A&P I- Chapter 10

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Which can cause muscle fatigue? -insufficient ATP -Na+ or K+ imbalance -build up of intracellular P1 -insufficient Ca2+ -insufficient acetylcholinesterase

-Na+ or K+ imbalance -build up of intracellular P1 -insufficient Ca2+

Match each sarcomere region with the filament(s) it contains. (Thick filament, Thin filament, or both) -A Band


What is the insertion of the diaphragm?

Central tendon of the diaphragm

What is the insertion of the Trapezius

Clavicle and acromion and spine of scapula

Action potentials in the center of the fiber radiating to the ends


Pulling two bones closer together


What is the insertion of the deltoid?

Deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Anchoring point between intermediate filaments and the sarcoplasm

Dense body

A stretched muscle returning to its original length


Passively resisting the separation of two bones


What is the action of the Rectus femoris

Extension at knee; flexion at hip

What is the insertion of the Pectoralis major

Greater tubercle and intertubercular sulcus of humerus

The _____ line is a thin, transverse, protein meshwork structure in the center of the H zone of a sarcomere


What muscle cells function is regulating entry and exit of materials


_________ smooth muscle cells are stimulated to contract in unison (syncytium).


myosin head attachment and pivoting do not require energy, but ATP is needed for the myosin head cross bridge to ______ from actin and re-cock


The specialized region of the sarcolemma that has folds and indentations to increase the membrane surface area covered by the synaptic knob is the

motor end plate.

The point where a motor neuron meets a skeletal muscle fiber is called the _________ junction


ATP is generated when the enzyme creatine kinase transfers Pi from creatine _______ to ADP


The contractile unit of a myofibril is called the


The cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle cell has a specific name and is known as ________


What is the origin of the masseter

Zygomatic arch

During a(n) ______ contraction, the length of the muscle does not change


What is the action of the Trapezius

Stabilize and move the scapula; extend neck

Single unit muscle cells contract ____.


When a muscle fiber contracts, which parts of the sarcomere maintain a constant length throughout contraction?


Match each structure with the connective tissue layer that surrounds it. -Muscle cell


A sarcomere is defined as the distance from one Z _____ to the next


A sarcomere is defined as the distance from one Z ______ to the next


If a muscle cell is stimulated to contract, allowed to partially relax, then stimulated again, its force of contraction the second time will be ________


The sequence for skeletal muscle contraction is

increased cytosolic calcium, which binds to troponin, which moves tropomyosin from blocking active sites on actin filament, which binds with myosin head groups, resulting in contraction.

Calcium ions bind to what protein in a thin myofilament?


A single contraction and relaxation of a muscle fiber is referred to as a muscle ______


An individual is better at performing repeated muscle contractions under aerobic conditions if he or she has a greater percentage of _____ fibers in the muscles used in that activity.

type I

A single contraction and relaxation of a muscle fiber is referred to as a muscle _____


Match the type of muscle tissue with its brief description. -Autorhythmic with gap junctions


Match the duration of a single muscle contraction with the source of ATP: -Immediate

Creatine Phosphate

What is the action of the masseter

Elevates mandible/closes jaws

What muscle cells function is to transport the action potential from the sarcolemma throughout the entire muscle fiber


During relaxation, passive tension in _______ is released.


The ability of muscle cells to shorten is called _______, a property that allows muscle cells to cause body movement.


The epimysium of a muscle surrounds the ______

entire skeletal muscle

Smooth muscle is composed of short cells that have a _____ shape


What are the events involved in smooth muscle contraction? Check all that apply. -Initiated by Ca2+ binding to intracellular calmodulin -Troponin activates tropomyosin -Ca2+/calmodulin complex activates MLCK -Activated MLCK to activate myosin ATPase

-Initiated by Ca2+ binding to intracellular calmodulin -Ca2+/calmodulin complex activates MLCK -Activated MLCK to activate myosin ATPase

Skeletal muscle contraction is controlled by ______ neurons


Smooth muscle found in both the iris and ciliary muscle of the eye and arrector pili muscles in the skin is __________ smooth muscle.


An extensive network of blood vessels and nerve fibers extends through both the epimysium and the _____ of a muscle.


