ACC 270 Final

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A programmer typically writes code in a language that humans can more easily understand, and then converts it into a form expressed in patterns of ones and zeros that can be understood and executed by a microprocessor. This process of converting the code into machine-readable form is known as: A. integrating. B. assimilating. C. debugging. D. sequencing. E. compiling.


Distributed computing refers to: A. a firm subscribing to third-party software and receiving a service that is delivered online. B. a technology that can make a single computer behave like many separate computers. C. replacing computing resources, hardware or software, with services provided over the Internet. D. a firm developing its own software, and then running it over the Internet on a service provider?s computers. E. systems in different locations communicating and collaborating to complete a task.


In a database, _____ represent each category of data contained in a record. A. rows B. tables C. keys D. files E. fields


A potential roadblock to transition of current last-mile technologies to FTTH technology is the: A. high costs of building entirely new networks. B. exorbitant prices charged by service providers. C. impracticality of switching to a technology that is not proven yet. D. location driven quality of service offered by fiber optic technology. E. high possibility of external interference and hence, fears of information security.


An application server is software that: A. houses and serves business logic for use by multiple applications. B. makes requests of a server program for data or addresses. C. creates, maintains, and manipulates data for analysis by users. D. allows for the development and integration of software products. E. controls the computer hardware and establishes standards for developing and executing applications.


Data mining is leveraged by firms to determine which products customers buy together, and how an organization can use this information to cross-sell more products or services. This area of application of data mining is referred to as: A. market basket analysis. B. collaborative filtering. C. customer churn. D. customer segmentation. E. promotion targeting


_____ refer to databases focused on addressing the concerns of a specific problem or business unit. A. Data marts B. Dashboards C. Legacy systems D. Relational databases E. Analytics


A _____ refers to a firm that offers third-party software-replacing services that are delivered online. A. software cloud B. hosted software vendor C. wide area network D. virtualization network E. public cloud


A research scientist with a major pharmaceutical firm in New Jersey is caught passing on sensitive information, worth millions of dollars, regarding the composition and test results of his firm's latest drug to a rival company. What crime is he being held responsible for? A. Cyber-fraud B. Corporate espionage C. Carrying out technology disruptions D. Extortion E. Illegal funds transfer


A server running _____ can create smaller compartments in memory that each behave as a separate computer with its own operating system and resources. A. private clouds B. virtualization software C. genetic algorithms D. neural networks E. open source software


Complete the analogy- http: Browser and server communication; html: _____ A. Load content from default page B. Create and format web pages C. Generate custom content for users D. Exchange mail with other e-mail servers E. File transfer


When computers identify a user's physical location for the purpose of delivering tailored ads or other content, it is called _____. A. IP tracing B. geotargeting C. triangulation D. network parallax E. trilateration


Which of the following applications would use UDP instead of TCP? A. E-mail B. Web transmissions C. File transfer D. Peer-to-peer downloads E. Web-based phone calls


Which of the following factors has helped Facebook build up trust among its users? A. Superior technology compared to rivals B. Mutual approval of friend requests C. Free nature of applications available to users D. Low switching costs E. Availability of venture capital funds


Which of the following is one of the characteristics of using software as a service model? A. Longer deployment times B. Scalable systems C. Fixed operating expenses D. Heightened financial risk E. Higher maintenance costs


Which of the following is one of the reasons why firms choose open source products over commercial alternatives? A. Higher cost-to-maintenance ratio of OSS products B. Better security features of OSS products C. Greater number of customers who use OSS products D. Non-scalability of OSS products E. Reduced reliability of commercial products


Which of the following represents a major barrier for newer search engine firms that attempt to compete with Google? A. Search engine technology B. Investment in server farms C. Google?s formidable market cap D. Strategic partnerships with social media firms E. Large amounts of data from user profiles


_____ is sometimes used interchangeably with the term pay-per-click. A. Pay-per-inclusion B. Cost-per-click C. Cost-per-lead D. Cost-per-thousand E. Cost-per-view


_____ is the insulated copper cable commonly used by cable television providers with shielding to reduce electrical interference. A. Optical fiber cable B. Coaxial cable C. Ribbon cable D. Bowden cable E. Straight cable


_____ technology is a broadband technology that uses wires of a local telephone network. A. Fiber to the Home (FTTH) B. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) C. Coaxial cable D. Telecom-broadband hybrid E. Broadband over power line (BPL)


Less popular open source products are not likely to attract the community of users and contributors necessary to help improve these products over time. This situation reiterates the belief that _____ are a key to success. A. proprietary products B. brand strategies C. network effects D. technology expenses E. advertising campaigns


Banner ads are charged on a _____ basis. A. PPC B. CTR C. quality score D. CPM E. CPC


One of Facebook's key resources for competitive advantage includes: A. technology. B. network internalities. C. open source software. D. switching costs. E. low venture capital investment.


