A&P lecture Exam 2 (ch.7)

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brachialis and brachioradialis (forearm)

flex elbow

quadratus lumborum (spine)

flex the spinal column and depresses the ribs

flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus (wrist)

flex wrist

pectoralis major (arm)

flexes arm at the shoulder

biceps brachii (forearm)

flexes elbow and supinates forearm

muscles that move the hand and fingers are located in the _____

forearm **(only tendons cross the wrist)

largest hip flexor is ____ and is composed of _____ and ______

iliopsoas; psoas major; iliacus

tibialis (foot)

inversion & tibialis anterior produces dorsiflexion (flexes ankle & elevates sole)

muscle fatigue is caused by a buildup of ______ & _____ pH

lactic acid; decreases pH

which muscle do you use to shrug your shoulders? and which muscle is the antagonist?

levator scapulae (elevates scapula) Antagonist: subclavius & pectoralis minor (depresses scapula)

erector spinae (spine)

maintain an erect spinal column and head -contain: iliocostalis; longissimus; spinalis

Glucose and fatty acids are catabolized during which muscle activity

moderate muscle activity

synergist muscle

muscle that helps the prime mover work efficiently

antagonist muscle

muscle that opposes a movement by another muscle

looking at the muscle name sternocleidomastoid, you would identify that this muscle is located in the area of the _______

neck (other muscles of neck: stylohyoid, mylohyoid, omohyoid, digastric, platysma)

the first part of the name of a muscle refers to its _____ while the second part of the name refers to its ______

origin; insertion


pelvic cavity floor formed by broad sheet of muscles that: - support organs of pelvic cavity -flex the coccyx (tailbone) -control movement of material through the anus and urethra

Gastrocnemius & soleus (foot)

plantar flexion (extend ankle & elevate heel)

pronators and supinator

rotate radius

subscapularis, teres major, infraspinatus, and teres minor

rotate the arm

sternocleidomastoid muscle (neck)

rotates head and flexes neck

Individuals who excel at endurance activities such as cycling or long-distance running have a higher than normal percentage of _______ muscle fibers; rely on which metabolism

slow muscle fibers; rely on aerobic metabolism (30 mol of ATP)

mylohyoid muscle (neck)

supports the tongue

platysma (head & neck)

tenses skin of neck and depresses mandible

insertion (muscle)

the end of the muscle that moves when the muscle contracts

origin (muscle)

the end of the muscle that stays stationary

prime mover, or agonist muscle

the muscle that is chiefly responsible for producing a movement

ankle flexors

tibialis anterior

you are lying on the floor with your feet flat and your knees up practicing your abdominal crunches. You raise your upper body to the ceiling, up and down. What muscles are you using to the greatest extent?

transverse abdominus - compresses abdomen

action (muscle)

what happens when the muscle contracts (flexion, extension, adduction or abduction)

splenius capitis and semispinalis capitis (spine)

work together to either extend the head or tilt the head

adductors (thigh) include:

-adductor magnus -adductor brevis -adductor longus -pectineus -gracilis

flexors of the knee that are known as hamstrings:

-biceps femoris -semimembranosus -semitendinosus -sports injury: pulled hamstring

ankle extensors

-gastrocnemius -fibularis longus -soleus -fibularis brevis -tibialis posterior

carpal tunnel syndrome

-inflammation of retinacula tissue (hold tendons in place) causes weakness in the hand muscles - results from repetitive hand or wrist movement

deltoid (arm)

-major abductor of arm -supraspinatus assists at beginning of movement

axial muscles divided into four parts

-muscles of head and neck (facial expressions, swallowing & chewing) -muscles of the spine (flexors and extensors of head, neck and spinal column) -muscles of the trunk (forms muscular walls of the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities) -muscles of the pelvic floor (extend between sacrum and pelvic girdle forming the muscular perineum, which closes the pelvic outlet)

Extensors of the knee (quadriceps femoris):

-rectus femoris -the three vastus muscles (lateralis, medialis, intermedius)

flexors/not hamstrings (leg) include:

