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If you want more details about that, you'll have to ask my boss.

pomo, esimies the person who is in charge of you at work

Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.

punastua, poskipuna if you blush, your cheeks become red because you feel embarrassed or ashamed


-himoinen, -janoinen (usually followed by `for') extremely desirous

Tom has never seen the Atlantic Ocean.

Atlantin valtameri the 2nd largest ocean; separates North and South America on the west from Europe and Africa on the east

He approached the engineer where he works and spoke to him about the Bible's truth.

Raamattu the book that is considered holy by Christians, and consists of two parts called the Old Testament and the New Testament

Hey, your blue ribbon's gone.

Sininen nauha, ensimmäinen palkinto a blue riband

Josephus describes how mammoth stone blocks were lowered into place to form a great breakwater and extensive quaysides.

aallonmurtaja, rantavalli a strong wall that protects a beach from the force of the waves

We have breakfast at seven.

aamiainen, aamupala the first meal you have in the morning

One of my dreams is to one day see the aurora borealis.

aamurusko, aamunkoi the Southern Lights

After all, bingeing keeps the sufferer from losing weight, and purging keeps her from gaining it.

ahmiminen, ryyppyputki an occasion when someone does too much of something they enjoy, such as drinking

While actually the pawns of ruthless and avaricious drug traffickers, they apparently 'love to have it so.' —Jer.

ahne, himoitseva a strong feeling that you want to have a lot of money and possessions and keep them for yourself

In fact, avarice and hanging are linked in the medieval mind.

ahneus, rahanhimo a strong feeling that you want to have a lot of money and possessions and keep them for yourself

Betimes—speedily; early; before it is too late.

aikaisin, pian in good time; early

However, the replies usually just confirmed the authenticity of the catch certificate without any further explanation.

aitous, oikeellisuus the quality of being authentic

What is more, the population is being brainwashed with advertising financed by the oligarchs' millions.

aivopestä, taivuttelu to force someone to accept a particular set of beliefs by repeating the same idea many times so that the person cannot think in an independent way

This guy has more brains and guts than all of you put together.

aivoriihi, aivot the organ inside your head that allows you to think and feel, and controls your body

Everybody has a brain, but many haven't understood the instructions.

aivot, järki the organ inside your head that allows you to think and feel, and controls your body

What sort of brainless idiot would do that?

aivoton, typerä extremely stupid

It is quite clear that this is at the behest of the arms industry.

ajastaan jäljessä if a person or organization is behind the times, they are not modern because they have not changed as much or made as much progress as others

My laptop battery doesn't last as long as it used to.

akku, pahoinpitely an object that fits into something such as a radio, clock, or car and supplies it with electricity

If the test appliance has got an air exhaust, its axis shall be equidistant from two microphone positions.

akseli, aksis an imaginary line through the middle of an object such as a planet, round which it seems to spin

By convention, a solo axle is considered as a group of one axle.

akseli, pyöränakseli a metal bar that connects a pair of wheels on a car or other vehicle

With more than two axes which can be coordinated simultaneously for 'contouring control'.

akselit a tool used for cutting down trees and cutting up large pieces of wood, consisting of a long wooden handle and a heavy metal blade

Not too bad for someone who doesn't know what axiomatic means.

aksiomaattinen, itsetään selvä generally believed to be obvious or true

There is a bunch of axioms, but only two you really need to concern yourself with.

aksiomi, perusväite a statement that is generally believed to be obvious or true

I have an associate degree in arts

alempi tutkinto, sivuainetutkinto to form a connection in your mind between different people or things


alivuokralainen someone who pays to live in a house as a guest of the family who owns it

Since you are here, we might as well begin.

alku, alkaminen the first part of something

The tree bent down beneath their weight of fruit.

alla, alapuolella directly under something or at a lower level

For the first time in more than 6 years, the unemployment rate is below 6%.

alla, alle in a lower place or position

Anoints, begets, gives 'spiritual life.'

aloittaa, alkaa to start happening or existing

This judo class is for beginners only.

aloittelija, vasta-alkaja someone who has just started to learn or do something

Was he so austere, so cold and aloof, that he could not relate to common people?

ankara, karu plain in style and without decoration

Budgetary austerity is no such means, even though stability remains an aim that must be resolutely pursued.

ankaruus, karuus an economic policy by which a government reduces the amount of money it spends by a large amount

By the powers of azarath, i beseech you.

anoa, rukoilla to ask someone for something in an urgent and sincere way

The usual attribution of the work to Leonardo is now disputed by several experts.

ansioksi lukeminen, jonkin syyksi lukeminen the act of attributing something to a particular cause or person, especially the act of saying that something was written, said, painted etc by a particular person


antikliimaksi, bathos a sudden change in speech or writing from a serious or important subject to one that is silly or ordinary

How'd a blue-blooded lady like you ever learn to shoot like that?

aristokraatti, ylimys someone who is blue-blooded comes from a royal family, or a family of a very high social class

Morality is simply the attitude we adopt toward people we dislike.

asenne, suhtautuminen someone's opinions or feelings about something, especially as shown by their behaviour

Stay on the blacktop now till you're clear out of the valley.

asfaltti a thick black substance used for covering road surfaces

Whether or not you murdered a middle-aged widow, you certainly saved the life of an elderly barrister.

asianajaja a lawyer in England or Wales who is allowed to speak in the higher law courts

A teacher's salary is less than an attorney's.

asianajaja, oikeudenkäyntiasiamies a lawyer

If this consideration is not granted by the approval authority the asterisk is replaced by a space.

asteriski, tähti-merkki a mass of rock that moves around in space. Most asteroids are found between the planets Jupiter and Mars, a region of space known as the asteroid belt.

What would happen if a large asteroid struck the earth?

asteroidi a medical condition that makes it difficult to breathe

The very first day in these large bins a temperature of 175° to 185° F. develops.

astia, säiliö a container for putting rubbish in. A bin without a lid for paper or other dry rubbish is also called a waste paper basket and a large bin that is kept outside is also called a dustbin

No, I'm not suffering from asthma. I'm moaning in lust!

astma suffering from or relating to asthma

They probably have a hazardous potential for asthmatics and should therefore be kept at the lowest possible level.

astmaatikko to surprise someone very much

Prue, honey, I don't think monkeys can astral-project.

astraali-, taivaan- to become lost or go to the wrong place

Because of this difficulty, some astrologers try to calculate from the time of conception.

astrologia someone who travels and works in space

The man she's going to marry is an astronaut.

astronautti someone who studies the stars and planets using scientific equipment including telescopes

Especially in the service sector, employers often have to point out which types of attire are not appropriate.

asu, pukeutua the clothes that someone is wearing

Consider the situation in one land where atheism has long been promoted.

ateismi the belief or theory that God does not exist

Mary is Catholic, but her boyfriend is an atheist.

ateisti someone who does not believe that God exists

I don't wanna be this good-looking and athletic.

atleettinen, urheilullinen physically strong, active, and good at sports

Residues (petroleum) hydrodesulphurised atmospheric tower; Heavy fuel oil

atmosfäärinen, tunnelmallinen relating to or existing in the atmosphere round the Earth or round another planet

2.14. The persistence of the data entered in the statement of support form is atomic.

atomaarinen, atominen relating to or using the energy that is produced by splitting atoms (=breaking them apart)

Individual atoms can combine with other atoms to form molecules.

atomi the smallest unit of any substance. It consists of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons with electrons travelling around it

Emilia, your new attaché is indeed quite astute.

attasea, lähetystöavustaja an official who is in charge of a particular subject or activity at an embassy (=an office for representatives of one country in another country)

Types that are a sub-type of another type shall also include all this type's attributes and association roles.

attribuutti, määrite to believe that something is the result of a particular situation, event, or person's actions

It is equipped with function buttons and an AV interface for connecting external audio or video apparatus.

audiovisuaalinen audio and video; audiovisual

Surreptitious audiovisual commercial communication is a practice prohibited by this Directive because of its negative effect on consumers.

audiovisuaalinen using both recorded sounds and images

A dance will be held in the school auditorium this Friday evening from 7:30 to 10:00.

auditorio, luentosali the part of a theatre, cinema etc where the audience sits

When she spoke to me that authoritatively, I obeyed.

auktoritatiivinen, arvovaltainen based on the best, most complete, and most reliable information

Their culture values obedience to those in positions of authority.

auktoriteetti, vaikutusvalta someone who is considered an expert in a particular subject

He claimed to be able to use electricity to photograph a man's aura.

aura, sädekehä a quality that seems to surround or come from a person, place, or situation

Play is the only authentic means we have to make us feel in harmony with life.

autenttinen, aito real, not false or copied

I'm not sure if you've had your training, but Dylan's autistic.

autistinen, autisti affected by the developmental condition autism

The fact that some people have auto accidents does not make it wrong to drive a car.

auto, ajoneuvo relating to cars

Unfortunately the expensive automobile that I purchased last week has broken down.

auto, henkilöauto relating to cars

Paint manufacturers use it for the production of anti-corrosive industrial paints such as automotive, aeronautic or marine paints.

auto-, autoihin liittyvä relating to cars and other motor vehicles

The events in Tunisia and Egypt proved that autocracy is not a solution.

autokratia, yksinvalta a form of government or management in which one person has complete power

Sherlock shared what we know with a friend who works in automation and artificial intelligence.

automaatio a system that uses machines to do work instead of people, or the process of changing to such a system

People are not automatons, nor do they operate solely by instinct.

automaatti, robotti someone who behaves like a machine and shows no feelings

Service by electronic means can be attested by an automatic confirmation of delivery.

automaattinen, sarjatuli- an automatic machine or process works by itself rather than being operated by people

Therefore, the cutting process for beef is less automated than for pork.

automatisoida, tehdä automaattiseksi to change a factory, office, or process so that machines do the work instead of people

Increasing individualisation and greater autonomy and flexibility in labour relations should not lead to deterioration in social protection.

autonomia, itsehallinto a situation in which a state, region, or organization is independent and has the power to govern itself

D. whereas the Authority became financially autonomous in 2006,

autonominen, itsenäinen an autonomous state, region, or organization is independent and has the power to govern itself

At this point, Russia has become essentially an authoritarian state.

autoritaarinen, itsevaltainen controlling everything and forcing people to obey strict rules and laws

Even before the plastic surgery, Mary wasn't unattractive.

auttaa, osoittaa ystävällisyyttä jkta kohtaan to become the friend of someone and treat them in a kind way

The word beatitude means "to be happy" or "to be blessed."

autuaallisuus, onni bliss, delight

As beatific as Gandhi was, there was somebody in a Bombay bar going

autuas, enkelimäinen a beatific expression on your face is extremely happy and peaceful

Young people are led to believe that marriage is a blissful state of complete happiness, contentment and success.

autuas, onnellinen giving you great pleasure

Too often we fail to experience the bliss that comes from daily, practical priesthood service.

autuus, onni complete happiness

I have just changed my avatar photo.

avatar, kuva a picture on a computer screen that represents a particular computer user, especially one of several users who are having a conversation with each other on the internet

The government's avowed intent/purpose/aim is to reduce tax.

avoin, julkinen publicly claimed or promised

The purpose of the standard is to define the quality requirements of avocados after preparation and packaging.

avokado a fruit with green or black skin, a very large seed in the middle, and pale green flesh that does not taste sweet. It is usually eaten raw in salads.

Do you guys think anyone would notice if I sparked a jay up by the bleachers?

avokatsomo, halvat paikat a structure with several rows of seats in a gym or a park where people can watch sports games

The young man whom I employed as my assistant works very hard.

avustaja, apulais- help given to someone or help that allows something to be done

Who said it's a barroom?

baari, kapakka a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter

This bar is much busier later in the evening.

baari, pylväs a place where you go to buy and drink alcoholic drinks

Tom hasn't been bartending long.

baarimestari, baarimikko someone whose job is to serve drinks in a bar

I would've gotten the bagel, done some work, and you kids might never have been born.

bagel, vesirinkeli a type of round bread roll with a hole in the middle

Secondly, we must call on Germany to do everything it can to locate the origin of the bacterium.

bakteeri, itu microorganisms (=very small living things) that consist of a single cell. Some types of bacteria cause diseases and others cause things to decay.

Bacteria will not breed in alcohol.

bakteerit, bakteerikanta microorganisms (=very small living things) that consist of a single cell. Some types of bacteria cause diseases and others cause things to decay.

I have been taking ballet lessons since I was three and hope to be a ballerina.

baletti a type of dancing used for telling a story, with complicated movements that need great skill and a lot of training

I was the typical little girl thrilled and dazzled by the ballerina I saw on television.

balettitanssija a woman who performs in ballets, especially as her job

To this day, ballads bemoan the loss of life resulting from the Wall's construction.

balladi, surumielinen laulu a popular love song

Your so-called inconclusive ballistics report told you as much.

ballistinen to become extremely angry

Also on hand are pieces of dried firewood and some bamboo, wooden and stone tools.

bambu a tall tropical plant with thick light-brown stems that are used for making things such as furniture and fences

My parents couldn't afford a bar mitzvah, and I need a rite of passage.

bar mitsva a Jewish religious ceremony held on a boy's thirteenth birthday, after which he is considered to be an adult in his religious life

Poles are not barbarians, they do not accept the death penalty.

barbaari, barbaarimainen someone from outside one of the major ancient societies such as Greece or Rome, who was considered to be violent and not educated

I had forgotten what a barbarous people they are.

barbaarinen, raakalaismainen extremely violent and cruel

They can bring sudden death, particularly if you combine the use of barbiturates with alcohol.

barbituraatti a strong drug that doctors give to people to make them calm or help them sleep

That crazy talk is the work of the immortal bard,

bardi, runoilija a poet

No one can suspect the UN's blue berets of having any remit other than peace.

baretti, baretti a round flat soft hat that fits tightly round the top of the head

Three male —bass, baritone, and tenor— and three corresponding female voices —contralto, mezzo- soprano, and soprano.

baritoni a man with a singing voice that is fairly deep, in the range between a tenor and a bass

As regards the proposed exemption from the directive for barometers, I call on you to reject it.

barometri, ilmanpainemittari a piece of equipment that shows you what kind of weather to expect. It measures atmospheric pressure.

We can all go to the barricades and defend our strong positions.

barrikadi, katusulku a temporary structure that is built across a road, gate, or door to prevent people from getting through

The heads of state and government are making Europe into a bazaar of national interests.

basaari, markkinat a market, especially in the Middle East and South Asia

And yet there was a guitarist in the group and a bassist in the group, and keyboard and drums.

basisti, basisti someone who plays a bass guitar or a double bass

Tom plays bass in a rock band.

basso, meriahven the lowest male singing voice

Bastion Bucks lives here?

bastioni, linnake an organization, community, or system that supports and defends a particular way of life, tradition, or belief

And behold, I withstood him with forty and two thousand.

beige, beesi very pale brown in colour

Member State choices, farmers' uptake data, methodology and bibliography are presented in greater detail in the accompanying staff working document.

bibliografia , lähdeluettelo a list of the books, articles etc that someone has used for finding information for a piece of work they have written

While bigamy is still illegal in the UK, polygamous Islamic wives are officially recognised as dependants for the purposes of tax relief and benefits payments.

bigamia, kaksiavioisuus the crime of being married to more than one person at the same time

The most common that we've found them directly associated with are mammoths, bison and mastodon, in that order.

biisoni, biisonihärkä a large wild animal like a cow with long hair and a big head. One type lives in North America and the other in Europe.

