AAP104.A - Egyptian

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Obelisks. Espalier is the practice of training a plant to grow flat against a surface.

Huge monoliths, square in plan and tapering to a pyramidal summit are. A) Pyramids. B) Obelisks. C) Espalier. D) Column.

Hypostyle Hall. Dagobah is another name for stupa which is a mound-like hemispherical structure containing the remains of the Buddha and used as a place of meditation.

In the Egyptian temples a pillared hall in which the roof rests on columns is called. A) Dagobah. B) Sanctuary. C) Hypostyle Hall. D) Sarcophagus Chamber.

Valley building.

In the pyramid complex, embalmment and internment rites took place in the. A) Elevated causeway. B) Offering chapel. C) Mortuary temple. D) Valley building.

Thy. If the question specifically asks for the architect of the Great Pyramid, then the answer is Hemiunu.

Known as the royal architect and superintendent of pyramids is. A) Thy. B) Sargon. C) Chephren. D) Rameses II.

Obelisk. Triglyph is a tablet in a Doric frieze with three vertical grooves and alternate with the metopes which is a square space between triglyphs.

Pillars that stood in pairs at the front or Egyptian temples are called. A) Obelisk. B) Triglyphs. C) Banister. D) Osiris Pillars.


The Great Sphinx at Giza which is in the form of a recumbent lion with the head of a man is said to probably represent the god. A) Amon. B) Isis. C) Horus. D) Serapis.

St. Peter, Rome.

The size of the Great Pyramid of Cheops is equated to the. A) Escorial. B) Pisa Cathedral. C) Pantheon, Rome. D) St. Peter, Rome.

Mammisi Temple.

The small Egyptian shrine dedicated to the rites of the goddess Isis is called. A) Mammisi Temple. B) Yatzia. C) Tempietto. D) Templet.

Pyramid of Mykerinos. In order of largest to smallest, these are the pyramids of Giza: Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu also the oldest at 139 m, Pyramid of Chephren or Khafre at 136 m, and the Pyramid of Mykerinos or Menkaure, also the youngest at 61 m. Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure were direct descendants of each other. The Pyramid of Zoser is not in Giza but in the Saqqara necropolis. It was not a true pyramid but a bent one built by Imhotep.

The smallest among the famous pyramids at Giza is. A) Pyramid of Cheops. B) Pyramid of Mykerinos. C) Pyramid of Zoser. D) Pyramid of Chephren.


The torus mold in Egyptian temples were used to cover the BLANK of the walls. A) Angles. B) Upper. C) Lower. D) Dado.

Stele. Scuncheon is the inner part of a door jamb or a window frame.

The upright stone slab containing the name of the dead found in the mastaba is called. A) Pilaster. B) Band. C) Scuncheon. D) Stele.

Mastaba. Columbaria is an underground chamber used by the Romans for preserving the ashes of the dead. Hypogeum is a Greek underground temple or tomb. Patera is a saucer-shaped Roman drinking vessel also used as a decorative plate.

Tomb-houses that were made to take the body at full length are called. A) Columbaria. B) Hypogeum. C) Mastaba. D) Patera.


Tombs built for the Egyptian nobility rather than the royalty are the. A) Rock-hewn tombs. B) Sarcophagus. C) Rock Temples. D) Mastaba.

Cryptoporticus. It is a semi-subterranean gallery whose vaulting supports portico structures above the ground. On sloping sites, the open side of a cryptoporticus is often partially at ground level and supports a structure such as a forum or Roman villa, in which case it served as "basis villae". It is used as a synonym for crypt. Diathyros is a vestibule in an ancient Greek house with the street door at one end and the door to the courtyard at the other.

A colonnade or portico either concealed or partly enclosed is called A) Cryptoporticus. B) Diathyros. C) Peristyle. D) Battened column.


Characteristic feature of Egyptian external walls is. A) Braced. B) Battered. C) Levered. D) Syrinx.


Characteristic wall ornament of the Egyptians is. A) Hieroglyphics. B) Bead and reel. C) Polychrome brickwork. D) Papyrus leaves.


Egyptian architecture is characterized by massiveness, monumentality, and. A) Dignity. B) Simplicity. C) Grandeur. D) Lightness.

Internal effect.

Egyptian architecture was designed principally for. A) Internal effect. B) Light and color. C) Shade and shadow. D) External adoration.

Papyrus. Scarab or holy beetle symbolizes rebirth.

Egyptian ornament symbolizing fertility is. A) Scarab. B) Papyrus. C) Grape. D) Continuous coil spiral.

Columnar and Trabeated.

Egyptian system of construction is essentially. A) Arcuated. B) Trussed. C) Buttressed. D) Columnar and Trabeated.

Cult temples. Capitolium is the Temple of Jupiter built for the Capitoline Triad in the city of Pompeii. Almemar is a raised platform in a synagogue on which the reading desk stands. It is also called the bema.

Egyptian temples built for the worship of the gods were. A) Mortuary temples. B) Cult temples. C) Capitolium. D) Almemar.

Kings & priests.

Egyptian temples were sanctuaries into which only BLANK penetrated. A) Kings & priests. B) Kings & queens. C) Priests & priestesses. D) Queens & priestesses.