As you hold a barbell and begin to flex your arm in a curl, your biceps brachii slowly lifts the weight by using more and more motor units. This phenomenon, which increases the strength of the contraction, is referred to as


The diameter of a muscle fiber will predict

the amount of power it can generate.

The striated apperance in skeletal muscle cells is due to size and density differences between _____ and _______ filaments

thick; thin

The source of energy for bonding between myosin and actin is


What is the action of the deltoid?

Abduction at shoulder

What is the insertion of the gastrocnemius?


Increasing I-band length


What is the action of the Triceps brachii

Extension at elbow

What is the origin of the Trapezius

External occipital protuberance and spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae

What is the insertion of the latissimus dorsi

Intertubercular sulcus of humerus

What is the insertion of the Triceps brachii

Olecranon of Ulna

Aerobic respiration requires the presence of what molecule?


What is the origin of the gluteus maximus

Posterior and lateral portions of ilium, sacrum, coccyx

Where is the insertion site of biceps brachii?

Radial tuberosity

In what part of the neuromuscular junction would each of these be found? (Motor End Plate or Synaptic Knob) -Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels

Synaptic Knob

The arrival of a nerve impulse at the synaptic knob of a motor neuron causes synaptic vesicles to release _______ into the synaptic cleft


To start a muscle contraction, a nerve impulse causes ______ release at a neuromuscular junction.


Smooth muscle contraction is under ________ control of the nervous system


What is the action of the latissimus dorsi

Extension and adduction at shoulder

Multiple bundles housing many muscle fibers


A neuromuscular junction contains a(n)

synaptic cleft, motor end plate, synaptic knob

The axon of a motor neuron travels through the epimysium and perimysium, and enters the _________, where it delivers a nerve impulse to an individual ________.

endomysium; muscle fiber

Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -Many mitochondria

Slow Oxidative

Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -Red

Slow Oxidative

Acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic cleft is needed so that ______ will not continuously stimulate the cell to contract.


Match the duration of a single muscle contraction with the source of ATP: -Short term

Anaerobic Respiration

The ____ line is a thin, transverse, protein meshwork structure in the center of the H zone of a sacromere


Elongated, multinucleated, cylindrical cell

Muscle fiber

T/F: Skeletal muscle is usually attached to the skeleton, but it is also found at the openings between the digestive tract and the external environment and the urinary tract and the opening to the external environment


T/F: Smooth muscle cells lack transverse tubules


Sprinting is a sport that requires an explosion of energy more than endurance. The best type of muscle fibers for this activity would be

fast-twitch fibers with fewer mitochondria and a lower blood supply.

Intermediate fibers have a high resistance to _____


What is the insertion of the masseter

mandibular ramus

The amount of additional oxygen that must be inhaled following exercise to restore pre-exercise conditions is called

oxygen debt.

Match each structure with the connective tissue layer that surrounds it. -Muscle


Thick myofilaments are composed of bundles of what protein molecule?


Where is the origin of the deltoid?

Clavicle and acromion/spine of scapula

Electrically stimulating a muscle


Actively resisting the separation of two bones


Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -High glycogen content

Fast Glycolytic

If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for baseball pitching?

Fast Glycolytic

If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for football?

Fast Glycolytic

What is the action of the biceps femoris?

Flexion at the knee; extension at the hip

Which of the following will increase during strenuous muscular activity?


Place the organizational level of muscle tissue in order, beginning with the entire muscle and ending with the smallest component. Muscle fiber Muscle Fascicle Myofilament Myofibril

Muscle Fascicle Muscle fiber Myofibril Myofilament

What muscle cells function is metabolic activities; contraction

Muscle fiber

Long, cyclindrical contractile element within muscle cell


Short contractile proteins of two types: thick and thin


What is the origin of the Latissimus dorsi

Spinous processes of inferior thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, thoracolumbar fascia

What is the origin of the biceps brachii

Short head: coracoid process Long head: superior border of glenoid cavity

Match the type of muscle tissue with its brief description. -Striated and multinucleated


Match the type of muscle tissue with its brief description. - No striations and involuntary


The skeletal muscles arranged in layers along the walls of the abdominal cavity and the floor of the pelvic cavity perform what function?

Support, Protection, Contraction

When calcium ions bind to troponin, which of the following then occurs?

