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"silent disease". low bone density or bone mass. increases risk of fracture. largely preventable. Women are 3x more likely to develop it.

Exercise in high altitude

"thin air" same amount of oxygen in the air at ALL elevations. It is the change in barometric pressure that causes the PO2 to decrease. SV decreases and HR increases during first initial days. Safe to assume that there will need to be a significant reduction in intensity and duration of activities.

% Fat equation

% Fat = 495/BD - 450

Ex of admin law

(OHSA) which is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

initial simple assessment of muscular strength and change in muscular strength between clients (calculation)

(kg) weight lifted / (kg) body weight

What is reciprocal inhibition?

*The antagonist muscle responds with reciprocal inhibition. Causes antagonist to contract less as the agonist contracts.

first thing you should do for RT in children and adolescents

- make sure its a safe environments and appropriate training instruction

what were the Primary physical activity recommendations of 2008

-Americans should participate in 150min a week of moderate aerobic PA, 75mon a week of vigorous PA or a combination -this is a DOSE RESPONSE relationship- more benefits with 300min week or more or moderate or 150min a week with vigorous PA -adults should participate in strength at moderate to high intensity 2 times a week

Moderate Risk for before exercise test/program

-Asymptomatic with greater than or = 2 risk factors -Med exam required for vig exercise but not mod -No exercise stress test required -No MD supervision

Low Risk for before exercise test/program

-Asymptomatic with less than 2 risk factors -No medical exam required -No exercise stress test required before mod or vig activity -No MD supervision

High Risk for before exercise test/program

-Symptomatic -Any known cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal or metabolic disease -Yes to everything else

Scope of practice

-conducting risk classification -physical fitness assessments -construct appropriate exercise prescriptions for healthy adults and individuals with controlled conditions released for independent physical activity -motivating people with medically controlled diseases to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle behaviors -motivate people to begin and continue their healthy behavior

what are the goals of the ACSM exercise Rx health screening process

-identify individuals who should receive medical clearance before initiating an exercise program -identify individuals with clinically significant diseases who may benefit from supervised medical exercise -identify individuals with medical conditions that may require exclusion from exercise programs

A female client is 55 years old has high density lipoprotein of 70 mg x dL-1. Based on this profile, how many total risk factors does she have?


What is 1 MET? Why do we use METs?

1 MET = the relative oxygen consumption at rest. or, 3.5 mL per kg per minute. It is an easy way for the general public to gauge their exercise intensity. Also used to calculate energy expenditure over time.

How many calories in 1 gram of: carb protein fat alcohol

1 g carbs- 4 calories 1 g protein- 4 calories 1g fat- 9 calories 1g alcohol- 7 calories

in general... drink ____ for every ____lbs of fluid lost

1 pint for every 1 pound lost

general training session guidelines for child:

1 to 3 sets of 6-15 reps with combo of upper and lower body

what are the Positive CVD risk factors and their criteria (8)and negative factor(1)

1) Age= men 45&older, women 55&older 2)family history=Myocadial infarction,revascularization, or sudden death or fathers and 1st gen males before age 55, and women before 65 3)cigarett smokeing=current smokers or those who quite in the last 6 months 4)physical activity=not participating in 30min of moderate PA at least 3x a week for 3 months 5)obesity=both BMI of 30 or more/ men waist of 102cm/40in or more, women waist 88cm/35in or more 6)hypertension=systolic 140mm Hg or more/ diastolic 90mm Hg or more(measure2x) or on antihypertenson meds 7)Dyslipidemia= LDL 130mgdl or more/ HDL 40mgdo or less/ or on lipid meds/ or serum cholestrol of 200mgdl or more 8)diabetes= fasting plasma glucose 126mgdl or more/ or HbA1C of 6.5% or more 9)HDL-C 60mgdl or less

health screening are based on what factors

1)individuals level of PA 2)presence of signs and symptoms of CV, metabolic, or renal diseases 3)desired intensity

what are the proper steps for measuring BP

1)patient must sit for 5min before measuring 2)arm at hart level,align with brachial artery 3)wrap at least 80% of upper arm 4)place stethoscope below antecubital space over biracial artery 5)inflate cuff to 20mm above the first Korotcoff sound 6)SBP is the first of 2 or more korotcoff sounds and DBP is the last korotcoff sounds 7)take at least 2 measurements 1 min apart and average them

in submax testing what criteria make the predicted VO2max most accurate (5)

1)stedy state HR for each exercise work rate 2)linier relationship betwen HR an work rate 3) diff between actual and predicted Max HR are minimal 4)not on meds that would effect HR 5)subject does not use caffine, not ill, not in high temp,

nor recommended for an individual to consume less than ____ calories per day

1,200 calories

3 assesments for muscular endurance

1. Bench press 2. Curl up 3. push up

3 metabolic pathways the body uses to creates ATP

1. Creatine Phosphate 2. anaerobic glycolysis 3. 0xidative system

7 ways of determining exercise intensity

1. Heart rate reserve method. 2. Peak HR method 3. Peak VO2. method 4. Peak METs method 5. VO2 reserve method 6. Talk test method 7. RPE method

Two types of pre-participation self-guided screenings

1. PAR-Q (physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) 2.Fitness Facility Pre-participation screening questionnaire

Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) (5 things)

1. Pre-contemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance

4 types of flexibility training

1. Static- most common. slow constant motion held to the point of mild discomfort. 2. Ballistic- rapid bouncing movements. Used by coaches for athletes to increase blood flow before competition. Contraindicated. 3. PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)- combining passive stretching combined with concentric and isometric. need partner. GTO plays an important role. 4. Dynamic flexibility- slow controlled movements, sport specific that increase core temperature- relate to type of activity.

4 compartments of the lower limb

1. Superficial posterior compartment (i.e. posterior tibial compartment on PrepU) (gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris) 2. Deep posterior compartment (posterior tibialis, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus) 3. Lateral compartment -- outside of the leg (peroneus longus, peroneus brevis) 4. Anterior compartment (anterior tibialis, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus. 1, 2, 3 are plantarflexion 4 is dorsiflexion

name all of the skin fold sites (9 things)

1. abs 2. triceps 3. biceps 4. chest 5.medial calf 6. midaxillary 7. sub scapular 8. suprailiac 9. thigh

what are the 8?

1. age 2. family history 3. smoking 4. sedentary life 5. obesity 6. hypertension 7. dyslipidemia 8. pre-diabetes

Lewin's Leadership Styles (3 things)

1. autocratic 2. democratic 3. laissez-fair

OSHA concerns for the EP-C (3 things)

1. blood borne pathogens 2. cleaning agents 3. swimming pool chemicals

what are the 5 practices associated with transformational leadership?

1. challenging the process 2. inspiring a shared vision 3. enabling others to act 4. modeling the way 5. encouraging the heart

what are the 4 leadership models?

1. classical 2. transactional 3. visionary 4. organic

situational leadership theory says that development is based on the relationship between what two factors?

1. competence 2. commitment

what are the 3?

1. competence 2. relatedness 3. autonomy

what are those 3 psychological needs?

1. competence- feeling capable of mastering a task 2. relatedness- need to be connected and involved with the social world 3. autonomy- maintaining a perceived internal locus of control and a sense that behaviors are chosen freely.

Transtheoretical model (5 cognitive processes)

1. consciousness raising 2. dramatic relief 3. environmental re-evaluation 4. self-revolution 5. social liberation

primary sources of law (4 things)

1. constitutional law 2. statutory law 3. case law 4. administrative law

Transtheoretical Model - (5 Behavioral processes)

1. counter conditioning 2. helping relationships 3. reinforcement management 4. self-liberation 5. stimulus control

background checks include what? (3 things)

1. criminal records 2. commercial records 3. financial records

4 steps to providing evidence based information

1. develop a question 2. search for evidence -personal experience not always relevant for each client -academic preparation not always up to date -***research knowledge 3.evaluate the evidence*** holds the least amount of bias. 4.incorporate evidence into practice

4 examples of contracts within health fitness field

1. employment contract 2. informed consent 3. waivers 4. membership contracts

self-efficacy can be influenced by 4 sources of information:

1. enactive mastery experience- successful completion of target behavior 2. vicarious experience- seeing a similar person complete the behavior 3. verbal persuasion- others express faith in the individuals capabilities 4. psychological affective states- increase positive emotional state about the activity

what are the 5 major styles of management grid by blake and mouton?

1. improvised management 2. country-club management 3. authoritarian management 4. middle-of-the-road management 5. team or democratic management

self efficacy is a product of (4 things)

1. inactive mastery experience 2. vicarios experience (living vicariously) 3. verbal persuasion 4. physiological state

3 major causes of injury/death associated with PA

1. inherent (accident) 2. negligence: due to fault of defendant (EP-C) 3. extreme forms of negligence: reckless conduct of defendant

2 key behaviors critical to leadership:

1. initiating structure 2. consideration

3 categories of torts

1. intentional misconduct 2. negligent conduct 3. "no fault"

the layers include (5 things):

1. intra and interpersonal 2. community and organizational 3. institutional factors 4. environmental factors 5. public policies

Barriers to physical activity

1. lack of time 2. environmental changes 3. fear of injury 5. lack of enjoyable activities

4 principles motivational interviewing conversation

1. obervations, not evaluations 2. express feelings, not thoughts 3. identify needs, not strategies 4. make requests, not demands.

what are the general indications for stopping an exercise test (10 things)

1. onset of angina 2. drop in SBP > or = 10 w/ increase in WR 3. excessive rise in BP (SBP>250 and/or DBP>115) 4. shortness of breath/leg cramps 5. signs of dizziness etc. 6. HR doesn't increase when exercise increases 7. noticeable changes in heart rhythm 8. request to stop 9. severe fatigue (physical or verbal) 10. test equipment fails

9 major signs/symptoms that suggest cardiovascular, pulmonary and metabolic disease

1. pain in chest, neck, jaw or arms 2. shortness of breath at rest or mild exertion 3. dizziness or syncope 4. orthopnea 5. ankle edema 6. palpitations/tachycardia 7. intermittent claudication 8. known heart murmer 9. unusual fatigue/shortness of breath with usual activities

4 main components of the health belief model

1. perception of risk 2. perception of severity of threat 3. perception of benefits 4. perceptions of barriers to reduce health threat

5 stages of stage in the transtheoretical model

1. pre-contemplation 2. contemplation 3. preparation 4. action 5. maintenance

proper order or assessments for heath related physical fitness testing (7 things)

1. pre-screening/risk classification 2. take resting HR, BP, height, weight BMI and ECG (if appropriate) 3. body comp (waist and skin) 4. cardiorespiratory fitness (max or sub max test on bike or treadmill) 5. muscular strength 1 or more RM upper and lower body (bench press & leg press) 6.muscular endurance (curl up, push up, or bench press) 7. flexibility (sit and reach)

7 components of informed consent

1. purpose & explanation of test 2. attendant risks & discomforts 3. responsibilities of participant 4. benefits to be expected 5. inquires (Questions) 6. use of medal records 7. freedom of consent

the test should be terminated when... (5 things)

1. reaches 70% HR reserve (85% of age predicted HRmax) 2. fails to conform to the protocol 3. experiences adverse signs/symptoms 4. asks to stop 5. emergency situation

Absolute conditions for exercise testing

1. recent significant change in the resting EKG suggesting ischemia or heart attack 2. unstable angina 3. uncontrolled rhythms 4. symptomatic severe aortic stenosis 5. uncontrolled symptomatic heart failure 6. acute pulmonary infarction 7. acute myocarditis 8. suspected dissecting aneurysmm 9. acute systemic infection w/ fever, body aches, or swollen lymph glands

6 modifiable risk factors

1. smoking 2. obesity 3. sedentary lifestyle 4. pre-diabetes 5. hyperlipidemia 6. dyslipidemia

1RM or multiple RM test familiarization (5 steps)

1. subject should warm up with the exercise being tested 2. get 1-RM within 4 trials with 3-5 min rest in between 3. select initial weight (50%-70% of capacity) 4. resistance is increased by 2.5-20 until subject can't complete w/ good form 5. final weight lifted successfully is recorded as absolute 1-RM/mult. RM

3 main factors that influence behavior and behavioral choices

1. the environment 2. individual personality characteristics 3. behavioral factos

what 3 main factors influence behavior?

1. the environment (how close to a gym) 2. individual personality/experience 3. behavioral factors

An update from a 2007 ACSM/CDC joint statement indicates that physical activity bouts of at least how many minutes can be accumulated towards the recommended total amount of daily physical activity?

10 minutes

when ICD is present the HRpeak should be monitored _____min below programmed HR threshold for antitachycardia pacing and defibrilation


when useing palpatation during exercise testing what are common time intervials to use for HR to reach stedy state


Risk Criteria for waist circumference MEN: high

100-120 cm (39.5-47 in)

Near optimal/above optimal LDL Cholesterol


how many RELATIVE conditions for Exercise testing


for curl up test what distance should the tape be at for people less than 45?

12 cm

accelerated periods of growth in childhood. When do they stop growing?

12 for girls and 14 for boys. girls stop growing in stature by 15, boys by 17.

An EP-C is designing a cardiovascular training program for a deconditioned, 40-year-old female client who has a resting heart rate of 80 bpm. Using the Karvonen method, what is the MOST appropriate target heart rate range?

120-130 (Karvonen method should be reviewed)

What is prehypertension?

120-139 SBP and/or 80-89 DBP

borderline high LDL Cholesterol


Stage 1 hypertension?

140-159 SBP and 90-99 DBP

What would be a good target heart rate range for a moderately trained female, age 42, with a resting heart rate of 60?

143 to 154 bpm Explanation: Moderately trained individuals may find that 70% to 80% VO2max provides a sufficient training stimulus. p. 403

The minimum number of minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity needed 5 days each week is:

15 minutes (75 minutes a week)

Pregnant women need an additional ____ calories per day

150 cal per day then 300cal in the 3rd trimester

ACSM's weekly/daily physical activity recommendations

150 minutes Moderate PA per week (30 min or more most days of the week), 75 minutes of vigorous intensity

Stage 2 hypertension?

160 + SBP 100+ DBP

high LDL Cholesterol


In which year did HIPAA go into effect?


What is the recommended work-to-rest ratio when performing depth jumps?


What is a 1RM? Multiple RM? What equipment should be used?

1RM is the heaviest weight that can be lifted in 1 rep. using proper form and technique. STANDARD muscular strength assessment. multiple RM can provide an index of change over time. Performance is significantly greater on weight machines than free weights. Allow 3 to 5 minutes between trials. Obtain 1RM within 4 sets.

recommended 1-2lbs/week weight loss in calories

1lb of weight loss is a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories. or 500 calories per day.

a specific protocol should consist of ___ - ___ min stages


how many min should be given for a warm up on the cycle?

2-3 min

standard error of estimate(SEE)


after dynamic warm up then how often should you initiate training program?

2/3 x week on nonconsecutive days w/ light RT

EQ for Gulati HRmax

206 - (age x .88)

EQ for Gellish HRmax

207 - (age x .7)

EQ for Tanaka HRmax

208 - (0.7 x age)

EQ for Astrand HRmax

216.6 - (0.84 x age)

EQ for HRmax


Peak HR method

220-age = max HR. (SD of 12-15 BPM) Target HR = max HR X % intensity desired

ACSM postion stand indicates that engaging in _____ minutes per week of MVPA would result in better weight management

250 min/week.

