A&P Chapter 23 homework

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Place the airway names into correct order, from trachea into the lungs.

1. main bronchus 2. lobar bronchus 3. segmental bronchus

The citric acid cycle produces Blank______ ATP, Blank______ NADH, and Blank______ FADH2 per "turn" of the cycle.


Two pyruvate molecules that are produced in glycolysis are converted to Blank______ molecule(s) of acetyl-CoA.


Average cholesterol intake should not exceed Blank______ mg/day.


Carbohydrates and proteins provide kcal/g of energy.


Correctly pair each basic function of the digestive system with the correct description. Instructions

Absorption matches Choice Movement of molecules from the digestive tract into the circulation or lymphatic system Digestion matches Choice Breakdown of large organic molecules into their component parts Mastication matches Choice Process by which teeth break food into smaller particles to increase the total surface area Ingestion matches Choice The intake of solid or liquid food into the stomach Propulsion matches Choice Movement of food from one end of the digestive tract to the other

Of the three gas laws, Blank______ law refers to the relationship between volume and pressure, Blank______ law discusses why oxygen moves according to its own partial pressure gradient, and Blank______ law describes why more carbon dioxide is dissolved in plasma than oxygen. Multiple choice question.

Boyle's, Dalton's, Henry's

What is directly produced during the conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl-CoA? Select all that apply.

CO2 and NADH

Digestion is the breakdown of large organic molecules into component parts that can be absorbed. Match the large organic molecules with the units that can be absorbed.

Carbohydrates matches Choice Monosaccharides Proteins matches Choice Amino acids Triglycerides matches Choice Fatty acids and glycerol

Match the division of the nervous system with its role in controlling digestive functions.

Central nervous system matches Choice Activation of reflexes due to sight, smell, or taste of food Enteric nervous system matches Choice Controls peristaltic and mixing movements, glandular secretions, and blood flow in specific short regions of the digestive tract Parasympathetic nervous system matches Choice Controls digestive activity and alters activity of the enteric nervous system through the vagus nerve Sympathetic nervous system matches Choice Inhibits muscular contraction and secretions, and decreases blood flow of the digestive system

Which of the following are part of carbohydrate metabolism?

Citric acid cycle Electron transport chain Glycolysis

Describe the lungs.

Conical shaped organs with an inferior base and a superior apex

Indicate the events that occur with inspiration.

Diaphragm contracts; thoracic cavity expands; intra-alveolar pressure drops; air flows into lungs

Identify the enzymes that aid in the chemical digestion of carbohydrates.

Disaccharidases Amylase

Indicate the means by which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood.

Dissolved in plasma Bound to hemoglobin Converted to bicarbonate ion

Indicate the two primary reasons for alveolar recoil.

Elastic fibers within alveolar walls Surface tension of the fluid lining alveoli

Identify the phases of the aerobic respiration pathway.

Electron transport chain Production of acetyl CoA Glycolysis Citric acid cycle

Match each basic secretion of the digestive tract with the correct function.

Enzymes matches Choice Break down large food molecules into smaller food molecules to promote absorption Mucus matches Choice Lubricates food and protects lining of the digestive tract Water matches Choice Liquefies food

Identify the primary products of the chemical digestion of lipids.

Fatty acids and monoglycerides

Indicate the bones found contributing to the bridge of the nose.

Frontal bone Maxillary bone Nasal bones

Indicate the conditions that decrease hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen.

High Pco2 decreased pH

What are the basic functions of the digestive system?

Ingestion Mastication Digestion Absorption Defecation

What is the function of HCO3- when it is secreted by the large intestine? Multiple choice question.

It increases the pH of the feces, which are acidic because of bacterial secretions.

Identify the parts of the pharynx that function in digestion.

Laryngopharynx Oropharynx

Which are organs or parts of the respiratory system?

Larynx Nasal cavity Pharynx Lungs

Air flows from the trachea into which sequence of airways?

Main bronchus to lobar bronchus to segmental bronchus

Identify the functions of the stomach. Select all that apply.

Mixing chamber Storage chamber

Identify structures of the upper respiratory tract.

Nasal cavity Pharynx

What two areas does the hard palate separate?

Oral cavity and nasal cavity

Identify the organs of the digestive system that are considered accessory organs.

Pancreas Gall bladder Liver Salivary glands

Identify the types of movements that occur within the small intestine.

