A&P Final Test

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When the first heart sound is heard, what is occuring with the heart valves?

The AV valves are closing.

In healthy skin, the production of epidermal cells is closely balanced with the loss of skin cells. True or False


Function of muscle include a. the heartbeat. b. moving body parts. c. All of the choices are correct. d. production of heat. e. muscle tone.

c. all of the choices are correct

Name the area where hair growth occurs a. hair bulge b. hair shaft c. hair bulb

c. hair bulb

Which of the following is included in the pectoral girdle? a. hip bone b. coccyx c. scapula d. sacrum e. sternum

c. scapula

The largest organ(s) of the integumentary system is a. oil and sweat glands b. hair c. skin d. nails

c. skin

Name the function of the arrector pili. a. To initiate secretion of sweat from apocrine glands b. to detect touch and pressure c. to shift position of hair follicles d. to initiate secretion from sebaceous glands

c. to shift position of hair follicles

Sinuses are found within all of the following bones except the ____ a. ethmoid bones b. maxillae c. zygomatic bones d. frontal bone e. sphenoid bones

c. zygomatic bones

The salts that are abundant in the extracellular matrix of bone tissue consists largely of ___

calcium phosphate

In the cardiovascular system, what vessels are the site of nutrient, gas, and waste exchange?


Salivary amylase digests


At each location shown in the figure of the cardiovascular system, indicate whether oxygen-rich blood or oxygen-poor blood is present. Labels will be used more than once.

cardiovasculare system quiz #16

The bones of the wrist together form the ___


The pubis symphysis is an example of a ___ joint

cartilaginous joint

What type of joint has limited movement and is compromised mostly of hyaline cartilage?

cartilaginous joints

A Pap smear is used to detect abnormal cells in the


The tubular portion of the uterus that extends downward into the upper part of the vagina is the


Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections include all except

increased sex drive.

Gastrin, which stomach cells secrete

increases the secretion by the gastric glands.

The moveable end of a muscle is attached at its


In the testes, male sex hormones are produced by the ___________ cells.


The cells in the testis that produce male sex hormones are called

interstitial cells.

The cartilaginous parts that separate the vertebrae are called ___

intervertebral discs

Injections that are administered into the tissue of the skin are called


Bone that develops within sheetlike layers of connective tissue is called ___

intramembranous bone

The zygomatic bone is an example of an ___

irregular bone

These cells produce a tough, fibrous, waterproof protein call ___ which, over time, hardens in a process called ___

keratin; keratinization

The epidermis consists of multiple layers of epithelial cells called ___


Large, fixed phagocytes in the lining of the hepatic sinusoids are called ____

kupffer cells

Rigor mortis that occurs in skeletal muscles a few hours after death is due to

lack of ATP increased membrane permeability to calcium ions

During anaerobic respiration, pyruvic acid molecules are converted into molecules of ___

lactic acid

Anaerobic muscle fatigue is most likely due to an accumulation of ___

lactic adic

The concentric rings of compact bone are called


In a recording of a muscle twitch, the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called the

latent period

The time lag between when a muscle is stimulated and when it begins to contract is called the ___

latent period

The human integumentary system includes

skin, nails, hair follicles, and glands

This chapter looks at the largest organ in the body, called the ___. It is part of the organ system called the ___ system.

skin; integumentary

The regulation of body temperature is of vital importance because

slight shifts in temperature can disrupt the rates of metabolic reactions

The joints between the vertebrae of the backbone are best described as ___

slightly movable

Activities such as distance swimming and distance running are most likely to stimulate development of

slow fatigue-resistant muscle fibers

Undifferentiated spermatogenic cells are called


The xiphoid process is part of the ___


The hormone secretin

stimulates the release of pancreatic fluid

The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics is


As cells are pushed from the deeper part of the epidermis toward the surface

they die

Label the muscles visible in the posterior view of the body.

#13 ch. 8 test

Label the features of a neuromuscular junction.

#18 Ch. 8 quiz

Place the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct sequence.

