ADV Chapter 6-12

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Which of the following are true concerning the use of computers in media selection and scheduling?

- Programmatic advertising is used extensively in digital media buys. - Software programs help planners select which media to buy. - Programmatic advertising can complete a series of complicated processes extremely quickly.

Which factors are important for advertising success?

- a high primary demand trend - hidden qualities that are important to consumers - a substantial advertising budget

What are factors over which the media planner has little or no control?

- budget considerations - mood of the message - purchase patterns

What factors must the manager consider regarding the company's institutional and competitive environments?

- how long competitors have been in business - the level of sales within the industry

Identify the three Rs of marketing research

- regaining - recruiting - retaining

In addition to its creative style, what are some criteria for choosing an advertising agency?

- reputation - originality - bold concepts

What are the advantages to using outdoor advertising as a media vehicle?

- simple message - larger than life - local targeting

Which of the following best describes the elements of the creative mix?

- target audienc, - product concept - communications media - advertising message

What factors must the brand manager consider before attempting to determine IMC allocations?

- the company's economic situation - the company's political situation - the company's legal situation - the company's social situation

What does the media planner decide when scheduling media?

- the time frame for the ad - the number of time units to buy - the amount of space to buy

According to the rating scale developed by Michael Conrad to create world-class campaigns, what is the score which disqualifies campaigns?

4 or below

How many steps does the creative pyramid have?


In a 100,000-person market, for the 20,000 listeners (20% of the market) reached by a radio campaign, the number of exposures is 4. Calculate the gross rating points of the radio campaign.


What is the natural outgrowth of the marketing plan called?

IMC plan

To seek information about the product concept, the target audience, the communication media, and the creative message, companies use which type of research?

IMC strategy

Why is a creative brief important for creatives?

It helps define what they are looking for.

What is the advantage of following the creative process?

It helps people improve their ability to discover new ideas.

What is the benefit of incubating a concept?

It helps rest the brain and enables better ideas to develop.

Which of the following best defines brainstorming?

It is a process through which people assemble to generate new ideas.

"Young Digerati," "Bohemian Mix," and "American Dreams" are names of market segments used in which segmentation system?


individual brand

a brand established by a manufacturer for a product that it produces

licenses brand

a brand name that is used by another company for a fee

By combining the strategic planning and media planning groups into one department, agencies have given media planners _____.

a role in creative strategy


a statement about the intended size of message units


(% of the category's total US sales in the are)/(% of total US population in the are) x 100

Unlike customers, how do traditional marketers view advertising?

as integrated marketing communications

Concept research

assessing audience's acceptance of creative ideas

A(n) ___________ is the total number of people or households exposed to a medium.


The specific types of people the advertiser wants to reach are defined by ________ ________.

audience objectives

What is used to gain information about the market, the competition, and the business environment and to gain a greater understanding of the problem?

informal search

A brand's method of distribution must be consistent with

its image.

Evaluating the value of the creatives' big ideas and deciding whether to implement, modify, or discard them is the role of the


Which of the following does the IMC pyramid best illustrate?

learn-feel-do model of effects

Although IMC is a current expense for accounting purposes, it is also a(n) ______.

long-term capital investment

In the technical component of the message strategy, specific requirements such as addresses, logos, and slogans, are called


What is used to define and select a target market?

market segmentation

A document that serves as a guide for the present and future marketing activities of an organization is referred to as a ________ ________.

marketing plan

What is it called when companies develop systematic procedures for gathering, recording, and analyzing new information that help managers make marketing decisions?

marketing research

The procedures for reaching marketing objectives by blending the four elements of the marketing mix are detailed by _____.

marketing strategies

What is/are used to establish the short-term actions of a marketing campaign?

marketing tactics

What are the various targets of a media plan called?


Companies increase sales only at the expense of competitors during the ______ stage.


