A&P Midterm

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The building of complex molecules from simpler ones is described as


Another name for the intracellular fluid is


What is the thin layer of connective tissue that lines the medullary cavity of a long bone?


The most common type of cartilage, named for its glassy appearance, is

Hyaline cartilage

Where does hemopoiesis occur?

Red bone marrow

Which is an alternate term for compact bone?

Cortical bone

The type of gland that secretes sweat into a hair follicle that is found in the axillary, anal, and genital regions is the ________ sweat gland.


What is the letter associated with the dark bands in a sarcomere?

A band

The smallest structural unit that exhibits the characteristics of living things is

A cell

A motor unit consists of

A single motor neuron and the multiple muscle fibers it controls.

Among the components of the dermis are

A, B, C, D, E

Three molecules that are important energy storage locations in the body are

ATP, glycogen, and triglyceride.

Which is the neurotransmitter that causes the release of calcium ions from reservoirs within the muscle cell and thereby initiates the steps of contraction?


Which of the following structures has the active sites to which the heads of the thick filaments will bind?


Keratinocytes are

All of the choices are correct

Radioisotopes contain

An excess of neutrons

Which one of the following choices includes three descriptions that are consistent with each other (that is, that describe the same type of chemical reaction)?

Anabolic, Dehydration, Endergonic

Which type of connective tissue is found in the papillary layer of the dermis and contains all of the cell types of connective tissue proper?


From deep to superficial, the order of the strata of the epidermis is

Basale - spinosum - granulosum - lucidum - corneum

What specialized feature of an epithelium consists of a reticular lamina, a lamina densa, and a lamina lucida?

Basement membrane

Place in correct order the following steps in the process of appositional growth of cartilage.


What type of muscle contains intercalated discs?


There are four types of body membranes. Select the exception.


When the body's digestive system breaks down starch, a complex carbohydrate, into simpler carbohydrates, the reaction is

Catabolic and Exergonic

Which of the following lists describes three of the main functions served by proteins?

Catalysis of chemical reactions, body defenses, and movement

During appositional growth of cartilage, the cells that produce the matrix are the


What are the matrix rings of compact bone that surround the central canal of each osteon?

Concentric lamellae

The property of muscle tissue that allows an impulse to travel down the entire length of the cell membrane is


Which primary tissue type would be represented by blood, body fat, ligaments and tendons, dermis of the skin, and the cartilage of some joints?

Connective tissue

Movement of a substance from an area of higher concentration to one where it is less concentrated is known as


When you are exposed to bright light, a reflex is initiated and the muscles of your iris contract to decrease your pupil size. The iris muscles are acting as a(n)


Before beginning orthodontic treatment, a patient may have her wrist and hand x-rayed to determine her stage of growth. What feature of the long bones will the orthodontist use to assess this?

Epiphyseal plate

Which is avascular (lacks blood vessels)?


Which tissue type covers body surfaces and lines the inside of organs and body cavities?


You would most likely find goblet cells in what type of tissue?

Epithelial tissue

In adults, the medullary cavities of most long bones contain red marrow.


Satellite cells are multinucleate.


Which is a correct listing of the hierarchy of a skeletal muscle's components, beginning with the smallest?

Fascicle, Muscle Fiber, Myofibrils, Skeletal Muscle (C,B,A,D)

Which type of cartilage is found in the intervertebral discs?


Which of these comprise the nail plate?

Free Edge, Nail Root, Nail Body (A,D,E)

Which is a form of energy that is generally unavailable to do any work?


Which is not a function of bone?

Hormone synthesis

Which letter is associated with the light band and contains thin filaments only?

I band

Which type of protein is used by cells of the immune system to distinguish normal cells from foreign or infected cells?

Identity markers

In the kidneys, parathyroid hormone acts to ________ production of calcitriol and to ________ excretion of calcium in urine.

Increase; decrease

Proteins that are embedded within, and extend across, the phospholipid bilayer are called ________ proteins.


Which system is responsible for providing protection, regulating body temperature, and being the site of cutaneous receptors?


Two atoms that differ only in the number of neutrons they contain are known as


Which feature is not characteristic of epithelial tissue?

Large amount of extracellular matrix

Interstitial growth of cartilage increases its ________ and occurs in the ________ region of the cartilage.

Length; Internal

Which cell type, found in connective tissue proper, is formed from monocytes and serves to phagocytize damaged cells or pathogens?


Which cell type, found in connective tissue proper and close to blood vessels, secretes heparin and histamine?