The myosin binding sites on actin are exposed

The connective tissue layers in muscle provide: protection, distribution sites for blood vessels and nerves, and a means of _________ to the skeleton


The sarcolemma of smooth muscle cells has small invaginations called


The diameter of a muscle fiber will predict:

how much power it will produce

Cytoskeleton network

intermediate filaments

In a motor unit, a single ________ neuron typically controls numerous muscle fibers in a muscle


The epimysium of a muscle surrounds _______

the entire skeletal muscle

If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for long distance swimming?

Slow Oxidative

Thin filaments in smooth muscle cells contain which proteins?

actin, tropomyosin

The motor end plate has folds and indentations to increase the membrane surface area adjacent to the ______

synaptic knob

At the ends of muscles, the connective tissues merge to form a __________, which attaches the muscle to other structures.


Check all that are a function of skeletal muscle tissue. -Metabolic regulation -Body movement -Maintenance of posture -Heat production -Regulating elimination of materials -Protection and support

-Body movement -Maintenance of posture -Heat production -Protection and support

Which of the following statements is true concerning calcium ions? -In smooth muscle, it binds with myosin light-chain kinase. -In skeletal muscle, it binds with tropomyosin. -In smooth muscle, it binds with calmodulin. -In skeletal muscle, it binds with calmodulin.

-In smooth muscle, it binds with calmodulin.

Smooth muscle is found in which of the following locations? -around blood vessels -in the epidermis of the skin -in the wall of the small intestines -in the wall of the uterus -in the heart wall

-around blood vessels -in the wall of the small intestines -in the wall of the uterus

In which activities are muscles in an isometric contraction? -jumping jacks -sitting up very straight -doing push ups -holding a yoga pose -pushing on a locked door -abdominal crunches

-sitting up very straight -holding a yoga pose -pushing on a locked door

Check all that are proteins of thin filaments. -Myosin -Actin -Troponin -Titin (connectin) -Tropomyosin

-Actin -Troponin -Tropomyosin

Match the duration of a single muscle contraction with the source of ATP: -Long term

Aerobic Respiration

For longer contractions, muscle cells obtain ATP by which process?

Aerobic respiration

What is the action of the Rectus abdominis

Flexes spine; assists with exhalation

What is the action of the Pectoralis major

Flexion and adduction at shoulder

What is the insertion of the Rectus abdominis

Lower ribs and xiphoid process

What is the action of the gastrocnemius?

Plantar flexion

What muscle cells function is the site of metabolic processes for normal muscle fiber activities


What is the origin of the Pectoralis major

Sternum and clavicle

The ____ discs that anchor the sarcomere on either end in skeletal muscle are absent from smooth muscle cells


Acetylcholine moves across the synaptic cleft by ____


Place the events involved in muscle contraction in the correct order. -Myosin heads attach to actin and form crossbridges. -Calcium ions are moved back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by ATP-driven pumps. -Myofilaments passively return to their original state. -ACh binds receptors on the motor end plate, initiating a muscle impulse. -A cyclic "attach, pivot, detach, return" event occurs. -A nerve impulse causes acetylcholine (ACh) release at a neuromuscular junction. -Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin to move and expose active sites.

1. A nerve impulse causes acetylcholine (ACh) release at a neuromuscular junction. 2. ACh binds receptors on the motor end plate, initiating a muscle impulse. 3. Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin to move and expose active sites. 4. Myosin heads attach to actin and form crossbridges. 5. A cyclic "attach, pivot, detach, return" event occurs. 6. Calcium ions are moved back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by ATP-driven pumps. 7. Myofilaments passively return to their original state.

Place the events that occur at a neuromuscular junction in order

1. Nerve signal arrives at synaptic knob 2. Calcium enters and binds synaptic vesicle 3. ACh is released via exocytosis into the synaptic cleft 4. ACh binds receptors on the motor end plate

Place the stages of cross-bridge cycling in order

1. calcium binds troponin; myosin binding site uncovered 2. cross-bridge formation 3. power stroke 4. release of myosin head by ATP 5. reset of myosin head

Which of the following events does not occur during skeletal muscle relaxation?

ACh binds its receptor on the motor end plate.

Energy to drive the myosin movement in the sliding filament process is provided in the form of ____.


Which of the following proteins are found within a sarcomere?

