Abnormal Psych Final

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What core belief might explain the behavior of the individual with dependent personality disorder?

"I am helpless."

Who is most likely to develop antisocial personality disorder?

A child with conduct disorder and either ADHD or oppositional defiant disorder

What is a culture-specific disorder?

A disorder seen only in certain cultures

Which of the following was a diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa in DSM-IV but has not been included in DSM-5


Cindy is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 92 pounds. She is very concerned about her weight. However, at times she finds herself eating large amounts of food—several boxes of cookies, gallons of ice cream, entire cakes—all in an evening. Afterwards, she makes herself throw up. Cindy's most likely diagnosis is ________

Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating/purging type.

Adam and Beth are both being treated for alcohol dependence by being given medications. Adam's medication makes him vomit if he drinks after taking it. Beth's medication reduces her craving for alcohol. Most likely Adam is taking ________; Beth is taking ________.

Antabuse; Naltrexone

Delilah is overweight. She likes to eat cookies and other sugary snacks, and often eats an entire package at one sitting. She is upset by this because she knows how important weight is to health, but she does not engage in any compensatory behaviors. Which of the following would be a likely diagnosis?

Binge eating disorder

Which of the following is likely to put whites at higher risk of developing an eating disorder than non-whites?

Body dissatisfaction

Which of the following would eliminate a potential diagnosis of cyclothymia?

Carol was absolutely convinced her mother wanted to kill her, although there was no evidence for this

What does it mean if Carol scores high on the Schizophrenia scale of the MMPI?

Carol's answers were comparable to those given by a group of people with schizophrenia.

Which of the following summarizes a post traumatic theory of the origin of DID?

Children deal with severe abuse by creating alters who provide an "escape"

Which mental disorder is most commonly comorbid with alcoholism?


In the field of abnormal psychology, what does DSM stand for?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

Which of the following is a possible psychological cause of female sexual arousal disorder?

Early sexual trauma

In her mid-thirties, Cheryl became preoccupied with her weight and began dieting and exercising. After losing a substantial amount of weight, she was still not happy with how she looked and continued to restrict her food intake. After several fainting spells resulting from her low calorie intake, her employer referred her to a clinician who recognized the signs of anorexia nervosa. Which of the following is unique about Cheryl's case?

Eating disorders rarely start during the mid-thirties.

When a person experiences dissociative amnesia, one main type of memory is usually affected. Which?

Episodic memory (the events we have experienced)

Which disorder would include intentionally taking drugs in order to stimulate various real illnesses?

Factitious Disorder

Julia has a shoe fetish—she is not able to enjoy sex unless her partner is wearing her shoes. She needs to be touching the shoes in order to achieve sexual gratification. She becomes aroused by the sight of her own shoes. What is unusual about Julia's case of shoe fetishism?

Female fetishists are rare.

Which of the following would be an example of anxiety?

Hilda dreaded walking home alone

Chung Ching wrote two well-known medical works around A.D. 200 and has been referred to as the _________ of China.


Which of the following has been identified as a risk factor for eating disorders in men?


Which of the following has been demonstrated about the effects of dissociative amnesias on memory?

Implicit memory is generally intact

The treatment goal for most therapists who treat DID is ____________?

Integration of the alter personalities

Maria believes that her dead grandmother occasionally speaks to her. In deciding if Maria has a mental illness or not, which of the following should first be evaluated?

Is Maria's belief consistent with the beliefs of her culture?

Which of the following is a true statement about Mowrer's two-process theory of avoidance learning

It has not been helpful in explaining why people with OCD develop obsessions in the first place and why some people never develop compulsive behaviors

What is the role of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway (MCLP)?

It is the area of the brain that is activated by drugs and that produces euphoria.

Following the rejection of his latest novel Jim experienced an inability to make some movements with his right hand. While he was unable to write he could scratch and make other simple motions with his affected hand. Two weeks later he was able to write again. What is unique about Jim's case of conversion disorder?

Jim is male, and most people with this disorder are women.

John and Ira eat dinner together after work. Several hours later, each starts to feel nausea and stomach pains. John has a somatic symptom disorder, Ira does not. Most likely__________

John will think that he has stomach cancer and Ira will think the food he ate made him sick.

Who is likely to have the most sever stress?

