Abnormal ch. 10

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Symptoms of Somatic Symptom Disorder

Last longer but are less dramatic, have no known cause, concerns are disproportionate to the seriousness of the bodily problems.

Munchausen Syndrome

Parents or caretakers make up or produce physical illnesses in their children, leading in some cases to repeated painful diagnostic tests, medication, and surgery.

Somatic Symptom Disorder

A disorder in which people became excessively distressed, concerned, and anxious about bodily symptoms that they are experiencing, and their lives are greatly and disproportionately disrupted by the symptoms. symptoms are across spectrum

conversion disorder symptoms

1) Glove anesthesia-Numbness begins sharply at the wrist and extends evenly right to the fingertips 2) Paralysis 3) Conversion Blindness 4)labelle indifference- lack of reaction to injury happens to people who are psychologically unsophisticated

Common factors of people with factitious disorder

1) Received extensive treatment for medical problem as a child 2) Carry a grudge against the medical profession 3) Have worked as a nurse, laboratory technician, or medical aide.

Factitious Disorder

A disorder in which a person feigns or induces physical symptoms, typically for the purpose of assuming the role of a sick person.

Conversion Disorder

A disorder in which a person's bodily symptoms affect his or her voluntary motor and sensory functions, but the symptoms are inconsistent with known medical disease. Have neurological-like symptoms (ex. paralysis, blindness, or loss of feeling) that have no neurological basis.

Behavioral therapists focus on

Exposing clients to features of the horrific events that first triggered their physical symptoms, expecting that the client will become less anxious over the course of repeated exposures and more able to face those upsetting events directly rather that through physical channels.

Psychodynamic View

Freud's theory of psychoanalysis began with his efforts to explain hysterical symptoms. Came to believe that hysterical disorders represented a conversion of underlying emotional conflicts into physical symptoms and concerns.

Psychodynamic Therapists focus on

Helping those with somatic symptoms become conscious of and resolve their underlying fears, thus eliminating the need to convert anxiety into physical symptoms.

Difference between malingering and factitious disorder?

Malingering is to achieve an external gain where factitious disorder is to assume the role of the sick person.

cognitive view

Propose that conversion and somatic symptom disorders are forms of communication, providing a means for people to express emotions that would otherwise be difficult to convey.

Behavioral View

Propose that the physical symptoms of conversion and somatic symptom disorders bring rewards to sufferers.

Basic difference between psychophysiological disorders and somatic symptom disorders?

Psychophysiological disorders have actual physical symptoms caused and worsened by biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.


faking a sickness for external gain have little social support

Conversion Disorder or Somatic Symptom Disorder are suspected when?

A bodily ailment has an excessive and disproportionate impact on the person, has no apparent medical cause, or is inconsistent with known medical diseases.

Illness Anxiety Disorder

A disorder in which people are chronically anxious about and preoccupied with the notion that they have or are developing a serious medical illness, despite the absence of somatic symptoms. Previously known as hypochondriasis

munchausen syndrome by proxy

child gets better when separated from mother

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