A&P Ch 12 Senses

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1. Tympanic membrane 2. Auditory ossicles 3. Oval window 4. Fluid of scala vestibuli 5. Vestibular membrane 6. Fluid of cochlear duct 7. Basilar membrane 8. Fluid of scala tympani 9. Round window

Place in order the structures of the ear as sound waves pass from the exterior of the ear in to the internal ear.

1. Olfactory receptor cells 2. Pass through cribriform plate 3. Synapse in olfactory bulbs 4. Travel along olfactory tracts 5. Interpreted at olfactory cortex

Place the structures of the olfactory pathway in correct order.

free nerve endings.

Receptors for pain respond to extremes in temperature and pressure, and to tissue damage. Structurally, pain receptors are:

widely distributed throughout the body

Receptors for the general senses are found

primarily in the head.

Receptors for the special senses are found

a feeling that results from sensory stimulation; brain causing it to seem to come from the receptors being stimulated

A sensation is ______, and projection of a sensation is the ______.

loss of lens capsule elasticity.

Farsightedness after the age of forty-five is most likely caused by

thin thick

For distance vision, the lens must be For near vision, the lens must be


General senses result from stimulation of receptors in the head only.

Cone cells

High spatial resolution in vision is a function of

A torn tympanic membrane

If you were a physician evaluating a young person who has conductive deafness, which of the following would you consider in your differential diagnosis?


Impulses from taste receptors can travel in the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves.

As a result of the tympanic reflex

vibrations are transmitted less effectively to the inner ear.

Dampen vibrations in the perilymph

The function of the round window is to

outer = cornea, sclera middle = choroid coat, ciliary body, iris inner = retina, macula lutea, optic disc, photoreceptor cells

The listed structures are parts of either the outer, middle, and inner tunic of the eye. Correctly categorize each.


The painkiller sold as Ziconotide comes from a

lens near contracted decreased distance relaxed

When the eye moves from looking at a distant object to looking at a near object, the shape of the ____________ must be adjusted so that the image is focused on the retina. For ____________ vision, the ciliary muscles are ____________ , causing ____________ tension on the suspensory ligaments. This allows the lens to become thicker and more rounded. For ____________ vision, the ciliary muscles are ____________ , causing increased tension on the suspensory ligaments. The result is a thinner lens.


A curvature defect of the lens or cornea in which some parts of an image are in focus on the retina and other parts are blurred and vision is distorted is called


A person who associates sounds with tastes has synesthesia.

one type of photopigment.

A person who is colorblind lacks


A pole vaulter keeps track of his position in mid-air through

from the nasal half of each retina cross over.

As they extend from the retina to the brain, the nerve fibers


Bitter receptors sense


Colorblindness is inherited.

Results when the brain becomes aware of a stimulus.

Describe the term sensation.


Olfactory receptors do not undergo adaptation.

images in the eyes are different.

Stereoscopic vision results when the

mechanoreceptors; chemoreceptors

Touch and pressure stimulate the class of receptors called _____. The senses of taste and smell rely on ______.

there are more rods than cones in this region.

Visual sensations from images focused on the side of the retina are blurred because

It is an anti-bacterial enzyme, reducing the risk of infection.

What is the function of lysozyme found in tear secretions?

ciliary body

What is the structure within the eye that holds the lens in place?

accumulation of aqueous humor.

Glaucoma is usually caused by


Receptors stimulated by changes in temperature are called ____________ .

Presbyopia Glaucoma Presbycusis tinnitus cataract

Reduced lens elasticity; close-vision reduced Increased intra-ocular pressure Hearing loss due to age-related degeneration of auditory pathways Ringing in the ears Cloudy or opaque lens


Referred pain occurs when the brain projects the sensation back to the original source in the body from which the pain originated.


Rods are more sensitive to light than cones, but cones are important for color vision.

Christa ampullaris semicircular canals vestibulocochlear nerve cupula rotation

Sense of Dynamic Equilibirum

Stapes Cochlea Sprial organs Incus Tympanic Membrane Vestibulocochlear nerve Sound waves

Sense of Hearing

Macula Vestibule vestibulocochlear nerve utricle saccule otoliths position

Sense of State Equilibrium

local changes in their cell membrane potentials.

Sensory impulses are stimulated at receptors by


Sensory receptors are specialized cells or multicellular structures that collect information from the environment and stimulate neurons to send impulses along sensory fibers to the brain, where the cerebral cortex forms a perception.


Sensory receptors include mechanoreceptors. chemoreceptors. all of the above. photoreceptors.


With age, small crystals or clumps of gel may form in the vitreous humor of the eye that cast shadows on the retina. These tiny objects are called:


Name the light-sensitive pigment in rods.


Olfactory receptors, which provide the sense of smell, are


Opiate drugs used to treat pain come from a

auditory ossicles

Otosclerosis affects the

gray matter of the posterior horn.

Pain impulses are first processed in the

adapting very little, if at all.

