ACCT 4240 CH2

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Which of the following is NOT an appropriate name for a task?

Check is received

an inclusive gateway is modeled with an X inside.


Similar to sequence flows in BPMN, message flows are modeled as arrows, but message flows are __________ arrows.

dashed or dotted

Technology does not necessarily result in better decisions, because the information produced may not support the information requirements of the business's _____________ makers.


Gateways show process branching and merging as the result of _____.


A business process is a __________ sequence of activities that uses resources to transform specific inputs into outputs to achieve a business goal.


Documentation includes all of the following except:

financial reports.

An activity model describes the sequence of workflow in

a business process.

Assume that there are three sequence flows (paths) leaving an exclusive branching gateway. The token will proceed from that gateway on only __________ path.


The CGMA Competency Framework classifies skills into ________ important sets.


The Institute of Management Accounting Competency Framework defines ____________ areas of skills that accounting professionals need to remain relevant.


The Institute of Management Accounting Competency Framework defines how many areas of skills that accounting professionals need to remain relevant in a digital age?


__________ models are tools used for planning, documenting, discussing, and implementing systems.


Which of the following symbols represent events in BPMN?


Each process must show a sequential flow from a START event continuously through process activities to which of the follow?

End event

There may be multiple tokens leaving all of the following types of branching gateways except which of the following?


A business process is a defined sequence of interactions with business customers.


Activity models show information structures to support the development of database systems.


BPMN allows flow objects to be characterized by type by including a type icon next to the flow object.


BPMN models are presented right to left or top to bottom.


Branching gateways reflect decisions.


Documentation facilitates process improvement but does not show how a process can be performed with fewer inputs and resources.


In BPMN, there are three types of events: start, intermittent, and end events.


Message flows are show as solid arrows connecting two pools.


Raising capital is an activity in the Accounting/Finance Operations role of accountants.


Rapid changes in the global marketplace that affect the accounting profession have resulted in a focus on accountings' stewardship and reporting functions.


To show the sequence flow between pools, use a message flow.


In which of the following situations describing making travel reservations would an exclusive gateway be the best option?

You plan travel either by air or rail but not both.

Which of the following allows the modeler to focus on the message flows between pools?

Make the external pool opaque.

The organization that maintains the specification for BPMN (business process modeling notation) is the __________ Management Group (OMG).


Which of the following is NOT an appropriate name for a task?

Order is denied

Which of the following is NOT a skill area in the IMA Management Accounting Competency Framework?

People skills

Which of the following is a business management support of the accounting/finance function?

Performance measurement, reporting and analysis

Match the purpose of the BPMN symbol to the name of the BPMN symbol.

Pool matches Identifies participants in a process Swimlane matches Shows departments within organizations Message flows matches Represents interactions between BPMN pools Sequence flows matches Represents sequence of activities within BPMN pools

Which of the following symbols represent activities In BPMN?


Which of the following is a stewardship and reporting role for the accounting/finance function?

Regulatory compliance

Which of the following is not one of the sets of skills in the CGMA Competency Framework?

Reporting and control

Which of the following is true about sequence flows?

Sequence flows do not span multiple pools.

Match the purpose of the BPMN symbol to the symbol.

Start event matches Begins a process Activity matches Represents processes, subprocesses, or tasks Sequence flows matches Shows the order of activities Intermediate event matches An occurrence that changes the flow of a process Gateway matches Controls branching and merging of flow End event matches Signals the end of a process Annotation matches Adds descriptive text to a BPMN diagram

Which of the following is included in Accountants' Stewardship and Reporting role? (Check all that apply).

Statutory Reporting Investor Relations

Match activities to the role of the accounting/finance function in business.

Stewardship and Reporting matches Tax returns Accounting operations matches Financial close - completing period-end activities Management support matches Performance measurement and analysis

Match the IMA Management Accounting Competency Framework skill area with a matching skill.

Strategic management matches Guide decision making Reporting and control matches Report organizational performance Technology and analytics matches Analyze data to enhance organizational success Leadership matches Facilitate collaboration Professional ethics and values matches Demonstrate commitment to legal compliance

Match the CGMA Competency Framework skill set with specific skills contained in that set.