1. A nerve impulse arrives at the distal end of a motor neuron axon 2. ACh is released into the synaptic cleft 3. ACh binds to receptors on the motor end plate 4. An electrical impulse travels across the sarcolemma and into transverse tubules 5. The impulse causes calcium channels to open in the sarcoplasmic reticulum 6. Calcium ions diffuse out of sarcoplasmic reticulum and bind to troponin 7. Tropomyosin molecules move to expose binding sites on actin 8. The myosin heads link to the active sites on actin 9. The filaments are pulled toward the center of the sarcomere by myosin

1. Plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains are good sources of ___. 2. Oils, beef, whole milk, and many types of junk food provide a source of ___. 3. Meat and dairy products as well as legumes and nuts provide ___.

1. Carbohydrates 2. lipids 3. protein

Label the events of bile secretion

1. Chyme with fat enters duodenum 2. Cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion 3. CCK stimulates gallbladdar wall to contract 4. Bile moves through ducts to duodenum 5. Hepatopancreatic sphincter relaxes

1. Dietary proteins are digested to ___ ___ (the subunits of peptides, polypeptides, and proteins) by the digestive system. 2. Amino acids are absorbed into the blood and delivered to cells. Most amino acids are used by cells to form ___, guided by DNA. 3. Amino acids can be used for energy, or to produce glucose or fat. First, however, the amino acid must undergo ___, which is the removal of the nitrogen group. 4. The nitrogen groups removed from amino acids are converted to a molecule called ___ by the cells of the ___. This waste molecule is then excreted in the ___.

1. amino acids 2. protein 3. deamination 4. urea; liver; urine

1. The phases of wound healing, in the correct order are: 2. The tissue that fills the gap in the skin during healing is called___ tissue 3. The stage called ___ results in formation of a blood clot as well vasodilation of vessels, allowing the leakage of white blood cells into the injured tissue

1. inflammation, proliferation, remodeling 2. granulation 3. inflammation

1. Skin can take on a yellow tint due to liver malfunction. This yellowish tone is called ___ 2. When blood oxygen is low, hemoglobin (the blood pigment) is dark red, and the skin will have a bluish tint. This is called ___

1. jaundice 2. cyanosis

1. Nutrition is the study of compounds called ___, Their chemistry, and how they are used in the body. A nutrient is any element or compound necessary for or contributing to an organism's metabolism, ___, or other function. 2. The six classes of compounds are divided into those needed in greater quantities, called ___, and those needed in very small quantities, called ___. 3. Three classes of nutrients, the carbohydrates, proteins, and ___, provide the body with energy. Other nutrients support metabolic processes in the body and include the ___, minerals, and water. 4. Some nutrients are classified as ___ nutrients because they cannot by synthesized in the body and must be obtained from a food source.

1. nutrients; growth 2. macronutrients; micronutrients 3. fats; vitamins 4. essential

Place the following anatomical structures in the correct order, following the path that food would take.

1. oral cavity 2. pharynx 3. esophagus 4. stomach 5. duodenum 6. jejunum 7. illeum 8. ascending colon 9. transverse colon 10. descending colon 11. sigmoid colon 12. rectum 13. anus

1. A bone is an ___ that contains ___ ___ types of tissues. 2. A bone is a ___ structure composed of ___ tissue. 3. A bone also includes hyaline ___, dense connective tissue, ____ (a fluid), and ___ ___ (for sensory information)

1. organ; many types 2. living; osseous 3. cartilage; blood; nervous tissue

1. Synovial joints can be classified based on the shape of the bone ends that make up the joints. For example, a ____ joint consists of two flat bone ends that can slide over each other. 2. Joints classified as ___ joints have one cylindrical bone end that articulates with a ring made up of another bone and a ligament. 3. Joints consisting of the head of one bone fitting into a cap-shaped depression on the other bone are called ___ joints. 4. If one bone end within a joint is convex and the other is concave, the joint is called a ___ joint. If both bone ends each have convex and concave regions, the joint is a ___ joint. 5. Joints with one oval-shaped rounded bone end that articulated with an elliptical cavity in another bone end are classified as ___ joints.

1. plane 2. pivot 3. ball-and-socket 4. hinge; saddle 5. condylar

Place the following structures of the male reproductive system in order, following the path of the sperm.

1. seminiferous tubules 2. epididymis 3. ductus deferens 4. ejaculatory duct 5. urethra

1. Inflammation includes ___ and phagocytosis of bacteria and debris by white blood cells 2. The collagen matrix of granulation tissue is produced by cells called ___ 3. Define angiogenesis 4. Scars consists of... 5. Keloids are the result of...

