ACE Test
What are the steps that you should take if someone calls in on your shift?
1. Cover the shift with existing employees. 2. Call employees that are scheduled off to see if they can come in and cover the shift. 3. Report the call of to the Store Manager when they return to work and have a plan to make up the missed shift.
How many hangs is a hanger expected to be achieving prior to certification if they are in a POD or Grader (Sorter) system?
100 pieces.
The Textile Grader (Sorter) PRE-CERTIFICATION standards to qualify for LEAP, require a grader to be sorting how many pieces per hour?
175 pieces per hour.
The wares pricer PRE-CERTIFICATION standards require them to be pricing how many carts per hour?
3 carts per hour.
How many colors are in our color rotation cycle?
5. Blue, green, red, orange, yellow.
What is the appropriate donor per square footage for A, B, and C stores?
A Stores: 4 donors per square foot B Stores: 3 donors per square foot C Stores: 2 donors per square foot
What is every facility required to have in place to address fire, weather-related events, or medical crisis? Multiple answers may apply.
An emergency plan.
If an employee has an incident that requires a higher level than first aid, but is not life threatening, what is the next step that you would take?
Call the Nurse Triage service.
What are some examples of items that are on the "Do Not Sell" list?
Cell phones, chemicals, butane, propane, kerosene tanks, large appliances, mattresses and box springs, tires and automotive batteries, paint, ammunition, car seats, computers, and weapons
What should you do if you suspect an employee being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs?
Contact your HRBP and complete the "Reasonable Suspicion Form."
What log is needed to record all voids, refunds, and no sales?
Daily Transaction Log.
After an ROC (Record of Conversation) is completed, what is the next step if behavior is not corrected?
Documented Verbal Warning or DVW.
How do all of the donations relate to the mission?
Donations produce revenue that funds our mission.
True or false. If an employee is locked out of their Ultipro, you should just let them log into your account.
False, you should never let them do this.
What is the key to success is Round Up?
Making sure that each customer is ASKED.
For an employee to qualify for LEAP, we require them to be in "good standing". What fits the criteria of "good standing" for LEAP?
No Documented Verbal Warning (DVW) or Final Written Warning (FWW) for past 6 months.
If an employee call in before, or after, a holiday do they still get their holiday pay?
No, they do not.
If corrective action is needed on attendance, what is the FIRST document used to report this?
Record of Conversation (ROC).
What is the correct term for cleaning and preparing the sales floor at the end of your shift?
Who should you report to if your lose your store keys?
Regional Manager.
What are the 3 Core Values of Goodwill Industries of Kentucky?
Respect, Excellence, and Integrity.
Who is allowed to have keys at your store? (3 answers)
Team Leaders, Assistant Managers, and Store Managers.
If a clothing section is too full, what will used to determine what color to remove/pull from the sales floor?
The color rotation/chart.
Where should the first aid kit and first responder kit be in the building?
The registers and manager's office.
What are some things that could result in immediate termination if it was discovered to be true?
Theft and sexual harassment/harassment.
What happens to the items that we cannot sell in the store?
They are recycled or thrown into the trash.
Where do all of our donations go?
They are sold, recycled, or put into the trash.
What are 3 things you can access as a manager thru Ultipro/UKG?
Timesheets, policies, and trainings.
Why should someone donate to Goodwill? Why do we charge money for donated items?
To support our mission of providing jobs for those with disabilities or disadvantages.
True or false. It is the responsibility of the entire store to maintain a clean, organized, and shoppable sales floor.
How should PTO requests and/or time-off requests be submitted?
Are there any exceptions to the customer refund/exchange policy?
Yes, there can be exceptions made by the MOD to fulfill a customer service transaction.
Does the office door have to remain locked when funds are being counted or verified?
Where do you find your current PTO balance?
Your most recent paycheck or under "PTO Accruals."
True or false. PTO cannot be paid as extra compensation in lieu of taking time off of work.
True or false. The only two paid holidays that all Goodwill locations are closed are Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
True or false. Any unauthorized removal, modification of, or tampering with a device that could hinder the intended function of the device from the manufacture is strictly prohibited.
True. This is a Safety Absolute policy.
How many attendance occurrences can a person get before termination?
How long must an employee be employed to qualify under the LEAP quidelines?
90 days.
What is the assigned unit price for a pair of flip flops?
99 cents.
What is the price of a DVD?
99 cents.
What is the price of a cosmetic bag?
99 cents.
True or false. When looking at the recycling TRF, "BHTP" stands for belts, hats, toys, and purses.
False, "BHTP" stands for belts, hats, TIES, and purses.
True or false. ALL employees are eligible for Holiday pay.
False, only Full-Time employees are eligible for Holiday pay.
True or false. Employees are not required to enter and exit thru a designated door.