HR should be monitored at least ___ times during each stage, near the ___ of the ___ and ___ minutes of each stage

2; end; second; third

How many sets per exercise should a client perform for advanced resistance training benefits

3 to 6

Moderate PA is defined as

3 to <6 MET's

Upon return to sea level, acclimatization to altitude has been shown to last up to:

3 weeks

for most patients perscribed volume of METS per hr.wk is


Energy balance is important for body weight and body composition goals. In addition to performing exercises that will enlarge muscle mass, clients seeking to increase muscle mass should slightly increase daily energy intake by:

300 to 400 kcal. Clients wishing to increase muscle mass should perform exercises needed to enlarge muscle mass and slightly increase (by 300-400 kcal) daily caloric intake.

Which of the following is MOST appropriate for measuring anaerobic capacity in a basketball player?

300-yard shuttle run

Which of the following assesses anaerobic capacity?

300-yard shuttle run Explanation: Anaerobic capacity can be assessed with 300-yard shuttlerun and the line drill. p 501

those participateing in maintnance outpatient expend how many kcal per session


Dietary cholesterol should be limited to:


in 1995 what did the CDC and ACSM say is the recommended physical activity for adults?

30min or more of PA on most days of the week

rochmis and blackburn reported what ratio of clinical exercis complicatins

34 to 10000 tests

what is the aerobic Frequency recommendation

3x a week of vigerous activity or 5x a week of moderate activiy or a mixture of 3-5x a week of moderate to vigerous intensity to achieve or maintain health benefits

calorie count in Protein, Carbs, Fats

4- carbs 4-protein 9-fat

How long should heavy eccentric training be performed?

4- to 6-week training cycles, 1 or 2 times per year)

energy intake for carbs, protein and fat

45 - 65% of daily energy intake; 70% for athletes; 4 cal/gram 10-15% of daily intake; .8 g/kg of body wt.; athletes may need 1.2 - 1.4 for endurance and 1.6-1.7 for strength; 4 cal/gram

pulmonary function testing with spirometry is recommended for smoking individuals ages ---- and all individuals with dyspnea

45 and older

1L = ?kcal


endurance exercise lowers resting SBP and DBP by____

5 -7 mm Hg

all physiologic observations should be continued for at least how many min?

5 min of recovery unless abnormal responses happen

Approximately 95% of adults who successfully lose weight regain their weight within:

5 years

the National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute recommend _____% weight loss reduction improves overall health


what is recommended time/duration for most individuals in startking exercise sessions

5-10min every 1-2 weeks over the next 4-6 weeks

borge scale rates intensity from ___ to ___

6 to 20

patients with stable CVD may begin ECG monitoring after _____ sessions or sooner dependent of medical team


what s the normal fasting glucose, and impaired/prediabetic

60-99 normal/ 100-125 prediabetic

for 10 yr risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) what indicates use of high intensity statin therapy and intermediate intensity statin therapy

7.5%(high risk) 5%-7.5%(intermediate risk)

resting mean arterial pressure should be controlled between

70 and 80 mmHG

what is a sufficient stimulus of VO2R in moderate trained athletes to increase VO2max


Risk Criteria for waist circumference WOMEN: low

70-89 cm (28.5-35in)

According to the CDC, what percentage of adults are more likely to respond to physical activity marketing?


Risk Criteria for waist circumference MEN: low

80-99 cm (31.5-39 in)

Which of the following percentages of one-repetition maximum (1 RM) is most appropriate for optimizing strength gains?


how many ABSOLUTE conditions for Exercise testing


Risk Criteria for waist circumference WOMEN: high

90-110 (35.5-43)

Normal BP?

<120 and <80

if HR is unknown use the RPE relationships to determin intensity

<12=light=<40% HRR 12-13=moderate= 40-59% HRR 14-16=hard= 60-80%HRR

Light PA is defined as

<3 MET's

Vigorous PA is defined as

>/=6 MET's

when triglycerides are grater than ___ it becomes the main target due to increased risk of pancreatitis


30 minutes

A 1995 joint position of the ACSM and CDC recommended that every adult accumulate how many minutes of activity per day?

8 -12 reps

A 29-year-old male has a bench press weight ratio of 1.48. What rep range would you start him with?

Bilateral ankle edema

A characteristic sign of heart failure or bilateral chronic venous insufficiency is:

specificity of training principle

A client comes to you wishing to train for a half marathon. By prescribing to your client, you are adhering to which of the following principles?

Small changes model

A client is exercising once a week and slowly increase to twice a week over the course of a month. This is consistent with which theory of behavior change?

Stimulus control

A client packs his work clothes the night before and wears his workout clothes to bed so that he is ready to exercise first thing in the morning. This is an example of:

Nodding your head inquisitively.

A client reports that he has failed to exercise three times in the past week, although he agreed to that goal. An appropriate nonverbal response is:


A client who prefers to learn exercises by practicing them first is MOST likely a ____ learner

Increased resting and submaximal HR

A client with hypertension begins taking diuretics prescribed by his physician. The resulting increased water excretion may impact HR in which way?


A cognitive manipulation method for gaining control over bodily processes in response to a stressor is:

"Live high, train low."

A common strategy of altitude training used by athletes to improve performance is known as:

Promote kinesthetic awareness

A distinct advantage of using free weights versus machines that they:

A squeezing pressure in the chest that can be mistaken for heartburn

A heart attack is characterized by which of the following signs and symptoms

What is the PAR-Q? Limitation?

A minimal standard for entry into Moderate-intensity exercise programs. allows individuals to gauge their own medical readiness to participate . does not screen well for those at low to moderate risk.

Contemplation, preparation, action

A new client tells you that he was an avid tennis player before hurting his back a year ago. He often reminisced about it while watching his son during tennis lessons for the past 5 months. He is ready to get in shape for tennis now that his back is better. According to the Transtheoretical Model, which of the following best describes his progression through the stages of change since his back injury?

Provide an initial positive exercise experience focusing on various modes.

A novice client who is here for the summer plans to work with you to get fit and lose weight. The MOST effective way to help her to become regularly active and work toward her goal would be to:

Myocardial ischemia

A partial impairment of coronary artery blood flow will MOST likely result in:

Decrease, decrease

A physiologic adaptation to aerobic conditioning in untrained individuals will result in a/an ______ in resting heart rate and a/an ______ in exercise heart rate at a submaximal effort

flexion; extension

A posterior pelvic tilt produces lumbar _____ and an anterior pelvic tilt produces lumbar _____


A potential client has been walking 2 miles, several times a week, for the past 3 months and would like to continue progress toward her goals. You suggest that she train with you for several sessions to teach her things she can do on her own. According to the Transtheoretical Model, which stage of change is she currently in?


A proper cool-down allows the body to help remove


A reason or rationale NOT to perform exercise or testing

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

A sedentary overweight or obese person should expect which of the following after training?

Exercise; training

A single exercise session is referred to as resistance _____ , while the combination of many consecutive sessions over time is resistance ______

An ideal exercise to improve the activities of daily living for a client who has back pain would be:

A squat against the wall with a stability ball behind the back

Take the stairs instead of the elevator

A strategy that will help increase physical activity levels in novice clients would be to encourage them to:

Health Belief Model

A theory of health behaviors; the model predicts that whether a person practices a particular health habit can be understood by knowing the degree to which the person perceives a personal health threat and the perception that a particular health practice will be effective in reducing that threat.

Meet and direct paramedics to the scene.

A well-written and implemented medical emergency policy will dictate details as to which staff will:

Informed consent

A written document provided to the client sharing health and fitness information to achieve understanding of participation options is called a/an:

fat soluble vitamins

A, D, E, K

Non Soluble Vitamins


Which of the following medications have no primary effect on heart rate, but can lower blood pressure?

ACE inhibitors

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

ACSM and most EP-C certifications require which of the following training?

Code of ethics

ACSM certified and registered professionals are guided by specific principles and standards set forth by which of the following?

40% to <60% VO2R.

ACSM risk classification defines moderate exercise as:

automated external defibrillator

AED stands for:

What is a kilocalorie? what is it also known as?

AKA: Calorie. estimate of energy cost that can be directly related to physical activity and exercise. Weight gain, loss and maintenance can be estimated remembering that 3,500kcal =1 lb of fat.

standard circumference sites

Abdomen Arm *Buttox/hip Calf Forearm Hips/thigh Mid-thigh *Waist

9 skinfold measurements. Principle behind skinfold measurements +- 3.5% error Tension set at ~12 g/mm-2

Abdominal Triceps Biceps Chest/pectoral Medial calf Midaxillary Subscapular Suprailiac Thigh *the amount of subcutaneous fat is proportional to the total amount of body fat.

Muscular strength

Ability of muscle to exert force

Absolute contraindications to exercise

Absolute cannot participate in andy PA program and/or assessment and should consult with their doctor first.

Self-selected by the client

According to goal setting theory research, the most effective type of health goals are:

A member submits payment for monthly dues and it is recorded on that same day. This type of transaction is known as:

Accrual Accounting

Use the higher pressure

After assessing blood pressure in both arms, you notice the reading is much higher in one arm. You should:

What are the ACSM Coronary Artery Risk factors?

Age (Men 45 and older women 55 and older), Family History (MI, coronary revascularization or sudden death before 55 in father and 65 in mother or first degree relative), Smoker (current or quit within the last 6 months), Sedentary (no PA in at least 30 minutes of MPA at least 3 days per week for the last 3 months), Obesity (BMI 30 or over, or waist girth >40in for men and >35in for women), Hypertension (SBP 140 or more and/or DBP 90 or more confirmed on 2 seperate occasions), Dyslipidemia (LDL 130 or more OR HDL <40. OR on lipid lowering meds), Prediabetes (Impaired FBG between 100 and 125.)

At what age are children physically and mentally ready for resistance training exercise?

Age 7 to 8

6 Skill (performance) related physical fitness components

Agility, coordination, balance, power, reaction time, and speed

Return to sedentary behavior

Almost all adults will encounter which of the following at some time during their participation in exercise?

What is a pre-participation screening questionnaire?

Also useful for clients to assess their health readiness. More comprehensive and recognizes signs and symptoms of CVD and other risk-factor thresholds.

known heart murmur

Although some may be innocent, heart murmurs may indicate valvular or other cardiovascular disease.

Depicts a behavior or situation hypothetically.

Although the terms "theory" and "model" are sometimes used interchangeably, they differ in that a model:

AACVPR stands for?

American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Motivating individuals to start and maintain healthy behaviors.

An ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist is deemed proficient in writing exercise recommendations, leading and demonstrating safe and effective exercise, and:

Have her sign all the required forms and begin training.

An apparently healthy 57-year-old female client signs up to start training at your fitness facility. She has experience with exercise and has just moved into the area. Per the American Heart Association (AHA) risk stratification, you should:

Provide a copy of the report to the employee so he may challenge the veracity of the report if needed.

An employer decides to pass over an employee for a promotion based on the employee's credit report. As a result, the employer must:

Leg extension

An example of an open chain exercise is the:


An individual is more likely to adopt a problem management coping strategy when the situation is appraised as:


An informal way to continually reevaluate the health status of clients would be:

During the dumbbell front raise exercise, which of the following muscles acts as an agonist and what action takes place at the shoulder joint?

Anterior deltoid; adduction

what are class 1 A drugs?

Antiarrhythmic agents: Disopyramide, Moricizine, Procainamide, Quinidine

Physical Activity

Any bodily movement produced by contracting skeletal muscles, with an increase in energy expenditure.

Resting and exercise heart rate

Appropriate assessments to measure client fitness level include:

More than twice the energy of a gram of carbohydrate

As a source of energy fat provides:

What is the Health Belief model?

As individuals take greater investment in their health they are more likely to make relevant and meaningful behavior changes. Must feel that the risks outweight the benefits.

Active listening

As the EP-C is conducting the initial interview, she identifies one of the client's statements that can be used for teaching and learning opportunities. In doing so, she is demonstrating:

Obtain client feedback

Asking the client questions such as, "Did you feel you worked out hard enough?" and "What was especially challenging today" is the best way to:

Functional ability

Assessments are tests and measurements used by the EP-C to evaluate physical and functional status; they indicate a client's:

What does the financial term capital refer to?


Stress-related changes to blood composition over the long term promote the development of:


The PR interval represents

Atrioventricular node, His bundle, Purkinje fibers

Physical Fitness

Attributes or characteristics that individuals have achieved that related to their ability to perform physical activity

Describe Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Autoimmune dysfunction, a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy, born with

water soluble vitamins

B and C

Solube water vitamins


what does BIA and TOBEC stand for

BIA= bioelectrical impeedience analysis TOBEC= total body electrical conductivity

ankle edema bi- and uni-

BIlateral edema most common at night is a sign heart failure unilateral edema usually caused by by venous thrombosis or lymphatic blockage in the limb normal edema = anacasra is in individuals with nephrotic syndrome, heart failur or hepatic cirrhosis

Anthropometric methods for measuring body composition

BMI- measure of weight in relation to height. Waist circumference Skinfolds WHR

Positive Risk Factor for OBESITY

BMI: greater than or = 30 kg/m2

Employment history

Background checks are typically conducted by fitness facilities to verify which of the following?

Providing services that may only be carried out by licensed health care professionals

Based on the ACSM Code of Ethics, Certified Exercise Physiologists are prohibited from:

Attenuated heart rate responses that need to be considered when prescribing exercise intensity are common with which of the following medication types?


Operational policies for your business should include information on:

Billings and cancellations

Behavioral strategies

Both theories and models of behavior change deal with cognitive concepts and:

Breathing exercises are one method of managing stress because:

Breathing properly increases oxygen in the blood, which improves circulation.

Understanding demographic, psychographic, and physical activity attributes of potential customers enablers the EP-C to employ deliberate marketing strategies and:

Build sustainable relationships

Define COPD

COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) umbrella term for a collection of diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. characterized by airflow limitation.

VO2max is accapted as the criterion measure for


the relative risk of SCD and AMI in vigerous exercise are directly related to


the health screening determine hypertension as what kind of risk factor

CVD not cardiac disease

BP is regulated by 2 factors:

Cardiac Output and total peripheral vascular resistance (narrowing of vessels)

5 Health related physical fitness components

Cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility

Make sessions more meaningful for clients.

Certified Exercise Physiologists gear workouts to address client concerns. Education is an important component in order to:

3 site formula sites (men)

Chest abdomen thigh or subscapular

diagonal skinfolds

Chest, suprailiac, subscapular; all other skinfolds are vertical


Children are more prone to ______ injuries than adults

Resistance training program variables.

Choice of exercise- promote balance across joints and between opposing muscle groups. Order of exercise- Total body (perform more challenging first and large muscle groups first) Resistance Load Used- Most important variables. Performed to muscle fatigue but not exhaustion. Training Volume- number of exercises performed per session, reps performed per set, number of sets performed per exercise all influence training volume. Rest intervals between sets- muscular strength (rest 2-3min) muscular endurance (rest <1min) repetition velocity-as individuals gain experience they may perform higher-velocity movements. Training Frequency- 2-3 x per week. Periodization- regularly changing the training stimulus to keep it effective.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Chronic autoimmune disease impacted by psychological stress include AIDs and:

define CRPD

Chronic restrictive pulmonary disease. (interstitial lung disease) resulting is desrease dlung volume and lung tissue necrosis.