1. vasodilation 2. fribroblasts 3. production of new blood cells 4. collagen 5. overgrowth of scar tissue

Place the labels in order denoting the flow of blood through the structures of the heart beginning with the vena cavae.

1. vena cava 2. right atrium 3. tricuspid valve 4. right ventricle 5. pulmonary valve 6. pulmonary trunk 7. pulmonary artery 8. lungs 9. pulmonary vein 10. left atrium 11. bicuspid valve 12. left ventricle 13. aortic valve 14. aorta

The American Heart Association recommends that the percentage of calories in a person's diet derived from fats should not exceed


Match the name of the valve with the proper location 1. Mitral valve 2. Pulmonary valve 3. Aortic valve 4. Tricuspid valve

4. between the right atrium and right ventricle 1. between the left atrium and left ventricle 2. between the right ventricle and an artery 3. between the left ventricle and an artery

A muscle cramp is most likely due to a temporary lack of


Drag each label into the appropriate box based on its role in the digestive system.

Accessory organs -teeth -tongue -salivary glands -pancreas -liver -gallbladder Digestive tract -oral cavity -stomach -esophagus -small intestine -large intestine -rectum

Place the following bones in the appropriate box, based on their location in either the axial or appendicular skeleton.

Appendicular Skeleton femur radius clavicle metatarsals illium Axial Skeleton vertebrae frontal bone sacrum sternum mandible

Drag each label into the appropriate position in order to identify which type of macromolecule is the target of each digestive enzyme or compound.

Carbohydrate -salivary amylase -sucrase -maltase -pancreatic amylase -lactase Protein -pepsin -HCI -Trypsin -Dipeptidase Lipid -pancreatic lipase -gastric lipase -bile salts

The figure shows a portion of the wall of the small intestines. Label the layers of the digestive tract wall and the associated structures.

Ch. 15 test #53

Label the indicated anterior muscles of the body.

Ch. 8 test #11

Primary function a. Prevent water loss and entry of microorganisms b. Provides input about environment and environmental conditions c. Maintenance of body temperature d. Production of pigment

Component a. epidermal layer b. sensory receptors c. Dermal blood supply d. melanocytes

Which of the following helps return blood to the heart?

Contracting skeletal muscles

Place the bones in the appropriate category as either cranial or facial bones.

Cranial Bones frontal parietal occipital temporal sphenoid ethmoid Facial Bones maxilla palatine zygomatic lacrimal nasal vomer Inferior nasal concha mandible

Skin cells play an important role in the production of vitamin


Bone building cells beneath the endosteum lay down bone to for ridges around blood vessels. True or False


Cardiac muscle is located in the walls of blood vessels. True/False


In the initiation of muscle contraction, calcium ions bind to tropomyosin, exposing active sites on actin for cross-bridge formation. True/False


Once a tunnel of bone is formed around a blood vessel, the bone-building cells of the periosteum lay down bone in concentric circles that fill in the tunnel. True or False


Peristalsis mixes food with digestive enzymes in small segments of the alimentary canal. True/False


The appendicular skeleton consists of the parts that support and protect the head, neck and trunk. True/False


The dermis is very flat compared to the epidermis, which has ridges projecting inward and elevations called papillae. True or False


The parietal bones meet the frontal bone along the sagittal suture? True/False


The tarsal bones form the wrist. True/False


Place each label in the appropriate box, to distinguish intramembranous ossification of endochondral ossification

Intramembranous Ossification: -parietal bones -bones from between sheetlike layers of connective tissue -occipital bone -compact-spongy-compact "sandwich" Endocondral Ossification: -ossifcation of hyaline cartilage -phalanges -femur -epiphyseal plates -bony collar formation

Drag each label into the appropriate position in order to identify whether the term is involved with chemical digestion, mechanical digestion, or propulsion.

Mechanical Digestion or Propulsion -Peristalsis -Swallowing -Segmentation -Mastication -Bile Salts Chemical Digestion -Hydrochloric acid -Salivary amylase -Pepsin -Pancreatic lipase

Drag each label into the proper position to identify the type of bone cell described

Osteoblasts: bone-building cells involved with bone deposition These cells should become more active when blood calcium levels are high Calcitonin causes these cells to become more active Osteoclasts: Bone-resorbing Parathyroid hormones causes these cells to become more active Massive, multinucleate cells Osteocytes: bone cells encase in matrix

These labels describe the type of movement allowed by synovial joints and examples of the joints. Drag and drop each label onto the appropriate picture.