But you're still going to video the girls in bikinis, right?

bikini a swimsuit with separate parts to cover the breasts and the lower part of the body

Cephalopods are marine animals characterised by tentacles and bilateral body symmetry.

bilateraalinen, kahden valtion välinen a bilateral agreement or activity is one that involves two groups or countries

This implementation of COM on Solaris is a fully supported binary available from Microsoft.

binäärinen, ei-tekstimuotoinen tieto based on the binary system

Modern biochemistry, the study of life at the molecular level, has revealed some of that intricacy.

biokemia the study of chemical processes that occur in living things

As many as this may seem, biologists still have a long way to go.

biologi a scientist who studies living things

He has a knowledge of biology.

biologia the scientific study of living things

He's my biological father.

biologinen relating to living things

It should be assessed whether the use of the term biodegradable is at all permissible in this case.

biologisesti hajoava, biohajoava biodegradable substances can be separated into very small parts by bacteria so that they are not harmful to the environment

She won' t be able to talk long, just had a biopsy

biopsia, tehdä biopsia a medical test in which cells are taken from your body and examined to find out if they are healthy


blasonoida, vaakunaselitys to write, announce, or show something in a very obvious way so that a lot of people notice it

You in that golden blazer of yours, and me in that hot red dress.

bleiseri, klubitakki a type of light jacket that is often worn as part of a uniform, for example by schoolchildren or members of a sports club

But is there real unity in that big bloc that embraces one third of the world's population?

blokki, ryhmittymä a group of countries or people with the same political aims

Tom is a high school history teacher and a part-time harmonica player in a blues band.

blues, masennus a type of slow and sad music that developed from the songs of black slaves in the southern US

The world's too stupid to realize that Moscow wasn't a bluff.

bluffi, huijaus to deliberately give a false idea to someone about what you intend to do, or about the facts of a situation, especially in order to gain an advantage

He sold all his ships to be the first and only village bohemian.

boheemi living or behaving in an informal way that is considered typical of artists and writers

The students chose to boycott their Political Science class for the rest of the semester in protest of their professor's suspension.

boikotoida, boikotti to not take part in an event, or to not buy or use something as a protest

I mean, sour milk, bad bologna?

bologna, Bolognan makkara a type of sausage made from different meats, often eaten in sandwiches

They do not gesticulate wildly to the throbbing beat... of bongo drums and saxophones.

bongo, bongo a pair of small drums that you play with your hands

The measurement of the constructive obligation reflects the possibility that some employees may leave without receiving a bonus.

bonus, lisäetu something good that you get in addition to what you expect

They say when bourbon ages, about two percent of it evaporates each year.

bourbon-viski a type of whisky made in the US, or a glass of this drink

Straw would taste better than his meat, and water a hundred times better than his brandy.

brandy, konjakki a strong alcoholic drink made from wine

Okay, do you know how sad it makes me to know that you only braised it to boink me?

breseerata, hauduttaa to cook meat or vegetables quickly in oil, then add a small amount of liquid and cook them slowly in a container with a lid on

We went for a long walk across town, along the crowded boulevards.

bulevardi, puistokatu a wide road in a town or city, often with trees along it

He has the rare skill of being able to throw a boomerang so that it returns to him.

bumerangi, takaisku a curved stick that comes back to you when you throw it. It was traditionally used by Australian Aboriginals for hunting.

The worst thing that can happen to us is that We booed off stage.

buuata to shout at a speaker or performer, to show that you disagree with them or that you think they are not very good

Responsibilities of participating countries for amounts unduly paid to a beneficiary are laid down in Article 74.

edunsaaja, avustuksen saaja someone who gets money or other things from someone who has died

Or- - and this is the one I want you to say- - because my hair turned out all bouncy and fun?

eloisa, kimmoisa a bouncy ball bounces well when it hits a surface

the bestiality of war

eläimeen sekaantuminen sexual activity between a person and an animal

The soldiers were accused of bestial acts against unarmed civilians.

eläimellinen, raaka bestial behaviour is extremely cruel

I don't believe you've met my biographer, John Briggs.

elämäkerran kirjoittaja someone who writes a book describing someone else's life

If so, have you noticed that these biographies will differ without being necessarily contradictory?

elämäkerta a book that someone writes about someone else's life. A book that someone writes about their own life is called an autobiography.

I mean, you've been completely emasculated because you're no longer the breadwinner.

elättäjä, perheen elättäjä the person who earns the money to support a family

Migration of course impinges on human rights and values, and also on issues of discrimination and bias.

ennakkoluulo, harha an attitude that you have that makes you treat someone in a way that is unfair or different from the way you treat other people

A misplaced augury of conciliation.

enne, merkki a sign of what may happen in the future

They believe the Hudson Bay bears could be a bellwether for the entire species, pioneers of the warming world. ( PANTING )

ennusmerkki , kellokas something that is considered to be a sign of what is likely to happen

Such multiplicity of voices, despite the differences in political views, augurs well in these elections.

ennustaa, auguuri to be a sign of what may happen in the future

Because coral reefs are important marine nurseries, this disaster also bodes ill for coastal populations that depend on fishing.

ennustaa, enteillä to be a sign that something good​/​bad will happen

If he asks me to look through his portfolio once in a while, what's the big deal?

entä sitten, mitä sitten used for showing that you do not think that something is very good or impressive

The boundaries between luxury and upper premium may sometimes be blurred.

epäselvä, sumea difficult to see clearly, or causing difficulty in seeing something clearly

It is typical that an important subject such as this should so often be the product of so much backhanded scheming.

epäsuora said in a way that seems to express admiration but really expresses the opposite

The whole project was very atypical for my father... and I made my reservations known.

epätyypillinen, epätavallinen not usual or typical

Each pack shall contain only eggs of a single batch.

erä, tuotantoerä an amount of a food that is prepared or baked at one time

He lives in the zone, way out in the north-west quadrant of the badlands.

erämaa, autiomaa areas of land where nothing grows and there are only rocks, especially in North America

You ́ re quite the talk of the barrio, shyster.

esikaupunki, espanjankielisen väestön asuttama kaupunginosa a poor district of a city in a Spanish-speaking country

It is clear that there is a strong desire from business for more active participation in barrier removal.

este, aita a bar or gate that stops people or vehicles from entering a place

Genghis never balked, never faltered in his march... never allowed blood to blind him to his enemies.

estää, pysäyttää the area on a billiard table behind the balkline

Independent monitoring of energy markets is also critical to ensure fair competition and to benefit the consumer.

etu, hyöty an advantage you get from a situation

We are in favour of greater flexibility, but we have no use for a self-appointed avant garde to take the decisions on our behalf.

etujoukko avant-garde music, art etc is very modern and may shock people because it is so different from what has gone before

I knew she was coming that afternoon because she had phoned beforehand to say so.

etukäteen, edeltäkäsin before a particular event: used especially for talking about something done in preparation for the event

More intense than prejudice is bigotry, which can manifest itself in violent hatred.

fanaattisuus, kiihkoileva suvaitsemattomuus the practice of having very strong and unreasonable opinions, especially about politics, race, or religion, and refusing to consider other people's opinions

Blue jeans are a symbol of America.

farmarihousut, farmarit trousers that are made of blue denim (=a thick cotton cloth)

Gunnar, set the alarm 15 minutes early so I can blow dry my hair.

föönata, föönaus to dry your hair with a hairdryer

There's a barbecue today, a softball game tomorrow, a fish fry on Saturday.

grilli, grillaus a meal at which meat and other food is cooked and eaten outside, often a meal that you invite friends to

The pointed tip has a notch and it is not bifurcated.

haarainen to divide into two separate parts, especially parts that go in different directions

Two helpless children, lost and alone, the family torn asunder.

hajalle, kahtia apart

It begins with the woman's knees astride the male, facing forward, her pubis perched above his erection.

hajareisin an astringent substance or liquid makes your skin drier or helps to stop a cut from bleeding

He bestrode the chair as though it were a horse.

hajareisin, istua hajareisin to stand over something or sit on it, with one leg on each side

Conflicts surrounding the breakup of the former Yugoslavia led to the death of over 200,000 people.

hajoaminen, ero the end of a serious relationship or marriage

The breakdown of the quarterly current account is similar to the one required for the monthly figures.

hajoaminen, romahdus a situation in which something has failed or is beginning to fail

I myself was not conscious of it, but I may have been jealous of his success.

hakulaite a small piece of electronic equipment that makes short high sounds as a signal for you to telephone someone

This mysterious man with braces just stabbed the old lady and disappeared?

hammasraudat to get ready for something unpleasant

Typically, people in prison have been led astray by a powerful force.

harhaan, harhateille with one leg on each side of something

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a turturkeykey to baste.

harsia, valella to cover meat with hot fat or its own juices while it cooks

Look at my bicep when I do this.

hauislihakset the muscle between your shoulder and elbow on the front of your arm that you use when you pull things towards you


hauska ja henkevä keskustelu, nokkela huulenheitto conversation with a lot of jokes and clever comments in it

The dog barked furiously, which awakened my brother.

havahduttaa , herättää to make someone experience a feeling or emotion

It is barren spiritually, far removed from truth and justice —beastlike in the extreme.

hedelmätön, steriili barren land is dry and plants cannot grow there

In vitro, abatacept attenuates human T lymphocyte activation as measured by decreased proliferation and cytokine production

heikentää, vaimentua to reduce the strength, amount, or size of something

While she was screaming, she brandished the knife.

heiluttaa, heristää to wave a weapon or other object around in your hand so that other people can see it

The Japanese version uses smaller beads and usually has more rods.

helmi, rukousnauhan helmi a small usually round piece of plastic, glass, metal etc with a hole through it, that you put on a string or chain with other beads and wear as jewellery

They were riding along at breakneck speed/at a breakneck pace.

hengenvaarallinen, hurja very fast, especially in a way that is dangerous

If you can see your breath when you exhale, you know it's cold.

hengittää to take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth and let it out again

Tom has bad breath.

hengitys, hengenveto the air that goes in and out of your body through your nose or mouth

Tom has bad breath.

hengitys, hengittäminen the process of taking air into the body and letting it out again, or the sound of this

So, anyway, I told him that I thought we should take a breather

hengähdystauko, lepotauko a short rest from work or activity. To take a breather means to have a rest.

. Mr President, first of all I apologise for being breathless.

hengästynyt, henkeäsalpaava breathing very fast and hard, for example after exercising

As we round the top of a hill, we are treated to a breathtaking sight.

henkeäsalpaava, sanoinkuvaamaton extremely impressive or beautiful

Tom has a personal bodyguard.

henkivartija, turvamies a person or group of people whose job is to protect an important person from being physically attacked

It awakes from hibernation during full moons only to feed and mate.

hereillä, hereillä oleva not sleeping

This emotional awakening is just as universal as the physical changes of puberty.

herääminen, herätys the moment when you first realize or experience something

For heating purposes charcoal was commonly burned in a brazier.

hiilipannu, hiilipannu a simple metal container with a fire in it, used outside for keeping people warm or for cooking

Whatever you think of us, killing your own children would be an atrocity.

hirmuteko, julmuus a cruel and violent act, often in a war

They endure atrocious conditions but still continue to come.

hirveä, julma very evil or cruel

The downside of being a criminal is thatyou attract other criminals.

houkutella, vetää puoleensa to make someone interested in something so that they do it or come to see or hear it

And I suppose you had no idea that your company was bilking senior citizens?

huijata, huiputtaa to get money from someone in a dishonest way

Could be he just had a bamboozle.

huijata, huiputtaminen to trick someone or make them confused

This was the big time, the stunt that would finally put me over the top.

huippu, jkn uran huipentuma used for emphasizing how extreme or severe something is

Three days ago, a bearded man with a yellow bandanna walked out of a dark boiler room.

huivi, liina a piece of coloured cloth worn around your head or neck

If you think I'm getting involved, you're absolutely bonkers.

hullu, irrationaalinen crazy

Farmers are driven absolutely berserk by the amount of forms they have to fill in and the overbearing inspectorate they have to endure.

hullu, sekopäinen to become violent and uncontrolled because you are very angry

When the ship is underway, escape routes shall be kept clear of obstructions such as cleaning carts, bedding, luggage and boxes of goods..

hullunmylly, kaaos a noisy and confusing place or situation

When I was a lad, a journey down the rivers of England was a truly blithe experience.

huoleton, välinpitämätön ignoring or not realizing the real disadvantages of a situation or the possible bad results of something you do

I tried to tell Tom what needed to be done, but he didn't seem to be paying attention.

huomio, tarkkaavaisuus the interest or thought that you give to something you are listening to or watching

Tom speaks French so badly that he is often misunderstood.

huonosti, pahasti in a way that is not skilful, effective, or successful

a bacchanalian orgy

hurja, bakkanaalinen a bacchanalian party involves noisy and uncontrolled enjoyment and usually a lot of alcohol or sex

He was mesmerized by her bewitching green eyes.

hurmaava , lumoava to control someone's behaviour with magic

The guy who funnels away a million and bawls like an evangelist when he's caught.

huutaa, karjua to shout in a loud angry way

Imogen of the Internet is fighting six bored housewives to win an eBay auction for a bag of premium chai tea.

huutokauppa, huutokaupata a public occasion when things are sold to the people who offer the most money for them

Emergency vent two-bravo appears shut.

hyvä, bravo used for showing that you admire what someone has done or that you enjoyed their performance

The results of Tom's biopsy show that the tumor is benign.

hyvänlaatuinen, benigni a benign lump in your body or a benign disease is not cancer and will not kill you

You're lucky it's my birthday and I'm feeling benevolent.

hyväntahtoinen, suopea willing to help and be generous towards people

He is ultimately a benign man who we all happen to care about

hyväntahtoinen, ystävällinen characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects


hyväntahtoisuus, rakastettavuus a friendly happy feeling

You'll see that benevolence can bring joy and unity to your home, your class, your ward, and your school.

hyväntahtoisuus, suosiollisuus willing to help and be generous towards people

An anonymous benefactor bequeathed several hundred thousand dollars to an animal shelter.

hyväntekijä, lahjoittaja someone who helps a person or organization by giving them money

So why not let everyday sights of beauty and wonderment prompt heartfelt thankfulness to our beneficent Creator?

hyvää tekevä, hyväntahtoinen doing things that are intended to help people

I hope all parties involved find this beneficial.

hyödyllinen, suotuisa something that is beneficial has a good effect or influence on someone or something

Then the brother went outside and reasoned with the attackers.

hyökkääjä, ahdistelija someone who physically attacks someone else

He can protect the borders and attack the enemies too.

hyökätä, hyökkäys to use violence to harm a person, animal, or place

This helped our ancestors find the most calorie-dense and ripe foods available, which contributed to our survival.

hyöty, apu without getting the effect you wanted or intended

Mr President, I must say that I cannot help being somewhat bemused by the suggestion from Mr Giansily about what Mr Giscard d'Estaing would like.

hämmentynyt, häkeltynyt confused

I was feeling a bit baffled about it being so late.

hämmentynyt, ymmällään if a problem, someone's behaviour etc baffles you, you cannot understand it or solve it

Well, it can be, but this case is rather baffling.

hämmentävä if a problem, someone's behaviour etc baffles you, you cannot understand it or solve it

With every new piece of truth, I grow more bewildered, good woman.

hämmentää, harhauttaa to make someone feel confused

The matured meat mixture is put into completely clean natural casings that were prepared beforehand.

hämmentää, johtaa harhaan to make someone confused and unable to think clearly

This movie baffles me every time we watch it.

hämmentää, saattaa ymmälleen if a problem, someone's behaviour etc baffles you, you cannot understand it or solve it

For at the catch of fish which they took up astonishment overwhelmed him . . .

hämmästys, kummastus to surprise or shock someone very much

It's astounding that they got away with it for so long.

hämmästyttävä, ällistyttävä relating to or using the stars

The riches of your banking may astound the world, but one day they will be your undoing!

hämmästyttää, ällistyttää extremely surprising or shocking

The Commission's evident willingness to play along with this leaves me astonished and baffled.

hämmästyttää, ällistää very great surprise

It may well make that limit Between right and wrong is blurred?

hämärtyä, sumentua if a thing blurs, or if something blurs it, it becomes difficult to see it clearly, often because its edges are not clear

This brassy bird has us buffaloed.

hävytön, koppava a brassy woman is one who you think talks too loudly, seems too confident, and wears clothes that are bright and do not have much style

Science is like a blabbermouth... who ruins a movie by telling you how it ends.

hölösuu, lörppö someone who tells people about things that should be kept secret

Measurements shall include recovery boilers, lime kilns, steam boilers and destructor furnaces for strong smelling gases.

höyrykattila, boileri a machine that heats water and provides hot water for a heating system in a house

Returned 2012 aviation allowances are cancelled and thus are not considered as allowances in circulation.

ilmailu, lentäminen the practice of flying planes

Laika died when Sputnik 2 burned out in the atmosphere.

ilmakehä, atmosfääri the air round the Earth or round another planet

As opposed to you, who grabbed the first blimp that floated by.

ilmalaiva, ilmalaiva a type of airship

As much as I admire your pluck, 12 trips to the pasta bar aren't free.

ilman, estäminen unless the thing mentioned happens or exists

Have you ever inflated a balloon as big as this one?

ilmapallo, kuumailmapallo a small coloured bag of thin rubber that you fill with air, used as a child's toy or a decoration

So you know, you just stared blankly at me for, like, 20 seconds.

ilmeettömästi, elottomasti without showing any emotion, reaction, or understanding

The world presents a bleak picture to the person who wants to live in happiness, peace and security.

