Adult Health Exam 3 Ch. 15 HIV

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A patient who uses injectable illegal drugs asks the nurse how to prevent acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Which response by the nurse would be most useful in preventing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection? A. Consider a needle and syringe exchange program. B. Ask those who share equipment to be tested for HIV. C. Clean your drug injection equipment before each use. D. Avoid sexual intercourse when using injectable drugs.


To evaluate the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy (ART), which laboratory test result will the nurse review? A. Viral load B. Rapid HIV antibody C. Enzyme immunoassay D. Immunofluorescence assay


A pregnant woman with asymptomatic chronic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is seen at the clinic. The patient states, ―I am very nervous about making my baby sick.‖ Which information will the nurse include when teaching the patient? A. The antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV infection are teratogenic. B. Most infants born to HIV-positive mothers are not infected with the virus. C. Because it is an early stage of HIV infection, the infant will not contract HIV. D. Her newborn will be born with HIV unless she uses antiretroviral therapy (ART).


The nurse is caring for a patient who is living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and taking antiretroviral therapy (ART). Which information is most important for the nurse to address when planning care? A. The patient reports feeling ―constantly tired. B. The patient reports having no side effects from the medications. C. The patient is unable to explain the effects of atorvastatin (Lipitor). D. The patient reports missing doses of tenofovir AF/emtricitabine (Descovy).


An older adult who takes medications for coronary artery disease and hypertension is newly diagnosed with HIV infection and is starting antiretroviral therapy. Which information will the nurse include in patient teaching? A. Many drugs interact with antiretroviral medications. B. HIV infections progress more rapidly in older adults. C. Less frequent CD4+ level monitoring is needed in older adults. D. Hospice care is available for patients with terminal HIV infection.


Eight years after seroconversion, a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection has a CD4+ cell count of 800/uL and an undetectable viral load. Which intervention would the nurse include in the plan of care? A. Encourage adequate nutrition, exercise, and sleep. B. Teach about the side effects of antiretroviral agents. C. Explain opportunistic infections and antibiotic prophylaxis. D. Monitor symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).


The nurse is advising a patient who was exposed 4 days ago to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through unprotected sexual intercourse. The patient's antigen-antibody test has just been reported as negative for HIV. Which information would the nurse give to this patient? A. You will need to be retested in 2 weeks. B. You do not need to fear infecting others. C. We won't know for about 10 years if you have HIV infection. D. With no symptoms and this negative test, you do not have HIV.


Which infection control actions would the nurse include in the use of standard precautions? A. Gloving before wiping pink sputum off the bedrail B. Gowning prior to delivering a food tray to a patient C. Masking before interviewing a patient about health history D. Applying goggles before helping a patient to ambulate in the hall


A patient who is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected has a CD4+ cell count of 400/uL. Which factor is most important for the nurse to determine before the initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for this patient? A. CD4+ cell count B. How the patient obtained HIV C. Patient's tolerance for potential medication side effects D. Patient's ability to follow a complex medication regimen


A patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has developed Cryptosporidium parvum infection. Which expected outcome would the nurse include in the plan of care? A. The patient will be free from injury. B. The patient will receive immunizations. C. The patient will have adequate oxygenation. D. The patient will maintain intact perineal skin.


Which patient would benefit from education about HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP)? A. A 23-yr-old woman living with HIV infection B. A 52-yr-old recently single woman just diagnosed with chlamydia C. A 33-yr-old hospice worker who received a needle stick injury 3 hours ago D. A 60-yr-old male in a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner


The nurse is caring for a patient living with asymptomatic chronic HIV infection. Which prophylactic measures will the nurse include in the plan of care? (Select all that apply.) A. Hepatitis B vaccine B. Pneumococcal vaccine C. Influenza virus vaccine D. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole E. Varicella zoster immune globulin

A, B, C

The nurse plans a presentation for community members about how to decrease the risk for antibiotic-resistant infections. Which information will the nurse include in the teaching plan? (Select all that apply.) A. Antibiotics may sometimes be prescribed to prevent infection. B. Continue taking antibiotics until all of the prescription is gone. C. Unused antibiotics from previous illnesses should be discarded. D. Antibiotics are effective in treating influenza associated with high fevers. E. Hand washing is effective in preventing many viral and bacterial infections.

