Accessory Digestive & Reproduction

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What vitamins are involved with the Liver and what kind of solubility do they have?

A, B12, D, E, K, Fat Soluble

What are Cholecystokinin and Secretin secreted as a result of?

Acidic Chyme and Lipids

What are the secretions of the exocrine function of the pancreas produced by?

Acinar Cells

What toxins are absorbed from the digestive tract and are converted into less toxic materials for excretion?

Alcohol, Bacterial Toxins, Ammonia

Bile flows through _____ and then into the _____, and eventually into _____.

Bile Canaliculi, Hepatic Triad, Hepatic Duct

What are the functions of Hepatocytes?

Bile Production, Storage of Nutrients, Interconversion of Nutrients, Phagocytosis, Synthesis of Blood (Plasma) Components, Detoxification

What does bile neutralize and how?

Bile neutralizes acidic chyme through bicarbonate.

Hepatic Sinusoids are _____ found between _____, and are lined with _____, and blood from ______ mix within them.

Blood Channels, Hepatic Cords, Kupffer Cells, Hepatic Arteries and Hepatic Portal Veins

What does the endocrine function of the pancreas regulate?

Blood Glucose Levels

What is Mechanical Digestion?

Break down of large food molecules into smaller.

What is Chemical Digestion?

Breaking of covalent bonds by digestive enzymes.

Proteolytic Enzymes - Proteins include what?

Carboxypeptidase, Chymotrypsin, Trypsin

Bile is released in response to the release of what?


What does bile consist of?

Cholesterol and Bilirubin

What blood components are synthesized by the liver?

Clotting Factors Heparin Albumin Fibrinogen Angiotensinogen Globulins

The Cystic Duct and Common Hepatic Duct join to form the _____, which drains into the _____.

Common Bile Duct, Duodenum

What is the function of Enterokinase?

Converts inactive trypsinogen into trypsin, which then goes on to activate enzymes from the pancreas into the intestinal lumen.

What two transition metals does the liver store?

Copper and Iron

The _____ persists if fertilization does not occur.

Corpus Albicans

After ovulation, the ruptured follicle is transformed into a glandular structure called the _____.

Corpus Luteum

The _____ persists if fertilization occurs.

Corpus Luteum

The _____ drains from the gall bladder.

Cystic Duct

Of the functions of Hepatocytes, what two are both a part of Kupffer Cells?

Detoxification and Phagocytosis

What does pancreatic amylase do?

Digest Carbohydrates

What does pancreatic lipase do?

Digest Lipids

Where is Cholecystokinin released from? What phase is it released from?

Duodenum, Intestinal

What does bile do to fats?


What is the function of Hepatic Sinusoids?

Engulf bacteria and foreign material.

What is produced by acinar cells in response to cholecystokinin?

Enzymatic Component

What hormone causes uterine growth and where is it coming from?

Estrogen, Anterior Pituitary Gland

How do simple sugars cross the intestinal epithelial cell membrane?

Facilitated Diffusion and Cotransport Mechanisms

In the Duodenum, _____ increase the secretion of _____, which increases secretion of plasma _____, which can then go to either the Gall Bladder which _____ or the Sphincter of Oddi which _____. _____ of the Gall Bladder increases the flow of _____ into the _____, which then goes on to increase the flow of _____ into the _____, which is also directly affected by _____ of the Sphincter of Oddi.

Fatty Acids, Cholecystokinin, Cholecystokinin, Contracts, Relaxes, Contraction, Bile, Common Bile Duct, Bile, Duodenum, Relaxation

In females, the development of the follicles is stimulated by what hormone?

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone

The ovarian cycle contains what two phases?

Follicular Phase and Luteal Phase

Where is bile stored?

Gall Bladder

Hepatocytes absorb and release _____ in order to aid in maintaining ____.

Glucose, Blood Glucose Levels

What is the glucose storage molecule of the liver?


_____ in the duodenum stimulates the release of _____ which signals _____ in the pancreas, _____ in the duodenum, and _____ in the liver to release _____.

HCl, Secretin, Intercalated Cells, Brunner's Glands, Hepatocytes, HCO3-

Arterial blood supply for the liver comes from the _____.

Hepatic Artery

Collections of Hepatocytes form _____.

Hepatic Cords

The _____ drains bile from the liver.

Hepatic Duct

The ______ deals with circulation from the intestine.

Hepatic Portal Vein

The Portal Triad consists of what?

Hepatic Portal Vein, Hepatic Artery, Hepatic Duct

What produces bile?


Where do lactase, sucrase, maltase, isomaltase bind to?

Intestinal epithelium

What is the endocrine function of the pancreas also called?

Islets of Langerhans

What cells carry out phagocytosis in the liver? What is being engulfed?

Kupffer Cells, Dead Cells/ Bacteria/ Broken Old Red & White Blood Cells

Pancreatic lipase breaks down _____ into _____ and _____.

Lipids, Fatty Acids, Glycerol

The Central Vein of Hepatocytes are found at the center of each _____, unite to form the _____, and empties into the _____.

Lobule, Hepatic Vein, Inferior Vena Cava

What hormone causes ovulation? Where does this hormone come from and what causes it to be released?

Luteinizing Hormone. Anterior Pituitary Gland. Positive Feedback of Estrogen Secretion.

The process that produces sex cells in both males and females is a special type of cell division called _____.


What phase takes place before the Proliferative Phase?


Where do disaccharides bind to?

Microvilli of intestinal epithelium

Where does carbohydrate digestion start? What enzyme starts carbohydrate digestion? What secretes this enzyme?

Mouth. Amylase. Salivary Glands.

In females, the reproductive organs develop from a series of tubes and ducts that are present in early development. These ducts are called the _____.

Müllerian Ducts

What is the function of the aqueous component of the pancreas?

Neutralize Acids

What process takes place between the Follicular Phase and the Luteal Phase?


What system and nerve stimulates the release of bile?

Parasympathetic, Vagus (X)

The ______ is the area on inferior of liver for the entrance/ exit of vessels, ducts, and nerves.


What are the structures of the liver?

Porta, Hepatic Portal Vein, Hepatic Artery, Hepatic Duct, Cystic Duct, Common Bile Duct

What are Gallstones? How do they pose a threat? What is a possible cause of how they form?

Precipitated Cholesterol. They can block the Cystic Duct. Drastic Dieting.

The time that the uterus is actively growing in size is called what phase?


What happens to most bile?


The gene that resides on the Y chromosome and is responsible for producing the male reproductive organs is called the _____.

SRY Gene

What stimulates the aqueous component of the pancreas?


What does Secretin stimulate in the pancreas?

Secretion of Bicarbonate

What does Cholecystokinin stimulate in the pancreas?

Secretion of enzymes from acinar cells.

What phase take place after the Proliferative Phase?


The cells responsible for the formation of the blood-testis barrier are the _____.

Sertoli Cells

Where does carbohydrate digestion end? What enzyme ends carbohydrate digestion? What secretes this enzyme?

Small Intestine

Sperm cells develop from stem cells called _____.


Where does minor carbohydrate digestion occur?


The interstitial (Leydig) cells of the testes produce _____.


Erection of the penis in the male reproductive system and erection of the clitoris in the female reproductive system occurs through the same neural mechanisms involving the nervous system.


In males, the reproductive organs develop from a series of tubes and ducts that are present in early development. These ducts are called the _____.

Wolffian Ducts

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