Which of the following statements holds true for the term server farm? A. It refers to a massive network of computer servers running software to coordinate their collective use. B. It refers to a group of surreptitiously infiltrated computers linked and controlled remotely. C. It refers to a closed network or single set of services controlled by one dominant firm. D. It refers to a network of users with distinct IP addresses, engaged in click fraud. E. It refers to a tracking cookie used to identify users and record behavior across multiple Web sites.


Which weakness of Web sites to launch attacks does an SQL injection technique exploit? A. Sloppy programming practices where software developers do not validate user input B. Lack of in-built anti-virus features C. Irregular auditing of Web site content D. Ease of infiltrating the Web site E. Non-employment of encryption techniques


_____ is a set of standards for exchanging messages containing formatted data between computer applications. A. EDI B. DBMS C. SOA D. SCM E. ERP


_____ is the biggest photo-sharing site on the Web, taking in around three billion photos each month. A. Facebook B. Picasa C. Shutterfly D. Flickr E. Photobucket


In database terminology, a record represents: A. a list of data, arranged in columns and rows. B. each category of data contained in a row. C. a single instance of whatever the table keeps track of. D. a field or combination of fields used to uniquely identify a file. E. one or more keys that relate separate tables in a database.


The _____ measures the percentage of people who clicked on an ad to arrive at a destination-site. A. churn rate B. quality score C. click-through rate D. landing page rate E. impression score


Viruses are programs that infect other software or files and require: A. a large file size to spread. B. the computer to be shutdown to spread. C. Windows as an operating system to spread. D. a disk based operating system to spread. E. an executable program to spread.


The _____ in a database refers to a list of data. A. file B. column C. field D. row E. record


The software business is extremely profitable compared to the hardware business because: A. the marginal cost to produce an additional copy of a software product is effectively zero. B. of the lack of market price regulations and guidelines. C. software producers serve niche businesses sectors with high profit margins. D. software development is a one-time process with no upgrade costs. E. software firms benefit from special tax exemptions that aid profitability.


Android is a software product developed by Google that allows cell phone manufacturers to control hardware and establish standards for developing and executing applications on its platform. Android is thus an example of a(n) _____. A. operating system B. programming language C. user interface D. embedded system E. database management system


CPM refers to: A. ad rates quoted in cost-per-thousand impressions. B. the number of users who clicked an ad divided by the number of times the ad was delivered. C. the maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on their ad. D. the cost an advertiser is willing to pay for a particular amount of time a surfer spends on an ad. E. a method of charging for advertising whenever a user performs a specified action such as signing up for a service, requesting material, or making a purchase.


Cloud computing refers to: A. replacing computing resources with services provided over the Internet. B. a technology that can make a single computer behave like many separate computers. C. designing computers with many microprocessors that work together, simultaneously, to solve problems. D. designing Microprocessors with two or more calculating processor cores on the same piece of silicon. E. manufacturing semiconductors as a stack of multiple, interconnected layers instead of in one flat plane.


How are Facebook and MySpace different from each other? A. Facebook users identify themselves using their real names, while MySpace is plagued by bogus profiles. B. MySpace was founded as a service that reinforced a user?s existing contacts, while Facebook was founded by musicians to reach out to unknown fans. C. Facebook follows a revenue-sharing model with application developers, while MySpace application developers get to retain all the revenue they generate. D. Anybody can create a MySpace profile, while only those above the legal age of eighteen can create a Facebook presence. E. Facebook allows asymmetrical following among its users, while MySpace users have to approve others as friends to be able to communicate.


Information security policies would be ineffective without _____ and _____. A. audit; enforcement B. accountability; flexibility C. compliance; objectivity D. regulation; transparency E. consistency; adaptability


One of the risks associated with SaaS is the: A. dependence on a single vendor. B. inability to migrate to new versions of software. C. reduced reliance on a network connection. D. costs associated with storing large amounts of data in-house. E. user interface of Web-based software being more sophisticated than desktop alternatives.