Pivot Joints -only rotation can occur -atlas to axis joint Ball-and-socket joints -movement in all planes -hip joint Saddle joint -most movement in two planes -base of thumbs Hinge joints -elbow joint -movement in only one plane Plane joints -sliding and twisting motions -between carpal bones -between articular processes of vertebra Condylar joints -metacarpophalangeal joints -movement in variety of planes but not rotation

What is the function of chordae tendineae?

Prevent the cusps of the AV valves from opening back into the atrium.

Classify each enzyme based on the substrate it decomposes.

Protein -pepsin -trypsin -chymotrypsin Trypsinogen -enterokinase Fats -pancreatic lipase -intestinal lipase Nucleic Acids -Nucleases Starch and glycogen -salivary amylase -pancreatic amylase Disaccharides -maltase -lactase -sucrase

Consider how regulations of body temperature occurs. Drop each label into the appropriate box.

Response to increase body temperature -vasodilation of dermal blood vessels -flushing and redness of skin -sweating Response to decrease body temperature -vasoconstriction of dermal blood vessels -pale skin -constriction of arrector pili -inactivity of swear glands

What structure is also known as the pacemaker of the heart?

SA node

In an ECG pattern, the P-Q interval indicates how long it takes for the cardiac impulse to travel from the

SA node to the Purkinje fibers.

The correct sequence of parts that function to carry cardiac impulses is

SA node, AV node, AV bundle, Purkinje fibers.

Which of the following structures consists of self-exciting tissue?

Sinoatrial node.

Tissue Type a. Dense connective tissue b. stratified squamous epithelium c. adipose and areolar tissue

Skin Layer a. dermis b. epidermis c. subcutaneous

During wound healing, granulation may form. What are granulations?

Small masses consisting of a blood vessel and associated fibroblasts

What is the definition of hematopoiesis?

The of blood cell formation

Which of the following is not correct concerning the skin?

The subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis

Which of the following is an example of a fibrous joint?

The sutures of the skull

What is the function of the gallbladder?

To store bile between meals

A meniscus functions to cushion articulating surfaces of bones. True or False


A motor neuron and the muscle fibers that it controls constitute a motor unit. True/False


ATP is necessary for muscle relaxation. True/False


Ach released by a motor neuron crosses the synaptic cleft and reaches the motor end plate by diffusion. True/False


Carcinomas appear most often in the skin of the neck, face and scalp. True or False


Endomysium separates individual muscle fibers from each other. True/False


The importance of fontanels in the infant's skull is to permit some movement of bones, thereby enabling the infants to pass more easily through the birth canal. True/False


The minimal strength of stimulation needed to elicit a muscle contraction is called the threshold stimulus. True/False


Vitamin D is needed for the proper absorption of calcium in the small intestine. True or False


What is the role or function of yellow marrow in the bone tissue?

Yellow bone marrow is a site for storage of fat

The uvula is

a projection of the soft palate.

A sarcomere is best described as ___

a unit within a myofibril

Which of the following is NOT a step in the formation of endochondral bone? a. Hyaline cartilage changes to adipose tissue. b. Hyaline cartilage develops into the shape of the future bone. c. Osteoblasts deposit compact bone beneath the periosteum. d. Osteoblasts deposit osseous tissue in place of disintegrating cartilage. e. Periosteum forms from connective tissue on the outside of the developing bone.

a. Hyaline cartilage changes to andipose tissue

Which of the following describes the female pelvis compared to that of the male? a. The distance between the female ischial spines is greater. b. The female pelvic cavity is narrower. c. The female iliac bones are less flared. d. The female coccyx is less movable. e. The distance between the female ischial tuberosities is less

a. The distance between the female ischial spines is greater

A bone includes ___ a. all of these b. cartilage c. blood d. dense connective tissue e. bone tissue

a. all of these

Vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the dermis of the skin is a response to a ___ in body temp a. decrease b. increase

a. decrease

The male and female reproductive systems a. do all of the above. b. transport sex cells to sites of fertilization. c. secrete hormones for maintaining secondary sex characteristics. d. produce sex cells. e. secrete hormones for developing secondary sex characteristics.