The wide media categories of print, electronic, digital interactive, direct mail, and out-of-home are referred to as

media classes

The wide media categories of print, electronic, digital interactive, direct mail, and out-of-home are referred to as _______ _______.

media classes

Prior to developing creative concepts for advertising, what type of strategic work must be done?

media planning

Where is a short description of an organization's purpose and philosophy stated?

mission statement

When a new product is introduced, what might be lacking?

money to attack all the geographic markets at the same time

Psychographic segmentation is criticized for _____.

oversimplifying consumer personalities

A product element component that is an exhibitive medium that can affect how well a product competes on the retail shelf is a product's ______.


For marketers to be able to provide proper containment, protection, as well as convenience for their products, they will have to ______ the product.


Marketers typically begin developing a marketing mix by working with the _____ element.


Advertisers use these techniques to discover people's underlying or subconscious feelings, attitudes, interests, opinions, needs, and motives through the use of indirect questions such as "What kind of people do you think shop here?".

projective techniques

What is the key to successful advertising?

proper planning


public relations activities supported by mass media advertising

Distinguishing buyers by when they buy or use a product or service is known as segmentation based on _______ _______.

purchase occasion

Consumers are urged to have open discussions with interviewers in ______.

qualitative research

A factor that significantly influences a medium's motivation value is the _____

quality of advertising reproduction

What must researchers do to get hard numbers about specific marketing situations?

quantitative research

When an advertisement is designed to appeal to the consumer's practical, functional need for the product or service, it is said to have a(n) ______ appeal.


What drives marketing decision making?


Trade deals, displays, sweepstakes, and free samples are all examples of

sales promotion.

Manufacturers can cut their distribution and promotion costs by limiting the number of outlets through ______ distribution.


What is the name of the detailed description of a brand's current marketing position?

situation analysis

What is the first step in the marketing research process?

situation analysis and problem definition

Media planning needs _______.

solid scientific research and thorough mathematical analysis

A marketing researcher mails consumers to understand their opinion of a product, and they mail back their responses. The researcher then studies the responses to identify the attitudes, opinions, and motivations of these consumers. What is the marketing research method used in this scenario called?


Name the research method used when customers are questioned through personal interviews, by telephone, by mail, or on the Internet?


To obtain better research results, what should be used in conjunction with focus groups?


What entities study and provide information about the power and value of various media vehicles?

syndicated research services

A segment that a company wants to appeal to with its products and marketing activities toward are known as a ______ market.


The _______ ________ refers to the specific people that the IMC will reach.

target audience

The _____ immediately follows the market segmentation process.

target marketing process

The price of a product ______ if the demand drops below available supply.

tends to decrease

The percentage of sales method is based on the fallacy ______.

that IMC is a result of sales

Which of the following reviews data that has been gathered, analyzes the problem, and searches for a key verbal or visual concept?

the Artist

Primary research raises one legitimate concern. What is it?

the accuracy of the findings

It is increasingly expensive to reach target audiences using most media due to _____.

the media restricting the number of ads they sell

What should the first section of the marketing plan briefly summarize?

the situation analysis and SWOT analysis

Gross rating points are used to determine _____.

the spending for a campaign

Which of the following is influenced by a product's position in the life cycle?

the target market selected

Synergy means

the total effect is greater than the sum of its parts.

When a company discovers a market position not held by a competitor, how can it rapidly fill in the hole?

through product differentiation

What is the role of a value-based thinking in a fact-based campaign?

to add creative and emotional elements to it

What is the purpose of a package?

to hold a product

What does von Oech mean when he says that Explorers should leave their own turf?

to look in outside industries for ideas

What is the purpose of the last stage of the creative pyramid?

to motivate people to do something

Short-term emotional descriptions of the strategy that will be used for advertising are called ______ statements.


What is determined by multiplying the number of subscribers with the estimated number of readers per copy?

total audience

True or false: Research is helpful in determining which creative concepts to use in the IMC strategy.


True or false: When evaluating media vehicles, the planner considers the overall campaign objectives and strategy.


A positioning strategy's main goal is to develop a ______.

unique position for the brand in the customer's mind

One of the most important variables that determines behavioral segments is

user status

In order to make a report understandable and useful to managers, a researcher should avoid the following.

using technical jargon

Recall tests reveal the effectiveness of message components, such as size, color, or themes. What do they measure?

what respondents notice

The sales potential of a particular brand in a specific market area is indicated by the ______ _______ _______.

brand development index (BDI)

Which of the following is an important attribute in survey questions?


