviolent resistance.

sugar cane, rice, hemp, corn, oats, wheat

Other than cotton, what were some items that the South exported throughout the world?

24th Amendment

Outlawed poll taxes for national elections

Francisco Madero

Overthrew Mexico's aging dictator Porfirio Diaz, promising to make reforms and to adopt a democratic constitution.


Part of the Republican Party who opposed legislation to alter the civil service.


Part of the Republican Party who were more congenial to alter the civil service.

Populist Party

Party whose platform was perhaps the first widespread political expression of the sentiment that no matter what problem arises, the government "ought to do something about it."

Ferdinand Marcos

Philippine authoritarian president.

Francis Gary Powers

Pilot of the reconnaissance plane shot down over Soviet Russia in 1960.

Littleton, Colorado

Place where one of the worst school shooting assaults in history happened.

Fidel Castro

Planned to take over the island nation of Grenada in the West Indies and use it as a military base to invade the mainland of South America.

Clarence Day

Play, *Life with Father*, was based off of his book.

Watergate affair

Political scandal which led to President Nixon's resignation.

Farmer's Alliances

Politically active regional groups farmers began organizing.

James B. Weaver

Populist Presidential candidate for the election of 1892.

Robert Frost

Portrayed the natural beauty of New England in his poems.

Boris Yeltsin

President of the Russian Republic who resigned from the Communist party.

embryonic stem cell research

President George W. Bush's first veto.

Bush Doctrine

President George W. Bush's idea of declaring war on threatening countries before they have a chance to harm America.

Great Society

President Johnson's social welfare program.

Spiro Agnew

President Nixon's first Vice President who resigned.

Gerald Ford

President Nixon's second Vice President and successor.


President Regan's economic strategy.

Fair Deal

President Truman's program of socialistic legislation.

James A. Garfield

President elected in 1880 who was assassinated in 1881.

Fair Housing Act

Prohibited discrimination in renting or selling houses.

1964 Civil Rights Act

Prohibited racial discrimination in public places.

American Servicemembers' Protection Act

Prohibited the United States from cooperating the the ICC and furthermore gave the President powers to free all U.S. citizens over which ICC was exercising its authority.

G.I. Bill of Rights

Provided discharge pay, hospitalization, government loans for purchasing homes, farms, or businesses, and educational benefits for veterans.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Provided for mutual consultation and defense whenever "the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any of the parties is threatened."

National Youth Administration (NYA)

Provided high school and college students with part-time employment to help them complete their schooling.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Provided legal justification for U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict.

North Atlantic Treaty

Provided military aid to European allies and other friendly nations.

Roosevelt Dam

Provided water to irrigate more than 2000,000 acres.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Put thousands of young men to work on conservation projects such as reforestation, flood control, and improvement of national parks.

al Qaeda

Radical Islamic terrorist network responsible for the attack on the Twin Towers.

Boxer Rebellion

Rebellion in China.

General George Marshall

Recommended withdrawal of American support from Nationalist China.

T. S. Eliot

Reflected a Christian view of life in such poems as "Ash Wednesday," Journey of the Magi," and *The Four Quarters*.

Regan Doctrine

Regan's belief that Communist aggressors must be stopped before they can attack and enslave a country.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

Released large sums of tax money to state and local agencies for direct relief of the unemployed.

Henry Kissinger

Spokesman for detente.

Roosevelt Corollary

Roosevelt's expanded interpretation of Monroe's original policy statement.

Warsaw Pact

Russia's response to NATO.

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization


Neutrality Act of 1939

Sacrificed the the principle of "freedom of the seas" while trying to keep America out of war.

Kate Smith

Sang "God Bless America" at the top of her lungs.

Mariner II

Satellite which passed withing 21,594 miles of the planet Venus.

Philippine Islands

Scene of the first important action of the Spanish-American War

Theodore Roosevelt

Secretary of the Navy who sent Dewey orders that if war should be declared, he should proceed to the Philippines Islands and "capture or destroy" the Spanish fleet.

yellow journalism

Sensational and sometimes unfounded stories

Archduke Maximilian of Austria

Sent by Napoleon III with an army of troops to set up an empire in Mexico.

General John Pershing

Sent by President Wilson with 15,000 American troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa.

General Douglas MacArthur

Sent to the Philippines in 1936 to prepare the islands' defenses against future Japanese attack.

V-J Day

September 2, 1945

Slobodan Milosevic

Serbian president.

