Abdominal test 3

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9-12 cm

An adult kidney measures what from superior to inferior margins?


Chronic pathologies of the spleen may lead to


Elevated WBC count, usually due to infection

islets of langerhans

Endocrine portion of the pancreas made up of alpha and beta cells produce insulin and glucagon


Enzyme that digests carbohydrates


Fat digesting enzyme


Secreting into blood and tissue

Horseshoe kidney

The above image at the level of the distal aorta demonstrates a:

Duplex collecting system

The above image demonstrates what renal anomaly?

Gastroduodenal artery

The arterial blood supply to the head of the pancreas is via the

Gerota's fascia

The kidneys, perinephric fat, and adrenal glands are all covered by which of the following?

superior aspect of the pancreatic body and tail

The splenic artery marks what aspect of the pancreas

Von Hipple-Lindau disease

associated with development of cysts in the pancreas

a normal appearance in an abnormal location

characteristic of a pelvic kidney?


A 32-year-old female presents to the ultrasound department for an abdominal sonogram. The following image documents the findings at the yellow arrow. What does this most likely represent?

dromedary hump

A common anatomical variant is a bulge of the lateral border of the left kidney. What is this called?

Hydatid cyst

A complex cyst that results from the parasitic infestation of the spleen by a tapeworm is the

horeshoe kidney

A congential fusion of the lower poles of the kidneys draped across the ML of the body is called

small and echogenic

A patient in the late stages of sickle cell anemia will have a spleen that looks ..


A patient who has blunt trauma to the abdomen earlier in the day presents with left-upper-quadrant pain and a decrease in hematocrit. An echogenic mass is seen in the spleen. What is this consistent with?


A rare malignant tumor of the spleen that consists of blood vessels is a/an:

duct of santorini

Accessory pancreatic duct


An abnormal cavity resembling a true cyst but not lined with epithelium

splenic infarct

An area within the spleen that has become necrotic because of a lack of oxygen is referred to as a:

uncinate process

Identify the part of the pancreas that lies anterior to the inferior vena cava and posterior to the superior mesenteric vein?

celiac axis

Identify the vessel that is located superior to the pancreas.

hodgkin lymphoma

In a patient with suspected lymphoma, the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells indicates:

never in the head, frequently in the body or tail

Islet cell tumors of the pancreas are likely to be located:

A: Renal Column B: Renal Artery C: Arcuate Artery D: Interlobar Artery E: Renal Vein F: Cortex G: Minor calyx H: Renal Pyramid I: Renal Pelvis J: Major calyx K: Ureter M: Segmental artery

Label that renal anatomy

1. pancreas head 2. pancreas body 3. pancreas tail 4. pancreas neck 5. uncinate process of pancreas A. splenic vein B. left renal vein C. mid aorta D. inferior vena cava

Label the anatomy. Numbers are parenchyma (be specific). Letters are vasculature (be specific). no abbreviations. "1"[1], "2"[2], "3"[3], "4"[4], "5"[5]. "A"[A], "B"[B],"C"[C], "D"[D]

A: Left Kidney D: pancreas tail E: spleen B: splenorenal or leinorenal C: gastrosplenic or gastrolienal

Label the organs: "A" [A], "D" [D], "E"[E] Be specific as to side and part Label the ligament: "B"[B], "C"[C]

Duct of Wirsung

Main pancreatic duct

alpha cells

Performs endocrine function, secrete glucogon

acini cells

Performs exocrine functions, secreting digestive enzymes


Secreting into a duct

duplicated collecting system

The most common congenital anomaly of the urinary tract is:

head of the pancreas

The most common location of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is within the

sphincter of oddi

The muscle that controls the emptying of bile and pancreatic juices into the duodenum is the


The portion of the bowel that encompasses the head of the pancreas is the


The process of making blood cells is termed:

1 cm

The renal cortex should measure at least ______ cm

less than 0.7

The renal resistive index in a normal kidney should be:


The spleen removes irregular cells from the blood-stream and retains them through a process called

posterior aspect of the pancreatic body and tail

The splenic vein marks what aspect of the pancreas

white pulp

The type of tissue within the spleen that is responsible for its lymphatic function is the

red pulp

The type of tissue within the spleen that is responsible for its phagocytic function is the:

renal pelvis and the proximal portion of the ureter

The ureteropelvic junction is located between

Left renal vein

The vessel located anterior to the abdominal aorta and posterior to the superior mesenteric artery is the

minor calyces

Urine in the renal pyramids next passes into the

renal variant

What is a hypertrophied column of Bertin?

junction between the distal ureter and the base of the bladder

What is a ureterovesical junction?

torsion and infarction

What is a wandering spleen at an increased risk for?

hypertrophied column of bertin

What is demonstrated at the arrow in the above image?

fetal lobulations

What is demonstrated in the following image?

accessory spleen

What is documented at the yellow arrows in the above image?


What is the early sonographic appearance of acute pancreatitis?


What is the functional unit of the kidney?

portal hypertension

What is the most common cause of splenomegaly?


What is the most common primary carcinoma of the pancreas?

pancreatic divisum

What results in a shortened main pancreatic duct that works to drain only the pancreatic head and not the entire pancreas?


Where are the renal pyramids found?

splenic hilum

Where is the most common location of an accessory spleen?

acinar cells

Which cells carry out the exocrine functions of the pancreas?

serum creatinine

Which laboratory test is used to assess renal function?


Which of the following is the hormone released by the pancreas that encourages the body's use of glucagon?


Which part of the pancreas is located right lateral to superior mesenteric vein, anterior to inferior vena cava, and inferior to portal vein?

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