A&P2 LAB 6: Cardiovascular Physiology

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small box on EKG reading


Normal QRS interval


Normal PR interval


large box on EKG reading


greater then

1. The subject's Valsalva Pv was [less than, equal to, greater than] the pre-Valsalva Pv. [Ex 8, Part C, Venous Pressure]

End Systolic Volume

1. Volume of blood in a ventricle at the end of ventricular contraction [Ex 1, matching]


1. What is the independent variable in Part A? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

Tube Length

1. What is the independent variable in Part C? [Ex 3, Part C, Tube Length]


1. What is the independent variable in Part D? [Ex 3, Part D, Pressure]

160mm Hg

1. What is this person's systolic pressure? [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]

Diastole, Systole

1. When the piston in the middle beaker is at the top of its travel, this would be analogous to the heart in [systole (contraction) or diastole (relaxation)]. When it is at the bottom of its travel, this would be analogous to the heart in [systole (contraction) or diastole (relaxation)] [Ex 3, Part F, Radius and Pump Activity]


1. Which two variables from the previous experiments show a direct relationship to blood flow? [viscosity, length, pressure, radius]? [**Image is just to assist, not a direct association] [Ex 3, Part E, General RE: Parts A-D]

doubling blood vessel length decreases blood flow by


doubling blood viscosity decreases blood flow by


Peripheral Resistance

10. Opposition to blood flow in the arterial circulation, mainly from friction of blood against the vessel wall [Ex 1, matching]

MAP is above normal

10. This person's MAP is [below normal, normal, above normal]. [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]


10. What do you call the action of reducing blood vessel diameter in the body? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

PFI formula

100 x number of seconds exercised/2 x sum of 3 pulse counts

Stroke Volume

11. Volume of blood ejected from a ventricle from one ventricular contraction [Ex 1, matching]


11. What do you call the action of increasing blood vessel diameter in the body? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

Blood Flow

12. Volume of blood moving through the cardiovascular system per minute (mL/min) [Ex 1, matching]

Tunica media

12. What component of the blood vessel wall alters the radius of blood vessels in the human body? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

normal pulse pressure


Blood Pressure

13. Force exerted by arterial blood against the walls of blood vessels through which it is flowing [Ex 1, matching]

Blood Pressure Gradient

14. The difference in pressure between two points within the cardiovascular system [Ex 1, matching]

doubling blood vessel diamter increase blood flow by


doubling blood pressure increase blood flow by



2. Intrathoracic pressure [decreases, remains unchanged, increases] during a Valsalva maneuver, which [increases, decreases] the pressure against the external walls of the vena cavae. [Ex 8, Part C, Venous Pressure]


2. The amount of fluid remaining in the middle beaker when the piston is at the bottom of its travel is analogous to the [EDV or ESV] of the heart. [Ex 3, Part F, Radius and Pump Activity]

End Diastolic Volume

2. Volume of blood in a ventricle at the end of ventricular relaxation [Ex 1, matching]

Blood Flow

2. What is the dependent variable? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

Blood Flow

2. What is the dependent variable? [Ex 3, Part C, Tube Length]

Blood Flow

2. What is the dependent variable? [Ex 3, Part D, Pressure]

korotkoff sounds

2. What is the name of the sounds auscultated to determine the systolic pressure? [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]

viscosity and tube length

2. Which two variables from the previous experiments show an inverse relationship to blood flow? [viscosity, length, pressure, radius]? [**Image is just to assist, not a direct association] [Ex 3, Part E, General RE: Parts A-D]


3. Contraction of a heart chamber [Ex 1, matching]


3. How would you best describe the relationship between these two variables? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]


3. How would you best describe the relationship between these two variables? [Ex 3, Part C, Tube Length]


3. How would you best describe the relationship between these two variables? [Ex 3, Part D, Pressure]

decreases, decreases

3. If this pressure is sustained over several seconds, venous return, the volume of blood coming to the right atrium from the systemic venous circulation [decreases, remains unchanged, increases]. As a result of this change in venous return during a Valsalva maneuver, cardiac output will [decrease, remain unchanged, increase]. [Ex 8, Part C, Venous Pressure]