Open source software products often have fewer bugs than their commercial counterparts because of the: A. large number of persons who have looked at the code. B. stringent quality checks undertaken by the original developers. C. emphasis placed on technological superiority of OSS products. D. relatively poorer standards of commercially programmed software. E. pyramidal programming practice followed by OSS developers.


Some of the most common guidelines issued by Web sites when designing a secure password include: A. The password should be at least eight characters long and include at least one number and other nonalphabet character. B. The password should be short and straightforward. C. The password should include names of family members or pets, so as to be easily remembered. D. The password should be random and more than 12 characters long to avoid risk of being guessed by a hacker. E. The password should be the same as your name so as to trick the hacker.


The Web site displayed when a user clicks on an ad is called the: A. landing page. B. organic link. C. home page. D. start page. E. redirecting link.


What operational area does Wal-Mart intend to improve by insisting that its partners adopt RFID technology? A. Inventory tracking and coordinating B. Employee performance monitoring C. Measuring customer satisfaction D. Differentiating between perishable and non-perishable products E. Employee shift scheduling


Which of the following best represents a method a social engineer might use to infiltrate a system? A. Baiting someone to add, deny, or clarify information that can help an attacker B. Posting rumors about an individual on a popular social networking site C. Making prank calls to individuals D. Stealing an individual?s credit card information E. Flooding an individual?s mailbox with junkmail


Which of the following features enforced by an operating system across various programs helps make it easier for users to learn new software and reduces training costs and operator error? A. The open source modifications B. The diverse set of controls C. Consistent look and functionality D. Dynamic memory allocation and retrieval E. Accompanying documentation


CPM refers to: A. each instance of an advertisement being viewed by a user. B. cost per thousand impressions. C. a concept where advertisers do not pay unless someone clicks on their ad. D. the maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on their ad. E. the number of users who clicked an ad divided by the number of times the ad was delivered.


Data becomes _____ when it is presented in a context so that it can answer a question or support decision making. A. knowledge B. information C. analysis D. wisdom E. language


Technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics for identification or authentication are known as _____. A. overlamination processes B. biometrics C. smart tags D. bio-embedded systems E. holographs


The address one types into a web browser is also known as: A. universal redirection link. B. uniform resource locator. C. unique resource locator. D. universal redirection locator. E. uniform resource link.


The two parties to the debate surrounding the principle of net neutrality are: A. mobile service providers and governments. B. Internet service firms and the telecom industry. C. cable broadband firms and FTTH firms. D. wireless service providers and cable service providers. E. governments and the movie industry.


What is Wal-Mart's motivation for sharing data with its supply partners? A. Creating switching costs for suppliers B. Lowering prices of products C. Achieving maturity in the American market D. Countering the accusations of union activists E. Deflecting criticism for ruining local mom-and-pop stores


Which of the following statements holds true for the term FTTH? A. It refers to high-speed data lines provided by many firms all across the world that interconnect and collectively form the core of the Internet. B. It refers to broadband service provided via light-transmitting fiber-optic cables. C. It refers to the language used to compose Web pages. D. It refers to a situation when separate ISPs link their networks to swap traffic on the Internet. E. It refers to a system that connects end users to the Internet.


Which of the following statements holds true for the term localization? A. It refers to a collection of resources available for access over the Internet. B. It refers to adapting products and services for different languages and regional differences. C. It refers to a situation when the value of a product or service increases as its number of users expands. D. It refers to a situation when others take advantage of a user or service without providing any sort of reciprocal benefit. E. It refers to a closed network or single set of services controlled by one dominant firm.


Which of the following statements holds true for the term spoof? A. It refers to a con executed using technology, typically targeted at acquiring sensitive information or tricking someone into installing malicious software. B. It refers to e-mail transmissions and packets that have been altered to seem as if they came from another source. C. It refers to scrambling data using a code or formula, known as a cipher, such that it is hidden from those who do not have the unlocking key. D. It refers to a seemingly tempting, but bogus target meant to draw hacking attempts. E. It refers to highly restrictive programs that permit communication only with approved entities and/or in an approved manner.