Positive attitude changes about a brand are likely to predispose consumers to take what action?

buy the company's product

How does an advertiser achieve its stated media objectives?

by creating a media strategy

In what way does the IMC approach to planning marketing and communications activities differ from the traditional processes?

by mixing marketing and communications planning together

How can a company acknowledge that a sale is just the beginning of a valuable relationship between a marketer and a customer?

by soliciting feedback on that customer's experience

All of the marketing-related discussion between a seller and a buyer are a part of the ______ element.


During adverse economic conditions, the marketing department has a tough time convincing top management that ______ make(s) good business sense?

communication spending

As the prominence of media departments rose in the late 1990s, agencies started _____.

competing for media buying assignments separately from the creative business

What types of messages require more space or time allotted for an explanation of the product?

complex messages

In comparing the marketing concept of the 4Cs to that of the 4Ps, which element of the 4Cs replaces the element "product" of the 4Ps?


When a product's production and distribution costs increase, they need to be passed on to the ______.


What is the duration of an advertising message or campaign over a given period of time called?


What are the three critical elements of media planning?

continuity, frequency, and reach

The cost of exposing a message to the target audience rather than to the total circulation is an indicator of _____.

cost efficiency

The process of creating something new by combining two or more previously unconnected objects or ideas is referred to as ______.


What lives within all humans and enables survival?


Natura, a cosmetics brand, has just introduced a new soap in the market. It initially showcased the product in an ad with catchy tag lines and images. Going further, Natura released the results of a comparative study conducted on users of its soap and the market leader soap to show that Natura has better results. At which level in the creative pyramid does this ad place Natura soap?


Personal selling is very important in business-to-business marketing because it helps marketers learn firsthand about

customer needs and wants.

A product that falls out of popularity with consumers due to obsolescence or changing tastes is in which stage of the product life cycle?


IMC strategy research

defining product concepts

Information about characteristics like sex, ethnicity, education, and income are used by marketers in ______ segmentation.


Which of the following do companies use when they want to avoid middlemen and sell to end users?

direct distribution


direct mail brochures and special events


direct mail solicitation, sales promotion, and the attentive service of a hoice, retail salesperson direct mail solicitation, sales promotion, and the attentive service of a retail salesperson

In a media plan where, when, and how often advertising should appear is defined by ________ ________.

distribution objectives

Which of the following is a rational IMC appeal?


The optimal frequency concept put forth by Cannon and Riordan shifts the focus of media planning from exposure effectiveness to _____.

effective exposures per dollar

The average number of times a person must see or hear a message before it becomes effective is defined as _____.

effective frequency

The portion of the audience who experience enough exposures to truly receive the message is measured by _____.

effective reach

When interpreting and reporting findings, tables and graphs should be ______.

explained using everyday language

An advertisement is simple with lots of data. What thinking style does the creative team most likely possess?


People who break down concepts and analyze situations to discover the single best solution have a ______ thinking style.


True or false: Public relations activities are not considered credible by most consumers and should be used rarely, if at all, by marketers.


True or false: The greatest accuracy in a sampling method can be gained from random probability sampling because only a select few in the universe have a chance of being selected.


True or false: Creatives take on the role of the Judge when they study the market, the product, and the competition.

false (it is the explorer)

During pretesting, respondents often rate the messages that make the best first impression as the highest in all the categories. What is this effect called?

halo effect

Thoughtfully planned but freely structured questions help interviewers explore respondents' inner feelings in a(n) ______.

in-depth interview

When doing research for print ads, direct questioning is often used at what stage?


Creative pyramid order

1. attention 2. interest 3. credibility 4. desire 5. action

Which type of influential consumer identified by Malcolm Gladwell is characterized by having a very wide social circle? Multiple choice question.


Message posttesting

Evaluating a campaign after it runs

When discussing techniques for better brainstorming, what does von Oech mean by "shift your focus"?

