Absolutism study guide

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4.) how did Louis XIV limited the french nobilities power? give 3 examples

-created a standing military. Louis used royal army to destroy noble estates that did not accept his rule -Louis gave government position to middle-class and based promotions on Merit NOT social class -required nobles to leave their estates and live with him in his castle which distracted nobles -created a spy-network to flush out and punish nobles consprining against him

12.) What are the terms of the english Bill Of Rights? are they still in existence today? IF so, where

-guarenteed basic freedoms of members of Parliament i-guarenteed parliament freedom of speech and assembly ii-king could not levy taxes without parliament approval iii- king could not maintain a standing army during peacetime iv- king could not infer with parliament elections v- rights to trial by jury nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted -many of freedoms from document are our own Bill Of Rights and constitution

1.) How did divine right of King justify a monarchs Power?

-made people obedient to rulers -Power came from God NOT the people -since god gives the kings power, the king cannot be removed from power

3.) what what's the purpose for Versallies?

-show glory and sheer power of Louis XIV reign -kept nobles distracted and away from running their estates. Required that nobles lived in Versailles so Louis could run his country without reference

English Civil War

1642-1646 a time when CharlesI went to war With Parliament. Charles ended up beheaded which proved parliaments superiority over the monarch

Glorious Revolution

1688 a bloodless overthrow of the English government when Parliament invited William and Mary to joinly rule the English Crown. The old king, James II fled France


A government where one person (King/ Queen) holds all the power usually it is inherited from family


A huge palace outside of Paris that was King Louis xiv personal home and where he kept Ms. government and Nobles


A policy used by Peter the Great that made Russia more like Western Europe

8.) what factors motivated Peter the Great to move the capital of Russia from Moscow to st. petersburg?

A. #2 Goal- gain access to a sea year round to promote trade and naval power B. Wanted to create a "window to the sea" needed an ice-free port to trade

11.) why was Charles I convicted and publicly executed in 1649

A. Charles convicted and publicly and executed in 1649 i- charged with waging war on his own subjects ii- tried to get rid of Parliament and become an absolute ruler iii- parliament wouldn't allow it and built their own army against Charles

10.) which monarch demonstrated characteristic of Absolute rule the best? Explain why providing three reasons

A. based on your own evidence

9.) How were absolute monarchs able to limit nobilitys control over their country? (provide examples from Russia, France, and/or Spain) 3 examples

A. military- expanding standing armies to crush revolts B. Politically- depleted the power of noble class through use of secret police, and taking them out of government jobs C. Economically- merchantanism, wealth from overseas colonies, and placing high taxes to fund wars

Peter I

Also known as "Peter the great" he westernized Russia and brought the capital of Russia closer to europe and also brought back Western style education to Russia to help Bring it out of the dark ages. Rule from 1689-1725

Magna Carta

Document created in 1212 that established minimal policies Rights for Nobles in England


Economic system where the mother country controls trade over their colonies

Thomas Hobbes

English philosopher that Believe absolutism was the best form of government at the time. Develop social contract theory.

Stuart Dynasty

Family in England the rules after Elizabeth in the 1600s. The Stuarts wanted to limit the power of Parliament and create and absolute monarchy

Bourbon Dynasty

Family that ruled in France from early 1600s-1789

Charles I

King of England (1625-1649) that was beheaded after the English Civil War because Parliament Believe he was a tyrant and did not rule over this people justly.

Philip II

King of Spain in mid-late 1500 a Habsburg and Catholic

Ivan IV

Known as "Ivan the terrible" ruled with an iron fist in Russia but was able to expand Russian Territory and opens of trade routes across Russia he ruled in the late 1500s


Legislative body in English government made up of two houses, house of lords and House of commons. Parliament acts as A check on the the Monarchs Power

Romanov Dynasty

Louis XIV "sun King" also known as-year-old in France and the 1600s built versallies

El Escorial

Philip II personal home outside of Madrid, Spain


Political system in which a king or queens has unlimitded power and control all aspects of society

Elizabeth I

Queen of England from mid 1500s-1600


Russian for "Cesar" or monarch


Russian for "Noble"

Time of Troubles

Series of civil Wars where boyars in Russia tried to take Control of the monarch after the death of Ivan IV

English Bill of Rights

a document that was signed by William and Mary that guaranteed the Basic freedoms to the citizens of England. Very similar to our American Bill of Rights

Divine rights of kings

a popular theory/ idea that stated monarchs were selected to rule directly from god. a monarchs right to rule was from God.


a royal family that has ruled for more than three generations

7.) how does peter the great bring Russia out of its Dark Ages? Were his strategies were effective?

a- put down revolts with iron fist. No interest in parliaments or councils b- Recruited middle class to work in government positions c-Organized stronger military to put down revolts d-secret police e-also put himself in charge of the orthodox Church f-brought scientific thinkers to Russia to reform g-tried to westernize Russia and trade with Europe

6.) explain two reasons why England did not have absolute monarchs

a-magna carta = "great charter" created in 1215 i-laid basic rights of nobles that the king could not raise taxes or imprision a person without consent of people or "parliament." this idea carries throughout English history. b-Parliament = french for "speak/discussion" representative assembly that represented English people. Develops into two houses i- House of lords (nobles and bishops) ii-House of commons (middle class , wealthy merchants and lawyers

2.) explain Phillip IIs two goals during his reign. Was he successful at achieving these goals? Explain why or why not?

goals: -to strengthen his power and Territories through expending military and wealth -uphold the Catholic Church in each

Social Contract Theory (explain how it works)

theory between government and the individual. Ideas that they have a contract. The individual agrees to give up freedoms and in exchange they get protected and security from the government.

5.) describe three setbacks to Louis XIV reign

war: a-one of Louis greatest ambitions was to expand Frances natural boundaries and plunged France into 4 Wars throughout his regin (1667-1714) b-most wars dealt with expanding Territory c-last war, War of Spanish succession Louis tried to take spanish throne when the king died and left no heir except Louis grandson Economy: d-unfair and heavily taxed peasant population which becomes leading cause for Revolution in 1789 Religion: e-Louis XIV repealed Edict Of Nantes and mad huguenot worship illegal

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