Adult Health 1 Chapter 41

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What is the recommended daily intake of fiber (soluble and bulk forming) (25 - 30. 20- 30, 25 - 35)

25 - 30g/day of fiber

What is a stool diary called?

Bristol stool form scale

Toxicity of magnesium hydroxide include...

CNS or neuromuscular depression, electrolyte imbalance

_______________ is defeined as fewer than three bowel movements weekly or bowel movements that are hard, dry, small, or difficult to pass.


low FODMAP diet

Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides And Polyols

Which it the most common type of constipation?

Functional constipation

Low FODMAP diets often are used to treat which condition?


A chronic functional disorder characterized by recurrent abdominal pain associated with disordered bowel movements, which may include diarrhea, constipation, or both, without an identifiable cause is >>>>>>>>

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Multilpe medications use in aolder adults often cause constipation. Multilple medication is called _________________.


Docusate will not evacuate hard stool


Fecal impaction must be removed before instituiting any preventive therapiea


IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) results from a functional disorder of intestinal motility


If fecal incontienence is related to diarrhea, the incontinence may disappear when diarrhea is successfully treated


Those who develop celiac disease exhibit an autoimmune response to gluten products that is both humoral and dell mediated


When to report to the doctor with diarrhea...

a. 0.5 mL/Kg/h for 2 to 3 consecutive hours b. muscle weakness c. paresthesia d. hypotension' e. anorexia f. drowsiness

constipation can be caused by certain medications...

a. anticholinergic agenst b. antidepressants c. anticonvulsants d. antispasmodics (muscle relaxants e. calcium channel antagonists

The most common GI clinical manifestations of celiac disease include...

a. diarrhea b. abdominal pain c. abdominal distention d. flatulence e. weight loss f. steatorrhea

Fecal impaction removal usually involves...

a. digital dislodgement b. enema administration

Treatment of constipation include .....

a. education b. exercise c. bowel habit training d. increased fiber and fluid intake e. judicious use of laxatives

Clinical manifestations of constipation include ...

a. fewer than 3 bowel movements per week b. abdomial distention c. abdominal pain and bloating d. a sensation of incomplete evacuation e. the elimination of small volume, hard, dry stools

Complication of constipation...

a. increased arterial pressure can occur with defecation. b. Cardiac output is decreased leading to a transient drop in arterial pressure, which may cause orthostasis, dizziness, or sncope. c. fecal impaction could lead fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, fissures, rectal proplaspe, and megacolon

Clinical manifestations of diarrhea are...

a. increased frequency and fluid content of stools b. abdominal cramp c. distention borborygmus (i.e., a rumbling noise caused by the movement of gas through the intestines d, anorexia e. thirst

Conservative treatment of constipation include...

a. increasing fluids b. fiber c. physcial activity

There are four classes of constipation...

a. opiod induced constipation b. defecatory disorders c. functional constipation d. slow-transit constipation

The diagnosis of constipation is based on...

a. patient's history b. physical examination c. results of barium enema sigmoidoscopy d. stool testing for occult blood

Laxattive medications for diarrhea...

a. saline agent e.g., magnesium hydroxide b. emollient stool softener e.g., docusate c. osmotic agent

Neurological diseases that cna impact bowel function include ...

a. stroke b. parkinson's disease c. diabetes d. spinal cord injury e. traumatic brain injury

Diarrhea can be associated with ...

a. urgency b. perianal discomfort c. incontinence d. nausea

People who are likley to become constipated are...

a. women b. pregant woemn c. those who recently ahd surgery d. older adults e. non-caucasians f. people witha history of irritable bowel syndrome

Diarrhea that is self-limiting, lasting 1 or 2 days is said to be ____________. (persistent, chronic, acute)


A term used to describe pelvic floor dysfunction and constipation is ... (anismus, pyryosis, pyloris)


dehydration with electrolyte loss of potassium may cause cardiac arrythmias

cardiac arrythmias

A disorder of malabsorption caused by an autoimmune response to consumption of products that contain the protein gluten is called ___________.

celiac disease

Chronic diarrhea many be caused by____________-

chemotherpay, antiarrhymthmic agents etc.

Diarrhea that persists for more than 4 weeks and may return sporadically is called _______________. (persistent, chronic, acute)


X-ray, colonoscopy and lower GI endoscopy can be used to evaluate the patient with ... (


___________________ , which are caused by dysfunctional motor coordination between the pelvic floor and anal sphincter (functional constipation, defecatory disorders, opiod induced constipation, slow-transit constipation)

defecatory disorders

The most common complication of diarrhea is _____________.


The rash commonly associated with celiac disease is called.....

dermatitis herpertiformis

An increased frequency of bowel movements (more than 3 per day) with altered consistency (i.e increased quality) of stool is called _____________.


Any condition that can cause increased secretions. decreased mucosal absorption, or altered motility can cause...


What mediation is given to mitigate abdominal pain in patient's with IBS (loperamide, omeprazole, dicyclomine)


Other causes of acute and persistent diarrhea are....

drugs e.g., some antibiotics like erythromycin and magnesium containing antacids like magnesium hydroxide

The abdominal pain in IBS is sometimes precipitated by __________ and is frequently relieved by _____________. (eating/defecation, eating/constipation)

eating , defecation

The treatment for celiac disease is to refrain from ...

exposure to gluten in foods and other products

The recurrent involuntary passage of stool from the rectum for at least 3 months is called ___________.

fecal incontinent

An accumulation of dry feces is called _____________---


Majority of patients have _________________________ constipation


What type of constipation can be treated by increasing intake of fibers and fluids?

functional constipation

____________________ which involves normal transit mechanisms of mucosal transport. (functional constipation, slow-transit constipation, defecatory disorders, opiod induced constipation)

functional constipation

What is tenesmus?

ineffective and sometimes painful straining and urge to eliminate feces

The importance of fiber to bowel health...

it increases the bulk of stool, generally easing its passage

What medication is given to control diarrhea and fecal urgency in patient's with IBS? (loperamide, omeprazole, dicyclomine)


Loss of bicarboante with diarrhea can lead to _____________.

metabolic acidosis

_____________________, which includes new or worsening symptoms that occur when opiod therapy is initiated, changed, or increased and must include two or more symptoms of functional constipation (functional constipation, defecatory disorders, opiod induced constipation, slow-transit constipation)

opiod constipation

What incontinence occur without warning? (urge incontinence, passive incontinence)

passive incontinence

When an ulcer perforates the colon wall, it leads to a disease called___________________-


A diarrhea that typically lasts between 2 and 4 weeks is said to be ______________. (persistent, chronic, acute)


What stimulates the ureg to defecate?

rectal distention

Do not take magnesium hydroxide if you have ...

renal insufficiency

______________________ which is caused by inherent disorders of the motor function of the colon (e.g., hirschprung disease), and is characterized by infrequent bowel movements (functional constipation, defecatory disorders, opiod induced constipation, slow-transit constipation)

slow-transit constipation

Is constipation a symptom or a disease?


The most common complain of older adult about constipation is ...

the need to starin at stool

Magnesium hydroxide should be taken for a ________________ term only


With osmotic agent, monitor electrolyte


What incontinence occur have the sensation of the urge to defecate but acnnot reach the toilet in time? (urge incontinence, passive incontinence)

urge incontinence

Forcibly exhaling with the glottis closed is called___________________.

valsalva maneuver

What causes acute and persistent diarrhea? (bacteria infection , viral infection)

viral infection

gluten is most commonly found in..

wheat, barley, rye, and other grains malt, dextrin, and brewer's yeast

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