He means that the brainstormers should pay attention to a variety of information.

In order to get a feel for potential customers' views on their products, their competitors, and their advertising methods, companies use what type of research before developing a campaign?


Which of the following statements is true about advertisers?

They are especially interested in the activities of their competitors with larger budgets.

What is the genius of the business of marketing?

interpreting what the information means

The Kim-Lord grid, which depicts the level of consumer involvement in a purchase, recognizes that _____.

people can be cognitively and affectively involved at the same time

What is the big idea?

a flash of insight that gives a message life

What does MIS refer to?

a marketing information system

A possible exposure of the advertising message to one audience member is called a(n) _______ _______.

advertising impression

Cannon and Riordan acknowledge that conventional media planning is based on media vehicle exposure, however effectiveness should relate to _____.

advertising message exposure

Which characteristic separates Millennial consumers from other generational demographics?

amount of time spent shopping online

Which of the following is a factor that affects the attention of an individual and is beyond the creatives' control?

an ad's position in a cluster of commercials

What is it called when a researcher in a scientific investigation randomly assigns different consumers to two or more messages or stimuli?

an experiment


an indication of which media types will be used and why

IMC is used as ______.

an investment in a product or brand


an outline of the specific reach, frequency, and continuity goals

What is the final step in the process of collecting primary data?


In the past, people who planned and bought media were _____.

anonymous in comparison to the employees in the creative department

The process of managing the visual presentation of a message is referred to as ________ _________.

art direction

Tom, an employee of Adworks Inc., develops the visuals for the advertising campaigns the company produces. Which of the following is most likely his role in the organization?

art director

Marketers who want to identify a consumer target audience use syndicated reports provided by media research companies to identify the _____.

basic demographic characteristics of media audiences

Marketing objectives should ______.

be measurable

Each brand needs to create a guide for the creative centered on knowing its consumers' wants, needs, and motivations. Why?

because IMC often works differently for different brands within a category

Segmenting a market based on the product quality, product price, sex appeal, or health consciousness sought by customers is known as segmentation based on _____.

benefits sought

A combination of name, words, symbols, or design that identifies the product and its source and differentiates it from competing products is referred to as a(n)

brand or branding

The creative team's guide for writing and producing a campaign is called the creative _________.


Which of the following are part of the technical component of message strategy?

budget and scheduling limitations

Running the same commercial every half hour on the same network during prime time is called _____.


Manufacturers, government agencies, wholesalers, retailers, banks, and institutions that buy goods and services constitute _____ markets.


The potential of the whole product category is determined by media planners using the ______ _______ _______.

category development index (BDI)

The many accessory items produced by companies to integrate and supplement their advertising or PR activities are called ______.

collateral materials

As an element of creative strategy, all the vehicles that might transmit a marketer's message are referred to as the ______ _______.

communication media

As an element of creative strategy, all the vehicles that might transmit a marketer's message are referred to as the _________ ________.

communication media

What are outcomes that are associated with promotional activities, such as increases in brand awareness or increased comprehension of a brand's attributes, called?

communication objectives

In order to make an aware group recognize a product's features, what must the IMC strategy develop in consumers' minds?


What do the account executive prepare for the creative department once the strategy-development task is complete?

creative brief

A model that can aid the creative team in converting the advertising strategy and the big idea into the actual physical ad or commercial is the _______ _______.

creative pyramid

Together, the art director, the copywriter, and the creative director are referred to as _____.


Message pretesting

diagnosing communication problems before a campaign begins diagnosing communication problems before a campaign begins

Analysis of the advertising response curve shows that, with repeated exposures, incremental response to advertising _____.

diminishes, rather than builds

An example of a company engaged in ______ is a firm that uses mail order and uses ads and catalogs to communicate directly with consumers.

direct marketing

As media planners purchase more gross rating points (GRPs), the unit cost falls because of ______.