a. do all of the above

Nails consist of a. keratinized epithelial cells b. cartilage tissue c. modified bone tissue d. nonkeratinized epithelial cells

a. keratinized epithelial cells

Which of the following bones has an acromion process? a. scapula b. clavicle c. humerus d. sternum e. vertebra

a. scapula

The skin is classified as an organ. This means that skin is compromised of a. two or more tissue types working together b. several organ systems working together c. many cells of one type working together

a. two or more tissue types working together

As body temp. increases, the blood vessels of the dermis will: a. vasodilate b. vasoconstrict

a. vasodilate

The movement of a limb away from the midline is ___


Also part of this system are structures including nail, hair, sweat glands, and oil glands. These structures are referred to as ___ ___ of the skin.

accessory structures

Microorganisms promote the development of dental cavities by metabolizing carbohydrates and releasing by-products that are


Myofibrils are composed primarily of

actin and myosin

The muscle primarily responsible for opposing a particular action is called the


The epithelial cells that form the inner lining of the small intestine

are replaced every few days.

The degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis may develop as a result of damage to the ___

articular cartilage

Which of the following terms and descriptions is correctly paired? a. Extension-bending the leg at the knee or decreasing the angle between the femur and tibia b. Pronation-turning the hand so the palm is downward or facing posteriorly (in anatomical position) c. Retraction-moving a part forward or thrusting the head forward d. Elevation-lowering a part or drooping the shoulders e. Adduction-lifting the upper limb horizontally to form a right angle with the side of the body or moving a part away from the midline

b. Pronation-turning the hand so the palm is downward or facing posteriorly (in anatomical position)

Plant proteins typically contain less than adequate amounts of a. essential amino acids. b. all of the above. c. nonessential amino acids. d. polypeptides. e. dipeptides.

b. all of the above.

Which of the following is part of the facial skeleton? a. sphenoid bone b. maxillary bone c. ethmoid bone d. parietal bone e. temporal bone

b. maxillary bone

what is the function of the lunula of the nail? a. provided color to tissue of the nail b. site of nail growth c. anchors nail to digit

b. site of nail growth

Which of the following is not a function of bone? a. to house blood-producing cells b. to provide nervous communication form bone to muscle c. to provide points of attachment for muscle d. to store inorganic salts e. to protect soft tissues

b. to provide nervous communication from bone to muscle

When the ventricular walls contract, the

bicuspid and tricuspid valves close.

Jaundice, which is characterized by a yellowish tinge to the tissues, is due to an increased blood concentration of

bile pigment

Which constituent of bile has a digestive function?

bile salts

The main part of the stomach is called the


Pressure ulcers are usually associated with skin overlying

body projections

What is the term to describe the mass of chewed food mixed with saliva?


An osteocyte is a ___

bone cell surrounded by matrix

Because of their location, swollen palatine tonsils may interfere with

both breathing and swallowing.

The movement of an egg cell down a uterine tube is aided by

both ciliary action and peristaltic contractions.

Meiosis occurs during

both spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

In the figure showing spermatogenesis, indicate the name of the cells at each stage of sperm development by dropping each label at the appropriate place.

ch. 19 male quiz #5

Label the structures seen in the midsagittal section of the female pelvis.

ch. 19 quiz female #4

This figure shows the regulation of the male reproductive system by hormones. Place the names of the hormones in the correct locations.

ch. 19 quiz male #14

What is the name of the structure highlighted in orange that is circled?

ch.19 female # 7 cervix

What is the name of the structures highlighted in orange at the end of the arrows?

ch.19 female #9 uterine tubes

What is the name of the structures highlighted in orange at the end of the arrows?

ch.19 quiz female ovaries

Label the structures seen in the midsagittal section of the female pelvis.

ch.19 quiz female #10

Gallstones are usually composed of


The female structure that corresponds to the male penis is the


In this dissection of a cadaveric torso, label the major vessels.

common carotid a. brachiocephalic v. superior vena cava aorta pulmonary trunk

Preventing fertilization is called ___


Compared to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle

contracts more slowly and relaxes more slowly

Following ovulation, the follicular cells of the ovary enlarge to form a structure called the ______________.

corpus luteum

The term "muscle" can refer to a. an organ b. a tissue c. a cell d. All of the choices are correct.

d. All of the choices are correct

Mechanical barriers used in birth control include a. a cervical cap. b.the female condom. c. the diaphragm. d. all of the above. e. the male condom.

d. all of the above

The skeleton of the heart consists of a. bone within the myocardium. b. fibrous connective tissue in the interventricular septum. c. fibrous connective tissue encircling the heart valves. d. both B and C. e. A, B, and C.

d. both B and C.

