A&P2 CH 19-21

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________ is the regulation of blood flow by local mechanisms within a capillary bed?


T cells release cytokines to stimulate the activation of?

B cells

At what sties in the body are fenestrated capillaries located?

Fenestrated capillaries are located in endocrine glands, the choroid plexus of the brain, absorptive areas of the intestine, and filtration areas of the kidneys

How do abnormal antigens attached to class I MHC proteins initiate an immune response?

Abnormal antigens are displayed on the surface of the cell's plasma membrane and recognition by CD8 T cells initiates the initial immune response

All of the following ultimately arise from the external iliac artery except the?

obturator artery

An artery delivering blood to the kidney would have ________ blood in it and would be part of the ________ circuit?

oxygenated: systemic

A "blue baby" is often associated with what congenital heart defect?

patent ductus arteriosus

At the posterior knee, the femoral artery becomes the ________ artery?


Blood flow through a capillary is controlled by the?

precapillary sphincters

Which of the following break(s) the rule that arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart?

pulmonary arteries

Which of the following statements is false concerning the movement of fluid between capillaries and interstitial space?

The net filtration pressure is usually zero

What is the order in which fetal blood would pass through the following structures after leaving the heart?

pulmonary trunk, umbilical arteries, umbilical vein, ductus venosus, right atrium, foramen ovale

Materials can move across capillary walls by?

reabsorption, diffusion, filtration

The ________ vein receives all the venous blood from the kidney?


The lobules of the thymus are divided by partitions called?


The type of capillary that permits the free exchange of water and solutes as large as plasma proteins are the?


Blood from the dorsal venous arches drains into the ________ vein(s)?

small saphenous and great saphenous

At the level of the first rib, the axillary vein becomes the ________ vein?


The cephalic vein merges with the axillary vein to become the?

subclavian vein

The fetal cardinal veins later form the adult aorta?

superior and inferior vena cavae

The ________ collects blood from the entire small intestine and two-thirds of the large intestine?

superior mesenteric vein

Identify the three veins that merge to form the hepatic portal vein?

superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, and splenic veins

The vessel that receives blood from the head, neck, chest, shoulders, and arms is the?

superior vena cava

Leslie has a bad sore throat, and the lymph glands in her neck are swollen. This would indicate that

the affected lymph glands contain an increased number of lymphocytes

Vasculogenesis refers to?

the formation of the first vessels

The blood vessel that is formed by the joining of the vertebral arteries and supplies blood to the circle of Willis from the posterior side is the?

basilar artery

The foramen ovale in the fetal heart is located?

between the right atrium and left atrium

Lymphatic vessels commonly occur in association with?

blood vessels

The systemic circuit delivers oxygenated blood to ________ and returns blood to the ________?

body organs; right atrium

An increase in the rate of action potentials from baroreceptors will lead to?

both decrease in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure

The vein that is formed from the fusion of the subclavian with the internal and external jugulars is the ________ vein?


________ are the only blood vessels whose walls are thin enough to permit blood-tissue exchange?


RBCs move single file through this structure?


List the unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta that supply blood to the visceral organs?

celiac trunk, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric artery

internal carotids and the basilar artery are interconnected by an anastomosis called the?

cerebral arterial circle

Histamine increases blood flow and vascular permeability. This would account for all of the following changes that occur during inflammation except?

chemotaxis of phagocytes

Inflammation produces all of the localized effects except?

deceased blood flow

Which of the following factors will not increase the net filtration pressure to move fluid out of capillaries?

decreased net filtration rate

Which of the following would have the greater effect on vascular resistance?

decreasing the diameter of a blood vessel by 1/2

The primary function of the lymphatic system is?

defending the body against both environmental hazards and internal threats

Helper T cells do all of the following except?

destroy target cells using perforins

The movement of phagocytes through the capillary wall is called?


The ________ divides the aorta into the thoracic aorta and the abdominal aorta?


Fever is the maintenance of body temperature higher than?

either 37.2°C or 99°F

The lower part of the large intestine including the rectum receives blood from the ________ artery?

inferior mesenteric

Immunity that is genetically determined and present at birth is called ________ immunity?


An important artery that supplies blood to the brain is the ________ artery?

internal carotid

Blood from the brain returns to the heart through the ________ vein?

internal jugular

Characteristics of specific defenses include all of the following except?


