Abnormal Psych Ch.6

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(True or False) Among people who suffer from an anxiety disorder, relapse rates are higher for women than for men.


(True or False) Laboratory research indicates that feelings of lack of control contribute to the onset of panic attacks among patients with panic disorder.


(true or false) Men are three times more likely to experience specific phobia disorder than women.


Emotional stimuli follow two primary pathways, both of which lead to the ________(brain structure)

Panic attack

A _________ ________ is a sudden, overwhelming experience of terror or freight. Symptoms include heart palpitations, sweating, and trembling to nausea, dizziness, and chills.

Specific phobia

A __________ _______ is defined in the DSM-5 as a marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation that almost always provokes immediate fear or anxiety.


A panic attack is said to be expected, or _______, if it occurs only in the presence of a particular stimulus.


A second aspect of Barlow's cognitive component for panic patients is called __________; in this procedure, the therapist asks the client to imagine what would happen if his or her worst-case scenario actually happened.

azapirones, serotonin

Another class of anti anxiety medication, known as the ___________ include drugs that work on ____________ transmission.


Benzodiazepines bind to specific receptor sites in the brain that are ordinarily associated with a neurotransmitter known as ___________. These are given to patients who have social anxiety and GAD, but not specific phobias.


Compulsions reduce anxiety, but they do not produce ____________.


Considerable overlap exists between anxiety disorders and _______ disorders.


Current views on the process by which fears are learned suggest that the process is guided by a ________, or specialized circuit in the brain, that has been shaped by evolutionary pressures.

Generalized anxiety

Excessive anxiety and worry are the primary symptoms of _______ _______ disorder (GAD). The person's worries and free-floating anxiety must be accompanied by (1) restlessness (2) easily fatigued (3) difficulty concentrating (4) irritability (5) muscle tension (6) sleep disturbance


From the Virginia adult twin study, for each type of anxiety disorder, concordance rates were significantly (higher,lower) for monozygotic twins than for dizygotic twins.


In contrast to fear, ______ involves a more general or diffuse emotional reaction that is out of proportion to threats from the environment.


Only about ______ % of people who qualify for a diagnosis of anxiety disorder ever seek psychological treatment.

catastrophic misinterpretation

Panic disorder my be caused by the ______________ _____________ of bodily sensations or perceived threat.


The core element of ________ disorder, as defined in the DSM-5, is unrelenting trouble associated with getting rid of personal belongings.


People who believe that they are able to control events in their environment are (more/less) likely to show symptoms of anxiety than are people who believe they're helpless.


Sensory information is projected to the _______ (brain structure) and from there it is directed to other brain areas for processing.

Social anxiety disorder

The DSM-5 definition of _________ ________ ________ is almost identical tot that for specific phobia, but it is focused on social situations in which the person may be closely observed or evaluated by other people.

Virginia adult twin

The _______ _______ ______ examined anxiety disorder in a large sample of twins and were identified through a statewide registry of twins born in Virginia.

systemic desensitization

The first widely accepted treatment of anxiety disorders was ___________ ________. The first step was teaching muscle relaxation techniques. The second step was a hierarchy of needs. The third was to imagine the lowest piece of the hierarchy.


The least circumscribed form of phobia is __________, which is usually described as a fear of public spaces.


The most serious adverse effect of benzodiazepines is their potential for___________.

thought suppression

The struggle to control our thoughts often leads to a process known as _______ _______, an active attempt to stop thinking about something.

Situational, interoceptive

The treatment of panic disorder often includes two specific forms of exposure. One, ________ exposure is used to treat agoraphobic avoidance. __________ exposure is aimed at reducing the person's fear of internal, bodily sensations.

dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA

These are the four most important neurotransmitters in terms of anxiety disorders.

conscious awareness

These modules that dictate fear are designed to perform without __________ _________.

Valium, Xanax

These two medicines reduce many symptoms of anxiety, especially vigilance and subjective somatic sensations.


This medication is most frequently used for patients with OCD.

Panic disorder

To meet the diagnostic criteria for ________ ______, a person must experience recurrent, unexpected panic attacks.

checking, cleaning

Two of the most common forms of compulsive behavior.


_______ is experienced in the face of real, immediate danger


________ are persistent, irrational, narrowly defined feasts that are associated with a specific object or situation. A fear is not a phobia unless the person avoids contact with the source of the fear or experiences intense anxiety in its presence.


________ are repetitive unwanted, intrusive cognitive events that may take the form of thoughts or images or urges.

Attachment; separation

________ theory integrates the psychodynamic perspective with field observations of primate behavior and with laboratory research with human infants. According to John Bowlby, anxiety is an innate response to _________.


_________ are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that are used to reduce anxiety.

Anxious apprehension

__________ _________ consists of (1) high levels or diffuse negative emotion (2) a sense of uncontrollability and (3) a shift in attention to a primary self-focus or a state of self-preoccupation.


___________ have become the preferred form of medication for treating almost all forms of anxiety disorders.


___________ training usually involves teaching the client alternately to tense and relax specific muscle groups while breathing slowly and deeply. This process is to be used by the client as an active coping skill.

breathing retraining

____________ __________ is a procedure that involves education about the physiological effects of hyperventilation and practice in slow breathing techniques.


_______________ disorder is defined by repeated skin picking which produces skin lesions.


_________________ is defined in terms of recurrent hair-pulling

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