Fidel Castro

Set up a Communist dictatorship in Cuba.


Sherman's first main objective was to capture *what city*?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Shot President John Kennedy (JFK).

Sirhan Biashara Sirhan

Shot Robert Kennedy.

John Hinckley, Jr.

Shot Ronald Regan.


South Africa's policy of racial segregation.


South Vietnam's capital.

Mikhail Gorbachev

Soviet leader who replaced Khrushchev.


Soviet term for "restructuring."


Soviet term which means "openness."


Space shuttle which exploded shortly after launching from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Irving Kristol

The "Father of Neoconservatism."


The *Maine* was sunk in what harbor?

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

The Interstate Commerce Act established *what* to supervise the activities of railroads and enforce the provisions of the law?


The Iranian-supported Islamic movement which launched a series of missile strikes from Lebanon against Israel in 2006.


The Roman church responded to the Protestant Reformation with a *what* in hopes to crush Protestantism and to bring as many souls as possible back into the Catholic fold?

William J. Bennett

The Secretary of Education under Ronald Regan.

Explorer I

The United States' first man-made satellite.


The development of the British *what* paved the way for more representative government?

home schooling

The fastest-growing educational trend in the United states by the late 1990s.

Daniel Ken Inouye

The first Japanese-American to serve in the U.S. Congress.

Patsy Takemoto Mink

The first Japanese-American woman to serve in Congress.

International Space Station (ISS)

The first permanent human outpost in space.


The gentleman's agreement was signed in what country?

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

The highest tariff in the nation's peacetime history.

irreducible complexity

The idea that all parts of an organism have to b present from their origin; otherwise these parts would be useless and eliminated by natural selection.

the 50th Anniversary of the UN

The largest gathering of world dignitaries in history.


The largest minority ethnic group in the United States.

Ford Foundation

The largest philanthropic organization in the world.

Moral Majority

The largest political action group that supported Ronald Regan.

the formation of the DHS

The largest reorganization to take place in the federal government in 50 years.

Manhattan Project

The largest research and scientific effort of its day.

Burma Road

The last land route into China.


The most controversial area in bioethics.

Dr. James Dobson

The most respected and listened to individual of the Christian Right.

26th of July Movement

The name of Fidel Castro's movement to overthrow Batista.


The name of the incident involving financial contributions from China in return for military secrets.


The perspective that the world needs to unite under one economic, political, and religious system.


The ruler of *what country* tied to increase the yearly tribute that America payed to it?


The second largest immigrant group in the United States.


The settlement of a dispute by a person or persons chosen to hear both sides and come to a decision.

October 29, 1929

The stock market crash ("Black Tuesday").


The study of the moral implications and applications of biological research, predicting the impact of new scientific changes on mankind and planet earth.


The tiny, oil-rich kingdom which Saddam Hussein invaded.


The world's first nuclear-powered merchant vessel.

Mackinac Straits Bridge

The world's longest suspension bridge.


Tiny electronic components which made it possible to build smaller computers.

Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley

To whom did James II give New Jersey?


Turning point in the war in the Pacific.

Luzon Manila

Two American island outposts that fell to Japan immediately following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Cambodia Laos

Two countries that fell to Communism after Vietnam.

Treblinka Auschwitz

Two of Germany's most infamous concentration camps, located in Poland.

God Bless America White Christmas

Two of Irving Berlin's most popular songs during the war years.

Women's Army Corps (WACS) WAVES

Two organizations that allowed women to serve for the first time in the armed forces.

Central Powers

Under what name did Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey unite under for WWI?


Under what name did Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Belgium, Romania, Japan, Portugal, Montenegro, Greece, and Italy unite for WWI?

Pearl S. Buck

Used China for the setting of her best-selling novel *The Good Earth*.

May 8, 1945

V-E Day

September 2, 1945

V-J Day

The Lutheran Hour

W.A. Maier


What America's largest city during the 1760's? It had a population of 25,000 people.

A. T. Robertson

What Baptist professor added to the understanding of the Scriptures with his studies in the *Greek New Testament*?

Sir William Howe

What British General captured Staten Island with his brother, Admiral Lord Richard Howe?

Hudson's Bay Company

What British company established an extensive fur trade in the Oregon territory?

G. Campbell Morgan

What British minister was known as the "Prince of Expositors"?

C.I. Scofield

What Civil War hero published the *Scofield Reference Bible*?


What Dutch city did the Scrooby congregation move to when they left England?