Actin, Connectin

What is the origin of the Rectus femoris

Anterior inferior iliac spine

Muscle cells are said to have what characteristic because they can respond to stimulation from the nervous system?


What is the action of the diaphragm?

Expands thoracic cavity for inhalation

Stretching a muscle


What is the action of the gluteus maxiums

Extension and lateral rotation at hip

T/F: A muscle fiber that is partially shortened can produce a contraction stronger than the contraction it can produce when at its resting length


A bundle of muscle fibers


If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for shot put?

Fast Glycolytic

If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for standing broad jump?

Fast Glycolytic

Which of the 3 skeletal muscle fiber types has the largest diameter and provides both power and speed?

Fast glycolytic

What is the origin of the Gastrocnemius?

Femoral condyles

What is the action of the biceps brachii?

Flexion of elbow; supination

What is the insertion site of biceps femoris?

Head of fibula; lateral condyle of tibia

The act of shivering is an example of skeletal muscle performing what function?

Heat production

What is the insertion of the gluteus maximus

Iliotibial (IT) band and gluteal tuberosity of femur

What is the origin of the Triceps brachii

Lateral head: posterior and proximal region of humerus Long head: inferior border of glenoid cavity Medial head: Posterior region of humerus

What is the origin of the biceps femoris?

Long head: Ischial tuberosity Short head: Linea aspera

Which proteins function is to dephosphorylate myosin


In what part of the neuromuscular junction would each of these be found? (Motor End Plate or Synaptic Knob) - Acetylcholine receptors

Motor End Plate

In what part of the neuromuscular junction would each of these be found? (Motor End Plate or Synaptic Knob) - Acetylcholinesterase

Motor End Plate

Match each protein with the appropriate filament. (Thick Filament, Thin Filament, or Neither) -Titin


Match each structure with the connective tissue layer that surrounds it. -Fascicle


In a 1500-meter run, an event that may take about 5 to 6 minutes, ATP is supplied by which energy sources?

Phosphagens, anaerobic, and aerobic sources

What is the origin of the Rectus abdominis

Pubic bones

Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -High myoglobin content

Slow Oxidative

Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -Small fiber size

Slow Oxidative

If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for Tour de France cycling?

Slow Oxidative

If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for marathon running?

Slow Oxidative

In what part of the neuromuscular junction would each of these be found? (Motor End Plate or Synaptic Knob) -Synaptic vesicles filled with acetylcholine

Synaptic Knob

Match each protein with the appropriate filament. (Thick Filament, Thin Filament, or Neither) -Myosin -Myosin Heads

Thick Filament

Match each sarcomere region with the filament(s) it contains. (Thick filament, Thin filament, or both) - H Band

Thick Filament

Match each protein with the appropriate filament. (Thick Filament, Thin Filament, or Neither) -Actin -Tropomyosin -Troponin -Binding sites for myosin heads

Thin Filament

Match each sarcomere region with the filament(s) it contains. (Thick filament, Thin filament, or both). -I Band

Thin Filament

If you were studying the neurotransmitter released from axon terminals at a neuromuscular junction, you would be studying


In a neuromuscular junction, what enzyme breaks down acetylcholine?


The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores ______ ions needed to initiate muscle contraction


The enzyme acetylcholinesterase resides in the synaptic _____


As a result of muscle fiber contraction, thick filaments in neighboring sarcomeres move ______.

closer together

The amount of additional oxygen that must be inhaled in order to restore pre-exercise levels is called oxygen ______


The synaptic knob of the neuron is a(n) _____ of an axon

expanded tip

A motor neuron transmits the effect of a nerve impulse to the muscle fiber at a neuromuscular _______


Which are characteristics of glycolytic fibers?

low concentration of myoglobin, white

The vascular supply to slow oxidative muscle fibers is ______ extensive than that of fast glycolytic muscle fibers.


although muscle fibers obey the all-or-none principle, the force of muscle contraction can be varied depending on how many ______ units are used


Skeletal muscle fibers are ________


If you were studying the functions of skeletal muscle, you would be studying all of the following except: protecting internal organs. movement. holding the head erect. production of blood cells. helping maintain a constant body temperature.

production of blood cells.