The liver a. forms glucose from noncarbohydrates. b. stores vitamin D. c. destroys damaged red blood cells. forms urea. d. does all of the above.

d. does all of the above.

The shaft of a hair is composed of

dead epidermal cells

The enzyme acetylcholinesterase causes acetylcholine to


Women athletes sometimes experience disturbances in their reproductive cycles because of

decreased synthesis of estrogens.

Lactose intolerance is caused by

deficiency of lactase.

In an ECG pattern, the P wave is caused by

depolarization of atrial muscle fibers.

As new cells are formed, they push older cells further away from the ___ and the blood supply available there. Consequently, the cells die.


Epidermal cells are supplied with nutrients from blood vessels located in the


A hiatal hernia is due to a weakness of the


When a muscle undergoes atrophy in response to disuse, a. there is a reduction in capillary networks b. the number of mitochondria decreases c. the size of actin and myosin filaments decreases d. the muscle gets smaller e. All of the answer choices are correct.

e. All of the answer choices are correct.

In the swallowing reflex a. the tongue presses against the uvula and soft palate. b. muscles pull the pharynx upward toward the food. c. the soft palate, larynx, and hyoid bone are raised. d. the epiglottis closes off the top of the trachea. e. all of the above are true.

e. all of the above are true.

A hip bone includes a ___ a. illium b. ischium c. pubis d. acetabulum e. all of these

e. all of these

The femur ___ a. has a large rounded head b. extends from the hip to the knee c. articulated with the patella d. is the longest bone in the body e. all of these

e. all of these

The skin a. retards water loss from deeper tissue b. excretes wastes c. regulated body temperature d. synthesizes vitamin D e. all of these

e. all of these

What are some functions of the skeletal system a. protection of soft tissue b. attachment for muscle c. storage of inorganic salts d. exchange of gases e. all of these

e. all of these

Which of the following increases the risk of developing osteoporosis? a. low intake of dietary calcium b. lack of physical exercise c. smoking d. low intake of vitamin D e. all of these

e. all of these

which of the following is a characteristic of the person most likely to develop a cutaneous carcinoma? a. over forty years of age b. often works outdoors c. light-complexioned skin d. often plays outdoors e. all of these

e. all of these

which of the following is a normal response to excess loss of body heat in a cold environment? a. dermal blood vessels constrict b. sweat glands become inactive c. skeletal muscles contract involuntarily d. less blood flows to dermal vessels e. all of these

e. all of these

Which of the following is NOT included in the appendicular skeleton? a. pelvic girdle b. lower limbs c. upper limbs d. pectoral girdle e. vertebral column

e. vertebral column

Bile breaks down fat globules by ___


The ___ is the thin layer of cells that lines the medullary cavity within a long bone


when healing a shallow cut in the skin, the rate of mitosis increases in what layer?


The tightly coiled tube that leads to the ductus deferens is the


Testicular cancer is most likely to originate from

epithelial cells of seminiferous tubules.

The hormone mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics is


The hormone that stimulates female breast development is _____________.


In the female reproductive cycle, menstrual flow occurs when the concentrations of

estrogen and progesterone are low.

An increase in the hormone FSH at approximately day 14 causes ovulation. True/False


Bile is composed of HCl, pepsin, mucus, and intrinsic factor. True/False


Bile salts function as digestive enzymes to break down fatty acids. True/False


Blood with excess oxygen causes cyanosis. True or False


The amount of testosterone produced is regulated by a positive feedback system. True/False


The cecum is located at the inferior end of the descending colon. True/False


The gallbladder is connected to the common bile duct by the hepatic duct. True/False


The hip joint is a pivot joint. True/False


The outermost layer of the epidermis is stratum basale and the innermost layer is stratum corneum. True or False


The primary organs of the female reproductive system are the uterus and vagina. True/False


Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, is destroyed by cooking. True/False


The granulations that appear during the healing of a large, open wound are composed mainly of

fibroblasts surrounding blood vessels

What type of joint is comprised mainly of dense connective tissue?

fibrous joints

The tissue that forms a loose-fitting sac around the heart is the

fibrous pericardium.