3. The amount of fluid in the middle beaker when the piston is at the top of its travel is analogous to the [EDV or ESV] of the heart. [Ex 3, Part F, Radius and Pump Activity]

above normal

3. This systolic pressure is [below normal, normal, above normal]. [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]

Normal pulse pressure interval


calculating heart rate

300/#of large boxes b/w QRS complex


4. Because of this change in cardiac output during a Valsalva maneuver, it is [risky, of no risk] for patients with heart disease to strain during defecation (Valsalva maneuver). [Ex 8, Part C, Venous Pressure]

increasing, 2

4. Doubling pressure has the effect of [increasing, decreasing] blood flow by [2, 4, 8, 16] times [Ex 3, Part D, Pressure]

decreasing , 1/2

4. Doubling vessel length has the effect of [increasing, decreasing] blood flow by [1⁄4, 1⁄2, 3⁄4, 1⁄4, 1]. [Ex 3, Part C, Tube Length]


4. Relaxation of the smooth muscle that composes the tunica media of a vessel, resulting in enlargement of the diameter of the lumen [Ex 1, matching]

Stroke volume

4. The amount of fluid that is ejected from the middle beaker during a single stroke is analogous to the [stroke volume or cardiac output] of the heart. [Ex 3, Part F, Radius and Pump Activity]

110 mm Hg

4. What is this person's diastolic pressure? [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]


4. What structure in the body does the left beaker represent? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]


4. Which of the four variables has the greatest effect on blood flow? [**Image is just to assist, not a direct association] [Ex 3, Part E, General RE: Parts A-D]

Diameter and viscosity

5. Based on the results from Parts A-D, what are the two mechanisms used by the body to alter the rate of blood flow to tissues? [**Image is just to assist, not a direct association] [Ex 3, Part E, General RE: Parts A-D]

due to friction between blood and the blood vessel wall.

5. Explain why increasing the length altered the flow? (Hint: What is opposing flow?) [Ex 3, Part C, Tube Length]

Increased, increased

5. Increasing cardiac output will [increase, decrease] the pressure difference between the left ventricle and the aorta. This pressure difference will result in [increased, decreased] blood flow from the ventricle into the aorta. [Ex 3, Part D, Pressure]

cardiac output

5. The amount of flow recorded after the auto pump is activated is analogous to the [stroke volume or cardiac output] of the heart. [Ex 3, Part F, Radius and Pump Activity]

Blood Viscosity

5. The quantity that describes a fluid's resistance to flow, which is based on the internal properties of the fluid [Ex 1, matching]

above normal

5. This diastolic pressure is [below normal, normal, above normal]. [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]

Blood vessels

5. What structure in the body does the glass tube represent? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

Increasing pressure

6. How does the heart alter blood flow to tissues? [**Image is just to assist, not a direct association] [Ex 3, Part E, General RE: Parts A-D]

mechanisms that increase either stroke volume or heart rate will result in increasing cardiac output

6. Name two mechanisms by which the heart can increase cardiac output. [Ex 3, Part D, Pressure]

when the body grows or a body part grows, e.g., cancer, increase in body fat. For each pound of fat, 200 miles of blood vessels are added

6. State a situation in which blood vessel length increases in the body? [Ex 3, Part C, Tube Length]

heart rate

6. The number of strokes recorded after the experiment is analogous to the [stroke volume or heart rate] of the heart. [Ex 3, Part F, Radius and Pump Activity]

Cardiac Output

6. Volume of blood ejected by a ventricle per minute [Ex 1, matching]

Increased flow of fluid

6. What effect did increasing the diameter of the tube have on the flow of the fluid from the left beaker into the right? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

50mm Hg

6. What is this person's pulse pressure? [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]

Normal Heart Rhythm

60-100 bpm

Increasing, 16

7. Doubling the radius has the effect of [increasing, decreasing] blood flow by [2, 4, 8, 16] times? [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