With just a few lines of HTML code, any developer can add a Facebook "Like" button to their site and take advantage of the social network's power of viral distribution. However, some sites have renamed "Like" to "Recommend," because: A. they are reluctant to be identified alongside Facebook which is known for privacy controversies. B. it would be inappropriate to ?Like? a story about a disaster or a tragedy. C. they are keen to avoid copyright issues with Facebook. D. they wish to introduce novelty in the feature by renaming it ?Recommend.? E. users are unlikely to click on the ?Like? button owing to its association with Facebook


_____ are programs that perform the work that users and firms are directly interested in accomplishing and can be thought of as places where a user's real work is done. A. Emulators B. Applications C. Platforms D. Embedded systems E. Operating systems


A _____ is a set of rules that enable communication by defining the format of data and rules for exchange. A. nomenclature B. regulation C. protocol D. dialect E. convention


A data cube refers to a: A. database or databases focused on addressing the concerns of a specific business unit. B. set of databases designed to support decision making in an organization. C. special database used to store data in OLAP reporting. D. firm that collects data with the intention of reselling it to others. E. combination of fields used to uniquely identify a record, and to relate separate tables in a database.


A walled garden refers to a: A. site that wraps data in invisible tags that can be recognized by search engines to accurately categorize, compare, and present user information. B. group of surreptitiously infiltrated computers linked and controlled remotely. C. closed network or single set of services controlled by one dominant firm. D. network of users with distinct IP addresses, engaged in click fraud. E. tracking cookie used to identify users and record behavior across multiple Web sites.


A(n) _____ refers to a search performed on Google or any other search engine. A. impression B. click-through C. query D. link E. crawl


Attacks that exhaust all possible password combinations in order to break into an account are called _____ attacks. A. strong arm B. permuted C. brute-force D. zero-day E. infinity


Cookies refer to: A. small computer programs that extend the features or capabilities of another application. B. the design and content components of an advertisement. C. a line of identifying text, assigned and retrieved by a given Web server and stored by a user?s browser. D. terms that prevent specific ads from being served if they are searched for by users. E. a temporary storage space used to keep a running count of the number of ad impressions.


It should be evident from the TJX example that: A. security breaches are not as damaging to companies as other crimes are. B. industry guidelines for information security are not suitable for everyone and should be made optional. C. information security must be among the top organizational priorities. D. skimping on liability insurance to cover for financial losses from security breaches is not advisable. E. with a little effort and resources, it is possible to make any security system hundred percent foolproof.


Knowledge is defined as: A. raw facts and figures. B. data presented in a context so that it can answer a question or support decision making. C. insight derived from experience and expertise. D. acquiring new behaviors, skills, values, preferences, or understanding. E. the process of breaking a complex topic into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it.


Nintendo's Wii OS provides Wii programmers with a set of common standards to use to access the Wiimote, play sounds, draw graphics, save files, and more. Without this, games would: A. be more reliable. B. be a lot more easier to write. C. cost more. D. look same. E. have more titles available.


Sifting through trash in an effort to uncover valuable data or insights that can be stolen or used to launch a security attack is known as: A. trash recovery. B. junk exploring. C. dumpster diving. D. scrap sifting. E. data sieving.


Steinway Inc., an American piano maker, recently lost an action to recover the domain name, claiming that it infringed on its registered trademark. What did Steinway specifically accuse the defendant of? A. Domain name theft B. Computer trespass C. Cybersquatting D. Domain hoarding E. Internet stalking


The Internet was designed to be _____ and _____--meaning that if one network, connecting wire, or server stops working, everything else should keep on running. A. irredundant; compact B. multi-layered; expansive C. fault-tolerant; redundant D. compatible; flexible E. functional; informative


The dark Web refers to: A. peer-to-peer file sharing networks that are used to illegally share copyrighted material. B. seemingly innocuous Web sites that contain malware that infects computers. C. sites that cannot be indexed by Google and other search engines. D. networks that allow only mutually trusted peers to participate in file sharing activities. E. Web sites that advocate violence toward people of a specific race, ethnicity, or religion.


The term _____ originally referred to a particularly skilled programmer. A. data harvester B. cracke C. hacker D. black hat E. hacktivist


The term social graph refers to: A. user-generated content that is shared by a broad community of users. B. an online community that allows users to establish personal profiles to communicate with others. C. the global mapping of users, organizations, and how they are connected. D. the sum total of the economic and social value created by a network of individuals. E. the network effects that emerge from individuals who use the same products or services.


