ADV3008 UF Exam 2 Spring 2017

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Book Notes




Objectives for

1 - expand the visibility of timely and relevant Federal HIV policies, programs, and resources to the public. 2 - increase the use of new media tools by government, minority, and other community partners to extend reach 3 - increases knowledge about HIV

Main factors that affect the probability of ad exposure

1. senses used 2. how much and what attention is required 3. whether the medium is an information source or diversion 4. whether the medium aims at general or specialized source 5. placement of ad in vehicle

CH 14-9 A locally produced morning television show is viewed by 4,000 homes whereas 24,000 households have TV sets. What is the program rating of the show?


Dayparts for Radio

6 - 10 AM Morning (heaviest) 10 - 3 PM Daytime 3 - 7 PM Afternoon (heaviest) 7 - 12 AM Nighttime Midnight - 6 AM All night

CH7-4 A(n)____, A post-testing technique, is used to measure a campaign's effectiveness in creating a favorable image for a company, its brand, or its products.

Attitude Test

CH 9-2 A(n) _____ is the total number of people or households exposed to a medium.


Alliance for Audited Media

Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) audit all magazines to see if circulation levels are reached for advertisers

UHF (ultra high frequency)

Channels 14 & Above

VHF (very high frequency)

Channels 2 -13

CH8-2 According to the IMC pyramid, comprehension involves:

Communicating enough information about a product so that some aware consumers recognize its purpose, image, or position.

CH 13

Connect HW

CH 14

Connect HW

CH 9

Connect HW


Connect HW


Connect HW

Programming Formats of Radio

Contemporary hit radio, classic, adult standards, etc.

CH 9-10 _____ refers to the duration of an advertising message or campaign over a given period of time.


CH7-2 Though ____. a prestesting method, researchers can elict a full range of responses from people and thereby infer how well advertising messages convey key copy points.

Direct questioning

Hyundai Assurance Program

During 2010, the program was created to boost sales. If a person lost their source of income, they could return a car recently bought free of charge.

CH 13-6 In terms of newspaper advertising rates, a(n) _____ means that no discounts are allowed.

Flat rate

WSJ: In what country did home improvement positively impact their economy recently?


CH 14-7 The first step in preparing a radio schedule is to:

Identify stations with the greatest concentration of the advertiser's target audience by demographics.

CH7-1 During which stage of the marketing esearch process is secondary data frequently used?

Informal Research Def: The second step in the research process, designed to explore a problem by reviewing secondary data and interviewing a few key people with the most information to share. Also called exploratory research.

CH7-10 In the context of marketing research, what is meant by an experiment?

It is a scientific investigation in which a researcher randomly assigns different consumers to two or more messages or stimuli.

CH 13-8 Which of the following is true of the Newspaper Association of America? -It controls the use of reading notices in national newspapers.

It launched a one-order, one-bill system for national advertising.


Ken Cervantes - Senior Partner at Moroch Brothers Nancy Berger - VP/Publisher and CRO at Marie Claire Randy Falco - CEO at Univision Sam Avivi - Marketing Director for Residential Business at ADT and Kimerly-Clark

CH 13-10 Which of the following statements explains why some advertisers are reluctant to use magazines as an advertising medium?

Magazines cannot deliver high frequency.

CH 9-3 _____, one of the elements of the media mix, refers to the various targets of a media plan: trade and consumer audiences; global, national, or regional audiences; ethnic and socioeconomic groups; or other stakeholders.


CH 9-1 An important influence on the _____ element of the mix is how well a medium works with the style or mood of the particular message.


CH 9-9 _____ translate(s) the advertising strategy into goals that media can accomplish. They have two major components: audience objectives and message-distribution objectives.

Media objectives

CH7-5 The techniques used during ___, a category of IMC research, are portfolio tests, storyboard tests, consumer juries, matched samples, mechanical devices, and psychological rating scales.

Message pretesting

CH7-3 A researcher from marketing research agency conducted a study on the food handling practices of an eatery. He discovered that the cooks used the same washcloth to wipe their hands as well as the counter. In addition, he found them tasting the food using their fingers. He determined that strict monitoring was needed to make sure that the cooks complied with sanitary regulations. Which of the following techniques did the researcher use?

Observation Def: A method of research used when researchers actually monitor people's actions.

CH 13-1 Which of the following is an advantage of magazine advertising?

Permanence gives the reader time to appraise ads in detail.

CH 13-3 Which of the following is an example of an innovation in magazine advertising?

Pop-up ads

CH8-3 _____ refer(s) to the place a brand occupies competitively in the minds of consumers.


CH8-1 The "Bundle of Values" the advertiser presents to the consumer is referred to as the ____.

Product Concept

CH 14-1 Which of the following types of TV advertising did Ross Perot popularize?

Program-length advertisement

CH7-7 Advertisers use ___ to unearth people's underlying or subconscious feelings, attitudes, interests, opinions, needs, and motives.

Projective techniques

CH7-8 Investigators use ____ to encourage consumers to openly discuss their thoughts and feelings in response to questions from an interviewer.

Qualitative research

CH7-9 When advertising is the dominant element or the only variable in the company's marketing plan. ____ tests are a useful measure of advertising effectiveness.


Pros of Cable TV

Selectivity, Audience demographics, low cost, flexibility, testability

CH 13-4 On the basis of physical size, the two basic newspaper formats are:

Standard size and tabloid.

CH 7: Research is defined as:

Systematic activities for reducing decision uncertainty Can serve developmental (getting to know you) or evaluative needs (is our advertising working?)

CH8-8 In terms of bottom-up marketing, a _____ refers to a specific action for helping to accomplish a marketing strategy.


