abnormal psychology quizzes

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A clinician wishes to begin a drug abuse prevention campaign in a community. The most important thing the clinician can do is to:

. provide a consistent message across the media about drug abuse.

A blood alcohol concentration of _____ percent typically produces the symptoms of intoxication.


Chaeyoung often has difficulty establishing social ties. He feels extremely uncomfortable in social situations, and expresses fear that he will be embarrassed or appear foolish to others. This is most reflective of which personality disorder?

avoidant personality disorder

alondra is extremely inhibited in social situations deels inadequate and is extremely sensitive to criticism from her family and her boss

avoidant personality disorder

is defined as apathy, coupled with an inability to start or complete a course of action


A friend tells you that she's been diagnosed with gambling disorder. She asks you which kind of therapy works best. Based on current research, your BEST response is:

I'd suggest cognitive-behavioral therapies, biological therapies, and self-help groups.

What is currently known about the relationship between hallucinations and delusions?

It is likely that hallucinations and delusions occur together and feed one another.

Priyanka took a drug 90 minutes ago. Now she sits alone quietly, intently looking at individual blades of grass that are a brilliant purple and intensely listening to the sap running in a nearby tree. The person MOST likely took the drug:


Downward drift is BEST reflected in which statement?

Schizophrenia causes people to fall into poverty and social disruption.

MOST contemporary psychodynamic theorists would agree with which statement?

Schizophrenogenic mothers, if they do exist, don't create children with schizophrenia

Which statement is TRUE regarding the relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder (an anxiety disorder) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?

Some people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder also experience obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Which is NOT a problem in the use of the DSM-5 to diagnose personality disorders?

The criteria are so restrictive that several categories rarely, if ever, are used.

avoidant personality disorder

a pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation

According to the psychodynamic view, obsessive-compulsive personality is related to fixation during the _______ stage.


Neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness are all traits measured on the _______ approach.

big five

Carla says "I get really mad sometimes, but I often feel empty and weird. So, I have to go do something exhilarating and spur-of-the-moment to feel good and interesting." She likely has which personality disorder?

borderline personality disorder

positive symptoms

excessive or bizzare additions to normal thoughts, emotions or behaviors


extreme movements that can include stupor, rigidity, posturing and excitement


feeling drained of energy, interest, in normal goals; inability to start or follow through on a course of action

A pattern of abnormalities—head and facial deformities, heart defects, and intellectual development disorder—characterizes someone with:

fetal alcohol syndrome

According to the developmental psychopathology view, substance use disorders typically begin with:

genetically inherited predispositions.

Harry was released from the hospital to a dormitory-like facility that gives him considerable freedom during the day. The live-in staff consists of paraprofessionals who emphasize resident responsibility and self-government. This facility is MOST likely a(n) _______.

halfway house

A substance that may change someone's perception of color or make someone see things that aren't really there is called a(n) _______.


The perceptual distortions that some drugs produce are called:


In the middle of a calm conversation, a person with Tourette's syndrome might suddenly begin shouting and follow that with a string of obscenities. This is similar to the symptom of schizophrenia called:

inappropriate affect


involve seeing or hearing things that do not exist

Alcoholism sometimes leads to a disease marked by confusion and extreme memory impairment. This disease is called _______.

korsakoffs syndrome

One similarity between those experiencing paranoid personality disorder and those experiencing schizoid personality disorder is that they both tend to:

lack close ties to others

Clinton smokes some cannabis at noon. When should the effects wear off?

later that afternoon, most likely by 6 pm

What percentage of the population has dependent personality disorder?

less than one percent

People with schizophrenia who wave their arms around in wild motions and make kicking motions with their legs are experiencing:

catatonic excitement


causes a person to believe something that isnt true even when others try to tell them or show them their beliefs are untrue

Alcoholics Anonymous supports the belief that alcoholics should

cease drinking entirely

A researcher reports that a drug indirectly stimulates a reward center in the brain rather than directly stimulating it. The drug the researcher is studying could be any of the following drugs EXCEPT:


A person experiencing paranoid personality disorder frequently says things like, "You've got to get them before they get you," and "People have been sinners since the Garden of Eden." If these sayings reflect maladaptive assumptions the person has about people in general, the theorist who would be LEAST surprised would have which theoretical position?


The "rational path to madness" is MOST consistent with a(n):

cognitive-behavioral orientation

The institution that is supposed to provide the coordination among posthospitalization services is the _______.

community mental health center

negative symptoms

deficits in normal thought, emotions or behaviors

Damage to the prefrontal cortex would likely cause which symptom to be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision making

One contributing factor to the increase in the number of homeless individuals was the mental health policy of _______.


The 1960s policy of releasing patients from mental health hospitals to community-based mental health facilities is called _______.