What is a refusal to work?

Espionage Act

What act provided stiff penalties for anyone who furnished information which would aid the enemy, obstruct recruiting, or encourage insubordination in the armed forces?

Navigation Act of 1660

What act provided that all goods imported to or exported from the colonies must be carried on ships owned by British subjects?

Presidential Succession Act

What act provided that if both a President and Vice President should die in office or resign, the members of the cabinet should succeed to the Presidency in the order in which Congress had created their offices?

Newlands Reclamation Act

What act provided that money from the sale of public land in 16 western states was to be used to initiate irrigation projects to make arid land productive?

Tydings-McDuffie Act

What act provided that the Philippines were to become independent in 1946?

Selective Service Act

What act required all men from age 21 through age 30 to register with the local draft boards? (The age limits were later extended to include all men from 18 through 45)

Amnesty Act

What act restored political rights to most of those who had cooperated with the Confederacy?

Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

What act resulted from the Grangers appealing to the federal government for help?

Expedition Act

What act sped up the handling of antitrust cases in the federal courts?

Hepburn Act

What act strengthened the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission over the railroads?

Electoral Count Act

What act was adopted to prevent another disputed election like that of 1876?

Pure Food and Drug Act

What act was designed to prevent the manufacture and sale of adulterated foods and drugs?

Hat Act

What act was passed to protect British hat manufacturers?

Volstead Act

What act was passed to put the 18th Amendment into effect?

Prohibitory Act

What act, issued by Parliament, prohibited all trade with the colonies and provided for the confiscation of their ships?

David Farragut

What admiral of the U.S. Navy captured Mobile Bay and took possession of the Confederate naval vessels harbored there?

Rush-Bagot Agreement

What agreement between the U.S. and Great Britain did the two powers agree to total disarmament on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, as well as demilitarizing the entire U.S.-Canadian border?

13th Amendment

What amendment abolished slavery permanently from the United States and all areas under its jurisdiction?

15th Amendment

What amendment allowed freedmen to vote?

19th amendment

What amendment guaranteed women the right to vote?

14th Amendment

What amendment made freedmen citizens?

17th amendment

What amendment provided for the direct election of senators by the voters?

Teller Amendment

What amendment stated "that the United States disclaims any intention of control over said island [Cuba] except for the pacification thereof, and asserts its determination when that is accomplished, to leave the government and the control of the island to its people"?

Platt amendment

What amendment would give Cuba independence under several conditions?


What are certificates of ownership?


What are counterfeit church groups that operate under the guise of Christianity?


What are farmers' organizations which appeal to their state legislatures to adopt laws regulating the railroads?


What are fees on imported goods?


What are happenings that serve as examples to be followed in the future?

contraband of war

What are items that, according to international law, may be seized when headed for an enemy port in wartime?

trunk lines

What are major lines connecting key points?


What are paper money not backed by gold or any other valuable metal but by the governments credit?

implied powers

What are powers now specifically mentioned in the Constitution but implied therein?


What are refunds?

feeder lines

What are small lines bringing business from diverse points along the main route?

protective tariffs

What are tariffs high enough to discourage the importation of certain products and thereby to aid the development of American manufacturing?

Indians and Creoles

What are the names for people of Spanish or French descent who are born in the New World?

real wages

What are wages in relation to buying power?

Battle of the Thames

What battle brought the total collapse of Tecumseh's Indian confederacy?

Battle of Tippecanoe

What battle largely crushed Tecumseh's Indian confederation?

Berlin and Milan decrees

What decrees did Napoleon issue which, in effect, cut off all neutral trade with Great Britain and made neutral ships attempting to enter British ports subject to seizure by French authorities?

Department of Commerce and Labor

What department had authority to investigate large industrial combinations?

"Gilded Age"

What did Mark Twain call the Age of Industry?

free schools

What did some people call the public schools?

Boston Massacre

What did the Bostonians and other colonists label the killing of 5 people in their home town?

James II

What did the Duke of York's name change to when he became King of England?

Bureau of the Budget

What did the National Budget Act create within the Treasury Department?

New Plymouth

What did the Pilgrims call the place where they stepped ashore?

"Intolerable Acts"

What did the colonists call the Coercive Acts?

bread colonies

What did the middle colonies become known as?


What did the people who wanted to adopt the new Constitution call themselves?

Tree of Peace

What did the tribes of the Iroquois League of Five Nations call themselves?


What did those who opposed the Constitution become known as?