iloton , kolkko without any reasons to feel happy or hopeful

Alexander remained an avid reader throughout his life, having a special passion for Homer's writings.

innokas very enthusiastic about something you do regularly

Navy boot camp was not an easy experience for me, nor for anyone who endured it.

intensiivikurssi, alokasleiri a place where young criminals are treated very strictly and have to do hard physical exercise

He was the emperor's representative, the imperial procurator with power to crucify or to save; officially he was an autocrat.

itsevaltias, yksinvaltias someone who has complete power in a country or organization

Autarchy is a bad thing.

itsevaltius, autarkia a form of government in which one person has complete power

Sophie was strong, self-assured and single by choice.

itsevarma, varma certainly

The realization of that assurance greatly exceeded what was anticipated.

itsevarmuus, vakuutus to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it

Questions like athlete's foot:

jalkasieni, jalkasilsa an infection in which the skin between the toes becomes sore, cracked, and itchy

Tom slammed on the brakes.

jarru, jarruttaa the equipment in a car, bicycle, or other vehicle that you use for slowing down or stopping

It was a biweekly magazine, designed to intensify the sting of their witnessing.

joka toinen viikko, joka toinen viikko ilmestyvä julkaisu happening or published every two weeks

Maybe I should wait till tomorrow, until after the big banquet so I don't upset his big day.

juhla-ateria, pidot a formal meal prepared for a large number of people on an important occasion

Although I'm intrigued by the audacity of your request, I can't fathom why you would wish the encounter.

julkeus, uhkarohkeus the confidence to say or do what you want, despite difficulties, risks, or the negative attitudes of other people

This "public cursing" was not profanity or blasphemy.

jumalanpilkka, pyhäinhäväistys something that is considered offensive to God or someone's religious beliefs

Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world.

juoma, juotava a drink

He is a bibulous person.

juopotteleva, viinaan menevä a bibulous person enjoys drinking a lot of alcohol

Teaching ESL is usually a gig for losers and boozers.

juoppo, kapakka a pub or bar

I hope you don't object to my using you for a little lighthearted banter with my assistant?

jutella rennosti , kiusoitella friendly conversation in which people tell jokes and laugh at each other

She's a real-estate developer who describes her consultancy business as a part-time avocation.

juttu, harrastus a hobby or secondary occupation

There is nothing more refreshing than a cold beer on a hot day.

juurikas, punajuuri a beetroot

It was never a blockbuster, but it did very well, especially out West.

jymymenestys, hitti something that is very successful, especially a film, show, or novel

Tom's behavior wasn't acceptable.

jättiläinen someone or something that is very large, especially a company

You mean you'd stand a chance if she had bandy legs and a hump?

jääpallo, heitellä to argue, especially when this is a waste of time

Bears like to scratch their back on tree bark.

kaarna, haukkua to make the short loud sound that a dog makes

Tom's a beginner, but he catches on fast.

kadehtia, hangoitella to feel annoyed because someone has got something that you want, and you think they do not deserve it

Other bilateral spirits agreements in force already provide for that procedure.

kahdenvälisesti, bilateraalisesti a bilateral agreement or activity is one that involves two groups or countries

We used to slide down this banister, the three of us, and I was always the champion.

kaide a structure like a fence along the edge of stairs, designed to keep you from falling off the edge

My brother is a spoiled little brat!

kakara, nulikka an annoying child who behaves badly

She wasn't ready to tell the story of her bigamous husband.

kaksiavioinen, bigaaminen guilty of bigamy or involving bigamy

To say that he's not focused is to say that he's a biped.

kaksijalkainen eläin an animal that walks on two legs

Surely this is the most natural way to provide Europe with a bicameral system consisting of a parliament and senate.

kaksikamarinen, bikameraalinen a bicameral parliament consists of two separate groups of people involved in making laws

I'm pretty sure Tom's bilingual.

kaksikielinen someone who is bilingual is able to speak two languages extremely well

a bipartisan committee

kaksipuolueinen involving two political parties with different ideas or policies

A statue was erected to mark the bicentennial of the composer's birth.

kaksisataavuotisjuhla, 200-vuotis- a bicentenary

I was told that you might hangar a biplane that does promotional banners?

kaksitasoinen lentokone , kaksitaso an old-fashioned type of plane with two sets of wings

The initial discomfort is similar to that experienced when one gets false teeth or bifocal glasses.

kaksiteholasit a pair of glasses with special lenses that let you see things that are near if you look through the bottom part, and see things that are far away if you look through the top part

Garlic is by nature a biennial herbaceous plant which, when grown for its bulbs, has become an annual, commercially speaking.

kaksivuotinen, kaksi vuotta kestävä a biennial event happens once every two years

Mr. Harrison was very sensitive about his bald head.

kalju, paljas with little or no hair on your head

Not if you go on calling everyone balding, upper-middle-class twits .

kaljuuntuva beginning to lose your hair

While most people would blanch at the prospect of so much work, Daniels seems to enjoy it.

kaltata to be so shocked or frightened that your face becomes pale

It must be borne in mind here that tax revenue is not lost merely because it is lacking.

kannateltu, kannatettu if something is borne in on you, you realize that it is true

I mean, you know, you've already done such great work on that binder.

kansio, mappi a hard cover that holds loose papers together

The only condition imposed is that they should form groups based on ideological orientation.

kanta, perusta the bottom part, edge, or surface of something

Then incense bearers led a succession of idols depicting gods and goddesses, carried aloft for all to see.

kantaja, arkunkantaja someone who brings you a particular type of news or information

Your efforts will one day bear fruit.

karhu, kestää if you cannot bear something, you cannot accept or do it because it makes you very unhappy

The tayberry is a cultivated cross between a blackberry and a raspberry.

karhunvatukka a small soft dark fruit that grows on a bush called a blackberry bush or bramble

Sometimes it just burbles up inside you and you have to bellow a little.

karjua, mylviä to shout very loudly

If she is convicted, she'll be stripped of her runes and banished.

karkottaa, ajaa tiehensä to officially order someone to leave a country or region as a punishment

Few knew about Ptolemy's maps until they were printed in an atlas in the late 1400's.

kartasto a collection of maps published as a printed book or as a digital product

That takes out the Ba'ath political headquarters and these barracks here.

kasarmi, varuskunta a group of buildings where members of the armed forces live and work

If Haven is being overrun by homeless bag ladies, the people have a right to know!

kassialma, kassi-Alma a woman who has no home and walks around the streets carrying everything that she owns in bags

Invite a child who has recently been baptized to tell the other children about his or her baptism.

kastaa, ristiä to welcome someone into the Christian religion by touching or covering them with water

He had a beard, sort of auburn colored, and a cowboy kind of hat.

kastanjanruskea, kullanruskea auburn hair is brownish-red in colour

Despite initial opposition from her family, she progressed to the point of baptism.

kaste a ceremony in which someone is touched or covered with water to welcome them into the Christian religion

Firstly, it augments population growth and often levels of unemployment and exclusion.

kasvaa, lisätä to increase the size, amount, or value of something

It is sad to say, but we are actually leaving our own European breeders high and dry.

kasvattaja, jalostaja someone who breeds animals or plants, especially as their job

Cattle breeding has now been deseasonalised. Seasonal fluctuations do still occur to a certain extent.

kasvatus, lisääntyminen the process of mating and producing young animals

However, even if botany bores you, there is good reason for you to be thankful for green plants.

kasvitiede, kasvillisuus the scientific study of plants

Finally, in December 1963 tension between the two major ethnic groups on the island reached a breaking point.

katkeamispiste a situation in which there are so many problems or so many things to do that a person or organization can no longer deal with them

It has an acid flavour, loses its bitterness in the mouth and has a spicy aftertaste.

katkeruus, kitkeryys a feeling or state of great anger and unhappiness

Another perk of Alabama being behind the times.

katselija, katsoja to see something

It is not manly to speak ill of others behind their backs.

katsoa, katsella to see something

Something awful happened to Tom.

kauhea, hirveä used for emphasizing how unpleasant someone or something is

Truth is more important than beauty.

kauneus, kaunotar the quality of being beautiful or very good to look at

The songs learned by heart were those of the psalms which had been beautifully set to music.

kauniisti, ihanasti in a way that is extremely attractive or very pleasant to look at

Switzerland is a very beautiful country and well worth visiting.

kaunis, loistava a beautiful person is extremely attractive

I am telling you, you will be the belle of the ball.

kaunotar a very beautiful girl or woman

You know how many diabetics there are in the five boroughs?

kaupunginosa, kaupunki a town or a district in a city that is responsible for its own schools, libraries etc

He had won numerous bouts and as a result had been selected to compete outside Tahiti.

kausi , jakso a short period when you are ill or you feel unhappy

In the meeting, Sandra's body language revealed that she too doubted her ability to succeed.

kehonkieli the movements or positions of your body that show other people what you are thinking or feeling

This is reflected in the approximately 4,200 bodybuilding and fitness clubs found here in Germany.

kehonrakennus exercise that builds muscles through tension

I repeat, you want to stay clear of the Beltway.

kehätie, ohikulkutie a ring road

I want you to wear those bowling shoes... out the door and everywhere you go.

keilailu, keilaaminen an indoor game in which players roll heavy balls along a track, trying to knock down a group of ten pins (=wooden objects that look like bottles)

As the Method involves boiling, teflon or silica is preferable.

keittäminen, tulikuuma a boiling liquid has become so hot that there are bubbles in it and it is becoming a gas

OK, we need to boil those and put them through the ricer.

keittää if a liquid boils, or if you boil it, it becomes so hot that there are bubbles in it and it starts to become a gas

Tom likes to dunk his biscuit in his coffee.

keksi, pikkuleipä a type of small flat dry cake that is usually sweet and round. The usual American word is cookie

This year, the special installation for the event is the brainchild of our youngest and therefore least-experienced curator.

keksintö , luomus a clever system, organization, or plan that someone thinks of and develops

He had some theory about using track sprinters to push the bobsled.

kelkkailla, rattikelkkailu a bobsleigh

Tom's basement is filled with stuff that he hasn't used in years and will probably never use again.

kellari, peruskallio the part of a building that is partly or completely below the level of the ground

John jumped to his feet the moment the bell rang.

kello, tiuku a metal object shaped like an upside down cup that makes a noise when its sides are hit by a metal piece inside it

You didn't say anything about this ballpark because there was nothing to say.

kenttä a place where baseball games are played

The wooden rod has been used to administer discipline, and the wooden baton has served to conduct orchestras.

keppi, komentosauva a stick that the conductor of an orchestra uses

I was just about to go out when it began to rain hard.

kerjäläinen, kerjääjä someone who is very poor and lives by asking people for money or food

Your marks were well below average this term.

keskiarvo, keskinkertainen the amount, level, standard etc that is typical of a group of people or things

So, I must choose between a poor nobleman... or a rich bourgeois like you.

keskiluokkainen , porvarillinen typical of middle-class people and their attitudes. This word often shows that you dislike people like this, especially because you think they are too interested in money and possessions and in being socially respected

This ban is causing immediate losses to thousands of families who earn their living from this activity.

kielto, porttikielto to say officially that people must not do, sell, or use something

Another clever Federation experiment has gone awry and you've turned the whole station into one vast holosuite.

kiero, vinoon not in the correct position, especially not straight or tidy

The ancestors guided him to the one they wish him betrothed.

kihlata, luvata puolisoksi give to in marriage

or they can't provide written evidence that her previous betrothal was formally revoked.

kihlaus, kihlautuminen an old word meaning 'engagement' to get married

Others may never accept our views, but we can strive to eliminate words like bigot and hate.

kiihkoilija, ahdasmielinen fanaatikko someone who is bigoted

They've brought binoculars, and cameras to try and get a shot of the mysterious superhero.

kiikarit a piece of equipment with two parts that you hold against your eyes and look through to see distant objects more clearly

Let us not forget that belated intervention is far less effective, and ends up costing more.

kiinnittää köysi, kiinnittää to fix a rope to an anchor point while climbing

Oh, must you bray night and day at that infernal television?

kiljua, hirnua to make the loud rough sound that a donkey makes

The way to get there is by hitting that target and bouncing to it.

kimmota, pomppiminen if a ball or other object bounces, or if you bounce it, it hits a surface then immediately moves away from it

We could have bickered forever but at this point our challenge arrived.

kinastella, nahistella to argue about things that are not important

Why are you withholding evidence from your own client if you're not a blackmailer?

kiristäjä the crime of making someone give you money or do what you want by threatening to tell people embarrassing information about them

The ayatollahs' atomic bomb is a powerful weapon with which to blackmail the Iranian people.

kiristää, kiristys to make someone give you money or do what you want by threatening to tell people embarrassing information about them

Formerly, a book was worth its weight in silver, if not in gold.

kirja, varata a written work that is published, either as printed pages inside a cover or electronically

The loud crack mentioned at the outset resulted from the splitting of the wood of our library bookcase.

kirjahylly, kirjakaappi a piece of furniture with shelves in it for putting books on

There used to be a bookstore on that corner.

kirjakauppa a bookshop

In addition to beautiful multicolored pictures, there are also cards, bookmarks, and other handicrafts made using amate.

kirjanmerkki, lisätä kirjanmerkkeihin something you put inside a book so that you can find the page you want

Then it seems we are concerned with bookkeeping and not really with the resolution of problems.

kirjanpito, tilinpito the job of recording an organization's financial accounts

The monthly booking of expenditure and revenue is subject to checks and corrections on the basis of these declarations.

kirjanpito, tilit a written work that is published, either as printed pages inside a cover or electronically

The bookkeeping position at my company that you applied for?

kirjanpitäjä, kirjuri the job of recording an organization's financial accounts

That man needed to get away from that blithering bookworm.

kirjatoukka, lukutoukka someone who enjoys reading books and spends a lot of time doing it

The text represents the thoughts and the feelings of the author.

kirjoittaja, tekijä someone who writes books, articles etc, especially as their job

From now on, bumping, hard tackling, barging and bad language are banned.

kiroilu rude words

I'm the axe, and they're the big bad wolves.

kirves, karsia terminate

It does not look like beer and it also does not have the bitter taste specific to beer.

kitkerä, katkera feeling angry or upset because of a bad experience, especially when you think that you have been treated unfairly

Anything you felt for him was quite real... and, for the record, the level of awkwardness we're all currently experiencing is entirely genuine.

kiusallisuus, kiusaantuneisuus difficult to deal with and embarrassing

We have issues in our community that continue to plague and beleaguer us.

kiusata, piirittää to harass someone

The audition went well, and I was soon informed that the leading role—the most important part—was mine!

koe-esiintyminen a short performance in which you sing, dance, or act so that someone can decide if you are good enough to perform in a particular play, concert etc

If additional injections or booster are necessary, the doctor will tell you

kohottaja , kantoraketti something that makes you feel more confident, more healthy etc

The birch has white bark.

koivu a tall tree with thin branches and an outer layer that comes off in thin strips like paper

Hundreds of visitors walked by our booth and saw our display.

koju, koppi an enclosed space, big enough for one person, where you can do something without other people seeing or hearing you, especially vote or make a phone call

Too, Halloween featured bonfires to drive away evil spirits.

kokko, rovio a large fire built outside for burning waste. People also have bonfires at parties or celebrations.

Makes it easy to explain your presence in the field and the boardroom.

kokoushuone, johtokunnan kokoushuone a large room where the directors of a company or other organization hold formal meetings, usually with one large table around which everyone sits

You as parents should not have a domineering, bossy relationship in the household.

komenteleva, määräilevä someone who is bossy keeps telling other people what to do, in a way that annoys them

Travelled on the bonnet, bounced, maybe rolled, smashed his face on the road.

konepelti, nokkapelti the front part of a car that covers the engine. The American word is hood.

