ACE EXAM Practice Questions

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a. Tone of voice. b. Facial expression. c. Body language.

What is an example of non-verbal communication?

Investigation Stage

Kristin is in for her second session and you are conducting fitness assessments. While you are checking her body fat percentage you ask her about types of exercise she prefers to do. What stage of the client-trainer relationship are you in with Kristin?

Static Posture

According to the ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model, what step in the training process best follows the testing of resting measures such as heart rate and blood pressure?

20 hours in 2 years

An ACE certified personal trainer must complete how many continuing education hours in what period of time to keep their certification active?

30-90 seconds

Beth is a 28-year-old woman who is looking to improve her overall fitness. How long should she rest for in between sets on a leg press exercise?

72 hours (3 days)

Bill is training at 80-90% of his 1 repetition maximum on leg press. How long should he typically wait before training his legs again?

Less than 30 seconds

Bob is a 30-year-old man looking to increase muscular endurance for distance running. How long should he rest in between sets on the leg extension machine?

Rapport Stage

Dan is a new client whom you are meeting with for the first time today. He will most likely be evaluating you as a trainer through both your verbal and non-verbal communication. What stage of the client-trainer relationship are you in with Dan?

Investigation Stage

In what stage of the client-trainer relationship are health-history and lifestyle questionnaires administered?


James has been training for and competing in triathlons for 5 years. He wants to increase running speed and cycling power. How many times should you suggest he train per week?


Saying things like, "I understand, 125 feels like your ideal weight." Is an example of which positive listening skill?

Explaining the proper way to perform an exercise, showing your client, and then allowing them to try the exercise.

What is an example of the "tell, show, do" technique used in the early stages of training?

Sagittal plane shoulder movements with one arm raised off the floor.

When training a client to activate their core for the purpose of gaining proximal stability, what exercise modality should come first in the progression?

increased range of motion

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of inflammation at a joint?

Informed Consent form

Which of the following is a form that notifies the client of the risk associated with exercise?

A healing fracture site

Which of the following is an absolute contraindication to stretching?

A trainer who communicates well

Which of the following is typically considered by clients to be the most important factor in creating a positive first impression?

Teaching a client self myo-fascial releasing techniques

Which of the following is within the ACE personal trainer's scope of practice?

Add resistance to her squats and lunges.

You have been working with Judy for 1 month now. Her initial goals were to gain strength in her lower body and you have been working on body weight squats and lunges. She can perform 3 sets of 15 squats without a struggle. What is the best course of action to continue to increase her lower body strength significantly?


Your client tells you that he understands that his family has a history of heart disease and that being overweight can increase his risk for such conditions. He is still wary of beginning any kind of exercise program and says that he has never had any weight loss success in the past. According to the Theoretical Model of Behavioral Change, what stage of change is your client in?

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