Mast cell

If a person were unable to form saliva, what type of gland could be missing or malfunctioning?

Merocrine glands

All connective tissue is formed from which embryonic germ layer?


Which is a non-membrane-bound organelle?


Which of the following serve to increase the surface area of a cell for absorption and secretion?


The neurons that stimulate muscle contraction are called ________ neurons.


Which protein makes up the thick filaments?


The two types of cells that make up the nervous system are

Neurons and Glial Cells

The largest internal cellular structure is known as the ________ and is the cell's control center.


Which level consists of related organs that work to achieve a common function?

Organ system level

Which of the following statements accurately describes the organization of structures?

Organs are made up of tissues, which are made up of cells, which are made up of organelles and molecules.

What unit of bone consists of a central canal (containing blood vessels, nerves, and lymph vessels) surrounded by concentric rings of calcified matrix?


An element's atomic number is determined by the number of ________ in one atom of that element.


The term that refers to the ability of organisms to react to changes in the environment is


Which type of connective tissue protein fiber forms a meshlike framework that provides structural support within many organs (within the spleen, for example)?

Reticular fibers

If you were to rub your finger over the surface of your face, you would notice that the skin is oily. What makes up the oil?

Ruptured cells from sebaceous glands

The membranous network that wraps around myofibrils and holds relatively high concentrations of calcium is known as the

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

The normal level at which a physiological variable is maintained is known as its

Set point

The walls of kidney tubules are formed by ________ epithelium, which functions in resorbing materials filtered from blood plasma such as nutrients, ions, and water.

Simple cuboidal

The lining of the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) is comprised of what epithelium?

Simple squamous

Which type of epithelial tissue would be the least protective?

Simple squamous

The type of muscle that is found in blood vessel walls is ________ muscle


Which of the following choices places the components of a homeostatic control system in proper order?

Stimulus, Receptor, Control Center, Effector

When biological molecules engage in condensation, such reactions are ________ reactions.


Invaginations of the muscle cell membrane that extend deep into the cell are known as the


The structure responsible for attaching muscle to bone is a


Which type of hair forms the beard on the faces of males?


Which is a physiological description rather than an anatomical one?

The muscles of the intestinal wall contract slowly and involuntarily.

Which statement accurately describes amino acids?

There are twenty varieties, with each type having a different R group.

Which of the following statements accurately describes electrons?

They are in orbitals outside the nucleus and have a negative charge.

Which statement accurately describes isomers?

They have the same molecular formula but different structural formulas.

Groups of similar cells and extracellular products that carry out a common function are called


Tactile (Merkel) cells are sensitive to


The most common lipids in the body are

Triglycerides, and they are used for energy storage in adipose.

The calcium ions involved in skeletal muscle contraction bind to a(n)________ subunit.


A molecule is made up of a combination of two or more atoms.


Aerobic respiration involves the oxidation of pyruvate.


An osteoclast has a ruffled border and multiple nuclei.


Both anatomists and physiologists are aware that form and function are interrelated.


Damage to the heart can cause inadequate blood circulation, which can lead to more damage to the heart. This is an example of a positive feedback cycle.


Homeostasis refers to an organism's ability to regulate its internal environment despite changes in the external environment.


If your body temperature starts to decline, your body responds by exciting skeletal muscles so that you shiver and your temperature returns to normal. This is an example of negative feedback.


Positively charged ions are called cations.


The cell is the smallest living portion of the human body.


A sarcomere is defined as the distance from one ________ to the next adjacent ________. (The same answer fills in both spaces.)


The most abundant lipid of the membrane consists of a head and two tails. This type of lipid is

a Phospholipid

Plasma is

a liquid ground substance containing dissolved proteins.

In the formation of a compound of sodium chloride,

a sodium atom donates an electron to a chlorine atom.

Generally, people have ________ number of melanocytes ________.

about the same; no matter where they live

Saturation occurs when

all enzymes are busy and further increases in substrate concentration will not increase reaction rate.

Noncompetitive inhibition of an enzyme occurs when the inhibitor binds to the

allosteric site, and its effectiveness is not influenced by substrate concentration.

Phospholipids are described as


Glycolysis is an

anaerobic process that occurs in the cytosol.

Surfactant is necessary to prevent collapse of the alveoli in the lung because in its absence water molecules

are more strongly attracted to each other by cohesive forces.

The structure responsible for pulling on the follicle and causing "goose bumps" is the

arrector pili muscle

Shrinkage of tissue by a decrease in either cell number or cell size is termed


The branch of the nervous system that helps govern smooth muscle contraction is the ________ nervous system.


