A separate peace chapter 5-10 discussion quiz

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What type of discharge was leper afraid of receiving? What does that discharge mean

A section 8 discharge which means that he's insane and it's a diss honorable discharge and it shows that he has gone crazy

Who does Jean start to go visit after lunch? Who would he rather see? Speculate as to why?

Brinker Hadley Who is popular. He would rather see leper because leper. People try to follow brisker because they wasn't to be popular. If you hang out with lever you socially right. He likes Halepa isn't about being stressed about being popular how comfortable he is with himself. He does his own thing and doesn't care about being popular

Why had gene welcomed each new day before Finny broke his leg

Erased problems from yesterday and each day started with a clean slate

What feeling does Finney apologize to Jean for having? What's wrong with this apology

Finney feels that Jean purposely caused him to fall. He shouldn't apologize because the accusation is true and Jean knows it

What unexpected news does the doctor bring to Jeanne? What is finished for Finny?

Finney will never be able to play sports again and he can walk but not sports

Who returns to Devon at the end of chapter 7


Who calls Jean long distance?

Funny cause him to know if he got a new roommate but really wants to know if Gene purposely pushed him out of the tree it avoids reality

What does Brinker talk to Jean about

He accuses Jean of knocking penny out of the tree on purpose so he can have the room to himself his accusation Brinker knows Jean is guilty. Gets out of this situation by saying let's go to the buttroom

How does Finny react to the possibility of gene enlisting

He becomes angry because he's hurt that his best friend would be leaving

Identify Brinkers changes. Why does he change.

He decided not to list he starts wearing khaki and the military wear his khaki a military Boell he quit choir the debate team he left the to the presidency of the Golden fleece debating society he stopped writing the school spirit newspaper column drop chairmanship of underprivileged local children sub committee should resign from student advisory committee to the headmasters discretionary benevolent fund. All of the extracurriculars were for college but he is not going anymore

And the first several paragraphs do you feel something about his future what is it

He didn't ever see active-duty he never fought in any and I have never foughy any time. Anytime they trained him his training was never useful so moved from training camp to training camp

What happens to Jean that never happened before when training

He didn't feel tired he all of a sudden had a burst of energy. He discovers and breaks through that he had more athletic ability than what he previously thought. Jean gain self-confidence and it grows. Accomplishing things made him self you're bigger Anthony feel smaller in relation. Sees himself more positively

What new rule does Finny practice concerning prayers

He doesn't pray for over three minutes because it's showy

What happens to Brinker at the event

He gets attacked and forced to drink

Where does Jean go before returning to Devon in the fall

He goes home down south then he goes to Finneys house

What are some of the hallucinations leopard was having

He imagined a woman's face on a sergeant. He sees a guy sweeping in the broomstick turns into like the arm of the chair turns into a human arm the war was so cool to leper it's so cool and bad luck or hasn't even gone yet but it's already breaking him

What realization does Vinny come to about Mr. Lansberry at the end of the chapter

He is gullible with childish behavior and ignoring reality

Explain lepers new acceptance of downhill skiing. What does it sound like he is doing

He now sees it as what you do if you're preparing for the fast paced war. Skiing evolve to be fast for the war. If skiing didn't evolve it would go extinct. Leper would evolve to. Leper is selectively collecting fax to make his reality work which is rationalizing. When he went to war you knew he was going to fail.

Explain Phineas and usual views of the war

He pretends it's made up by old fat man he's ignoring reality. Then he can ignore what happened to him. He can't get it to pay anymore because he's crippled so he pretends it's not real

Read the last paragraph of the chapter what is the town of jeans remarks

He scared and fearful

What was Phineas injury

He shattered a bone in his leg and can't heal properly because it is so unusually broken

What room does leopard tend to spend most of his time why

He spends most of his time in the dining room where they eat set the table get up clean the table dining rooms are functional because you can focus on tasks and avoid doing other stuff like living just focus on the job that shows how leper was not good at relationships because he just wanted to keep busy

What realization does Jeanne come to after the confession? Is this the right thing to do?

He takes it back and lies. It was the wrong thing to do

How does Jean deal with bankers questions in the background why

He tries to make up a story or a snack and coffee stuff with sister blackmailed family but can't say he pushes Vinny out of the tree. Jean picks the week is socially kid in the room to make fun of him and put attention on the back room cared and all of the boys laugh at him

What is the festival that Finny Creates and organizes?

He wants to make a winter carnival with sports a ski jump slalom races statues made of snow music and food and alcohol

Why does funny cat class is his first day back what does he do instead

He wants to see the place get used to it again. They visit the gym. His soul battery is low. School is boring him and he can't function of his battery is low. It's for three charge his battery which he can't do them anymore. goes to Jenn to charge so that name.