Chronic stress impacts the cardiovascular system and has been associated with enlarged hearts and:

They feel better when they do

Clients who learn to become intrinsically-motivated to exercise do so for which of the following reasons:

extension; sagittal

Concentric contraction of the triceps brachii muscle causes _____ in the _____ plane

Which of the following guidelines is recommended for optimal performance during athletic events?

Consuming fluids with 6-8% carbohydrate solution

Evaluation of stressors includes determining coping resources, emotional reaction, and:

Coping self-efficacy.

The BEST exercise routine for a client with thoracic outlet syndrome would be:

Correcting faulty biomechanics, strengthening the rotator cuff, and stretching the shoulder internal rotators and scalenes.

Muscular endurance assessments. How do you determine which test to use based on each client?

Curl-up and push up test. Based on the needs of the client. (poor ab strength is thought to contribute to low back pain.

adverse response to inpaticent execising leading to exercise disconection

DBP >110mm Hg decrease in SBP >10 during exercise of increased workload significant ventricular or atrial arrythmias 2/3rd degree heart block sugestive ischemia

Types of resistance training (3). Explain each.

DCER(isotonic)- most common. weight lifted does not change through the lifting and lowering phase of an exercise. the heaviest weight that can be lifted is limited by the strength of a muscle at the weakest joint angle. Isokinetics- muscle actions performed at a constant angular limb velocity. Plyometric training- enhances neuromuscular performance. quick, powerful movements that involve a rapid stretch of a muscle (eccentric) followed by a rapic shortening (concentric).

ACE inhibitors

Decrease BP


Decrease BP

Joseph has reached his strength and body composition goals by strength training three days per week for an hour the last few months. He now wants to focus on maintaining his strength while on summer vacation for a month. Which program would be MOST appropriate?

Decrease exercise to two days per week, training the total body a least one set.

Cardiac Output

Defined as the volume of blood being pumped by the heart in a minute

Exercise in heat yields? (relate to HR as well)

Dehydration risk, increased blood flow to the skin (away from working muscles), HIGHER HR values.

Maintaining professional certifications and continuing education

Demonstrating standard of care can BEST be accomplished by:

Frank Starling Law of the Heart

Describes the relationship between end-diastolic volume and stroke volume. It states that the heart will pump out whatever volume is delivered to it. If the end-diastolic volume doubles then stroke volume will double.

A 53-year old female has family history of a heart attack (father at age 72). If she wishes to participate in moderate-intensity exercise, you should:

Design an exercise program that progresses gradually in intensity and duration

Your potential 37-year-old client is on medication to control her hypertension and wishes to start a moderate-intensity exercise program. She has no other risk factors. You should:

Design an exercise program that starts at a lower intensity

Explanation: Hyperlordosis is an exaggerated curvature of the lumbar spine that would be viewed in the sagittal plane. Pg 98

Deviations in which plane are referred to as hyperlordosis:

3 most common metabolic diseases/disorders

Diabetes Hyperlipidemia Obesity

Which of the following hemodynamic variables have an inverse relationship and are heavily influenced by one another during exercise?

Diastolic blood pressure and total peripheral resistance

what does DASH stand for and its details

Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension= diet rich in fruit and veggies, low-fat dairy products, and low content of saturated and total fat


Division of a training program into smaller, progressive stages

During gait, you notice that your client tends to put weight on the lateral edge of the feet. This is mostly because the client cannot __________ the foot properly.


Symptoms identified during an exercise test in which the test should be stopped.

Drop in SBP 10 or below. Rise in BP above 250 and/or 115. Failure of HR to increase failure of test equipment

Stop the exercise session, and refer him to his physician

During a treadmill workout at 2.5 mph, your 45 year-old male client who exercises on a regular basis starts to have abnormally uncomfortable awareness of breathing. You should:


During a workout, you notice that a client displays a sudden lack of coordination and balance and, when asked, reports trouble seeing. What is the MOST likely cause of these symptoms?

Heat exhaustion.

During an outdoor training session on a warm day, your client begins to exhibit a weak rapid pulse, thirst, general weakness, reduced rate of sweating, and headache. He is MOST likely experiencing:

Stop the exercise, and have the client rest in a cool place

During an outdoor training session, your client begins to complain about fatigue and muscle cramping. You should:


During exercise in a cold environment, the body will limit heat loss primarily through:

Total peripheral resistance may drop slightly

During graded exercise, which of the following occurs due to large muscle vasodilation?

Clarify the client's statements

During the interview with your client, you ask "So what you're saying is that you feel supported by your spouse but not by your kids when you need to make time to exercise?" You ask this in order to:

Moderate Risk

During the pre-participation screening your client is determined to have 4 risk factors. This is considered to be:

Oriented toward the ceiling.

During the supine rotational stretch, it is important to have the abdomen:

Abnormally uncomfortable awareness of breathing

Dyspnea is defined as:

Which of the following is the MOST critical to overall low back health?

Endurance of the core musculature

Exercise Imagery Questionnaire

Energy imagery Appearance imagery Technique imagery

Abdominal bracing involves:

Engaging the stabilizers such as the transverse abdominis and multifidus.

Extrinsic risk factors to injury

Excessive load on the body Type or speed of movement number of reps footwear surface training errors excessive distances fast progression high intensity running on hills poor technique fatigue environment conditions

Shortness of breath prior to exertion

Exercise should be terminated when a pregnant women shows which of the following signs or symptoms?

FITT resistance recommendations for outpatiennts

F 2-3 nonconsecutive d.wk I 10-15reps w/o fatigue, RPE 11-13, 40-60% or 1RM T 1-3 sets, 8-10 exercises T safe equipment

FITT flexability recommendations for outpatient

F 2-3d.wk, daily most effecive I Hold till tightt T 15 s holds, 4 reps each Tststic and dynamic if

what are the FITT recommendations for inpatient CR

F 2-4 sessions a day firt 3 days I HR at 20+ beats.min for MI and 30+beats.min for recovering surgery T walking 3-5min as tolorated, achive 2:1 rest,walk T focus on ROM and dynamic movement , LBP and thighs

FITT Aerobic rcommendations for outpatient

F 3-5 d.wk I 40-80% exercise capacity/ or HRrest 20+ to 30+ beats.min T 20-60min T machines

an obstructive defecr is defined by reduce ...

FEV1.0/FVCbelow the 5th percentile od predicted value


Failure by a health professional to meet accepted standards

Type II fibers

Fast twitch fibers. Higher contractile force. better for strength and power activities.

Are reasonably safe

Fitness center clients are entitled to, in the eyes of the law, facilities that:

What are class 1C drugs?

Flecainide (Taborcor); Propafenone (Rythmol)

Flexibility program designs

Flexibility gains are lost within 4 to 6 weeks of quitting exercises. 2-3 x per week for at least 3-4 weeks may be required. Do these exercises when the body is warm. hold to mild discomfort. NO link between ROM training and prevention of lowback pain or muscle soreness.

A new, sedentary client has come to you and wants to lose weight. Which type of periodization is MOST appropriate to use?

Flexible nonlinear periodization In unplanned or flexible nonlinear periodization, a workout plan is set for the mesocycle, but deciding what workout is to be done on what day is left to the

In social cognitive theory, the most effective way to improve self-efficacy toward physical activity is to:

Focus interventions on ways to achieve the desired behavior

Below the myocardial ischemic threshold

For clients with cardiovascular disease, exercise intensity must be prescribed

Decreased body weight

For most clients, a positive effect of consistent energy deficit is:

what does FITT-VP mean

Frequency Intensity Type Time Volume Progression

Which of the following is an example of an enarthrodial joint?


When a client flexes the hips and knees from a standing position to a parallel squat, which muscles perform the eccentric action?

Gluteus maximus & quadriceps

Which muscles act as agonists during a lateral cable leg lift?

Gluteus medius and minimus

Which of the following assumes that four different mechanisms affect goal-related behavior change?

Goal Setting Theory

Flexibility assesments

Goniometers sit and reach tests- most commonly used for flexibility in lower back and hip joint. functional movement screens

Pack your own nutrient-dense foods for the trip

Good advice to your clients about diet while traveling is to:

200 to 300

Greater amounts of physical activity are likely to be needed to achieve weight loss and prevent weight regain in adults, thus requiring _______ minutes of moderate PA per week

What is the negative risk factor?

HDL value of greater than or equal to 60. (this is reverse cholesterol transport and reduces the risk of CVD)

what are the recommended forms of vigorous intensity exercise for individuals with DM

HIIT ad continuous training

what are basline measureens that should be obtained during exercise testing


patient has identified ischemic threshold or angina >1mm ST segment depression of EXT the exercise intensity should be based off of

HR and work rate below this point

what assessment need to be done before, during and after exercise for outpatient

HR,BP,BW(dont lose to much wter weight), signs and symptoms of CVD, change in medications, ECG and HR surveillance

Improved program adherence

Having strong social support is associated with:

500 to 1,000 calories

Healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs per week is the appropriate weight loss recommendation for clients. This would equate to a daily calorie reduction of:

Heart rate increases due to a decrease in stroke volume.

Heart rate drift or cardiovascular drift occurs when:

Heart rate drift or cardiovascular drift occurs when:

Heart rate increases due to a decrease in stroke volume

Heat acclimatization, cold acclimatization, altitude acclimatization benefits

Heat- lower core body temp, skin temp, high sweat rate, lower HR, lower perception of effort, improved conservation of sodium. (recommended 10 consecutive days in heat) cold- maintain heat production by means beside shivering, maintenance of hand and feet temperatures. altitude- Increases O2 carrying capacity in the blood. (Erythropoiesis, production of additional RBC) "live high" "train low" Benefits last up to 3 weeks.

Is the ACSM's weekly recommended PA sufficient to prevent weight gain in the typical american lifestyle?

Hell na! They must go beyond these recommendations.

According to the Socialecological Model, what can the EP-C do to help make physical activity interventions effective?

Help the client choose new home exercise equipment

It promotes exercise adherence

Helping clients set realistic goals is good practice for the EP-C because:

fast twitch oxidative

High energy and activate quickly. Rapid repetitive motions (flight muscles); lots of mitochondria for work over long periods

Define HIIT

High intensity intervil training, 3-4mnperiods of exercise at 80-90%HRR, duration of 40 min

Exercise testing is recommended for individuals at ____ risk

High risk.

Intrinsic risk factors to injury

History of previous injury Inadequate fitness/conditioning Body composition Bony alignment abnormalities Flexibility/strength imbalances Joint laxity Musculoskeletal disease

By reducing plasma volume

How can increased sweat rates during exercise in a hot environment increase the risk for dehydration?

Lab methods for measuring body composition

Hydrostatic weighing- calculates body density from body volume Air displacement plethysmography- measures body volume. DEXA- x- ray to measure bone mineral content, body fat, and lean soft tissue.

anginal /myocardial ischemia

IS ischema= squeezing feeling, heavy feeling, located around chest, both arms, neck, cheeks, or intrascapular region NOT ischema= knifelife, jab feeling, located left submammory or left hemithorax

The MOST important reasons for maintaining collaborative relationships with health care professionals is to optimize client outcomes and:

Identify risk factors

Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

If difficulties are encountered in calculating percentage VO2max for prescribing exercise intensity in cases of cardiac disease, the EP-C should instead consider

good samaritan law

Immunity is granted to those persons who in good faith try to protect, serve, and tend to other who are injured or ill

Positive Risk Factor for PRE DIABETES

Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG): greater than or = 100mg/dL & less than or = 125mg/dL

Once the sender and receiver agree the original message was accurately conveyed and interpreted.

In active listening, feedback should be offered:

The message was interpreted accurately

In active listening, repeating what was heard back to the speaker ensures:

The message was interpreted accurately.

In active listening, repeating what was heard back to the speaker ensures:


In addition to fall prevention and improved functional limitations, regular exercise by older adults has proven to assist in managing conditions such as:

Schedule an orientation with the client to review the plan.

In addition to reviewing and screening a client's medical record and designing an appropriate exercise plan, the EP-C must also:


In learning theory, factors that increase the likelihood of adhering to an exercise program are also referred to as:

Reviewing how to use each piece of equipment with all clients

In terms of equipment use, proactive steps to managing and minimizing risk include:

Reviewing how to use each piece of equipment with all clients.

In terms of equipment use, proactive steps to managing and minimizing risk include:

As important as speaking

In the communication process, listening is:

Inherent willingness to engage in physical activity

In the self-determination theory of behavior change, intrinsic motivation refers to:

Make eye contact and take notes.

In what way can the EP-C demonstrate interest and compassion?

Quadriceps femoris

In which of the following muscles is a strain most likely to occur?


Increase HR Decrease BP

The exercise impact of the use of digitalis by clients with congestive heart failure is:

Increased exercise capacity

What is the self-determination theory?

Individuals have 3 basic psychological needs that must be met in order to be motivated to engage behavior. Autonomy and competence are key with this theory. The person must feel that they have a sense of control. Must also feel challenged yet successful.

Joint pain is minimal

Individuals with arthritis should ideally stretch when:

Which of the following is an example of instrumental support?

Instrumental support refers to the various types of tangible help that others may provide (e.g., help with childcare/housekeeping, provision of transportation or money).

Which of the following BEST determines your client's exercise preferences?

Interview the client before beginning the program

administrative law

Is found within specialized bodies or agencies that have been granted law-making power to regulate specific activities.

How does a submaximal exercise test work?

It estimates VO2 max from the HR response to submaximal single stage or graded exercise.

They help provide understanding of health behavior adoption and maintenance (p. 301 ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist, 2nd ed.)

It is important to use theories and models for physical activity because:

Individuals that report which of the following after resistance training should significantly reduce training load and volume, and increase the amount of rest?

Joint tightness

what are the borderline high clinically accepted ATP 111 classifications of LDL-C, total cholesterol, HDL-C, and triglycerides

LDL-C =130-159 total cholesterol= 200-239 HDL-C = >60 good triglycerides = 150-199

Optimal LDL, total cholesterol, HDL, and triglyceride levels?

LDL: <100 HDL: <40 Triglyceride: <150 TOTAL: <200

Positive Risk Factor for DYSLIPIDEMIA

LDL: greater than or = 130mg/dL

Which exercise requires the greatest amount of torque to be produced by the muscles of the shoulder joint?

Lateral raises in the frontal plane to 90 degrees, humeral abduction with 30 lb dumbbells elbows extended

Solving existing problems or conflicts

Leaders tend to focus on preventing problems or conflict . Managers focus on:

Blood flow from Lungs

Left pulmonary vein, left artrium, bicuspid valve, left ventricle, aortic semilunar valve, ascendina aorta, systemic circulation


Legally, the duty to anticipate and plan for risks is called:

What are class 1B drugs?

Lidocaine, Mexiletine, Phenytoin, Tocainide

Which of the following is a SMART goal?

Lose 1-2 lbs per week over the next 10 weeks by following a proper diet and engaging in both aerobic and resistance training

What classifies as low, moderate, and high risk clients?