Great Chicago Fire of 1871

What disaster ravaged Chicago, the nation's fastest-growing city?

Emancipation Proclamation

What document declared that as of January 1, 1863, slaves in states or parts of states then in arms against the Unison should be "then, thence forward, and forever free"?

Proclamation of Rebellion

What document did George III issue, declaring that the Americans were in "open and avowed rebellion"?

Magna Carta

What document helped to prepare England for limited government?

Articles of Confederation

What document in America established a "firm league of friendship"?

The Land Ordinance of 1785

What document provided for the entire Northwest Territory to be surveyed and divided into townships?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

What document provided for the gradual development of self-government, as enough people moved into the territory to make it feasible?

composed of two houses

What does bicameral mean?

Commonwealth of Independent States

What eleven of the former Soviet Republics banded together to form.

Mayflower Compact

What established a "civil body politic" for the Pilgrims before the left the Mayflower?

Scopes Trial

What famous court case in Tennessee dramatized the impact of Darwinism on American thought and life?


What form of transportation did Boston introduce in 1897?

cable car

What form of transportation ran on a track and was pulled by a clamp which extended through a slot in the pavement and was attached to a steam engine which pulled or released the cable?

American Bible Society

What group distributed over 9000,000 copies of the Bible to both Union and Confederate troops during the Civil War?

Freedmen's Bureau

What group had been established by an act of Congress in 1865 in order to provide food and clothing for freed slaves?

American Legion

What group lobbied for veterans' benefits?

Cherokee Mounted Rifles

What group was among the last Confederate groups to surrender to the Union?

Freedmen's Aid Society

What group was set up by the Methodist Episcopal church that set up a number of schools in Southern states to educate former slaves?

Louisiana Purchase

What has aptly been called the greatest real estate deal in American history?

San Juan Hill

What hill, captured by the Rough Riders, was essential for the fall of Santiago?

Steady growth of the nation's savings banks.

What indicated the increasing prosperity among all classes of people?

linotype machine

What invention cast rows of type directly from molten metal?

incandescent electric light bulb

What invention has undoubtedly had the most profound effect upon the 20th century?

web press

What invention printed on both sides of paper at the same time?


What is a business owned by one individual?


What is a business owned by two or more partners?


What is a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking and is willing to risk failure for a chance at success?

Committees of Correspondence

What organization kept colonists informed on Anglo-American relations, and helped to unite the colonists with a common purpose? Sam Adams helped to form this committee.

Committee of Public Information

What organization was created in order to help boost support for the war cause?

F. B. Meyer

What other British minister was noted for his devotional studies of Bible characters and his keen Scriptural insight into practical Christian living?

Greenback Labor party

What party advocated that the federal government increase the number of greenbacks in circulation?

National Prohibition party

What party was organized in 1869 as one of the voices that kept the liquor question constantly before the public?

Battle of King's Mountain

What patriot victory checked the British advance and gave new morale to the patriot cause?

Peace of Paris

What peace treaty ended the French and Indian War?

Olive Branch Petition

What petition was sent by the Continental Congress to George II, calling for amends to be made between England and the colonies?


What philosophy seemed to free man from his responsibility to God?

plow sulky

What piece of equipment enabled a farmer to ride his plow instead of walking behind it?

grain drill

What piece of equipment planted seed in rows and covered it with a thin layer of soil?

Black Hills

What piece of land were the Sioux Indians promised in order to keep them peaceful?

Young Plan

What plan proposed that Germany's total debt be reduced and that the payment period be extended over an even longer time span than it already had?

Grand Model

What plan would have divided land and political power among setters on the basis of an elaborate social order?

Virginia Plan

What plan, proposed by Edmund Randolph, called for a bicameral (two house) legislature with representation based on state population?

New Jersey Plan

What plan, proposed by William Paterson, called for a unicameral (one-house) legislature with equal representation for all states?

Pulitzer Prizes

What prizes are awarded in journalism, literature, drama, and music each year?

Queen Liliuokalani

What queen disapproved of the influence of the white settlers on her islands?

Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe

What railroad carried eastern tourists and cargo from Kansas through the southwestern deserts to California?

Mohawk and Hudson Railroad

What railroad connected Albany and Schenectady?

Southern Pacific

What railroad ran from New Orleans across Texas and through the Gadsden Purchase to California?

Northern Pacific

What railroad spanned the fertile northern prairies?

Central Pacific Railroad

What railroad welcomed Chinese immigrants as cheap labor to work on the construction of the transcontinental line?