When consumers respond to an offer for information or free samples, what type of test is being conducted?

inquiry test

The positive belief that quality information is available and that one has the ability to find and use it is referred to as ______.

insight outlook

Product shipment figures, billings, warranty card records, advertising expenditures, sales expenses, customer correspondence, and records of meetings with sales staff are examples of which type of data? Multiple choice question.


A company spends a great deal of money educating customers, building widespread dealer distribution, and encouraging demand during the ______ phase of any new product category.


According to Max Weber, qualitative thinking is ______.


When professional buyers are willing to pay quite a bit more for their favorite brand, it suggests that advertising _____. Multiple choice question.

is more important to business-to-business marketing than originally thought

A true statement about reach as a media objective is that it _____.

is the number of people who are exposed to an advertising medium

What is the name for brands that pay for the right to use another company's brand name?

licensed brands

If a store serves only one town, which type of plan will a media planner will use for advertising?


What is the end result of a successful market segmentation process?

market segments that are reachable and large enough to target

What are the clear, quantifiable, realistic marketing goals that are to be accomplished within a defined time period called?

marketing objectives

Once data is collected, it must be must be validated, edited, coded, and ______.


Jack Trout and Al Ries think that one of the best ways for a company to develop a competitive advantage is to focus on an ingenious _____ first.


DAGMAR systems specify the time frame from moving from _______.

the current situation to a desired situation

When using a sampling method, a company's research must reflect _____ of prospective customers.

the universe

True or false: Choosing groups that share an interest in a product's utility is part of the second segmentation step.


True or false: Every product has some position, whether intended or not.


True or false: Media often spill over into countries lacking indigenous-language publications.


Numerous print and broadcast media companies have created _____ to provide extra benefits in a bid to increase their sales.

value-added programs

People who use intuition, values, and ethical judgments to make decisions are ______ thinkers.


The number of utilities offered by a product are perceived by the consumer as a bundle of ________.


The profit on each unit sold is usually ______ in intensive distribution.

very low

The ad campaign of a mineral water brand shows the image of a clear spring with clean water. What is the technique used here to inform the audience about the product quality?

visual metaphor

What type of segmentation are marketers using when they measure consumers' usage rates and use that information to categorize them as light, medium, or heavy users?

volume segmentation

In the creative process, the concept is put into action by the ______.


When might a sexually provocative advertisement become counterproductive for the advertiser?

when the audience is distracted from the main message

What are categories such as newspapers or magazines, and radio or TV, called?

media subclasses

Of the five Ms that are pretested and posttested by a company, which of the following is outside a company's control?


The social costs incurred by the consumers outside the target market of a product is an example of ______.

negative externality

If a verbal message is to be persuasive, it must be reinforced through the creative use of ______.

nonverbal messages

Researchers go into the field to monitor the activities of consumers using which method or technique?

observation method

Making comparisons between media plans for various markets is extremely difficult because _____.

of the difference in media research methodology used across different markets

Identify an aspect of IMC strategy that can be pretested effectively.

package design

In many product categories, consumers are more concerned with a product's ______ than its actual price.

perceived price relative to competitors

The _____ method is based on a percentage of anticipated sales for the next year, last year's sales, or a combination of the two.

percentage of sales

Which type of differences do consumers identify easily and quickly?


The tools that comprise the communications mix can be categorized into ______ communication activities.

personal and nonpersonal

Which of the following uses face-to-face communication to help marketers understand customers in business-to-business marketing?

personal selling

In order to generate beneficial information for future ad campaigns, companies use which one of the following?


What is used to determine if a message is effective?


What is it called when message testing occurs before a campaign launches?


Which of the following refers to the demand for the entire product category, not just the company's own brand?

primary demand

A company could find, once it completes the exploratory research phase, that it needs more information that can only be acquired from what type of research?

primary research

Marketers group people by their values, attitudes, personality, and their lifestyle in ______ segmentation.


Distinguishing buyers by when they buy or use a product or service is known as segmentation based on _______ ________.

purchase occasion

A factor that significantly influences a medium's motivation value is the _____.

quality of advertising reproduction

Which of the following should package design do in order to penetrate people's psychological screens?

reflect the tone, image, and personality of the product concept

Most modern media scheduling programs

rely on programmatic advertising or some type of software to select their media buys.