To initiate a smooth muscle cell contraction, calcium enters the cell and binds to

calmodulin, which then binds to and activates myosin light-chain kinase

In compact bone, ________ connect adjacent lacunae, thereby providing pathways for nutrients and other materials to pass between osteocytes.


The category of reactions in which larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones is known as


Diagnosing a disease involves determining the

cause of the homeostatic imbalance

All connective tissues have three features in common. They are

cells, protein fibers, and ground substance.

When exposed to ultraviolet light, keratinocytes convert a steroid precursor into ________, a molecule that is crucial for regulation of calcium levels.


The reticular layer of the dermis consists primarily of

dense irregular connective tissue

In the positive feedback mechanism governing breastfeeding, the mammary glands of the breast serve as the


The part of the homeostatic control mechanism that brings about change is the


Ionic bonds involve:

electrostatic interactions between anions and cations.

The formation of bone from a cartilaginous model is termed

endochondral ossification

When an impulse arrives at the knob of the motor neuron, calcium

enters through voltage-gated channels and triggers the release of transmitter.

Thick skin contains

five epidermal strata and lacks sebaceous glands.

The multiple nuclei in skeletal muscle cells are the result of the

fusion of myoblasts.

While a runner is in a marathon, his or her liver will have to free some stored energy to keep blood sugar levels adequate; the liver will liberate this energy by way of a process called


Biological half-life is the time required for

half of a radioactive material to be eliminated from the body

Water has a

high specific heat, and this tends to keep body temperature relatively constant.

Cell shrinking, also known as crenation, occurs when a cell is placed into a(n) ________ solution.


When a cell is placed in a solution with a very low solute concentration, water diffuses into the cell. Such a solution is called a(n) ________ solution.


Epidermal dendritic (Langerhans) cells function as part of the ________ response.


The control center of a homeostatic mechanism

integrates sensory input and signals for change as needed.

In a redox reaction, when one reactant is oxidized, the other

is reduced

If you gently rub your thumb and forefinger together, each finger is contacting

keratinized simple squamous epithelium.

Parathyroid hormone release is triggered by ________ levels of calcium in the blood.


Cerumen is a secretion that

lubricates the ear canal and traps debris before it reaches the eardrum.

When bone forms by intramembranous ossification, the ossification centers are within


The various chemical reactions that organisms carry out are collectively called


The general name given to the phenomenon that occurs when a mature epithelium changes to a different form is


The simple sugar glucose is an example of a


Fatty acids consist mainly of carbon and hydrogen, and so fatty acids are

nonpolar and do not dissolve in water.

As the bone matrix calcifies and the secreting cells become walled in,

osteoblasts become osteocytes.

Bone cells called ________ break down bone by secreting hydrochloric acid and enzymes that dissolve the matrix.


The periosteum is anchored to the bone by collagen fibers called ________ fibers.


When a cell surrounds a large particle with pseudopodia and then engulfs it, the process is called


The ________ is responsible for forming the outer, limiting barrier of a cell.

plasma membrane

Hydrogen bonds form between molecules containing ________ bonds; the hydrogen bond is between a hydrogen atom of one molecule and a partially ________ charged atom of another.

polar covalent; negatively

Proteins are

polymers made up of amino acid monomers.

Pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium is found lining

portions of the respiratory system.

The sodium level inside and outside of a resting cell is an example of the

potential energy of a concentration gradient, because sodium is more abundant outside the cell.

The function of melanin in the skin is to

protect against UV light.

The term "activation energy" refers to the amount of energy

required to initiate any chemical reaction.

For relaxation to occur,

sarcoplasm calcium levels fall, calcium is removed from troponin, and tropomyosin blocks binding sites on actin.

A ________ epithelium consists of a single layer of flattened cells attached directly to a basement membrane.

simple squamous

The body system that provides support and protection as well as being a site of blood cell production (hemopoiesis) is the ________ system.


The three forms of matter are

solids, liquids, and gases

Osmosis is the diffusion of

solutes across a membrane.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, when energy is transformed from one kind to another

some of it is converted to heat.

. The narrow space that separates the motor neuron and the skeletal muscle fiber in a neuromuscular junction is called the

synaptic cleft

A double covalent bond involves

the sharing of two pairs of electrons.

The type of epithelium that lines the urinary bladder and may include some bi-nucleated cells is called ________ epithelium.



transmit signals away from the cell body.


transmit signals toward the cell body.

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