New England

What region of America became well known for its production of textiles, shoes, and paper?

middle colonies

What region of the New World attracted immigrants from many lands and therefore had a great deal of religious diversity?

New England

What region of the New World became well known for her numerous churches? Most of the churches were Congregational (Puritan).

southern colonies

What region of the New World had the Anglican church?

Pacific Garden Mission

What rescue mission was opened in Chicago in 1877 to help the outcasts of society?

Sioux War

What resulted in the breach of treaty between the U.S. and the Sioux tribe?

Cumberland Road

What road connected Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, Virginia?

El Camino Real

What road runs between Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Chihuahua Mexico?

Cumberland Road

What road would later become known as the National Road?

Emperor Napoleon III

What ruler took advantage of the American Civil War and sent an army of French troops to establish an empire in Mexico?

Moody Bible Institute

What school provided young people with training that prepared them for Christian service in America and around the world?

Great Divide

What separates the rivers flowing east toward the Atlantic from those flowing west toward the Pacific?

Santa Fe

What served as the capital of the Spanish settlement in the American Southwest?

Comstock Lode

What sliver mine yielded $300 million in the first 20 years of operation?

middle class

What social class consisted of the small independent farmers, shopkeepers, and skilled craftsmen?

Boston News-Letter

What was America's first regularly published weekly newspaper?

clipper ships

What was America's greatest contribution to the history of sailing vessels?

Battle of New Orleans

What was America's most heroic battle of the War of 1812?

Monroe Doctrine

What was America's policy toward Latin America, as expressed in 1823?

"Old Hickory"

What was Andrew Jackson's nickname?

Freeport Doctrine

What was Douglas' doctrine that won him enough support to beat Lincoln in winning the election for the U.S. Senate?

"Little Giant"

What was Douglas' nickname?

"Morning Star of the Reformation"

What was John Wycliffe often called?

Gettysburg Address

What was Lincoln's famous speech called?

"Honest Abe"

What was Lincoln's nickname?

Fourteen Points

What was President Wilson's list of war aims called?

"Old Rough and Ready"

What was Taylor's nickname?

Russo-Japanese War

What was Teddy Roosevelt's first experience with problems in the Far East?

royal colony

What was a colony owned and controlled directly by the king and administered by his royal governors?


What was a horse-drawn coach which carried passengers over fixed routes for fixed fares?


What was a house dug in the side of a hill or ravine?

sod house

What was a house made out of thick slabs of sod?

elastic clause

What was added to the Constitution to ensure that Congress should not be bound in any important matters by mere oversights or omissions in the Constitution?

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

What was considered to be the first written constitution in America?


What was king in the south?

Lancaster Turnpike

What was one of the earliest turnpikes in America?


What was one of the most powerful Indian tribes?

Revolutionary War

What was the American War for Independence sometimes called?

"Old Ironsides"

What was the Constitution's nickname?

Great Awakening

What was the Methodist Revival called in America?

Battle of Chancellorsville

What was the South's costliest victory?

Declaratory Act

What was the act that Parliament adopted that declared that the colonies were "subordinate" to England and that Parliament had the power to pass laws to "bind the colonies... in all cases whatsoever"?

Jones Act

What was the act which allowed Philippine voters to elect a senate as well as the assembly?

Northwest Territory

What was the area bounded by the Ohio, the Mississippi, and the Great Lakes called?

Pendleton Act

What was the basis for the modern civil service program?

Puritan work ethic

What was the belief that work is a gift from God and a way to glorify Him?

Pendleton Act

What was the best remembered achievement of the Arthur Administration?

Key into the Language of America

What was the book that Roger Williams wrote about the Indians?

Richmond, Virginia

What was the capital of the Confederacy?

the home

What was the center of life in the average American's home in 1900?


What was the collective name for the 85 essays which gave sound arguments in favor of the Constitution?

Rappite Community

What was the community that George Rapp founded?

Oneida Community

What was the community that John Humphrey Noyes founded?

New Harmony

What was the community that Robert Owen founded?

Compromise of 1850

What was the compromise that was proposed by Henry Clay?


When Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.


When NATO was formed.

June 25, 1950

When North Korea invaded South Korea.


When President Johnson sent the first combat troops to South Vietnam.


When President Nixon visited Communist China.


When all U.S. combat troops had been withdrawn from South Vietnam.

bank runs

When depositors lose confidence in a bank and rush to withdraw their money.