Low: <2 risk factors and asymptomatic Moderate: 2 or more risk factors and Asymptomatic High: Symptomatic OR known CVD, CPD, renal or metabolic disease

Sweat rate production in children. and exercise in the heat

Lower sweat rate production and lower tolerance to exercising in the heat.

The muscles that depress the scapulothoracic joint are the:

Lower trapezius and pectoralis minor

positive risk factor for AGE: men & women

MEN: greater than or = 45 WOMEN: greater than or = 55

The presence of classic angina pectoris that is induced with exercise and relieved with rest or nitroglycerin is sufficient evidence for the presence of


Medicare, private insurance companies provide CR to those with ....

MI, acute coronary syndrome(within 12 months), coronary revasculariation, coronary artery bypass graft(CABG), or precutneous coronary intervention(PCI)

To minimize musculoskeletal injury from the outset, which of the following should be prioritized?

Making the client aware of early signs of potential injury.

Which of the following includes characteristics of central obesity

Male waist-hip ratio of 0.91

Lengthen the lever arm; more difficult (p. 383 ACSM's Resources for Personal Trainer 5th ed.)

Marti is performing unilateral standing calf raises with a dumbbell held in the ipsilateral hand. You cue her to stand up tall and lean back slightly while performing the exercise to ________ and make the exercise ________, thereby increasing efficiency

The client screening process can be broken down into three phases comprising risk classification, health history evaluation and related assessments, and:

Medical clearance or referral


More than ____% of people who start a new program will drop out within the first six months.

Social Cognitive Theory states that the most important factors in behavior change are self-efficacy and:

Most commonly used theory in behavior change. Based on HBM. Outcome expectations and self-efficacy are the most important factors in behavior change. Factors are further divided in to environment, skills and abilities, opportunities to watch and learn, self-control, reinforcement and incentives, coping skills, and past experiences that might shape expectancies. Thought --> Feelings --> Behaviors --> Situations --> Repeat.

An ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist is deemed proficient in writing exercise recommendations, leading and demonstrating safe and effective exercise, and:

Motivating individuals to start and maintain healthy behaviors

Which of the following initiates a stronger muscle action to counteract the stretch of a muscle?

Muscle Spindle

A one-time maximal force that may be exerted and is localized to a joint or muscle group

Muscular strength is defined as:

What is target heart rate? How do you determine it?

Must consider the habitual PA, exercise level, and goals to determine the % intensity desired.

An imbalance between myocardial oxygen demand and supply.

Myocardial ischemia is defined as:

Explain myotatic reflex reciprocal inhibition.

Myotatic reflex "stretch reflex" occurs in the stretched muscle by attempting to resist the stretch. Muscle spindles monitor muscle length. Helps keep us upright.

For a release, waiver, or informed consent document to be effective at protecting against liability, the forms must be clear and unambiguous and refer specifically to:

Negligence on the part of the party seeking the release

Anaerobic glycolysis

No oxygen required. NExt most immediate energy source. break down carbs (glucose or glycogen) into pyruvate. Used during medium-duration exercise. no more than about 90 seconds.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen, naproxen. increase risk of hypoglycemia

Cardiovascular disease

Numerous epidemiological research efforts have demonstrated an inverse relationship between physical activity and:

What is one of the largest components of PA-related energy expenditure?

Occupational Physical Ativity

OSHA is what?

Occupational Safety and health administration - principle federal agency charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation in workplace

Which of the following is NOT a food group and yet provides essential nutrients


2-5 mm Hg per second.

Once a blood pressure cuff is inflated, pressure should be released at a rate equal to:

The specific joints, ROM, and types of muscle actions required.

Once the primary goal of a resistance program has been established, the next step is to determine:

Improved insulin sensitivity.

One benefit of initiating an exercise program for Type 2 diabetics is:

The correlation between obesity and increased chronic disease risk

One of the MOST important reasons for assessment of your client's body composition is:

Check consciousness

One of the individuals in your class collapses. You should first:

statutory law

Or legislative laws are enacted by mandates from federal, state, and municipal governments, and this codification of law imposes duties or restrictions upon individuals.


Over-the-counter cold and flu medications can impact blood pressure if they contain some form of:

Aerobic glycolysis (oxidative system)

Oxygen dependent. As exercise intensity decreases allowing for longer duration activities, use of the oxidative system increases. (Krebs cycle and ETC). Produce ATP in the mitochondria of the cell--requires oxygen. Lasts longer than 1-2 minutes.

list the lifestyle modifications for antihypertinsive therapy

PA, weight reduction, DASH, diet sodium reduction(no more then 2g), and moderation of alcohol consumption

what is the discharge for those who go through PCI and thse who go through MI, Acute coronary synrome, CABG,or valve surgery

PCI-24 hrs Other- 5days

Individuals with hyperkyphosis would benefit MOST from increasing the flexibility of which of the following muscles?

Pectoralis major stretch


Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, what percentage of U.S. adults meet the ACSM recommended guidelines for regular moderate-intensity activity?

Half fruits and vegetables

Per the USDA, the makeup of a healthful plate of food should consist of:


Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire not required but is for self guided tool as extra clarity

what 6 factors (layers) are involved in the social ecological model

Physical activity behavior personal factors social factors institutional factors community factors public policy


Planned, purposeful, repetitive

Common musculoskeletal injuries signs and symptoms.

Point tenderness Pain when body part is at rest Joint pain Pain that continues after warming up. Swelling or discoloration Increased pain with weight bearing activities changes in normal bodily functions


Positive feedback is an example of what type of motivation?

Benefit; risk

Pre-participation health screenings during initial client consultation help the EP-C to maximize ______ and minimize _______ risk

What is the exception to missing risk factor information?

Prediabetes is counted as a positive risk factor ONLY if the person is 45 or older OR The BMI is 25 or more (and have additional risk factor for prediabetes)

The talk test

Pregnant women should carefully monitor intensity by using:

Which of the following is the MOST important rationale for a cool-down phase?

Prevents blood pooling in the extremities

the 4 P's of marketing

Product Place Price Promotion (People)

Which of the following would protect the EP-C against errors and omissions?

Professional indemnity insurance

What are the PROS principle of designing a resistance training program? What do they mean?

Progression- Regularity Overload Specificity

Reduce muscle tension and anxiety

Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing key muscle groups in order to:

transverse plane

Pronation of the radioulnar joint occurs in:


Protection Rest Ice Compression Elevation


Providing a client physical adjustment during a stretch supports what learning mode?

At a more emotional level

Public relations, as opposed to advertising, communicates information to potential customers:


ROM at a joint. as per the skeletal muscles and not any external forces.

cold/flu medication

Raise BP. (Ephedrine)

Which of the following BEST determines cardiovascular responses to exercise in an individual with cardiovascular disease?

Rate product presure


Realizing that the behavior change is an important part of one's identity as a person

Golgi tendon organs

Receptors sensitive to change in tension of the muscle and the rate of that change

Which of the following is recommended by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to overall health

Reduce weight by at least 5%

Reduced blood flow to the gut (p.139 Resource for the Personal Trainer 5th ed.)

Reduced blood flow to the gut

The final and critical last step in initial client screening is to:

Refer the client to a physician if warranted

Define morbidity

Refers to ill health in an individual and the levels of ill health in a population or group.


Relaxation therapies include hypnosis,meditation, and:

What does Diastolic Blood pressure do during exercise?

Remains stable or decreases slightly.


Research has demonstrated that individuals with chronic low back pain show improvements in depression levels with regular participation i:

Which of the following routines is an example of specificity training for a runner?

Resistance training for the entire body, 3 times per week, using 15 to 20 reps


Resistance training must be performed on a regular basis several times per week to make gains. 2-3 per week.

The frequency of breathing multiplied by the volume of air moved per breath, per minute, is known as:

Respiratory rate

3 components of determining energy expenditure

Resting energy expenditure (REE)- 60-70% TEE Thermic effect of food: 10% TEE Physical activity expenditure: 20-30% TEE

Which method can be very effective for clients who are having difficulty with proper positioning?


For men, a 3-site skinfold assessment is taken on the ________ side of the body at the ________.

Right; chest, abdomen, and thigh


Running takes place in predominately which plane of movement


SAID principle. Specific adaptations to Imposed demands. Distinct adaptations that take place as a result of the training program. Must mimics demands of their sport or desired goals.

Pre-hyperensive BP level

SBP: 120-139 DBP: 80-89

Hypertensive BP level

SBP: greater than or = 140 DBP: greater than or = 90

Positive Risk Factor for HYPERTENSION

SBP: greater than or = 140mmHg

Normal BP level

SBP: less than 120 DBP: less than 80

what are the SBP and the DBP individuals must have to have prehypertension?

SBP=120-139, DBP=80-89

Smallest contractile unit of a muscle


The shoulder girdle refers to which specific joint?



Screening Testing Education Programing Supervision

For all facility personnel, which of the following is the skill set that is MOST important?

Screening potential members for health and fitness factors

Len is a 75-year-old client referred to you by an occupational therapist. He needs to strengthen the lower leg muscle most responsible for standing and walking endurance. Which variation of the calf raise exercise is most appropriate and which muscle is being emphasized?

Seated; soleus

Who is most at risk for sudden cardiac death?

Sedentary individuals performing infrequent exercise

Behavioral strategies for weight loss

Self monitoring goal setting stimulus control problem solving

According to the Small Changes Model, client goals should be:

Self-selected Measurable Action-oriented Linked to your life Long-term

Avoiding relapse

Sending a reminder of training session via an e-mail to your client may help with:

Which of the following BEST promotes exercise adherence with a new client?

Sending text messages that provide feedback following training sessions

muscle spindle fibers

Senses muscle lengthening Contracts the muscle in response Normal reaction to avoid injury

Which of the following muscles are involved in protraction of the scapulothoracic joint?

Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor


Shortness of breath

How does SV increase with workload?

Similar to HR, it increases as workload increases but only up to ~40% to 60% of VO2max. The percentages can be decreases in sedentary individuals and increased with training.

% body fat methods. What is the % for men and women that is considered satisfactory for health?

Skinfold measurements Bioelectrical Impedance

Type I fibers

Slow twitch fibers. Lower contractile force. better for endurance activities

Creatine Phosphate system

Small amounts of CP are stored within each cell. Simple one-to-one trade off that allows for the rapid production of ATP. ONLY for use during short bouts of exercise. less that 10 seconds.


Specific Measurable Achievement oriented Realistic Time oriented

SMART goals

Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-bound- Short term goals are better than long term goals.

Stroke Volume and concentric phase

Stroke volume is NOT significantly elevated to more than resting during the concentric phase of resistance training.

stroke volume and eccentric phase

Stroke volume is significantly increased during eccentric phase

When lacking, which of the following is considered the greatest obstacle to exercise adherence?

Strong support from family and friends

Which of the following is MOST accurate regarding exercise testing and pregnant women?

Submaximal exercise testing is more appropriate, however rarely indicated.

Which type of stretch would be best for opening up the external rotators of the hips?

Supine hip rotator stretch

pregnant women should avoid exercising in the ______ position after week _____

Supine position after week 16


Supportive feedback is critical to convey:

A loss of consciousness

Syncope is defined as:

Which of the following hemodynamic variables have a linear relationship and are heavily influenced by one another during exercise?

Systolic blood pressure and cardiac output

difference between a theory and a model

THEORY: systematic view of behavior by specifying relationships between variables and predicting specific behaviors/situations

neuromotor exercise training

Tai chi is considered which type of exercise?

EQ for HRR :

Target HR = [(HRmax - HRrest) x % intensity desired] + HRrest


Target MET = [(VO2max)/3.5] x % intensity desired

Peak METs method

Target METs = (%intensity desired)(VO2max in METS -1) +1


Target VO2 = VO2max x % intensity desired

EQ for VO2R:

Target VO2R = [(VO2max - VO2rest) x % intensity desired] + VO2rest

Progressive muscle relaxation

Targeting feelings of tension by focusing on specific muscle groups and alternatively tightening/releasing them is called:

Overuse injuries

Tendinopathy (tendinitis-acute inflammatory,tendinosis-degenerative changes in the absence of inflammation) Plantar Fasciitis Low back pain

5 days each week

The 2007 update to an ACSM/CDC recommendation for activity focused on the frequency recommendation; instead of "most, preferably all, days of the week," the update was changed to:


The 3 primary systems of the body that are activated and affected by stress include the cardiovascular, endocrine, and:

Provide education based on current research as well as industry standards and guidelines.

The ACSM Code of Ethics states that members should strive continuously to

Exercise is Medicine

The ACSM initiative focused on encourage physicians to review patient physical activity programs at every visit is:

During initial client contact, Personal Trainers should provide a service introduction packet that contains a Health History Evaluation, Medical Clearance Form (if needed), Informed Consent, and:

The Client-Certified Exercise Physiologist Agreement

how can EP-C violate criminal law?

The EP-C can be charged with the unauthorized practice of medicine, physical therapy, or dietetics.

The individual has well-controlled blood glucose levels

The EP-C can safely work with a Type 2 diabetic patient

In a thermoneutral environment

The EP-C should protect against a heat injury in the older adult by conducting exercise:

Drug interaction

The GREATEST risk of over-the-counter medication for clients with chronic conditions is:

load; volume

The ______ and ______ of resistance training need to be carefully progressed to limit muscle tissue damage


The ability to achieve stability through change is referred to as:

Carbohydrates (p. 52 ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist)

The anaerobic system uses which of the following as its primary source for producing ATP?

Dorsiflexion; talus

The ankle's most stable position is in ______ due to the overall shape of the ______

Which of the following best describes the effect of consuming a surplus amount of nutrients through supplementation?

The body will expend valuable energy resources to excrete them

A provoking factor of non-ischemic cardiac disease symptoms is:

The completion of exercise

(HRR) Heart rate reserve method KARVONEN FORMULA

The difference between max HR and resting HR. Target HR = [(max HR -resting HR) X %intensity desired] + Resting HR.

Ensure that minor problems do not escalate into major incidents and that major incidents do not intensify to fatal events

The emergency medical policy is the MOST critical facility policy because it functions primarily to:

During unilateral contraction, which of the following muscles produce lateral flexion and axial rotation, respectively?

The erector spinae performs the lateral flexion and the multifundus performs axial rotation

Sagittal plane; flexion/extension

The facet joints of the lumbar spine are oriented in the _____ which primarily allows _____ motions

constitutional law

The federal government and all states have constitutions that not only provide the authority for government but also define how it will function and what its responsibilities are.


The feeling of chronic muscular fatigue is a sign of:

Have the client sit quietly for at least 5 minutes.

The first step in assessing resting blood pressure is to:


The five stages of change in the trans-theoretical model include precontemplation, contemplation, maintenance, action, and:

The placebo effect

The idea that a nutritional supplement will work because you believe it, despite any biological reason, is known as:

2-3 days

The initial inflammatory stage of a sprain or strain last about:

Nutrient balance

The key to optimal nutrition is:

What is muscle fatigue?

The loss of force or power output in response to voluntary effort leading to reduced performance.

built environment

The man-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from personal shelter to neighborhoods to the large-scale civic surroundings.

Analysis of the strength or weaknesses of business competition helps determine:

The market share that can be expected for your business

Perceived Stress Scale (p. 344 ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist, 2nd ed.)