What is keratinization and where is does occur?

hardening of cells; occurs in epidermis

The tail of a sperm cell is a __________.


In spermatogenesis, meiosis results in the formation of

four sperm cells with 23 chromosomes each.

what type of burn involves the destruction of the epidermis, dermis, and accessory structures of the skin?

full-thick burn

The pain of angina pectoris comes from a blockage in an artery that supplies the


___ is the process of blood cell formation


Articular cartilage is ___

hyaline cartilage

The parietal cells of gastric glands secrete

hydrochloric acid

The enlargement of muscle fibers as a result of exercise is called ___


The sphincter muscle located between the small intestine and the large intestine is the ___

ileocecal valve

Peristalsis occurs in the digestive tract

in the stomach, small intestine and large intestine only.

The teeth that are best adapted for biting off relatively large pieces of food are the


The basic parts of a ___ include a rod, fulcrum, weight and force


Severe liver damage would most likely affect digestion of


The microscopic bony chambers that house mature bone cells are called ___


The cardiovascular system consists of all of the following except


Fat molecules with longer chains of carbon atoms are transported from the small intestine by means of ___


Which of the following is not a method for helping prevent pressure ulcers formation

maintaining one body position

Androgens are

male sex hormones.

The results of poor nutrition from lack of nutrients or failure to use them is


The female's _____________ glands secrete milk.


A cleft palate results from incomplete development of the ___


The digestive system

mechanically and chemically breaks down food for nutrient absorption.

The vomiting center is located in the ___ ___ of the brain.

medulla oblongata

Exposure to ultraviolet light darkens the skin by stimulating production of


The period when female reproductive cycles cease is ___________________.


The double-layered fold of peritoneum that suspends portions of the small intestine is called ___


The threshold stimulus is the

minimum strength of stimulus required to cause muscle fiber contraction to occur

Label the features of the head and neck in the midsagittal section.


The cells of the epidermis are produced by the process of ___ in the deepest layer of the epidermis. This layer is called the ___ ___

mitosis; stratum basale

Neurotransmitter molecules are stored in vesicles within

motor neuron endings

What us a function of bone that results from its relationship with skeletal muscle?

movement of limbs

The correct sequence for the layers within the wall of the alimentary canal from inside to outside is

mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa.

Place in order from largest to smallest the components of a skeletal muscle

muscle > fascicle > muscle fiber > myofibril > myofilaments

Place the following muscle components in order from largest to smallest

muscle > fasicle > muscle fiber > myofibril > protein filaments

An example of a partial but sustained contraction of a whole muscle is

muscle tone

Nerve fibers scattered throughout the dermis are associated with

muscles, glands, and sensory receptors

The characteristic reddish brown color of skeletal muscle comes from which substance?


Binding sites on the surface of actin allow the formation of cross bridges with molecules of


A nail consists of a

nail bed and nail plate

Skin cancer cells are most likely to develop from

nonpigmented epithelial cells

A motor unit typically includes

one motor neuron and several muscle fibers

___ is the process by which egg cells are formed.


The culmination of sexual stimulation, which is accompanied by a sense of physiological and psychological release, is called __________.


Name the cell found in bone that function to deposit bony matrix, resulting in the growth of bone tissue


___ are cells that form bone tissue by depositing bony matrix around themselves


The cells responsible for removing excess bone tissue after the fracture repair process are ___


The combination of all of the concentric rings of bone built around blood vessels is called an


The amount of oxygen needed to support the conversion of lactic acid to glucose by the liver is called the

oxygen debt

Which structure is highlighted?

papillary muscles

Impulses carried to the heart by means of fibers that secrete acetylcholine are

parasympathetic impulses and cause the heart rate to decrease.

A complication of the STIs gonorrhea and chlamydia is __________________________.

pelvic inflammatory disease

A long bone grows in thickness as bone tissue is deposited beneath its___


The rhythmic, wavelike motion produced by visceral smooth muscle is called ___


What type of synovial joint involves a cylindrical shape for one bone end that rotates in a ring formed by another bone and ligament?

pivot (trochoid) joint

The main function of melanocytes is to

produce melanin

What are some functions of the skeletal system?

protection of soft tissue attachment for muscles storage of inorganic salts

Cholecystokinin secretion from the intestinal wall is stimulated by the presence of

proteins and fats in the small intestine

The joints created by the two pubic bones is the ___ ___

pubic symphysis

Which structure is highlighted?

pulmonary valve

The ___ is a valve that controls the movement of food between the stomach and small intestine.

pyloric sphincter

The density of capillaries within a tissue varies directly with the tissue's

rate of metabolism.