False, they are required to enter and exit from the designated doors (usually the donation door for most stores).
True or false. If an employee calls in, and states they will be unable to work today, they are not required to use PTO.
False, they are required to use available PTO if they have any.
True or false. We are supposed to climb into the beds of trucks or trailers in order to unload donations.
False, we are never supposed to get in the back of a truck or trailer.
If an employee has a work related incident, when should it be reported to management?
Which positions are required to become First Responders in the stores? Multiple answers.
Team Leaders, Assistant Managers, and Store Managers.
On which Ultipro/UKG page can you find up to date safety documents?
The "Company Info" page.
When hanging clothes on the sales floor, what is the recommended practice to ensure integrity of sizing categories?
The "snake method" or "snaking the clothes." Everything to the right of the sizing rings should be that size.
Inactive colors must be removed from the sales floor by when?
By Tuesday at 12:00 PM.
What is the price of a purse?
How many days does a customer have to return items with the receipt?
10 days.
How many weeks should a schedule be made for?
2 weeks.
How many employees are required to verify a cash drop (sign the bank deposit slip)?
2, usually it is a Manager on Duty and a Cashier.
What is the minimum number of employees that should always be in the store during operational hours?
How many consecutive no-call, no-shows qualify as job abandonement?
3 no-call, no-shows.
What are the minimum number of hours that a Full-Time employee should be scheduled?
30 hours per week.
Under KY's Dept. of Labor Laws, a "reasonable amount of time" for an employee's meal break is a minimum of how long?
30 minutes.
The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that aisles must be a minimum width wide. What is that minimum?
36 inches wide is the mandated minimum amount.
What is the assigned unit price for a cup?
59 cents.
COVID19: What is the recommended distance between people to be socially distanced?
6 feet.
If a bill is determined to be "suspect" after using a counterfeit pen, what should the cashier do?
Ask for another form of payment OR get the MOD to address the situation.
Which employees are allowed to enter schedules into Ultipro/UKG?
Assistant Managers, Store Managers.
Good attendance and being on time are essential for a successful workplace. Employees should notify their manager in what minimum timeframe if they have an illness or other personal situation?
At least 30 minutes.
When should you put a TRF on a container?
Before you put an item into the container.
True or false. It should take 30-45 minutes to process a z-rack of clothes that has been properly categorized and sized.
False, it should only take 15-20 minutes.
True or false. There are a total of 7 wares categories on the sales floor.
False, there are 8 categories.
True or false. Cashiers are allowed to accept gifts from customers.
False, they are never allowed to accept gifts from customers.
True or false. If the donor tells you that it is acceptable, then you are allowed to accept a gift from them.
False, you are never allowed to accept gifts from customers or donors.
True or false. As long as they are rated "Cut Level 2", you can use your own gloves when completing Material Handler duties.
False, you are only allowed to use Goodwill provided safety gloves. You cannot bring some from home.
True or false. If you were forklift certified at a prior employer, that certification is effective at Goodwill, even if it has not expired yet.
False, you must become forklift certified at Goodwill in order to use to forklift.
True OR False. In order for an item to be eligible for a refund or exchange, the item must have been bought in the same store it is returned to?
True or False. A manager is allowed to ring on a cashier's drawer.
True or False. Customers who bought items with a credit/debit card have the option of getting their refund back in cash OR credited back onto their card.
True or False. The opening manager is the only one who must verify all safe funds daily.
True or False. You should keep your safe on day lock.
True or false. Payroll specialists are the only people who have the authority to edit personal information to Ultipro/UKG.
True or False. We accept refunds from the surrounding state's Goodwill locations.
False. We can only accept refunds from the Kentucky locations.
Workplace discrimination is based on...
Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Inc. ("Goodwill") prohibits any verbal, physical or visual harassment, discrimination or retaliation of an employee because of that person's race, color, creed, age, religion, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, veteran status, genetic information or any other status protected under federal, state or local law.
If you find clothing that is on the floor, and not on a hanger, what should you do with that item?
Hang it back on a hanger and put it in its correct location on the salesfloor.
What is the purpose and benefit of the TRF form on gaylords?
It identifies what is in the gaylord and where it came from. It helps the driver fill out the information for the "Transportation Activity Report" or TAR.
Under the new Drug Policy, what form will be used to assist an employee in working thru drug, alcohol, and/or illegal substance abuse, while the employee maintains their employment at Goodwill?
Last Chance Agreement.
Can former employees access their account on Ultipro/UKG?
No they cannot.
Can more than 1 cashier ring on the same drawer?
No, only 1 cashier is allowed per drawer.
If an employee is not clocked in, are they allowed to be in the production area?
No, they are not allowed in the production area unless they are clocked in for work.