Josh, who has just been told he has cancer and whose wife announces she is leaving him when he tells her the news

George, a 22-year-old mechanic, always seems to have a cloud over his head. For the past three weeks, he has had problems sleeping and he has little appetite or enjoyment of food. While he may sometimes seem to be relatively content for short periods of time, this happens very rarely and it never lasts for more than a week. If diagnoses would he most likely receive?

Major depressive disorder

Two months after he husband's death, Connie was still not herself. She often forgot to feed the dog, was late for work on a regular basis, and had not yet taken his clothes out of the closet. Which of the following diagnoses could apply to Connie according to the DSM-5

Major depressive disorder

Antisocial personality problems were first written about and described by the _________


Which of the following people is most likely to be dependent on barbiturates?

Middle-aged and older persons who cannot get to sleep without them

Octavia has been diagnosed with DID. She has seventeen different alters, which are strikingly different then her host personality. Some of her alters are not full personalities, but fragments and memories. Some of the alters are children. What aspect of this case is unusual?

No aspect of this case is unusual

How do you distinguish between the binge-eating/purging type of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, purging type?

People with the bulimic type are normal weight; people with the anorexic type are underweight.

Dr. Smith believes that a decrease in frontal lobe function underlies the cognitive deficits seen in schizophrenia. He has hypothesized that effective drug therapy serves to selectively increase metabolic activity in this part of the brain. Which of the following is Dr. Smith most likely to use to test his hypothesis?

Positron emission tomography (PET) scans

Which was not an effective treatment for stress-related disorders, according to your text?


Which of the following are the antidepressants most widely prescribed today for the treatment of panic disorder?


A dysfunction in which of the following neurotransmitters has been observed in both anorexics and bulimics?


After learning of her father's death, Sophia felt dazed and confused, but still retained her sense of self. When speaking of her response to the news, she said she felt like she was in a movie watching the events happening to her. Despite this strange feeling she, she understood what was happening and did the things the needed to do. What can be said about Sophia's response to her father's death?

She experienced an instance of derealization

What is the name of the system that is designed to mobilize resources and prepare a fight-or-flight response?

Sympathetic-adrenomedullary (SAM) system

How does persistent depressive disorder compare to major depressive disorder?

Symptoms are severe than in major depressive disorder

Mrs. B tells her psychologist, "I cannot leave a certain region around my home without having terrible fears. I am terribly worried when I am in a car or bus. I am afraid I will have another one of those terrifying experiences." What disorder does Mrs. B probably have and what experience is she talking about?

The disorder is agoraphobia, the experience is a panic attack

Which of the following is a true statement about the assessment and professional orientation?

The focus of the assessment will be largely determined by the professional orientation of the clinician.

Which of the following is a factor that complicates determining the causes of personality disorders?

The high likelihood that an individual with one personality disorder may also have another

Why is a representative sample desirable?

The more representative a sample is, the more generalizable the data

Which of the following statements regarding divorce and psychopathology is true?

There is a positive correlation between psychopathology and divorce.

Which of the following is true of opposite sex alters in DID?

They are quite common

Rosa has been admitted to the hospital and is in acute alcohol withdrawal. She is given the drug _________, which is in a category of drugs that has largely revolutionized the treatment of withdrawal. symptoms.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of having a classification system for mental disorders?

When a label is used to describe and individual's behavior, information about the person is lost

Which of the following would be an example of a projective technique?

a child is asked to draw her family

Gradual exposure to feared cues is

a common component of treatment for all anxiety disorders

How is a conversion seizure different from an epileptic seizure?

a conversion seizure does not resemble an epileptic seizure on an EEG

In order to meet the criteria for a major depressive episode, a person must have _____________

a depressed mood or loss of pleasure most of the day for at least two weeks.

Which of the following occurred in the late twentieth century?

a movement of the mentally ill from institutions to the community

In the diatheses-stress model, a stressor is ___________

a necessary or contributory cause that is proximal to the onset of symptoms

Dialectical behavior therapy is ________

a promising, problem-focused treatment for borderline personality disorder.

The central principle of classical conditioning is that __________

after repeated pairings with a stimulus that naturally causes a response, a neutral stimulus will cause a similar response

When John stopped drinking after his last week-long binge, he became very ill. He was disoriented, hallucinating, and paranoid. John seems to be experiencing ________

alcohol withdrawal delirium.