The most common way to assess the perception of chronic stress level is by use of the:

anterior cruciate ligament

The most commonly reported knee injury involves damage to the ________.

Pectoralis Major and Anterior Deltoid

The muscles involved in the dumbbell fly and the cable fly are:

Higher body weight

The negative effects of a lower metabolic rate include which of the following?

intermittent claudication

The pain that occurs in muscles with inadequate blood supply because they are stressed by exercise is referred to as:

The amount of muscle force generated in plyometric training has greater potential because of:

The preceding eccentric muscle action

define static stretching

The process of passively taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding the stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds


The process used to respond to an environmental demand perceived as threatening is referred to as:

What is central fatigue? Peripheral fatigue?

The progressive reduction in voluntary drive to motor neurons during exercise. The loss of force and power that is independent of neural drive.

Respond to basic first-aid and emergency events in an appropriate and timely manner

The purpose of written emergency response policies and procedures is to enable staff to:

The term metabolic rate is defined as:

The rate at which calories are expended

position of neutral pelvis

The right/wrong method of cueing is appropriate for a client having difficulty with which of the following

Caloric restriction.

The role of exercise in treating obesity is most effective when used in combination with:


The science that applies the study of forces to living organisms is:

Obese (p.460 ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer 5th ed)

The side-lying quadriceps stretch would be most appropriate for which type of client?

Hypertension is also known as _____

The silent killer because the signs and symptoms go unnoticed.

What is the SAID principle? What is it dependent on?

The specificity principle. Specific exercise elicits specific adaptations, creating specific training effects. (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands). Dependent on the TYPE and MODE of exercise. Example: a client wants to improve their time in an endurance run, you select training stimulus that is appropriate. (eg. endurance activities, not swimming.


The study of the mechanics of human movement is called:

SAID (specific adaptation to imposed demands)

The training principle that describes the need to swim if you want to get better at swimming, cycle to improve cycling, run to gain skill at running, is:

What is VO2?

The volume of oxygen the body consumes. VO2 max is the highest volume of oxygen the body can consume.

Examples of current assets

Things expected to be turned into cash within the next year. inventory, cash, accounts receivable, prepaid expense

Modifying the order of exercises

To accomplish progressive overload, increase the intensity and/or volume by increasing resistance, increasing the number of sets/reps exercises, or:

Altering rest intervals

To accomplish progressive overload, increase the intensity and/or volume by increasing resistance, increasing the number of sets/reps/exercises, or:

Develop plans for maintaining activity when work gets stressful

To address relapse prevention, the EP-C can:


To best encourage physical activity in children, activity must be fun and:

Provide immediate corrective feedback to ensure client safety

To create an optimal training environment, the MOST important thing an EP-C should do is:

Used for its intended purposes

To ensure client safety, exercise equipment should be in good working order and be:

Extended; flexed

To fully stretch the quadriceps, the hip joint must be _____ and the knee joint ______

Educational materials

To help your client transition from the contemplation stage of change to the preparation stage of change, you should intervene using:

Narrow the base of support

To manipulate the intensity and increase the challenge of balance-related training, you should:

Ensure that members receive a formal and comprehensive orientation.

To maximize safety and effectiveness in exercise programming, facility managers should:

Refrain from smoking cigarettes or ingesting caffeine for at least 30 min. preceding the measurement

To minimize error in assessing blood pressure, the client must:

Ensure that a safety audit is conducted routinely

To reduce or eliminate hazards that may cause injury to employees and users of a health/fitness facility, facility operators must:

Premises liability.

Tort law that regulates issues around the professional liability for incidents caused due to conditions where training activity takes place is referred to as:


Total 200 mg/dL or HDL <40 mg/dL or LDL >130 mg/dL

As it relates to behavior modification, which of the following does NOT require a client to be committed to behavior change?

Trans-theoretical model of change

An absolute deficiency in blood insulin release.

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by which of the following?

ACSM recommends a diagnostic exercise test for clients with:

Type 2 diabetes for at least 10 years

Describe Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a progressive condition due to increasing inability of cells to respond to insulin (insulin resistance) and decreased production of insulin by the beta cells. It often occurs later in a client's life due to obesity, inactivity, and heredity.

Which type of muscle fibers are recruited first?

Type I then Type II. as force production increases.

what is BMI classifications of: Underweight Normal Overweight Obesity class I Obesity class II Obesity class III

Underweight <18.5 Normal 18.5-24.9 Overweight 25-29.9 Obesity class I 30-34.5 Obesity class II 35-39.9 Obesity class II 40+

Which of the following are the alcohol consumption recommendations per the USDA dietary guidelines?

Up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men (p. 205 ACSM's Exercise Physiologist Textbook 2nd ed)

3 weeks

Upon return to sea level, acclimatization to altitude has been shown to last up to:

The client believes he can lose 2 lbs a week for the next 2 months

Using Social Cognitive Theory, which of the following best describes a client striving to adopt lifestyle changes?

Extrinsic motivation.

Using a behavior contract is one strategy that may be implemented when the client demonstrates a need for:

What is the gold standard to measure Cardiorespiratory fitness?

VO2 max during open circuit spirometry.

VO2 reserve method What is VO2 reserve?

VO2 reserve is the difference between VO2 max and VO2 rest. (determined in a lab setting) Target VO2 reserve = [(VO2max - VO2 rest) x %intensity desired] + VO2rest

What is the Fick equation used to determine VO2 max?

VO2max = HRmax X SVmax X a-VO2 difference max (arteriovenous oxygen difference)

Exercise in the cold yields?

Vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the skin, HR and cardiac output are similar to thermoneutral environment, wearing bulky clothing is a barrier, Respiratory rate is higher and VO2 max may be slightly lower. Some individuals may perceive exercise to be more difficult in the cold

Learning nodes

Visual, kinesthetic, and auditory are all types of:

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that individuals over age 50 consume foods fortified with which vitamin?

Vitamin B12

The client's body is more stable and movement is more restricted.

Weight machines present less risk of injury than free weights because:

Which of the following cues is most appropriate for correcting a client on exercise technique?

Well done. Now check your knee alignment

For which of the following conditions are a medical release or a physician-supervised exercise test unnecessary prior to beginning an exercise program?

Well-controlled exercise-induced asthma

Define, Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver/Destiny

What are the five stages of appreciative inquiry?

Past exercise performance

What is the MOST influential source of self-efficacy information related to exercise?

Moves past training plateaus

What is the PRIMARY benefit of implementing a periodized program?


What is the ideal repetition range for an apparently healthy adult who wants to gain muscle hypertrophy?


What is the recommended work-to-rest ratio when performing depth jumps:

horizontal abduction

What joint action of the shoulder is performed during a reverse cable fly or a reverse dumbbell fly

Production of additional red blood cells

What physiologic change occurs in response to high-altitude exposure and a lower partial pressure of oxygen?


What you are trying to offer. can be tangible and intangible. Belief in the VALUE of the product. What do people want from the product and what are they expecting?

Refer the client to a health care professional

When a client's muscle or joint problem is brought on or aggravated by exercise, the EP-C should:


When a motor unit is stimulated by a single nerve impulse

Reduce the absolute intensity of exercise

When exercising at a higher altitude, what must an unacclimatized individual modify in order to maintain the same relative intensity of exercise?

Stroke volume

When exercising in heat, which of the following physiological variables tend to be lower?

The advice could be interpreted as unauthorized practice of a licensed professional, and results in client injury.

When giving a client advice, the EP-C risks liability for acting outside his scope of practice if:

In the course of helping the client set goals

When should motivational interviewing be used during the initial client consultation?

Online journaling

When used on a regular basis, which of the following promotes exercise adherence?

Checking for proper body alignment and equipment setup

When using weight machines the EP-C can design instruction and supervision procedures for each exercise that include:

Provide them with initial positive experiences to promote adherence and lower mortality risk.

When working with clients in a special population, you should:

Department of Labor

Which federal agency BEST addresses federal requirements for hiring staff?

Internal and external obliques

Which muscles function to rotate the lumbar spine?

Posture and stance

Which of the following BEST communicates a client's energy level?

The specific tasks that an EP-C can perform

Which of the following BEST describes the scope of practice for an EP-C?

Rate Product Pressure

Which of the following BEST determines cardiovascular responses to exercise in an individual with cardiovascular disease?

Interview the client before beginning the program

Which of the following BEST determines your client's exercise preferences?

Setting a few attainable short-term goals

Which of the following BEST fosters exercise adherence and progression toward the client's goal?

Episodes of 10-15 minutes performed two or three times each day

Which of the following FITT parameters are the MOST appropriate starting points for a client with cardiovascular disease?

Health Risk Appraisal

Which of the following MUST be included as part of every client's screening?

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)

Which of the following aids in the removal of lipids from circulation?

Nurse practioner

Which of the following allied health professionals may provide medical clearance for exercise participation?

Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

Which of the following applies to federal employees?

1.5-mile test

Which of the following assessments is contraindicated for an unconditioned client?


Which of the following building blocks of marketing is not a traditional "P" but is relevant to the fitness industry

Arteriovenous oxygen difference

Which of the following cardiac variables will increase as a result of regular aerobic training at a submaximal effort?


Which of the following cardio-respiratory variables requires the most attention during the early stages of an exercise program?

100% fruit juice

Which of the following counts as part of the fruit group:

15 seconds

Which of the following durations for the plank exercise is MOST appropriate for a beginner client?

4 sets, 80% 1RM; 10 repetitions per set; 5 days per week (p.112 ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist 2nd ed.)

Which of the following exercise protocols is most appropriate for a client who wants to increase muscular hypertrophy?

box jumps

Which of the following exercises is MOST appropriate to improve lower-body power in a basketball player

Aerobic Exercise Training

Which of the following has the greatest effect on the reduction of blood pressure


Which of the following has the most impact to help a client transition from one stage of change to the next?


Which of the following hormones is released by the kidneys in response to an ascent to altitude?

Goals bring focus and energy toward the desired behavior.

Which of the following is MOST accurate regarding goal setting theory?

There are many staff positions that can be handled by individuals with disabilities.

Which of the following is MOST accurate regarding individuals with disabilities and the fitness industry?

Jumps in place

Which of the following is MOST appropriate for a novice athlete starting plyometric training

Various modes and components of exercise are safe under appropriate supervision

Which of the following is TRUE regarding exercise training for children and adolescents?

Increased peripheral resistance

Which of the following is a common characteristic of both primary and secondary hypertension?


Which of the following is a component of a well-stated goal that will help ensure program satisfaction?


Which of the following is a critical aspect of proper risk management?

Color your plate

Which of the following is a key recommendation of the 2010 USDA dietary guidelines

Conduct a familiarization period of no less than two weeks.

Which of the following is a recommended procedure for administering a 1-RM strength test?

Encouraging clients to communicate any changes in medication routine

Which of the following is a role of the EP-C regarding client use of prescription or over-the-counter medications?

AEDs in a facility shall be located within a 1.5-minute walk to any place in which they could potentially be needed

Which of the following is an ACSM standard for risk management and emergency procedures?

"I will run 4 days per week, gradually progressing my run time from 10 to 40 minutes, to prepare for a 5K in 4 months."

Which of the following is an example of a SMART goal?

A spouse who praises your client on the progress that has been made

Which of the following is an example of appraisal support?

positive feedback

Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation?

Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL.

Which of the following is considered a cardiovascular disease risk factor?

Excessive load on the body

Which of the following is considered an extrinsic risk factor for musculoskeletal injury?

Support behavior change strategies using Web-based tools

Which of the following is ideal for promoting exercise adherence?

EP-Cs do not possess the qualifications to recommend supplements unless they have the appropriate licenses

Which of the following is most accurate regarding EP-Cs recommending supplements to clients

Documenting client activities and events

Which of the following is required from an ethical and liability standpoint and will also help provide feedback and monitor progress?

(Of these 4 muscles the Prep U course only requires the gluteus maximus for the answer to this specific question, but its worth knowing all 4 of the muscles are responsible for the action of hip extension)

Which of the following is responsible for hip extension:

Helping the client predict how he will respond to the plateau

Which of the following is the LEAST effective strategy in helping a client get past barriers in his exercise program?

rating of percieved exertion scale

Which of the following is the MOST appropriate measure of exercise intensity for a client with cardiovascular disease?

Maintain proper hydration to avoid heat injuries

Which of the following is the MOST important safety consideration when working with children?

Previous and positive exercise experiences

Which of the following is the MOST reliable predictor for exercise participation?

The formation of plaque in the elastic and smooth lining of the arteries

Which of the following is the mechanism of injury that leads to coronary artery disease?


Which of the following is the smallest contractile unit within a muscle?

Greater subcutaneous fat

Which of the following limits heat loss for an individual in a cold environment?


Which of the following muscle actions controls the movement and maintains a constant speed throughout the range of motion?

Bodily Fluids

Which of the following must be handled in accordance with the guidelines of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)?


Which of the following populations should take precautions to maintain hydration in warm environments because their sweat rates are much lower in general?

Health belief model

Which of the following predicts that people engage in a health behavior depending on the perceived threat they feel regarding a health problem?

Plyometric training

Which of the following provides ideal stress on the bone to promote adaptations in the bone:

"Do you have any physical limitations related to the job?"

Which of the following questions must be avoided during a job interview?

"Be sure to push through your heels"

Which of the following statements is ideal for cueing a client as she performs a squat?

"Your ankle joint is much more stable"

Which of the following statements provides the MOST specific feedback?

Theory of planned behavior

Which of the following theories identifies intention as the primary influence that determines behavior?

Social cognitive theory

Which of the following theories of behavior change places a great emphasis on the client's thoughts and feelings?


Which of the following utilizes a DIAGONAL fold when assessing body composition via skinfold calipers

Designing a program that is productive and enjoyable

Which of the following will increase the likelihood that a new client will continue working with the EP-C?

Currently taking antihypertensive medication

Which of the following would be a risk factor threshold for hypertension?

Professional indemnity insurance

Which of the following would protect the EP-C against errors and omissions?

Symptoms of chest pain at rest

Which of the following would you expect to see in an individual with unstable angina?

Aerobic exercise on most or all days of the week, for 30 to 60 minutes, at a low intensity

Which routine would be BEST for a client with hypertension?

Revisit client goals during reassessments so they coincide with progress toward goals.

Which strategy is effective for improving exercise adherence?


Which type of exercises help improve balance, agility, proprioception, gait, and coordination for the older adult

Interpersonal skills

While a manager will use precedent, policy, or procedure to handle conflict, a leader will use:

Adolescents at the same chronological age may have different biological ages

While play-based strengthening activities are best for very young children, older children, and adolescents can do well in structured programs: One important note for adolescents to consider in designing strength programs is:

Unable to externally rotate the shoulder joint past 60 degrees

While supine, your client performs ROM on the shoulder joint. She displays tightness in the infraspinatus and teres minor. You were led to this conclusion because the client was:

Acronym WISE

Wisdom Integrity Stewardship Enthusiasm

The American Heart Association

With which of the following organizations has ACSM published joint position stands regarding client screening, staffing, emergency policies, equipment, and procedures?

risk category for waist circumference in male and female adults. (very low, low, high, very high)

Women: very low <70cm Low 70-89cm High 90-110cm Very high >110 Men very low <80cm Low 80-9cm High 100-120cm Very high >120

Which of the following provides an opportunity to deliberately promote fitness services and products using minimal financial resources?