Our firm is on the verge of bankruptcy, I'm ashamed to say.

konkurssi, vararikko a situation in which a person or business becomes bankrupt

Cottle says she's physically fit but an emotional basket case.

konkurssikypsä yritys , toivoton tapaus an insulting word for someone who is unable to do anything because they are too nervous or upset

He has a basket full of strawberries.

kori, korillinen a container for carrying or keeping things in, made from thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood woven together, and sometimes with a handle

More fortunate than the young man who just died in these very bedclothes.

koristella, koristaa decorate

These marks must be clearly legible and indelible, even when the bodywork is fitted on a vehicle.

korityö the painted metal outer part of a car or other vehicle that gives it its shape

I know to duck when the boom comes across.

korkeasuhdanne, buumi a sudden major increase in trade, profits etc in a particular country or region

A warehouse full of illegal fireworks blew up and destroyed a whole city block.

kortteli, estää a large building with a lot of different levels

Forks and chopsticks became popular because they could easily handle hot food.

koska, takia used for showing the reason something happens or the reason why it is described in a particular way

Then her beautician asked about the magazine she was reading.

kosmetologi, kauneudenhoitaja someone whose job is to give people beauty treatments

The role of politics is not to avenge what has happened, but to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

kostaa to react to something wrong that has been done to you, your family, or your friends by punishing the person who did it

It will only backfire on you when the EU starts to interfere.'

kostautua, tuottaa päinvastaisia tuloksi if a plan or idea backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one that you wanted

To string the lei, she uses a nylon thread stiffened with fast-drying cement or beeswax.

kovakuoriainen, koppakuoriainen an insect with a smooth hard back

I'm going to be awfully preoccupied until I get this stuff moving.

kovin, hirveästi used for emphasizing what you are saying

It will not be long before the cherry blossoms on our campus come out.

kukinta, kukoistus a flower on a tree, or all the flowers on a tree

When I saw him with that bouquet, something just snapped inside of me.

kukkakimppu, bukee a collection of flowers, cut and tied together in an attractive way

The cherry tree blooms earlier this year than usual.

kukkia, kukinta a flower

Excuse me, I couldn't hear you over the sound of the booming economy and massive job creation.

kukoistava, kasvava if a country, region, or industry is booming, it is experiencing a period of economic success, with a lot of trade and business activity

Mix the salt, dry yeast and flour in a big bowl.

kulho, vati a round container used for eating, serving, or preparing food

Well, excuse me for saying this, but must he stay backstage?

kulissi, bäkkäri in the area behind the stage in a theatre, including the rooms where the actors get dressed

You three are an economic bonanza, and I'm a softie at heart.

kultakaivos, emosuoni a situation in which people quickly become very rich, successful, or lucky

Terrorist groups and the government have been engaged in a costly war of attrition since 2008.

kuluminen, hiertyminen the process of making an enemy physically and mentally weaker by continuously attacking them

A bow is no use without arrows.

kumartaa, kaari to bend your body forwards from the waist, especially to show respect for someone

You cook, you do the dishes, you never get bored playing Boggle.

kummastuttaa, pelästyä if the mind boggles, or if something boggles the mind, you cannot imagine it because it is too strange, unpleasant, or confusing

His knowledge and dynamic energy certainly merit our awe.

kunnioittava pelko , herättää kunnioitusta a feeling of great respect and admiration, often combined with fear

Now, gather around, everybody, and hear the awe-inspiring tale that's caused millions and millions of deaths.

kunnioitusta herättävä, hirvittävä making you feel great respect and admiration, and sometimes fear

He added: "Thank you," and handed me his well-used ballpoint pen as a memento.

kuulakärkikynä a pen with a very small ball at the end from which ink flows as you write

It's like an auditory aphrodisiac.

kuulo-, ääni- relating to hearing

Esperanto belongs to everyone. Unfortunately, not everybody knows that.

kuulua, lukeutua to be in the right place

Suddenly, there is a loud hoo sound, together with an audible rapid intake of breath.

kuuluva, kuulua loud enough for people to hear

Delegates, who had come from scores of countries, indicated their response with a resounding aye!

kyllä, jaa-ääni a word used for saying 'yes' by people in some parts of the UK, especially Scotland

It is dangerous to bathe in this river.

kylpeä, peseytyä to wash someone in a bath

And in the servants'quarters, two bedrooms, two baths.

kylpyamme , kylpy a long deep container that you fill with water and wash yourself in. The usual American word is bathtub.

Here are both Hitler's bathtub, husneger and banquet dwarf.

kylpyamme, amme a bath for washing yourself in

If I take a hot shower, the mirror in the bathroom fogs up.

kylpyhuone, vessa a room containing a bath or shower, a washbasin, and often a toilet

Thus, he recognized that the bargain bathrobe was a true bargain!

kylpytakki, aamutakki a loose piece of clothing like a soft coat that you wear before or after taking a bath or shower

Grey Worm can behead me or your dragons can devour me.

käsky, määräys because someone has asked for something or said it must happen


kävelytie, kävelysilta a path made of narrow boards, usually across sand or wet ground and often raised above the level of the ground

He fought bravely in behalf of a cause.

käyttäytyminen, käytös (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation

I told the honourable Members that talks about the present regulatory framework and its possible reform had begun.

käyttäytyä, käyttäytyä kunnolla to do things in a particular way

Because Neolution science saved your life and now, you are born again.

kääntynyt, uudestisyntynyt a born-again Christian is someone who has had a strong religious experience, and is therefore very enthusiastic about their Christian beliefs and wants to share them with other people

Althout most histrians see this as a gesture of peace, others still insist it was a military blunder.

kömmähdys, möhläys a careless or embarrassing mistake

Socially awkward children are more susceptible to bullying.

kömpelö, kiusallinen difficult to deal with and embarrassing

It is a shame we are so awkwardly grouped.

kömpelösti, kiusallisesti in a way that shows you are not comfortable, relaxed, or confident

Active magnetic bearings specially designed or prepared for use with gas centrifuges.

laakeri, olemus the particular way in which someone stands, moves, or behaves

Tom is dying to see what's inside this box.

laatikko, laatikollinen a container with straight sides, a flat base, and sometimes a lid

The ship backed into a little bight in the shoreline.

lahti, lahdeke a long curved part of the coast or a large river

The next morning, the ship's passengers catch sight of a bay with a beach.

lahti, syvennys an area of the coast where the land curves inwards

The scorpion fish has a blotchy red coloration like the stones and corals among which it lives.

laikukas, läiskikäs covered with blotches

I waited for the results with bated breath.

laimentunut, vähentynyt worried or excited and paying a lot of attention because you want to know what will happen

The table below analyses the Facility's loan portfolio by industry sector of the borrower.

lainanottaja, lainaaja someone who borrows money from a bank

Tom now knows that he shouldn't have borrowed money from Mary.

lainata, ottaa lainaksi to receive and use something that belongs to someone else, and promise to give it back to them later

Unless it's a rare Beatles bootleg, I don't know why he didn't just tell you what's on that tape.

laiton, piraatti- to make or sell something illegally, especially music or alcohol

Driving out to the boondocks to trade in a refrigerator motor?

lande, syrjäseutu a place that is a long way from a town or city

Tom thought it wasn't a good idea to leave Mary at home without a babysitter.

lapsenvahti someone you pay to come to your house and look after your children while you are not there, especially in the evening

This should not, however, mean that the lips remain stiff and as motionless as a duck's bill.

lasku, laskuttaa a written statement showing how much money you owe someone for goods or services you have received

While other bankers had their bonuses slashed during the recent bear market, bond traders continued to earn large payouts.

laskusuhdanne, laskumarkkina a situation in the stock market in which the prices of shares are falling

I'm driving this thing like a baby carriage.

lastenvaunut, lastenrattaat a pram

Benji was gonna give your dad the money, so you followed him to the barn.

lato, navetta a large building on a farm where animals, crops, or machines are kept

I tell you: the text should be short and simple, but without being banal.

lattea, itsestään selvä something that is banal is boring because it contains nothing new, original, or unusual

Mary looked into her bag and realized that her computer had been stolen.

laukku, pussi a container made of paper, plastic, or cloth, used for carrying or storing things

You may turn up on the bandstand, but your beak will still be turning down.

lava, soittolava a building without walls in a park, used for musical performances

Tom bakes his own bread with a bread machine.

leipoa, paistaa uunissa to make bread, cakes etc using an oven

The bakery is located next to the butcher shop.

leipomo a building where bread, cakes etc are made or sold

The baker in front of City Hall increased his prices.

leipuri someone whose job is to make bread, cakes etc. A shop that sells bread and cakes is usually called a baker's.

In the morning, Sandra eats a slice of bread and drinks a cup of coffee.

leipä, toimeentulo a common food made from flour, water, and usually yeast (=a substance that makes the bread grow larger). Bread is usually sold in a large piece called a loaf or made into smaller pieces called rolls. You usually cut bread into slices to eat it

But today, as never before, the world's breadbasket is threatened.

leipäkori, vilja-aitta a container in which you serve bread

Have this man attended to and take him to my bivouac like all the others.

leiri, leiripaikka a simple temporary camp made by soldiers, people climbing mountains etc

Because of his intense interest in aviation, his schoolmates dubbed him the flier.

lentäjä, pilotti an aircraft pilot

You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it.

lepakko, maila a long wooden object used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball and cricket

Hard, flinty portions of ground maize containing little or no bran or germs.

lese, leseet the outside of the grain of a cereal such as wheat or oats

Originally the garlic was braided so that it could be hung in the smokeroom and sold more easily.

letti, punos a narrow rope made by twisting fibres around each other, used for decorating clothes, curtains, or furniture

They fear the batter is gonna miss the signal and swing away right as they cross home.

lettutaikina , pahoinpidellä to deliberately hit someone many times

You have the audacity to boast of your victory when the mother of your child remains your prisoner?

leuhka, rehvasteleva someone who is boastful often talks proudly about things they have done or can do, or about something they own, especially in order to make other people admire them

I want to know if that's true or if he's bragging.

leuhkia, kerskua to talk about your achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other people

Soon we can boast to the world, Vikings doall about fear

leuhkia, rehennellä to proudly tell other people about what you or someone connected with you has done or can do, or about something you own, especially in order to make them admire you

It was a balmy day, so she went along and busied herself with the oysters.

leuto, miellyttävä warm and pleasant

The breadth and diversity of contacts also makes a valuable contribution to the democratization process.

leveys, laajuus the distance from one side of an object to the other

Why aren't you like other kids, break dancing and wearing bell-bottoms, and playing the Donkey Kongs?

leveälahkeiset housut trousers that are very wide at the bottom of the leg

I couldn't see the name of the gym, but it had a, a barbell on it.

levytanko a long metal bar with weights at each end that you lift in order to make your muscles bigger and stronger

It dictates that you will never, ever besmirch the Hawthorne name with any outlandish notions regarding you genealogical origins.

liata, häpäistä to harm the good reputation of someone or something

Perhaps you could assuage your guilt through altruism.

lieventää, tyynnyttää to believe that something is true, even though no one has told you or even though you have no proof

It has a pleasant, natural smoky smell and taste, mainly of beech wood.

lihaisa, lihaksikas a beefy person has a large heavy body and strong muscles

Well, if you like that sort of thing, big, brawny, and perfect.

lihaksikas, voimakas physically strong, with big muscles

I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn.

lihasvoima, lihasmassa physical strength, especially when compared with mental skill and intelligence

Decisions shall be taken by consensus and shall be attached to the agreed minutes of the meeting.

liite, kiintymys a special tool that you can fix to a machine or piece of equipment to make it do a particular job

Do not forget to attach your photo to the application form.

liittää, kiinnittää to fasten or join one thing to another

Tom saw his name written on the blackboard.

liitutaulu a large black or green surface fixed to a classroom wall for writing on with chalk

She removes her bodice with trembling hands.

liivi, miehusta the part of a dress that covers the body from the waist up

That money that you leave scattered all over town like birdseed... it keeps our firm solvent.

linnunsiemenet seeds that you give to birds as food

At parties he always makes a beeline for the prettiest woman in the room.

linnuntie, suorin reitti to go towards someone or something in the quickest and most direct way

Of course, the army won' t take you back ' cause you' re awol

lintsari, luvaton poissaolo absent without leave: if someone such as a soldier goes AWOL, they leave the place where they are working without permission

I don't care if the early bird gets the worm, I want to sleep.

lintu, tipu an animal covered in feathers, with two wings for flying and a hard pointed mouth called a beak or a bill. Birds build nests, in which female birds lay eggs.

An aviary is a large enclosure for birds, often containing shrubbery and other plants to simulate their natural habitat.

lintutalo, lintuhäkki an enclosed area where birds are kept

Excuse me, do you know where the box office...?

lippukassa, lippumyymälä the place in a theatre where you buy tickets

It includes a sum to cover the remuneration of auxiliary staff acting as guides to handicapped persons.

lisä-, apu a worker who helps more senior or permanent workers

I have no time for that, and besides, I don't have any money.

lisäksi, sitä paitsi in addition to someone or something else that is being mentioned

So, the body has to be displayed on this big boulder at the entrance to the fern grotto.

lohkare, järkäle a very large rock or piece of stone

I don't know what it was, but the bottom line is I didn't feel like spelling it out for you.

lopputulos, ratkaiseva tosiseikka the amount of money that a business makes or loses


lude, lutikka an insect with a round body and no wings that sucks people's blood, especially when they are in bed

Then I saw seven very thin and bony cows.

luiseva, luinen a bony part of the body is so thin that the shape of the bones can be seen

Another book tells of two college students stranded in a blizzard.

lumimyrsky a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds

Avalanches move faster than floods.

lumivyöry a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain

But still, not a particularly auspicious start for either of your kids at Lakeside.

lupaava, otollinen showing signs that suggest that something is likely to be successful

Bayous are common in Gulf Coast areas of the southern United States of America.

lutakko, suojärvi a large area of water that flows very slowly and has a lot of water plants and animals living in it

Tom thought he'd broken a bone in his foot, but an X-ray showed that he hadn't.

luu one of the hard parts that form a frame inside the body of a human or animal. This frame is called a skeleton

You are aware a far more effective and obvious treatment for 324B21 would be the kid's bone marrow?

luuydin the soft red substance inside the spaces in bones

I hope the brevity of my congratulations does not diminish the warmth of them.

lyhytsanaisuus, lyhytaikaisuus the use of only a few words

You don't make another bet in this city again, ever!

lyödä vetoa, panos to risk an amount of money by saying what you think will happen, especially in a race or game. You lose the money if you are wrong and win more if you are right

Which gave you time to bash his head in.

lyödä, iskeä to hit someone or something hard and violently

Because of this accusation, a mob removed Paul from the temple and began beating him.

lyödä, voittaa to defeat someone in a game, competition, election, or battle

All right, t minus five minutes to blastoff, let's get out of here.

lähtö, laukaisu the moment when a spacecraft leaves the ground

freckles, scars, and other minor skin blemishes

läikikäs, tahrainen to spoil the appearance of something

The Law indicated that a healed boil might be the place of development of a leprous eruption or blotch.

läiskä, laikku a coloured mark on something, especially a red mark on your skin

When he is berating anyone that would kill for him, she looks almost ashamed.

läksyttää, ojentaa to talk to someone in an angry way because they have done something wrong

I am bowlegged

länkisäärinen with legs that curve out sideways at the knees

The very fact of concentrating on qualifications already acquired is an important breakthrough.

läpimurto, edistysaskel a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work

When I get nervous, I kind of babble a little.

lörpötellä, pulista to speak quickly in a way that other people cannot understand easily

Didn't need to blab about JJ!

lörpötellä, vasikoida to tell people about things that should be kept secret

First of all, I'm wearing a baggy sweater, and it has horizontal stripes.

löysä, roikkuvat baggy clothes are very loose on your body

I remember actually saying that I meant to belly flop.

maha, masu a stomach. This word is often used to talk about whether people have enough to eat or not

This is the first time I've climbed this mountain. The sight is really awesome.

mahtava, tosi hyvä very impressive and sometimes a little frightening

The ensuing document is both ambitious and bombastic.

mahtipontinen, suuripuheinen using words that are intended to impress people but do not sound sincere or do not express things very clearly

The ensuing document is both ambitious and bombastic.

mahtipontisuus, paasaus arrogant, pompous language

It was our ensign, our standard to the nations—our banner calling for a return to virtue.

mainosjuliste , banderolli a wide piece of cloth with a message on it, often stretched between two poles

They will have placed the billboard on that building's facade before July ends.

mainostaulu, tienvarsimainos a large board for advertisements in an outside public place

The blurb on the back of the book says that it will touch your heart.

mainosteksti, takakansiteksti information printed on the outside of something, especially something for sale such as a book, to describe it or make it attractive to buy

This animal is the size of a beaver.

majava a small North American animal that has a wide flat tail and thick fur. Beavers cut down trees with their teeth and build dams (=walls) across streams.