Creative campaigns for products such as soft drinks, snacks, and shoes are geared to make the consumer partake of the product again. These are called ______ messages.


Which type of user should marketers primarily target with their brand messages?

repertoire users

A feature of rating is that it _____.

represents the number of people watching a program

A business firm that operates between the producer and the consumer or industrial purchaser is a(n) ______.


What must an advertisement do in order to impact its audience?


An ad must have strategic relevance or it will fail—even if it ______ with the audience.


Historically, media planning emphasized frequency as the most important media objective and assumed a(n) _____ advertising response curve.


Which of the following is a category of communication tools designed to supplement the basic element of the marketing mix and aimed at stimulating some immediate, overt behavior?

sales promotion

A bundle of temporary, intangible benefits that satisfy some need or want and usually derive from completion of a task is called a _________.


Which term was coined by Malcolm Gladwell to describe an overnight increase in the popularity of a product, fashion, or idea?

social epidemic

Media planning needs _____.

solid scientific research and thorough mathematical analysis

Using the outside-in process, the IMC approach to marketing and campaign planning _____.

starts with a customer and works back to a brand

If a test has validity, what must be evident?

The results must be free of bias.

The results of primary research can cause legitimate concerns when which of the following factors exist?

- when conducting formal quantitative research - when conducting research in international markets

Brand development index (BDI) =

(Percent of the brand's total US sales in the area)/(Percent of total US population in the area) x 100

How does an advertiser know that its campaign has succeeded in reaching its target audience?

- A change in awareness occurs. - Market share increases.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the effect of new media technologies on marketing?

- Audiences are spending more time with media than ever before. - It is much more difficult for advertisers to reach a large audience.

Which of the following statements accurately describe advertising in foreign markets?

- China has recently become a hot market for advertising. - Outdoor advertising has greater coverage in many markets than in the United States. - In developing countries, it is often more economical to send people around with baskets of samples than to use media.

When people desire a product, what actions do they take?

- buy a product - request additional information - visit a store

Which steps are involved in the market segmentation process?

- combining groups into segments according to their interest in the brand's utility - identifying groups with shared needs

What methods do companies use to determine how much to spend on IMC?

- competitive parity - percentage of sales - percentage of profit

Which of the following are types of publicity?

- feature stories - news releases

Which products require more constant levels of advertising?

- food stuffs - paper products

What requirements are needed when conducting quantitative research?

- formal design - rigorous standards for collecting data

What are the two types of media objectives?

- message-distribution objectives - audience objectives

Which dimensions are used in the VALS segmentation system?

- primary motivation - resources

Which of the following are major factors that influence purchase decisions in business-to-business marketing?

- product demonstrations - delivery time - terms of sale

The purposes of a mixed-media approach include

- reaching people who are unavailable through only one medium. - delivering coupons in print media when the primary vehicle is broadcast. - providing repeat exposure in a less expensive secondary medium after attaining optimum reach in the first.

What are the two characteristics of a great ad?

- strategic relevance - audience impact

Which entities provide information for little or no cost?

- trade publications - trade associations - market research companies - the government

Rank the components of a media strategy statement in the correct order of appearance, with the first component at the top and the last component at the bottom.

1. a brief definition of target audiences 2. an explanation of the nature of the message 3. an outline of the specific reach, frequency, and continuity goals 4. a budget for each medium including the cost of production 5. a statement about the intended size of message units

Rank the steps involved in a marketing strategy in ascending order.

1. defining the particular target markets 2. determining the strategic position 3. developing an appropriate marketing mix for each target market

Arrange the following in the sequence that they are measured in the BrandAsset Valuator model.

1. differentiation 2. relevance 3. esteem 4. familiarity

Identify the accurate statement about product concepts related to a product.

A product can have multiple product concepts.

Creatives examine the information they have and review the creative brief when they take on the role of the ______.


True or false: The final step in developing a marketing strategy is to determine a cost-effective marketing mix for a company's target markets that produce the most revenue.


