abnormal psychology chap 7-12

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Which of the following are societal expectations of behavior appropriate for men and women?

gender roles

All of the following are medical complications that can result from anorexia nervosa EXCEPT ______.

high blood pressure

Compared to men, women tend to achieve a ______ of functioning before the onset of the disorder and have a ______ severe course of the disorder.

higher, less

People who show excessive emotionality, have excessive needs for praise, reassurance, and approval, and who constantly need to be the center of attention are most likely suffering from ______ personality disorder.


A paraphilia characterized by recurrent sexual urges involving bumping or rubbing against nonconsenting others for sexual gratification is known as ______.


The DSM-5 includes ________.as a new diagnostic category under Substance Use and Addictive Disorders._

gambling disorder

In ______, there is a conflict between one's anatomic sex and one's gender identity.

gender dysphoria

The term gender identity disorder was replaced in DSM-5 with which of the following new diagnostic term?

gender dysphoria

Our psychological sense of being male or female is called our ______.

gender identity

A substance on which a person may be dependent but which does not require larger amounts of the substance to get "high" is ______.


The DSM-5 allows clinicians to designate the severity of substance use disorders by specifying whether they are _________.

mild, moderate or severe

______ symptoms of schizophrenia represent behavioral deficiencies such as social withdrawal, poverty of speech and thought, flattened affect, and psychomotor retardation.


Paula has schizophrenia. Her behavior is characterized by difficulties in speaking and thinking clearly, as well as a deep sense of apathy. Although she is not hallucinating or suffering delusions, as she had been a few months previously, she is still having so much difficulty organizing herself to deal with daily tasks that it is nearly impossible for her to live independently. She is in the ______ phase of schizophrenia.


Eating disorders are often accompanied by the following disorders EXCEPT ______.


A most harmful paraphilia is ______.

sexual sadism

Virtually all people diagnosed with exhibitionism are ______.

shy men

Sexual dysfunctions that occur in some situations but not in others are labeled ______dysfunctions.


Each of the following is true of people with personality disorders EXCEPT ______.

they are likely to seek professional help on their own for their problems

Physical habituation to a drug so that frequent usage necessitates higher and higher dosages to attain similar effects is called ______.


Approximately ______ people are treated for schizophrenia in the United States each year.

1 million

An estimated ______ percent of adults in the United States develop a substance abuse disorder at some point in their lives.


To receive a diagnosis of "antisocial personality disorder," a person must be at least ______ years of age.


In men, the most common age of onset for schizophrenia is between______.

18 and 25

Which person is most likely to develop an eating disorder?

18 year old female who just entered college

There are ______ major types of eating disorders.


Women are about ______ times as likely as men to experience major depressive disorder during their lifetimes.


The average age of onset for bipolar disorder for both men and women is about age ______.


About ______ million people worldwide suffer from schizophrenia


In women, the most common age of onset for schizophrenia is between ________.

25 and 35

Alcohol is implicated in about one in ______ deaths due to unintentional injury, such as motor vehicle accidents.


The DSM-5 groups personality disorders into ______ clusters.


People with anorexia nervosa may lose as much as ______ percent of their original weight.


A person with pedophilia must be an individual of at least 16 years of age and at least ______ years older than the victim.


In the United States, 1 in _________ adults smoke cigarettes.


What percentage of schizophrenic individuals improve significantly over time?


Among college women, 1 in ______ were found to feel embarrassed when buying a single chocolate bar.


Girls as young as ______ express more dissatisfaction with their bodies than do boys.


______ percent of people with dysthymia eventually develop major depression.


Which of the following is known to produce a withdrawal syndrome?.

? not PSP or inhalants

Which of the following is true about personality disorders?

People with personality disorders often fail to see how their own behaviors are seriously disrupting their lives.

Which of the following is true?

People with personality disorders often have other diagnosable psychological disorders.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding personality disorders?

People with personality disorders take responsibility for their own behavior.