Utility computing refers to: A. technology that can make a single computer behave like many separate computers. B. pools of computing resources that reside inside an organization and that can be served up for specific tasks as need arrives. C. a firm developing its own software, and then running it over the Internet on a service provider?s computers. D. the use of cloud computing to provide excess capacity during periods of spiking demand. E. a form of cloud computing where a firm subscribes to third-party software and receives a service that is delivered online.


What protocol do most web developers use to upload the web pages, graphics, and other files for their Web sites? A. HTTP B. SMTP C. FTP D. SNMP E. TCP


Which of the following is a valid statement on information security? A. Security breaches cannot be prevented despite the adoption of the best security policies. B. Technology lapses are solely responsible for almost all security breaches. C. Information security is everybody?s responsibility. D. Greater expenditure on security products is the only way to contain security breaches. E. A reactive, rather than proactive, approach is better suited for dealing with security breaches.


Which of the following is an example of a user interface? A. Hard disk B. Printer C. Touch screen D. Operating system E. Desktop software


Which of the following technologies is being used to replace the older EDI for specifying data standards? A. Integrated development environment B. Hypertext transfer protocol C. Extensible markup language D. File transfer protocol E. Sequential query language


_____ is a term used to describe unpredictable, but highly impactful events. A. Straddling B. Viral trojans C. Black swans D. Power plays E. Flash outs


_____ provide the infrastructure backbone to SaaS and hardware cloud efforts, as well as many large-scale Internet services. A. Private clouds B. Data warehouses C. Server farms D. Neural networks E. Content delivery networks


Customer lifetime value represents: A. the portion of income spent on leisure by a customer over the course of his lifetime. B. the increase in the purchase of current goods and services that results from an increase in income. C. a customer?s assessment of the value of the brand, above its objective value. D. the present value of the likely future income stream generated by an individual purchaser. E. the tendency of a customer to stick with a brand even when it is priced higher than an otherwise equal product.


Developers creating applications create _____ that have the potential to add value to Facebook beyond what the firm itself provides to its users. A. switching costs B. distribution channels C. one-sided markets D. complementary benefits E. user-generated content


In online advertising, the term "impression" describes: A. the Web site displayed when a user clicks on an advertisement. B. ads that include animation, audio, or video. C. ads that run before a user arrives at a Web site?s main content. D. each instance of an ad?s appearance on a Web site. E. the design and content of an advertisement.


Oracle, a firm that sells commercial ERP and database products, provides Linux for free, selling high-margin Linux support contracts for as much as five hundred thousand dollars. Oracle's motivation for this lies in: A. accelerating the shift of open source software towards a proprietary regime. B. using open source software to fuel sales of hardware. C. impoverishing other open source developers and furthering its own proprietary offerings. D. using open source software to wean customers away from competitors. E. protecting itself from the risks of distributing code while unaware of legal implications.


Systems that use data created by other systems to provide reporting and analysis for organizational decision making are called _____ systems. A. application server B. supply chain management C. enterprise resource management D. business intelligence E. customer relationship management


The scalability of a software product is defined as the: A. capability to continue operations even if a component fails. B. long-term market viability of a software product. C. ability to take advantage of complementary products developed for a prior generation of technology. D. ability to be easily expanded to manage workload increases. E. ability to replace a technically superior product upon market inception.


The second phase of the Web is about: A. putting information online and giving people a way to find it. B. making low-cost Internet access available to everyone. C. integrating the Internet and the World Wide Web. D. connecting people with one another. E. improving the speed of broadband access across the globe.


The term _____ is used to refer to raw facts and figures. A. information B. knowledge C. analytics D. data E. intelligence


Vendors frequently sign _____ with their customers to ensure a guaranteed uptime and define their ability to meet demand spikes. A. infrastructure provider contracts B. host vendor terms C. open source contracts D. service level agreements E. requests for information


Which of the following functions is likely to be performed by enterprise software? A. Word processing B. Spreadsheet accounting C. Making PowerPoint presentations D. Inventory tracking E. Internet browsing


Which of the following is true about advertising and Facebook? A. Facebook sells banner advertisements to the online community. B. Google serves three times more display ads online than Facebook. C. Facebook ads do not engage consumers to comment on content, RSVP to an event, and more. D. Facebook execs argue that people remember ads better and are more likely to make purchases when their friends endorse products. E. Facebook users can endorse products by clicking on the ?like? button, but they cannot turn off firm messages if they ?unlike? a firm.