True or false: To express the number of times the same person or household is exposed to a message in a specified time span, media people use the term continuity.

False (it is frequency)

What is one of the largest costs in a company's marketing budget?


What a company plans to say and how it plans to say it, both verbally and nonverbally, make up the _______ _______.

IMC message

What is one of the advantages of the Universal Product Code label?

It allows timely inventory control.

According to von Oech, how can elimination be used to manipulate ideas?

It can be used by subtracting the obvious aspects.

Which of the following best defines a support statement as used in creative briefs?

It is a short description of the evidence that supports the product promise.

Which of the following best defines an objective statement?

It is a specific, concise description of the campaign's mission.

What is one challenge related to research conducted in international markets?

It is more expensive than domestic research.

What is a feature of continuity?

It sustains memory.

Which psychographic segmentation tool categorizes consumers based on statements such as "I am driven" and "I measure twice"?


What is an advertiser's medium of choice in order to reach whole urban populations where TV ownership is low?


What does the U.S. Census Bureau use to classify all U.S. businesses?

NAICS codes

Which of the following is a true statement regarding fact-based thinkers?

They are linear thinkers.

Which of the following describes sales goals?

They are marketing objectives.

Which segmentation system uses psychographics to categories consumers into one of eight groups based on two dimensions?


_____ frequently utilize techniques outside traditional media planning, such as public relations activities, sales promotion, and direct marketing.

Value-added packages

family brand

a brand used to market different products under the same name


a brief definition of target audiences and the priorities for weighting them


a budget for each medium including the cost of production

What does the term "share of voice" refer to?

a company's share of all promotional spending

A company is planning its promotional budget. Its planners have been running tests in various markets with different budgets in order to determine the appropriate amount of advertising expenditure. In this scenario, what method is the company using for promotional budgeting?

empirical research

A company runs a series of tests in different markets with different budgets to determine the best level of advertising expenditure in the _____ method for promotional budgeting.

empirical research

A marketer creates three similar print advertisements with different spokespeople and shows consumers each advertisement randomly. This helps the marketer determine the effectiveness of each spokesperson in order to see how effective each spokesperson is. The method of research used by the marketer in this scenario is the _____ method.


The number of people an ad "sees" is referred to as ______.


Which of the following is a soft thinking concept?


The percentage of sales method _____.

forces planners to develop objectives to fit the budget

What is the next step for companies after they have designated a target market and determined a marketing mix?

formalizing strategies and tactics in a written marketing and advertising plan

Retail dealers pay a fee to operate under the guidelines and direction of the parent company or manufacturer in ______.


One of the variables that affects the purchase occasion is

frequency of need.

Segmenting a market based on location is known as ______ segmentation.


The PRIZM system is used to identify and categorize segments according to which segmentation method?


Which of the following is frequently used in conjunction with demographics when choosing a target market?

geographic segmentation


good reviews in magazines and beautiful brochure photography

Identify a source of external secondary data in the United States.

government publications

Ecologically safe packaging is an example of _____ marketing.


What can planners determine by multiplying a medium's total audience size by the number of times that an advertising message is used during the period?

gross impressions

By adding the ratings of several media vehicles we can determine the message weight of a given advertising schedule that is expressed as ______ _______ _______.

gross rating points

Who makes up the total possible market for a product or service?

groups interested in the features offered by the product or service

After the introductory stage, when sales volume begins to rise rapidly, the product enters the ______ stage.


Which of the following constitutes the verbal component of the message strategy?

guidelines for what should be said

One of the functions of marketing research is to help managers do what?

identify consumer needs

Narcisso is a product planner for a company that produces top quality, premium-priced sailing boats. Where would it make the most sense for him to advertise?

in a prestigious magazine geared toward high-earning executives

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BUS346 Final (Ch. 3, 17, 18, 13, 14, 6)

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Project Management Chapter 1-7 Discussion Questions

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Contemporary American Indian Voices

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Programming test 2 - C++ (part 3)

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Business Law Contracts Ch. 19: Breach of Contract and Remedies

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