Pain receptors differ from other somatic receptors by


Pain receptors readily adapt.

dynamic equilibrium

The crista ampullaris houses the receptors for the sense of:

acute chronic posterior spinothalamic tracts reticular formation thalamus cerebral cortex

A painful stimulus often triggers both chronic and acute pain fibers. The impulse carried via the ______pain fibers results in a sharp, pricking pain. Impulses carried via the ________ pain fibers results in the dull, aching pain that may be more intense and long lasting. Pain impulses from the body are carried via sensory fibers to the spinal cord to be processed in the ______horn of the gray matter. Most pain impulses travel via the ___________ of the spinal cord to the ___________ of the brain stem. From there, impulses are conducted to the thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex. Awareness of pain first occurs when impulses reach the __________. But the localization of the painful stimulus does not occur until impulses reach the ____________.

Sensation Perception

After a sensory receptor is stimulated and sensory impulses travel to the brain, the brain becomes aware of the stimulus. This is called ____________ When other areas of the brain interpret the incoming sensory impulses, the process of __________ has occurred.


Anosmia is loss of

ciliary body posterior pupil anterior scleral venous sinus

Aqueous humor is produced by tissue of the ____________ , secreting the fluid into the ____________ chamber of the eye. From there, the fluid moves through the ____________ into the ____________ chamber, behind the cornea. The aqueous humor drains out of the eye by way of the ____________ . This drainage prevents the buildup of fluid within the eye.

it takes some time for the retina to rebuild its rhodopsin stores from opsin and retinal.

Arnold enters a darkened movie theater on a sunny summer afternoon. It takes many minutes for his eyes to adapt to the darkness because


As a group, ______ include receptors that are sensitive to various kinds of stimuli, including temperature changes, the presence of chemicals, and mechanical forces.

vibrations are transmitted less effectively to the inner ear.

As a result of the tympanic reflex,

saliva chemoreceptors taste hairs sensory fibers facial medulla oblongata thalamus parietal

As food or drink is consumed, chemicals in food are dissolved in ____________ The chemicals in our food bind and interact with our taste buds. Specifically, the food chemicals bind to ____________ located on ____________ which are protruding out of taste pores. Stimulation of the taste cell initiates an impulse in ____________ that are wrapped around the receptor cells. Sensory impulses travel via the ____________ , glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves to the ____________ . Sensory impulses next travel to the ____________ and then on to the gustatory cortex, located in the ____________ lobe of the cerebrum.

Nociceptors = pain, excess mechanical or thermal energy Chemoreceptors = blood levels of oxygen and glucose, sense of smell and taste Photoreceptors = light energy, retina of eyes Mechanoreceptors = Deformation of receptors, touch pressure vibration Thermoreceptors = changes in termerature

Each label lists a characteristic of a receptor type or a stimulus to which a receptor responds. Drop each label into its appropriate box.

stimulus receptor graded neuron threshold central nervous system

Each type of sensory receptor is sensitive to a particular type of ________ typically some change in the environment. Some receptors are ends of neurons while others are specialized cell types located near neuron extensions. Stimulation of a receptor, whether it is a neuron or not, results in the generation of a(n)______________ potential. This change in membrane potential is _________________ , reflecting the intensity of the stimulus. If the receptor itself is not a _______________ the receptor potential is transferred to the neuron. If ______________ is reached at the axon of the afferent neuron, an action potential will be generated and the sensory impulse will be conducted to the ______________________.

Displacement of the basilar membrane

Hair cells detect


High-pitched sounds with short wavelengths displace the basilar membrane far from the oval window.


Impulses from the spiral organ travel on the vestibulocochlear nerve.


In astigmatism the cornea or the lens is elliptically rather than spherically curved.

cGMP inhibit rhodopsin retinal transducin phosphodiesterase hyperpolarization action potentials

In the dark, the molecule _______ keeps Na⁺ and Ca⁺² channels open in the membranes of rods. As a result, the rods release neurotransmitters that function to __________ the production of action potential in bipolar cells. When light strikes a rod, the visual pigment ____________ splits into opsin and ____________ . The opsin then functions to activate the enzyme called ____________ . The enzyme then activates another enzyme called ____________ which functions to break down cGMP. Reduction in cGMP allows Na⁺ and Ca⁺² channels to open. This results in ____________ of the rod cell. This change in membrane potential reduces the release of inhibitory neurotransmitter from the synaptic ending of the rod. As a result, ____________ are generated in the nearby bipolar cells.

Retinal ganglion cells

In the neural retina, action potentials are generated by

rods cones

In the retina, the photoreceptors called ______ function in dim light, providing vision in black/gray/white. In contrast, the photoreceptors called ____________ function in bright light, providing our color vision.


Jenny slurps up a plate of beef lo mein at a Chinese restaurant. "That tastes great, but I can't quite describe it." What type of taste sensation is she experiencing?

between media of different optical densities at an oblique angle.