Changing diameter

7. How do vessels alter blood flow to tissues? [**Image is just to assist, not a direct association] [Ex 3, Part E, General RE: Parts A-D]


7. Relaxation of a heart chamber [Ex 1, matching]

above normal

7. This pulse pressure is considered to be [below normal, normal, above normal]. [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]

Increase, more

7. When blood vessel length increases, blood pressure in the cardiovascular system will [increase, decrease], which will put [more, less] stress on the heart and blood vessels. [Ex 3, Part C, Tube Length]

normal map



8. Based upon your previous answer, which of the following is true regarding the rate of blood flow (Q)? [Q = r2, Q = r3, Q = r4, Q = r5] [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]

Heart Rate

8. Number of ventricular contractions per minute [Ex 1, matching]


8. This person's pulse pressure is indicative of [normal, valvular stenosis, atherosclerosis]. [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]

MAP= 110+(50/3)= 127mm Hg

9. Calculate this person's MAP. [Ex 7, a person with a blood pressure reading of: systemic arterial pressure = 160/110 mmHg]


9. Contraction of the smooth muscle that composes tunica media of a vessel resulting in a reduction of the diameter of the lumen [Ex 1, matching]

Small, Large

9. To summarize how vessel diameter effects blood flow, complete the following sentence. [Small, Large] changes in the tube radius cause [small, large] changes in the fluid flow. [Ex 3, Part A, Varying Tube Radius]




Graph I: What is the relationship? (direct, inverse, or none) [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph I: Which is the dependent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph I: Which is the independent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph II: What is the relationship? (direct, inverse, or none) [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph II: Which is the dependent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph II: Which is the independent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph III: What is the relationship? (direct, inverse, or none) [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph III: Which is the dependent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph III: Which is the independent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph IV: What is the relationship? (direct, inverse, or none) [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph IV: Which is the dependent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph IV: Which is the independent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph V: What is the relationship? (direct, inverse, or none) [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph V: Which is the dependent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]


Graph V: Which is the independent variable? [Ex 2, graphs, variables]

a consistent elevation in pressure equal to or greater than 140/90 mm Hg. A constant elevation of blood pressure can result in cardiac and/or arterial dysfunctions such as congestive heart failure and stroke

Hypertension [physiology of taking a blood pressure]

a decrease in blood pressure that is equal to or less than about 90/60 mm Hg. Chronically low arterial pressure can lead to symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, nausea, blurry vision, and confusion.

Hypotension [physiology of taking a blood pressure]

The sounds produced by the turbulent blood

Korotkoff sounds [physiology of taking a blood pressure]

a measure of the average arterial pressure within the systemic arterial system. A direct measure of MAP requires knowing cardiac output and the resistance to flow within the arteries. These measurements require invasive techniques to accomplish, but it is possible to determine an indirect calculation of MAP using the following equation: *MAP = diastolic pressure + (pulse pressure/3)* Normal MAP is between 70-110 mm Hg.

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) [pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure (MAP)]

No relationship exists between two variables if the value of one variable cannot be predicted by the value of the other variable.

No relationship [variables, graphs and relationships]

varies by age, but in general is a pressure lower than 120/80 mm Hg

Normal systemic arterial pressure [physiology of taking a blood pressure]

Pre-Valsalva = 400 mm

Pre-Valsalva = 400 mm [Ex 8, Part A, Pre-Valsalva Venous Pressure]

the palpable expansion of arterial walls during ventricular systole

Pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures and is considered to be the 'working pressure' of the heart. The normal range is between 30-40 mm Hg.

Pulse pressure [pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure (MAP)]

he number of palpable vessel surges counted per minute and correlates to the number of ventricular contractions in one minute. To increase efficiency in taking a pulse a pulse can be taken for 30 seconds and then multiplied by 2, or taken for 15 seconds and multiplied by 4.

Pulse rate [pulse/pulse examination]

pulse pressure formula


Venous pressure is affected by a variety of factors, including intrathoracic pressure changes. An increase in intrathoracic pressure can be induced by an action known as a Valsalva maneuver. The Valsalva maneuver is performed by forcefully attempting to exhale air against a closed airway. The classic example of a Valsalva maneuver is straining during defecation.

