Adipose Tissue as an Endocrine Gland

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placenta, stomach

Leptin is produced by the ______. Not everyone has one of these. Also small amounts of leptin are secreted in the _____ by its epithelial cells


Leptin regulates secretion of _______


Leptin is expressed primarily in _________ fits with idea that body weight is sensed as total fat in body


Leptin treatment advances ______ so produces hormones GnRH, LH, and FSH early.

adipose, endocrine

Leptin, Resistin, and complement proteins have one major function that they are both ______ and ______ specific


Like leptin resistin is also correlated with body ______


IGF-1, renin-angiotensin, interleukin, TNF alpha, and others are all knows to be secreted by _______ cells


Leptin is encoded by the __ gene

Complement related proteins

Adipocyte complement related protein (adipoectin) is associated with what hormone?

fatty acids, decrease

Adiponenctin can enhance the use of _____ _____ in lean tissue, inhibit glucose production by the liver and _______ glucose and body weight

adipocytes, blood

Adiponenctin is secreted by _________ and circulates in the ______.


Adipose tissue produces _______ signals

gonadotropin, leptin

An increase in the hormone ___________ must occur before _______ induces stimulation of reproductive function

bi directional

Communication between adipose and other tissues seems to be __-________


Complement factor C3a-desArg (acylation stimulating protein (ASP)) is associated with what hormone?


Compliment factor D (adipsin) is associated with what hormone?


Efficiency of leptin transport by the saturated system is _______ in obese people

gremlin, opposite

Even though ________ is made in stomach and not adipose tissue.... leptin and this do _______ functions!


Greek word for thin??

leptin inhibits NPY

How does leptin effect NPY???? (Full sentence, 3 words)


How many isoforms does the leptin receptor have?

leptin, pulsatile

Hyperinsulinemia increases _____ levels. The levels are ______ (go up and down) in nature

increase, parturition

In late pregnancy leptin levels _______ but rapidly decline after ________

decrease, increase

In menstrual cycle, the follicular phase has a(n)Duri _________ in leptin while the lateal phase has a(n) ______ in leptin

long, short

Know that the ______ of the leptin isoform receptor is the most functional, its around 303 aa. ____ form makes up the rest

bound, free, saturated

Lean people have their leptin in ______ form. While obese have leptin in _____ form, so leptin binding protein are ________.

decreases, increases, oxygen

Leptin ____ hunger, food intake, body weight, fat depots. It also ___ energy expenditure by increasing _____ consumption and body temp

inhibits, beta

Leptin _____ insulin!! Leptin receptors found on pancreatic _____ cells.

decrease, decrease

Leptin ______ when organisms have a(n) _______ in body fat

receptors, appetite, reproductive

Leptin _______ in hypothalamus are positioned automatically in regions associated with ________ control and _________ neuroendocrine function.

hypothalamus, inhibits

Leptin acts centrally on ________ and ______ neuropeptide Y synthesis

hematopoietic, starvation, T

Leptin can cause bone marrow to inc proliferation of _________ cells. Leptin also prevents the ______ induced reduction in immune function and stimulates the proliferation of memory _ cells


Leptin can help increase ____ concentration levels in the hypothalamus, because its effects may be mediated by NPY. So NPY inhibits this.

4, 1

Leptin has _ membrane bound receptor isodorms and _ circulating isoform (this one is most functional)


Leptin helps in making red blood cells aka ______.


Leptin inhibits ___, but NPY inhibits ____. This means that Leptin inhibits NPY so an increase in GnRH occurs.

increase, thermogenesis

NPY: very potent stimulater of feeding behavior ____ food intake is a decrease in ______

body weight, metabolism, reproduction

Name 3 things that leptin helps regulate.

lipostat theory

Name the theory that states fat derived hormone messenger that signals the status of body energy reserves to the brain and other tissues so changes can be made in food intake, energy expenditure, and nutrient partitioning.

adipocyte, receptors, transport

Obese people have a lot of leptin but its functions aren't working efficiently. Defect examples include synthesis/secretion in _____, leptin ______, blood brain ______ defect.

leptin, resistin

Over all ______ and ______ (the two main hormones discussed), influence muscle differentiation, triaglycerol synthesis, feed intake, gonadotropin secretion and insulin sensitivity


Parabiosis (cross circulation) studies -> Coleman - db/ob + db/db = _____ in food intake and body weight

death, cured, death

Parabiosis (cross circulation) studies -> Hervey - Normal obese + lean = _____ of lean - ob/ob + lean = _____ ob/ob - db/db + lean = ______ of lean


Peripherally leptin receptors are ______ central nervous system, but short form predominates in many tissues.


Resistin can cause whole body _______ resistance

myoblast, adipocyte

Resistin inhibits both ________ differentiation and ________ differentiation.


Resistin is _______ by thiazolidinediones (TZD)


Resistin is an _________ of glucose uptake by cultured adipocytes

fail, can

The conclusion of parabiosis studies: ob/ob mice _____ to make circulatory factor but brain can respond db/db mice ____ make circulatory factor in adipose tissue but brain CANT respond


The long form is especially prevalent. in the ________, mostly in the parts that deal with body weight


The prime candidate of endocrine regulation of leptin gene expression/secretion is what??

choroid plexus, blood brain

The short form is expressed in _______ ______. It may function to regulate transport of leptin across ____ ____ barrier


What are potent regulators of leptin??

extracellular, transmembrane domain, intracellular

What are the three distinct domains of membrane bound isoforms?

leptin, resisting, complement-related proteins

What are the three hormones secreted by adipose tissue??? (1,1,3)


What can improve insulin sensitivity and is used to treat type 2 diabetes?


What condition do most obese people have? NOT leptin deficiency!


What does TZD stand for


What is the main protein produced by adipose tissue??

Neuropeptide Y

What peptide makes you want to eat?


What type of synthesis helps in making fat?

adipose tissue

Where are thiazolidinediones made?(2 words)

adipose tissue

Where is leptin primarily produced????

beta androgenic

____ _______ agonists are shown to DOWN regulate leptin


___________ is inhibited by thiazolidinediones


db/ob mice were similarly obese but also _________ (diabetes)

obesity, sterile

ob/ob mice had recessive genetic _____ which resulted in ______ mice with over 50% fat

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