A more beautiful question book APRD

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From whom can a game-changing question come?

A little child

What does a challenge in questioning in business do?

A challenge in questioning should ask new questions that aren't being asked. They should take a step back and start at the beginning and question what a business is doing.

What is questioning?

Ambitious yet actionable question that can begin to shift the way we perceive or think about something- and might serve as a catalyst to bring about change. Questioning is a "given part of life like breathing"

What must a company have in order for innovative questioning to gain traction?

Companies need to create an open policy that encourages questioning at all levels of the company from the top to the bottom level people. It must openly invite and encourage all employees to question why things are done a certain way. For example Google every week allows employees to submit questions and the top 10 are answered by the CEO. Companies must also develop a way to reward questioning by employees. They can also teach their employees how to ask good questions as in the Gore example. Another way is through a company's hiring process of identifying people tha ask questions rather than just go along with the flow.

What is disruptive innovation?

Disruptive Innovation is looking at the way a successful business had been operating and still asking the questions of why are we still doing things this way. It is going against the grain of what everyone in a business thinks and believes and challenging these beliefs by asking "Why"? Or "Should we be doing things differently?" In the book it was used to understand why tech companies that had been really successful all of the sudden were getting beat by newer ones. They found that these companies were too focused on what they are doing instead of what they could do differently.

What is connective inquiry?

I think she really means what is contextual inquiry-so maybe you could email her or ask someone in your class. Contextual inquiry is about asking questions up close and in context, relying on observation,listening and understanding what is going on in the real world in order to ask a more effective question.

Why is it important for a company to question its own existence?

It is important for a company to question the purpose for its existence becasue as it gets bigger an more successful it can lose sight of what it was originally created to do. By always reminding itself of its founding purpose it can expand into other areas without losing sight of the reason it became so successful. When a company questions its purpose it is able to adapt to changes and remain relevant. Facebook is another example. It needed to examine what it was really trying to do, even though it has a lot of subscribers its still adding new features in order to connect people in different ways.

What happens once we have labeled things?

It is putting it in the proper file drawers of the brain. They become known quantities and we don't think about them. Once we label them we don't think about them or may not even notice them.

What is the relationship between questioning, age, and engagement?

Kids ask more questions in preschool and as they get older, the number of questions decrease. Student engagement decreases as the amount or questions decrease. This shows that as kids get older and are just force fed facts in school they tend to be less engaged.

What happens to children and when they question?

Kids don't accept any answer. If you try you will only end up in a circle of why questions. Children go from asking simple questions that just require a short answer to questions asking why something is the way it is. For example they go from asking "can i go outside and play" which just requires a yes or no response to "why can't i go outside" The more questions kids ask the more they actually understand things that are going on around them. As their brains develop they are trying to categorize information into certain areas of understanding. So they ask so many questions early because they have not categorized things.

What are the ways questioning impacts our current educational system?

Many say that our current educational system does not allow enough opportunities for kids to ask questions. Instead it is more about memorizing information and facts. The problem is that many teachers are required to teach students only things that are going to help them on standardized tests so there is not an opportunity to question and explore.Some say that schools were created long ago in the industrial age to create good factory workers that could go into a particular job. So questioning wasn't as important as just learning facts.

What is a purpose question? Be able to identify and give examples.

Purpose questions are born out of a company truing to answer a question or solve a problem. It is obvious that all companies are trying to make money, but that is not their purpose. For example the original purpose that Patagonia started was to encourage outdoor activity and to protect the environement.

What is the difference between just asking and pursuing it?

Pursuing the question you deconstruct it or alter shape and scope. More applicable to more people. What this means is that you may initially ask a question but then as you learn more about the topic, you develop more questions. You might narrow or expand the question based on answers to your initial question. It helps you to get deeper and deeper to find out what you are really looking for. When you are just asking a question you are relying on a lot of assumptions and things that you already know and you are just looking for a quick answer.

What does jacqueline novogratz think about investment?

She felt investement should be looked at not for just making money but also helping to solve social problems. In her words"what if we could invest as means rather than an end"

What are the required elements for asking a powerful WHY question?

Step back; notice what others miss; challenge assumptions (including your own); gain a deeper understanding of the situation or problem at hand, through contextual inquiry (ie based on what you see); question the questions being asked; take ownership of a particular question.

What happens at the How stage of questioning?

The How stage is the point where you start trying to find solutions. It is a slow process with a lot of failures and challenges. In the How stage you give form to your question and the most basic way to do this is to put it on paper. It is the part where you go public with your idea. The how stage is the third and final stage of innovative questioning there basically is no final stage because questions never end even when you arrive at the solution.

What is the final stage of questioning?

The how stage is the third and final stage of innovative questioning however there basically is no final stage because questions never end even when you arrive at the solution. There are always ways to improve things and make them better

What is the importance of the transfer of ownership in questioning?

The issue here is "who gets the right to ask the questions; the teacher or the students". Teachers tend to control the questions in a class and tend to use questions to just check to see if if the students did their work and check what they know rather than to spark interest and exploration. Many kids don't feel they have the power in a classroom to ask questions. For example minority and lower income students may feel they will be punished for asking questions. So schools need to change so the ability to ask the questions is transferred from the teachers to the students.

Understand the 5 Whys methodology?

This means questioning the question. Toyota started this process. You ask " why" 5 times in this technique in order to overcome the tendency of people to look for the easiest answer. For example you may say; why do you exercise? Because it's healthy. Why is it healthy? Because it raises my heart rate Why Is that important? Because it burns more calories. Why do you want to do that? To lose weight. Why do you want to lose weight? I feel social pressure to look fit. So the exercise of the 5 whys helps get you to the real answer behind questions rather than the quick easy one that most people give.

What is the key to doing something that has never been done before?

To learn and adapt as you go. Ask a lot of questions on what's feasible and isn't. Find out what people need as opposed to what you think they need.

Where will the future of learning by inquiry happen?

Today a growing number of schools are trying to teach kids to develop the habit of learning and questioning instead of just memorizing and force feeding information and facts. This is called inquiry based learning, or said another way, learning by asking questions. Montessori schools do this and it is proven successful.

Do challenger questions create dissonance?

Yes. asking a challenger question is inherently uncomfortable and creates dissonance. Here is what this means in plain words; Challenger questions are those that question the obvious or regular ways that things are done. So it is uncomfortable to ask them (that is what dissonance means) because the person asking them may feel embarrassed. But they are important in discovering new things because if you don't question why things are they way they are, you may never find a better way to do them.

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