Studies of sex offenders suggest that ________

all rapists are motivated by both aggression and distorted sexual motives.

What role does the social context play in assessment?

an evaluation of the environment in which the client lives is necessary in order to understand the demands they face, as well as the supports that are present.

What is meant by the phrase "double depression"?

an individual with persistent depressive disorder later develops major depressive disorder as well

Children from lower-SES families _______________

are less likely to show ill effects of SES status if they possess a high IQ and develop healthy attachments to adults and peers.

Endorphins ________

are opium-like substances produced by the body.

A man who is aroused by the thought of himself as a woman has the paraphilia known as ________


Stu has no friends except his brother. He would desperately love to date women but is certain no woman would be interested in him. He tried a dating service but was convinced that the secretary was trying to get rid of him because he was such a poor candidate. The most likely diagnosis for Stu is ________

avoidant personality disorder

Why should we study the causal factors in PTSD, since we already know traumatic events cause it?

because not everyone who is exposed to a trauma develops PTSD

Which is an individual risk factor for developing PTSD?

being neurotic

Set-point theory explains why ________

binge eating is likely after a period of caloric restriction.

Angela has had several periods of extremely "up" moods. They last for a couple of weeks and she has gotten into trouble several times. During those times she doesn't sleep, spends way too much money, gets involved in bad business decisions, talks quickly and thinks even more quickly, and believes she can do anything. The best diagnosis for Angela is ____________

bipolar 1 disorder

Depression _____________

can occur even in very young children

Cognitive approaches to social phobia focus on _________

challenging automatic thoughts

a clinical psychologist notes that a client wears his clothes inside out, that his hair is matted, and there is dirt under his fingernails. This information is known as _____________

clinical observation

Betty is hyperaware of such bodily sensations as heart rate and respiration rate. When she perceives heart or breathing as getting faster she becomes afraid that she is having a heart attack. These thoughts make her symptoms worse and she has a panic attack. Betty's patter of thinking best illustrates ___________

cognitive theory of panic

Research suggests that ________ provides the best immediate and long-term outcomes in the treatment of bulimia nervosa.

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Jessica spends much of her day counting or saying certain words to herself. When she is not doing this, she is checking whether she left her doors unlocked. These symptoms illustrate __________


After being bitten by a dog, Jose finds that he feels afraid whenever he sees a dog. In classical conditioning terms, the dog can be described as a(n) _______________.

conditioned stimulus

In Dr. Lu's study of eating disorders, she looked at the academic histories of girls with an eating disorder and girls who did not have such problems. In this example, the girls without eating disorder are the ________ group.


The stress glucocorticoid that is produced in humans is called __________


Personality disorders can be misdiagnosed more easily than other categories of disorder in part because ________

criteria are not as sharply defined.

The current prevalence of conversion disorder is ____________

decreasing as sophistication about disorders increases

In soap operas, characters often forget their past experience following some trauma. They don't merely forget the traumatic event, they forget who they are, where they came from-- they lose almost all memory of their lives. They then move to a new place and start a new identity. This would best be described as instance of_____________?

dissociative fugue

Lasting negative effects of abuse on psychological functioning are most likely when the abuse occurs in ___________

early childhood

Attractive babies and unattractive babies tend to be treated differently. In other words, an infant's physical phenotype may alter how others respond to him or her. What type of genotype-environment correlation is this an example of?


The Social Readjustment Rating Scale __________

examines the role that coping plays in dealing with life changes.

Families of people with anorexia ________

exhibit tendencies towards perfectionism.

Felicia has been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa with purging. We should expect that she ________

experiences electrolyte imbalances and mineral deficiencies.

Mowrer's two-process theory of avoidance learning provides a theoretical rationale for an effective treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder. What is this treatment?

exposure therapy with response prevention

Aversion therapy may involve ________

exposure to a foul odor when becoming sexually aroused to a deviant stimulus.