Why doesn't leopard do the same work as the other boys? What does he do instead

He was going touring skiing to look for a beaver dam. He doesn't care about money and the other boys are getting paid to volunteer. He scared to break something downhill skiing

What is significant about the Finny statement because I have suffered

He's angry out of control better and he's not fun funny anymore the good clean fun kid is disappearing is not innocent like he used to be

What declaration does Bri Lee make concerning himself and the war

He's going to enlist the next day. He felt thrilled. And gene thought this could be away to punish himsef

I slip and Jean walk outside after lunch the frozen crust on the snow continues to crack around then what could this cracking represent

I love it represents lepers brain break game it's a metaphor or symbol

While lepers explaining to Jean how he felt when he saw while in the service Jean continues to say he doesn't care what does Jean really mean why is this an upsetting to him

If the work and destroy leopard can destroy him to he doesn't want to face the fact that can killer destroy him he's afraid of it he's trying to protect himself

Why does Jean hope that leper that incompetent was as heroic as we said

Terrified a failure if he's a success and they're guaranteed to not be a failure

What early and mistaken conclusion does Jean draw concerning leper situation

That leopard got involved as foreign spies and he escaped from them this is an example of leper rationalizing

Leper accuses gene of something that causes Jean to react violently what is the accusation how does Jean react

That's a kiss is Gina pushing penny out of the tree stand and retaliation Jean kicks leopard chair over the tax him put his knee and his chest because it's true when you space with reality he reacts violently and makes fun of people if you don't fix a flat or something bad will happen

Identify the irony at the train station with the soldiers.

The Devon boys were sweating exhausted have grime on them from the hard work. The soldiers were energetic clean. Boys should be happy because they're still in high school and the soldiers should not be happy. The expectations are opposite of what we expect. We do expect the soldiers to be in a bad mood because they are going off to war to die in the boys are expected to be happy because they are not going to war to die

What did sacrifice as a torch to start the games

The Iliad covered insider

Why would Jean be in an usual candidate for the job of assistant crew manager? Why did Jeanne take the job?

Usually an underclassman or a Disabled kid has the job. Then he can't play sports so Jean won't play sports because he's guilty. He took the job to punish himself. Tried to put himself in a worse position on the old scale. The crummy job and boss makes in lower than anyone.

What is meant when Jesus says peace had deserted Devon? Identify the literary device?

Vinny is gone so the school is not peaceful. They didn't realize it was Finney making the year better. Also the chillness is gone Finny made it fun Summer session is over.

What does Jean call his experience of ending up in the lower river

When he came out he felt really gross and sticky from the salt water and also he said it was like a baptism but it doesn't really work religiously there is no parallel

What makes winning the fight to not pick on leper easier

Knowing him as a person

What made avoiding making fun of leper a hard fight to win

"With leper it was always a fight a hard fight to win when you were 17 years old and lived in a keyed up competing school to avoiding making fun of him quote. He was an easy target because of his cross country skiing his nail collection and not shoveling for money.

Why does Gene attack Quackenbush?

Because he said that he was maimed and Vinny is the one who is actually maimed. Attacks because he called him Min and Vinny is mean so he doesn't want to be at the same level so he takes job to punish himself to be a lower on the scale. Quackenbush reminded him of what he did To Finny and shows him the reality and reality makes gene angry

Why are Saturdays so dreadful add a boy school

Because of the snow there is nothing to do so it's so boring that they save their homework for Sunday not just procrastinate but so they have something to do on Sundays

In what way is Jean still the same as he was in chapters 3 and four during the phone call

Both didn't except reality they were having dis honest conversation and avoiding direct questions

How do you Jean And Finny help each other

Can you help doing training for the Olympics like an athletic trainer Jean helps finny study and tutors him

What does Jean compared to Gypsy music?

It is not the church music. He compares it to friends on business football jumping off the tree wrestling the super suicide society of the summer session

What causes gen to think" I would never stumble through the confusions of my own character again" how long does this illusion last

It lasts until the Next morning. He put Anthony's tie shoes pants goofy expression shirt. Imitates funny looks in mirror feel super guilty he sees Finney in mirror and seeing Finney makes him feel that Vinny is an actually hurt so he doesn't feel guilty.

How does leper respond while watching the recruiters film on the United States ski troops

It makes him want to enlist in the army. Because the video shows White Hills white teeth no blood mad or violence or war and the video. The violence of war is missing from the video it's the romantic version of four. Leper thinks he can go and enjoying nature but the video lied to him to recruit more people. Leper thinks he can fit their way for him to fit whole be drafted otherwise.

What does do you notice about lepers upper lip? What is the inference?