Word of mouth

Can most sedentary individuals safely begin a low-to moderate intensity PA Program without the need for baseline testing or medical clearance?

Yes indeed

Do individuals with cardiac, respiratory, metabolic, or musculoskeletal disorders need to be supervised by trained personnel?

Yes, when beginning an exercise program

Terminate the Assessment

You are performing a submaximal treadmill test for your client in which you are gradually increasing the speed and grade. You observe a normal response to heart rate and blood pressure during the first several stages. During the next increase in speed and grade, you observe that SBP drops about 12 mm HG. You should:

Terminate the assessment

You are performing a submaximal treadmill test for your client in which you are gradually increasing the speed and grade. You observe a normal response to heart rate and blood pressure during the first several stages. During the next increase in speed and grade, you observe that SBP drops about 12 mm Hg. You should:

Refrain from drinking any caffeinated beverages 30 minutes prior to the assessment.

You are ready to proceed with scheduling a fitness assessment with your client tomorrow. To get the most accurate heart rate response, you instruct your client to:

Increase her metabolism with aerobic activity and progressive strength training.

Your 40-year-old female client is ready to get started losing 15 pounds for the new year after being sedentary for about a year. She wants to focus on strength training as she has heard that this will help sculpt her body. You recommend that she:

Increase her metabolism with aerobic activity and progressive strength training

Your 40-year-old female client is ready to get starting losing 15 lbs for the new year after being sedentary for about a year. She wants to focus on strength training as she has heard that this will help sculpt her body. You recommend that she:

Educate her on how resistance training can help her gain lean muscle and raise resting metabolism

Your 50-year-old client wants to lose weight, but is concerned she will "get big" with strength training. Given her concerns, you should:

Acceptable if you work with reliable fitness equipment dealers to whom you refer the client.

Your client asks you to recommend a cardio machine for her home use. Helping your client in this way is considered:

Increase weight to 55kg and decrease reps to 8 (p. 98 Resources for the Exercise Physiologist 2nd ed.)

Your client can leg press one set of 12 repeitions, with a 50 kg load. What weight and repetition range would be most appropriate for progression?

Not allow him to train with inadequate shoes.

Your client forgot his athletic shoes and asks to train with you in his work boots. You should:

Visual Cues

Your client is having difficulty performing a strength exercise after you have demonstrated and provided verbal cues. You decide to demonstrate what he is doing and then contrast with the proper technique. He immediately performs the exercise correctly. Based on this, you should focus on teaching the client exercise primarily through:

Visual cues

Your client is having difficulty performing a strength exercise after you have demonstrated and provided verbal cues. You decide to demonstrate what he is doing and then contrast with the proper technique. He immediately performs the exercise correctly. Based on this, you should focus on teaching the client exercise primarily through:

Lower exercise intensities

Your client on a regimen of statins tells you her doctor diagnosed her with rhabdomyolysis. The impact to her exercise prescription includes increased exercise recovery time or:

"That's a specific and time-bound goal. Let's talk about how realistic that goal is within the time frame" (p. 321 ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist 2nd ed)

Your client sets a goal 25 pounds before her high school reunion in a month. An appropriate response would be:


Your new client states that she likes to feel her muscles "tightening and firming up" during strength training. Based on this, you should provide primarily which type of cueing?

Gradually increase activity intensity and duration until minimum levels are achieved.

Your new youth client, age 11, doesn't meet the required minimum level of cardiovascular exercise. The best way to proceed is:

what is metabolic syndrome?

a clustering of metabolic factors that increase the risk of cardiorespiratory disease.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are defined by

a decrease in the production, release and/or effectiveness and action of insulin. Both results in increased blood glucose levels. (hyperglycemia) type 1: deficiency in blood insulin release. type 2: elevated blood glucose levels due to developed insulin resistance

Describe intermittent claudication

a major symptom of PAD characterized by aching, cramping or fatigue usually affecting the muscles of the calf

What is cardiac output?

a measure of blood pumped per minute. The product of stroke volume and heart rate.


a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument

define conflict of interest

a significant financial interest in a business or other direct or indirect personal gain provided by a business that may compromise an ACSM member's personal judgement.


a sustained muscular contraction resulting from a rapid series of nerve impulses

Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

a theory that predicts health behavior on the basis of three factors: personal attitude toward the behavior, the subjective norm regarding the behavior, and perceived degree of control over the behavior, occurs about 30%

Define exercise

a type o physical activity consisting of planned, structured and repetitive body movement done to improve or maintain physical fitness

a tort by definition is...

a wrongful act (whether on purpose or not) that cause insult, injury or death

cardiorespiratory endurance

ability of circulatory system and respiratory system to supply o2 during sustained physical activity

muscular endurance

ability of muscle to continue to perform without fatigue

define muscular strength

ability of muscle to exert force

define physical fitness

ability to carry out daily task with vigor and alertness without undue fatigue

Define agility

ability to change position of the body


ability to change position of the body in space with speed and accuracy


ability to perform a movement within a short period of time

define speed

ability to perform movement within a short period of time


ability to use the senses together with body parts to perform tasks smoothly and accurately

contextual intelligence

abiloty to adapt or respond appropriately to any number of different contexts. The context is dertermined by environmental factors

which skin folds are vertical folds?

abs, triceps, biceps, medal calf, midaxillary, thigh

absolute oxygen consumption vs. relative oxygen consumption

absolute is the raw volume of O2 consumed by the body. Relative is the volume of O2 consumed relative to body weight. Useful to compare fitness levels between individuals.

acclimatization vs. acclimation

acclimatization - Physiological adaptation that occurs in response to a change in the "natural" environment. acclimation - physiological adaptation that occurs in response to EXPERIMENTALLY induced changes in climate.

Coronary Artery disease

accounts for the most cardiovascular deaths. The most prevalent types of CVD.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

acetone odor on breath, confusion, slurred speech

patients wit CVD medications for dyslipidemia, and hypertension are common in that they .....

act in the liver to lower blood cholesterol, and in the kidney to lower blood pressure

At what stage are people at most risk of relapse?


exercise testing is a por predictor of

acute cardiac events inasymptomatic individuals

what is the aerobic exercise Time recommendation

adults should accumulate 30-60min a day (150min week) of moderate intensity, 20-60 min a day(75min week) of vigorous intensity or in bouts of 10min at a time

volume of resistance exercise sets and res recommendation

adults should train eash muscle group 2-4 sets with 8-12 reps with rest of 2-3min between sets


advertising referrals direct mail/email internet sponsorship personal sales public relations

resistance training is as effectiv as

aerobic training

what is part of the conditioning phase of exercise session

aerobic, resistance, flexibility, neuromotor, sport related

affective well being cognitive well being

affective-presence of positie effectiveness and absence of negative cognitive-global life satisfaction

contracts are...

agreements pertaining to legal rights and obligations between individuals & collective bodies

cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate, resting O2 uptake for pregnant women.

all increase.

what is the procedure for taking skin fold measurements

all measurements taken on the right side calipes on skin surface 1 cm away from thumb and finger pinch should be maintained wait 1-2sec before reading calipers reset clipers if measurements are not within 1-2mm

Vitamin D intake have increased for? what are the levels?

all populations but particularly children and older adults (65+). children and adolescents 1-18 600 IU Older adults 800IU

what is the purpose of the cool down

allow for gradual recovery of HR, BP , removal of metabolic products

what does insulin do?

allows blood sugar to be absorbed into cells to be used for energy.

tidal volume

amount of air leaving or entering with each breath, ranges from .5 to 4L

end diastolic volume

amount of blood in each ventricle at end of resting phase.

the principal behind skin fold method

amount of subcutaneous fat is proportionl to the total amount of body fat aproxx, 1/3 of total fat is subcutaneous

intrinsic rewards

anything that is fulfilling because of the internal pleasure. more sustainable over time.

patients with sternotomy heal without compication and achieve stability aprox. ______ weks, sternal instability has been observed in up t0 _____% of cases

aprox 8-10wks, instability up to 16%

Theory Y

assumption that employees are self-motivated, want responsibility and exercise self-direction

Theory X

assumption that most followers are inherently lazy and if given chance will avoid work

components of exercise training session: stretching

at least 10 min of stretching

components of exercise training session: conditioning

at least 20=60 min of aerobic, resistance, neuromotor and/or sport specific activity

components of exercise training session: cool down

at least 5-10 min of light to moderate intensity cardio/muscular endurance

components of exercise training session: warm up

at least 5-10 min of light to moderate intensity of cardio & muscular endurance

wht causes Peripheral artery disease(PAD)

atherosclerotic plaque leads to significant steosis and limitations of vasodilation, resulting in the reduction of blood flow to regions distal to the area of occulsion

a P-wave represents

atrial depolarization

Lewin's leadership style

autocratic-leader makes decisions and does not consult with others democratic- leader involves peers in decision making process Laissez-faire- followers make their own decision, but leader is still ultimately responsible.


autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease affecting the synovial lining of joints and other connective tissue. Slow progressive disease.

to maintain ICD implntation what should be avoided and for how long

avoid upper body activities for 3-4 weeks lower body is fine

what 2 stretch are similar in increasing ROM and may be considered for older adults

ballistic stretching and static stretching

Case Law (common law)

based on court descisions

Why is the supine position avoided in pregnant women?

because the expanded uterus compresses on the inferior vena cava and reduces venous blood flow back to the heart. Supine positions may exacerbate this situation.

what is the single greatest contributor to how management practice is understood today

behavioral approach


between normal and osteoporosis. describes those at risk for osteoporosis.

Hyperglycemia symptoms

blood glucose is >300mg.dl, fatigue,increased thirst, acetone breath


blood glucose of <70, weakness, anxiety

what happens when you take in too much protein

body can only absorb so much protein at a time. 40-50 grams. Stores the rest as fat.

BMI calculated by dividing

body weight(kg)/ height(m^2)

define ballistic stretching


tort law

breach of legal duty amounting to civil wrong or injury for which a court will provide compensation/damage

what percent of macro nutrients uptake in carbs, fats, and proteins

carbs-45-65% fats- 20-35% proteins- 10-35%

the best exercise Rx sinclude what aspects

cardirespiratory fitness muscular endurance muscular strength flexibility body comp neuromotor fitness


careless neglect, often resulting in injury

organic leadership model

centers around the group as a team.

leader member exchange theory (LMX)

centers on "interactions" b/w leader and follower

leader-member exchange theory

centers on the interactions between the leader and follower.

Central obesity versus gynoid

central (apple, or abdominal) vs. pear shaped (hips and thighs)

7 site formula sites

chest, midaxillary, triceps, subscapular, abdomen, suprailiac, thigh

which skin folds are diagonal?

chest, sub scapular, suprailiac

age difference between children, adolescents, and older adults

children: younger than 13 adolescents: 13-18 older adults: 65+

LDL-c is defined as the primary target for ____ by the ________________(guidelines of treatment of BCRACRA)

cholesterol lowering therapy by the guidelines of treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults

heat syncope

circulatory failure by pooling of blood, lower half light haddedness, loss of conciousness

what are the classifications of recommendations for outpatient and levels of evidence

class 1: agreement that a treatment is useful and effective class2: conflicting evidence of opinions about usefulness or treatment class 3: there is evidence or agreement tht the prcedure is not useful and in some cases harmful Level A:data from multiple random clinical trials Level B: data from single randomized trial Level C; consensus of experts

describe Gulick tape measure

cloth tape with spring loaded handle standardizes the tension of the tape on the skin and improves consistence of measurement

Muscle spindles

collection of 3 to 10 muscle fibers that are innervated by a motor neuron. Provide info about rate of change in a muscle.

body composition metods can very in terms of

complexity, cost, and accuracy

What is the social ecological model

comprehensive approach integrating multiple variables or layers that influence behavior. Each layer has an impact on the next. It helps identify opportunities to promote participation in PA by recognizing multiple variables that may influence a person's choices.

what are the most comma causes d SCD(sudden Cardiac death)

congenital and hereditary abnormalities such as: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, and aortic stenosis

appropriate cool down/recovery should be initiated consisting of either (2 things)

continued exercise at a work rate = to the first stage or lower

the relationship between BP and risk for CVD is _____, _______, and _____ of other risk factors

continuous, consistent, and independent

actin and myosin

contractile proteins; form crossbridges and slide past one another during contraction. Thin and thick filaments


cost of delivery (overall cost to give client what they want) acceptable profit margin (price is too low, people are skeptical of the product's quality) market value- balance between perceived value and the demand for the product.

if the presence or absence of a risk factor is not discussed it should be....

counted as a risk factor

Total Quality Management (TQM)

create consistency of purpose for improved product/service

what types of periodic tests help indicate alterations in renal function

creatine, Glomarular filtration rate(GFR), blood urea nitrogen(BUN)

what are the guideline for inpatient CR

current clinical assessment status mobilization edu of modifiable risk factors, and self care discharge planning or PA and activities of daily living(ADL)

noncurrent liabilities. examples

debts and expanses that are not due in the next 12 months. future loan payments, deferred rent or revenue

beta blockers

decrease/lower HR. increase exercise capacity

define Low Back Pain

defined as pain, muscle tension or stiffness below the ribcage and above the glute fold


degeneration loss of muscle mass and strength as a result of ageing and reduced PA, increas risk of musculoskeletal injury

what is the measurement unit for flexibility



demands placed on the body must be continually and progressively increased over time. Increase at 5% to 10% per week and decrease the reps by 2 to 4 when a given load can be performed for the desired number of reps.

behavioral approach is what type of style of management


Using waist circumference alone

describes abdominal fat measurement. health risks are higher when measurement is 35+ in for women and 40+ for men.

intensity of exercise raining is usually determned as a ____ and describe what that means...

determined as a range which means the caculation needs to be done twice, once for the lower limit and once for the upper limit of desired intensity range

goals for outpatient CR

develop and assist patient to implement safe PA and lifestyle ongoing surveillance to patient health care provider return patient to vocational ad recreational activities provide education to family/ partners

define implantable cardiovertable defibrillator(ICD)

devide that monitors heart rythms and delives electrical shock in life threating situations, used for high rate ventricular tachycardia, cardiac arrest, HF, or ineffective drug thearpy

Talk test method

differentiates between moderate and vigorous activity. If they can talk, but not sing it is moderate. If they are unable to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath it is vigourous.