When did Alaska become the 49th state?


When did Charles Lindbergh make the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean?


When did Columbus discover North America?


When did Congress officially declare war on Mexico?


When did George Grenville become prime minister of England?


When did George III become king of England?


When did Guam become a U.S. territory?


When did Gutenberg introduce the movable-type printing press?


When did Hawaii become the 50th state?


When did Henry Ford develop the assembly line process?


When did John Cabot explore the eastern coast of North America from Labrador to Virginia?


When did KDKA first air in Pittsburgh?


When did Oglethorpe and the first settlers found Savannah?


When did Texas officially become a state?


When did the British launch a new campaign to crush the patriot cause?

May 10, 1869

When did the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad meet?


When did the Constitutional Convention begin?

July 4, 1776

When did the Continental Congress adopt the Declaration of Independence?


When did the Pilgrims arrive at the New World?


When did the Protestant Reformation begin?


When did the Second Continental Congress convene?


When did the Senate ratify the treaty to buy Alaska for $7,200,000 from Russia?


When did the Spanish-American War take place?


When did the federal government's superintendent of the census announce that for the first time in the nation's history there could "hardly be said to be a frontier line"?


When did the gold rush begin?


When did the second Bank of the United States receive a 20-year charter?


When the 20th Amendment was passed.


When the 21st Amendment was passed.


When the Charter for the United Nations was drafted in San Francisco.

Cyrus Field

Who *laid* the first transatlantic cable?


Who *plotted* the route for the first transatlantic cable?

John Dewey

Who advocated "progressive education"?


Who agreed to finance the expedition in exchange for a share in the Pilgrim's profits during the first seven years?

Commodore Foote

Who aided Grant in the capture of Fort Henry and captured Memphis?

William Pitt the Elder

Who became England's prime minister in 1757, ultimately turning the tide of the French and Indian War?

Albert B. Fall

Who became Harding's Secretary of Interior?

Marquis de Lafayette

Who became a close and invaluable aid to General Washington?

William Z. Foster

Who became a key figure in the American Communist movement?

Joel Chandler Harris

Who became famous for his "Uncle Remus" tales?

Leonard Calvert

Who became the first governor of Maryland?

William Jennings Bryan

Who became well-known for his work in settling international disputes through arbitration?

Arno C Gaebelein

Who began an effective ministry to the Jews through his magazine *Our Hope*?

Daniel Boone

Who blazed the Wilderness Road?

Peter Minuit

Who bought Manhattan Island from the Indians for trading goods worth about $24?

J. Gresham Machen

Who brilliantly analyzed liberalism as being both anti-christian and anti-intellectual, giving many people a firm belief in the Bible?

Marshall Field

Who built a lucrative business on integrity and customer satisfaction; he coined the slogan "Give the Lady What She Wants"?

Robert Fulton

Who built the *first practical steamboat*?

"Mad Anthony" Wayne

Who captured Stony Point for the patriots in one of the most daring moves of the War for Independence?

Charles Beard

Who claimed that economic factors had an overriding influence upon man's decisions and therefore upon the course of history?

Robert Cavelier De la Salle

Who claimed the entire Mississippi Valley for France and named it "Louisiana" in honor of King Louis XIV of France?

William G. McAdoo

Who combined the railroads into one large rail system, eliminated competition, pooled all railroad equipment and eliminated many passenger trains to clear the tracks for the hauling of war materials and troops?

General Horatio Gates

Who commanded the patriot troops at the Battle of Saratoga?

Hernando Cortes

Who conquered the Aztecs of Mexico?

Francisco Pizarro

Who conquered the Incas of Peru?

Philip II

Who controlled more of the earth's surface than any other man in history?

Abraham Lincoln

Who debated Douglas in 1858?

Stephen Douglas

Who debated Lincoln in 1858?

Andrew Jackson

Who decisively defeated the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?

60 million

Worldwide death toll for World War II.

Irving Berlin

Wrote "God Bless America."

John Steinbeck

Wrote *The Grapes of Wrath*.

Thornton Wilder

Wrote the play *Our Town*.


Year NAFTA was ratified.


Year President Ford officially announced the end of American involvement in Vietnam.


Year of the Watergate affair.


Year the Philippines became independent.


Year the last federal troops were removed from occupied southern states, marking *the end of Reconstruction*.


Year we first landed on the moon.


Year when JFK was assassinated.

Clara Barton

who is best remembered for founding the American Red Cross?

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