It quivers and twitches moves involuntarily less put chains that he is mentally insane and his brain is broken

How do you know Jean has not taken full responsibility for his actions

It shows that he has not grown up because he wouldn't take ownership of his actions

When talking about winter Finney explains when you really love something then it loves you back in whatever way it has to love. How does this relate to Vinny and Jean's relationship what literary device is that

It's more that John Miller is talking as long as someone is giving as much as they're capable of filling should except the friendship. If you try to measure what someone does for you in a friendship you'll end up destroying the friendship. Vinny gives more than Jean

What does Jeanne confessed Tiffany? How does Vinny react?

Jean confesses that he bounced the branch and Vinny doesn't believe him. He causes his fall off the tree. He made him fall off on purpose and Vinny is angry. Same emotion that Jean had when he found out real that the competition was not real. Finley wants to react with physical violence and Vinny wants to hurt him

What is Jean's reaction to Finneys request

Jean feels a sense of freedom from the girl and then he offers Jean to play sports. Jean excepts with no problem.

What ultimately makes gene decide not to enlist

Jean realizes that Vinny needs him. Jean didn't think Jean had any value towards Finny

Why does one of the boys in the back room look at Jean with unmixed hatred

Jeanne made fun of him and now everyone in the back room makes fun of him. He says he has to study then leaves and the boys realize he never even smoked

Do you receives a telegram who is it from what does it seem to mean

Leopard's house is the Christmas location and he codes it so the government doesn't figure out where he is he went AWOL. Letters message comes during the middle of the party at the height of fun in the message behind this is you better take care of your reality but you can take breaks or it will crash if you don't take care of it but we didn't care about reality and it made him crash with hallucinations.

What is the Christmas locations

Lepers parents house in Vermont

Explain Jean's comments about the smell of the locker room

Literally it smells like sweat wax soaked war liniment I am burnt rubber but this represents lost hope try am exhaustion battling against another person I am pushing yourself beyond where are you thought you can go

Why are there no maids at the school. What does Finny say in response to no maids

Men have gone into war and women are doing things that were done by the men

Why did Jean not go down to dinner?

People would be talking about Finney and would break the illusion and this is an example of finny avoiding reality shows that he is a child enmple of ge

For what four things did Jean cry

Phineas himself the Doctor Who believes in facing things and unexpected kindness from the doctor and he doesn't feel that he should be so nice

List of the prizes at the event

Phineas icebox dictionary York barbell Iliad Brinkers Betty Grable photographs a lock of hair from Hazel Brewster rope ladder for the second or third floor to sneak down after curfew a forge draft registration card like a fake ID to buy alcohol $4.13 which was stolen from a charity and Seiter

What does Vinny want Jean to do for him

Play sports

Who is Cliff Quackenbush

The crew manager who is muscular deep voice masculine Stern abrasive rude and all about the rules

Describe the two Rivers at Devon. What my each one symbolize

The one below the dam was ugly Marshy Muddy filled with seaweed salty dirty. It was never used and it led to the ocean the Naguamsett It was controlled by outside forces and that symbolizes Jean. The other river is the Devon which is fresh clean and it felt like you had showered when you have gotten out of it they use it for fun. This symbolizes Finny

Later gene says " I began to know each day reasserted" what does this reveal about gene.

The problems from the nights before did not erase with. A good nights sleep. Evidence of growth because he's realizing his actions have consequences and the things you do affect you

What is the butt room

The room in the basement that the boys hide and smoke and it looks like a dungeon. It doesn't work inviting Brinker to the back room to distract him

How did the students deal with lepers absence? How did they release him to the war? What to literary devices are used here why

Then watched him into this heroic figure and tried to make themselves believe that he was behind all of the major wins of the war. He made they made him the hero of all allied successes because they were trying to escape reality they were afraid of dying in the war and terrified but they can't talk about it. They're afraid of failure and how people look at them. Make him a hero because he is pathetic and if lepers a hero then they're guaranteed not to fail. This is allusion an irony because they make the most pathetic had a hero. They said he was A part of lepers liberation or the Tunisian campaign and the assassination attempt of Hitler

What store are you does Jeanne tell Vinny about his time at home how does this connect to his relationship with Vinny? What is the literary device

There was a grass fire with brooms and then the brooms caught fire and they were waving the brooms in the air the fire department sees the moving brooms and that's when they show up. This is a fake story. It's a metaphor for the friendship that is also fake.

How did the teachers react To finnys injury why did they react this way

They all liked Finny and thought it was unfair it was the death of his innocence and childhood. They they are sad because his childhood and his innocence are over he won't be the same kid anymore a lot of has identity was from sports he won't be as happy or innocent now Jean is in joying childhood and is still innocent because his childhood and his innocence are over.

What type of work do the boys do to help with the war effort when it snows

They help shovel snow around the railroad so they can be built and traveled on

At the chapel service what was the real point of the Sermon according to Jeanne?

To get across that if you break the rules the administration will break you

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