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

difficulty breathing while asleep

The female athlete triad.

disordered eating amenorrhea osteoporosis

How to calculate BMI. Limitations of BMI?

divide weight (kg) by height (meters squared). 1kg = 2.2 lbs 1in = 2.54cm 1m = 100cm Does not differentiate between fat and fat free mass. Not a true measure of body fatness.


dizziness from loss of perfusion to the brain this suggest hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, and malignant ventricular dysrhythmias

when should exercise test be administered to those done with out patient and what should you consider when conducting tests

done early 2-3weeks after discharge, or later 3-6 weeks, consider test should be symptom limited and use standatrd testing, test completed while patient is stable on guideline based meds(B blockers)

indication of ex test termination

drop in SBP >10mm chest pain fatigue/short breath

what does DEXA stand for

duel energy x-ray absorptiometry

after intro then you should...

dynamic warm up for 5/10 min

inpatient CR (phase 1) refers to what

early assessment and mobilization, identification and education of CVD, PAR-Q, and comprehensive discharge planning

eccentric, concentric, isometric, isokenetic

eccentric-muscle while it is lengthening under load concentric-muscles to shorten isometric-type of strength training in which the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction. Isometrics are done in static positions, isokinetic-produce movements of a constant speed

infromation obtained fro health related PA exam is used for what?

educate the participant abut current health fitness status, provide data to help make exercise Rx, collect follow up data to witch progression of exercises, motivate individuals by establishing reasonable goals

authoritarian management has a high concern for ___ and a low concern for ____



elevated blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels caused by genetic and environmental factors. Low HDL's and/or High LDL's

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

emphasizes reciprocal determinism (interaction b/w individuals & their environments)

country-club management has a high concern for ___ and a low concern for ___


Statutory law (legislative law)

enacted by federal and state governments. Imposes duties or restriction upon individuals.

RPE and rating scales should be monitored near the ___ of the ___ minute of each stage

end; last

Low back pain *drawing in maneuver

endurance of core musculature is more critical than strength focus on bracing

define negative energy balance

energy expenditure must exceed energy intake.

define positive energy balance

energy intake exceeds energy expenditure

define thermic effect of food

energy required to eat and digest food. The more physically active, the more active their metabolism TEE

what are the 6 factors that effect a persons RPE interpretation

environment thirst mood physiological factors exercise mode age

servant leadership theory

establishes that organizational performance is 2nd to the relationship b/w leader and followers

Define Obesity

excessive accumulation of body fat and is associated with a body mass index of 30+. combo of increased calorie intake and decreased daily physical activity are the primary contributors.

transactional leadership

exchanging one this for another. Closely resembles a manager.

early onset fatigue is common in


What is the overload principle?

exercise below a minimum threshold will not challenge the body sufficiently to result inf physiological changes including VO2max

hypglycemia risk is higher during and immediately following

exercise but can occur 12 hrs or more post exercise

In general, exercise recommendations for children

exercise is safe as well as resistance training. just make it age appropriate.

what are different aspects in interval training that can be adjusted

exercise mode, number of exercises, duration, intensity, recovery intervals, number of reps

chronic HF is characterized by

exertional dyspnea and fatigue in setting of HFrEF

what are th proper breathing techniques

exhale during concentric phase(shorting) inhale during eccentric phase(lengthenin), avoid Valsalva maneuver

Psychological Theories

explanations for political behavior based on psychological analysis of political actors' motives

define gynoid obesity

fat in the thighs or hips

During adulthood individuals tend to gain ___ and ___ and tend to lose____

fat mass and body weight and tend to lose fat-free mass.

define visceral fat

fat within and surrounding thoracic and abdominal cavity

sympathetic and parasympathetic

fight and flight/ homeostasis

liabilities examples

financial obligations or credits owed by the business. accounts payable, income tax, accruals, rent

Social cognitive theory

first known as social learning theory. Emphasizes interaction between individuals and their environments.

civil lawsuits are most common within which industry?


define dynamic stretch

flow of movement from one to the next repetedly

Key to social cognitive theory

focus on what they CAN do. not what they CAN'T do.

pregnant women need as increase dietary need for....

folic acid (B vitamin to prevent serious birth defects) and iron.

laissez-faire style:

followers make their own decisions

what are the most common measurements taken from the spirometric test

forced vital capacity(FVC), forced expiatory volume i 1 second(FEV1.0), (FEV1.0/FVC) ratio, and peak expiratory flow(PEF)


forceful beating of heart result from vular regurgitation palpation are caused by anxiety states and high cardiac output

bureaucratic model of management

formalized and centralized, have firm hierarchy and divide labor


formation of fatty plaque on the wall of an artery

health belief model

framework that outlines a persons health behavior that is based on health beliefs

what insurance coverage should an EP-C have?

general & professional

goal of motivational interviewing

generate change talk

what % of adults are inactivev , meet aerobic capacity, strength capacity, and both aerobic and strength

globally 31.1% of adults are inactive 51.6% meet aerobic guidelines 29.3 meet strength guidelines 20.6 meet both strength and aerobic

What is HbA1c?

glycolated hemoglobin

what ecreases blood ph and makes it more acidic

glycoloysis produces more Hydrogen ions

list devices used to measure flexability

goniometers,electrogonioeters, Leighton flexometer, inclinometers, tape measures

contract law

governs agreements that are enforceable in court

criminal law

governs the conduct of both individuals and groups toward society as a whole

health risk is very high for women when WHR is

greater than 0.86

women 60-69 should not have WHR of...

greater than 0.90

health risk is very high for men when WHR is

greater than 0.95

men 60-69 should not have WHR of...

greater than 1.03

Risk Criteria for waist circumference WOMEN: very high

greater than 110 (43.5in)

Risk Criteria for waist circumference MEN: very high

greater than 120cm (47in)

very high LDL Cholesterol

greater than or = 190

if less than 45 yr, pre-diabetes should only be counted if BMI is...

greater than or = 25

what diabetes can pregnate women get

gstrointestinal diabetes @ 20 weeks reg

Define myocardial infarction

hEART ATTACK. results in heart tissue death.

Civil lawsuits

handle disputed between two parties, organizations, businesses and governmental agencies. Most cases you will encounter will fall here.

explain a dual chamber and what it indicates

have 2 leads placed in right atrium and one in right ventricle, indicate physiologic pacing to reestablish a normal sequence and timing of contractions between upper and lower chambers of heart

what needs to be done before paticent gets to testing site?

have consnt from participant, calibrate all equipment monthly if not more, room temp between 68F and 72F humiditiy less than 60%,

HIPAA is what?

health insurance portability and accountability act - protect privacy of clients health info & identifiable health info for client and EP-C

positive risk factor for FAMILY HISTORY

heart attack, coronary revascularization or sudden death in family BEFORE age 55 (in dad or 1st degree relative)

why do we warm up

heme/blood feed tissue catalizatin so less energy intake early sweating

HR, strove volume, and cardiac output in children

higher HR, lower stroke volume, higher cardiac output.

Exercise for pregnant women and recommendations

highly encouraged. Those physically active before pregnancy can exercise at a higher level than those more sedentary. ensure proper hydration. exercise 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most days of the week.

body volume can be measured by what 2 methods

hydrodensitomoty(water displacement) and plethysmography(air displacement)

3 abnormal curves of the spine

hyperkyphosis, hyperlordosis, scoliosis

excess body fat accumulated around the abdomen is associated with what chronic diseases

hypertension, metaboic syndrome(metsya) type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke, CVD, and dyslipidemia

List Cardiovascular risk factors:

hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes, CVD-- heart failure, valvular dysfunction(aortic stenosis/ mitral valve disease), myocardial infarction, and other acute coronary syndromes

what is the most common aute concern for individuals taking insulin or creatine


define a model

hypothetical depiction of a behavior or situation

What is the theory of planned behavior?

identifies intension as the primary influence determining behavior. intension + perceived behavioral control

Waist to hip ratio

identify people with more central abdominal fat. Divide the circumference of the waist by the circumference of the hips (buttocks/hips) in inches.


important in the initial days of adaptation to keep the person accountable and on track. Continue for entire adoption phase (up to 6 months)

what are health benifits of resistance traning

imporved body composition, blood glucose,insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure

improvement of VO2peak in cardiac transplant patients is due to

improved chronotropic response and improved peripheral effects(oxidative capacity), of metabolic active skeletal muscle

pressure system model

in order for chnge to occure increase motivation and decrease resistance

What is the amortization phase?

in plyometrics it is the amount of time it takes to change direction from eccentric to concentric. Should be as short as possible. (<0.1s) to maximize training adaptations.

hygiene factors = increase or decrease job satisfaction?


motivators = increase or decrease job satisfaction?


chornotropic compotience

increase work but not increased cardiac output

dehydration may contribute to

increased blood glucose

what are improvements of cardiovascular and respiratory function because of regular exercise

increased capillary density in skeletal muscle increased exercise threshold for accumulation of lactate in the blood increased exercise threshold for the onset of disease sign or symptoms decrease HR and BP decrease myocardial oxygen cost


increased force of contraction by a skeletal muscle fiber when a twitch occurs before the previous twitch relaxes

rate response in pacemakers

increse or decrease HR to match level of PA

What is a contraindication

individual's characteristic that make PA more risky

Social Ecological Model

individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, public policy

civil lawsuits handle disputes between who?

individuals, orgs, businesses and governmental agencies where 2 parties: the injured and the EP-C present their case

Arthritis. 2 types.

inflammation of a joint.

Phases of tissue healing

inflammatory phase (2-3 days) (edema)-fluid in surrounding tissues that act as a brace. repair- 3-5 days after lasting up to 2 months. Exercise during this phase remodeling-weakened repaired tissue.

Transactional model of leadership

influence based on reward and punishment. capitalize productivity and efficiency.

Sprian definition, signs and symptoms. most common sites, treatment

injury to a ligament. most common is ankle due to inversion. RICE

Strain definition, signs and symptoms. most common sites, treatment

injury to a muscle or tendon acute pain, muscle pain and dysfunction usually becomes more apparent 1-2 days after the the injury because of DOMS. most common in the calf and thigh (quads and hamstrings) rates I to III. III is the worst RICE

CR is delivered to both .....

inpatient and outpatient by reversing/slowing atherosclerotic process

management Grid

intended to measure the relationship b/w one's concern for people and production


intending to alter behavior within next 6 months and are aware

what is the primary influence in determining behavior according to TPB?



intention of increasing PA in immediate future - may have specific plan - are doing some PA

theory of planned behavior (TPB)

intention-based model use to explain PA behavior across many populations

____directly reflects the individuals level of ______ to perform the desired behavior


a cold environment may aggravate the symptoms of ______ _____

intermittent claudication

extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation.

intrinsic is more likely to maintain PA. Extrinsic is doing it for weight control, weight loss, and stress reduction.

how is intensity and time related ?

inversely related

passive static stretching

involves assuming a position while holding a limb or other part of the body with or without the assistance of a partner or device (such as elastic bands or a ballet barre)

Define active stretching

involves holding stretch for a period of time useing antagonist muscles

systolic vs diastolic

is contractile heart movement, blood is leaving the heart. Pressure against arteriol walls . is relaxation or blood filling the heart

Propriceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)

isometric contraction of specific muscle group followed by static stretch of same muscle group

limitation of a PAR-Q?

it can only be identify those who are at high risk - can't tell between low or moderate risk

What happens to resting HR as stroke volume increases?

it decreases, as more blood being pumped per beat allows the heart to beat less often.

if there is no CVD risk factor mentioned...

it should be counted unless they have pre-diabetes

multiply the following conversions by lb>kg in>cm ft>m mi>km mi.h>mi.min kg.m.min>W W>kg.m.min L.min>kcal.min MET> mL<> L

lb>kg=.454 in>cm=2.54 ft>m=.3048 mi>km=1.609 mi.h>m.min=26.8 kg.m.min>W=.164 W>kg.m.min=6.12 L.min>kcal.min=4.9 MET> mL<>L = kg/1000

democratic stye:

leader includes peers in decision making

autocratic style:

leader makes decisions on their own

Path-goal leadership theory

leader sets up a path to a specific goal for the team

Visionary model of leadership

leader using emotion to inspire and create buy-in by the followers.

visionary model (aka charismatic or transformational):

leader using emotion to inspire/create followers

classical model of leadership:

leaders power/influence is considered innate (born with it)

Situational leadership theory

leadership style is adapted by the leader's diagnosis of the subordinant

Risk Criteria for waist circumference WOMEN: very low

less than 70cm (28.5in)

Risk Criteria for waist circumference MEN: very low

less than 80 cm (31.5 in)

optimal LDL Cholesterol

less then 100

what are the METs for light, moderate, and vigorous PA

light is 2.0-2.9 MET moderate is 3.0-5.9MET vigorous is anything grater than or equal to 6.0 MET

HRR, VO2R, METs, RPE light moderate heavy

light-30-39% HRR or VO2R, 2-2.9 METs, 9-11 RPE mod- 40-59% HRR or VO2R, 3-5.9 METs, 12-13 RPE heavy- 60 grater or equal HRR or VO2R, 6 grater or equal METs, 14 grater or equal RPE

What are Golgi Tendon Organs?

located in the musculotendinous junction. respond to changes in muscle tension.

ACSM has accepted AACVPR outpatient risk stratification because it

looks at full prognosis and their potential for rehabilitation

orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

loss of conscious at rest in recumbent position nocturnal dyspnea occurs 2-5 hrs after onset of sleep both suggest left ventricular dysfunction relived by bowl movements

define hyponatremia

low blood sodium (drink too much water)


low bone density

Define hypokalemia

low potassium during exercise=stroke like symptoms

Most common musculoskeletal injuries occur in what area of the body?

lower body- particularly the knee or foot

patients with HFrEF exhibit lower

lower peak HR, Stroke volume, CO, exercise is reduced 30-40%

define balance

maintenance of equilibrium


maintenance of equilibrium while stationary OR moving


mainting PA and working to prevent relapse for at least 6 months


making a firm commitment to change

difference between maximal and sub maximal testing

maximal testing requires individual to exercise to point of volitional fatigue and is expensive submaximl is used to determine HR response for 1 or more sub maximal tests and used to predict VO2max

unusual fatigue or shortness of breath

means a change in CVD or metabolic disease

Procedures for skinfolds

measure all on the right side of the body pinch with thumb and index finger 1cm away from the center mark wait 1-2 sec before reading the caliper measure perpendicular to the skinfold.

take another circumference measurement if...

measurements are not within 5 mm

what assessments should be performed when physician refers outpatient to programs

medical and surgical history physical exam specific to cardiopulmonary and muscloskeletal systems review of recent CV tests and procedures current mediations include the dose, administration and freq. CVD risk factors

appropriate components of the medical history may include...

medical diagnosis and medical history procedure previous physical examination lab findings-hba1c history of symptoms recent illness orthopedic problems-arthritis, joint swelling medication use exercise history employment history family history of cardiac, pulmonary, or metabolic disease, stroke, or sudden death

a comprehensive preexercise evaluation in the clinical setting generally consists of ...

medical history, risk factor assessment, physical examination , and lab test results all of which should be documented

risk fctors for waist

men-102 women-88

Central abdominal obesity is associated with..

metabolic syndrome.


misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official

management = ___ risk


what is the aerbic exercise Intensity recommendation

mod.(40-59% HHR or VO2R) to vig. (60-89%HRR or VO2R) intensity is recomended for most adults and light(30-39%HRR orVO2R) for untrained adults. Interval training is good to increase total volume or avg exercise intensity

path-goal leadership theory:

modification of situational leadership = involves leader setting a path to specific goal


more prevalent with age. bone remodeling at the joint and overgrowth occurs. Thought to be the result of mechanical injury due to excessive loading or repeated low-force stressors.

acute mountain sickness

more rest time is required at high altitude have headach, poor sleep, neasua, mild swelling peak at about 18-22hrs, recover after 24-28hrs

heat exaustion

most common, fatigue, weakness vomiting give oral fluds

limitation of informed consent/health history forms?