One of the major functions of the large intestine is to

reabsorb water from chyme

The increase in the number of motor units activated as a result of more intense stimulation is called


Red bone marrow functions in the formation of ___

red and white blood cells and platelets

The most common cause of cutaneous melanoma is

relatively short exposure to high intensity sunlight

In an ECG pattern, the T wave is caused by


Multiunit smooth muscle

responds to stimulation by neurons and certain hormones

Label only the bones of the axial skeleton

rib vertebra cranium sacrum

Acne is a disorder involving the

sebaceous glands

Which of the following can be fertilized to produce a zygote?

secondary oocyte

All of the enzymes that digest protein are

secreted in an inactive form.

___ aids mixing movements in the alimentary canal by alternately contracting and relaxing nonadjacent segments.


Sperm cells are produced by the spermatogenic cells that line the ______________.

seminiferous tubules

The pulmonary circuit

sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs.

The dead, hardened outermost cells of the epidermis form the layer called the ___ ___ these cells eventually are sloughed off.

stratum corneum

The major blood vessels that supply skin cells are found in the

subcutaneous layer

what type of burn involves injury to only the epidermis?

superficial partial-thickness burn

Creatine phosphate

supplies energy for the synthesis of ATP

Muscles that assist a prime mover are called ___


The primary sex organs of the male reproductive system are the _____________.


Some nutrients are considered "essential nutrients. They are called "essential" because:

the body cannot produce them in adequate amount, so it is essential that they be in the diet

The presence of an epiphyseal plates indicates that ___

the bone is lengthening

During the defecation reflex,

the diaphragm lowers.

The alimentary canal extends, in its entirety, from

the mouth to the anus.

The head of a sperm is mostly

the nucleus

The greater omentum is composed of

the peritoneal membrane

Recall from earlier chapters that cells are organized into ___ which are organized into ___ which, in turn are organized into ___ ___.

tissues; organs; organ systems

Cervical vertebrae can be distinguished from other types by the presence of ___

transverse foramina

The electrical impulse that triggers a contraction travels deep into a skeletal muscle fiber by means of

transverse tubules

Cholecystokinin, a hormone released from intestinal mucosa by the presence of fats, stimulates the gallbladder to contract and release bile into the duodenum. Treue/False


FSH stimulates a primordial follicle to start the maturation process. True/False


Food passing from the stomach through the small intestine would first pass into the duodenum, then the jejunum, and lastly the ileum. True/False


Lymph transports fat molecules with longer chains of carbon atoms away from the intestine. True/False


Most people have 24 ribs. True or False


Osteroclasts are large cells that cause the breakdown of osseous tissue. True or False


Synovial fluid moistens and lubricates the cartilaginous surface within a joint. True or False


The enzyme ATPase occurs in the globular portion of myosin molecules. True/False


The fertilization of an egg occurs in the uterine tube. True/False


The humerus has an olecranon fossa. True/False


The movement of chyme through the small intestine is increased by parasympathetic impulses and is inhibited by sympathetic impulses. True/False


The secretions of the prostate gland neutralize acidic semen. True/False


Three physiological factors that affect the color of skin are: volume of blood in dermal vessels, carotene in the subcutaneous layer, and various diseases. True or False


Which of the following is a protein-splitting enzyme found in pancreatic juice?


Acute pancreatitis is often caused by the conversion of

trypsinogen to trypsin.

An organ contains

two or more tissues grouped together that function together

Which of the following bones is NOT included within the lower limbs?


Cutaneous carcinomas are most commonly cause by exposure to

ultra violet light

The endometrium is the inner layer of the


Which type of blood vessel serves as a blood reservoir?


Intrinsic factor is necessary for the normal absorption of ___ ___ from the small intestine.

vitamin B12

What vitamin is necessary for proper absorption of calcium in the small intestines?

vitamin D

As a group, the structures of the female reproductive system that surround the openings to the urethra and vagina comprise the _____________.


The zygomatic arch is composed of processes of the ___

zygomatic and temporal bones

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