CH 14-3 Which of the following is true about the use of television in IMC?

Television's high visibility forces the sponsor to create ads that consistently reinforce a brand's strategic position.

CH8-6 Which of the following refers to sales-target objectives?

They are goals related to increasing or maintaining sales volume and market share.

CH 14-2 Which of the following is true of infomercials?

They combine the power of advertising, direct response, and sales promotion.

CH 13-2 Which of the following is true of weekly newspapers?

They emphasize local news and advertising.

CH 14-6 Which of the following is true of national spot announcements?

They run in clusters between programs.

CH7-6 According to the marketing research process, what should researchers do immediately after completing informal research?

They should establish their research objectives.

CH 9-6 The _____ defines the market need and the company's sales objectives and details strategies for attaining those objectives.

Top-down marketing plan

Birch Research

Uses phone surveys to obtain listeners data

CH 14-8 Which of the following is true of radio programming?

When buying radio time, advertisers usually buy the station's format, not its programs.

Recency planning

advertising must be there when the consumer is ready to buy and suggests continuity.

Audience fragmentation

advertising on broadcast networks has become less cost effective


allows broadcast stations to offer several channels of digital programming at the same time, using the same amount of spectrum required for one analog program

CH 9-5 The _____ indicates the sales potential of a particular brand in a specific market area.

brand development index

CH8-7 The _____ method of developing an IMC budget has three steps: defining objectives, determining strategy, and estimating costs.

budget buildup


chooses a group of representative listeners in each of 257 cities and gives them a diary for tracking time they spend listening to the radio

CH8-4 As an element of creative strategy, the _____ are all the vehicles that might transmit the marketer's message.

communications media

Satellite Radio

competition to "terrestrial radio"

STRATA Marketing

developed media-buying software for each form of media. Print - offer media buyers ways to keep track of orders and clients. By having this software, it increases flexibility and control over the placement of ads.

CH 13-7 In newspaper advertising, _____ advertising includes copy, illustrations or photos, headlines, coupons, and other visual components.


CH 9-8 In terms of media objectives, _____ define where, when, and how often advertising should appear.

distribution objectives

run-of-paper (ROP) advertising rates

entitle a newspaper to place a given ad on any newspaper page or in any position it desires.

CH 9-7 The _____, or potential exposures, possible in a medium is arrived at by multiplying the medium's total audience size by the number of times an advertising message is used during the period.

gross impressions

Cons of Broadcast TV

high production cost, high airtime cost, limited selectivity, brevity, clutter, zipping and zapping

CH 9-4 The advertising response curve indicates that:

incremental response to advertising actually diminishes with repeated exposures.

Newsstands sales

indicate that the purchaser really wants the magazine and is not merely subscribing out of habit

If the publisher does not reach its delivered figure

it must provide a refund

CH 14-10 The advantage of cable TV as an advertising medium is:

its ability to offer specialized programming

Morning editions v evening editions

larger male readership v read more by women

Cons of Radio Advertising

limitations of sound, segmented audiences, short-lived and half-heard commercials, clutter

Cons of Cable TV

limited reach, fragmentation, quality, zipping and zapping

CH8-9 A(n) _____ is a document that serves as a guide for the present and future marketing activities of an organization.

marketing plan

Pros of Broadcast TV

mass coverage, relatively low cost, some selectivity, impact, creativity, prestige, social dominance

CH 7: Brand Assest Valuator

measures brands in terms of differentiation, relevance, esteem, and familiarity

CH8-10 A(n) _____ refers to a short description of an organization's purpose and philosophy.

mission statement

CH8-5 Matching

need to add photo of this

CH 13-9 The guaranteed circulation of a magazine refers to the:

number of copies that the publisher expects to circulate.

bulk discounts

offer advertisers decreasing rates as they use more inches

Four Most Common Types of Survey Questions

open-ended, dichotomous, multiple-choice, and scale.

CH 14-5 To promote its autumn sale, Polka Inc., an apparel store in Alabama, bought advertising time during a program known as Top 50 Hits that was broadcast at 9:00 P.M. (EST). In terms of dayparts, this time period is known as _____.

prime time

Imagery transfer

radio enables advertisers to maintain strategic consistency and stretch their media dollars


rates network radio programs based on phone interviews

Pros of Radio Advertising

reach and frequency, selectivity, cost efficiency, timeliness, immediacy, creative flexibility


refer to free advertising time an advertiser receives to compensate for spots the station missed or ran incorrectly or because the program's ratings were substantially lower

Rating point

represents the percent of the target audience a media buyer is trying to reach

CH 7: Dominance Concept in Target Audience Selection

researching which markets are most important to product sales and targeting those where it can focus its resources to achieve promotion dominance typically employed with a new product

frequency discounts

running a given ad repeatedly in a specific time period

Split Runs

so that advertisers can test the pulling power of different ads.

CH 13-5 On the basis of physical size, the two basic newspaper formats are:

standard size and tabloid.

TV is thought to be...

the most authoritative advertising source compared to other mediums. Also the most influential, persuasive, and exciting medium.

full position

the preferred position near the top of a page or at the top of a column next to reading matter

Controlled circulation

the publisher mails the magazine free to individuals who the publisher thinks can influence the purchase of advertised products.

Cume persons

the total number of different people who listen to a radio station for a least five minutes in a quarter-hour within a reported daypart (unduplicated audience)

CH 14-4 In radio advertising, a(n) _____ guarantees a certain percentage of spots in the better dayparts if the advertiser buys a total package of time.

total audience plan package

CH 7: IMC Strategy Reasearch

used to help define the product concept or to assist in the selection of target markets, advertising messages, or media vehicles

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