She doesn't always look this bedraggled

makuuhuone, kamari a room that you sleep in

To be completed in case berth request type is other than transit.

makuupaikka aluksessa , punkka a bed on a train or ship

Twenty-five years after Chernobyl, milk, mushrooms and berries are still contaminated in some parts of Ukraine.

marja a small fruit that does not have a stone inside it

We found hanged in the awning.

markiisi, ulkokaihdin a sheet of cloth hung above a window or door as protection against rain or sun, especially outside a shop

The second stop is a blast furnace, which makes sense for the guns, but the first one is a medical waste incinerator.

masuuni, Masuuni a large industrial container in which rock containing metal is heated to a very high temperature so that the liquid metal flows out of the rock

You can't take any excess baggage on the plane.

matkatavarat, matkalaukku the suitcases, bags etc in which you carry your possessions when you travel. The usual British word is luggage.

And much like this bedspread, it's not pretty.

mehiläinen, kilpailu a flying insect that has black and yellow bands and can sting you. Bees make honey, and bees that are not wild live in hives. The sound a bee makes is written as buzz.

The intervention agencies concerned shall sell first beef which has been in store for the longest time.

mehiläispesä a structure in which you keep bees, and from which you collect their honey

Well, it was just that when I saw you this morning, your beeper was working fine.

mehiläisvaha, Mehiläisvaha a substance produced by bees that is used especially for making furniture polish (=a substance you put on furniture to make it shine)

Her latest book is a best-selling memoir.

menestys a book that many people buy

I had written a book, a bestseller, called The Spoils of Babylon.

menestyskirja a book that many people buy

Similarly, the majority of schemes provide for compensation to dependants both for non-pecuniary (bereavement) and pecuniary loss (loss of dependency).

menetys, kuolemantapaus the situation you are in when a close friend or family member has just died

Lake Vänern, bounded in the south by the parallel of latitude through Bastugrunds beacon

merimerkki a bright light or fire that shines in the dark and is used as a signal to warn people against danger or to show them the way somewhere

You got your little brown shirt and your khaki pants and your big shiny badge and your pistol.

merkki, tunnus a small round object that fastens onto your clothes with a pin and usually has a picture or writing on it. The American word is button.

Mostly brass, but some other metal, possibly silver.

messinki a shiny yellow metal that is used for making musical instruments and objects such as door handles. It is a mixture of copper and zinc

I let Tom know that I wasn't happy with the way he was behaving.

mestata to cut off someone's head, especially as a punishment

Their home is blandly but expensively decorated.

mielenkiinnottomasti, mitäänsanomattomasti not having a strong taste and therefore not very interesting to eat

She bethought herself of her promise.

miettiä jtak, tulla ajatelleeksi jtak cause oneself to consider something

Megastructures in space provided homes for billions of humans, many thousands of years later.

miljardi the number 1,000,000,000

He's a billionaire and he doesn't know it.

miljardööri someone who has more than a billion pounds or dollars

We have seen that theoretical or bland citizenship, some vague feeling of belonging, makes Europe weaker.

mitäänsanomaton, mieto not having a strong taste and therefore not very interesting to eat

Jacob was "blameless," a term implying moral excellence.

moitteeton, nuhteeton not responsible for anything bad

I just pointed out that the bloopers, though funny are really more of a turnoff.

moka, kömmähdys a silly or embarrassing mistake

Tom's parents both died while he was still a small child.

molemmat, kumpikin used for showing that you are referring to two people or things, and that you are saying the same thing about the two of them

Well, these numbers are based solely on boors watching their daytime talk shows, answering their rotary phones.

moukka, tollo someone who behaves in a rude way and ignores other people's feelings

So this entire dinner is meant to be some boorish inquisition.

moukkamainen, raaka rude and not caring about other people's feelings

The pan-European blackout of 4 November 2006 demonstrated the vulnerability of electricity supply in Europe.

muistikatko , sähkökatko a short period when the electricity supply to a building or district is stopped, especially at night

Ponchel, give me a bottle of champagne and my beaker

muki, keitinlasi a plastic cup with straight sides used for drinking

a bandwagon effect

muotivirtaus, villitys an idea or activity, especially in politics or business, that suddenly becomes very popular or fashionable, so that a lot of people want to be involved in it

All I hear is that kid and his radio going breaker, breaker .

murskain, hyökyaalto a large wave that rolls over onto a beach

It's not really breaking in if the actual cops help you break in, am I right?

murto, murtautuminen an act of entering a building illegally using force, especially in order to steal things

As a river approaches the sea, its water becomes brackish.

murtovesi, epämiellyttävä brackish water has a slight taste of salt and is therefore not pure

Bob is orbiting the black hole in a spaceship, and Alice decides to jump into the black hole.

musta aukko an area in outer space where the force of gravity is so strong that light and everything else around it is pulled into it

I'm the black sheep of the family.

musta lammas, hulttio someone who is not approved of by the other members of their family or the group they belong to because they are thought to behave badly

A blacklist of 'floating dustbins' has now been drawn up.

musta lista, laittaa mustalle listalle to keep a record of someone you do not approve of and prevent them from making progress in some way

What, your brother stole classified nuclear technology and you just passed it on to the black market?

musta pörssi, harmaa talous the illegal buying and selling of goods, especially when it is difficult or expensive to obtain them legally

For example, your skin might frequently become oily, resulting in pimples and blackheads.

mustapää a small black spot on your skin, caused by dirt or oil blocking a pore (=one of the small holes in your skin)

Every generation, a blackbird befriends a small child.

mustarastas, turpiaali a type of bird common in Europe and North America. The male is black with an orange beak.

She's going to marry him'cause he wears boots instead of blackening his feet.

mustata, mustua to become black, or to make something become black

The use of sulphur dioxide and sulphites will protect fresh blueberries against fungi growth.

mustikka a small dark-blue fruit that grows on a bush and is very common in North America

You have to say, well, blackness of skin, you couldn't suffer just for that.

mustuus, pimeys the quality of being completely black or completely dark

Can a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with one hundred billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?

myöhäinen, myöhästynyt happening late

It is the greatest honor it can bestow.

myöntää, lahjoittaa to give valuable property or an important right or honour to someone

Not gonna let one bad apple sour my night.

mätämuna someone who does bad things and influences other people so that they do bad things too

Badgers dig deep holes.

mäyrä, kiusata a wild animal that lives in a hole in the ground and has short legs and thick dark fur with a white area on its head

I could call my lamb from anywhere in the yard by just imitating as best I could the bleating sound of a sheep: Baa. Baa.

määkiä, bää to make the sound that a sheep makes

Yeah, but that doesn't mean You have to go blurting all our deepest, darkest secrets.

möläyttää, töksäyttää to say something suddenly and without thinking about the effect it will have, usually because you are nervous or excited

Is that what the scraggly, little ponce armed you with to fight the big, bad bogeyman?

mörkö, peikko an imaginary evil creature used in stories for frightening children

Remember that black blob you saw floating out of the police station?

möykky, kimpale a small amount of a thick liquid

Corrective surgeries have made him as good as new, but without a bellybutton.

napa, napa a scar where the umbilical cord was attached

Of course, I find it hard to understand why anyone would value a mere bauble so highly.

narrinsauva, hely a shiny coloured ball used as a decoration on a Christmas tree

She can be a real bitch.

narttu, ämmä an insulting word for a woman

The spaghetti sauce is made with minced (US ground) beef.

naudanliha, häränliha the meat from a cow

This band runs from Mary's left shoulder to her right hip, drawing unmistakable attention to the sculptor.

nauha, bändi a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz or rock: can be followed by a singular or plural verb

It also provides that additional guarantees may be required for intra-Union trade in bovine and porcine animals.

nauta, nautaeläin affecting or relating to cows

The team got together to brainstorm (the project).

neronleimaus, älynvälähdys a situation in which you cannot think clearly so that you do or say something silly

I can now better your autograph and EBay to sell when you become famous.

nimikirjoitus a famous person's name that they sign for someone else to keep

Hornbills, with their long beaks and extraordinary nesting procedures, are not an exception.

nokka the hard curved or pointed part of a bird's mouth

He bludgeoned his victims with a wooden club.

nuijia , pamppu to hit someone hard with a heavy object

Put your toys away now, it's bedtime.

nukkumaanmenoaika the time you usually go to bed

Now, Bobby, let me explain, before you get your boxers in a knot.

nyrkkeilijä, bokserimoottori someone who takes part in boxing matches, especially as their job

I like such sports as boxing and hockey.

nyrkkeily a sport in which two boxers fight by hitting each other while wearing large leather boxing gloves on their hands. They fight in a square area with ropes around it, called a boxing ring.

Only miserable and inglorious death awaits you here.

odottaa, odotella to wait for something that you expect to happen

Product obtained by steaming or infra red micronising and rolling dehusked barley.

ohra, ohranjyvä a plant that produces grain used for making food, beer, and whisky

You may return with a bailiff to the holding cells... to retrieve your personal effects.

oikeudenpalvelija, vouti an official whose job is to take away the possessions of someone who has not paid money they owe

We're just a retired detective and an attorney general.

oikeuskansleri, valtakunnansyyttäjä the most senior lawyer in some countries or US states

And catching at the boughs in envious mood, a hundred thorns about his heart entwined.

oksa, haara a big branch on a tree

The soft afternoon sun came in through the branches of the tree and then the window.

oksa, haara a part of a tree that grows out of its trunk (=main stem) with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it. A very small branch is called a twig

You could barf all over him, and he would say, Do it again.

oksentaa, yrjö to vomit

Preceptors, beholders, chroniclers of all that which man does not understand. Ripped By mstoll

olento, olemassaolo a person

She was biding her time until she could get her revenge.

oleskella an old word meaning 'to stay in a place'

Tom assumed Mary was talking nonsense simply because he didn't understand her.

olettaa, otaksua something that you consider likely to be true even though no one has told you directly or even though you have no proof

But, this must be shown to be the case and a simple assumption should not suffice.

olettamus, oletus a feeling or attitude of confidence

Tom says I have to babysit tonight.

olla lapsenvahtina, olla lapsenlikka to look after children in their home while their parents are not there, especially in the evening

But in case you don't, in a moment or so, you're going to hear a beeping noise.

olut, mallasjuoma a yellow or brown alcoholic drink made from malt (=grain that has been left in water and then dried) and hops (=a type of plant). You make or brew beer

I had never been able to comprehend this form of worship until I read this autobiography.

omaelämäkerta a book about your life that you write yourself

Ever since the accident, I've had this bizarre life craving.

omituinen, eriskummallinen strange and difficult to explain

I have to go now, there's something I must attend to at the office.

osallistua, olla läsnä to be present at an event or activity

Attendance had been falling off and such people as did come sat about indifferently.

osallistuminen, läsnäolo the number of people who are present at an event or in a place such as a school or church

The site for the new school has been bought.

ostettu, lahjoi bought


otsatukka a fringe in your hair

The bales are recycled by an outside company, saving the branch about $200,000 a year!

paali, paalata a large quantity of something such as paper, cotton fibres, or hay tied tightly for storing or sending somewhere

I don't know why I'm in a bad mood this morning.

paha , huono not pleasant or enjoyable

Children dressed in beige and brown uniforms are on their way to school.

pahoinpidellä, piestä to work at or to absurd length

We're looking for a woman who may have been battered.

pahoinpidelty, hakattu old and slightly damaged

The peace of many families is shattered by such abominations as spouse beating and child abuse.

pahoinpitely, selkäsauna the act of hitting someone hard a number of times in a fight or as a punishment

Where ballast is permanent, it shall be solid and fixed securely in the vessel.

painolasti, tasapainottaa a substance such as water, sand, or metal that is carried in ships or large balloons to help them remain steady

The least you can do is open it so we can bask in your happy expression.

paistatella, nauttia to relax and enjoy yourself by lying in the sun

Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, not knitted or crocheted

paitapusero, pusero a shirt, typically one worn by a woman or girl

Maybe the truth is there' s a little bit of loser in all of us, you know?

pala, bitti a small piece of something

Before you fall in love, you see the other person as a bare branch.

paljas, pelkkä a part of your body that is bare is not covered by any clothes. When someone is not wearing any clothes at all, they are naked or nude

Tom was shirtless and barefoot.

paljasjalkainen, paljain jaloin without any shoes or socks on

Tom never got an award.

palkinto, palkita a prize or other reward that is given to someone who has achieved something

Miraculously, Josh's father was able to move the beam off his son's body.

palkki, säteillä a long thick piece of wood, metal, or concrete that supports a roof

Because he knows there's a bounty on his head.

palkkio, lahja money offered as a reward, especially for catching or killing a criminal

I threw a ball to my dog and he caught it in his mouth.

pallo a round object used in games and sports

Maybe saving the reaper will be just the karmic balm... your psychic neck wound needs.

palsami , balsami an oil with a nice smell that you rub on sore skin to make it feel better

A compound of aromatic gums and balsams that will burn slowly, giving off a fragrant aroma.

palsami, palsamipuu a substance like oil that comes from plants. It has a strong smell and is used in medicines and perfumes.

The Yin, the Yang and the bang-bang.

pamaus, pam to hit something hard, making a loud noise

You' il give me your opinion, and I' il write something to make them bigwigs react

pamppu, kiho an important and powerful person in an organization

So we should not badmouth it but should actually endorse it tomorrow by a large majority.

panetella, puhua pahaa to criticize someone or something

Tom was unlucky to be in the bank when the holdup took place.

pankki, rantapenger a financial institution that people or businesses can keep their money in or borrow money from. The main banks used by ordinary people are called high-street banks

Pardon me, is there an ATM somewhere around here?

pankkiautomaatti automated teller machine: a machine outside a bank or in a public place that you use to take money out of your bank account

Tom wants to be a banker when he grows up.

pankkiiri, pelinhoitaja someone who has an important position in a bank or other financial organization

The key focus is to bring its Greek banking operations back to profitability and viability.

pankkitoiminta, pankkiala the work done by banks and other financial institutions

No more than two tonnes of beans may be harvested from one hectare of crop.

papu a seed of various plants that is cooked and eaten. There are many different types of beans, for example kidney beans, soya beans, and green beans.

However, it is always better to remain clean than to sin and repent afterward.

parannus, edistysaskel improvement

Tom isn't just my brother. He's my best friend, too.

paras used for referring to the person or thing that is the most satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, of the highest quality etc

I need to find a better job on the double to pay my bills.

parempi more satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, or of higher quality etc

Ireland merely argues that in the case of the breeds reared in Ireland, earlier slaughter is not possible.

paritella, siittää if animals breed, they become the parents of young animals

Consumed with vengeance, the baron pledged to destroy Carmilla and flee the village.

paroni, vapaaherra a man who is a member of the nobility. In the UK, a baron has lower status than most other members of the nobility.

You can't fill your stomach with the food left on your beard.

parta hair that grows on a man's chin and cheeks

You can't be a Boy Scout, but you could be a Girl Scout.

partiopoika, naiivi mies an old name for a boy who is a member of the Scouts, which is part of the Scout Association, an organization that encourages young people to have fun and help others

I had my hair cut at the barber shop yesterday.

parturi, hiustenleikkaaja someone whose job is to cut men's hair. The shop where men have their hair cut is called a barber's.

Tom went out to the balcony.

parveke, lehteri a place where you can stand just outside an upper window. It sticks out from the wall of a building.