Lucian always feels like he's been overlooked for all his achievements and that everything anyone says to him is a personal attack. He is extremely jealous of everyone around him and complains whenever other people appear to be getting more attention. This has been going on for a couple of months; he shows no other substantial symptoms. The BEST diagnosis, assuming the feelings of persecution and extreme jealousy has no basis in fact, is:

delusional disorder

A person who cannot make even the smallest decision without consulting others, and who is constantly in need of praise, may be experiencing _______ personality disorder


The _______ approach is based on the belief that personality disorders differ more in degree than in type of dysfunction. As such, they should be classified by the severity of personality traits, rather than by the presence or absence of specific traits.



reduction of quantity of speech or speech content

Individuals who are detached and reclusive, with no interest in developing relationships, may experience _______ personality disorder.


sergio is a 15 year old male who is currently living at home. sergio rarely socializes and when he is not in school he spends most of his time on his computer, sergio says he has one close real life friend but no one has ever seen this person. sergio has a history of doing poorly in mainstream school. he reports being very anxious at school because he "doesnt fit in" when interviewed sergio was highly animated and often inappropriate with smiling and laughing he avoided eye contact with the interviewer

schizoid personality disorder

psychomotor symptoms

slow, awkward movements, repeated grimaces, and odd gestures that have a private purpose

Some multicultural theorists believe that borderline personality disorder is actually a person's reaction to persistent feelings of marginality, powerlessness, and social failure. If they are correct, then the disorder is a result of:

social inequalities


state in which a person loses contact with reality in key ways

Some psychodynamic theorists believe a _______ develops in certain people who have experienced early deprivations of childhood dependency needs.

substance abuse personality

The effect of taking two different drugs may be more than the sum of the two effects. This is called a(n) _______.

synergistic effect

Serena believes that she can smell colors and taste music after taking LSD. This effect is known as:


The extrapyramidal effect that appears after more than six months of drug use and exhibits as bizarre and uncontrollable movements of the face, neck, tongue, and back is known as _______.

tardive dyskinesia

Mary takes a drug and feels excited, energetic, and like she could take on the world. Those feelings fade in a few hours. Mary exhibited intoxication, which is actually a form of:

temporary change

When Melody stopped taking barbiturates, she suffered a period of nausea, insomnia, and sleep problems. This phenomenon is known as _______


Because they often produce movement similar to the symptoms of neurological diseases, first-generation antipsychotic drugs are also known as _______ drugs.


The characteristic of perfectionism and a striving for control are associated with _______ personality disorder.


People with _____ are so preoccupied with order, perfection, and control that they lose all flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

People with _______ personality disorder distrust the motives of others


alizeth thinks that there are enemy agents walking around campus who are putting thoughts and images into her mind. she believes that she then sends these thoughts out to other students and that these other students are secretly laughing at her

paranoid personality disorder


psychotic disorder in which personal, social, and occupational functioning deteriorates as a result of unusual perceptions, odd thoughts, disturbed emotions, and motor abnormalities

A modern psychodynamic theorist is MOST likely to say:

"Biological abnormalities predispose people to develop a fragmented sense of self."

Which statement BEST describes Internet use disorder?

Although not an official diagnosis, systems of this pattern are similar to those seen in substance use disorder and gambling disorder.

paranoid personality disorder

a pattern of distrust and suspiciousness such that others motives are interpreted as malevolent

When using milieu therapy, what is the primary goal?

Create a social environment that promotes productive activity, self-respect, and responsibility

schizoid personality disorder

a pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression

antisocial personality disorder

a pattern of disregard for an violation of the rights of others

when korina was twelve years old she began stealing from local stores, her delinquent behavior continued and became more serious as she entered adulthood she showed no empathy, guilt, or shame and always tried to manipulate other people with her superficial charm. which personality disorder does korina display

antisocial personality disorder

Siobhan's parents did not expect nor want any children. After she was born, her parents were distant and neglectful. It was clear early on in school that Siobhan had a low opinion of herself and did not know how to interact with other children. Now she cuts herself and has been to the ER several times. This is a description of the possible development route of:

borderline personality disorder

According to the viral explanation, the development of schizophrenia is associated with _____ produced by prenatal viral exposure.

brain abnormalities

When Todd arrived at the center, he was given a physical examination and then allowed time to go through withdrawal symptoms. That process is called _______


Luke constantly strives to be the center of attention, yet the ideas he so eloquently expresses are usually shallow and changeable. If he were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it MOST likely would be:

histrionic disorder

The link between dopamine and schizophrenia is supported by the finding that

lowering dopamine activity helps remove schizophrenic symptoms.

is a drug that has been used as a substitute for heroin in the treatment of addiction


Maxwell Jones's therapeutic community is a form of _______ therapy.


If you could "get inside the head" of a person experiencing auditory hallucinations, you would MOST likely find that:

the person actually produces nerve signals of sound in the brain.

Which does dialectical behavior therapy NOT emphasize

the use of antipsychotic medications in an outpatient setting

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