Adult Health Ch. 39

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A client with a sports injury undergoes a diagnostic arthroscopy of the left knee. What comment by the client following the procedure will the nurse address first?

"My toes are numb."

The nurse is providing care to a client following a knee arthroscopy. What would the nurse expect to include in the client's plan of care?

Administering the prescribed analgesic.

A client is experiencing muscle weakness in the upper extremities. The client raises an arm above the head but then loses the ability to maintain the position. Muscular dystrophy is suspected. Which diagnostic test would evaluate muscle weakness or deterioration?

An electromyography

Which hormone inhibits bone reabsorption and increases calcium deposit in the bone?


Which is an indicator of neurovascular compromise?

Capillary refill of more than 3 seconds

The nurse is caring for a pregnant patient with pregnancy-induced hypertension. When assessing the reflexes in the ankle, the nurse observes rhythmic contractions of the muscle when dorsiflexing the foot. What would the nurse document this finding as?


Choose the correct statement about the endosteum, a significant component of the skeletal system:

Covers the marrow cavity of long bones

The nurse is performing a neurovascular assessment of a client's injured extremity. Which would the nurse report?

Dusky or mottled skin color

A client is diagnosed with a fracture of a diarthrosis joint. What is an example of this type of joint?


After a person experiences a closure of the epiphyses, which statement is true?

No further increase in bone length occurs.

An instructor is describing the process of bone development. Which of the following would the instructor describe as being responsible for the process of ossification?


The nurse is assessing a client's peroneal nerve. What technique will the nurse use?

Prick the skin mid-way between the great and second toe.

After a fracture, during which stage or phase of bone healing is devitalized tissue removed and new bone reorganized into its former structural arrangement?


Which of the following is the final stage of fracture repair?


A client has just undergone arthrography. What is the most important instruction for the nurse to include in the teaching plan?

Report joint crackling or clicking noises occurring after the second day.

Which of the following is an appropriate priority nursing diagnosis for the client following an arthrocentesis?

Risk for infection

Which laboratory study indicates the rate of bone turnover?

Serum osteocalcin

Skull sutures are an example of which type of joint?


The nurse working in the orthopedic surgeon's office is asked to schedule a shoulder arthrography. The nurse determines that the surgeon suspects which finding?

Tear in the joint capsule

The emergency room nurse is reporting the location of a fracture to the client's primary care physician. When stating the location of the fracture on the long shaft of the femur, the nurse would be most correct to state which terminology locating the fractured site?

The fracture is on the diaphysis.

The nurse assesses soft subcutaneous nodules along the line of the tendons in a patient's hand and wrist. What does this finding indicate to the nurse?

The patient has rheumatoid arthritis.

While reading a client's chart, the nurse notices that the client is documented to have paresthesia. The nurse plans care for a client with

abnormal sensations.

Which cells are involved in bone resorption?


What is the term for a rhythmic contraction of a muscle?


Which of the following describes a muscle that is limp and without tone?


Which serum level indicates the rate of bone turnover?


Which nerve is assessed when the nurse asks the client to spread all fingers?


Red bone marrow produces which of the following? Select all that apply.

White blood cells (WBCs) Platelets Red blood cells (RBCs)

Which of the following biologically active vitamin functions to increase the amount of calcium in the blood?


Which diagnostic test would the nurse expect to be ordered for a client with lower extremity muscle weakness?

Electromyograph (EMG)

A nurse is caring for a client with an undiagnosed bone disease. When instructing on the normal process to maintain bone tissue, which process transforms osteoblasts into mature bone cells?

Ossification and calcification

A client is seen in the emergency room for a knee injury that happened during a basketball game. Diagnostic tests reveal torn cords of fibrous connective tissue that connect muscles to bones. What type of tear has this client sustained?


Which is useful in identifying acute or chronic tears of the joint capsule or supporting ligaments of the knee, shoulder, ankle, hip, or wrist?


Which of the following deformity causes a exaggerated curvature of the lumbar spine?


The nurse is employed at a long-term care facility caring for geriatric clients. Which assessment finding is characteristic of an age-related change?

Loss of height

Which nerve is being assessed when the nurses asks the client to dorsiflex the ankle and extend the toes?


A client has undergone arthroscopy. After the procedure, the site where the arthroscope was inserted is covered with a bulky dressing. The client's entire leg is also elevated without flexing the knee. What is the appropriate nursing intervention required in caring for a client who has undergone arthroscopy?

Apply a cold pack at the insertion site.

A patient is scheduled for a procedure that will allow the physician to visualize the knee joint in order to diagnose the patient's pain. What procedure will the nurse prepare the patient for?


The nurse is performing a neurological assessment. What will this assessment include?

Ask the client to plantar flex the toes.

A patient has had a stroke and is unable to move the right upper and lower extremity. During assessment the nurse picks up the arm and it is limp and without tone. How would the nurse document this finding?


Which assessment finding would cause the nurse to suspect compartment syndrome in the client following a bone biopsy?

Increased diameter of the calf

Which of the following is an example of a hinge joint?


The nurse is performing an assessment on an older adult patient and observes the patient has an increased forward curvature of the thoracic spine. What does the nurse understand this common finding is known as?


The client presents with an exaggeration of the lumbar spine curve. How does the nurse interpret this finding?


The nurse observes a client with a shuffling gait. What disease is commonly associated with a shuffling gait?

Parkinson's disease

A nurse performs a neurovascular assessment on a client 2 weeks after a wrist cast had been removed. The nurse documents in the client's chart that there is normal sensation in the ulnar nerve. What finger assessment test will the nurse perform on this client?

Prick the distal fat pad on the small finger.

The nurse is caring for a client who experienced a crushing injury of the lower extremities. Which of the following symptoms is essential to be reported to the physician?


A client has a fracture that is being treated with open rigid compression plate fixation devices. What teaching will the nurse reinforce to the client about how the progress of bone healing will be monitored?

Serial x-rays will be taken.

A client undergoes an invasive joint examination of the knee. What will the nurse closely monitor the client for?

Serous drainage

A nurse practitioner assesses a patient's movement in his left hand after a cast is removed. The nurse asks the patient to turn his wrist so the palm of his hand is facing up. This movement is known as:


The nurse is reviewing the client's admission assessment and notes that crepitus of the right knee joint was documented. What assessment will the nurse find as described by crepitus?

a grating sound when a joint is put through range of motion

Which medication taken by the client in the previous 24 hours would be of greatest concern to the nurse caring for a client undergoing a bone biopsy?


The nurse is performing a musculoskeletal assessment of a client in a nursing home who had a stroke 2 years ago and who has right-sided hemiplegia. The nurse notes that the girth of the client's right calf is 2 inches less in diameter than the left calf. The nurse attributes the decreased girth to

atrophy of right calf muscle.

A client has an exaggerated convex curvature of the thoracic spine. What is this condition called?


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