A&P Chapter 12 Learning Outcomes

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During rest about ____ of total blood flow in the body goes to the brain


Each half of the thalamus has _____ main groups of nuclei separated by 2 thin layers of _______

3; white matter

The cerebral aqueduct connects ________.

3rd and 4th ventricles

cavity between two masses of thalamus

3rd ventricle

How many parts does the diencephalon have?


continuous with central canal of spinal cord

4th ventricle

The cerebrum has 2 halves (left and right cerebral hemisphere) and each has _____ lobes with groups of neurons with specific tasks


Functions carried out by the central nervous system (CNS)

Integrative functions

Functions carried out by the peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Motor and sensory functions

Stimulation of a muscle cell contraction or a gland secretion

Motor functions

3 Functional Categories of the nervous system

Motor functions, sensory functions, and integrative functions

detection of sensations within and outside the body

Sensory functions

From what sources does the input the brain receives and process come from?

Sensory neurons of the PNS, interneurons from other parts of the brain, and interneurons from the spinal cord

Where does the brain send its "decision" or output?

To other interneurons of the brain or spinal cord or to a muscle or gland via motor neurons of the PNS

What are the two cerebellum hemispheres connected by?


3 lobes of the cerebellum

anterior lobe, posterior lobe, and flocculondular lobe

hormone that influences water balance in the body

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

After association nuclei process info, it sends it mainly to ______ of cerebral cortex

association areas

process information related to emotions, memory, and integration of sensory information from multiple sources

association nuclei

Function of brainstem

basic involuntary homeostatic functions, control of certain reflexes, monitoring movement, and integrating and relaying info to other parts of the nervous system

Mammillary bodies input arrives at _______ from outside nervous system (endocrine system) receptors that detect schange in ________ and receptors which detect blood's ________.

body temperature; osmotic concentration

Right and left corticospinal tracts lie on each side of the _______ and ______.

brain and spinal cord

Cerebellar peduncles connect cerebellum to the _______ and form only route that info flows into in and out of cerebellum.


connects brain and spinal cord


posterior boundary of the frontal lobes

central sulcus

Cerebellar white matter bond into 3 large tracts of white matter known as ________.

cerebellar peduncles

Makes up posterior and inferior portion of the brain


posterior and inferior portion of the brain composed of right and left hemispheres


The red nucleus communicates with ________ and _________ as well as other structures regulating movement

cerebellum and spinal cord

The thalamus is the "main entrance" or output to _________. What does this allow the thalamus to control?

cerebral cortex (almost all info for cerebral cortex goes through thalamus first); information that reaches cerebral cortex and where it goes (ultimately regulates cortical activity)

Sources the hypothalamus receives input from

cerebral cortex and basal nuclei

The cerebellum functions with ______, ________, ________, and _______ in the coordination of movement

cerebral cortex, basal nuclei, brainstem, and spinal cord

Sources of input received by thalamic nuclei

cerebral cortex, cerebellum, basal nuclei, structures of the limbic system, and sensory system (except for smell)

The corticospinal tract descends through the _____, ______, and ________.

cerebral hemispheres, brainstem, and spinal cord

enlarged superior portion of the brain


4 divisions of the brain

cerebrum, diencephalon, cerebellum, and brainstem

Whats the function of nonspecific nuclei?

controlling arousal, consciousness, and the level of responsiveness and excitability of cerebral cortex

Nonspecific nuclei send information to broad areas of ______ and rest of the brain


Almost all pathways to and from the brain and spinal cord pass through the brainstem. One is the ________, which originates in the primary motor cortex.

corticospinal tract

Several _________ are found in the midbrain

cranial nerve nuclei

Numerous ________ originate from the brainstem, their nuclei have many sensory, motor, and autonomic responsibilities

cranial nerves

Descentind tracts are located in the anteriormost portion of the midbrain in area known as _______.

crus cerebri

Anterior pons contain ________ from crus cerebri, some of which pass through the pons on their way to _______.

descending motor tracts; spinal cord

tracts of white matter originating from the cerebrum

descending tracts

central core of the brain buried beneath central hemispheres


physical center of the brain almost completely hidden from external view by cerebral hemispheres


3 subdivisions of brainstem

duperior midbrain, middle pons, and inferior medulla oblongata

The pituitary gland secretes hormones that influence secretion from other _______ throughout the body

endocrine glands

superior to thalamus


What gender has a higher brain weight to body weight ratio?


Function of the cerebellum

figures importantly in planning and coordination of movement (particularly for complex activities such as playing an instrument or a sport)

Cerebellar surface has ridges called ______ ("leaves"), separated by shallow ______.

folia; sulci

The brainstem extends to the level of __________, after which it becomes the spinal cord

foramen magnum of occipital bone

anteriormost lobes of each central hemisphere

frontal lobes

Function of reticular formation

functions include regulation of respiration, blood pressure, sleep/wake cycle, pain perception, and consciousness

Cerebellar interior has an outer layer of _________, ________ and inner _______ with clusters of ________ or ______ are embedded

gray matter; cerebellar cortex; white matter; gray matter; deep cerebellar nuclei

Functions of neurons of insulas

have functions relating to taste and our viscera (internal organs)

What is the function of the cerebrum?

higher mental functions (learning, memory, personality, cognition, language, and conscience) and major roles in sensation and movement

Mammillary bodies receive input from _______ with which they play a role in regulating ________ and _______.

hippocampus; memory and behavior

What increase or decrease secretion of other hormones from the pituitary gland?

hypothalamic releasing or inhibiting hormones

The posterior of the gland is made up of ________.

hypothalamic tissue

a collection of nuclei that sits anterior and inferior to thalamus


With a midsagittal section, the brainstem is located ________ to diencephalon, ___________ to cerebellum, and ______ to spinal cord.

inferior; anterior; superior

visible only when frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes are pried apart at the lateral fissure


Insulas are ______ by the other lobes


"decision-making" processes

integrative functions

Processes included in integrative functions

interpretation of sensory info, planning and monitoring movement, maintenance of homeostasis, and higher mental functions such as use of language and learning

Why is it called the red nucleus?

it s cells have iron-containing pigment that gives it a pinkish appearance

separate the frontal and parietal lobes

lateral fissure

What gender has larger brains?