Pulmonary veins carry blood to the?

left atrium

A blockage of which branch of the aortic arch would interfere with blood flow to the left arm?

left subclavian artery

Identify the major branches of the inferior vena cava?

lumbar, gonadal, hepatic, renal, adrenal, and phrenic veins

Sensory neurons that are part of the chemoreceptor reflexes are found in all of the following except?


An inflammatory response is triggered when?

mast cells release histamine and heparin

The most common congenital heart defect is?

ventricular septal defect

Which type of immunity develops when a child is given the polio vaccine?

artificially acquired active immunity

What is anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis is an immune response to a circulating antigen that stimulates mast cells throughout the body to release chemicals that prompt the inflammatory response

The main control of peripheral resistance by the vasomotor centers occurs in the?


________ cells provide cell-mediated immunity?


All of the veins listed are deep veins except?


Define edema?

Edema is an abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid in peripheral tissues

Immunoglobulins that are primarily found in glandular secretions such as mucus, saliva, and tears?


Immunoglobulins that attach to and sensitize mast cells and basophils are?


Define immune surveillance?

Immune surveillance is the constant monitoring of normal tissues by NK cells sensitive to abnormal antigens on the surfaces of cells

Describe immunodeficiency diseases?

Immunodeficiency diseases are an inadequate immune responses due to problems with embryonic development of lymphoid organs and tissues, a viral infection, or treatment with or exposure to immunosuppressive agents

Which of the following statements regarding lymph is false?

Lacteals are prominent lymphatic vessels in the respiratory system

78. The cells that perform immunological surveillance are the ________ cells?


The role of antigen-presenting cells in immunity is to do all of the following except?


Explain the equation R 1/r4?

Radius is inversely proportional to the 4th power of the resistance

Blood returning from the systemic circuit enters the?

Right atrium

B cells prepare for activation by presenting an antigen bound to Class II MHC proteins in a process called?


The cells directly responsible for cell-mediated immunity are the ________ cell?


All of the following are characteristics of cardiovascular regulation except?

The heart rate decreasing as stroke volume decreases

Compare the oxygen content in the two circulatory circuits?

The pulmonary circuit carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs and returns oxygenated blood to the left atrium. The systemic circuit carries oxygenated blood to the organs and tissues of the body and returns deoxygenated blood to the right atrium

Describe the pulmonary circuit?

The pulmonary circuit transports blood from the right ventricle through the pulmonary arteries, capillaries in the lungs, and pulmonary veins and returns it to the left atrium

Describe the respiratory pump?

The respiratory pump is a mechanism by which a reduction of pressure in the thoracic cavity during inhalation assists venous return to the heart

Stem cells that will form T cells develop in the?


The process of decrease in any vessel diameter that occurs due to smooth muscle contraction is called?


Blood pressure is lowest in the?


After blood leaves the capillaries, it enters the?


ADH and aldosterone secretion are part of the body's long-term compensation for?

a serious hemorrhage

Cytotoxic T cells attack target cells by doing what?

activating genes that trigger apoptosis

A substance that provokes an immune response is called a(n)?


Compared to blood capillaries, lymph capillaries exhibit all of the following except that they?

are smaller in diameter

Which is greater: arterial pressure or venous pressure?

arterial pressure

The fetal structure that conducts blood from the right to left atrium is the?

foramen ovale

Which class of leukocytes is particularly abundant in the red pulp of the spleen?

free and fixed macrophages

Compared to arteries, veins?

have thinner walls

The superior vena cava collect blood from the?

head, chest, and upper limbs

Neural and endocrine regulatory mechanisms influence which factors?

heart rate, stroke volume, peripheral resistance, and venous pressure

Nutrients from the digestive tract enter the?

hepatic portal vein

The blood vessel that supplies venous blood to the liver is the?

hepatic portal vein

A decrease in blood CO2 levels would cause?

increased blood pH

All of the following contributes to turbulent blood flow except?

third and fourth heart sounds

Most of the lymph returns to the venous circulation by way of the?

thoracic duct

________ exists when the immune system does not respond to a particular antigen?


Which of the following layers of a vessel contains collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers?

tunica externa

The ________ vein is a deep vein that ascends along the medial side of the forearm?


The site on an antibody that is specifically tailored to fit a specific antigen is called?

variable segment

When will the blood pressure be greater?

when the peripheral vessels constrict

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