Peristaltic contractions Segmental contractions

List the three principle forms of carbohydrates.

Polysaccharides Monosaccharides Disaccharides

Indicate the order of events that occur during quiet expiration.

Respiratory muscles relax; volume of thoracic cavity decreases; intra-alveolar pressure increases; air flows out of lungs

Which best describes the electron transport chain?

Series of oxidation reduction reactions occurring across the inner membrane of the mitochondria leading to the production of ATP

Indicate factors that influence the rate of gas exchange between the alveolar air and blood in pulmonary capillaries. Select all that apply.

Solubility of gases Partial pressures of gas Thickness of respiratory membrane

Identify the functions of the gallbladder.

Storage of bile Concentration of bile

Indicate the factors that influence gas exchange at the respiratory membrane. Select all that apply.

Surface area of respiratory membrane Thickness of respiratory membrane Partial pressures of gases


The enzymes that break down disaccharides are called

Identify the features of the small intestine that function to increase surface area and thus enhance digestion and absorption.

Villi Microvilli Circular folds

Glycogenesis, triglycerides storage, and the use of glucose for fuel occurs during the


During the Blank______ state, glucose is obtained through absorption of digested carbohydrates, whereas during the Blank______ state, glucose is maintained by the conversion of other molecules.

absorptive; postabsorptive

Salivary glands secrete saliva into the mouth; they are Blank______ of the digestive system. Multiple choice question.

accessory organs

The majority of ion absorption occurs as a result of Blank______. Multiple choice question.

active transport

This figure is depicting what metabolic process?


Carbon dioxide, ATP, and water are the end-products of which process?

aerobic respiration

The role of smooth muscle found within airway walls is to

allow dilation and constriction of airways

Gas exchange between the air and the blood occurs in which of the following?


The small, air-filled chambers where gases are exchanged in the lungs are called


Deamination is a process used to covert Blank______ into intermediate molecules of carbohydrate metabolism. Multiple choice question.

amino acids

Which of the following are NOT stored in the body?

amino acids

The production of ATP, cell division, and the manufacture of hormones are all examples of


The term used for all energy-requiring chemical reactions that build large molecules from smaller ones is


Lactate is produced during Blank______ respiration. Multiple choice question.


In the absence of oxygen, a human cell may resort to an anaerobic reaction to produce energy. This process is called Blank______.

anaerobic respiration

Amino acids Blank______ stored in the body.

are not

The processes that may be involved in the breakdown of lipids are Blank______. Select all that apply.

beta-oxidation ketogenesis citric acid cycle

Identify the substance necessary to emulsify lipids.

bile salts

The largest part of the stomach is the Blank______.


As pH decreases, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen decreases; this is known as the effect.


The greatest amount of digestion occurs in the Blank______ and the greatest amount of absorption occurs in the Blank______.

both small intestine

Most oxygen is carried in the blood Blank______.

bound to hemoglobin

The process of moving air into and out of the lungs is specifically referred to as


Identify structures found in the lower respiratory tract.

bronchi, trachea

Glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain are part of the metabolism of


In the blood, the blood gas that is found dissolved in plasma, bound to globin of hemoglobin, and part of a bicarbonate ion is

carbon dioxide

In the lungs, Blank______ diffuses from plasma into the alveoli.

carbon dioxide

The respiratory system can influence blood pH by changing blood

carbon dioxide

Peripheral chemoreceptors are located in

carotid and aortic bodies

As the airways progress, the amount of Blank______ decreases until, at the terminal bronchioles, there is none.


Digestion of foods and glycolysis are both good examples of Blank______ reactions.


The term used for all energy-releasing chemical reactions that break large molecules into smaller molecules is


The beginning of the large intestine is the Blank______.


The large intestine consists of the Blank______, and the anal canal.

cecum, colon, rectum

Chemoreceptors located in the medulla oblongata are called chemoreceptors.


The medulla oblongata are sites of Blank______ chemoreceptors.


______ digestion breaks covalent bonds in organic molecules through the action of digestive enzymes.


The production of ATP, NADH, FADH2, and CO2 occurs in what phase of aerobic respiration?

citric acid cycle

The surface tension of the fluid lining a hollow space such as alveoli can lead to the Blank______.

collapse of alveoli

Which zone contains structures from the nose to the smallest air tubes within the lungs?

conducting zone

Choose the location within the cell where glycolysis occurs.