A contracting skeletal muscle fiber typically shortens as all of its _____ shorten in length


Within a myofibril, Z discs separate the functional units known as


At the end of contraction, when the stimulation from the nerve impulse ceases, calcium ions are pumped back into the ____

sarcoplasmic reticulum

A nerve impulse travels through an axon to its ________

synaptic knob

Which of the following connects muscle to bone?


The component of a muscle fiber that quickly transports a muscle impulse from the sarcolemma throughout the entire muscle fiber is called the

transverse tubule (T-tubule).

When a muscle fiber is in a relaxed state, the ______ molecules cover the G-actin active sites, preventing interaction between thick filaments and thin filaments


The two types of muscle contraction are: a. ________ contraction (when a muscle contracts but does not change length) and b. _____ contraction (when a muscle contracts and does change length)

Isometric; Isotonic

Which proteins function is to bind calcium


Check all that are characteristics of cardiac muscle. Cells are long and cylindrical. Cells are short and branching. Cells have multiple nuclei at the periphery of the cell. Cells have one or two nuclei in the center of the cell. They are composed of thick and thin filaments. The functional contractile unit is the sarcomere.

Cells are short and branching. Cells have one or two nuclei in the center of the cell.

Anchoring point between intermediate filaments and the sarcolemma

Dense plaque

Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -Anaerobic

Fast Glycolytic

Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -Easily fatigued

Fast Glycolytic

Assign each characteristic to the appropriate type of muscle fiber. (Fast Glycolytic or Slow Oxidative) -Fast ATPase activity

Fast Glycolytic

Which proteins function is to phosphorylate myosin


If gene therapy in the future would allow one to artificially alter the expression of muscle fibers for athletic success, which increase in fiber types would make the most sense for triathlon?

Slow Oxidative

Match each sarcomere region with the filament(s) it contains. (Thick filament, Thin filament, or both) -M Line

Thick Filament

Where is the origin of the diaphragm?

Xiphoid process, lower ribs, and anterior surfaces of lumbar vertebrae

In a concentric isotonic contraction, the tension produced is ______ than the resistance


A muscle cell obtains ATP in the short term via what process?

Anaerobic respiration

The typical skeletal muscle fiber contains several components that facilitate the production of ATP. Check all that apply. -Mitochondria -Myoglobin -Myosin -Glycogen

-Mitochondria -Glycogen

Which is a characteristic of skeletal muscle from the selections below? -Contains intercalated discs -Under autonomic nervous control -Multinucleated -Lack of striations


Select the characteristics of slow-twitch muscle fibers. Check all that apply. -Few capillaries are present. -These fibers are also known as white fibers. -Myoglobin is present in high concentration -Mitochondria are numerous in these fibers.

-Myoglobin is present in high concentration -Mitochondria are numerous in these fibers.

Select all that are true regarding a resting muscle fiber. -The charge difference across the sarcolemma is zero. -There is more sodium outside the cell as compared to the sarcoplasm. -Chemically gated ion channels are open. -Voltage-gated ion channels are closed.

-There is more sodium outside the cell as compared to the sarcoplasm. -Voltage-gated ion channels are closed.

Receptors in the motor end plate bind with the neurotransmitter ________ released from the synaptic knob


Acetylcholine moves across the synaptic cleft by ________


The motor end plate has folds and indentations to increase the membrane surface areas adjacent to the ____

synaptic knob

Place the steps of cross-bridge cycling in order: -Release of myosin head -Cross-bridge formation -Power stroke -Reset myosin head

1. Cross-bridge formation 2. Power stroke 3. Release of myosin head 4. Reset myosin head

Position the following items in order of decreasing size. Tropomyosin Fibers Sacromere Fascicle Ca2+ Troponin Myofilament F-actin

1. Fascicle (Largest) 2. Fibers 3. Myofibril 4. Sarcomere 5. Myofilament 6. F-actin 7. Tropomyosin 8. Troponin 9. Ca2+ (Smallest)

What muscle cells function is to store calcium ions needed for muscle contraction

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

What is the insertion of the Rectus femoris

Tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

The cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle cell has a specific name and is known as


Type I muscle fibers contract more ______ than type IIa and IIb muscle fibers


The H band is more lightly shaded because only ____ filaments are present


The H-band (or H-zone) is more lightly shaded because only _______ filaments are present


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