most forms don't make recommendations based on intensity of the proposed exercise program


motor unit has more than 1 stimulus


motor unit stimulated constantly

static stretching may result in short term decreases of....

musce strength, power, and sport performnce

heat ramps

muscle spams caused by soium loss an water loss respond to rest and stretching

what type of exercise is recommended for older adults 65 older and why

muscular power, because insufficent power is associated with more risk of falls

what is most common exercise related risk and the most common factors that cause this

musculoskeletal injury most commonly caused by the intensity and type of exercise

Peak VO2 method

must have measured or estimated VO2max. Target VO2 = VO2max X intensity desired

Rae pressure product(RPP) =

myocardial workload

according to health belief model, an individual examines the _____ aspects of a particular health action and does what?

negative; weighs negative with the positive

most cases filed against fitness facilities are accusing of...


a motor neuron a motor unit

neuron=actual nerve that intervates unit=nerve and all muscles it intervates

does the good samaritan law apply to EP-C while on the job?


there are ____ universal excepted norms for body composition


Explain the ATP-PC system

no oxygen uses creatine lasts less then 15 sec

Explain glycolysis system

no oxygen use glycogen>pyruvate,glucose>lactate lasts <1min

transactional model:

no real vision - influence based on contracts/negotiations b/w leader and workers

SCD and AMI are usually triggered by the rapid progression of a previously

non obstructive lesion

What are anthropometric measures?

noninvasive and quantitative techniques for determining body size by measuring specific body dimensions.

what is the normal BP, prehypertension, stage 1 prehypertension, stage 2 prehypertension

normal=120/80 prehypertension SBP=120-139/ DBP=80/89 stage 1 SBP=140-159/ DBP 90-99 stage 2 SBP= / DBP= >160/>100

positive risk factor for SEDENTARY

not doing 30 min of moderate intensity PA (40%-<60% VO2R) on at least 3 days of the week for at least 3 months


not intending to take actioning within the next 6 months - could be bc they are uninformed or not motivated/have had failed attempts

well-being is ____ (Economic)or ______ (life satisfaction)assessment f ones life

objective or subjective

When creating or adopting an informed consent document, the EP-C should always:

obtain appropriate legal counsel

what does Cardiac rehabilitation(CR) consist of?

of coordinated, multifacited interventions designed to reduce rate or mortality, foster healthy behavior, an dpromote active life style

emergency drills should be practiced at leaset

once every 3 months or more if change in staff


one's confidence in their ability to engage in PA. derived from social cognitive theory. The more confident one feels in their ability to succeed the more likely they are to engage in the behavior.

define negligence

one's failure to act. Overwhelming majority of cases against trainers are negligence.

The MOST important reasons for maintaining collaborative relationships with health care professionals

optimize client outcomes and identify risk factors

case law

or "common law" based on decisions of courts and administrative tribunals

servant leadership

organizational performance is secondary to the relationship between the leader and follower

origin vs. insertion.

origin is the part the doesn;t move. insertion is the part that moves.

what is % or american adults over weight, obese, and what is child obease %?

overweight adults 68.6% obese adults 34.9% obese adolescents 31.8%

demonstration of exercise is especially important in _____ populations

overweight or obese


pain in the leg is induced by exercise, usually because of an artery obstruction.

intermittent claudication (IC)

pain in the leg muscles that occurs during exercise - relieved by rest - associated with peripheral vascular disease / diabetes

Define myocardial ischemia

partial impairment of coronary artery artery blood flow reduces oxygen to cardiac tissue.

improvised management has a low concern for...

people and production

self determination theory

people have 3 basic physiological needs that must be met in order to engage in behavior

what are the different ways to measure intensity of physical activity

percent of oxygen uptake reserve(VO2R) heart rate reserve (HRR) oxygen consumption(VO2) heart rate(HR) metabolic equivalents (METs)

define emphysema

permanent enlargement of airspaces along with necrosis of alveolar walls

Which muscles are prime movers for eversion of the ankle joint?

peroneus longus and brevis

Motivational Interviewing

person-centered technique to strengthen motivation for change. *individuals become more committed to what they say to themselves than what they hear from others.

civil law

pertains to personal responsibilities that an individual or group must observe when dealing with other individuals/groups

list energy systems in order they are used

phosocreatine(ATP-Pcr) Glycolysis oxidative

pulse palpation technique is..

place second and third finger(index and middle)over radial artery, near thumb of wrist, counted for 30-60 sec

HR auscultation stethoscope method(most accurate)

place stethoscope left of sternum just above nipple level

there is a ______ _____ response of health benefits that results from increased exercise intensity

positive dose

If pre-diabetes criteria is missing or unknown...

pre-diabetes should only be counted for those greater than or = 45yr

Transtheoretical Model

precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance

factos to consider when guideing someone throgh CR

premorbid activity level, vocational and avocational goals, and requirements, and personal fitness goals

Scope of practice for pulmonary disease patients for EP-C

prepared to work with a well-controlled asthma client but refer COPD and CRRD clients.

Define athlerosclerosis

process where fatty streaks develop, causing the artery wall the thicken while reducing the luminal diameter. begins with a focal injury to the lining of the artery and eventually causes damage to the endothelium. The endothelium then becomes more permeable to lipids , allowing LDL's to move easily through where they are oxidized by macrophages. creating fatty streaks and plaque formation begins.

middle of the road management has a moderate concern for ...

production and employee satisfaction

team/democratic management has a high concern for both...

production and morale

equal pay act of 1963

prohibits different pay on basis of gender

civil rights act of 1964

prohibits discrimination of race, color, gender, religion or national origin

Americans with disabilities act of 1990 (ADA)

prohibits employment discrimination to basis of disabilities or perceived disabilities

trait theory aka "great man":

promotes idea that being a "superior leader" is all about genetics

negligence is concerned with the ___ and ___ in dealing with clients

prudence and caution

situational leadership theory:

purpose is to open up communication and increase quality & frequency of conversations about performance/development

Define flexibility

range of motion available at a joint

Borg's RPE scale. What level is recommended to improve cardiorespiratory fitness?

ranges from 6 to 20. from no exertion at all to maximal exertion. 11 to 16 to improve CRF.

define power

rate at which one can perform work

What is the MOST appropriate course of action the EP-C should take with a client who is overtraining?

reduce exercise intensity by 50%

what disease risk factors are reduced in cardiovascular with regular exercise

reduced resting systolic/diastolic pressure reduced insulin, improves glucose tolerance reduced blood platelet adhesive and aggregation reduced inflammation

how often should the clients appearance and symptoms be monitored and recorded?


Triponin and tripomyosin

regulate bridging of actin and myosin

what are the regulatory and contractle proteins in skeletal muscle

regulatory=troponin, tropomyosin contractile=actin,myosin

define body composition

relative amount of fat, muscle, and bone and other vital body parts

Body composition

relative amounts of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts of the body

what are 2 ways to lable VO2max

reletive= absolute= mL. min

a health related physical fitness test shoud be what 3 things

reliable, valid, and idelly inexpensive

basic body masss is expressed as

relitive % of body mass that is fat and fat free tissue

stimulus control

remove cues for neg. behavior, add positive avoidenve

Plantar fasciitis

repeated trauma of the plantar fascia. common in running athletes. Stretching is incorporated

more adiposites = more ___ hormone

resistine = increased weight

define Resting energy expenditure what influences it the most?

resting metabolism! energy required to maintain normal regulatory balance and body functions at rest. Also called basal energy expenditure. The amount of calories a person uses if they want to do no activity throughout the day. lean body mass influences it because it is more metabolically active than fat.

what is the aerobic exercise Type recommendation

rhythmic aerobic exercise is made for all individuals, sport related is for more skilled individuals

which brain lobe is avoidence and approach

right-avoidence left-approach

aerobic capacity has an invere relationship with

risk f premature death

the main purpose of BP treatmnt is to decrease...

risk of CVD mobidity, mortality, and renal morbidity

in muscle contractions where is calcium released

sarcoplasmic reticulum

What is the CR-10 scale of exertion? (Borg's category ratio scale)

scale of 0 to 10. in which 0 is sitting and 10 is max effort possible. 5-6 is mod. 7-8 is vig.

recoverinv activities should include within 48 hrs

self care leg and arm ROM posture changes supervised ambulations all equals decrased atrophy

one key concept to SCT is...

self efficacy: confidence in ones ability to successfully engage and perform a specific behavior

What is rate pressure product?

serves as an estimate of myocardial oxygen demand. Product of HR and Systolic BP. HR X SBP

emotional intelligence

set of skills (street smarts) that include awareness of self and others. The ability to handle emotions and relationships.

patients with absolute contraindications...should not or should... perform exercise tests until such conditions are stabilized/treated

should NOT

what pacemaker indicates chronic artial fibrillation

single chambered pacemakers with only one lead placd into right atrium or right ventrical

what muscle fiber has more myoglobin

slow twitch


soft-tissue hemorrhage and/or hematoma that occurs after the disruption of the muscle fibers.


specific measurable changes have been made in past 6 months

stable ischemia vs. unstable ischemia

stable: result of increased O2 demand of the heart (as seen with exercise) increased chest pain (angina) and decreased exercise capacity because of reduced blood supply to the heart. unstable: more severe often seen at rest with time of little exertion and oxygen demand. May be a warning sign that a heart attack is imminent.

what does hydrostatic weighing assume

standard densities for muscle bone and fat

during start of exercise program what principal should be followed to reduce risk of adverse CV events

start low go slow

if HR is > 110 ppm what should happen?

steady state HR (two HR within 5 bpm) should be reached before the workload is increased

a low HDL-C is ____ and _____ related to CVD risk

strongly and inversely

Blood flow from periphery

superior and inferior venae cavae, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonic semilunar valve, pulmonary arteries, and lungs

cardiac pcemakers are used to restore optimal HR at rest and to sync...

sync right and left ventricles contractions in the setting of the left bundle branch block(LBBB)

Define a theory

systematic view of a behavior by specifying relationships between variables and predicting specific behaviors and situations

ACSM updated Rx health screening alogarithm for exercise professionals to .....

systematically determine a participants need for medical clearance prior to starting an exercise program

What blood pressure response to acute exercise is seen in children that is different when compared to adults?

systolic BP increases, diastolic BP decreases

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

tachycardia, excessive sweating (diaphoresis), light-headedness, visual disturbances

main rules for taking circumference measurements

take all measurements once then come around for a second time, average the 2 measurements as long as they do not differ more than 5mm

whats the first thing you do before a submit CRF test?

take resting BP and HR

leadership = ___ risk

taking risks

extrinsic rewards

tangible things earned in response to completing a task. Help increase motivation in the initial stages of change.

what is the aerobic exercise Volume recommendation

targer volume of 500-1000MET-min.wk for most adults, this is arpprox related to 1000kcal wk of moderate PA(150min wk)

transformational leadership

that which inspires and motivates others

define cardio respiratory fitness

the ability of the circulatory and respiratory system to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity

define muscular endurance

the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue

Relative contraindications to exercise

the benefit of exercise outweighs the risk of testing. Left main coronary stenosis, moderate stenotic valvular heart disease, Electrolyte abnormalities, severe atrial hypertension, tachy or bradydysrhythmia, hypertrophic myopathy, most disorders exacerbated by exercise, uncontrolled metabolic disease, chronic infectious disease, Mental impairment, AV block.

overestimatin occures when

the exercises are o agressive when tredmill test is administered and participany need excessive use of handles

the #1 priority of any facility should be...

the health and safety of its members

VO2max is closely related to the functional capacity of

the heart

Leadership Trait Theory

the idea that someone is born to lead. can awaken dormant traits over time

BP should be monitored when?

the list min of each stage and repeated in the event of a hypertensive/hypotensive response

scientific management is

the organization and supervision of jobs and duties based on the manager's direct observation of the job

define Total Energy Expenditure

the total number of calories expended each day and reflects th amount of energy required to carry out all metabolic processes within the body

Define Stroke Volume

the volume of blood the heart ejects with each beat.

motivator-hygiene theory

there are factors that contribute separately to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction

when individuals or groups violate civil laws...

they can be sent to noncriminal court

fixed assets

things that have been aquired for long term use by the business. property, equipment, office furniture

define reaction

time elapsed between stimulation

reaction time

time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of the reaction to said stimulus


to enhance muscular fitness, the body must exercise at a level beyond that at which it is normally stressed. Manipulated by changing the INTENSITY, DURATION, or FREQUENCY

3 site formula sites (women)

triceps suprailiac thigh or abdominal.


trouble breathing while lying down

for kids incorporate exercises that specially focus on the....


Social Cogitative Theory

tske perspective of humas as a whole

weight gained during pregnancy

typically 26lbs.

enough information must be present in the informed consent process to ensure the participant knows and ...

understands the purpose and risks associated with the test or exercise program in health/fitness or clinical setting

define coordination

use the senses to perform task smoothly an accurately

when is VO2peak used

used when leveling off VO2 does not occur or max performance is limited by muscle factors and not circulatory dynamics

explain oxidative system

uses oxygen uses protein, fats, carbs glucose>H2O,Glycogen>Co2 lasts 2hrs-2dys

variable expense vs. fixed expense

variable changes based on the usage. payroll, benefits, equipment repairs fixed expense- relatively consistent year after year. rent, property tax, etc.

define interval training

varying exercise intensity at fixed intervals at a single session which can increase total volume and or exercise intensity

a QRS complex represents

ventricular muscle depolarization

a T-wave represents

ventricular muscle repolarization

Cardiorespiratory function in older adults

vessels become stiffer, elasticity is lost in cardiac tissue resulting in high blood pressure.

transactional leaders:

view leadership as the process of exchanging one thing for another

waist circumference is a better measurement of

visceral adiposity

Visual imagery

visualizing onesself performing the desired behavior. also used to improve muscle memory

caculateing waist to hip ratio (WHR)

waist /hip

no oprtimal does of exercise for outpatient but it is suggested

walking moderately with no assistance 3-4 times fer day till ambulation

an exercise session includes what phases

warm up conditioning cool down stretching


where the product can be purchased or delivered. Home, gym, internet, etc. what is appropriate based on each person. Identifies your market.

Fast-twitch glycolytic fibers (Type IIb)

white fibers / found in hands and eyes - less myoglobin - poorer blood supply - fewer mitochondria = reduced respiratory capacity - more SR - susceptible to fatigue

Tort Law

wrongful act whether intentional or accidental. breach of legal duty amounting to a civil wrong or injury for which a court of law will provide compensation/damages.

are exercise bouts of 10 min acceptable as long as they add up to 20-60 min?


does tort law include all negligence cases?


Relative conditions for exercise testing

• Left main coronary stenosis • Moderate stenotic valvular heart disease • Electrolyte abnormalities • Severe arterial hypertension at rest (SBP of > 200 mmHg and/or a DBP of > 110 mmHg) • Tachydysrhythmia or bradydysrhythmia • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy • Neuromotor, musculoskeletal, or rheumatoid disorders that are exacerbated by exercise • High-degree AV block • Ventricular aneurysm • Uncontrolled metabolic disease (e.g., diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, or myxedema)' • Chronic infectious disease (e.g., HIV) • Mental or physical impairment leading to inability to exercise adequatel

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