Which of the following represents the only advertising category trending with positive growth? A. Newspaper advertising B. Radio advertising C. Billboard advertising D. Online advertising E. Television advertising


Which of the following statements holds true for the term cache? A. It refers to the Internet directory service that allows devices and services to be named and discoverable. B. It refers to the process of improving a page?s organic search results. C. It refers to Internet content that can?t be indexed by Google and other search engines. D. It refers to a temporary storage space used to speed computing tasks. E. It refers to software that traverses available Web links in an attempt to perform a given task.


Which of the followings aspects of international law would enable a cyber-criminal operating across borders to evade prosecution? A. Lack of technology to identify the origin of a security attack B. Non-recognition of commission of a security-related crime C. Unwillingness of developed countries to share technical know-how with lesser-developed countries D. Non-existent extradition agreements between two countries E. Technological incompatibility between the two countries


Why did users initially protest against the introduction of News Feeds by Facebook? A. News Feeds, being viral in nature, hogged much of the users? Internet bandwidth. B. News Feeds threatened the security of users? Facebook profiles. C. News Feeds required that users give up the right to content they generated. D. News Feeds were perceived to be infringing on users? privacy. E. News Feeds cluttered user profiles and made it difficult for users to follow their friends? activities.


Why do firms need to create separate data repositories for their reporting and analytics work? A. Most firms store their data assets offsite to insure themselves against the possibility of data damage through natural disasters. B. Maintaining huge databases in-house can be a cost-sink for most firms. C. Most organizations need to differentiate data derived in-house and from data aggregators. D. Running analytics against transactional data can bog down a system. E. Most firms derive their data in a combined and reformatted form.


_____ can be either software-based or hardware, such as a recording "dongle" that is plugged in between a keyboard and a PC. A. Shadow-keyboards B. Bootloggers C. Rootkits D. Keyloggers E. Adwares


_____ is a concept where advertisers do not pay unless someone clicks on their ad. A. Pay-per-view B. Cost-per-impression C. Click-through rate D. Pay-per-click E. Prospective advertising


Popular sites like Google and Yahoo! have several computers assigned to their host names because: A. they have operations in different countries. B. they are registered under several generic top level domain names. C. of the disparity in the number of users accessing their sites in different parts of the world. D. hoarding all information in one server increases the risk of damage in case of natural disasters. E. it ensures the load of requests to their sites do not overwhelm a single computer.


The Internet Protocol Suite consists of the Internet Protocol and _____. A. File Transfer Protocol B. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol C. Session Initiation Protocol D. Datagram Congestion Control Protocol E. Transmission Control Protocol


The cache speeds up computing tasks by: A. storing the domain names? users type into the web browser. B. placing bookmarks for favored web pages. C. storing IP addresses of hosts visited by users. D. fetching web addresses from the DNS. E. loading content from default pages.


Which of the following factors prevents social networking sites from monetizing advertising effectively? A. Low marketing budgets B. Inflation C. DNS cache poisoning D. Phishing E. Content adjacency


Which of the following formulas is used by Google to determine the rank order of sponsored links appearing on its search results pages? A. Ad rank = Minimum CPC x Click-through rate B. Ad rank = Cost-per-thousand impressions x Number of impressions C. Ad rank = Maximum CTR x Number of impressions D. Ad rank = Churn rate x Average cost-per-click E. Ad rank = Maximum CPC x Quality score


Which of the following functions of embedded systems help make a device smarter? A. They allow for the development and integration of software products and other complementary goods. B. They facilitate user interaction with computing devices through interface elements such as windows, scroll bars, and dialog boxes. C. They provide programmers a common set of commands to consistently interact with the hardware. D. They house and serve business logic for use (and reuse) by multiple applications. E. They diagnose problems with computer hardware, and provide alerts for maintenance.


Which of the following is an example of computer hardware? A. Firmware B. Operating system C. Application D. Platform E. Network cable


_____ are model building techniques where computers examine many potential solutions to a problem, iteratively modifying various mathematical models, and comparing the mutated models to search for a best alternative. A. Expert systems B. Ad hoc reporting tools C. Iterative mutations D. Sampled alliterations E. Genetic algorithms


_____ is by far the most popular language for creating and manipulating databases. A. XML B. HTML C. PHP D. Java E. SQL


_____ provide the standards, syntax, statements, and instructions for writing computer software. A. Operating systems B. Application servers C. Database management systems D. Platforms E. Programming languages


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