Which of the following is a typical symptom of panic attacks?

fear of dying

Dr. Vera says, "It may only provide a limited view of a person's problems, but it is important for planning appropriate treatment. Administratively, it is essential so that a facility can know what kinds of problems clients need help with. Even if we don't want to do it, insurance claims require it." What is Dr. Vera referring to?

formal diagnosis

Martin has always felt he was really a girl. He dressed in girl's clothing as a child and still wants to be a girl. He is sure a mistake was made and that he is inhabiting the wrong sexed body. Martin's symptoms suggest a diagnosis of ________

gender dysphoria.

Amber feels anxious almost all the time. She finds herself worrying that her husband will leave her (although he has never shown any indication that he would), that she chose the wrong job, that her children might not be safe at their school, and that she might get sick and leave her family in financial ruin. She calls her husband almost every day to find out when he will be home. She complains to her physician that she is always tired but cannot sleep or relax. Amber's most likely diagnosis is ____________

generalized anxiety disorder

Mark feels the need to tap everything within his arms reach twice. He doesn't have any particular thoughts associated with this, he just becomes anxious if he doesn't do it, because "something bad might happen." Mark _______

has obsessive compulsive disorder.

In what way was Freud's view of conversion disorder consistent with learning theories?

he believed that the symptoms of conversion disorder were maintained by the relief from anxiety they provided

Luisa is a lively and emotional graduate student. She dresses provocatively and behaves in a very seductive manner with her male professors. She has had a long string of short-lived, stormy romances. Luisa is most likely to have a diagnosis of ________

histrionic personality disorder.

What seems to be the most important component for coronary heart disease in the Type A behavior pattern?


According to Paris (2007), a key causal factor in borderline personality disorder seems to be _______

impulsivity and affective instability interacting with such factors as trauma or loss.

The mayor of a city wants to know the number of new cases of a disorder over the past year. The mayor should as an epidemiologist for the __________ of the disorder.

incidence rate

It is quite rare for pedophilia to ________

involve a female pedophile.

Sexual dysfunctions ________

involve the impairment of either the desire for sexual gratification or the ability to achieve it.

Dorothea Dix __________

is credited with establishing numerous humane mental hospitals in many countries

Which of the following is a sociocultural explanation for the higher incidence of anxiety disorders in women?

it is more acceptable for women to exhibit fear

Reynaldo has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The most effective drug for him is _____________


Herbert awakens early in the morning and feels more depressed in the morning than the evening. He has lost all interest in activities and derives no pleasure from things that used to please him. Herbert is diagnosed with MDD with ___________ features.


If you visited an asylum in the 16th Century in Europe, you would likely find _________

mentally ill people living in conditions of filth and cruelty

Hope believes that she is the "star" of her graduate class and that the other students dislike her because they are jealous of her superior intelligence. She believes that she is entitled to be exempted from an important exam because of her outstanding performance in class. Hope probably suffers from ________

narcissistic personality disorder.

Ed has suffered a head injury in a car accident. He is referred to a psychologist to see what types of impairment now exist and to get some suggestions for treatment. The best assessment strategy would be _____________

neuropsychological tests

According to research, ___________ is the primary personality variable that makes a person vulnerable to depression and anxiety disorders


While the individual with ________ personality disorder appears cool and aloof, the individual with ________ personality disorder is best described as odd.

schizoid; schizotypal

Research on somatic symptom disorder has shown that people with the disorder tend to __________

overestimate the dangerousness of disease

Sean describes himself as having hardly ever being happy. He occasionally feels okay, but it never lasts more than a day or so. He has trouble sleeping, doesn't eat much, and feels like nothing will ever change in his life. He says this has been going on for as long as he can remember. The best diagnosis for Sean is ____________

persistent depressive disorder

The best description of the biological component of personality disorders is ________

personality traits are inherited that predispose a person to developing a personality disorder.

The main reason addicts gave for beginning to use heroin was ________


After cheating on her husband and feeling ashamed, Julia accused her husband of cheating. Such behavior is explained by which of the following defense mechanism?


If a diagnosis is made by comparing subjects to a "model" of an illness, which type of classification scheme is being used?


A main symptom of PTSD in DSM-5 is _______

re-experiencing of the traumatic event

The ________ enjoys inflicting pain, while the ________ desires pain and degradation

sadist; masochist

Schizophrenic disorders seem to be most strongly linked genetically to ________ personality disorder.