The conversion of an amino acid into a keto acid begins with transamination or an oxidative reaction.


A decrease in the surface area of the respiratory membrane will result in a(n) Blank______ in gas exchange.


As plasma CO2 levels increase, the pH of the plasma Blank______.


The function of surfactant is to Blank______ the surface tension of fluid lining the alveoli.


A decrease in gas exchange will occur when the surface area of the respiratory membrane Blank______. Multiple choice question.


An increase in temperature Blank______ oxygen's tendency to remain bound to hemoglobin.


The Bohr effect specifies that as pH decreases, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen Blank______. Multiple choice question.


The tongue, oropharynx and mouth are all involved with swallowing or


The tongue, oropharynx and mouth are all involved with swallowing or


The inferior end of the thoracic cavity is formed by the


Bile is produced by the liver to aid in Blank______.


The nasopharynx Blank______ transmits food.

does not

Inspiration occurs as intra-alveolar pressure

drops -1 mm Hg below atmospheric pressure

The initial segment of the small intestine is the Blank______.


The three sections of the small intestine, listed in order as food passes through, are the

duodenum Blank 2: jejunum Blank 3: ileum

What parts of the small intestine are the major sites of nutrient absorption?

duodenum and jejunum

The process by which bile salts transform large lipid droplets into much smaller lipid droplets is called


Descriptions that represent anabolism are Blank______. Select all that apply.

energy-requiring synthesis of large molecules

Amino acids that the body cannot synthesize are categorized as


Vitamins that the body cannot make are Blank______ vitamins.


Identify the function of the alveoli. They allow for the

exchange of gas between the air and the blood

An increase of intra-alveolar pressure 1 mm Hg above atmospheric pressure would be found during


The exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood is referred to as gas exchange.


The visible part of the nose is the Blank______ nose.


True or false: A thickened respiratory membrane will increase the rate of gas exchange at the alveoli.


True or false: Alveolar recoil leads to a decrease in intra-alveolar pressure.


True or false: Lipids should not be consumed in the diet because they are associated with heart disease.


True or false: Most of the nervous control of the digestive system is through the parasympathetic nervous system.


The greater the pressure difference, the Blank______ the flow of air.


Beta oxidation metabolizes

fatty acid chains

In the lungs, carbon dioxide diffuses in which direction?

from capillaries into alveoli

The digestion of disaccharides results in

galactose glucose fructose

The organ that stores and concentrates bile is the


When glucose levels are high, glucose is converted into glycogen. This process is called


The process of making glucose from a noncarbohydrate source is called


When the liver cannot maintain blood glucose levels between meals, glucose can be made from non-carbohydrate sources by a process called


Starch and glycogen are hydrolyzed into individual Blank______ molecules before absorption into the blood.


Glycogenolysis involves the breaking down of glycogen into


When triglycerides are digested, they are broken down into Blank______. Multiple choice question.

glycerol and fatty acids

What molecule serves as a short-term storage molecule for glucose?


Glycogen releases glucose when it is broken down by the process of


The splitting of a glucose molecule into two pyruvic acid molecules is a process called


Air flows into the lungs when atmospheric pressure is Blank______ intra-alveolar pressure and air flows out of the lungs when atmospheric pressure is Blank______ intra-alveolar pressure.

greater than; less than

The smaller the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin, the greater the amount of carbon dioxide able to bind to hemoglobin is called the effect.


The floor of the nasal cavity is called the

hard palate

The C-shaped rings that support the trachea are composed of Blank______ tissue.

hyaline cartilage

A decrease in pleural pressure below intra-alveolar pressure would Blank______ the size of alveoli. Multiple choice question.


Glycogenesis occurs when blood glucose levels Blank______.


An increase in PCO2 results in a(n) Blank______ in oxygen-unloading because it causes a(n) Blank______ in pH. Multiple choice question.

increase; decrease

A decrease in pH triggers a(n) Blank______ respiratory rate.


An increase in blood pH results in a(n) Blank______ affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.


Oxygen unloading (from hemoglobin) is increased when PCO2 is


Partial pressure gradients between alveolar air and pulmonary capillary blood are increased with

increased alveolar ventilation

As alveoli recoil, intra-alveolar pressure Blank______.