The habitual or compulsive use of a drug that is accompanied by signs of physiological dependence is called ______.


Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa usually begin in ______.


The traits involved in personality disorders usually become evident in ______.


The most popular drug on college campuses is ______.


The two substances that have caused the most death through sickness and accident are ______.

alcohol & tobacco

Binge-eating/purging type and restrictive type are two classifications of ______.

anorexia nervosa

The personality disorder that has been most extensively studied by scholars and researchers is ______ personality disorder.


The word "dysthymia" stems from the Greek words meaning ______.

bad spirit

Disorders such as cyclothymia are ______ in nature.


Mood disorders, which involve mood swings from one extreme to another, are considered ______.


Emotional instability is a central characteristic of ______ personality disorder.


Gender dysphoria often begins during which period of the lifespan?


Schizophrenia is a ______ disorder that affects ______ of a person's life.

chronic, every aspect

In a case study described in the text, "The Beast is Back," the female patient referred to her ______ as the Beast.


The most widely held view of alcoholism is the ______ model.


People who have anxiety or mood disorders tend to perceive their disturbed behaviors as ______.

ego dystonic

The term that refers to personality traits that are perceived as being separate or outside one's self-identity is ______.

ego dystonic

People who have personality disorders tend to perceive their disturbed behavior or traits as ______.

ego syntonic

The term that refers to personality traits that are perceived as a natural part of oneself is ______.

ego syntonic

Avoidant personality disorder is ______ as common in men as in women.


A frequent observation is that girls with anorexia nervosa use ______ in addition to dieting to control their weights.

excessive exercise

A paraphilia in which one is sexually aroused by exposing one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger is known as ______.


Which of the following is NOT one of the DSM diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa?

extreme loss of appetite

Each of the following is a medical complication related to bulimia nervosa EXCEPT ______.

increased sensitivity to vomit

Albert Ellis claims that ______ contribute to sexual dysfunctions.

irrational beliefs and attitudes

The facial expression of a person with schizophrenia would often ______.

lack expressiveness

The most frequent age of onset for schizophrenia is ______.

late adolescence or early adulthood

Women tend to develop schizophrenia ______ and have a ______ severe course of the disorder than do men.

later, less

Seasonal affective disorder is a subtype of ______.

major depressive disorder

The onset of bipolar I disorder usually begins with a ______.

manic episode for men and a major depressive episode for women

Bous, the Greek word which is the root for bulimia, means ______.


In the DSM-5, dysthymia is also referred to as ___________.

persistent depressive disorder

______ symptoms of schizophrenia represent the more flagrant symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior, and thought disorder.


The most common form of sexual dysfunction in men is ______.

premature ejaculation

__________ was introduced as a new diagnostic category in the DSM-5.

premenstrual dysphoric disorder

In the case of anorexia nervosa in the text, Karen spent hours a day ______.

preparing gourmet meals for her family

The phase of schizophrenia marked by a slow, steady deterioration and gradual decline in function before clear-cut psychotic behaviors emerge is called the ______ phase.


The typical sequence of phases through which schizophrenia progresses is ______.

prodromal, acute, residual

An individual with a bipolar I disorder who experiences two or more full cycles of mania and depression within a year without intervening normal periods is considered to have ______.

rapid cycling

In the DSM-5, having persistent problems cutting back or controlling alcohol use despite wanting to do so is associated with ______

substance use disorder

A person with bulimia nervosa who repeatedly vomits or abuses laxatives and diuretics puts themselves at risk for ______.

sudden death

The pathway to drug dependence includes all but which of the following stages?

toxic use

People with a __________have the psychological sense of belonging to one gender while possessing the sexual organs of the other.

transgender identity

To be diagnosed with a major depressive episode, one experiences either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in all things for a period of at least ______.

two weeks

Mood disorders in which the disturbance lies in only one direction are considered ______.


Sexual dysfunctions are ______, and ______ people seek treatment for these problems.

widespread, few

Abstinence syndrome is another name for ______.


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