Tom tells you that he can make his roommate take out the trash by simply thinking about his roommate doing it. He agrees with you that this could sometimes just be a coincidence, but he seems to truly believe he can sometimes get people to do things just by thinking about it. You find him understandable when he talks, but sometimes hard to follow. His clothes are messy and don't match. Tom tells you not to tell anyone about his power, because he knows that other people don't like him because they are jealous and they would hurt him if they could. The best diagnosis for Tom is ________

schizotypal personality disorder.

Frotteurism is ________

sexual arousal by rubbing one's genital area against a nonconsenting person.

Martin is afraid to fly. He knows his boss wants him to take a trip for the business. Martin feels miserable, because he wants to keep his job but cannot even imagine getting on a plane. The most likely diagnosis for Martin is _____

specific phobia, situation type

While having a gene for Parkinson's disease develop, this is not the only factor that can lead to Parkinson's disease. In other words, the presence of the gene is a ________, but not a ___________.

sufficient cause; necessary cause

The approaches to treatment of the mentally ill during the Middle Ages in Europe are best characterized as ________


he only treatment that has been shown to be effective in treating gender dysphoria is ________

surgical sex reassignment.

Which of the following might explain why rates of depression are low in China and Japan?

symptoms of depression tend to be discussed as somatic

comorbidity means ______________

that a person has two or more disorders

What is Type D personality type?

the "distressed" type

What would determine whether the WISC-IV or the WAIS-IV is used to test intelligence?

the age of the client

The main difference between a manic episode and a hypomanic episode is________

the amount of social and occupational impairment

Which of the following is an example of a symptom?

the client reported hearing voices

Shondra is in fourth grade and has been having trouble sitting still and remaining focused on her schoolwork. Her teacher speaks with her parents about this, and suggests they see a clinician for an assessment. What is one problem with the DSM system that would make her parents reluctant to send her for an assessment?

the diagnosis would become a label that would stick with Shondra

Which of the following is recognized as a major biomedical breakthrough in psychopathology because it established the link between mental and physical illnesses?

the discovery of the cause and later cure for general paresis (syphilitic insanity)

What is external validity?

the extent to which research findings can be generalized beyond the study.

Humanitarian treatment would be most typical of _____________

the hospitals run by Philippe Pinel

For a person to be diagnosed with a paraphilic disorder, ________

the paraphilia must cause harm.

Carl is asked to provide information about his drinking, despite the fact that he has had several arrests for driving while intoxicated, Carl reports that he has no problems with drinking. This is an example of

the problems with self-report data

Which of the following served to publicize the plight of the mentally ill in the mid- 1940's?

the publication of The Snake Pit

According to DSM-5, acute stress disorder becomes PTSD when ________________

the symptoms last for more than 4 weeks

Studies on the cultural differences in parental tolerance of under-or-over controlled behavior suggest that _____________

these different styles can produce different rates of problem behaviors in different cultures

One criticism of diagnostic labels is that ____________

they can influence both other people's and the diagnosed person's perception of themselves in negative ways

The fact that bright light may be an effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder suggests that ___________

this form of depression is produced by a malfunctioning biological clock that needs resetting

At low levels, alcohol's effect on the brain is ________; at higher levels, alcohol's effect is ________.

to activate the brain's "pleasure centers"; depress brain functioning

Henry used to become intoxicated after six drinks. Now he needs ten or twelve to get the same effect. This is an example of ________


Sam was a child with gender dysphoria. Now he is 26 and, feeling trapped in a man's body, he wants to become a woman. Adults with gender dysphoria are often referred to as a ________


Gary finds himself sexually aroused by dressing in women's clothing. He sometimes steals the clothes from women and from stores. He has a wife and is happy in his marriage. Gary's most likely diagnosis is ________

transvestic disorder.

According to your textbook, which of the following is most stressful to people and animals?

uncontrollable stressors

The use of methadone in the treatment of heroin dependence is comparable to ________

using a nicotine patch to aid in smoking cessation.

Nicole's mother is terribly afraid of snakes. Although Nicole has never actually seen a snake, her mother has told her time and again to be careful to look for them when she is walking. Now Nicole has an intense fear of snakes and refuses to walk in the grass. This is an example of __________

vicarious conditioning of a phobia

A valid test measures __________

what it is designed to measure

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