Structure whose sides were made to face the four cardinal points is the. A) Palace. B) Temple. C) Pyramid. D) Ziggurat.


Temples were approached through an imposing avenue of. A) Pylons. B) Osiris Pillars. C) Sphinxes. D) Pyramids.

Amenophis III. Amenophis III or Amenhotep III is also the father of Akhenaten. Thotmes I expanded Egypt to include the Levant and Nubia. He is the father of Hatshepsut. Seti I known in biblical time as the pharaoh, who ordered all male child to be killed during Moses's time, is the father of Rameses II or Rameses the Great, one the of the greatest rulers in Ancient Egypt. Seti I began the construction of the Great Temple of Abydos also known as the Osireion. Senusrets erected the oldest standing obelisk in Egypt located in Heliopolis.

The Colossi of Memnon was erected by. A) Thothmes I. B) Seti I. C) Amenophis III. D) Senusrets.

Gorge. Scotia is a concave molding. Plinth is a block used as the base for a pillar or statue.

The Egyptian cornice that consists of roll and hollow molding is called. A) Scotia. B) Plinth. C) Gorge. D) Corona.

Pylon. Hypostyle hall is a roofed temple supported by columns used most prominently in the Great Temple of Ammon, Karnak. Torus is a large convex semicircular molding located at the base of a classical column. Caravanserais is a roadside inn with a central courtyard for travelers or caravanners in the desert regions of West Asia or North Africa - it is just like a backpackers' lodge.

The Egyptian gateway to temples is called. A) Hypostyle Hall. B) Pylon. C) Torus. D) Caravanserais.

Ptolemy III. Ptolemy also started the construction of the Temple of Horus, Edfu. Darius and Xerxes are both Persian rulers. Deinocrates is a Greek architect known for the plan of the city of Alexandria, the reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis, and the funeral pyre for Hephaistion, the close friend of Alexander the Great.

The architect of the Great Serapeum at Alexandria is. A) Darius. B) Ptolemy III. C) Xerxes. D) Deinocrates.

Ptolemy II. The Pharos of Alexandria is one of the ancient seven wonders. Commissioned by Ptolemy I the Soter and finished during the reign of his son Ptolemy II. The seven wonders of the ancient world formulated by the Greek which served as the tourist destinations of the period. Out of the seven wonders of the ancient world, only the Pyramids of Giza remain. The following are the seven wonders: Great Pyramids of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, and the Pharos of Alexandria.

The builder of the famous Pharos or Light House is. A) Ptolemy II. B) Rameses II. C) Amenemhat I. D) Senusrets.

Seti I.

The building of the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak was began by. A) Ptolemy II. B) Thotmes I. C) Seti I. D) Rameses I.


The favorite motifs of design of the Egyptians include the lotus, papyrus, and. A) Scarab. B) Nipa. C) Palm. D) Cavetto.

Osiris Pillars. Osiris Pillars are pillars located in the Great Temple of Abu Simbel which bears a carved likeness to Osiris.

The forerunners of the caryatids of the Greeks is. A) Osiris Pillars. B) Hathor-headed Capital. C) Atlas. D) Lotus capital.

Great Temple, Abu-Simbel. The twin temples were originally carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BC, as a lasting monument to himself and his queen Nefertari, to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Kadesh. Their huge external rock relief figures have become iconic.

The four-seated colossal statues of Rameses II is carved in the pylon of the. A) Great Temple, Abu-Simbel. B) Great Temple of Ammon, Karnak. C) Temple at Luxor. D) Temple of Hathor, Dendera.


The funerary temple at Der-el-Bahari was built by. A) Cleopatra. B) Nefertiti. C) Tutankhamen. D) Hatshepsut.

Great Temple of Ammon, Karnak.

The grandest example of all Egyptian temples built from the 12th Dynasty to the Ptolemaic Period is. A) Palace of Sargon. B) Great Temple of Abu-Simbel. C) Temple of Ramesseum, Thebes. D) Great Temple of Ammon, Karnak.

Serdab. Naos or cella is the inner chamber of a Greek temple. Cimbia is a fillet or band of molding placed around the shaft of a column.

The inner secret chamber in the mastaba containing the statues of the deceased members of the family is called. A) Cella. B) Naos. C) Serdab. D) Cimbia.

Great Temple, Abu-Simbel. Mammisi temple is a small temple attached to a larger temple. The Great Serapeum is a temple dedicated to the god Serapis and was built on a hill. The Funerary Temples, Der-el-Bahari were built near on the face of a cliff. But only the Great Temple, Abu-Simbel were carved out of a mountainside during the reign of Ramesses II in Nubia to commemorate his victory.

The most stupendous and impressive of the rock-cut temples is the. A) Mammisi Temple. B) Great Serapeum. C) Funerary Temple, Der-el-Bahari. D) Great Temple, Abu-Simbel.

Temple of the Sun, Heliopolis.

The obelisk at the Piazza of St. John Lateran, Rome was originally from the. A) Great Temple of Ammon, Karnak. B) Great Temple of Abu-Simbel. C) Temple of the Sun, Heliopolis. D) Great Temple, Abydos.

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