Abnormal Psychology Quizzes 12,13,14,16

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________ is used to extinguish sexual responses to objects or situations a person with a paraphilia finds arousing. The person is exposed to painful but harmless electric shocks or loud bursts of noise while viewing photographs of what arouses them.

Aversion therapy

The criterion of "dangerousness to self" is most often invoked

When it is believed that a person is imminently suicidal.

In which of the following cases can a state ignore a person's right to refuse treatment?

When the person is manic or psychotic

According to statistics, which of the following individuals in the United States is most likely to develop anorexia nervosa?

Abigail, 18, a White college student

________ is not designated as an eating disorder in the DSM-5-TR.


The plea "not guilty by reason of insanity" is successful in approximately ________felony cases in the United States

1 out of 400

Globally, approximately ________percent of people over the age of 15 abstain from alcohol.


Celeste went to a fraternity party on Saturday night and had too much to drink. Although the last thing she remembers is dancing with Paul, she does not recollect how she got home. Celeste is most likely experiencing

A blackout.

Men with pedophilic disorder are more likely to have

A history of being sexually abused.

According to studies, which of the following individuals is most likely to develop bulimia nervosa?

Abigail, 18, a Caucasian college student

According to the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the only way to control alcohol intake is to

Abstain completely.

In which of the following categories of sports are athletes most likely to have a feeding and eating disorder?

Aesthetic sports

According to studies, which of the following groups has the highest rate of obesity?

African Americans

On the street, ________are known as speed, meth, and chalk.


People with ________starve themselves, subsisting on little or no food for very long periods of time, yet they remain convinced that they need to lose more weight.

Anorexia nervosa

Sex therapy often includes teaching or encouraging clients to masturbate. This technique can be especially helpful for

Anorgasmic women

________involves creating a small pouch at the base of the esophagus, which severely limits food intake. The stomach may be stapled, banded, or bypassed.

Bariatric surgery

In ________therapy, the client is taught how to monitor their food intake, is reinforced for introducing avoided foods into their diet, and is taught coping techniques for avoiding bingeing.


Dennis tends to eat excessive amounts of food several times a day. As a result of overeating, Dennis is 30 pounds overweight. Dennis is most likely exhibiting

Binge-eating Disorder.

Periodically engaging in binge eating or purging behavior while continuing to be substantially below a healthy body weight is known as the ________type of anorexia nervosa in the DSM-5-TR.


Which term refers to alcohol-induced amnesia for the events that occurred while one was intoxicated?


________is by far the most heavily used stimulant.


Raoul was assigned male at birth and identifies as a heterosexual man. One term to characterize this identification is


Morris was held in a mental health facility against his will. Such an action is called

Civil Commitment.

Gwendolyn weighs 85 pounds and has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Which of the following factors is most likely to present a major difficulty with respect to treating her in therapy?


Alcohol is considered a ________ because it ________.

Depressant; slows the central nervous system

Hank began snorting cocaine about 3 years ago. He said the first high was the most astounding, exciting, mind-blowing experience he'd ever had. However, he has never been able to recapture that initial euphoria, and now he needs more and more of cocaine to get anywhere near his first experience. Hank has most likely

Developed a tolerance to cocaine.

One the most common biological contributors to sexual dysfunction is


The philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is based on the ________ model of alcoholism.


The recurrent inability of a man to attain or maintain an erection until the completion of sexual activity is referred to as

Erectile disorder

Which of the following is often the initial symptom of opioid intoxication?


________occurs when a person obtains sexual gratification by exposing their genitals to involuntary observers, who are usually strangers.


Joshua, who was admitted and treated for major depression, is discharged from his psychiatric hospital. Joshua discontinues medications and begins to consume alcohol. He becomes increasingly violent. According to research, who are most likely to be the target of his violence?

Family members

Teddy gets sexual gratification from stealing his girlfriend's underwear and masturbating into them. Teddy is exhibiting


________ a pharmacological treatment for women with sexual dysfunction, has been dubbed the "female Viagra."


Howard gains sexual gratification by rubbing against and fondling the body parts of nonconsenting adults. In the context of paraphilias, Howard is most likely engaging in


The criterion that requires people to be so incapacitated by a mental disorder that they can't care for their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter is the ________criterion.

Grave disability

When committing an individual to a psychiatric facility against their will, most states require that the danger the individual poses to themselves or others be ________. In other words, if they are not immediately incarcerated, they or someone else will likely be harmed in the very near future.


The police have charged Tracy with first-degree murder. At the time of trial that takes place 6 months after the murder, Tracy suffers from post traumatic stress disorder, as a result of which she is unable to understand the charges against her and to participate in her defense. Tracy is most likely

Incompetent to stand trial.

_______ means that a patient accepts treatment after receiving a full and understandable explanation of the treatment being offered and makes a decision based on their own judgment of the risks and benefits of the treatment.