Light is refracted when it passes

Retinal pigment epithelium

Light scattering in the eye is prevented by the...

1. Malleus 2. Incus 3. Stapes

List the auditory ossicles in the order through which sound waves travel.

Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve

List the cranial nerves that carry impulses associated with the sense of taste. Check all that apply.

cornea lens

List the structures of the eye that refract light. Check all that apply.

1. Cornea 2. Aqueous humor 3. Pupil 4. Lens 5. Vitreous humor

List, in correct order, the structures of the eye through which light passes to get to the retina.


Lorelei thinks of the days of the week and months of the year as particular colors. She has

photoreceptor chemoreceptor pain receptor thermoreceptor mechanoreceptor

Match the receptor type with the environmental change that stimulates it. Light energy Changes in concentrations of chemicals Any factor that causes tissue damage Changes in heat energy Changes in pressure or movement

the direction of motion.

Movement of hair cells in the semicircular canals signals


Sound vibrations are conducted from the malleus to the stapes to the incus.

auditory ossicles vestibuli cochlear duct hair cells frequency depolarization neurotransmitters

Sounds waves enter the external acoustic meatus, then vibrate, in order, the tympanic membrane, the ____________ , the oval window, and the fluid of the scala ____________ . Vibrations then pass through the vestibular membrane and enter the ____________ where they vibrate the basilar membrane. As the basilar membrane vibrates, the ____________ are pushed up against the tectorial membrane. The specific area of vibration of the basilar membrane depends upon the ____________ of the detected sound. High frequency sounds stimulate proximal hair cells. Lower frequency sounds travel further down the cochlea. Bending of hairs initiates ____________ of the cell's plasma membrane. The hair cell then releases ____________ that will stimulate nearby neurons.


Stretch receptors and baroreceptors are examples of:


Stretching of tissues can cause pain sensations to arise from visceral organs.

mechanoreceptor Touch and texture mechanoreceptor none pain receptor pain mechanorecepter visceral pain thermoreceptors hot and cold

Tactile corpuscles Detect objects moving over the skin. Muscle spindles Detect changes in muscle length Free nerve endings Detect tissue damage Free nerve endings Detect stretching of tissues, tissue spasms Free nerve endings Detect changes in temperature


Taste buds are associated with bumps on the tongue called:

modified epithelial cells.

Taste receptors are


Tears contain an enzyme that reduces the risk of eye infection.

Puncta Canaliculi Lacrimal Sac Nasolacrimal duct

Tears produced by the lacrimal gland are secreted onto the eye and wash across it. List, in order, the structures through which the tears drain to reach the nasal cavity.

muscle tension increases.

The Golgi tendon organ is stimulated more when

sensory adaptation.

The ability to ignore your socks around your ankles demonstrates


The auditory ossicles are in the inner ear.


The bending of light waves as they pass from one medium to another of a different optical density is called:

Refracts light through the pupil

The cornea

anterior chamber posterior chamber anterior cavity posterior cavity

The eyeball is a hollow structure, separated into various compartments. Between the cornea and the iris is the______, and between the iris and the lens is the __________. These two spaces form the ___________. Behind the lens, occupying the rest of the interior of the eye, is the _________.

spiral organ.

The hearing receptors are most closely associated with the

Retina Optic Nerve Optic Chiasma Optic tract Thalamus Optic radiations Visual cortex

The labels list segments of the visual pathway. Place them in the correct order.


The lens consists of a capsule filled with clear fluid.

bones of the middle ear.

The malleus, incus, and stapes are:


The mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the anterior eyeball (except at the cornea) is called the _______.


The optic disc is medial to the fovea centralis and is the site from which nerve fibers from the retina leave the eye and become part of the optic nerve.

Axons of retinal ganglion cells

The optic nerves are composed of

pain free nerve endings central nervous system vicera cranial spinal thalamus cerebral cortex

The receptors which respond to stimuli that damage tissue are the _________receptors, comprised of _______________. These receptors are found in most tissues, with the exception of the ____________ . In fact, they are the only receptors in the ____________ to produce a sensation. The impulses from pain receptors of the head travel to the brain via sensory fibers within ____________ nerves. Impulses from all other pain receptors pass into the spinal cord by way of the ____________ nerves and are transmitted to the brain. Awareness of the pain occurs when sensory impulses reach the ____________ . Localization of the pain source occurs when the impulse reaches the ____________ . This is also when pain intensity is sensed.


The scala vestibuli contains

sensory receptors activated, impulse sent to CNS, sensation, perception.

The sequence of information flow in response to biting into a slice of pizza is


The smooth muscles of the _____ regulate the diameter of the pupil.


The structures of the middle and internal ear are found within the _______ bone.


The taste of food is the same, whether a person has a respiratory infection or not.

reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

The war veteran experiences an intense burning sensation seeming to come from where his foot had been amputated. He most likely has


When the radial muscles of the iris contract, the diameter of the pupil decreases.


Which of the following is not a primary taste sensation?

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