Do we give refunds on voucher purchases?
No, we do not. Only exchanges can be done for voucher purchases.
If a family member comes thru your line, are you allowed to process their sale?
No, you should have someone else process their sale.
How often are safety drills conducted in all locations?
Once a month.
What are some benefits that Goodwill provides to all employees without charge?
PTO, Life insurance, and 403B.
The steps taken, in order, to get a LEAP certification are...
Participant completes Employee Request for Certification (ERC) form and submits to Store Manager (SM). 2) SM scans ERC to the Administrator. 3) Administrator logs request and sends Certification Process Form (CPF) to SM. 4 SM completes Part 1 of Certification Process Form (CPF) and submits to Regional Manager (RM). 5) RM approves or disapproves and sends to Administrator. 7) If RM disapproves, Administrator sends back to the SM. 8) If RM approves, Administrator assigns a Certifier and forwards Certification Process Form (CPF). 9) Certifier schedules test time with the SM and participant. 11) Certifier administers test within two-week time frame. 12) Certifier completes Part 2 and submits Certification Process Form (CPF) to Administrator. 13) If fail, Administrator sends Certification Process Form (CPF) to SM and RM. 14) If pass, Administrator sends Certification Process Form (CPF) to SM. 15) SM completes Part 3 of Certification Process Form (CPF)and submits to Administrator. 16) If fail, Administrator submits to RM. 17) If pass, Administrator submits to RM for final approval. 17) Upon final approval, the SM will complete a Change of Status (COS) form for the participant pay increase effective the 1st day of the next period. 18) The RM and SM are responsible for participant's recognition.
What is used to contain the cords on all electrical items/devices?
Rubber band(s).
When using a compactor, what PPE is supposed to be worn?
Safety gloves and glasses.
What forms of PPE are required when taking all donations?
Safety gloves and reflective vest.
What are some examples of PPE required in the stores?
Safety gloves, glasses, and reflective vests.
What all items do we recycle?
Shoes, books, purses, belts, hats, ties, cardboard, textiles, pulled textiles, and metal.
The current sizing categories for clothing are...
Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, XX Large.
What are the 5S in order?
Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain
Which retail employees can perform drug screens on applicants?
Store Managers only.
When making any type of complaint, how may the employee report it? Multiple answers may be marked.
Store, Manager, Regional Manager, HRBP, Impact Line.
When an employee makes a claim of any type of harassment, the leader must act swiftly. What steps should the leader take first?
The employee should provide his/her written statement to the person he/she is reporting his/her concerns to (their department head) so that an investigation can be conducted and the situation can be addressed in a timely manner. Members of management should immediately report any complaint of harassment, discrimination or retaliation that they become aware of to their department head and HRBP (Human Resources Business Partner). Goodwill will investigate allegations of harassment, discrimination or retaliation in as prompt and confidential manner as possible once we become aware of a complaint. As needed, Goodwill will take corrective action that it deems appropriate based on the findings of the investigation. This may include corrective action up to and including the termination of anyone found to be in violation of this policy.
If we have a donated item that we deem as unsellable, what happens to it? Multiple answers possible.
The item is either trashed, salvaged, or recycled.
Where should employees place their personal belongings while working? More than one possible answer could apply.
Their personal locker or Manager's office.
True or false. Your HRBP (Human Resources Business Partner) should be involved in all disciplinary issues.
True, they should always be involved.
True or false. Branding signage on the ends of H Racks should NEVER be blocked.
True, they should not be blocked by clothing or other items.
True or false. When your compactor or baler are not operational, they are required to be locked and tagged out.
True, you should follow the LOTO procedure when they are not working.
True or false. When moving bins, Z racks, or carts, you should push and not pull.
True, you should never pull in order to prevent an injury.
True OR False. Customers whose items were purchased with cash or pre-paid credit card will be given a cash refund?
True or false. A forklift must be inspected prior to each driver using it, and the inspection log must be completed.
True or false. If you are working outside on Goodwill property, you are required to wear a safety vest at all times.
True or false. Our Learning Management system is named "Elevate."
What day of the week are schedules supposed to be posted?
When should you attach a Merchandise Store of Receipt Agreement to a piece of furniture?
When the customer cannot get the item that same day of purchase.
Are ALL Full-Time and Part-Time employees eligible to earn PTO?
Yes, all employees are eligible for PTO.
True or false. A container, or gaylord, that is not labeled with a TRF or is labeled incorrectly can result in a loss of production.
Yes, it will cause drivers to lose production and time.
Do all employees have access to Ultipro/UKG?
Yes, they all have access to UKG.
If you wear glasses, are you still required to wear safety goggles?
Yes, you are still required to wear them.
Can you access Ultipro/UKG from home?
Yes, you can.