That day dawned with our battalion deep in hostile territory.

pataljoona, ryhmä a large group of soldiers that consists of three or more smaller groups called companies

But there's some kind of baboon here telling me that I won't have time.

paviaani a type of large monkey from Africa or South Asia that lives on the ground

It's likely to get cold tonight, so you may need an extra blanket.

peitto, viltti a thick cover made of wool or another material that you use to keep warm in bed

Just give me all the bacon and eggs you have.

pekoni, kylki meat from a pig that is treated with smoke or salt, and is often cooked in rashers (=thin pieces)

I'd only been doing it a few days, and that bozo Preston came trying to steal it.

pelle, tollo a stupid person

If the Commission wishes to be audacious, now is the time to initiate these lines of debate.

peloton, rohkea done with extreme confidence, despite difficulties, risks, or the negative attitudes of other people

I saw a young man lying on the bench under the cherry tree in the park.

penkki, tuomarit a hard seat for two or more people, usually outside in a public place

Finally, recognising and maintaining the common cultural heritage are an important bequest to future generations.

perintö, testamenttilahjoitus money or property that you give to someone after you die by making a legal document called a will

These values are the basis for the eligible compensations granted to the owners.

perusta, pohja a particular method or system used for doing or organizing something

Expatriation allowance shall not be lower than the basic salary payable at grade B3 step 1.

perusteet, alkeet the most important aspects or principles of something that you should learn, think about, or deal with first

Surely, when we build a better world it must be based on some absolute cornerstones.

perustukset, pohjat the bottom part, edge, or surface of something

This Mesopotamian basin is an early example of narrative relief, dated approximately 3000 B.C.

pesuallas, tiskiallas a large bowl fixed to the wall in a bathroom for washing your face and hands in

Finally, the whole herd must be slaughtered if one beast is found to be infected.

peto, hirviö an animal, especially a dangerous or strange one

You know, I don't know what's worse, if it's the betrayal or the virus.

petos, pettäminen an act of betraying someone or something

So that some fat overstuffed Frenchman... can belch his lunch on the sight of gold in the Louvre.

pettää, olla ristiriidassa to make someone or something appear to be different from how they really are

I would never betray you.

pettää, olla uskoton jklle if you betray your country, or if you betray someone who needs your support, you deliberately do something that harms them or helps their opponents

It's at the bottom of this jar of barbed wire and salt.

piikkilanka thick wire with a lot of sharp points sticking out of it, used for making fences

The way I see it, the beeline aside should be 400m.

piippaus, piipata if a piece of electronic equipment beeps, it makes a short high sound or several short high sounds

Last month's rise in inflation was described by the chancellor as only a blip.

piippaus, välke a minor problem or delay that does not last very long

Season of the equinox, the witch besets her kill.

piirittää , juuttua jäihin to cause someone difficulty or danger over a period of time

The army besieged the castle for many days.

piirittää, saartaa to surround a place with an army and prevent the people there from getting food and supplies, as a way of getting control of it

Since my parish was poor, the bishop's portion was never very impressive.

piispa, lähetti a Christian priest with a senior position who is responsible for all the churches in a particular area

Don't you blaspheme in here!

pilkata Jumalaa to say offensive things about God or someone's religious beliefs

It was already clear in Amsterdam that its bilge water was not normal, because someone had collapsed and there was an unbearable and unusual stench.

pilssivesi, pilssi the bottom part of a boat

That is where Braille, sign language, and lipreading prove helpful to many.

pistekirjoitus, sokeainkirjoitus a reading system for blind people that uses small raised marks that they feel with their fingers

A prayer's as good as a bayonet on a day like this.

pistin, bajonetti a long sharp blade that is fixed onto the end of a rifle (=a long gun)

Because she thinks that you are blah.

plääh, höpinä used instead of a word or thing on a list when it is not important to say exactly what that word or thing will be

I shall enter that cottage, and I shall probe the matter to the bottom.

pohja, alaosa the lowest part of something

Man, these guys got a bottomless bag of tricks, don' t they?

pohjaton, alaosaton having no limits or end

She's basically clumsy so ... I guess she looks up to that sort of thing.

pohjimmiltaan, periaatteessa used for saying that you are talking about the most important aspects of something and not mentioning the specific details

I love his boyish charm, but I hate his childishness.

poikamainen looking or behaving like a boy or typical of a boy, usually in a way that you find attractive

Tom was still a bachelor at that time.

poikamies, kandidaatti a man who has never been married. It is more usual to say that someone who is not married is single. An eligible bachelor is one who many women want to marry because he is rich and attractive. A confirmed bachelor is a man who does not intend ever to get married.

You know, there's a rumor going around that I been sneaking off to Welch to see some beau.

poikaystävä, hienostelija a person's boyfriend or male lover

For bottom damage, adjacent athwart ship compartments shall also be assumed as flooded.

poikittain, yli to be in opposition to something or someone

I had a very happy boyhood.

poikuus, poikuus the period or state of being a boy

When I got to his house, he had already been taken away.

pois, poissa moving so that you go further from a person, place, or thing

So I'll straighten your hair, cut it in a bob.

polkkatukka, nykäisy to move up and down with short regular movements, especially on water that is rising and falling

It would be lovely, if one could ride a bike around town.

polkupyörä, pyörä a bicycle or a motorcycle

She can ride a motorcycle, not to mention a bicycle.

polkupyörä, pyörä a vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing pedals with your feet. A bicycle is often called a bike. Someone riding a bicycle is a cyclist.

Tomorrow, I am going to drop this little bombshell to start my show and end hers.

pommi an event or piece of news that is unexpected and shocking

One hundred and sixteen people died as a result of a bomb attack in Pakistan.

pommi, pommittaa a weapon made to explode at a particular time or when it hits something

Over 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles bombard the earth every day from space, most of which goes unnoticed.

pommittaa to ask someone so many questions, give them so much information etc that it is difficult for them to deal with it all

Navigators and bombardiers will remain for navigation briefing.

pommittaja someone of low rank in the Royal Artillery of the British Army whose job is to operate a large gun

This guy could be the bomber himself for all we know.

pommittaja, pommikone a large military plane that drops bombs

We took refuge in a building, and the bombing continued.

pommitus, pommittaminen an attack or attacks made using bombs

My point is I'm the bouncer, and there ain't nobody out there to bounce.

portsari, järjestysmies someone whose job is to make certain that no one causes trouble in a bar or club, for example by not allowing particular people to come in

Their reception capacity is confined to small barges depend on the fluctuating Rhine trade.

proomu, kaleeri a long flat boat used on rivers and canals

The cherry blossoms flutter down whenever the wind blows.

puhaltaa, isku if wind or air blows, the air moves

One after another, impressive yet graceful public edifices designed by French architects appeared along the leafy avenues.

puistokatu, valtakatu a wide straight road, especially one with trees on each side

Consequently, reinforcements intended by the grid-operator become unnecessary or can be postponed.

pukeva, sopiva making you look attractive

Tom emptied the water out of the bottle before he refilled it with fresh water.

pullo, pullottaa a glass or plastic container for liquids, usually with a narrow part at the top that is called the neck

Especially rail remains a serious bottleneck for the optimal performance of ports and their integration in logistics chains.

pullonkaula, ruuhkauttaa a specific problem in part of a process, that causes delays to the whole process

This bolt was sheared off prior to the dish hitting Andy.

pultti a metal bar that you slide across a door or window in order to lock it


punailves, töpöhäntäkissa a large wild cat that lives in North America

There are great challenges ahead for us but let us not beguile ourselves about that.

puolesta, jonkin puolesta instead of someone, or as a representative of someone

This magazine is published bimonthly, and that one is published quarterly.

puolikuukausittainen, joka toinen kuukausi happening or produced twice a month or every two months


puolisointu, vokaalisointu the repeating of sounds in words that are close together, especially in poetry, for example 'I tried to light the fire'

The smallest of the three angles formed by the rays is bisected to indicate the minutiae direction.

puolittaa, jakaa kahtia to divide something into two equal halves, especially in mathematics

I'm pretty sure Tom's biased.

puolueellinen, väritetty preferring one person, thing, or idea to another in a way that is unfair

You don't have to play outside in the biting wind.

pureva, pistävä biting wind or cold is so cold that it makes you feel very uncomfortable

Sister Beck gave me this small one for my lapel.

puro a small stream

He has a habit of scratching his back and biting his nails.

purra, purema to use your teeth to cut or break something, usually in order to eat it

I went and bought the clothes from the boutique that you wanted the other day.

putiikki, pieni myymälä a small fashionable shop, especially one that sells clothes


puunrunko, runkos the trunk of a tree

They begged for mercy.

pyytää, kerjätä to ask for help, an opportunity etc in a way that shows you want it very much

Tom is as busy as a bee.

pyökki, pyökit a large tree with smooth grey bark and small nuts

The mountain biker said that this bone lodged itself into his arm.

pyöräilijä, motoristi a motorcyclist, especially one who belongs to a group

This room is my bedroom, and the other one is my office.

päiväpeite, päiväpeitto a top cover for a bed, used mainly for decoration

He's a Baggins not some blockhead from Hardbottle.

pölkkypää, puupää a stupid person

Oh, that's a bunch of baloney, Lisa!

pöty, hölynpöly nonsense or lies

I feel strongly that the barbarism that was the culmination of eugenics in the 20th century was atrocious.

raakuus, julmuus extremely violent and cruel behaviour

Firstly, the current crisis is not a biblical curse or a punishment from the gods.

raamatullinen, raamatun- relating to or based on the Bible

For example, it is difficult to define the exact borderline between product and service related risks and accidents.

raja, rajaviiva not good enough to definitely pass an examination

Administrative boundaries at city and town level frequently diverge from the economic geography of the region.

raja, reuna something such as a line on a map that marks where one area of land ends and another begins

Mexico is a nation that borders the United States.

raja, reuna the official line separating two countries or regions

The scope of that criterion in Austrian law is virtually boundless.

rajaton, ääretön without a limit or end

Mr. Axelrod, you say the U. S. attorney harassed you, that he overstepped the bounds of his office.

rajaviiva, rajoitus to run or jump taking large steps when you are full of energy or excitement

The time has come to gather my beloved queen and embark upon our dark honeymoon.

rakas, rakastettu a beloved friend, object etc is one that you love very much. This word is sometimes used humorously to say that someone likes something too much

Well, well, these must be some of the weakest bladders ever to represent their countries.

rakko, virtsarakko a part inside your body that is like a bag where urine collects before being passed from the body

But this cannot be applied until open blisters have healed over.

rakkula, rakko a swollen area on your skin that is full of a clear liquid and is caused by being burned or rubbed

I just thought if I could take the necklace and the ring and the bangle,

rannerengas, nilkkarengas a stiff circular bracelet (=jewellery worn around the wrist)

I've got to get that bracelet to Gaby before the wedding.

rannerengas, rannekoru a piece of jewellery that you wear around your wrist

I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain.

ranta, uimaranta an area of sand or small stones beside the sea or a lake

It' s easy for somebody rich to talk about being poorlike it' s some bothersome fly you just wave away

rasittava, harmillinen annoying

I ain't bragging', or a braggart, or a blowhard.

rehentelijä, leuhkija someone who talks about their achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other people

This blue backpack is heavy.

reppu, rinkka a rucksack

But he's just a backpacker!

reppumatkaaja, retkeilijä someone, especially a young person without much money, who travels around an area on foot or public transport, often carrying a backpack

I can only get this boisterous with another German.

riehakas, hurja lively and noisy

Yes, the "box" can be a bane or a boon.

riesa, kirous something that annoys someone very much or causes them a lot of problems

We are talking here today about human rights and who is breaching them.

rikkoa, murtaa a failure to follow a law or rule

Tom thinks it impossible for Mary to break the record.

rikkoa, murtuma to make something separate into two or more pieces, for example by hitting or dropping it

Hammering it in entirely is enough to ensure that the object to be fastened, for example, a batten, remains tightly secured.

rima , lista to make something such as a door or window safe by closing it tightly or fastening it with a piece of wood


rinne, penger a slope or the side of a hill

I hadn't heard a voice or felt a burning in the bosom.

rinta, povi a woman's chest, or the clothes covering it

He said to come here every morning and evening to breast-feed your daughter Tomi.

rinta, rintakehä one of the two round soft parts on the front of a woman's body that produce milk when she has a baby

Earlier this evening I happened to gaze out the window and a brassiere caught my eye.

rintaliivit, rintsikat a bra

She did't wear bra on that day

rintaliivit, rintsikat a piece of underwear that supports the breasts

You and your girlfriend used to practice the breaststroke!

rintauinti, uida rintaa a style of swimming in which you pull both arms back at the same time and kick both legs with your knees bent

The old guys make you dress up in goofy costumes and you have to sing these bawdy songs.

rivo, kaksimielinen referring to sex in a humorous way

Be bold enough to ask for a ride to a ward or branch activity.

rohkea, karski involving a risk

John is brave in appearance, but is in reality a coward.

rohkea, uskaltaa capable of dealing with danger or pain, without seeming to be frightened

They boldly tackled their preaching assignment, helping many to attain godly peace.

rohkeasti, röyhkeästi involving a risk

Why do bravery and stupidity sometimes look so much alike?

rohkeus, uroteko brave behaviour

A boldness based on certain conviction characterized his life even then—conviction based on his own experience.

rohkeus, uskallus involving a risk

Food cooking on an unattended stove has been the source of many blazes.

roihu, loistaa a large fire that causes a lot of damage, especially when a building is burning

If the problem persists, it may be necessary to adjust the bobbin tension.

rulla , kela a small round object around which thread (=thin string used for sewing) is wound

It's because of you, the Rose Noelle was a bountiful mother to us all. To John.

runsaskätinen, runsas available in large quantities

I knew I should have worn my bib today.

ruokalappu a piece of cloth that is tied round a baby's neck and hangs down to protect its clothes while eating or drinking

What is that and why is it wearing a bow tie?

rusetti a narrow piece of cloth worn around the collar and tied into a bow. Bow ties are typically worn by men on formal occasions.

Both acts implied that bodily affliction or the shedding of blood can invoke a god's favor.

ruumiillinen, ruumiillisesti relating to or affecting your body

In case an autopsy was carried out, the results shall be included in the dossier.

ruumiinavaus, obduktio a medical examination of a dead person's body to find out why they died

He resurrected the widow's son from the funeral bier, no doubt on the day of his death.

ruumispaarit, katafalkki a wooden structure for putting a coffin (=a container for a dead body) on

Shielding your face and shrieking like a girl is not a backhand.

rystylyönti, rysty in tennis and similar sports, a movement made to hit the ball in which the back of your hand moves towards the ball

I guess you changed his bedpan last night.

ryvettynyt, rähjäinen wet, dirty, and untidy

All that remain is a couple of hundred gangs in the hands of some common bandits.

ryöstäjä , rosvo a thief who attacks travellers, usually with other thieves

Babylon, the spoiler of nations, had so much spoil that the Persians would be completely satisfied with the booty taken.

ryöstösaalis, peppu valuable goods that are taken illegally or by force, especially in a war

Those men may have been thrilled by this, but such blatant slaughter turns many persons against hunting.

räikeä, räikeä done in an obvious way that shows you are not embarrassed or ashamed to be doing something bad or illegal

Modernisation should also mean quicker and more effective justice for those who blatantly abuse their power.

räikeästi, häpeämättömästi done in an obvious way that shows you are not embarrassed or ashamed to be doing something bad or illegal

Reports say that the blast was powerful enough to reach street level.

räjähdys, jyrähtää an explosion, especially one caused by a bomb

We have seen this kind of brazen attempt to exert pressure in relation not only to the Tibetan people but to human rights in general.

röyhkeä, häpeämätön behaving in a way that is not moral or socially acceptable, and not caring if other people are shocked or offended

Metal is brash and showy, but strong and deadly.

röyhkeä, hävytön behaving and talking in a loud and confident way that annoys other people

If he is now rather belatedly accepting our positions, I certainly welcome his conversion.

röyhtäistä, röyhtäys to let air from your stomach come out through your mouth in a noisy way

I don't know if my boot's too little, or my leg's too big.

saapas, käynnistää uudelleen a type of shoe that covers all of your foot and part of your leg. You often wear boots to protect your feet and legs, for example from snow or rain

It is hindered by the blockades preventing goods from entering the area.

saarto, erityisesti sataman merisaarto an official action that is intended to prevent people or goods from moving from one place to another

The dictionary is now available as an app for Android phones.

saatavilla, saatavilla oleva able to be obtained, taken, or used

The availability of sound fiscal data is essential for budgetary surveillance in the euro area.

saatavuus, käytettävyys the state of being able to be obtained or used

The programme objectives were largely specific, attainable and realistic.

saavutettava, mahdollinen possible to achieve, reach, or get

Finally, he attained his goal.

saavuttaa, saada to succeed in achieving something, especially after a lot of effort

What does he say is the "greatest attainment," and how do we preserve it?

saavutus, saavuttaminen the process of achieving an aim or particular level of success

For us, that 'something' is a blitz of enormous biological and physical alterations in the world that has been sustaining us."

salamahyökkäys a special effort to finish a job or to deal with a problem quickly and thoroughly

Oh, you are a sight for bleary and battered eyes.

samea, sumea not able to see clearly, for example because you are tired or have drunk too much alcohol

Meat-eaters have to produce extensive bile acids in their intestines to properly digest the meat that they eat.

sappi, sappineste a green-brown liquid that is made in the liver and helps you to digest fats

The press has its assortment of reporters, and, of course, there is a mixed group of business people.

sekalainen, valikoima including various types

They blend Brazilian and Colombian coffee here.

sekoittaa, sekoitus a combination of different tastes, styles, qualities etc that produces an attractive or effective result

The chair gave way as Tom sat on it, and he crashed to the floor injuring his back.

selkä, takana oleva in the direction that is behind you

Without replacing the process of democratically deciding legislative authority, they nevertheless constitute the backbone of that same process.