Technical matches Conduct accounting operations efficiently Business matches Advise on strategic options People matches Communicate well Leadership matches Coach and mentor employees

Which of the following is NOT a common gateway type?


Which of the following is the best description of the token concept?

The token travels from the start event to an end event to show how various process elements interact.

Which of the following is true with respect to branching gateways?

They direct flow based on the answer to a question.

A business model is an abstract, simplified, representation of business processes.


A sequence flow can only connect to flow objects.


Activity models show the sequence of workflow tasks in a business process.


Although rapid changes in technology increase the amount of information available, the information must support the information requirements of the business decision makers to be fully effective.


An end event consumes the token, which end the process.


An opaque pool is one that is drawn with no events or tasks.


Management must maintain evidential matter, including documentation, to provide reasonable support that it has established adequate internal control structures and procedures.


The type and extent of documentation depends on the nature of the business's products and processes as well as the nature of the organization.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good BPMN model?

Uses professional modeling software

The accounting/finance operations role includes financial close - completing period-end _______.


Depending on the diagram's level of detail, _____ represent processes, subprocesses or tasks.


Workflow models must describe all of the following except

activities outside of the process.

Specific steps in the business process are called:


Business __________ is the process of defining business process requirements and evaluating potential improvements.


In BPMN, sequence flows are modeled using


The roles of the accounting/finance function include stewardship and reporting, accounting operation, and ______________ management support.


An event is represented by a __________


A graphical representation presents information more __________ than a written description.

concisely, succinctly, concise, or clearly

Accountants have four roles with respect to technology: users, managers, ________, and evaluators.


In BPMN, gateways are represented by a:


In BPMN, which of the following symbols represent gateways:


The CGMA Competency Framework describes four broad sets of skills anchored by a commitment to, ______________, integrity, and professionalism.


Documentation is important to businesses for all of the following reasons except:

facilitating tax reporting

The IMA Management Accounting Competency Framework states that accountants must be able to develop financial plans consistent with the organization's strategic _________.


The IMA Management Accounting Competency Framework states that accountants must be able to develop financial plans consistent with the organization's strategic __________


Business analysis includes all of the following except:

implementing technological improvements.

A circle with a double-line perimeter represents an __________ event.


In BPMN, organizations are modeled as pools and departments within organizations are modeled as __________ within a pool.

lanes or swimlanes

In a business process diagram, models are normally presented

left to right.

BPMN models should describe the __________ of a business process unambiguously.


Business models allow managers to do which of the following:

manage complexity assess the need for change

Performance ___________ is an accounting function in the Business Management Support role.

management, measurement

In BPMN, gateways show branching and __________ as the result of decisions.


A token travels along sequence flows but does not traverse __________ flows.


In BPMN, the interaction between two pools is modeled as a __________ flow.


Events include all of the following except


A business __________ is a simple, abstract representation of one or more business processes.


Business _____ allow the depiction of important features of business processes clearly and concisely.


Documentation includes business process __________, business rules, user manuals, training manuals, and the like.


BPMN allows flow __________ to be characterized by type.


An external pool can be __________ in order to focus on message flows between the pools.

opaque or opaqued

In BPMN, the organization is identified by


Which of the following is NOT a flow object?


Which of the following is NOT a role of accountants with respect to technology?


In BPMN, a sequence flow indicates the __________ of activity in a business process.

progression, flow, sequence, or progress

To be valuable business partners, accountants must understand financial reporting and additionally they must understand: (Select all that apply).

risks that the business faces. how the accounting system collects business process information. how the accounting system summarizes business process information.

In BPMN, arrows represent:

sequence flows

Each process must begin with a __________ event.


In BPMN, activities represent specific __________ in the business process.

steps or tasks

Business models create value in all of the following ways except:

supporting processes

Regardless of notation, workflow or activity models need to be able to describe:

the sequence of flow. the event(s) that start the process. the organizational role/function responsible for specific activities.

Documentation is important to auditors since it provides audit __________ .


To be valuable business partners, accountants must first __________ the business.


Documentation explains how business processes and business systems __________.


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