Expiration occurs as intra-alveolar pressure Blank______. Multiple choice question.

increases 1 mm Hg above barometric pressure

A decrease of intra-alveolar pressure to 1 mm Hg below atmospheric pressure would be found during


Carbon dioxide's ability to bind to hemoglobin Blank______ by the amount of carbon dioxide bound to hemoglobin.

is affected

What happens to hemoglobin's ability to bind oxygen when CO2 binds to alpha-globin and beta-globin chains of hemoglobin?

it decreases

The larynx is located between the Blank______ and the Blank______.

laryngopharynx, trachea

The Blank______ is the main structure located between the laryngopharynx and the trachea.


The Blank______ is the main structure located between the laryngopharynx and the trachea. Multiple choice question.


Which organ is frequently called the voice box?


In less metabolically active tissues, Blank______ oxygen is released from hemoglobin.


The Haldane effect describes the tendency that with more oxygen binding to the heme portion of hemoglobin, Blank______ carbon dioxide binds to the globin chains.


Lipids are chemically digested by the enzyme


The synthesis of fats is Blank______.


Bile is continuously produced by the Blank______ and stored in the gallbladder.


Identify the largest internal organ of the body. Multiple choice question.


The spongy organs consisting of progressively smaller airways that are involved in ventilation and gas exchange are the


A lung receives air from a(n) bronchus. Each of this bronchi divide to supply air to a lobe of the lung. These are called bronchi. Then bronchi supply air to a bronchopulmonary segment.

main, lobar, segmental

Mastication is an example of Blank______ digestion. Multiple choice question.


The esophagus is in the Blank______.


All the chemical reactions that occur in the body is called


Anabolism and catabolism are parts of Blank______.


Inorganic elements that plants extract from soil or water are


Inorganic nutrients that are necessary for normal metabolic functions are called


During digestion, polysaccharides and disaccharides are broken down into Blank______ before they are absorbed into the blood.


The enteric nervous system contains Blank______ neurons than the spinal cord. Multiple choice question.


Ventilation can be defined as the Blank______. Multiple choice question.

movement of air into and out of the lungs

Which secretion protects the epithelial cells of the digestive tract from abrasion and digestive enzymes?


Two opposing mechanisms determine alveolar expansion: Blank______ leads to alveolar expansion while Blank______ opposes alveolar expansion. Multiple choice question.

negative pleural

Acetylcholine, norepinephrine and serotonin are Blank______ that affect digestive tract Blank______. Multiple choice question.

neurotransmitters, motility

Terminal bronchioles have Blank______ cartilage.


Amino acids that are required for protein synthesis but that do not need to be ingested are categorized as


The liver stores Blank______.


Identify the process by which water is absorbed in the small intestine.


In the presence of , pyruvic acid enters the mitochondria and is oxidized by aerobic respiration.


Normally the partial pressure gradient of Blank______ is greater in the alveoli than in the blood of the pulmonary capillaries.


The blood gas that is carried bound to heme of hemoglobin and dissolved in plasma is


What is the final electron acceptor in the electron-transport chain?


What type of blood flows from the thoracic aorta to bronchial arteries?


Identify the organ of the digestive system composed of both endocrine and exocrine tissue located within the curvature of the duodenum.


The organ of the digestive system composed of both endocrine and exocrine tissue, located posterior to the stomach and within the curvature of the duodenum, is the


The serous membrane that covers the inner thoracic wall is the Blank______ pleura. Multiple choice question.


The pressure exerted by each gas in a mixture of gases (such as in air) is referred to as the Blank______ of that gas.

partial pressure

The difference in gas molecule concentration in alveolar air compared to pulmonary capillary blood is the definition of

partial pressure gradient

Carotid and aortic bodies are examples of Blank______ chemoreceptors. Multiple choice question.


The segment of the respiratory system that extends from the choanae to the larynx and functions as a passageway for air, food, and drink, but is also important in sound production, is called the


The structure that serves as an opening for both the respiratory and the digestive systems and extends from the nasal cavity to the larynx is the


Examples of lipids are Blank______.

phospholipids triglycerides cholesterol

Most carbohydrates humans ingest come from


The esophagus is Blank______ to the trachea.


Which of the following is necessary for air to flow?

pressure gradient

Lipogenesis can be defined as Blank______.

producing fats from other types of molecules

Gluconeogenesis can be defined as the

production of glucose from non-carbohydrates

Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and pepsin all aid in the chemical digestion of Blank______.