-sartorius: produces lateral rotation at hip -popliteus: unlocks knee joint

which of the following is an effect of aging on the muscular system? -tolerance for exercise increases -skeletal muscles become more elastic -skeletal muscle fibers become smaller in diameter -muscle fibers contain more myoglobin -scar tissue formation does not occur

-skeletal muscle fibers become smaller in diameter **other answers should be: -tolerance for exercise decreases -skeletal muscles become less elastic -muscle fibers contain less myoglobin -scar tissue forms

rotator cuff (arm)

-supraspinatus -infraspinatus -teres minor -subscapularis **common site of sport injury such as muscle strain (tear or break in muscle)

excerise engages multiple systems

1. muscular system -active muscles consume oxygen and generate CO2 and heat 2. cardiovascular system -increases heart rate and speeds up delivery of oxygen 3. respiratory system -increases rate and depth of respiration 4. integumentary system -dilation of blood vessels and sweating combine to increase cooling 5. nervous and endocrine systems -control heart rate, respiratory rate, sweat gland activity, and release of stored energy

four effects of aging on skeletal muscle

1. skeletal muscle fibers become smaller in diameter (less ATP, CP, glycogen, and myoglobin) - # of myofibrils decreases 2. skeletal muscles become less elastic -increasing fibrous tissue (fibrosis) muscles less flexible 3. tolerance for exercise decreases (tire quickly, decrease in thermoregulation) 4. ability to recover from injury is decreased & scar tissue forms

1.a torn calcaneal tendon would affect which of the following movements of the foot? 2.which two muscles share the calcaneal tendon in common?

1.plantar flexion 2.Gastrocnemius & soleus

serratus anterior (pectoral girdle)

abducts (protracts) and rotates scapula

abductor pollicis and extensor pollicis

abducts and extends thumb respectively

rhomboid muscle (pectoral girdle)

adducts (retracts) and rotates scapula laterally

epicranium (scalp) contains occipitofrontalis: anterior _______ & posterior _____

anterior: frontalis muscle; raises eyebrowns and frowns forehead posterior: occipitalis muscle; tenses and retracts scalp

fixator muscles

are synergists that stabilize the origin of a prime mover by preventing movement at another joint

temporalis & pterygoid (mouth)

assist masseter in chewing by elevating mandible

majority of our skeletal muscles are ______ muscles


Why can't heart muscle (unlike skeletal muscle) undergo tetanus?

because the heart has to be able to consistently contract and pump blood in a controlled fashion

in infants, which muscle allows for the mouth to form a tight fit around the nipple during suckling at the breast?


external and internal obliques and the transversus abdominis (axial;trunk)

compress abdomen, can flex spine

buccinator (mouth)

compresses cheek when blowing forcefully

orbicularis oris (mouth)

constricts opening of the mouth

pectoralis minor and subclavius (pectoral girdle)

depress and abduct scapula

omohyoid muscle (neck)

depresses larynx and hyoid bone

digastric muscle (neck)

depresses mandible

rectus abdominis (axial;trunk)

depresses ribs, flexes spine

trapezius muscle (pectoral girdle)

diamond shaped; has many actions depending on region

diaphragm (axial;trunk)

dome shaped muscle that expands the thoracic cavity and compresses the abdominopelviccavity

levator scapulae

elevates scapula

stylohyoid muscle (neck)

elevates the larynx

anterior and posterior epicranium are connected by

epicranial aponeurosis

Fibularis (foot)

eversion & plantar flexion

extensor digitorum and flexor digitorum (fingers)

extend and flex fingers respectively

extensor carpi radialis and extensor carpi ulnaris (wrist)

extend wrist

triceps brachii (forearm)

extends elbow

latissimus dorsi

extends the arm at the shoulder

gluteal muscles (thigh)

extension, rotation and abduction at hip joint

digital extensors (toes)

extensor digitorum longus -tendon of extensor hallucis longus

external and internal intercostals (axial;trunk)

externals elevate ribs and internals depress ribs

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