selkäranka, kulmakivi the row of small bones that goes down the middle of your back

There's been a lot of banker-bashing lately.

selkäsauna a violent physical attack on someone, especially because of the group they belong to

Can you do backstroke?

selkäuinti a style of swimming on your back

The version of the play that I saw had been horribly bowdlerized.

sensuroida, lyhentää to remove the parts of a book, film, or play that are likely to offend people, with the result that it is not as good

It didn't make no sense, him sittin'in that cell going crazy the town without no blacksmith.

seppä, hevosenkengittäjä someone whose job is to make things out of metal

an avuncular, quietly spoken man

setämäinen, hyväntahtoinen an avuncular man is kind and helpful to younger or less experienced people

So, you just gotta remember to replace the bandage and put some of this on it.

side, laastari a long thin piece of cloth that you wrap around an injured part of your body

It's all between you and the car you build. It's a bond, it's a commitment.

side, sidos something that gives people or groups a reason to love one another or feel they have a duty to one another

When Securitate agents captured a brother or a sister, their cruelty, expertly applied, knew no bounds.

sidottu, raja something that is bound to happen will almost certainly happen

There are important ways for us to share the new member's burden that it may be bearable.

siedettävä, kestettävissä oleva something that is bearable is difficult or unpleasant, but you are able to accept or deal with it

Barnacles sift morsels of plankton brought in on the currents.

siimajalkainen a sea creature that sticks firmly to rocks and to the bottoms of ships

Even if you stay inside Maria until she's a hundred years old, that's just a blink of an eye for you.

silmänräpäys, räpyttää silmiä to close your eyes for a very short time and quickly open them again

I can do it blindfolded.

silmät sidottuina, silmäside something that is tied over someone's eyes so that they cannot see

The enhanced bluish colouring during ripening is typical of the designation.

sinertävä similar to blue or slightly blue in colour

Rupert, is this blue cheese or is itjust cheese that's gone blue?

sinihomejuusto, homejuusto a strong-tasting cheese that is white or pale yellow and has blue lines in it

Not until his dad, who was this tough blue-collar guy, encouraged him to keep painting.

sinikaulustyöläinen, työväen blue-collar workers do work that involves using physical strength or skill with their hands rather than working in an office

Well, I talked to your father, and the boarding school idea has been shelved for the moment.

sisäoppilaitos, Sisäoppilaitos a school in which most or all of the students live during the part of the year that they go to lessons

The award shall be binding on the Parties and it shall be without appeal.

sitoa, yhdistää to tie someone's hands or feet together so they cannot move

It's not legally binding.

sitova if an agreement, contract, decision etc is binding, you must do what it says

The priest blessed the marriage of the happy couple.

siunata, kiittää to say a prayer asking God to help and protect someone or something

Who may receive blessings under the rule of God's holy nation?

siunattu, autuas used for emphasizing that you are annoyed about something

Now we're at one again and their benediction is power.

siunaus, avunpyyntö a Christian prayer that asks God to bless someone

Your remonstrances are a welcome boon and surely will redouble my diligence.

siunaus, lahja something useful that brings great benefits or makes your life easier

Good health is a great blessing.

siunaus, onni something good that you feel very grateful or lucky to have

Yeah, too bad I got him that boom box

soitin, mankka a ghetto blaster

You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it.

sokea, sokaista unable to see. Some people prefer to use the expression visually impaired

Let me pick up what you said about a blind date, which was a fine phrase to choose.

sokkotreffit an arrangement in which two people who have never met before spend some time together, in order to find out whether they like each other enough to start a relationship


sopeutunut, viritetty familiar with something and able to deal with it in a sensitive way

Does your ship have an internal power supply attuned to the storage device?

sopeutunut, virittynyt familiar with something and able to deal with it in a sensitive way

She was buried in the cathedral, as befits someone of her position.

sopia, olla sopiva to be suitable for someone or something

The Commission wants that embargo extended to any country providing military assistance to the belligerents.

sotaakäyvä, sotaisa very unfriendly and angry

Such bellicose and incendiary rhetoric can only make matters worse.

sotaisa, riidanhaluinen someone who is bellicose enjoys fighting or arguing

The Atonement is the mighty healer—atone for the sins.

sovittaa, hyvittää to show that you are sorry for doing something bad or wrong

Also: "to make atonement on it, so as to let it escape."

sovitus, hyvitys to show that you are sorry for doing something bad or wrong

Someone ripped your heart out and tried to play badminton with it.

sulkapallo, sulkapallo a game in which two or four players use rackets to hit a shuttlecock (=a small light object with feathers on it) to each other across a net

The kind of bracket that one might use to mount... a television.

sulkumerkki , kannatin one of a pair of symbols ( ), used in writing or mathematics for showing that the piece of information or set of numbers between them can be considered separately. The American word is parenthesis

Obviously, the mind not only survives the barrage but handles it with ease.

sulkutuli, este an attack during which an army continuously fires guns, drops bombs etc for a long time

Well, on the bright side, my hand isn't blurry any more.

sumea, sumea difficult to see clearly, or causing difficulty in seeing something clearly

CCQ — Nebulizer, medicinal, non-ventilatory (atomizer)

sumutin, suihkutin a container that holds a liquid such as paint or perfume and forces the liquid out in very small drops

After the peat has been lifted the peat bog becomes green again and begins to produce new peat.

suo, neva an area of ground that is always very wet and soft

We should hope that the political and economic reconstruction of Iraq can begin soon, again under international auspices.

suojelus with the help and support of a particular person or organization

A week goes by, and the baby still hasn't produced a bowel movement.

suoli, suolisto the part of your body where faeces (=solid waste) are formed. This word is usually used in the plural, except in medical language

Imagine the cries of grief from the mothers bereft of their sons!

sureva, kaipaava extremely unhappy and lonely

She's a bereaved woman, Dobbs, she needs to be placated.

sureva, läheisensä menettäneestä a bereaved person is someone whose close friend or family member has recently died

Also, my thumb muscle began to atrophy, and soon I could not move my thumb at all.

surkastua, näivettyä a medical condition in which a part of your body becomes weaker or smaller because you are not using it or because blood is not reaching it

I'm very sorry, sir, but someone spilled my coffee all over the Haskell blueprints.

suunnitelma , piirustus a detailed plan for doing something new, or something that is a model for how something should be done

Over the next decade, the working-age population will begin to decline when a large number of the "baby-boomers" retire.

suuriin ikäluokkiin kuuluva henkilö someone who was born during the baby boom after the Second World War

I want you to hear something, bigmouth.

suurisuu, hölöttäjä someone who talks a lot and is unable to keep anything secret

The days are getting noticeably shorter now that autumn has arrived.

syksy, syys the season of the year that comes between summer and winter. The usual American word is fall

Why is it that so few places have brilliant autumn displays, with their wide range of colors?

syksyinen typical of or relating to autumn

He begs the King to understand it is as far as he is prepared to go.

synnyttää , aiheuttaa to cause something to happen or be created

After your death you will be what you were before your birth.

syntymä, synnyttää the occasion of a baby being born

Someone left a baby girl with a birthmark on her arm in the waiting room.

syntymämerkki a red or brown mark on the skin that some people are born with

The birthright we leave our children is not out there as Kublai claims.

syntymäoikeus, esikoisoikeus a basic human right, or a right to have something because you are a citizen of a particular country

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the birthplace of jazz!

syntymäpaikka the place where someone was born

Well, they do if you have a birth certificate and a social security number.

syntymätodistus an official document that shows your name, details of when and where you were born, and who your parents are

A baby deer can stand as soon as it's born.

syntynyt, synnynnäinen when a baby is born, it comes out of its mother's body and starts its life. The time when you are born is your birth, and a mother gives birth to a baby

For instance, they have openly denounced the pope's ruling banning artificial birth control.

syntyvyyden säännöstely, ehkäisy the practice of avoiding becoming pregnant, or the methods used for this

The birthrate in most countries is falling and life expectancy increasing.

syntyvyys the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year

No of attributable consolidated practices which use indicators or tools developed and tested following LIFE examples.

syyksiluettava, jostakin johtuva caused by a particular event, situation, activity, or person

I think you're partly to blame for the negotiation breakdown.

syyttää, syy to say or think that someone or something is responsible for an accident, problem, or bad situation

The killer was just using him as bait, lying in wait with a sniper rifle across the street.

syötti, täky food used for attracting and catching fish, birds, or animals

Also, the one delivering the ball is called a bowler, not a pitcher.

syöttäjä, keilailija the person throwing the ball towards the batsman in the sport of cricket

the striations and spots must not show a yellow or dark aureole

sädekehä a circle of light around the head of a holy person in a picture

Once you're in, the only way out is to the sounds of gunshots and bagpipes.

säkkipilli a Scottish musical instrument consisting of a bag with several pipes sticking out of it. You play it by blowing air through one of the pipes. Someone who plays the bagpipes is called a piper.

Glass is a transparent and easily breakable material.

särkyvä, hauras a breakable object will break easily if you are not careful with it

Elliptical wound on the frontal bone with a reverse bevelling.

särmä, vino reuna a sloping surface along the edge of a piece of wood, glass etc

Maybe this town isn't as backwards as you thought.

taaksepäin suuntautuva , taaksepäin moving or looking in the direction that is behind you

Please say the alphabet backwards.

taaksepäin, taaksepäin suuntautuva if you move or look backwards, you move or look in the direction that is behind you

She had no basic moral defect or blemish.

tahra, kauneusvirhe a mark or spot that spoils the appearance of something

Human rights violations are a blot on our civilisation, impunity even more so.

tahra, tahrata to remove liquid from the surface of something using a piece of paper or cloth

My corrupt nature is empty of grace, bent unto sin, only unto sin and that continually.

taipunut, käyrä a bent object has a curved or twisted shape

One can win several battles but lose the war.

taistelu, taistella a fight between two armies in a war

It had neither a front nor a specific battleground but was fought everywhere.

taistelukenttä, taistelutanner a place where a battle takes place or where one took place in the past

Slaughter on the highways often far outstrips that on the battlefield.

taistelukenttä, taistelutanner a place where a battle takes place or where one took place in the past

The Uruguayan government ordered the battleship back to sea immediately, otherwise it would be interned.

taistelulaiva, laivanupotus the largest type of warship

The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.

taivaansininen, sininen bright blue

Tom can bend spoons with the power of his mind.

taivuttaa, taipua to lean forwards and downwards, or to move the top part of your body forwards and downwards

Same thing that everybody else whispers about these backwoods, I suppose.

takamaa, korpi an area that is far away from any towns, usually a place that has not yet become modern

The barrel wasn't forged, the breech didn't exist, and I wanted it to burn, not blow.

takamus, lukko a birth in which the baby's head does not come out first

Its appetite satisfied, Behemoth lies under lotus trees or in the shade of poplars.

takana, taakse at the back of someone or something

Rather than buy vegetables at the grocery store, Mary is growing her own in her backyard.

takapiha, piha an area behind a house covered with a hard brick or stone surface

You don't shut up, I'm gonna kick your backside right up to your shoulder blades.

takapuoli, takamus the part of your body that you sit on

How about a little less boxing and a little more boogie?

tanssi, räkäklimppi to dance to fast popular music

What does he say to those who believe that the theater and the ballroom are places of evil?

tanssisali, juhlasali a very large room used for dancing

Beta vulgaris — beetroot including Cheltenham beet, spinach beet or chard

tapahtua, kohdata if something unpleasant befalls you, it happens to you

He betited that something bad will happen.

tapahtua, sattua used for warning someone that they will be in trouble if they do a particular thing

He and a fellow sailor exchanged words in the chow line, a brawl ensued.

tappelu, nujakka a noisy fight in a public place

By the contested decision the applicant's bid was rejected and the contract awarded to another bidder.

tarjoaja, huutaja someone who makes bids for something, for example at an auction (=an event where things are sold to the person who offers the most money)

Just do me a favor, and don't bid on the deer stand.

tarjota, tarjous to offer a particular amount of money for something, for example at an auction (=an event where things are sold to the person who offers the most money)

Further strengthen external audit and ensure that both, financial control management and internal audit, function properly.

tarkastus an official examination of the financial records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate

I opened my purse to get my boarding pass but couldn't find it.

tarkistuskortti, maihinnousukortti a boarding card

You need to pay attention.

tarkkaavainen, valpas listening to or watching something carefully

Maybe Tom should pay more attention in class.

tarkkaavaisesti, valppaasti listening to or watching something carefully

Fruits and vegetables are essential to a balanced diet.

tasapaino, vaaka the ability to remain steady in an upright position

He stressed the need for having a balanced view of oneself and the ministry.

tasapainoinen, tasapuolinen considering all arguments, opinions, or aspects fairly and equally

For off-balance sheet exposures this item shall also include the decreases in the impairment due to the off-balance sheet item becoming an on-balance sheet asset.

tase a written statement showing the value of a company at a particular time

Ask the young women to identify the blessings of honesty and list them on the board.

taulu, kartonki a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of buildings

What was the historical background against which this prophecy was first delivered?

tausta, taustatieto the type of family, social position, or culture that someone comes from

Futuristic settings are sometimes used merely as a backdrop for graphic violence.

taustakulissi, taustakangas everything that you can see behind the main thing you are looking at

Then once Kosh's belongings are loaded into his ship it will activate itself.

tavarat, tavara the things you own

We went the wrong way and had to backtrack till we got to the right turning.

tehdä täyskäännös, palata samaa tietä to change your intentions, so that you become less willing or less likely to do something that you said you would do

I just got to say, this is a really expensive blender.

tehosekoitin, sekoitin a piece of electrical equipment that mixes foods or turns soft food into a liquid

How long is this blade?

terä, lapa the thin sharp part of a knife, tool, or weapon that cuts things

Mr. Nichols, sounds like he's been somewhat astute in his observations.

terävä, neuvokas good at judging situations and people quickly and able to use this knowledge for personal benefit

An anonymous benefactor bequeathed several hundred thousand dollars to an animal shelter.

testamentata, jättää perinnöksi to give someone money or property after you die by making a legal document called a will

Tom doesn't seem to be aware of the problem.

tietoinen, valpas knowing about a situation or a fact

My hope is that with more awareness, we can get justice for Matt.

tietoisuus, tuntemus knowledge or understanding of a subject, issue, or situation

Some of the early explorers thought of the local people as benighted savages who could be exploited.

tietämätön, takapajuinen lacking knowledge or advantages that other people or places have

If the documents referred to above are completed by hand, entries must be in ink and in block letters.

tikkukirjain, isot kirjaimet a plain hand-drawn letter

Furthermore, the current backlog covers only a limited period of future production.

tilauskanta, rästityöt an amount of work or other things that you should already have done or dealt with

It is therefore necessary to appoint external auditors from the financial year 2009.

tilintarkastaja, tarkastaja someone whose job is to officially examine the financial records of a company, organization, or person to see that they are accurate

That was the bargain made with the final consumer at service stations belonging to Kuwait Petroleum.

tinkiä , halpa ostos something you buy that costs much less than normal

That record may be signed in an electronic system providing sufficient authentication of the signatory.

todentaa, todistaa oikeaksi to prove or show that something is real and not false or copied

But as our other members here can attest an unforgettable experience.

todistaa, näyttää toteen to give proof or be evidence that something is true

He's not going to the police'cause he's a bootlegger.

trokari, salakauppias to make or sell something illegally, especially music or alcohol

Very old or bedridden parents often do live with their children.

tuhria, töhriä spread or daub (a surface)

I found it necessary to get assistance.

tuki , apu to help someone or something

Are you convinced that this is backed by democratic support?

tuki, kannatus support, help, or active approval

You mean since I outed my financial backer as a murderer?

tukija, rahoittaja someone who gives help or money to a plan or organization

If you serve Hamish the wrong foods, he could get a blockage.

tukos, esto something that blocks a tube or pipe

I feel like translating has become very unenjoyable.

tulla, tulla joksikin to change and start to be something different, or to start to have a different quality

It is no longer merely western Austria that is awash with heavy goods vehicles.

tulvillaan, vesirajassa thoroughly covered with a liquid

I suppose Snake's been botching up my job.

tunaroida, sählätä to do something very badly or carelessly

He avowed that he regretted what he had done.

tunnustaa, myöntää avoimesti to publicly claim or promise something

They were imprisoned for their avowal of anti-government beliefs.

tunnustus, myöntäminen a public statement that you intend to do something or that something is true

In Germany it markets inter alia beer, whiskey, gin and vodka under a variety of brand names.