Informed consent

In ________therapy, the client and the therapist discuss interpersonal problems related to the client's feeding and eating disorder, and the therapist works actively with the client to develop strategies to solve these problems.


Why do date-rape victims fail to recognize that they have been drugged with rohypnol?

It is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

The term insanity is a

Legal term as opposed to a psychological term.

According to research which of the following statements is true about gay, lesbian, and bisexual people?

Many problems in sexual functioning experienced by gay, lesbian, and bisexual people may have to do with society's attitudes toward them.

The best-studied family therapy for persons with anorexia nervosa is known as the

Maudsley model.

Judges typically defer to the judgment of ________about a person's mental illness and whether the criteria for commitment are met.

Mental health professionals

Which of the following was developed by William Miller to elicit and solidify clients' motivation and commitment to changing their substance use behaviors?

Motivational interviewing

In which of the following cases was it ruled that "a State can't constitutionally confine... a nondangerous individual, who is capable of surviving safely in freedom by himself or with the help of willing and responsible family and friends"?

O'Connor v. Donaldson (1975)

Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder may involve

Muscle tightening

According to studies, deaths related to alcohol are more than twice as common among ________ than in the general U.S. population.

Native Americans

A substance is defined as any

Natural or synthesized product that has psychoactive effects.

According to research, most women

Need oral or manual stimulation of the clitoris to achieve orgasm

Harvey was found to be so mentally incapacitated at the time he murdered his wife that it was determined he could not conform to the rules of society. Consequently, Harvey is likely to be

Not guilty by reason of insanity.

The insanity defense

Only requires that the client be judged insane at the time of committing the illegal act.

The DSM-5-TR suggests the diagnosis of ________ for individuals who have some symptoms of a feeding or eating disorder that cause clinically significant impairment, but they do not meet the full criteria for anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

Other specified feeding or eating disorder

Which of the following is true of gambling disorder?

Pathological gamblers have a greater disruption in the systems regulating the neurotransmitter dopamine.

The need for treatment alone is no longer sufficient legal cause for civil commitment in most states in the United States. This change came about as part of the ________of the 1960s.

Patients' rights movement

Which of the following is a reason why the strong age differences in alcohol use disorders decline with age?

People who have used alcohol excessively may die before they reach old age.

The statements, "What if I can't get an erection? I'll die of embarrassment!" and "I've got to have an orgasm, or he'll think I don't love him!" are both indicative of

Performance anxiety.

The most common form of orgasmic disorder in men is

Premature ejaculation.

Which of the following is true about the verdict "guilty but mentally ill"?

Proponents argue that it recognizes defendants' mental illness while still holding them responsible for their actions.

Which of the following high school students is most likely to develop a feeding and eating disorder?

Randy, who is a wrestler

Which of the following contains antioxidants that can increase "good" cholesterol, along with other chemicals that can help prevent damage to blood vessels and reduce "bad" cholesterol, producing positive cardiac effects?

Red wine

Engaging in excessive exercise in addition to limiting calorie intake falls under the ________type of anorexia nervosa.


Which of the following individuals is most likely to be involuntarily hospitalized?

Ruthie, who attempts to inflict serious bodily harm on herself

Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people face stressors that can affect their sexual health arising from continued

Stigma and Discrimination

Which of the following processes significantly enhances the damaging effect of social media on the body images of young individuals?

Social filtering

The diagnosis of ________disorder is given in the DSM-5-TR when a person demonstrates impaired control; the continued use of substances despite negative social, occupational, and health consequences; risky use; and evidence of tolerance and withdrawal.

Substance use

Clea has been using cocaine daily for a while now. However, for the past 24 hours, she has been without any cocaine, and as a result she is experiencing strange behaviors and physiological responses. Clea is most likely showing signs of

Substance withdrawal.

Which of the following cases established a clinician's duty to protect people who might be in danger because of their client?

Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California (1974)

The ruling in Barrett v. United States (1977) established

That temporary insanity created by the voluntary use of alcohol or drugs did not qualify a defendant for acquittal by reason of insanity.

One of the most celebrated applications of the notion of diminished capacity was

The Twinkie Defense.

Amenorrhea refers to

The absence of menstrual periods.

Which of the following represents the most controversial topic in the area of gender dysphoria?

The treatment of children and adolescents

For a diagnosis of sexual sadism disorder to be made, which of the following criteria must be met in addition to sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving inflicting pain and humiliation on the person's sex partner?

The urges and behavior must cause the person significant distress or impairment in functioning or involve a non-consenting partner.

________ is present when a person experiences less effect from the same dose of a substance and needs more and more of it to achieve intoxication.


Elijah likes to dress up in women's clothing and experiences sexual arousal from it. He is especially fond of formal eveningwear. Elijah's behavior is an example of

Transvestic disorder.

_______ percent of all Americans do not get any exercise at all.

Twenty five

The core characteristic of bulimia nervosa is

Uncontrolled Eating

________ as a form of sexual arousal, involves watching another person undress, do things in the nude, or have sex.


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