Valsalva maneuver [venous pressure and Valsalva maneuver]

(Pv) is the pressure of blood in the veins. Along with ventricular contraction, a low venous pressure maintains the blood pressure gradient that drives blood through the cardiovascular system. Although it is not possible to measure venous pressure directly, the procedure outlined below gives a reasonable estimate. Normal venous pressure within dorsal veins of the hand varies from 30-40mm Hg.

Venous pressure [venous pressure and Valsalva maneuver]

The independent variable and its values are placed along the horizontal or X-axis.

X-axis [variables, graphs and relationships]

The dependent variable and its values are placed along the vertical or Y- axis.

Y- axis [variables, graphs and relationships]

a buildup of plaque in arterial walls. Rigidity of elastic arteries from atherosclerosis reduces the ability of these vessels to expand during systole, which elevates the systolic pressure. This elevation of systolic pressure along with the diasolic pressure remaining constant, results in the pulse pressure increasing. This condition can lead to intermittent blood flow to systemic capillaries.

atherosclerosis [pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure (MAP)]

taken by palpating the brachial artery on the medial side of the arm. It is easily palpated just medial to the bicep muscle tendon near the elbow joint.

brachial pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

taken by palpating the carotid artery just medial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck slightly inferior to the mandible. It is important to take the pulse on one side only because palpating both carotid arteries can lead to a drop in blood pressure.

carotid pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

(less than 30mmHg) may indicate a narrowed aortic valve opening

decreased (narrow) pulse pressure [pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure (MAP)]

A variable whose value may be determined by the value of the independent variable

dependent variable [variables, graphs and relationships]

MAP formula

diastolic + (PP/3)

The smaller number, which is the denominator of the recording, is the diastolic pressure. This is the pressure exerted by the blood against the artery wall during ventricular diastole.

diastolic pressure [physiology of taking a blood pressure]

A direct relationship exists between independent and dependent variable if an increase in the independent variable always results in an increase in the dependent variable.

direct relationship [variables, graphs and relationships]

palpated just lateral to the base of the first metatarsal near the ankle.

dorsal pedal pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

(greater than 40mmHg) is common among people with chronic hypertension

elevated (wide) pulse pressure [pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure (MAP)]

taken by palpating the femoral artery halfway between the pubic symphysis and the anterior superior iliac spine just inferior to the inguinal ligament.

femoral pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

over 40 pulse pressure could indicate

hypertension: narrowing of the blood vessels by artherosclerotic plaque

under 30 pulse pressure could indicate

hypotension: aortic narrowing caused by possibly shock/blood loss

A variable whose value can be changed at will by an experimenter

independent variable [variables, graphs and relationships]

An inverse relationship exists between independent and dependent variable if an increase in the independent variable always results in a decrease in the dependent variable.

inverse relationship [variables, graphs and relationships]

taken by palpating the popliteal artery in the popliteal fossa (posterior knee).

popliteal pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

taken by placing the patient's hand in a supine position and palpating the radial artery on the anterior side of the wrist. It is easily palpated in the anterior wrist halfway between the flexor tendons and the radius bone.

radial pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

The rhythm is recorded as regular or irregular, which correlates with the rhythm of heart contractions.

regularity of rhythm [pulse/pulse examination]

a narrowed aortic valve opening, called a stenosis. In this case, the heart cannot eject the normal volume of blood through the aortic valve into the aorta. Other reasons for a decreased pulse pressure include CHF, hypovolemic shock (blood loss), and other forms of shock.

stenosis [pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure (MAP)]

The strength is recorded as weak or strong.

strength of the pulse [pulse/pulse examination]

The larger number, which is the numerator of the recording, is the systolic pressure. This is the pressure exerted by the blood against the artery wall during ventricular systole.

systolic pressure [physiology of taking a blood pressure]

any factor that can change during an experiment or observation

variable [variables, graphs and relationships]

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