tuotemerkki, merkki the name that a company chooses for its particular brand of product

Sony is a brand known around the world.

tuotemerkki, tavaramerkki a product or group of products that has its own name and is made by one particular company. The word for a machine or vehicle made by one particular company is a make

Off the coast of Edo, strange-looking vessels billowing black smoke suddenly appeared.

tupruta, hyökyä to be filled with air and swell out like a sail

Michael discovered mother quite by accident when the orchard was suffering from a terrible blight.

turmella, riesa a serious disease affecting plants and crops

This is only for the purpose of seeing if you have previously applied for asylum.

turvapaikka goddess of criminal rashness and its punishment

By the time she gets there, her mother's body is bloated with bacterial gases.

turvonnut, paisunut swollen because of containing a large amount of liquid or gas

Tom always speaks in such a low voice that I can barely understand what he says.

tuskin, hädin tuskin used for saying that something almost does not happen or exist, or is almost not possible

Every little breeze seems to whisper Louise

tuulenvire, tuulahdus a light wind

Heb., ruʹach; previously translated "active force; breezy part; spirit."

tuulinen, raikas with a lot of light wind

Tom's mind went blank when he got up to give the eulogy at Mary's funeral.

tyhjä, sisällötön blank paper or a blank space is empty and contains no writing or other marks

Mary seems to be bored with the game.

tylsistynyt, kyllästynyt feeling impatient or dissatisfied, because you are not interested in something or because you have nothing to do. If you want to say you are extremely bored, you can say you are bored stiff/rigid/silly or bored to tears/to death

But I'll bore some holes, just in case.

tylsistyttää, porakaivo to make someone feel impatient or dissatisfied, especially by talking to them about things that are not very interesting

My father used to tell me that boredom indicates a lack of inner resources.

tylsyys, ikävystyneisyys the feeling of being bored

Some people are put off by his bluntness.

tylsyys, tylyys saying what is true or what you think, even if this offends or upsets people

The lecture was as boring as watching grass grow.

tylsä, ikävystyttävä not at all interesting, and making you feel impatient or dissatisfied

No doubt the size of the profits that were rolling in blunted serious risk analysis.

tylsä, tylppä saying what is true or what you think, even if this offends or upsets people

And now, a barrel, most likely holding dead animals.

tynnyri, barreli a round wooden, metal, or plastic container with a flat top and bottom, used for storing liquids

He views with satisfaction the parchment-colored plots, covered in stubble—evidence of days of backbreaking labor.

työläs, raskas physically very hard and tiring

Deshaun boosted this metal briefcase from some guy outside of Starbucks.

työntö , tehostaa to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful

Copernicus studied mathematics and astronomy at the University of Krakow.

tähtitiede, astronomia a type of artificial surface that looks like grass and is used to cover fields where games such as hockey and American football are played

As a personal debt, that is an astronomical number—totally beyond our comprehension.

tähtitieteellinen, valtava the scientific study of the stars, planets, and other objects in the universe

He stayed at his aunt's house.

täti the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle

I hope that the name of Henry VIII is not a bad omen and will not have a baleful influence on the future of Europe.

uhkaava, pahanenteinen showing evil, hate, or the intention to harm someone

Foolishness and bravado may trample on wisdom and decency.

uhmakkuus, uhmailu a brave and confident way of behaving, especially when you do not really feel like this

She was dressed in a red bathing suit.

uimapuku a swimsuit

Of course, some may be bashful and might feel out of place acting something out before a group.

ujo, häveliäs easily embarrassed when you are with other people

What were you and Tom doing in the attic?

ullakko, vintti the room in a house under the roof

And we have about 15 seconds before that alarm goes from beeping to blaring.

ulvoa, raikua to make a loud and unpleasant noise

Look, you're talking to a brand-new and very nervous director of operations.

upouusi, tuliterä extremely new

Not only was Mary a star athlete, but she also had top grades.

urheilija, yleisurheilija someone who is good at sports, especially athletics, and takes part in sports competitions

His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times.

usko, uskomus a strong feeling that something is true or real

And why should I believe in the existence of this study?

uskoa, luottaa to think that a fact is true

A quorum is a body of brethren holding the same priesthood office.

uskonveljet, veljeskunta the male members of a religious group

I didn't find any of the characters in the film believable.

uskottava, luotettava seeming possible or true

Looks like you might have a few believers on the payroll.

uskovainen, uskova someone who believes in God, a religion, or a set of beliefs or principles

I mean, we all have such dark hair, and your hair is blond.

vaalea, blondi blonde hair is pale yellow in colour

The institutional framework in which this legislation is applied will also be bolstered.

vahvistaa, tukea to make something stronger or more effective

I was foolish to think you would barter me away.

vaihtokauppa, tehdä vaihtokauppa to exchange goods or services for other goods or services instead of using money

Pardon the bother, and many thanks for your kindness.

vaivata, vaiva if you do not bother to do something, you do not do it, either because there seems to be no good reason or because it involves too much effort

I assure you I'll do everything possible to help you.

vakuuttaa, varmistaa confident and certain

The area was home to a constantly changing assortment of birds.

valikoima, joukko a group or set of things of various types

Tell Simon to bring a tarp and some bleach and maybe something sharp.

valkaisuaine, valkaista a strong chemical used to kill harmful bacteria or to make coloured things white

According to the flight crew, the fish was being carried aloft by a bald eagle.

valkopäämerikotka a large bird with a white head and neck that lives in North America and is the national bird of the US

He was recently fitted with a brace for his bad back.

valmistautua, aaltosulje to get ready for something unpleasant

We are not authorized to negotiate the conditions of that eternal plan.

valtuuttaa, antaa lupa to give official permission for something to happen

Saving ordinances must be authorized by a priesthood leader who holds the appropriate keys.

valtuutus, lupa official permission to do something

Once she's got that clamped back, she tells the nurse to call the attending.

valvoja, avustaja someone whose job is to help customers or people who visit a public place

As the Commission avers, Financial services are the oil in Europe's economic engine.

vannoa, väittää to say something in a very determined way because you believe strongly in it or you are certain it is true

Even if it is not yet sinking, it is high time we started bailing.

vapautus takuita vastaan , takaus money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money

Along with a three-year depression and a bankrupt treasury.

vararikossa, konkurssi a person or business that is bankrupt has officially admitted that they have no money and cannot pay what they owe

The related provision booked in 2012 was used in 2013.

varaus, kirjaus an arrangement to buy a travel ticket, stay in a hotel room etc at a later date

He most assuredly was, even as he showed by washing the feet of his apostles.

varmasti, ehdottomasti the symbol *. In a piece of writing, an asterisk is used after a word or phrase to show that more information is given in a footnote.

Take out the cameras, alarms and erase the last two hours on the backups.

varmuuskopio, vara- people or equipment that can be used when extra help is needed

This guy is quick in seducing women so you better beware.

varoa, olla tarkkana used to warn someone of danger or difficulty

All I have is my wounded body and a handful of bad memories.

vartalo, ruumis the whole physical structure of a person or animal, including the head, arms, and legs

It was acutely averse to all things related to religion.

vastahakoinen, haluton to dislike or not enjoy something

Cities too are experiencing a savage backlash as each year more vehicles clog urban arteries.

vastaisku , välys a strong, negative, and often angry reaction to something that has happened, especially a political or social change

Youth, following in the adult footsteps, has the same aversion to solitude and meditation.

vastenmielisyys, vastahakoisuus a strong feeling that you dislike someone or something

I closed the door quietly so I wouldn't wake the baby up.

vauva, rakas a very young child who cannot yet talk or walk. A baby who is old enough to walk is a toddler

The first house my babe was ever in.

vauva, typykkä an attractive young woman or man. Many women find this offensive

It is a logical and predictable consequence of the post-war baby boom and the drop in the birth rate, which results in demographic ageing.

vauvabuumi, korkea syntyvyys a big increase in the number of babies being born. There was a famous baby boom in the US and Europe between about 1945 and 1964.

The winnings depend either on the total amount of bets or on the odds agreed with the bookmaker.

vedonvälittäjä, kirjantekijä someone whose job is to take bets from people on the result of a race or competition, and to pay them if they win

I want a boat that will take me far away from here.

vene, veneillä a small vehicle that people use for travelling on water. Boats are usually smaller than ships, and are moved by means of sails, oars, or motors

Hence my question: what will happen with the boat people and migrants after they are picked up?

venepakolaiset people who arrive by boat in a country where they hope they will be allowed to live after escaping from their own country

But let's not be so bloodthirsty that just anyone will do.

verenhimoinen, murhaaja someone who is bloodthirsty enjoys taking part in or watching violence

This passes from the intestines into the bloodstream and then into the lungs, after which it is exhaled.

verenkierto the blood that moves around your body

We are therefore entitled to ask why there are so few blood donors.

verenluovuttaja someone who allows some of their blood to be taken from them so that it can be used in the medical treatment of someone else

Tom has low blood pressure.

verenpaine the pressure at which blood flows from your heart around your body. Blood pressure that is either very high or very low can be dangerous to your health.

The bloodshed and destruction of this century's world wars are an example.

verenvuodatus, verilöyly a situation in which people are killed or injured, especially during fighting

The night is still young, and I can't let some minor bleeding keep me from major depravity.

verenvuoto, ilmaus the process of losing blood from your body, for example from a cut

Your eyes are bloodshot, you vomit acid... and your brain is scrambled from all the football hits.

verestävä, punoittava bloodshot eyes are red in the part where they should be white

Bloodless or not bloodless, a coup is a coup.

veretön, aneeminen not involving violence or killing, in a situation where there often is violence

A samurai's blood runs in Taro's veins.

veri, verisukulaisuus the red liquid that flows around inside your body

Their noses are seven times more sensitive than a bloodhound's.

verikoira , vainukoira a large dog that can smell very well and has long hanging ears, often used for finding out where someone is or has been

Did the political leaders of the world learn a lesson from this dreadful bloodbath?

verilöyly, verenvuodatus a period of fighting in which a lot of people are killed or injured

I know Charming has a complicated, bloody history.

verinen, kirottu used for emphasizing that you are angry or annoyed about something

But I know people who often talked about blood type and judged others based on it.

veriryhmä a blood group

When a blood vessel is severed, it contracts, thus reducing the flow of blood.

verisuoni, suoni a tube that carries blood around your body, such as a vein or artery

Excuse me, do you sell anything that would get bloodstains out of the trunk of a car?

veritahra, veritahra a mark on the surface of something, made by blood

The benchmark for Italian variable savings promotional rates is constructed based on the top ten financial institutions.

vertailukohta, suorituskykytesti an amount, level, standard etc that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are

A modern infrastructure supports business performance and is an important factor affecting a location's economic attractiveness.

vetovoima, nähtävyys somewhere or something you can visit that is interesting or enjoyable

What do you find attractive about me?

viehättävä, puoleensavetävä an attractive person is pleasant to look at, especially in a way that interests you sexually

What do you find attractive about me?

viehättävästi, puoleensavetävästi in a way that is pleasant or appealing

The author wrote some beautiful poems in the beginning of his book.

viekoitella, houkutella to persuade or trick someone into doing something, especially by saying nice things to them

Tom sat down on the couch beside Mary.

vieressä, rinnalla at the side of someone or something and close to them

I must have read that booklet half a dozen times.

vihkonen , kirjanen a small thin book that gives you information about something

His breath reeks of booze.

viina, ryypätä alcoholic drink

Mother, is that you beckoning me into the light?

viittoa, viittoa to signal to someone to come towards you

All parts and elements of the linear bar code shall be distinguishable and identifiable.

viivakoodi a set of printed lines on a product's label that tells a computer information about it such as its price

But there aren't any wild boar on this island.

villisika a wild boar

This is a bona fide medical excuse from doing anything you find taxing.

vilpitön, aito a bona fide person or thing is really what they seem to be or what they claim to be

There's a barista who makes a bracing espresso.

virkistävä, elvyttävä cold in a way that makes you feel full of energy

Anybody want to lick the beater?

vispilä, vatkain a piece of equipment used for mixing food such as eggs or sauces

This ensures a balance of power, but may also lead to a fragmentation of policy.

voimatasapaino a situation in which each country in a group has equal military and political power so that no one country can control another

It is free of all devices, and yet it has never been beaten.

voitettu, kulunut beaten gold, silver, or other metal has been shaped with a hammer

My aunt often bemoaned the situation in letters that she couldn't write to me.

voivotella , päivitellä to complain or say that you are disappointed about something

Gosh, look at me blubbering in front of a complete stranger.

vollottaa, parkua to cry in a noisy and uncontrolled way

I will live in a room with four beds.

vuode, sänky a piece of furniture that you sleep on, consisting of a soft comfortable part called a mattress and a base

I'm telling you, it ain't a bedbug.

vuodevaatteet the sheets and covers that are used on a bed


vuodevaatteet, petivaatteet sheets and covers, especially when they are being used on a bed

Kid carved a hole in the back of his neck. Apparently didn't bleed to death.

vuotaa verta, ilmata to have blood flowing from your body, for example from a cut

Very old or bedridden parents often do live with their children.

vuoteen vieri the area near your bed

His aunt was 93 and bedridden.

vuoteenoma unable to get out of bed because you are too weak or ill

A belt keeps your pants from falling down.

vyö, hihna a narrow piece of leather, cloth etc that you wear around your waist, for example to keep your clothes in place or for decoration

You better stay off of that awhile, Fuller.

vähän aikaa, hetken for a short time

Why do you have to belittle people all the time?

vähätellä, väheksyä to say or think that someone or something is unimportant or not very good

Look, you must put barb all way through.

väkänen, barbi a short curved point on something such as a fishing hook that makes it difficult to remove

How could you be so blase about this?

välinpitämätön, tylsistynyt not excited, worried, or enthusiastic about something that most people think is exciting, worrying, or impressive, because you have done it many times before

The only difference between an awful cook and a poisoner is the intention.

välissä, välillä if someone or something is between two other people or things, the two people or things are on each side of them

A provoked epileptic seizure is defined as a seizure which has a recognisable causative factor that is avoidable.

vältettävissä oleva capable of being prevented

Responsibility for flight safety, which includes avoiding areas contaminated by ash, must lie with the operator and crew.

välttäminen, välttely the practice or policy of avoiding someone or something

Many conflicts are averted when parents use good listening skills and seek to understand their upset, angry children.

välttää, estää to prevent something bad or harmful from happening

I hope you can avoid all the stupid mistakes that amateurs usually make.

välttää, väistää to try to prevent something from happening

I'm sure she found out her scapegoat was bogus.

väärennetty, tekaistu not real, although pretending to be real

A short time ago, Euronews experts asserted that atomic energy is the best way of reducing global warming.

ydinenergia, atomienergia nuclear energy

We have had a helpless argument with Iran, which is threatening to build the atom bomb.

ydinpommi, atomipommi a bomb that causes a very large nuclear explosion from the energy it produces by splitting atoms (=breaking them apart)

The association has excluded amateurs ever since its foundation.

yhdistys, järjestö a group of people who have joined together because they have similar interests or aims

Accordingly, they appear to enjoy social rights generally associated with workers.

yhdistää, kumppani Association

Magnesium carbonate is a basic hydrated or a monohydrated magnesium carbonate or a mixture of the two.

yksinkertainen, olennainen forming the main or most important part of something, without which it cannot really exist

They will be European school champions in athletics, football and basketball, martial arts or swimming.

yleisurheilu sports events in which people compete against each other in running races, jumping, and throwing things. The American word is track and field

The poor acoustics in the hall severely affected the audience's enjoyment of the concert.

yleisö a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc. The people who watch a sports match or other large event are usually called spectators or the crowd. Audience can be followed by a singular or plural verb

And I am very pleased to see you among this august company, Mrs. Strong.

ylevä, elokuu old, serious, and respected

Tom was living well beyond his means.

yli, kauempana kuin further away than something else

This was a lame attempt to conceal the fact that the author of this sentence has nothing to say.

yritys, yrittää an effort to do something

You see, she's brainy and beautiful.

älykäs, välkky very intelligent, especially at school or college

He was a bastard to his wife.

äpärä , bastardi an insulting word for an unpleasant or annoying man

Voting shall be by secret ballot where a majority of the members present or represented so request.

äänestys, äänestyslippu the process of voting secretly to choose a candidate in an election or express an opinion about an issue

The corps didn't want a scandal sothey blackballed me through the system.

äänestää vastaan to prevent someone from joining a group by voting against them

Audio and voice signals, and video applications, are excluded

ääni relating to sound that is recorded or broadcast

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