The most common cause of increased respiratory membrane thickness is

pulmonary edema

Which region of the stomach connects to the small intestine?

pyloric canal

Alveoli decrease in size (recoil) because of Blank______.

recoil of elastic fibers in alveolar walls and surface tension of fluid lining alveoli

Reduced surface tension Blank______ the tendency of lungs to collapse.


Which of the following does NOT occur during the citric acid cycle?

reduction of O2

The system that supplies the body with oxygen and expels carbon dioxide by the rhythmic intake and expulsion of air is the system.


At the alveoli, the layers through which oxygen and carbon dioxide must diffuse are, as a group, called the Blank______.

respiratory membrane

Gas exchange occurs in which location in the respiratory system?

respiratory zone

During exercise, temperature increases and the oxygen-hemoglobin curve shifts to the Blank______.


Bronchopulmonary segments are supplied by Blank______ bronchi. Multiple choice question.


Which movement types mixes the contents within the small intestine?

segmental movements

Most glycogen in the body is stored in Blank______.

skeletal muscle and liver

The chemical digestion of the disaccharides occurs in the Blank______.

small intestine

The majority of ion absorption occurs in the Blank______.

small intestine

Chemical digestion of starch due to secretion of enzymes occurs in the Blank______.

small intestine mouth

What component of airway walls allows the dilation or constriction of airway?

smooth muscle

During deglutition, the Blank______ closes off the nasopharynx and the Blank______ closes off the larynx.

soft palate epiglottis

Increasing alveolar ventilation will create a Blank______ partial pressure gradient for both oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Increasing alveolar ventilation will create a Blank______ partial pressure gradient for both oxygen and carbon dioxide. Multiple choice question.


Typically acetylcholine and serotonin Blank______ digestive tract activity and norepinephrine Blank______ digestive tract activity. Multiple choice question.


Pepsin is secreted by the Blank______. Multiple choice question.


The primary functions of the stomach are Blank______.

store and mix chyme

Multiple Choice Question The larynx is held in place by membranes and muscles Blank______ to the hyoid bone.


The larynx is held in place by membranes and muscles Blank______ to the hyoid bone.


The partial pressure of a gas in a mixture represents

the amount of pressure exerted by that gas

The more oxygen that binds to the heme portion of hemoglobin, the less carbon dioxide that can bind to the globin chains. This is called

the haldane effect

The more oxygen that binds to the heme portion of hemoglobin, the less carbon dioxide that can bind to the globin chains. This is called Blank______.

the haldane effect

Infant respiratory distress syndrome can develop in premature infants because

they do not produce enough surfactant

In order to allow adequate gas exchange, the respiratory membrane needs to be


The space enclosed by the thoracic wall (rib cage, costal cartilages, sternum) and the diaphragm is the cavity.


The space enclosed by the rib cage, sternum and diaphragm is the

thoracic cavity

The pharynx is more commonly called the


The exchange of gases between the blood and the tissues is Blank______ gas exchange.


The lower respiratory tract extends from the Blank______ to the alveoli of the lungs.


Most lipids in the human diet Blank______. Multiple choice question.


True or False: Water absorption in the small intestine occurs as a result of osmosis.


True or false: A pressure gradient is necessary for air to flow. True false question.


True or false: As an energy storage molecule, fat contains more than twice as much energy (calories) per gram than does carbohydrate or protein.


Identify what activates chymotrypsinogen and procarboxypeptidase.


In the tissue spaces, oxygen Blank______ hemoglobin. Multiple choice question.

unbinds from

Identify structures found in the lower respiratory tract.

upper respiratory tract

The parasympathetic nervous system controls digestive functions and alters the activity of the enteric nervous system through the

vagus nerve

Oxygenated blood leaves the lungs through pulmonary Blank______.


The movement of air in and out of the lungs is called Blank______.


Identify the MACROscopic fingerlike projections of the small intestine that increase surface area for increased absorption.


The serous membrane that covers the surface of a lung is the Blank______ pleura.


Dietary organic compounds that are necessary in small amounts for metabolism are called


Dietary organic compounds that are necessary in small amounts for metabolism are called Blank______.


Which class of nutrients do we require the least of?


The six classes of nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, lipids,

vitamins minerals water

Which of the following are end-products of the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose?

water ATP CO2

When is pyruvate used in aerobic respiration?

when oxygen is available

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