A&P Chapters 1,5,6

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How does the anatomy of a muscle or bone differ from its physiology? Which describes appearance and location and which describes function?

Anatomy describes appearance and location, and physiology describes function.

What is the difference between a cell, a tissue, an organ, and a system in an animal's body?

Cells are the smallest subdivisions of the body that are capable of life. Tissues are groups of specialized cells. Organs are made up of groups of tissues that work together for a common purpose. Systems are groups of organs that are involved in a common set of activities, i.e. digestive system.

Why must the term rostral be used instead of cranial to describe structures on a hedgehog's head, but the term caudal works just fine?

"Cranial" loses its meaning on the head because the cranium is part of the head. Cranial means - toward the head. But caudal means toward the tail, so not a problem.

List four (just three is ok)types of cellular junctions. Can you describe them?

1.Tight junction - fusion of outermost layers of the plasma membrane of adjoining cells, forms barrier to prevent leakiness between cells. 2.Desmosome - plaque connects the plasma membranes of adjacent cells, interlock and form tough bonds between cells. 3.Gap junctions - tubular channel proteins called connexons extend from one cell to the next, allow passage of nutrients and electrical signals.

What surface of a hamster's front leg is in contact with the ground when it is walking normally?

Palmar, hind leg is Plantar

How does each of the anatomical planes of reference (sagittal, median, transverse, and dorsal) divide a cow's body?

Sagittal means a plane that runs the length of the body and divides it in to left and right parts (not necessarily equal halves). Median is a special kind of sagittal plane that divides the right and left halves equally - also known as mid-sagittal plane. Transverse is a plane across the body that divides it into cranial and caudal parts that are not necessarily equal. Dorsal means a plane at right angles to the sagittal and transverse planes, it divides the body into dorsal (towards its spine or back) and ventral (toward the belly) parts that are not necessarily equal.

How does the normal anatomy and physiology of cells in an animal's body impact the health of the animal as a whole?

The health of the body depends on the health of the cells.

How does the normal anatomy and physiology of the animal's body as a whole impact the health of the cells?

The health of the cells depend on the heal and proper functioning of the body as a whole. So interrelated!

What is the difference between the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura and peritoneum?

The layer covering organs is called the visceral layer, and the layer covering the cavity is called the parietal layer.

If you insert a hypodermic needle into a horse's muscle to give it an injection, which end of the needle -the tip or the hub - is located deep in the muscle, and which end is located superficially?

Tip is deep, hub is superficial.

Why do some epithelial cells have cilia and microvilli?

Cilia help propel mucus and debris; microvilli increase surface area of cell for absorptive purposes. What role do they play? Where are the cells with these specialized surfaces found in the body? Cilia are found on respiratory and urogenital tracts; microvilli are found in the intestinal and urinary tracts.

What are the four basic tissues that make up an animal's body?

Epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous.

How does the basement membrane act as a partial barrier between the epithelial cell and the underlying connective tissue?

Has a nonliving meshwork of fibers that connects the epithelial cell to the underlying connective tissue, and has strength and elasticity to help prevent cell from being torn off. Only partial barrier because nutrient substances and waste can diffuse across basement membrane.

What is histology?

Histology is the study of the microscopic structures of tissues and organs

How do homeostatic mechanisms influence the health of an animal?

Homeostatic mechanisms such as preserving a range of pH and body temperature are so important that these mechanisms keep an animal alive.

If you are facing a cat head-on, is its left ear on your left or right side?

If the cat is facing me head-on, its left ear is on my right side.

If your left hand is on a goat's belly and your right hand is on its back, which hand is on the animal's dorsal surface and which is on its ventral surface?

Left hand on belly is on ventral surface, right hand on goat's back is on goat's dorsal surface.

What four attributes characterize epithelial tissue in general?

Polar - sense of direction relative to surrounding tissues - have apical surface which faces the lumen or body cavity, and have basal surface, which faces the underlying tissue. 2.Have lateral surfaces connected to neighboring cells by junctional complexes. 3.Are avascular - lack blood vessels or capillaries, rely on underlying connective tissue to provide oxygen and nutrients. 4. Most are innervated and provide valuable sensory input.

List seven functions performed by epithelial cells

Protects, covers, lines. Filters biochemical substances. Absorbs nutrients. Provides sensory input. Manufactures secretions. Manufactures excretions. Separates and defines different types of tissues.

.Epithelial tissue is characterized as simple, stratified, or pseudostratified. What does this mean?

Simple means one layer, stratified means more than one layer of cells, pseudostratified means "false" - not truly stratified, but not all of the cells reach the luminal surface, and each cell is attached to the basement membrane

According to the principle of bilateral symmetry, single structures in the body are located on or near which anatomical plane of reference?

Single structures are generally found near the center, or median plane, of the body.

What are the three basic shapes of epithelial cells?

Squamous -flat, cuboidal, columnar

How might abnormalities in an animal's anatomy or physiology have a negative impact on its health and well-being?

The parts are very intricate and their functions are very interrelated, so the various parts must work in harmony to maintain the life and well-being of the individual. As the book says, disease and death can result from the absence of normal body and functioning

Where is the pleura found? Where is the peritoneum found?

The pleura is a lining found covering the organs and cavity of the thoracic body cavity, also known as thorax or chest. The peritoneum is a lining found covering the organs and the abdominal cavity. Both the cranial thoracic cavity and the caudal abdominal cavity are part of the ventral body cavity.

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