2 small projections; connect hypothalamus to limbic system

mammillary bodies

inferiormost portion of the brainstem; blends with spinal cord after it passes through foramen magnum

medulla oblongata

Substantia nigra ("black substance") nucleus has dark color hue due to pigment similar to _______ found in its neurons


The pineal gland secretes _________ that helps regulate ________.

melatonin; sleep/wake cycle

the midbrain is also known as ______.


superiormost and shortest component of brainstem, inferior to the diencephalon; surrounds cerebral aquequct


area of midbrain between the cerebral aqueduct and substantia nigra

midbrain tegmentum

Other descending motor tracts enter cerebellum via ___________.

middle cerebellar peduncles

Red nucleus is active in ________ in other animals, its role in humans is not yet understood


What is the brain primarily composed of?

nervous tissue

receive information from basal nuclei, cerebellum, and motor cortex

nonspecific nuclei

posterior lobe of each cerebral hemisphere

occipital lobes

hormone that in women stimulates contraction of uterus during childbirth; in both sexes may promote emotional bonding


paired lobes posterior to the frontal lobes

parietal lobes

separate the occipital lobe from the parietal lobe

parieto-occipital sulcus

Functions of neurons of the temporal lobes

perform functions related to hearing, language, memory, and emotions

attached to inferior portion of hypothalamus by infundibulum (extension)

pituitary gland

inferior to midbrain; anterior surface rounded and prominent


major gyrus that sit just posterior to the central sulcus

postcentral gyrus

just anterior to the central sulcus

precentral gyrus

Functions of neurons of occipital lobe

process all information relating to vision

The anterior surface of the medulla have elevated ridges known as _____.


posterior to the substantia nigra

red nucleus

Other nuclei in middle cerebellar peduncles participate in ________ and some are involved in ________ like sleep and arousal

reflexes; complex functions

The brainstem also controls numerus _________ or programmed, automatic responses to stimuli and functions in _______, _________, and _______.

reflexes; movement, sensation, and maintaining alertness

Middle cerebellar peduncles contain certain nuclei that help __________, including those required for breathing

regulate movements

Function of hypothalamic nuclei

regulating much of the autonomic nervous system, the sleep/wake cycle, thirst and hunger, and body temperature (vital to our survival)

receive incoming info, process and integrate it, and send it to specific motor or sensory areas of cerebral cortex

relay stations

Function of neurons of frontal lobes

responsible for planning and executing movement and complex mental functions such as behavior, conscience, and personality

Function of neurons of parietal lobes

responsible for processing and integrating sensory information and function in attention

What is the function of the diencephalon?

responsible for processing, integrating, and relaying info to different parts of the brain; homeostatic functions; regulation of movement; biological rhythms

Some cranial nerve nuclei function overlaps with _______ functions

reticular formation

Throughout the brainstem is found a group of connected nuclei called the ________.

reticular formation

Midbrain tegmentum contains numerous, many of which are part of _________, as well as ascending and descending _______.

reticular formation; white matter tracts

Functions of nuclei of the midbrain

roles in movement, sensation, and certain reflexes

Some specific relay nuclei only receive ______ stimuli; others receive _______ information

sensory; motor

The brain and spinal cord are anatomically a ________ structure

single, continuous

_____ to brainstem can cause death

small lesions

Cerebellar cortex is folded extensively so branching white matter resembles ______, thus called ______.

tree branches; arbor vitae ("tree of life")

internal cavities filled with a protective cerebrospinal fluid


Colliculi are involved in ___________ functions

visual and auditory

2 additional hormones of hypothalamus

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and Oxytocin

________ travel through parts of the brainstem. Some synapse on brainstem nuclei, others destined for the cerebral cortex or the spinal cord

Cerebellar fibers

5 lobes of the cerebral cortex

Frontal lobes, parietal lobes, temporal lobes, occipital lobes, and insulas

endocrine organ; major part of epithalamus (located at posterosuperior portion of diencephalon)

Pineal gland

The hypothalamus is _______ than thalamus


3 groups of thalamic nuclei

specific relay nuclei, association nuclei, and nonspecific nuclei

posterior to crus cerebri; neurons work closely with basal nuclei to a control movement

substantia nigra

2 pairs of rounded projections that protrude from its posterior surface

superior and inferior colliculi

6 structures of midbrain

superior and inferior colliculi, descending tracts, substantia nigra, red nucleus, cranial nerve nuclei, and midbrain tegmentum

Folia separated by shallow sulci increase cerebellar ______.


Colliculi form part of ________, of midbrain

tectum or "roof"

paired lobes on lateral surfaces of the hemisphere

temporal lobes

Information of association nuclei arrives indirectly from other ________ or directly from other parts of the ______.

thalamic nuclei; brain

Colliculi project to the _________.


consists of 2 egg-shaped masses of gray matter (makes up 80% of diencephalon)


4 components of the diencephalon

thalamus, epithalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus

a soft, whitish-gray organ that resides in the cranial cavity and directly or indirectly controls most of the body's functions

the brain

nuclei of this control many basic homeostatic functions, including maintenance of heart rate and breathing rhythm

the brainstem

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