A, B, C, E

A group of seniors who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic asks the nurse to speak about preventing illness during future respiratory epidemics. Which information would the nurse include? (Select all that apply.) A. Frequent handwashing is effective in preventing transmission of many infectious diseases. B. Receiving a vaccine, when available, can prevent or modulate specific infectious illnesses. C. Older adults can eliminate the risk of respiratory infection through health-related behaviors. D. Maintaining general health through regular activity and good nutrition helps prevent infections. E. Avoiding large crowds during periods of high transmission limits exposure to infectious disease

A, B, D, E

In which ways would the nurse identify that individuals locally and globally may be at risk for contracting new or remerging infectious diseases? (Select all that apply.) A. Biologic warfare B. Low population density C. Direct contact with animals D. Development of antibiotic resistance strains E. Changes in characteristics of known diseases

A, C, D, E

Which patient who has arrived at the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) clinic would the nurse assess first? A. Patient whose rapid HIV-antibody test is positive. B. Patient whose latest CD4+ count has dropped to 250/uL. C. Patient who has had 10 liquid stools in the last 24 hours. D. Patient who has nausea from prescribed antiretroviral drugs.


A patient who is diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) tells the nurse, ―I feel obsessed with morbid thoughts about dying. Which response by the nurse is appropriate? A. Thinking about dying will not improve the course of AIDS. B. Do you think that taking an antidepressant might be helpful? C. Can you tell me more about the thoughts that you are having? D. It is important to focus on the good things about your life now.


The nurse designs a program to decrease the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in the adolescent and young adult populations. Which information would the nurse assign as the highest priority for these populations? A. Methods to prevent perinatal HIV transmission B. Ways to sterilize needles used by injectable drug users C. Prevention of HIV transmission between sexual partners D. Means to prevent transmission through blood transfusions


The nurse palpates enlarged cervical lymph nodes on a patient diagnosed with acute human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Which action would the nurse take? A. Instruct the patient to apply ice to the neck. B. Tell the patient a secondary infection is present. C. Explain to the patient that this is an expected finding. D. Request that an antibiotic be prescribed for the patient.


Which exposure by the nurse is most likely to require postexposure prophylaxis when the patient's human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status is unknown? A. Bite to the arm that does not result in open skin. B. Splash into the eyes while emptying a bedpan containing stool. C. Needle stick with a needle and syringe used for a venipuncture. D. Contamination of open skin lesions with patient vaginal secretions.


Which nursing action will be most useful in assisting a young adult to adhere to a newly prescribed antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen? A. Give the patient detailed information about possible medication side effects. B. Remind the patient of the importance of taking the medications as scheduled. C. Help the patient develop a schedule to decide when the drugs would be taken. D. Encourage the patient to join a support group for adults who are HIV positive.


The registered nurse (RN) is caring for a patient who is living with HIV and admitted with tuberculosis. Which task can the RN delegate to assistive personnel (AP)? A. Teach the patient how to dispose of tissues with respiratory secretions. B. Stock the patient's room with the necessary personal protective equipment. C. Interview the patient to obtain the names of family members and close contacts. D. Tell the patient's family members the reason for the use of airborne precautions.


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, which personal protective equipment will the nurse put on before assessing a patient who is on contact precautions for Clostridium difficile diarrhea? (Select all that apply.) A. Mask B. Gown C. Gloves D. Shoe covers E. Eye protection

B, C

A patient informed of a positive rapid screening test result for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is anxious and does not appear to hear what the nurse is saying. Which action by the nurse is most important at this time? A. Inform the patient about the available treatments. B. Teach the patient how to manage a possible drug regimen. C. Remind the patient to return for retesting to verify the results. D. Ask the patient to identify those persons who had intimate contact.


A patient treated for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection for 6 years has developed fat redistribution to the trunk with wasting of the arms, legs, and face. Which recommendation would the nurse provide? A. Consider the benefits of daily exercise. B. Review foods that are higher in protein. C. Discuss a change in antiretroviral therapy. D. Talk about treatment with antifungal agents.


A patient is diagnosed with both human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and active tuberculosis (TB) disease. Which information obtained by the nurse is most important to communicate to the health care provider? A. The Mantoux test had an induration of 7 mm. B. The chest x-ray showed infiltrates in the lower lobes. C. The patient has a cough that is productive of blood-tinged mucus. D. The patient is being treated with antiretrovirals for HIV infection.


A patient who has a positive test for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies is admitted to the hospital with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) and a CD4+ count of less than 200 cells/mL. Based on diagnostic criteria established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which interpretation is correct? A. The patient meets the criteria for a diagnosis of acute HIV infection. B. The patient will be diagnosed with asymptomatic chronic HIV infection. C. The patient will likely develop symptomatic HIV infection within 1 year. D. The patient has developed acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).


The nurse prepares to administer the following medications to a hospitalized patient with human immunodeficiency (HIV) infection. Which medication is most important to administer at the scheduled time? A. Nystatin tablet B. Oral acyclovir (Zovirax) C. Aerosolized pentamidine (NebuPent) D. Oral tenofovir AF/emtricitabine/bictegravir (Biktarvy)


Which action should the nurse take before administering gentamicin (Garamycin) to a patient with a wound infection? A. Ask the patient about any nausea. B. Obtain the patient's oral temperature. C. Change the prescribed wet-to-dry dressings. D. Review the patient's serum creatinine results.


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